Collateral Murder (2007 video): Govt.-Sponsored Targeted Killing Of Civilians In Iraq War (Same Basic Targeting/Kill Systems Deployed At Home in Gangstalking Operations)

I. Collateral Murder (2007 video): Govt.-Sponsored Targeted Killing Of Civilians In Iraq War (Same Basic Targeting/Kill Systems Deployed At Home in Gangstalking Operations)

Webmaster Comment: This footage, released from an American helicopter mission that killed 12 Iraqi and American civilian noncombatants during the Iraq War (2007), documents the same type of militarily coordinated kill mentality and video-game-type tactics deployed in gangstalking (domestic terrorism and murder) operations. Today, “the world is the battlefield,” as President George W. Bush declared after the 9/11 state-sponsored, false flag, synthetic terror event.

So come one andall American mercenary killers: “Get Those Kill Counts Up for the Pentagon, the Fed, and Uncle Scam!” As one commenter puts it below: “The Merchants of Death Join The Coalition of Demons.”

Wilileak’s Julian Assange: “This event is clearly murder…. The video still has not been released by the Pentagon. It was only as a result of a whistleblower inside the US military stepping forward with the material that we see it now. There would be no discussion today at all if it was not for that military whistleblower stepping forward.”

Webmaster: In my opinion, these remote, video-game killers, very much like the civilian-military gangstalking perpetrators, are among the most despicable cowards and bullies in human history. They torture and kill innocent civilians without provocation in contests in which the odds against targets, in terms of resources and personnel, are at least a million to one. These are psychopaths. Their most probable eternal destination is obvious.

II. 792 Comments

Scott Sandrock
3 years ago
This video is basically just a how-to instructional video on how to create terrorists who hate America. Important to remember that some people hate America because their hate is justified. Thank you Chelsea Manning.

2 years ago
The fact I find most infuriating about this is that the person convicted wasn’t the soldiers who mercilessly murdered innocent civilians, it was the person who released the footage. The fact that America commits these heinous war crimes, and so many people can still support them is ridiculous.

3 years ago (edited)
This is inhuman! How do you call dead bodies “bastards?” And “it’s their fault” for the kids?

3 years ago
The worst thing about this is: it happens all the time but … but leaks are really rare

Robert Champagne FansOnly
8 months ago
This is why I’m disgusted by people talking about soldiers “fighting for freedom.” They’re fighting for resources and political power over a specific area

Girl Club tv
6 months ago
I don’t know about anyone else but this is one of the most disturbing things I have ever seen, & brought tears to my eyes. I don’t care if this happens all the time, it’s still disgusting. I don’t care if the people had guns or cameras, human life was just obliterated.

Neil Rieck
3 years ago
When I was a kid, we were the good buys and others were the bad guys. As an adult I realize that they aren’t as bad as I once thought, and we’re not as good.

Ric Cal
3 years ago
These are thinking they’re playing PlayStation games. This is crazy, firing to the injured. Terrible. Tks WikiLeaks for sharing

PRESIDENT Charlotte Sometimes
3 years ago
I am an American and THIS MAKES ME SICK!!!! I humbly offer sincere condolences to the families and survivors of this despicable act of cowardess. Please know that our citizens WOULD NOT CONDONE this…our government has lied to us for too long!!!

3 years ago
“If certain acts and violations of treaties are crimes, they are crimes whether the United States does them or whether Germany does them. We are not prepared to lay down a rule of criminal conduct against others which we would not be willing to have invoked against us.”
— Justice Robert H. Jackson, Chief Prosecutor, Nuremberg War Crimes Trials

Susana Rupolo
3 years ago
I love the courage of Chelsea Manning and Julian Assange. They are heroes at least my heroes.

Sir Monday
2 months ago
“Come on let us shoot”…how can you be so eager to kill a obviously unarmed innocent human beeing. This is unbelievable…

Muhammad Akhtar
3 years ago
This is cold blooded murder.

2 months ago (edited)
Now imagine if a Russian helicopter was doing this to civilians in Kyiv and some journalist got access to the footage and published it. That journalist would be hailed as a hero and freedom fighter.

Unfortunately, the city was Baghdad, the soldiers Americans, the victims Iraqi. So today they are extraditing Assange after persecuting him for 15 years.

They say the enemy is in front of us, but the enemies are above, both above us and above those we face.

3 years ago
15:26 “Well it’s their fault for bringing their kids to a battle.”
Or….maybe it’s your fault for bringing a battle to their kids. 🙄

Ringo 2
3 years ago
laughing with the bravery of being out of range

Luca Giuberti
9 months ago
Assange deserves a Nobel prize. But he might end up buried alive in the land of opportunity!

Suraj Tripathi
2 years ago
Guys wikileaks founder is in custody, for showing truth to the people, hope he gets free from fake allegations, #Isupportwikileaks..

Dorothy N.
1 year ago
After viewing this again, it occurs to me that all over America there are people ‘protecting their gun rights’ by open-carrying in public streets, malls, grocery stores, concerts – in a country suffering from a peculiar mass shooting phenomena – and uncaring as to whether people around them are wondering whether this is going to be the day they are maimed or killed to become just another statistic. Some of these people have carried AK 47s and the like but entire streets full of people are not mown down by police, drones or helicopters just because some of the people have weapons, in this land of mass shooting ‘incidents’.

