Human Digital Twins, Digital Immortality, UN Agenda 2030/Great Reset, “Vaccines,” & Global Genocide & Cyborg Enslavement (2 Partly Transcribed Video Interviews, 3 Articles)

Epigraph Quote:

This (gangstalking-electronic-targeted individual torture program) is the most important policy of the United States government.

Dr. Rauni Kilde, former Chief Medical Officer of Northern Finland, targeted and tortured 1985-2015, murdered in 2015.

Webmaster’s Introduction: This post connects innumerable dots and helps to explain the true function of the “gangstalking-electronic torture-targeted individual program” as well as the import of the statement above. Apparently, this is all a centuries-old diabolical plan to genocide and enslave humanity for the benefit of the self-appointed “slavemasters”, eugenicists, and (self-) “chosenites” (Judeo-Zionazi-Masonic-satanists who control the major governments, corporations, and institutions of the world).

MIT mathematician, Dr. Norbert Weiner’s 1955 invention, the autocorrelator, allowed him to send, receive, and decode EEG (electroencephalogram) brain patterns along 12 different channels. His 1948 and 1950 books, respectively, “Cybernetics: Or Control and Communication in the Animal and the Machine” and “The Human Use of Human Beings” were followed by his 1963 book, “God and Golem, Inc.” The “golem,” of course, is the legendary man-made frankenstein monster which Jewish rabbis have long sought to create in order to destroy their enemies and help them usher in their antichrist-Satanic Jewish Utopia-world empire.

Weiner (Jewish) was the star protegee of British eugenicist, Lord Bertrand Russell. Their vision, based on their own writings, was that after the engineered mass genocide of gentiles (goyim or “cattle”), technological advances would allow the master race (them) to ascend to godhood via digital immortality and omniscience. The gentiles permitted to live would be transformed into cyborg (cybernetic) slaves.

Today, this dystopian vision is very near to being realized under the auspices of UN Agenda 2030, the World Economic Forum’s “Great Reset,” and the Federal Reserve’s “Go-Direct” system of wirelessly hooking up digital currencies to transhumanized (cybernetic, man-machine) organisms.

It appears that we Targeted Individuals (TIs) are the guinea pigs “they” have used to develop this profoundly evil system since at least World War II.

I. Sage Comments by “Thomas From Florida” (who has distinct English accent) on Alex Jones show.

Webmaster Comment: Based on his phone comment and follow up interview on the Alex Jones Show, “Thomas From Florida” seems to have knowledge and wisdom far beyond his years. I must say this sets off some red flags for me about who “Thomas From Florida” actually is and what his actual goals are. But skepticism aside, the issues he raises are of the highest importance. Alex Jones realized this immediately when “Thomas of Florida” in the July 6 program (A) and asked him to return for a longer discussion on the following day (B), which is also featured here.

A. “Thomas From Florida” comment at 1:25:30 to 1:33:00 in: Globalists Panic as Humanity Reaches Zeitgeist Tipping Point – FULL SHOW 7/6/21

Thomas From Florida Comment Transcribed:

Alex Jones: Thomas what’s your comment on the Human Replacement Plan, Microsoft, and the Digital Twin?

Thomas: You often talk about the globalist agenda for depopulation. Many people wonder where the economy is going if there are a greatly reduced number of people. And clearly, some of the people behind these schemes are more concerned about going to a carbon neutral or negative carbon sequestration type system. And having found that locking down the world’s economy only reduced carbon output by 15%, they now know that that’s nowhere near enough in order to get to their goals…

Alex Jones: (Interrupts). Yes, they they set up a benchmark that allows them to totally take over the planet and dominate and control everyone. Where they announce that carbon is evil. It is an assinine equation designed to be the total excuse for an overwrite of the entire system of the planet. Not just humans. Go ahead.

Thomas: I agree. But the point is: what’s next? They’ve had the scheme’ What’s Next” for quite some time.

It started in 2009 with NASA trying to model the performance of space craft and then went into building management. It’s a concept called “Digital Twin.” Basically, you cover a physical object completely with sensors and then use artificial intelligence and machine learning to determine how that particular object performs in every single circumstance… So, in cold weather, high humidiy, hot weather, high winds, etc. etc.

They have a new concept, that is not just some theory, that is actually being espoused by Thierry Breton, the EU Commissioner for Digital Services, and also by Kristel Van Der Elst who is currently the Director General of Policy Horizons in Canada who wrote papers on this subject last year and this year. She was the Senior Strategic Policy Director and on the World Economic Forum Executive Committee. (Webmaster Note: And also CEO of The Global Foresight Group, Special Advisor to European Commission Vice-President Maroš Šefčovič, and a fellow at the Center for Strategic Foresight of the U.S. Government Accountability Office.) And personally, I think she actually ghost-wrote a couple of Klaus Schwab’s most recent books. If you look at some of her papers….

Alex Jones: I know who she is, she’s definitely the big work horse up there.

Thomas: She puts forth this idea that it is possible to create human digital twins that will in and of themselves become valuable tradable assets. Now if you look at how they create digital twins….(Alex interrupts him).

Alex Jones: Hold on. What you are hitting is their entire future! They are going to say is that carbon is bad, you’ve got to upload to this “twin,” and then your body is going to die. And then the con is that “Oh, that’s a transhuman to digital, so we’ve got to get rid of your body.” Not just live in a tank so there’s no violence, which was the matrix plan that was a Pentagon plan from 1977, but an actual in-your-body upload to a machine, which is the “Childhood’s End” Plan. It’s always the same plan.

