A SATANIC-UFO REICH? CIA Mind Control Programming, Ritual Abuse, Cults, Abductions, & Quantum Neurodynamics (From W. Bowart (1994))

Epigraph Quote:

“Virtually every leading psychiatrist in North America between the 1940’s and the 1970’s was involved in some aspect of the CIA’s mind control research.”

Dr. Colin A. Ross, psychiatrist, author of “The CIA Doctors”


From “Operation Mind Control Researcher’s Edition (1994) by Walter Bowart

Operation Mind Control has brought the mental health profession to the verge of a nervous breakdown. Attacked by cryptocratic peers in such organizations as the Cult Awareness Network and False Memory Syndrome Foundation on the one hand and grappling with the techniques of psychiatry and psychology which the cryptocracy has leapfrogged with new technology, the profession can only make the mentally tortured comfortable while it looks desperately for a way to heal them. The healing techniques are in the hands of a few, some of them “deprogrammers” like Mark Phillips who once worked for the cryptocracy and learned the codes cues and triggers and knows practically how the “classical” conditioning-like technology of the cryptocracy comes to work like hypnosis.

The “mental health pros,” as we know them, are learning to completely rethink their approaches to healing the victims of the cryptocracy’s mind control projects. While insights into what is state-of-the-art of mind control today begins with a study of physics, it is still built upon well-tested patterns of human functions. But, the traditional “let’s get in touch with our feelings” kind of therapies are not helpful.

One might begin one’s education with a book edited by Karl H. Pribram entitled Rethinking Neural Networks:227

(From: Karl H. Pribram, Editor, Rethinking Neural Networks: Quantum Fields and Biological Data, Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, 1993 Hillsdale, New Jersey. 1993)

“Quantum Neurodynamics (QND) provides an explicit, quantifiable model of the mechanisms of consciousness in the higher vertebrates…

At the heart… is the following rather bold hypotheses: Consciousness of a stimulus is mediated NOT by the immediate neuro-synaptic activation, but rather by some mediator of nonlinear wave mechanics that allows probability to flow in response to the neuro-synaptic activation field…

A “personality” is a consistent pattern of responses to stimuli and situations. in QND, the personality of the stochastic filter is determined by the locally homotopic mappings of experience onto the neural domain and by the configuration of discontinuities between homotopic domains. A conscious train of thought consists of a well-formed wave packet propagating within the neural domain in response to a combination of inputs from a number of sources, including the sensory apparatus and the outputs of other domains at various levels of abstraction. Whenever the probability density corresponding to this wave packet produces an expectation that does not compare well with the actual ensemble of inputs, the result is a potential field gradient ( or “barrier”, if it is sufficiently steep) that deflects the wave packet toward states associated with less prediction error.

Suppose that when the network’s personality is being formed, it experiences a deliberately consistent “diabolical” training in which certain common experiences are interrupted with frustrating or painful intervention. QND learning will encode the painful experience on the trajectory so that it will be properly predicted as a consequence of the prior experience. (Incidentally, QND learning models classical conditioning even though it is simple Hebbian, because of the causal dynamics of the Schroedinger equation.)

Whenever the common experience subsequently occurs without the intervention of the diabolical agent, the extreme difference between the expected punishment and the benign experience drives the conscious wave packet away from the states where the pain was stored. This “avoidance” has two consequences, one obvious and the other subtle. The obvious effect is that the deflected wave packet will generate an altered behavior pattern. The subtle effect is that the neurons where the painful patterns are encoded will be prevented from receiving enough probability to allow the patterns to be corrected.

Now suppose that the diabolical training is “extensive”, both figuratively and literally. That is, suppose that it succeeds in placing other avoidance patterns into a geometry that surrounds and isolates a large cognitive domain from the rest of the neural network. Subsequently, wavepackets that form in that domain will be trapped there and that domain will then develop a personality that is distinct from the personality of the exterior domain(s). But the entrapment is not permanent. Quantum tunneling provides a mechanism for penetration of the barrier, after which another distinct personality emerges…”

A fascinating approach to the human mind. The above dovetails with what we know from practical experience works in Ericksonian techniques and NLP (neurolinguistic) processing. The fact is, here is more fruit of cryptocratic research, right here in the library for all to see, and few, if any healers have ever read it. Though you can probably be assured the mind controllers have read it.