Yet in other targeted-people’s cities/towns/villages all over the world, invading/occupying US military does exactly this, on long-distance suspicion, turning weddings into funerals and funerals into fatalities… that’s known as what America does, if differently achieved at home and abroad – because they are run by ruthlessly greedy and globally-power-hungry psychopaths controlling their government and the propaganda to which US citizens been subjected for so long, to ensure that this pathology has the engineered consent – even when reluctantly given – of enough of their people, enough of the time.

And that US citizens keep mindlessly voting in rigged and eternally-unverifiable elections against their own and humanity’s interests and for whatever candidate selection that two privately run and publicly unaccountable political corporations have offered each time to keep ‘the other evil’ out of public office to suit ‘the right billionaires’ on one side or another – who are all draining Americans down to their last penny and drop of life-blood. To their last shred of any pretence of their inherent and inalienable rights.

Why do the American people never pacifically and en masse simply refuse to accept the results of even the most blatantly obvious electoral fraud to demand clean, overseen and verifiable elections which are not controlled by self-interests filling government to suit themselves? In a land where the only legitimate government must be of, by and for the people, rather than of self-claimed ‘above all law’ ‘Exceptionals’ consistently acting against them?

Only the American people can at long last bring democracy to America; they just have to get together to do it and to form their legitimate representative government of, by and for themselves, for the good of the US public and of the war-battered world.

1 year ago
I hope that all involved soldiers will meet their fate sonner or later.

Viper Dagger
8 years ago
Really does suck how large cameras were mistaken for RPGs.

noah نوح
3 months ago
This is the most horrifying thing I’ve ever watched. I know it has happened and continues to happen. But this is gut wrenching to see and the banal discussions of these merchants of death, this coalition of demons- disgusting.

Vinayak B
2 years ago
“Their fault for bringing kids to a battle”

BATTLE??? WHAT??? This was a bombing not a battle! Did the guys on the ground fight back??? No, because they weren’t soldiers.

Mike Leonard
2 years ago
Julian Assange ,you are the hero among heroes.

Travis Warren
1 year ago
This is absolutely sickening. More and more i am ashamed of being an American.

Jacob Persico
3 years ago
Very sad and infuriating. An example of hatred fueling hatred. Some bad people committed terrorism in the United States, so some bad Americans angry about it commit terrorism over in Iraq by killing innocent unarmed Iraqi’s. Two wrongs don’t make a right. This is despicable. Thank you wikileaks for bring this terrible crime to light.

Random Pool Guy
7 years ago
Thank you for sharing this.

Glori from NJ
3 years ago
Joking about killing people. Joking about a tank running over a body. Inability to distinguish between a camera and a weapon. These are the people who then became police officers. “Come on, let us shoot.”

Henny Blakk
7 months ago
So much respect lost for the United States Military AND it’s country. To hear these men begging to shoot unarmed civilians… THEN shoot other unarmed civilians trying to rescue the wounded, is so fucked up.

Defeats the Purpose
1 year ago
All of these people should be tried for war crimes and sentenced to life in prison

Mr. Froste
3 years ago
Only bruts without love, kindness, justice, wisdom, or understanding could behave like this.

8 months ago
This is why they want to make an example of Assange. The Empire will not tolerate truth telling.

F Girão
3 years ago
“Come on, let us shoot”

Fadi Ha
2 years ago
tout simplement glaçant… on pourrait croire à un ( mauvais ) film de guerre mais quand on sait qu’il s’agit malheureusement de la réalité, ça donne tout simplement envie de vomir… une immense pensée aux familles injustement endeuillées causées par des “ordres donnant droit à tuer” beaucoup trop facilement donnés et des crétins avides de tuer ” comme dans les jeux vidéos” qui sont là pour jubiler après avoir abattu bien lâchement, confortablement installé dans leur hélico loin de tout véritable danger, de simples civils vulnérables : SHAME ON YOU…LEGAL MURDERERS

Merwin ARTist
2 years ago
12:28 .. the chaplain is a personal friend of mine .. reporting what he saw. First thing that I want to say is .. we should never have been in Iraq in the first place .. so the whole thing is a “War Crime!” .. secondly .. the men on the ground were walking around as if everything was okay .. nothing to be afraid of .. what’s going on with peeps who think that it’s okay to just light up people for carrying something .. even if it was a rifle .. was it aimed at the helicopters? What is wrong with people who think it’s the “right thing to do” to shoot up the van that coming to rescue the wounded. Just WOW!!! Some people in Washington should be answering for this .. War Crimes! These men could have been carrying anything .. not just weapons. The second part .. the chopper guy was ready to light up the wounded man if he even reached for a weapon. Nice work guys!!! Be very proud of yourselves for defending the corrupt system of government we have!!!

8 years ago
However the principles of just war, being the same principles upheld by the UN, dictate that we should discriminate civilians in theatres of war, in other words we should take all measures that ensure that civilians are not harmed in the process of war. What you said is a justification or behaviour that flies in the face of the UN. Therefore the actions here were illegal, they acted irresponsibly without due investigation. That is reprehensible in the conduct of war

thomas brunner
8 months ago
Political language is designed to make lies sound truthful and murders respectable,
and to give the appearance of solidity to pure wind.
– George Orwell

9 years ago
This is so wrong. Good job wikileaks.