Wow, these are smart people calling in today.

Thomas, I’m aware of this plan; they want to be able to have people that link themselves up with all these chips and trackers and then Microsoft and others will pay you to go around in that for a year and then they create a digital identity and now they will declare that these things have rights.

And now, this computer can have rights and the ultimate end game is you upload yourself to a machine. It’s mimicked you for years so it knows everything about you. It can fool people. But it’s not you. But it’s the death penalty if you say it’s a fraud. That’s going to be the ultimate sin. So it’s the seduction and fraud of eternal life. But it’s not, it is the biggest fraud ever. And within 10 years, this will be the number one thing in the world. It’s all that anyone will be talking about. They’ll let you party. You’ll be a hero when you give up your body. You’ll be euthanized. But it’s not euthanasia because your are going on to the new digital fact totem or legget. Please continue.

Thomas: So that’s all exactly correct, Alex. To some people this might sound like science fiction. But if you think even hundreds of years ago it was revolutionary when it was decided that a company could be treated as a legal person. Then the next development was the idea of intellectual property, so if you have intellectual property, then why couldn’t you have the personality contained within a computer. You could patent the personality contained within a person by uploading it to a computer.

The problem of computer-brain connections is that people are experiencing so many sensations, you have a problem with computing capacity. But now if there are sensors within people, and they introduce 5G and 6G everywhere, everything they are experiencing; even their thoughts, before they are put into physical motion, can actually be uploaded to a computer.

Alex Jones: That’s right. They are mapping this so that they can then make it so you have no excuse but to not leave your house because of carbon. But your digital person will still be able to go around and experience the whole world through the whole 5G web. So you really are being imprisoned, but they are going to say it’s a form of empowerment.

Thomas: Think… the physical being, it consumes food, it votes, it gets sick, it wants a vacation. You don’t have any of those issues with a digital twin. The advantage of a digital twin is just like transferring software or lisencing digital services, it is possible to re-institute slavery via a digital person.

Alex Jones: So this is the entire future. This is everything.

B. Carbon Taxes to be Used to Force People Out of Their Physical Body, (“Thomas From Florida” on Alex Jones Show, July 7, 2021)

Partial Transcription of Interview of “Thomas of Florida” by Alex Jones” (July 7, 2021)

“Thomas From Florida” begins by laying out the Report on ‘Exploring Biodigital Convergence’ which would use carbon taxes to force people out of their physical bodies, using their human digital twins as surrogate. In other words, the plan is to fool people into relinquishing their actual lives in order to enjoy eternity as their “carbon-free” digital twin. I.e., the con is get people to acquiesce to their own murder.

Alex Jones: This is where they plan to take us and they admit it. (These New World Order maniacs are advocating) that you should have a digital avatar that’s carbon neutral.

Here are some articles that “Thomas From Florida” shared with me:

1) Exploring Biodigital Convergence
2) Human Digital Twins: What Are They and Why Are They?
3) Smart Dust Is Coming: Are You Ready?
4) Tiny Injectable Sensor Could Provide Unobtrusive, Long-Term Alcohol Monitoring
5) Graphene Oxide-Based Biosensors
6) Graphene Oxide-Grafted Magnetic Nanorings Mediated Magnetiothermodynamic Therapy Favoring Reactive Oxygen Species-Related Immune Response For Enhanced Antitumor Efficacy

Thomas: Like Johnny Cash’s song, “Hurt,” we are now talking about people being chipped, twinned, or alternatively, and more intelligently, keeping themselves themselves.

The Biodigital Convergence Report that came out from the Policy Horizons Institute of the Canadian government that’s run in secret out of Canada’s Privy Council office had one sentence near the end: “Human digital twins could become valuable assets beyond health care.”

This idea has been sold on the basis of convenience, and like the injectable gene therapies, it is claimed this will be good for your health in the long run. “Human digital twins” is a term now being used by lots of high level politicians, including The Digital Services Commissioner of the EU, Thierry Breton, who said: “The new digital identity will give every European the keys to their digital twin.”

The concepts of digital wallet and digital identity are related. There was a pilot program of the United Nations ID 2020 Program and GAVI.

To learn what a digital twin is, look at the website, one of whose founding members is Microsoft, and another company is called Autodesk….

Alex Jones: (Interrupts). They are trying to make us believe the fraud that if we give up our bodies that we will live forever as a digital creature; this idea goes back to the book, “Childhood’s End,” in the 1950s by Arthur C. Clark. This is the “utopia” they are offering. This allows them to really kill everybody, but they show us simulations of them…. They did primitive versions of this with movie stars back in the 1950’s and 60’s.

Digital Twin: (Definition From “A dynamic, up-to-date representation of a physical object or system with a complete collection of all data in one place. A digital twin evolves with the flow of real time inputs from sensors and other monitoring devices. This connection between the digital and physical world offers enhanced life cycles, informed decision-making, and predictive capabilities.”

Steve Jobs spent millions of dollars on this type of research in the last part of his life. He wanted to upload his soul to the internet so he would live forever. Eugenics is the idea of human beings, choosing for themselves, how humanity would evolve as a species.