The saddest truth of Operation Mind Control didn’t really hit me until I heard it said by Dr. Colin A. Ross. A psychiatrist, Ross is one of the western world’s foremost authorities on Dissociative Identity Disorder, so when he speaks about the corruption of his peers and his profession it is not spoken lightly. He said it to me one morning, long distance over his cellular phone as he drove to work. I knew the facts. I’d written about them in 1978, but the impact didn’t come home until I heard Dr. Ross say it:

“Virtually every leading psychiatrist in North America between the 1940’s and the 1970’s was involved in some aspect of the CIA’s mind control research.”

Dr. K. Obewan (the pseudonym of a gifted clinical psychologist who was targeted for persecution and prosecution by one of the well-endowed and negatively motivated “foundations”) showed me a chart which compared the “history of psychiatry,” to the “history of the diagnosis of dissociation” and the “history of mind control.” (See part 2 of Appendix E.)

It shows the progress of psychiatry beginning in 1883 with the diagnosis and treatment of manic-depressive insanity and dementia praecox, with hysteria being treated by surgical removal and or cauterization of the clitoris in 1885, and masturbation treated by means of circumcision in 1890. In the history of dissociation it shows Janet focusing on dissociation of traumatic memories while Charcot focused on psychological effects of overwhelming experiences. In 1896-97, the chart shows the first UFO wave began. Is it a coincidence that dissociation came along with the first modern wave of UFO’s? Is it a coincidence that the secret MKULTRA research shifted into high gear at the same time as the modern UFO “flaps”?

After reading a very rough and earlier draft of this “researchers edition” of Operation Mind Control (which is still rough and seeking your corrections and criticism), Dr. Obewan wrote me a series of letters worth excerpting:

“I believe you are on the edge of understanding planetary paranoia. As a result of the MKULTRA program, problems in mental health have catapulted over the past few years. As a result of the atrocities of that program a new industry has been created within the mental health field – an industry that is reinforcing craziness!

While being caught up in trying to treat the enormous number of victims coming forth over the past 10 years, the mental health field has failed to recognize or even look at the big picture. I believe we have a psychological warfare Trojan Horse that has been developed out of the MKULTRA research…

I’ve heard the scenario of “O” and countless others time and time again. The only thing that changes is the name of the person identified as the abuser… The danger is that the hate that one experiences directed toward a government or an authority figure is projected onto the mental health professional who is confronting the scenario of rape, human destruction, torture, etc. The blowback effect of these stories is enormous. Doctors are being sued, harassed, driven out of business. They are losing their friends and families. Some have even committed suicide when they have been brought to confront this Trojan Horse.

What is the big picture as far as the US and tort liability goes? Victims are coming forward en mass to sue for damages and they’re winning. With organizations such as the False Memory Syndrome Foundation providing “expert witnesses” to assist lawyers in convincing juries that the victims of child abuse — MPD’s who may have been used by the intelligence agencies – could not be telling the truth, the cryptocracy’s secrets will remain covered. For when the suits begin in the MKULTRA cases, where will they end?

One of the important messages your book can get across is that there are people who really did get zapped by the government. And if not zapped by the “official” government, zapped by renegades or retired government personnel who have acquired a taste for perversions that have been cultivated allegedly in the interest of national security.

We also have dabblers in ritual crime and the mind control technology (which is being printed in underground papers in the music field, for example) which shows people how to alter another’s perceptions and personalities. The cat is out of the bag. Our entire society will soon be having fun “playing with each other’s minds” using these methods of mind control developed by our government.

The government’s real motive remains unrevealed. Perhaps this new mind control was developed to protect our people from the memories of justifiable atrocities they had to commit in the true interests of national security or merely from memories of terrifying alien encounters. Cults (maybe government cults) sophisticated in mind control have been successful.

It was a shock to all of us to hear what the patients had been saying. Most of us were at a loss until people started publishing reports that these events were being treated under the dx MPD. For years it had been grope and fumble on our own, while the cryptocracy alone had the tools, the codes, the cues and triggers which could heal or enslave the minds of their victims.

I thought a great deal about your book Operation Mind Control and how it helps to understand the massive thought control by the government that Orwell wrote about in “1984”. The symbolism between the abductees and the ritual abuse survivors (see part 1 of Appendix E) denotes a conflict between values of the old and values of the new.