3 weeks ago (edited)
Don’t lie. There was a guy crouching at the corner who looked like he was aiming something. Obviously he ended up not having a gun. But it’s hard to know in the moment. These guys are war fighters not cops. You can’t expect perfection.

Edit: before anyone gets sideways, I find the shooting of the van to be the most egregious offense. There was nothing to suggest that those individuals were doing anything nefarious. To me, that was the worst offense.

4 months ago
this is so sad.. this is only the stuff actually caught on camera.. they need to be held accountable for this.

Laura Thomas
4 months ago
“Come on, let us shoot.” Is so terrifying and disturbing to hear one of our American soldiers say..

Keriem Al-Hamdawi
3 years ago
Freedom and democracy really paid off for the Iraqis.

5 months ago
We need to hold the politicians in power responsible for all of this, accountable.

1 year ago
Even if they were the enemy with actual weapons, isn’t it a war crime to kill medics? Absolutely disgusting.

2 years ago
This kind of “end justifies the means” mentality does not bode well for U.S. foreign policy. They may have won this PR battle with maximum spin, but in the end, they’ve lost the war for hearts and minds.

Derrick Voss
5 months ago
The US acts exactly the same as they did during the Vietnam War

Cory T
2 weeks ago
Love how the video points out the cameras slung around their shoulders but completely neglects the actual AK-47s the other dudes are carrying.

Karaoke Party Van – Lake Tahoe, CA
3 years ago
no soldier or commander was ever charged, or even named for their roles in these murders.

1 year ago
Chelsea you are a true American patriot. Thank you.

2 years ago
It’s easy to see the line b/w good & bad after the fact. Where was all the concern prior.? That’s why Manning did what she did! You’d be surprised to see what you’re capable of when all the ppl you trust and wrk for program you to believe it’s ok. What makes out complacency and ignorance to truth ok. Maybe in the future we won’t need ppl to sacrifice their lives just to get us to wake tf up until the story blows ovr again, and it always does.

3 years ago
Julian. You’re a wandering god among men

3 months ago
This is absolutely shocking and sickening, those poor people

3 months ago
This disgusting, inhumane, and i feel sorry to the families of whom were killed.

4 months ago
‘In the councils of government, we must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the military industrial complex. The potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exists and will persist.’ President Dwight D. Eisenhower, 1961

Nicolaas Markus
3 years ago
This is just disgusting, killing innocent children en making jokes about it. And they can’t fucking see the difference between a camera and a gun?! This makes me lose faith in humanity. I’ll hope they suffer forever!😡

5 months ago
“End of the day someone has to make the enemy scared of the dark, we get dirty and the world stays clean. That’s the mission.”

~ Cpt. Price

gilles patrick magniez
4 months ago
Ce qui me déplaît car ça pose problème est l’obéissance des militaires. Obéissance qui va jusqu’à commettre des crimes sans remord: « je n’ai fait qu’obéir aux ordres ». Une scène du film « I comme ICARE »est remarquable pour le doigt sur ce grave sujet. Rappelez-vous la guerre du Vietnam avec ces enfants qui fuyaient leur village en feu (napalm) la peau qui tombait en lambeaux.
Tania Bosak
Tania Bosak
3 years ago
just terrible… hard to watch. Courage to wikileaks and all whistle blowers
le chat
le chat
3 years ago
Every time I hear an American say to a soldier “Thank you for your service!” I get sick to my stomach! Whenever the U.S get involved in a war. they always claim to protect their freedom. How many Am. soldiers died on U.S. grounds? Exactly!
Munhu Mutapa
Munhu Mutapa
2 months ago
This is really sad but noone will be brought to justice instead innocent people are made scapegoats.
5 months ago
Esta, sin duda, es una prueba irrefutable de la crueldad y sinsentido de esta ocupación que no tiene otra finalidad que la económica y geopolítica. Lamentablemente el “país de las libertades” se dedicó a perseguir y condenar a los que visibilisaron esta salvajada: Bradley Manning, Julian Assange… en lugar de perseguir y castigar a los autores, cómplices y encubridores de ese incalificable crimen…
Indra Gunawan
Indra Gunawan
3 years ago
Is this the real video quality as the chopper has? Or the real one has better quality like 1080p or even 4K?
3 months ago (edited)
Wasnt the US who dropped atomic bombs to civilian cities?!
This case is just a bunch of people who died too (for them).
gilles patrick magniez
gilles patrick magniez
4 months ago
J’ajoute que notre héros est Julian Assange. Il a donné des années de sa vie pour nous tenir informé. Mais qui a manifesté pour lui? Personne: aucune association qui pourtant s’occupe des migrants (au nom des droits de l’homme), aucun parti politique européen si prompt à dénoncer des (dictatures), aucun pouvoir religieux. C’est une image lamentable de notre monde et de ce que l’homme est capable de faire dans une grande indifférence.
john gallipani
john gallipani
3 months ago
on 9/11 I was a veteran & an active duty NYPD Detective! I was still asleep! it took 100 of hours working ground zero, fresh kills dump, 1PP, the OCME (morgue), and the barge to start waking up to the fact that we are not the guys! when you go over our history we were never the good guys
Sam Girshovich
Sam Girshovich
1 month ago
On the new update of the Apache helicopter, the camera is in color and is much better at identifying people with weapons vs civilians.
Zheka Z
Zheka Z
4 months ago
I am a real American 🏈
fight for the rights of every man 🕺
tim kimball
tim kimball
3 years ago
the americal aviation company forced the end of the my lai masacre. shame on these pilots, their commanding officer, their trainers, any and all investigators. even the grunts on the ground had more sense and compassion.