Now they are talking about changing the way that humanity evolves. They (the eugenicists) have had the same goals for 100 years. Now, with CRISPR and gene-editing, they can change evolution in the physical form. And once they have perfected that physical form, using 5G and 6G communication, they are able to digitalize perfection. And they can create physical perfection and can transfer that with a constant monitoring system.

From 2018 onward, they decided to go into human trials as they continued to militarize it. They talked about injectable microchips (i.e., the so-called “vaccines”). Then there’s smart dust.

Look at and smart dust in the duck-duck go search engine, and you find a team of engineers at UC Berkeley that has created and miniaturized computers.

And now, out of China and Vietnam, in 2019, 2020, and 2021, there are a series of new technical papers talking about all types of modifications of graphene oxide in order to make it more magnetic so it can be directed to specific parts of the body and to combine it with DNA and mRNA and to combine it with nano-ferrites and chitosan.

NDP- they inject iron and merge graphene oxide with iron and chitosan particles….

The whole agenda 2030 and sustainable development goals are pushing developed nations to become “carbon neutral.” This is backed by the World Economic Forum. And this grand experiment of the lockdown proved to them that they only reduced carbon dioxide by 15%. So they now see that the only way to move toward a “carbon neutral” (or “zero carbon”) world is to remove real humans and replace them with their digital twins.

The sensors will go onto their nerves…. this is in peer-reviewed scientific studies. Then they can feed enough information (data) into a digital format, that the hologram or digital entity is a perfect reflection of its “master being” and then eventually becomes its future replacement. Think of when American companies bring in cheap labor engineers from India, and then instruct the American engineers to train their replacements. So we humans will all train our own (digital twin) replacements.

Alex Jones: Yes, we are training our own replacements. You are training a robot shell to replace you.

Thomas: All these organizations say that creating a digital train, a plane, or a person, requires enormous computing capacity and is very expensive to do. Why do it? This is a new form of slavery, without having to feed them or providing medical care.

C. Thomas From Florida Returns to Discuss Human Digital Twins From (From 1:60 to 2:01).

Emergency Saturday Broadcast! Biden Contact Tracers Planning Forceful Entry Into American Homes Under “Strike Force” Plan

Thomas From Florida: The Human Digital Twins: can they be separated from their creators? We’ve had several governmental bodies, think tanks, executive organs of groups as large as the European Union, since the beginning of Covid, about the nature of human digital twins. They are considering questions like: Can these be traded? Are they valuable after their creation?

NASA adopted the industrial term “digital twin” in 2009 when they were looking for ways to describe computer assisted space craft design where they wanted to be able to simulate it in all kinds of conditions. For them it is a dynamic, up to date representation of a project with a complete collection of all data in one place and it evolves in real time with changing conditions.

This concept was then shared with a group called, The Digital Twin Consortium, which is part of a group called The Object Management Group.

This is a copy of yourself in all regards. It is possible for others to own you…. rent your thoughts, etc. Smart dust, injectable chips, at some point we are looking at the addition.

This is a digital version of DNA being constructed from your actions.

The United Nations ID 2020…. The Austin My Pass Program. The Austin government employee received a computing award… They also did something in San Francisco, at a refugee in Thailand.

In a 2016 interview, Klaus Schwab was saying that the digital ID would be in your clothes and in the Amazon halo project and the INTEL Make it Wearable Challenge. We now are seeing this commercialized. Then the next step would be that the implants would would be miniaturized and put in your hand or your head. And then you’d be able to make international telephone calls with the power of your thought.

They say they are going to scan your palm to make payments.

They have been building all your records into a skeleton- the digital wallet- and they piloted this in Austin and San Francisco because they had large homeless populations. The idea is to make it applicable to everyone. So they did other pilot projects in India and Bangladesh.

MEMS- Miniaturized Electromagnetic Sensors– they have two programs, funded at NSF and Obama’s BRAIN Initiative at UC Berkeley and at Jacobs School of Engineering in San Diego California (NIH and NSF)- they were to make miniaturized implantable sensors that would transmit a large amount of biological information in real time.

Bernard Marr, writing at, has been covering this journalistically…. from 2013 to 2021. They were looking for investors and formed their own company to commercialize smart dust. It’s now called Iota.

These biosensors could be put in your hand and they were so light that you could blow them off into the air and they would float around and be inhaled and move into your body. Once in your body, they would start broadcasting whatever parameters of data were programmed into them… for whatever their programmers wanted to monitor in you.

The Berkeley School of Engineering had developed an injectable chip- the size of two letters on a penny. This was done in order, supposedly, to monitor drunk drivers. NIH and NSF said they wanted to be able to inject this into people to monitor the alcohol level in your blood. But this official use was soon expanded it to a wide range of additional information. In 2018, they went into full human trials.

Drs. Jane Ruby and Sherri Tenpenny talk about the importance of the presence of graphene oxide in some of the and is related to transmitting of biological data. There are five sensors made with a combination of graphene oxide can be combined with biomacro-molecules, enzymes, glucose, lapase, nucleic acids including RNA and DNA,

Graphene oxide biosensors can be magnetized and can gather information and broadcast that information for weeks or months at a time and don’t require external batteries.

Magnetothermodynamic therapy- originally intended for cancer treatment- can increase magnetism of graphene oxide by blending it with iron oxide and generate strong magnetism and last for a long time in extreme temperatures.