Although December 2, 1942 was the beginning of the creation of the first self-sustaining nuclear chain reaction which started the Atomic Age, it took us 3 years to use the destructive powers when we dropped the bomb in 1945 on Hiroshima. One hundred years from 1898, when Madam Curie and her husband Pierre discovered plutonium & radium and literally split the first atom, will be 1998 a year of destruction projected by hundreds of thousands of (cult) people, in that 3×666 will equal 1998, and the beginning of Armageddon.

Projections from abductees since 1947, when UFO data began to emerge on a large scale after the Roswell incident, are that we have destroyed our environment and that a new breed of humanoids needs to be produced so that we don’t self-exterminate. How do we know that the hole in the ozone wasn’t caused by the Atom Bomb?

With the creation of the CIA in 1947 our government started a process by which destruction, self-doubt, isolating the truth, explaining away truth, became a way of life as mutual mistrust was a key factor in destablizing societies. The CIA labeled people as Crazy, Convicts or Crusaders to discredit them when they were used as witnesses or came forward to testify. However, it is the very group of Crazies, Convicts or Crusaders who have come forward with the wealth of information that essentially is behind this book. (Does that include the professionals too, good doctor?). It is this group as a whole that has been exploited and manipulated to gain control of nations and it is this group that has historically been kept “under control” by discrediting, minimizing and humiliating them.

However, it appears that we are at a time of crisis when as the bourgeoisie was once overcome by the proletariat, the CCC’s are making an effort to overcome the establishment. It is difficult to oversee massive movements until they have become so enormous and corrupt that it is impossible to stop them. Since the mentally ill have always been a boilerplate for news and defamation, their early victimization by predators has been harnessed and stepped on by psychiatry, the government, the media for decades. Now that dissociation and various traumas related to dissociation have once again emerged and we find an enormous lobby trying to stomp it out. Unfortunately there is a trail of evidence to support how psychiatry and the government have victimized thousands in medical research to ultimately control mankind. Mind Control research proves that existentialism never existed and that generations of evil belief systems have dominated society for centuries.

The government with the most toys, technology and trainees (slaves) wins. The ultimate goal to this is through Mind Control – in the ultimate double think society.”

Dr. Ross underlines Obewan’s experiences with the mental health environment In his compelling book The Osiris Complex Ross writes:

“There was always doubt about the reality of the stories Margaret told. For instance, one of her alters had a clear memory of aliens coming into her apartment, impregnating her, coming back some months later to remove the fetus, then returning years later to show her the half-human, half-alien child they were raising among the stars. This alter was mortified when I raised the possibility that the aliens were possibly not literally real: she cried profusely, and said I had ruined the therapy and her chances of recovery forever by doubting her.

“Margaret made this claim before I had heard about the current epidemic of UFO abductions. I did not realize, when I heard Margaret’s story that thousands of people in North America have similar memories. Many of these people probably have complex dissociative disorders, but many appear to be otherwise normal. The only lesson I learned from Margaret in this regard is that expressing doubt damages the treatment alliance: whether failing to express doubt reinforces a delusional disorder, I don’t know. One’s view of this issue will hinge on whether or not one believes in the reality of UFOs, alien abductions, and related phenomena.

“If the abductions are real, it would appear that the human race is being used as breeders, with amnesia for the human participation implanted hypnotically by the aliens. Other alters of Margaret’s told me that they had been ritually abused in Satanic cults, and that these cults used women as breeders of babies for sacrifice. According to the current folklore in the dissociative-disorders field, these cults practice mind control and the creation of amnesia, much like the aliens do. Margaret taught me that there is a connection of some kind between UFO abductions and the use of women as breeders for Satanic cults. What is the connection? I don’t know.

In thinking about what was real in Margaret’s stories, and what fantasy, it was not easy to determine where to draw the line. I don’t want to make the kind of mistake ‘good Germans’ did who looked the other way and pretended Auschwitz didn’t exist, if there is a Satanic Third Reich active in North America today. On the other hand, I don’t want to be the dupe of mass hysteria and urban legend. What to do? What to believe? I don’t know.”

(From: Ross. Colin A.. M.D. The Osiris Complex, Case-Studies in Multiple Personalty Disorder, Univerisity of Toronto Press. Toronto. Canada 1994.)