gives wikileaks a good name.
9 years ago
Thank You for sending me this video!! God Bless Doug
Abhiroop Sett
Abhiroop Sett
5 months ago
Damn. This is the saddest thing I have ever seen
9 years ago
Cameras are weapons in this country and abroad. This is a very old video. I remember it from years back. The rpg guy aiming up is ok? It does suck about the camera dudes though, wrong place, wrong time.
Jason Walsh
Jason Walsh
3 years ago
God speed Assange
Rainer Anton Fritz
Rainer Anton Fritz
2 months ago
Ja ja USA: wir bringen allen die westlichen Werte und Frieden wir ersticken ja gerade zu im Frieden Dankeschön
2 years ago
I’m not one of those people that thinks all killing is wrong, or something. War is chaotic and if you hesitate you or your squad-mates could die, but this is straight up murder.
Blaze Carlton
Blaze Carlton
7 months ago
It’s not even just about the individual soldiers here, it’s way beyond, America breeds xenophobes and instills all kinds of hate..
Sean Delaney
Sean Delaney
11 months ago
Kinda glad I did not become a war correspondent after all, this would likely have been my fate, high risk tolerance. Unfortunately this is a very slanted viewpoint which clearly came through because the comments reflect such. Unfortunately it discredits Wikileaks as a legitimate news organization, you can’t do all that editorializing and claim you only expose the hidden.
Peter Birch
Peter Birch
2 years ago
Men were walking around a war-zone with what looked like, to me, RPGs(3:45). Unfortunate that journos got taken too but I can understand the situation – you are in a heli and there are guys on the ground with a RPGs and guns looking at you. You can say – “They probably mean no harm, one guy even has a camera”. But then the guy shoots and kills everyone in your heli and you called it “all good”.
Craziest thing about this is how casual this was.
svenne narkalov
svenne narkalov
1 year ago
The first victim of war is Truth.
Dusty 13B
Dusty 13B
1 year ago
I was stationed at Rustamiyah in 06-07. We had these apache’s help us a couple times during fire fights. Its a shame that this is what happened on the other side of things. If you look toward the beginning of the video 2 of the men did have RPG’s on them so to a point they were in the right to engage. Nothing about war is pretty.
Kilian Krämer
Kilian Krämer
4 months ago
He laughs while asking to shoot at a van that is trying to help wounded… Didn’t care who it was or who was in there… just wanted to kill even more… Wtf
Yaroslav Sobal
Yaroslav Sobal
3 years ago
Helicopters always got the best kills!
Tdc Ninja
Tdc Ninja
3 years ago
I have problems whatsoever with what those pilots did. They lawfully engaged the enemy.
Gregory Mc Dunham
Gregory Mc Dunham
6 months ago
“oops sorry, what was going on?”
“ahahahah god damn it kyle”
Iris Essex
Iris Essex
8 months ago (edited)
They confirmed their was an RPG and the group had guns verified from the team on the ground also you can clearly see the guy walking had a gun that was sighted as an AK-47. The journalists were told to get out of the hot zone and not to go out on the streets from what I read back then because the military couldn’t be responsible for their safety so how is it collateral murder if they didn’t take the advice and they are walking with enemy combatants? What I don’t understand is why they shot up the van picking up the bodies unless they were afraid they’d pick up the weapons like he said maybe this was a common practice bringing a vehicle to get bodies and retrieving weapons? If we’re not in the fight we don’t know. They’re a killing force that’s what they do and they become callous.
3 years ago
“well its their fault bringing their kids to a battle ”
“thats right”
Bunter Hidin
Bunter Hidin
1 year ago (edited)
Good shooting : @ 3.45 clearly see the kid with the RPG not alot of 4 foot cameras with pointed ends lol @ 4.08 to 4.17 Clearly Aiming RPG at HELO Great job APACHE crew! Wake up people lol. PSA Dont bring kids to a fresh kill zone!
2 years ago
Fucking quality . Keep up the good work guys .
connie sockwell
connie sockwell
3 years ago
we shouldn’t have even been there
2 years ago
Did the men in van try to use the children (and put them in front seat for visibility) as leverages to protect themselves? These soldiers are murderers, yes, but to bring children into the scene is just foolish.
Владимир Мирный
Владимир Мирный
3 months ago (edited)
Вспомнились бомбардировки Югославии… – Тупые самодовольные убийцы. Преступники в погонах на государственной службе.
1 year ago
People claiming that this is murder are delusional. This video (shared by Russian-backed WikiLeaks) shows nothing illegal nor immoral. Some of the men were armed. One of them was about to fire an RPG at the helicopter. Any innocent person with them at the time is an unfortunate casualty, yet shouldn’t have been there, and the alternative was for American soldiers to potentially be blown out of the sky. If people think that the enemy wouldn’t have done far worse, or if they don’t INTENTIONALLY kill civilians, rather than accidentally, they’re kidding themselves.