Dr. Lee merrit explained how Dr. Charles Leiber, Professor of Biochemistry at Harvard, and working with US DOD and Chinese government’s 1000 Talents Program set up a lab in China. He was working on how to wrap graphene oxide around nerves so it could read data and externally transmit it from your nerves even before it got to your brain.

A German magazine looked at what human digital twins could become, independent of their creators; They could develop their own friends. They could warn you about rumors being spread. They could also prevent other devices for. They would become powerful decision making tools and probably would become conscious at some point. This would be the singularity. The singularity university says this is the point where artificial intelligence recognizes its own intelligence and attempts to take charge of its own development.

The original idea of eugenics- from the American and British Eugenics movement- was for humans to take charge of their own evolutionary process. Originally, this was to be done through selective breeding- as in when Nazi party officials bred with attractive women. Now, they can do gene editing using CRISPR software editing.

Practical applications of this… If you’ve been duplicated in a digital ecosystem, by yourself providing a vast amount of information in the same way as if your boss decided to hire someone other employee. You would be training your replacement in a digital ecosystem. Why would they want to do this. This is very expensive to gather and store that amount of data. The possibility of a making a computer version of a person doesn’t need to eat, sleep, travel, complain, vote. So if the globalists want to massively reduce the carbon footprint of mankind, they might see this is as a very good way of making replacements for the messy, complaining humans.

HRC- Human Robot Collaboration- was humans perfecting their interoperability with robots in factories.

Someone from Canada’s Policy Horizons wrote a piece called The next Policy: Most of the service sector jobs in Canada could be replaced by robots. A large percentage in agriculture and mining could be replaced by robots. In the transition period, their anger could be placated by supplying them with universal basic income. $500 to 1000 per month in Europe, for example.

2013 Forbes article

Whitney Webb’s article: “A Leap Towards Humanity’s Destruction.” Wellcome Trust has recruited ex-DARPA officers with very high amount of start up capital, over $300 million. The first 1000 days project wires up and monitor baby’s early development. They have them under total video and sensor surveillance as a means of trying to improve machine learning. In order to improve executive function development in machines, as children do in the first 3 years of life.

Another of Wellcome Leap’s projects is called Multi-Channel Psychology- It looks at how to get people to be motivated to work harder with Brain-to-computer interface; sending the message: work harder and be happy. All these projects are designed to be implemented by 2030…. The UN Agenda 2030. The US is fully on board with this.

The US is a little behind Canada and India but wants to catch up. People with internal chips can broadcast enormous amounts of data using 5G.

Once again, Singularity and other magazines tells us that DNA data storage- even as far back as 2016, they could use DNA to download and store the entire content of the global internet into a space the size of a shoebox. At room temperature they could make it last several years. Reduce the temperature to -18 degrees C, they could preserve that data for about a million years.

The globalists have these schemes- they are entirely consist with their sustainability goals- all information can be detected, transmitted, received, stored, and processed by quantum and DNA computers. So we can see that the inoculations may be part of a much larger project for humanity- because we become completely unnecessary. They will probably stop wanting to pay everyone the universal basic income fairly soon.

Alex Jones: This all makes perfect sense. The globalists want immortality. They want to get sensors on all of us, and see how we act and behave to see if computers can upload what we are and if they can copy us. Of course, it won’t work. They are trying to guinea pig all of us to figure out how to make a digital avatar and digital copy (twin) that will live forever.

Whether the globalists are going to be successful in doing this or not, is academic. The point is they’ve taken control of society and are carrying out this madman operation whether we like it or not.

II. Human Digital Thought Clones: The Holy Grail of Artificial Intelligence For Big Data:

March 30, 2021 TI Post Request

by John Truby (Qatar University) and Raphael Dean Brown (Qatar University)

Digital Thought Clones: The Holy Grail of Artificial Intelligence For Big Data

Pdf From of Article

Human digital thought clones: the Holy Grail of artificial intelligence for big data


This article explores the legal and ethical implications of big data’s pursuit of human ‘digital thought clones’. It identifies various types of digital clones that have been developed and demonstrates how the pursuit of more accurate personalized consumer data for micro-targeting leads to the evolution of digital thought clones. The article explains the business case for digital thought clones and how this is the commercial Holy Grail for profit-seeking big data and advertisers, who have commoditized predictions of digital behavior data. Given big data’s industrial-scale data mining and relentless commercialization of all types of human data, this article identifies some types of protections but argues that more jurisdictions urgently need to enact legislation similar to the General Data Protection Regulation in Europe to protect people against unscrupulous and harmful uses of their data and the unauthorized development and use of digital thought clones.

1. Introduction

How would you feel if a company developed a ‘digital thought clone’ of you, representing everything known about you, in order to predict and manipulate your choices in real time by using your own data against you for its profit? This would be your digital twin, made by constantly collecting your intimate personal data in real time even when you are asleep.

Given their commercial value, it is possible that every human has, or will have, a digital thought clone replicating all their known digital data at an industrial scale from data shared through free apps, social media accounts, gadgets, mobile phones, GPS tracking, monitored online and offline behaviour and activities, and public records. A digital thought clone, evolved from previous types of digital clones, goes beyond predictive analysis. It is a personalised digital twin comprising a replica of all known data and behaviour on a specific living person, recording their choices, preferences, behavioural trends, and decision-making processes.