Dr. Obewan further commented on the experience of working in a clinical setting in a California hospital treating MPD patients:

“In general, whenever we called the FBI to report Satanic ritual abuse of someone, there was no interest shown. They’d take a report over the phone. But when we told the FBI that an individual had been ritually abused by a Nazi cult, an agent would be down to get all the details.”

Dr. James P. Viken”, of Minnesota pulls no punches. A psychologist who has been working with “some (mind control) victims of abuse by U.S. Intelligence agencies” he says he “made a number of startling, disgusting discoveries.” He discovered that drugs were being brought into the U.S. by government agencies. That there were domestic “Hit Squads” in the Department of Defense, the Department of Justice, the Federal Bureau of Investigation, the Central Intelligence Agency, and the U.S. Customs Service. He has uncovered evidence of the “CIA’s and FBI’s pedophile kidnapping rings used to compromise politicians, diplomats and corporate CEO’s.” His efforts to bring this to the attention of the proper authorities so far has come to naught Dr. Viken writes, “We’ve tried to talk to the local law enforcement agencies, the FBI and the CIA. Nobody wants to hear anything about any of this .”

Dr. Viken contacted me in hopes that I could verify the authenticity of documents entitled the COM-12 Briefings. (See Chapter 37). Viken’s tone was one of frustration and despair. We compared notes and agreed that maybe Goethe was right when he said, “Danger fosters the rescuing power.”

Clinical psychologist Dr. Randy Noblitt was the first psychologist I heard accurately describe the mechanics of the programming he was confronting in his patients. A former Air Force psychologist, Noblitt said that like most students in graduate school he believed that” hypnosis couldn’t make people do things they wouldn’t normally do.” He was trained in hypnosis and used it in his practice which consisted mostly of patients who were diagnosed as having “Borderline Personality Disorder.” After the diagnosis Multiple Personality Disorder entered the diagnostic manual, Noblitt realized that a large number of the patients he saw turned out to be MPD’s. “When I started,” Noblitt said, “I believed that MPD was a crock. It was too bizarre. It had to be something fabricated by patients and spacey therapists. And then I had never seen an MPD person.” Noblitt said he was guilty of doing what he’s since witnessed so many of his peers do, remain closed minded to MPD. He also said, the MPD phenomenon is so difficult to treat that ” …there is a tendency among therapists to walk away from this.”

Noblitt said that it’s not uncommon to find therapists suffering from “Secondary Post Traumatic Stress Disorder:”

“It’s not unusual when psychologists get together to hear them talk about not being able to sleep. “I don’t look at the moon the way I used to. I once thought it was beautiful, now I think it’s something evil…”. (because many of the cult rituals happen at the full moon)… There are changes that occur when you hear horrible stories day after day. For many clinicians this is something they are unwilling to work with… but it’s a burden we all must carry…”

After California passed laws requiring psychologists to report whatever a patient tells them which could indicate child abuse, the misinterpretations and systemic failures began to take its toll. Parents were jailed — innocent or guilty, it mattered not. The patients were not made the better by the law. A top notch psychotherapist who was accused of manipulating a patient by implanting “false memories” wrote us. Her comments illustrate the Post Traumatic Stress Disorder/

Noblitt (Randy Noblitt, Ph. D., CULT AND RITUAL TRAUMA DISORDER, Austin, Texas 1993) describes:

“I sit here shaken and depressed, feeling intimidated and frightened. I have little faith in a system of justice and a system of balances for a world which I once believed in. Friends have told me that my depression is speaking for me. I know that if this is a depression, it is the most hopeless and helpless feeling of despair that I have ever felt. If this is the feeling that my patients had when they came to me, and they are the hapless victims of external threats and abuses like I have been, then I too suffer from the same malaise I once tried to help my patients with.

How could this happen in a system of democracy and a system of justice? I was lead to believe that our system was the basis for a free world called America. Could it be that the person who relegated me to be the contact person within a therapeutic relationship only wanted to show me how bad it really was?

Once these patients reveal an abuse that falls within the “reportable Laws” which include suspected child abuse, the relationship changes. The therapist is always faced with the dilemma of whether or not to report the abuse. Should the therapist not report the abuse then they are responsible legally. And, should they report it, they are responsible morally. So, once the alleged abuse is brought out into the open, then it becomes a problem.

If you are accused of abusing your child, by your child, you are protected by several groups and courses of action. But, if you are a therapist who conforms to the law and makes a report on child abuse, the therapist becomes the one accused of wrongdoing. “They hypnotized the patient and put false memories in their heads.”

