I. “CIA Torture Report; CIA Terror, Murder, Torture and Rape in Your Name!” Texe Marrs’ Power of Prophecy, August 23, 2014)
II. TEXE MARRS – Project Phoenix—The CIA Massacres, Torture, and Murders – FEBRUARY 27, 2016
III. USA Gulag: Texe Marrs,
IV. Texe Marrs Illuminati Mystery Babylon The Hidden Elite of Israel, America and Russia
V. Communism and Judaism Unfolding
DOD IRS Intel Patrick J Brosnan and MS13 his Hispanic Mafia with IRS Intel DOD and all defense contractors Lockheed Martin IBM Verizon Rhode and Schwarz Booz Allen Hamilton Electromagnetic Weapons Acoustic Weapons microwave weapons Mkultra behavioral conditioning program making Manchurian Candidates out of innocent people using V2K Allen Frey effect. Get KashPatel Tom Fitton Jay Sekulow Stephen Miller Heritage Foundation Jesselyn Radick RFK Jr Glenn Greenwald Alan Dershowitz asap
Help Long Island NY asap from the deep state DOD ms13 Patrick J Brosnan police state Electromagnetic Weapons Acoustic Weapons microwave weapons Allen frey effect.
Nassau County Suffolk County under Coup. Get
Kash Patel Stephen Miller Tom Fitton Jay Sekulow RFK Jr
Alan Dershowitz Mike Flynn Heritage Foundation
Police State
Electromagnetic Weapons Acoustic Weapons microwave weapons V2K Allen Frey Effect
DOD IRS Intel Patrick J Brosnan and MS13 his Hispanic Mafia with IRS Intel DOD and all defense contractors Lockheed Martin IBM Verizon Rhode and Schwarz Booz Allen Hamilton Electromagnetic Weapons Acoustic Weapons microwave weapons Mkultra behavioral conditioning program making Manchurian Candidates out of innocent people using V2K Allen Frey effect. Get KashPatel Tom Fitton Jay Sekulow Stephen Miller Heritage Foundation Jesselyn Radick RFK Jr Glenn Greenwald Alan Dershowitz asap
Jews under digital slaveries electronic concentration camps as this operation is attacking even this site with antisemitism.