Beyond Singularity
Beyond Singularity
5 months ago
This is the worst video I’ve ever seen on youtube. ITS diferrent seeing it on stats than seeing real footage how war happen, the emotion is really felt. it’s struck me this guys is just so relaxed doing the attack, at least they should feel tense. They are even joking in the middle.
Grn Peepers
Grn Peepers
3 months ago
Not so much as a… “sorry”🤷🏼‍♀️.
Way to go American War mongers.
I’m disgusted. We really are so brutal & heartless. Oh… And greedy.🤬
hellship rc
hellship rc
8 years ago
over kill. Gunner starts with 272 30mm rounds and ends with 50? talk about itchy finger.
8 months ago
This was an accident. Those cameras slung over the arms looked like weapons and one guy had an AK. It’s a tough situation but the video and the incel edgelords in the comments make it sound like the military just went and killed some kids for a laugh.
forum Ayurveda skin and hair clinic
forum Ayurveda skin and hair clinic
3 years ago
Brave Americans fighting a war with no courage to walk on grounds
Alessandro of the Mediterranean
Alessandro of the Mediterranean
1 year ago
The first strike was completely justified, although that one pilot was begging to shoot, creepy asshole. The second strike was cold-blooded murder.
Jessica johnson
Jessica johnson
5 months ago
Wow this was incredibly hard to watch.
8 months ago
Lesson:weapons collecting and take your kids to work day do not mix.
3 months ago
America has invaded more countries than any other on earth… If someone comes from the government and says I’m here to help run like hell!!!
Ronald Reagan-
Nick Smith
Nick Smith
3 years ago
Random Pool Guy
Random Pool Guy
7 years ago
I’m revolted by this. I’m a U.S. Marine that served in Iraq from 2004-2005 and this makes me sick. You don’t engage targets for picking up wounded and dead bodies. The fact that this was concealed wreaks of a cover up.
Motaher Chowdhury
Motaher Chowdhury
2 months ago
I hate you for bloody killing of innocent journalist
3 years ago
Name of the crew, please…
6 months ago
Never forget. Never forgive!
8 years ago
Like it’s a fucking video game,
2 months ago
Thank you Chelsea Manning.
2 months ago
and they call putin the monster
edd monte
edd monte
3 years ago
Shiny Black Pan
Shiny Black Pan
5 months ago (edited)
3:31 what, also at 4:20 what the hell, 15:27 wow
5 months ago
R.I.P the kids
Philippe Dupuy
Philippe Dupuy
5 months ago
How horrible and yet who remains condemn?
1 year ago (edited)
I don’t get it, why did they shoot them? And no, I’m really not trying to be funny. Can someone explain what was the reason?
RichHomie Kel
RichHomie Kel
5 months ago
This is the great America Fox News doesn’t tell its watchers about.
Jos Hill
Jos Hill
5 months ago
Assange is locked inside an English concentration camp .. free for Assange
k ok
k ok
8 days ago
does anyone know who the pilots are?
9 years ago
this is blood lust.makes me sick.
User name cannot be blank
User name cannot be blank
1 month ago
What’s the problem with this? A group of armed men are killed before they can attack American troops. The two journalists knew the risks when they joined up with this group that day.
Haroldo Cantanhede
Haroldo Cantanhede
2 weeks ago (edited)
‘Nice’, say the assassins.
Born2Blaze Learns2Draw
Born2Blaze Learns2Draw
3 years ago
america is not making the world safer
3 months ago
They love to “engage”
Adrian Amaru
Adrian Amaru
2 years ago
our military is ridiculously overfunded
Bhupendra Singh
Bhupendra Singh
3 years ago
i think they were holding tripods
3 years ago (edited)
“Nice” 6:40
“good shoot , thank you” 6:43
9 months ago
Nobody seen the little children in the Van?
8 months ago
Disturbing stuff
IronSent PootisTank
IronSent PootisTank
5 months ago
What happened in this video?
3 years ago
Shame on you America.
Fortuna Mining
Fortuna Mining
8 months ago
Wish it were their mothers down there
1 month ago
But they plan and Allah plans.
And Allah is the best of planners.
1 year ago
All Earth People know this truth. But Americans don’t.
3 years ago
This is no different then the 2019 NZ shootings. Same thing, different place.
3 years ago
Scumbags propped two kids in the window hoping the Apache wouldn’t shoot. If they had held a sign up saying “there are children” they wouldn’t have kept shooting 100%.
Change Seeker
Change Seeker
1 year ago
3 years ago
Should say it did look like the people were armed and its a war zone so mistakes happen. But i dont excuse their jokes.
3 years ago
Wow, so murdering cowardly from far away is called “Engaging”?
These are the values of the Western People.
Still hoping help from them?
How about we seek help from only god?
Game Bilyeu
Game Bilyeu
3 months ago
Hard to watch.
