Current Best Acronyms For “Gang Stalking” and “Organized Stalking/Electronic Harassment/Mind Control and Cloning System”
The following are more descriptive and accurate acronym-terms for Counter-Intelligence-Organized Gang Stalking/Electronic Harassment/Mind Control than the commonly used “Gang Stalking.” We can even have some fun inventing terms that more accurately describe this odious global program! Drum roll please……… And the winner is (drum roll):
1. GISSSSSSSTTTTTTAPPPPPPPO (pronounced as dramatically as possible; it also can be written as “GISTAPO- 666” and “GIS(6)T(6)AP(6)O” with 6s as superscripts): “Global Intelligence Syndicate Satanic Space-based “Security-Surveillance” Stalking, Tracking, Targeting, Torture, Terrorism, Termination, Transhumanism And Pentagon, Policing-for-Profit, Psycho-political, Psychotronic, Psychological Operations”).
2. The First Runner Up is: GOG´S NeW GESSTTTTTTAPO: Global Organized Gang Stalking Neuro-Warfare Groups´ Electronic Surveillance, Slavery, Tracking, Targeting, Torture, Trauma, Terrorism, Tyranny and Psychological Operations! (Since GOG refers to the antichrist system in the Bible and GESTAPO refers to the dreaded secret police in Nazi Germany, embedded in this acronym is the term and concept “Zionazi”)
2) The second runner up is: TECC: The Electronic Concentration Camp
3) The third runner up is: USS DOpe: United States Satanic Disruption OPErations
4) The fourth runner up is: USS M-SCUM: United States Satanic Mercenary Stalking Cells’ Undercover Murder. USS M-SCUM includes the following divisions, platoons, squadrons:
a) 5th C-GAD R&RS: Civilian Gossip and Defamation Receive and Repeat Specialists Wing
b) 2nd DEW-ETS: Directed Energy Weapons Electronic Torture Specialists Brigade
c) 3rd FuW-POT Brigade: “Fuck-Withers” PsyOp Terrorist Brigade
d) 1st NW-CitSnit: Neighborhood Watch – Citizen Snitch Battalion (aka, the Rat Pack)
e) 10th PHAP-FOEHS: Pimps, Homos, and Prostitutes For Enhanced Homeland Security
5) The fifth runner up is: COWARDS: Covertly-Organized Wireless Assault on Dissident Spirits
6) And the sixth runner up is: Z SS SWINE: Zionazi State-Sponsored Satanic Warfare of Invasive Neuro-Electronics
7) And the seventh runner up is: US-GITMO SITMICE: U.S.- Global Intelligence Terrorist Military Operation: Surveillance, Isolation, Torture, and Murder Of Innocent Civilian Enemies
8) And the eighth runner up is: DIE Via CiMiO: Destruction of Internal Enemies Via Civil-Military Operations
9) And the nineth runner up is: GOG´S MOP: Global Organized Gang Stalking: Monarch/Operation Phoenix
The following acronyms get “honorable mention:
10) ROHNECCs: Robotization of Humans via Neuro-electromagnetic Cybernetics and Communications
11) I-REEP: Illuminati Robotization, Enslavement, and Enhancement Program
12) MK VETADS: MKULTRA Victims Experimentation, Torture and Disposal System
13) UNECLiRRUR: United Nations Ethnic Cleansing, Liquidation, Rural Removal, and Urban Renewal Program
14) GOG’S MOG: Global Organized Gang Stalking: Monarch/Operation Gladio
15) US MICMAP SCATTT: United States Military-Intelligence-Corporate Mercenary and Predatory Stalking Cells Attacking and Torturing Truth Tellers.
16). SELCSTEP: Secret, Extra-Legal Citizen Surveillance, Torture and Extermination Program which is executed by the:
17) MIC-CoPS: Military-Intelligence Civilian-Corporate Police State
18) GLOPP: Global Phoenix Program (this is actually quite historically accurate since it references the CIA’s program to execute and terrorize civilians during the Vietnam War. This name also illicits the symbolic/occultic phoenix bird, which destroys then rises out of the ashes of a destroyed civilization in occult and Masonic mythology…. Creating… A “New World Order.”)