Artificial intelligence (AI) algorithms test strategies in real time, and predict, influence, or manipulate a person’s consumer or online decisions. This is the ultimate advertising tool, as it is the closest representation a company would have of a living person’s thoughts. It also enables companies to try to sell products and services at the most effective time premium price, to influence a user’s voting intentions, or to use intimate details of their personal digital life to decide whether their bank should grant them a loan. Digital thought clones tracking each user’s every move can record who a person is meeting, who their friends are, what they talk about, what they are spending, and what they are reading.

Our willingness to trade personal data for the free and convenient use of technology, has enabled data miners to commercialise these data for use in predictive technologies, with increasing sophistication and relentless exploitation. Zuboff called this exchange of free services for data, enabling the detailed monitoring of behaviour, as ‘surveillance capitalism’.

1 It is unimaginable that people would knowingly agree to any company collecting such levels of data on them, and would then allow those data to be used in such intrusive and personal ways that are already being deployed by big data and AI companies.

A digital thought clone is not only extremely dangerous for a person’s privacy but is also potentially detrimental to their interests and ability to choose. US National Security Advisor Robert O’Brien warned that ‘If you get all the information on a person and then you get their genome, and you marry those two things up … that is an incredible amount of power,’ that could be used to ‘micro-target’ people and even to ‘exploit their hopes and their fears’. 2

The use of deepfakes 3 has made headlines in both entertainment and politics, and their potential dangers for creating misinformation and confusion have been noted. 4 Whereas the more entertaining type of visual and audio digital clones are well known, digital clones come in different types, all of which pose ethical, philosophical, and legal questions that need to be addressed.

This article discusses the legal and ethical issues raised by digital cloning and digital thought clones, and the need to re-conceptualise current theoretical notions on data privacy. Section 2 of the article provides a necessary definitional context for the different types of digital clones. This section categorises digital clones into audio-visual, memory, personality, and consumer behaviour cloning. It explains how such advancements have led to a risky path of normalising the purposeful creation of a digital thought clone for each natural person, or an individualised digital twin.

Section 3 argues that misaligned legal protections may be driven by theoretical concepts of data privacy that do not meet the realities of big data and AI. The section examines prevailing theoretical concepts of data privacy, such as the public/private dichotomy, and Nissenbaum’s contextual integrity theory of data privacy. 5 It argues that the above theoretical views of privacy fall short when applied to AI and digital thought clones that require the pervasive and continuous use of a person’s data in both public and private spheres of overlapping contexts. The article argues that the legal protection of personal data can only work under a human-centered theory of data privacy.

Section 4 examines the various legal issues that digital cloning poses, including data privacy, informed consent, and laws against discrimination that may encourage behaviour cloning, copyright, and the right to publicity. It explains how the law seeks to protect people against the misuse of their data and identifies cases where the law absurdly encourages businesses to develop more personalised human digital twins.

Section 5 discusses the ethical questions raised by the creation of digital clones. It first conducts a general discussion of the ethical and moral objections raised by digital cloning in comparison to biological cloning.

Section 6 examines specific potential ethical issues raised by digital cloning, including consent and privacy, digital immortality, and the potential status of digital clones as people. It explains that the creation of a digital thought clone poses the immediate and most challenging questions to our existing notions of law and ethics. The article identifies the protections available in some jurisdictions against some of the risks of digital thought clones, such as the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and the California Consumer Privacy Act of 2018 (CCSP). It then discusses the various legal and ethical issues raised by digital cloning and highlights the urgent need for stringent domestic regulations to protect citizens against the unauthorised development of digital thought clones and the associated risks of misuse.

(See complete article above in pdf form).

III. Digital Immortality (From Wikipedia):

Digital Immortality- Wikipedia

Digital immortality (or “virtual immortality”) is the hypothetical concept of storing (or transferring) a person’s personality in digital substrate, i.e., a computer, robot or cyberspace (mind uploading). The result might look like an avatar behaving, reacting, and thinking like a person on the basis of that person’s digital archive.[3][4][5][6] After the death of the individual, this avatar could remain static or continue to learn and self-improve autonomously (possibly becoming seed AI).

A considerable portion of transhumanists and singularitarians place great hope into the belief that they may eventually become immortal[7] by creating one or many non-biological functional copies of their brains, thereby leaving their “biological shell”. These copies may then “live eternally” in a version of digital “heaven” or paradise.[8][9]


1 The realism of the concept
2 Method
2.1 Archiving and digitizing people
2.2 Making the avatar alive
2.3 Calibration process
3 In fiction
4 See also
5 References

The realism of the concept

The National Science Foundation has awarded a half-million-dollar grant to the universities of Central Florida at Orlando and Illinois at Chicago to explore how researchers might use artificial intelligence, archiving, and computer imaging to create convincing, digital versions of real people, a possible first step toward virtual immortality.[10]

The Digital Immortality Institute explores three factors necessary for digital immortality. First, at whatever level of implementation, avatars require guaranteed Internet accessibility. Next, avatars must be what users specify, and they must remain so. Finally, future representations must be secured before the living users are no more.[11]

The aim of Dmitry Itskov’s 2045 Initiative is to “create technologies enabling the transfer of an individual’s personality to a non-biological carrier, and extending existence, including to the point of immortality”.[12]


Reaching digital immortality is a two-step process:

1) archiving and digitizing people,[13]
2) making the avatar live

Digital immortality has been argued to go beyond technical processes of digitization of people, and encompass social aspects as well. For example, Joshua Hurtado [14] has presented a four-step framework in which the digital immortalization of people could preserve the social bond between the living and the dead. These steps are: 1) data gathering, 2) data codification, 3) data activation, and 4) data embodiment. Each of these steps is linked to a form of preserving the social bond, either through talk, embodied emotionality (expressing emotions through one’s form of embodiment) or monumentalism (creating a monument, in this case in digital form, to remember the dead).