Michael Unterwalden
Michael Unterwalden
9 months ago
I am from germany. It is such a terrible and inhumane war crime by this US soldier in this attack helicopter !!!!! <<<<<<<<<<<<< This heinous war crime must absolutely be solved by the USA !!!!! <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< But unfortunately those responsible have not been held accountable until today !!!!! <<<<<<<<<<<<<<< 3 PADDY PADDY 1 month ago Beyond evil 2 Gustavo Souza Gustavo Souza 1 year ago Holy shit bro mike STOMS mike STOMS 2 years ago 222 rounds to take out 1 rpgman and more than ten civilians... rob royce rob royce 8 months ago (edited) #UnilateralMurder2007 #FOIA Karin Blue Karin Blue 2 months ago ...und DAS passierte wahrscheinlich nicht nur 1 mal..... 6 Young Robert13 Young Robert13 5 months ago i dont blame the soliders but the the gov 1 Emiliano Phoenix Emiliano Phoenix 1 year ago #freeassangeNow 2 Arthur Benke Arthur Benke 1 year ago Crazy 1 26cmTrueDamage 26cmTrueDamage 1 year ago 4:46 26cmTrueDamage 26cmTrueDamage 1 year ago 10:07 The Commenter The Commenter 4 months ago wtf they are acting like they are just playing another round of ur generic battle royale game?? 1 Chop Chop Chop Chop 8 years ago Wrong place at the wrong time 2 M G M G 1 year ago this IS terrorism 3 F Girão F Girão 3 years ago #FREEASSANGE 8 andrew nicholson andrew nicholson 2 years ago end of the day...would they give u any mercy...dont think so.... 2 AnzacFrank AnzacFrank 1 month ago #FreeAssange #FreeAssangeNOW Harney Harney 1 year ago Disgusting 4 JR C JR C 3 years ago 6:30 Nice haha yup 1 jean ht jean ht 4 months ago J'AI MIS UN COMMENTAIRE ET J'AI PARTAGÉ SUR FACEBOOK 1 pervertt pervertt 3 years ago Fog of war, etc. But I wonder how the 2 Apache pilots are feeling now. 2 Ky0ty Ky0ty 9 years ago This is Not the actual audio! Crazyhorse 18 has an English accent.... Marcelo Ribeirorc Marcelo Ribeirorc 9 months ago Covardes 1 A S A S 1 month ago Oh say can you see Dead - Channel Dead - Channel 4 months ago I'm gonna change cod account name to crazy horse feels funny tho xD Derek Atkins Derek Atkins 2 months ago Cntsu eaxnitro eaxnitro 3 years ago Just watched it in full. No issues with any of that. 2 Zoomer Trader Zoomer Trader 7 months ago Based shaunone shaunone 3 years ago Free Julian Assange. 3 Robbie B Robbie B 9 years ago pigs pigs pigs pigs pigs pigs pigs 1 CONSUNJI, John Angelo P. CONSUNJI, John Angelo P. 3 years ago Officer: They got RPGs and AK-47s Reality: They got cameras and tripods War criminals. 22 Kim Buys Kim Buys 3 years ago EF Americans 2 adam reikert adam reikert 3 years ago Lol. Tony Ortiz Tony Ortiz 3 years ago Don't blame the soldiers for following orders,,, look at the ones who gave the orders.... Brian Culham Brian Culham 3 years ago LoL Joshua Ansel Joshua Ansel 8 years ago Fuck yeah get em joe murray joe murray 9 years ago you can see the rifles 1 Dirk Dirk 3 years ago Wait is everyone Saeed? I swear he died twice. Bunter Hidin Bunter Hidin 1 year ago War is Hell...start no shit wont be no shit Turn N Burn! Steven Eaton 3 years ago I'm ashamed to be an American.... Prince Tay 8 years ago Ok I watched thia video 3 times those were rpg-7s and AK-47's also in the heat of battle and adrenaline pumping you won't think what if they were civilans withe the terrorist or is that person in the car a kid because you cant tell and you must assume anyone involved with terrorist are threats as well. Drunken Action Figure Unboxing 3 years ago This is fucked up and all, but it did look like a guy with an rpg peeking around the corner at them. Ali Al-Awadi 3 years ago This is war, stop crying. You have far worse events in war compared to what you see here. The best thing they could have done after this attack was to kill the children as well, I don't see a point why they should help them with medical care after killing their family. Now that's cruel... Brian Demarest 3 years ago First, play on the heartstrings and then omit all context to tell a lie. That’s what this video is. Yaroslav Sobal 1 year ago Good kills. Sleepy joe 3 years ago (edited) This is an accident they thought the cameras were guns so this was bad but not purposely done to harm civilians Shadow Knight Gladstay 3 months ago Not sure what is wrong with the situation . Gurrwa The Noob 2 months ago Well out of the perspective of the helicoper i dont think they knew they were photographers and when he aimed the camera at the helicopter it looked like an rpg Martin Michael 11 months ago In War innocent die. JR MTG 3 years ago Its war, and it sucks. JR C 3 years ago light em up boys. nice brent martin 2 years ago If you cant comprehend what "Fog of War" is, then you need to stop passing judgement on people who have fought in war. Lara Garrison 2 years ago Newsflash: War is messy. No shit. Topshelf 8 years ago Get some anjoskold 8 years ago God bless America. III. Collateral Murder? (Discussion)