19) CECTAEP: Covert Extra-Judicial Citizen Torture and Elimination Program
20) SELECEP: Secret Extra-Legal Elimination of Civilian Enemies Program”
21) OSSMODTEP: Organized Stalking and Slow Murder of Dissidents Through Electronic Poisoning
22) OSSKOCTEI Organized Stalking- Slow Kill Of Civilians Through Electronic Irradiation
23) NASCE-EONC: Nazi Death Camp Experiments and Extermination of Needless Citizens
24) SEATTTED: Social Engineering and Terrorization Though Torture and Elimination of Dissenters
25) MAC-TeN-PODD: Military and Civilian Terrorist Networks Preying on Domestic Dissidents
26) SSSKADD: Slow- Soft- Silent- Kill Assassination of Domestic Dissidents
27) DACSUPEP: Divide and Conquer Society Using PsyOp and Electronic Poisoning
28) SOS SOS SSASASSS: Synagogue Of Satan Syndicate’s Organized Spying, Stalking, Sabotage, Asset-Stripping and Soul-Stealing System
II. And TIs (Targeted Individuals) are really:
1) HEROES: Highly-Experienced Researchers Out-thinking Evil Systems
2) LaREWTH: Lab Rats For Electronomagnetic Weapons Testing on Humans
3) STTI: State Terrorism-Targeted Individuals
4) NonEx: Non-consensual human experimentees
And TI, of course, really stands for:
1) Truth Instigators
2) Truth Investigators
3) Truth Interpreters
4) Truth Insisters
III. And the perps get their acronyms too:
1) CISSASSK Brigade: Civilian Informants, Stalkers, Spies, Actors and Satanic Serial Killers Brigade
2) DUISACs Battalion: Dupes, Useful Idiots, Spies, and Cockroaches
3) TAVADADIT: Thugs and Vigilantes Against Dissidents and Dangerously Independent Thinkers
IV. And the Whole New World Order System can be described as:
1) MIC-CoPS: Military-Intelligence Civilian-Corporate Police State
2) JuMaSA BISUSS: Judeo-Masonic-Satanic-American-British-Israel-Sponsored Universal Slave State
3) POTPOT-FO: Prince of the Power of the Air (Force) Operation
4) COFIPACS FoGS: Cyborg Omniscience for Illuminati Psychos and Cyborg Slavery for Goyim System
So bring on the “Battle of the Acronyms”! The US military is apparently the principle player and organizer of this 4th generation (aka irregular/unconventional/political/psychological/information/civil-military/effects-based/computer network) warfare. Of course, they are acting on behalf of and at the behest of the cryptocracy/intelligence agencies-think tanks/international bankers/secret societies/corporatocracy/“hidden hand”/Judeo-Masonic-Satanic shadow government (all the same more or less) etc.
If we look at history, we see that the “Hidden Hand” has been operating covertly but with great determination for many centuries and millennia. Now it has these extraordinary new technologies (PsyOP and Electronic Weapons, Remote Neural Monitoring, etc.) at its disposal. So it seems the Illuminati/Rothschild-Rhodes-Round Table “Plan” of world conquest via perpetual revolution and the destruction of institutions (monarchy, nations, family, religions, private property, etc.) is quite old, but the weapons now being used are quite new and still fairly secret. Among these weapons are:
1) covert/clandestine operations perfected by intelligence services, CIA and others
2) reorganization of society’s institutions to form the “NWO” “interagency”/”Multinational Force” (merger and coordination of intelligence/police/military/civilian/business sectors through fusion centers, etc.)
3) PsyOp
4) Electronic Warfare (including RNM, etc.) as part of the Revolution in Military Affairs that utilizes the electronic means of mind control/behavioral modification developed during the CIA’s MKULTRA experiments
5) Satanism/the occult/black magic
These are among the “finger prints” of the NWO Illuminati system that are the hallmark of the “gang stalking” system and military operations other than war (MOOTW) and MILDEC (military deception). If we study the matter, we find that all these elements were present in Opeation 9/11 ( Hence, we may postulate that Operation 9/11 itself was an example of 4GW against the American and world population.
It is imperative to “Know your enemy” in this New World War. From a military/intelligence viewpoint, this is an information war and a war to maintain the public perception of their LEGITIMACY to rule.
However, we may hope that they will lose because the long-sought full implementation of their “psycho-civilized society” because the public perception of their “LEGITIMACY” is currently based only on propaganda and lies….. Since, the truth beats lies in the end, the new military-intelligence-corporate-police state (MICPS) has no real legitimacy. Rather, it is a house of cards ready to collapse under the refreshing breeze of truth.
The legal system is being used to attack the president for political reasons, not to for law and order. Judges are making policy that is the responsibility of congress. The Chinese are cheating to win the economic games. The Democrats are tearing the country apart with chaos policies and with an unending attack on Trump.
severe diffuse axonal brain injury