There is something very wrong here because there are really no laws to protect the therapist who is wrongfully accused.

There is neither protection for the therapist from the cults or the cryptocrat controllers. In 1992, Dr. D. Corydon Hammond, an advising editor to The American Journal of Clinical Hypnosis, recipient of the 1989 Presidential Award of Merit from the Journal of Abnormal Psychology, a recipient of a host of degrees and honors and a member of all the prestigious societies, gave a speech originally entitled “MPD: Ritual Abuse.” It was known in the ritual abuse lore as “The Greenbaum Speech”. I’d heard about it and had tried to purchase it, but it had been taken off the market. I found it years later on the Internet.

I called his office and asked Dr. Hammond if I could reprint the speech since I believed that it was central to the beginning of a real approach to deprogramming the so-called Monarch Victims. I told him I wanted to check the authenticity of the paper I’d found on the Internet. He said, “I own the copyright and I have withdrawn that paper from circulation.”

I asked him why he’d done that, and he hesitated a moment before he told me that he didn’t want any attention called to him, since, shortly after he gave the so-called “Greenbaum speech” his family, his wife and child, had received serious death threats. (I curbed my presumptuousness. I didn’t tell him that kind of thing goes with this territory. I didn’t insult him by reminding him that fear is the weapon the cryptocracy uses to divide us from ourselves and each other.)

Then, Randy Noblitt came across the kind of trauma-based programming that the survivors have been describing in this book. He was talking to four patients who had been ritually abused and he mistakenly used the words “deeper and deeper” in a non-hypnotic context. One of the patients objected, telling him not to use those words, but he didn’t understand what he was trying to tell him and he used them again and again and pretty soon all four of the patients he was talking to were asleep. He tried to wake them up, but they wouldn’t wake up. One slept for hours.

Everything he knew as a hypnotist that would bring a patient out of a trance wouldn’t work with these patients. He talked with them separately the next week and discovered they had been classically conditioned. In an encounter with one patient he pressed her on how classical conditioning was accomplished. She tried to avoid the subject, but when he kept pressing her:

…”an alter personality came out and said that she remembered being a little girl who had been cut on her wrist. And as they cut her the people were saying, ‘deeper and deeper and deeper’ with each cut. This was not hypnosis. This was classical conditioning. What they were doing was taking a traumatic experience, which she described as a state of shock or trance, deeper than normally hypnotherapists produce, and then pairing a word with that. Now, if they wanted to, the cult people could even use the word in conversation and this person would start getting trancey.

I asked her then, why was I unable to bring people out of this trance? And she said,’ You didn’t say it the right way.’ There was a specific formula for getting her out of the trance. This was a cult induced trance. You just don’t get someone out of it by suggestion, there’s a
specific formula. And she told me what the formula was.

So then I thought I would go back and cross validate this. I would go back to each patient and see if indeed they did trance if I used this word in my normal conversation- and there were a couple of other words too. Then, could I bring them out with the formula she gave me. I did not tell them in advance what I was up to because I didn’t want to put any ideas in their heads. I went back to each patient and I said the word in conversation and they each went out. I then used the formula for bringing them back. Well, to me this was my first inclination that there were mind control techniques I had never heard of in graduate school. When I was in graduate school people said that hypnosis was not a technique that could make people do things that they would not normally do. And I believed that. I had never seen anyone go out so deeply that I thought they would do something their conscious would not normally allow.

Additionally there was a famous psychologist and hypnotherapist named (Ernest) Hilgard who described giving a female student a hypnotic suggestion that he would take her out to a beautiful meal and she would not be able to eat it. He took her out and she sat down and ate the meal anyway. Hilgard used this to prove that hypnosis was really not that powerful. And I believed that. Interesting enough, Hilgard is one of the people on the Board of Advisors of the False Memory Syndrome Foundation

But this (classical conditioning his patients taught him about) was something entirely different. I then began to explore something that the patients and some of the therapists have been calling ‘programming. ..Programming can be distinguished from ‘hypnosis’ and from what has been called ‘brainwashing.’”

Noblitt went through an elaborate process of ‘cross-validation,’ which supported his discoveries in a clinical setting. But, according to the research we’ve done, there is another sort of programming, something that goes far beyond anything Noblitt describes or anything that most therapists are familiar with.