IV. Ethan McCord: Incidents Like ‘Collateral Murder’ Happen Almost Daily in Iraq

The Nation
44K subscribers
Just over a year ago, WikiLeaks released footage from a gunsight camera of an Apache helicopter engaged in an attack that killed two journalists and eight civilians in Baghdad. The “Collateral Murder” video, as it came to be known, was a shocking document of America’s war in Iraq, and was greeted with a firestorm of controversy on its release. One of the first soldiers on the scene after the air attack, Ethan McCord, is now the subject of a short documentary, Incident in New Baghdad, which will premiere at the Tribeca Film Festival in New York next week.

McCord, in New York for the festival premiere, told the story of what he experienced while saving two children wounded in the incident. When he returned to the Forward Operating Base, he requested mental health support to deal with the scenes he had witnessed. He was laughed at and told to “suck it up.”

According to McCord, what Americans can see in the video is “one incident of many,” and that similar abuses of American military power occur almost daily. “You can see from that one incident that we shouldn’t be” in Iraq, McCord concludes.

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10 years ago
I saw Ethan McCord speak last month (September 2011). Everyone who admires McCord for speaking out about his experiences in Iraq should know that he has been threatened by other members of the military for having done so. McCord also speaks at schools convincing young students not to enlist.
This man needs the support of all who feel he is doing the right thing. Keep it in mind.
11 years ago
Humanity, Integrity, honesty, responsibility, bravery, love,
Ethan you are such a good example to know right from wrong! Thank you little Brother!! I am so proud of you!!
10 years ago
Ethan, you need to be given a nobel peace prize just for getting you view out in public, and hopefully changing the world. If we all thought like you…. Wow… Just imagine how good it”ll be….
10 years ago
You are a True American Hero, Mr. McCord. I thank you for your honesty. i watched an interview you did on Brazilian TV tonight and I’m very proud of what you have said and done. Thank you for your service.
Sunny Smiles
Sunny Smiles
2 years ago (edited)
When Ethan sought mental health help from the military, he should never have been discharged and dumped without any kind of benefits to treat his depression, suicidal feelings, and PTSD. He tried to go to them for help and the higher-ups had nothing but contempt for him. These men have to turn to drink to self medicate. This isn’t the treatment they deserve for service in the military! My brother is a Marine who served three tours in Iraq, and he still has terrible PTSD and drinks daily. He told me if he ever went to the VA for depression treatment, He would be seen as unfit and discharged from service.
David Infinger
David Infinger
9 years ago
More soldier’s need to get out there and tell their story. It is going to be their only saving grace.
vicki barbaria
vicki barbaria
1 year ago
Ethan, thankyou for having the courage to speak out about this. You are a hero, and give honor to those murded, lives list and ruined. We see humanity in you, in a place that humanity is rare. God bless those that have lost their lives needlessly in such a barbaric way. My heart aches for those children.
Abstraction Physics
Abstraction Physics
10 years ago
People need an answer as to why more U.S. Soldiers who have served in Iraq have died from Suicide than the number of U.S. Soldiers who have died in Iraq.

11 years ago
Coming out about this is TRUE bravery. Bless you for your honesty…

10 years ago
@Mspape1234 Really what?

Both Ethan and James Spione (the filmaker who has turned Ethan’s story into a short documentary), have stated publically that they’ve received death threats for the work that they’ve done.
Perhaps one way that you can support Ethan is tell people about him and what he has done by coming forth and telling his story. Educate others about Ethan and his story. Be brave and speak up, just as Ethan has done.
Be well.
Paul Brouyere
Paul Brouyere
6 months ago
Thank you for speaking out. The real ones responsible are the people who send you to a war which had never a just cause. I am appalled by their cowardness letting veterans suffer from PTSD like if it’s nothing. They don’t live in my world.
11 years ago
There are times in one’s life which can be looked back to as turning points, places in time which mark the evolution of the soul. Tonight, watching this, and though it has been years in coming and prompted by thousands of hours of study, this is my turning point. From now until I either die or the U.S. government as it is known is nullified, tried and executed for crimes against Humanity, I will have ONE GOAL IN LIFE…
2 years ago
Thanks for your courage in speaking out
Jabu Mngadi
Jabu Mngadi
1 year ago
So sad. Thank you Sir for speaking out. You are a real hero.
David Infinger
David Infinger
9 years ago
Thank you for your honesty.
Richard Gonzalez
Richard Gonzalez
1 year ago
This is why our soldiers come home all fucked up. I’m left speechless after hearing what we are doing over there. This guy will have to live with this horror every single day and night for the rest of his life. This is definitely not the way the media portrays a real war and if they did, maybe, just maybe, entire countries will prevent any war being started by these war mongering politicians.
Radio Aku Aku Rapanui
Radio Aku Aku Rapanui
6 months ago
Thank to tell the truth, we need more people like you.
10 years ago
Ethan should be the reference of US instead of George Bush or even Obama.
8 months ago
Thank you Ethan and thank you Julian Assange. If not for Wikileaks we would never hear of that story. While those who committed those crimes are still enjoying their freedom, Assange, who let us see it all and made the world stop and protest, is still sitting in a maximum security prison.
We HAVE TO stand up and protest. Everyone, everywhere.
sirin angel
sirin angel
2 years ago
He laugh at you cause he is not human.. And u are the human here.. They are people just like you!! Why they kill innocent people?
6 months ago
If this man was a journalist right now he’d be facing 175 years in jail.
Leon Freese
Leon Freese
8 months ago
Its good he came around eventually, but i disagree on the part where he is saying the soldiers are victimised.