Archiving and digitizing people

According to Gordon Bell and Jim Gray from Microsoft Research, retaining every conversation that a person has ever heard is already realistic: it needs less than a terabyte of storage (for adequate quality).[15][16] The speech or text recognition technologies are one of the biggest challenges of the concept.

A second possibility would be to archive and analyze social Internet use to map the personality of people. By analyzing social Internet use during 50 years, it would be possible to model a society’s culture, a society’s way of thinking, and a society’s interests.

Rothblatt envisions the creation of “mindfiles” – collections of data from all kinds of sources, including the photos we upload to Facebook, the discussions and opinions we share on forums or blogs, and other social media interactions that reflect our life experiences and our unique self.[4][17]

Richard Grandmorin[18] summarized the concept of digital immortality by the following equation: “semantic analysis + social internet use + Artificial Intelligence = immortality”.

Some find that photos, videos, soundclips, social media posts and other data of oneself could already be regarded as such an archiving.[19][4][20][17]

Susanne Asche states:

As a hopefully minimalistic definition then, digital immortality can be roughly considered as involving a person-centric repository containing a copy of everything that a person sees, hears, says, or engenders over his or her lifespan, including photographs, videos, audio recordings, movies, television shows, music albums/CDs, newspapers, documents, diaries and journals, interviews, meetings, love letters, notes, papers, art pieces, and so on, and so on; and if not everything, then at least as much as the person has and takes the time and trouble to include. The person’s personality, emotion profiles, thoughts, beliefs, and appearance are also captured and integrated into an artificially intelligent, interactive, conversational agent/avatar. This avatar is placed in charge of (and perhaps “equated” with) the collected material in the repository so that the agent can present the illusion of having the factual memories, thoughts, and beliefs of the person him/herself.

— Susanne Asche, Kulturelles Gedächtnis im 21. Jahrhundert: Tagungsband des internationalen Symposiums, Digital Immortality & Runaway Technology[21]
Making the avatar alive

This article may be confusing or unclear to readers. Please help clarify the article. There might be a discussion about this on the talk page. (March 2016) (Learn how and when to remove this template message)

Defining the avatar to be alive allows it to communicate with the future in the sense that it continues to learn, evolve and interact with people, if they still exist. Technically, the operation exists to implement an artificial intelligence system to the avatar.[citation needed] This artificial intelligence system is then assumed to think and will react on the base of the archive.

Rothblatt proposes the term “mindware” for software that is being developed with the goal of generating conscious AIs. Such software would read a person’s “mindfile” to generate a “mindclone.” Rothblatt also proposes a certain level of governmental approval for mindware, like an FDA certification, to ensure that the resulting mindclones are well made.[4][17]

Calibration process

During the calibration process, the biological people are living at the same time as their artifact in silicon. The artifact in silicon is calibrated to be as close as possible to the person in question. During this process ongoing updates, synchronization, and interaction between the two minds would maintain the twin minds as one.[4][17]

In fiction

Further information: Mind uploading in fiction
In 1967 the short story “I Have No Mouth, and I Must Scream” written by Harlan Ellison chronicles the digitally immortal life of protagonists living within a hellscape reality.
In the TV series Caprica a digital copy of a person is created and outlives its real counterpart after the person dies in a terrorist attack.[22][23]

In Greg Egan’s Permutation City people can achieve quasi digital immortality by mind uploading a digital copy of themselves into a simulated reality.[19][24]

Memories with Maya is a novel on the concept of digital immortality.

The Silicon Man describes Cryonics as a precursor to digital immortality.

In the 1998 novel Vast by Linda Nagata “ghosts” are recorded memories and personalities that can be transferred to another body or kept in electronic storage, granting a limited form of immortality.[25]

In the TV series Captain Power and the Soldiers of the Future, Overmind and Lord Dread planned to digitize all human beings to be able to create a new world.

In the TV series Black Mirror it commonly features the themes and ethics of digital humans, called “cookies,” across multiple episodes. In San Junipero, for example, people’s consciences are uploaded to the cloud.

In the novel / Netflix series Altered Carbon, a person’s memories and consciousness can be stored in a disk-shaped device called a cortical stack, which is implanted into the cervical vertebrae.

In Frictional Games’ SOMA, the story revolves around the problem of existing as a digital personality scan taken from a physical person.

In The Physics of Immortality: Modern Cosmology, God and the Resurrection of the Dead by Frank Tipler.

In the 2015 film Chappie, a robot and a flash drive are used for consciousness transfer.

In the 2014 film Transcendence , Will’s (Johny Depp) consciousness is uploaded into the quantum computer project he developed

See also

Mind uploading
Artificial general intelligence
Blue brain
Ship of Theseus
Technological resurrection
Uploaded astronaut


Farnell, Ross (2000). “Attempting Immortality: AI, A-Life, and the Posthuman in Greg Egan’s “Permutation City””. Science Fiction Studies. 27 (1): 69–91. JSTOR 4240849.