It would appear that the cryptocracy is making rapid leaps in mind control research. But apparently everyone would not agree. Admittedly the following comment is a few years old, but here’s a bit of dissent about the possibility of what the E.M. Target survivors are describing. Alan Gevins, (in 1986) the chief scientist of EEG Systems Laboratory in San Francisco is quoted in Judith Hooper and Dick Teresi’s book The 3-Pound Universe:

“If anyone could create a brain-eavesdropping device, the EEG systems Lab could. And it can’t even if it wanted to. Gevins even objects to using terms like ‘decoding’ in connection with the dynamic, probabilistic processes of the brain. “I’ve been asked a bunch of times, Is there a code in the brain for the word dog?” He says, “I think people have seen too many spy movies. First of all, the brain probably doesn’t work that way. It isn’t a deterministic machine with an invariant code; it’s statistical, probabilistic. And if the brain did work that way, I can’t imagine the kind of instrument you’d need to resolve it. If there were unchanging codes for the word dog, there would be hundreds of them, corresponding to all your different associations with dog. And they might be scattered all over the brain. Do you know how may billions of bits of information would be required each second to pick out something like that? And the number of contaminants that would interfere with it…

“As for all this stuff that gets into the National Enquirer – you know, CIA MAKES NEW MIND CONTROL DEVICE — people get awfully paranoid about this, because it concerns the mind and the spirit, the last resort of privacy. But it’s pretty farfetched. Not that people won’t try to, but it won’t work. A person can just grit his teeth, and the whole thing is screwed up. Television works much better for mind control than EEG techniques…

But in 1994, there is serious new thinking going on about mind-machine interface. It would appear that there’s interest in using computers to help create Dissociative Identity Disorders. Dr. Karl H. Pribram again:

“Analog VLSI Network Models,

Cortical Linking Neural Network Models,


Quantum Holographic Neural Technology

“Quantum neural holography is implemented in a program which bridges the gap between neurophysiology and models of neural network engineering. The thrust of the program is to describe mathematically the neurodynamical functional connectivity of analog association among stimulus-evoked coherent neural wavelets. It represents the basic function of cortical neural network models. Quantum neural holography represents a fundamental change from the standard connectionist models used in Artificial Neural Network (ANN) theory in that it reconciles the linear highly nonlinear dynamical systems aspect of neurodynamics…

ANNs are fascinating objects where many different structures meet with highly interesting applications in machine vision and robotics…”

The results of this “theoretical science” could be what we’re hearing described by those who are E.M. Targets or “Wavies” (Webmaster comment: aka “Targeted Individuals”). Maybe the rescuing power to this technology resides in U.S. Patent # 616-183, June 1, 1984, by H.K. Puharich, “Method and means for shielding a person from the effects of ELF magnetic waves”. And maybe this technology will fall into the hands of a group like COM-12. If there is such a group as COM-12 it must be staffed by younger versions of people such as L. Fletcher Prouty, Legion of Merit honoree, a valiant warrior in any age, whose heart was literally broken by petty souls heaping disgrace and dishonor upon the noble American experiment.

Col. Prouty, the “Man X” played by Donald Sutherland in Oliver Stone’s film JFK, has seen the crytocracy grow from its beginnings in World War Two. Much of his work is described in The Secret Team, a must-read for any student of modern U.S. history. In his more recent book, JFK, The CLA, Vietnam and The Plot To Assassinate John F. Kennedy, what he writes about the power elite applies to those who are behind the uses and abuses of Project Monarch as well as all the other projects of MKULTRA:

“Men in positions of great power have been forced to realize that their aspirations and responsibilities have exceeded the horizons of their own experience, knowledge, and capability. Yet, because they are in charge of this high-technology society, they are compelled to do something. This overpowering necessity to do something — although our leaders do not know precisely what to do or how to do it – creates in the power elite an overbearing fear of the people. It is the fear not of you and me as individuals but of the smoldering threat of vast populations and of potential uprisings of the masses,

This power elite is not easy to define; but the fact that it exists makes itself known from time to time. Concerning the power elite, R. Buckminster Fuller wrote of the “vastly ambitious individuals who (have) become so effectively powerful because of their ability to remain invisible while operating behind the national scenery.” Fuller noted also, “Always their victories (are) in the name of some powerful sovereign-ruled country. The real power structures (are) always the invisible ones behind the visible sovereign powers.”