What he is saying in the video is not new. We live in an age of free information exchange and reports like these are as old as us military deployments overseas.

Anyone who joins the military, has no excuse not to know this stuff. If you join a cause, you inform yourself about the cause. About what youre actually fighting for. Anyone who blindly joins, is EXACTLY as responsible as someone who does the research, finds out the cause is actually unjust, and then proceeds to join anyway.

Every man and women that joined this cause willingly is equally responsible for the war crimes as their commanding officers. They either knew, or had the resources to learn about the circumstances overseas, and it is their DUTY to be informed about what is going on, before they participate.

There is only two options here. He either did not know what he was actually fighting for, and joined a war he knew nothing about, fighting for a side he didnt know the motivations or actions of

Or he did conduct his research, as he should, and knew the cause was unjust, knew the war crimes where happening, knew the us Military does not belong in those sectors, knew the war consists of slaughtering innocent men women and children. He knew that the political motivations of the us in that area are unjust and not actually what its being advertised as. He knew the us involvement in destabilising this area in the first place, he knew he was fighting for money, not freedom, not for protection, and he knew that the propaganda in the us regarding the wars in the middle east are misrepresenting at best and outright indoctrinating at worst.

Either way, he made the concious decision to join the cause. Either a cause he knew nothing about or a cause he knew was inhumane. That is on him.

If every single soldier to be would inform themselves independently on the politics of the cause they join, about the history of the conflicts, of the reality of the wars, and the actual motivations of their own side (not the motivations stated in the rampant propaganda campaign [a campaign which is also no secret, on that note] ), then this stuff wouldnt happen.

He talks about being used, but he willingly agreed to it. He knew that the whole point of his job is to be used for a motivation one way or another, and it is entirely his responsibility to make sure the motivations of his country are in line with his own morals. In that regard, he and the men on the ground are just as responsible or even more so than their higher ups in command or even the politicians.

They are the ones who join, knowing they will commit war crimes in an area that they invaded. They join knowing that their cause is unjust and they join knowing the history of us conflicts post world war 2 where entirely unjust and by definition terrorism.
KOLLUSION Transistor Funk – Topic
KOLLUSION Transistor Funk – Topic
1 year ago
A real man
Panda Cinema
Panda Cinema
2 weeks ago
Ethan is a real hero, we stand with Ethan, not with the genocidal psychopaths soldiers.
Finz 99
Finz 99
11 months ago
“Now go, attack the Amalekites and totally destroy all that belongs to them. Do not spare them; put to death men and women, children and infants, cattle and sheep, camels and donkeys.”

(1 Samuel 15:3)
1 year ago
Thank you
11 years ago
yes it is america, as its always been.
Cattle Herder
Cattle Herder
1 year ago
These guys are fighting for rich guys who dont give a shit about them. Its sad really.
Back Lash
Back Lash
9 months ago
All the best weapons in the world and they can’t get a clean kill on a target without any casualties pathetic blaming everyone else while using explosives well done team America fuck yeah
Ayden Harper
Ayden Harper
1 year ago
That’s my friends dad
1 year ago
Extremely horrible!
dement sprechend
dement sprechend
2 months ago
War crime.
rob royce
rob royce
8 months ago
Roland Schnetz
Roland Schnetz
1 year ago
Collateral murder
Nihle Igleca
Nihle Igleca
6 months ago
Free Julian Assange and Chelsea Manning!
1 year ago
I was in iraq from 2005-2006 and our rules of engagement were way way different than his. Ours were crystal clear, you can only fire when fired upon. No matter what the circumstances are. So this man’s story isn’t accurate. But I do agree it’s shit like he witnessed that caused such a massive insurgency in iraq. Either way though I was still there to do my job and I did it to my best ability.
J C.
J C.
1 year ago
My late father told me that when he served in Korean War as a soldier you could tell 90% of time who was a enemy or friendly. Little kids sages 4 to 6 years old had a piece of string put on their neck with hand grenade and told to run to U.S. Soldier with pin removed to kill anyone near so during war it was hard to tell who was not the enemy. So any soldier who seen weapons in peoples hands they were deemed the enemy. Articles of War as children sold was unfortunate but after a shooting like that I would never drive a van into the combat area or how stupid to take your children in a live combat location! With a superior armed helicopter above I would got my ass out of there quick!
2 years ago
ahmed khan
ahmed khan
11 years ago
The real heroes are the one’s who have no choice but to fight, who are happen to be called insurgents or terrorists.
1 year ago
So he is a ranger, and he had dumb rules of engagement like that, I don’t believe him one bit