Graziano, Michael S. A. (2019). Rethinking consciousness : a scientific theory of subjective experience (1 ed.). New York, NY. ISBN 978-0-393-65261-1. OCLC 1084330876.

Parkin, Simon (23 January 2015). “Back-up brains: The era of digital immortality”. BBC. Retrieved 7 June 2015.

Rothblatt, Martine (2014). Virtually Human: The Promiseand the Perilof Digital Immortality. ISBN 978-1491532911.

Sofka, Carla (February 2012). Dying, Death, and Grief in an Online Universe: For Counselors and Educators. ISBN 978-0826107329.

DeGroot, Doug (5 November 2003). “VideoDIMs as a framework for Digital Immortality Applications”. Intelligent Virtual Agents: 4th International Workshop, IVA 2003, Kloster Irsee, Germany, September 15-17, 2003, Proceedings (Lecture Notes in … / Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence). ISBN 978-3540200031. Retrieved 7 June 2015.

Cohan, Peter (20 June 2013). “Google’s Engineering Director: 32 Years To Digital Immortality”. Retrieved 7 June 2015.

Lewis, Tanya (17 June 2013). “The Singularity Is Near: Mind Uploading by 2045?”. Retrieved 7 June 2015.

Strickland, Jonathan (12 April 2011). “How Digital Immortality Works”. Retrieved 7 June 2015.

US Government funds virtual reality research,, 14 June 2007

“What is Digital Immortality?”. Archived from the original on 2013-06-05. Retrieved 2012-03-20.

Eördögh, Fruzsina (7 May 2013). “Russian Billionaire Dmitry Itskov Plans on Becoming Immortal by 2045”. Archived from the original on 24 May 2015. Retrieved 7 June 2015.

“Ghost In The Machine: Living Forever As A Digital Avatar”. HuffPost India. 2016-04-18. Retrieved 2019-03-09.

Hurtado, Joshua Hurtado (2021-01-25). “Towards a postmortal society of virtualised ancestors? The Virtual Deceased Person and the preservation of the social bond”. Mortality. 0: 1–16. doi:10.1080/13576275.2021.1878349. ISSN 1357-6275.

Digital Immortality, by Gordon Bell and Jim Gray, Microsoft Research

Bainbridge, William Sims (November 2013). Personality Capture and Emulation. ISBN 978-1-4471-5604-8.

Desat, Marla (23 September 2014). “Would You Clone Your Mind to Live Forever? Virtually Human”. The Escapist. Retrieved 7 June 2015.

“soon immortal (@soon_immortal) op Twitter”. Retrieved 2012-03-20.

Böhle, Knud; Berendes, Jochen; Gutmann, Mathias; Trotha, Caroline Robertson-von; Scherz, Constanze (2014). Computertechnik und Sterbekultur. ISBN 978-3-643-11071-8. Retrieved 7 June 2015.

McQuade, Zan (16 May 2015). “What happens to us on the internet when we die?”. The Week. Retrieved 7 June 2015.

Asche, Susanne (23 April 2005). Kulturelles Gedächtnis im 21. Jahrhundert: Tagungsband des internationalen Symposiums. KIT Scientific Publishing. Retrieved 7 June 2015.

MacIver, Malcolm (5 October 2010). “Caprica Puzzle: If a Digital You Lives Forever, Are You Immortal?”. Retrieved 7 June 2015.

Geddes, Linda (7 June 2010). “Immortal avatars: Back up your brain, never die”. New Scientist. Retrieved 7 June 2015.

Pickover, Clifford A. (27 December 2006). A Beginner’s Guide to Immortality: Extraordinary People, Alien Brains, and Quantum Resurrection. ISBN 978-1560259848.

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IV. Converging the physical and digital with digital twins, mixed reality, and metaverse apps

Posted on May 26, 2021

Sam George Corporate Vice President, (Microsoft) Azure IoT

Cloud and edge computing are coming together as never before, leading to huge opportunities for developers and organizations around the world. Digital twins, mixed reality, and autonomous systems are at the core of a massive wave of innovation from which our customers already benefit.

From the outside, it’s not always apparent how this technology converges or the benefits that can be harnessed by bringing these capabilities together. This is why at Microsoft Build we talk about the possibilities this convergence creates, how customers are already benefitting, and our journey to making this technology easier to use and within reach of every developer and organization.

The possibilities of connected environments

Imagine taking any complex environment and applying the power of technology to create awe-inspiring experiences and reach new business heights that were previously unimaginable. The possibilities are endless: A retail store where the shopping experience is optimized in real-time and shelves are always stocked. A supply chain that tracks and reduces carbon emissions. A process manufacturing line that adjusts for variations in natural ingredients and automatically detects and compensates for operational bottlenecks. A city plan that simulates various growth proposals to ensure they’re making the best use of energy sources.

This is happening today. Customers like Anheuser-Busch (AB) InBev, Paris Saclay, ICA, Total, and Brookfield Properties are already implementing solutions that bring these scenarios to life. The key takeaway here is that by creating live, data-bound digital replicas of physical environments, we can apply modern software techniques—analytics, simulation, autonomous control, and interactions—in mixed reality to achieve previously impossible benefits.