The power elite is not a group from one nation or even of one alliance of nations. It operates throughout the world and no doubt has done so for many, many centuries. These leaders are influenced by the persuasion of a quartet of the greatest propaganda schemes ever put forth by man:

1. The concept of “real property,” a function of “colonialism” that began with the circumnavigation of Earth by Magellan’s ships in 1520. A “doctrine of discovery and rights of conquest” was described by John Locke in his philosophy of natural law.
2. The population theory of Malthus.
3. Darwin’s theory of evolution, as enhanced by the concept of the survival of the fittest.
4. Heisenberg’s theory of indeterminacy, that is, that God throws the dice, and similar barriers to the real advancement of science and technology today.

Add to this list the Alien thesis, that which is reported by the Monarch survivors and explained as mere “screens” and “scrambles” by their deprogrammers, similar to the thesis Zecharia Sitchin* gained from the ancient Sumerian texts – humanity came from the stars, most likely genetically engineered in a time before recorded history, — or as novelist-cum-abductee Whitley Streiber writes in his four book series starting with Communion, or as described by the 78-year-old Army veteran who spoke out for the first time in 1994 about his experience of guarding the “airfoil” wreckage at Roswell, New Mexico in 1947 — what if we actually have been contacted by “little men.” Or, what if we’re just being programmed to believe we have made contact – either because it motivates us to defend ourselves and thus makes us work harder, or we actually have made contact, a long time ago, and we’re being spoon-fed the programming so that we won’t panic like a herd of skittish antelope.

The “mental health industry” is involved in all of the above. But there is brutal infighting and apparent outside intervention in the “industry” so that what once was the domain of pure science is often the battlefield of covert politics.

One part of a person suffering from DID told their therapist all the lurid and traumatic incidents of ritual abuse involving sadistic sex, terror and degradation as a child in the hands of a satanic cult. Another part of the same person told the therapist about being abducted aboard a UFO. In a child’s voice the patient told the therapist all the usual things abductees say, there were no light bulbs on the ship, but the room was well lit. The aliens had big heads and big black pupiless eyes. They spoke “telepathically” without moving their lips and told her that “humans will not be allowed out of their play pen because they don’t know how to play with other children. We are handicapped children,” the child alter said, “we are not able to hear each other’s inner thoughts or feel each other’s inner pain. Until we can do that, they will not let us get out of our play pen. When we can feel each other’s pain, we will be able to heal each other. Then we can come out and play with the others.”

According to Dr. Jim Viken, there’s no use turning to law enforcement agencies for assistance, as the cryptocracy’s shadow falls even over small towns.

(Webmaster comment: ALL TIs agree with this statement. Cops are not only definitely “in on it,” basically they run the program at the local level.)

And he wonders if, looking at all the advanced technology he’s been hearing about, if more advanced alien intelligences aren’t leading hypnoprogrammed Delta Forces who is it that will drive humanity over some global cliff in a buffalo-like Armageddon.

Remember what Goethe said: “Danger fosters the rescuing power.” If there is a hypnoprogrammed army, it can be controlled by anyone with the codes, cues and triggers. And there would appear to be hopeful signs of rebellion from the citizenry, even within the cryptocracy’s ranks. The Internet stories say that the news of a “militia” march on the Michigan State Capitol was suppressed from the national news. On United Nations Day, the “Militiamen” made demands of the governor and took the United Nations flag down from the flagpole upon which it flew. News coverage of similar events which occurred in 11 states has been blacked out. A photocopy samisdat publication circulated by hand carried “briefings” on mind control from a group known as COM-12.


S. M. Bawin, L. K. Kazmarek, and W. R. Adey
Space Biology Laboratory, Brain Research Institute and Department of Anatomy, The University of California, Los Angeles California 9002

Frequency of Amplitude Modulation

Effects of amplitude-modulated 147 MHz vhf fields on the “Ca++ efflux from the isolated forebrain of the neo-natal chick. The result, given as SEM, are expressed as percentage of increase of the Ca++ ion efflux, by comparison with control conditions, in the absence fields.

The frequency spectrum of the geomagnetic field. The DC component is much stronger than the micro-pulsations, which stretch from just above DC to about 30 cycles per second. Note that the strength of the micropulsations is greatest between 7 and 10 cycles per second.