This shift represents a convergence of the physical and digital worlds. As these spaces come together, they create a new world of opportunity and transformative solutions that will change everything. We think of these solutions as metaverse apps.

Forming the foundation with digital twins

Metaverse apps are the culmination of the intelligent cloud and intelligent edge working in harmony together—at their foundation is digital twins. Digital twins enable you to create rich digital models of anything physical or logical, from simple assets or products to complex environments. These environments can be energy distribution grids, warehouses, or factories—anything that’s important to you. Once it’s modeled, it can be brought to life and synchronized with the physical world using two-way IoT connections. This initial binding of the physical and digital is foundational to enabling metaverse apps.

Once this foundation is in place, you are able to start applying software techniques to your model; from there the world essentially becomes your digital canvas. You can run analytics to gain insights from the history of changes to your environment. You can predict future states of the environment—foreseeing when equipment will need servicing, or anticipating occupancy needs before they happen.

The next set of benefits come from simulations, which take copies of the digital twin and then run simulations on them. These simulations can evaluate “what-if” questions or seek insights and optimizations from massively complex environments using the power of the cloud—something impossible to achieve by simply monitoring the physical environment alone. Once these simulations are complete, you can apply insights from the simulated copy to the real digital twin and synchronize those changes back to the physical environment to realize the benefits. You can even create and apply autonomous systems to the digital twin to automate routine tasks and enhance them with systems that learn and improve over time.

Finally, one of the most powerful things you can do is interact with the digital model overlaid onto the physical environment in mixed reality. You can get rich metadata and insights into anything you’re doing in the physical world from this digital copy. You can also interact in pure virtual space, even over distances with colleagues and experts anywhere in the world.

The Microsoft Cloud brings this all together

If you look at the different capabilities required for this new class of application, the Microsoft Cloud includes services for each capability. In fact, we’re uniquely positioned as a company to bring this entire stack together, and our bold ambition is to make this stack more connected and more seamless over time so you can easily move up and down the layers that enable metaverse applications.

Azure Digital Twins can model any asset, system, or entire environment and keep the digital twins live and up-to-date with Azure IoT. Azure Synapse Analytics tracks the history of digital twins and finds insights to predict future states. Our AI and machine learning platform lets you build autonomous systems that continually learn and improve. Enable presence and shared experiences from anywhere—on any device—using Microsoft Mesh. Experience the best of mixed reality devices and Microsoft Mesh with Microsoft HoloLens 2, one of the most immersive and ergonomic mixed reality devices. And Microsoft Power Platform enables every employee to expand on and interact with digital twin data using low-code, no-code solutions. Each layer of this technology stack is incredibly powerful on its own but used together it powers one of the most transformative waves of computing we’ve ever seen.

Microsoft metaverse technology stack

Creating the brewery of the future with Anheuser-Busch InBev
This technology stack used for metaverse applications is available today, and it is already enabling breakthrough transformation across industries: process manufacturing, retail, supply chain, energy, and healthcare. AB InBev is a great example of this. With more than 200 breweries and over 150,000 employees across the globe, AB InBev is the largest brewer in the world. They’re dedicated to the highest standards of quality and consistency, they’re experts in process manufacturing and they’re taking advantage of this stack to dramatically transform their operations.

AB InBev used Azure Digital Twins to create a comprehensive digital model of their breweries and supply chain. Synchronized with their physical environments, the digital model is live, up to date—reflecting the complex relationships between the natural ingredients and brewing process—and enables AB InBev’s brewmasters to adjust based on active conditions. This also provides frontline operators with an integrated view of quality and traceability information, helping them to maintain uptimes on the machines required during the packaging process.

AB InBev also uses deep reinforcement learning to help packing line operators detect and automatically compensate for bottlenecks in complex operations. They even use mixed reality over their digital twin for remote assistance, which fosters effective knowledge sharing across geographies. The control and optimization this technology stack provides allows AB InBev to make sure the perfect sip is delivered to customers every time, while still meeting their bold business and sustainability goals.

Powering end-to-end solutions

This stack is the foundation for end-to-end solutions that range from first- to third-party solutions delivered through our global partner ecosystem. Some of the solutions Microsoft is developing include:

Microsoft Dynamics 365 Connected Store: Uses real-time observational data to improve in-store operations.
Microsoft Dynamics 365 Guides: Provides an overlay of step-by-step holographic instructions on top of physical reality to help frontline workers work better and be more accurate.
Microsoft Dynamics 365 Remote Assist: Enables workers to connect with an expert from anywhere on the planet in mixed reality with a shared view of the physical environment. This allows for rich knowledge sharing and training across organizations that breaks down physical barriers.
Connected Field Service: Automatically calls for a repair technician when a machine needs help and helps enterprises coordinate maintenance.

Start developing your metaverse apps today

Implementing this technology stack isn’t a monolithic or linear process. There is no fixed starting point for building metaverse applications, and each layer can be progressively adopted. As we lean into the transformation that metaverse enables, we have a bold ambition to make these experiences easier to build and use—so that any business, anywhere on the planet, can reach its full potential. We can’t wait to see what you build with us.

For a deeper dive into our metaverse vision, the technology stack that brings it to life, and how organizations across the globe are putting it into action, watch our Microsoft Build session, Building Digital Twins, Mixed Reality, and Metaverse Apps.