Chuck Langenberg’s GangStalking Interview Before Being Murdered

Chuck Langenberg’s GangStalking Interview Before Being Murdered

Chuck Langenberg’s GangStalking Interview Before Being Murdered

June 02, 2018

Webmaster Comment: Regarding Chuck Langenberg’s last interview, I have these observations:

Chuck Langenberg does a good job of describing “the program” in this circa 2013 interview. He succeeded in figuring out much about how the “program” operates within a relatively short time of when his stalking began. As a “targeted individual” myself, I admire his determined, courageous response to his personal crisis. He faced his tormentors head on and counter-attacked as best he could by relentlessly exposing this very evil and malicious counter-intelligence “program” and placing the focus of attention on them and their criminal activities rather than himself.

Langenberg notes that he and his now-divorced wife were members of the Scientology cult. Scientology, as I understand it, is a UFO cult created by British and American intelligence agencies. Its founder was L. Ron Hubbard, a Naval Intelligence officer steeped in CIA-Tavistock Institute mind control techniques, and a protege of the famous Cambridge-educated, MI6 spy and satanist, Aleister Crowley. I have read that the Scientology cult utilizes “gangstalking,” which they refer to as “fair hand,” against members who leave their cult. I believe this is the simplest and most obvious explanation for why he was targeted.

I have also read that the near-continuous harassment, indeed, psychological torture/terrorism, that targets experience results in the toxic accumulation of cortisol in the body. Cortisol is produced during prolonged periods in which the body is in “fight or flight” mode. This would help account for Langenberg’s extremely peevish, aggressive, almost frantic demeanor.

I believe Langenberg is absolutely correct when he names all his gangstalkers as murderers. 18 US Code 241 calls for the death penalty for depriving American citizens of their civil liberties.

As for interviewer, Paul Demsky: He very much reminds me of a CIA and/or Jewish psychologist. His demeanor is consistent with that of a psychopathic psychologist incapable of empathy who wishes to perpetuate the impression that the victim (Langberger) is deluded, psychotic, schizophrenic, etc. This indeed, is the intended and desired outcome embedded within “the program!”

In fact, British-American (MI6 and CIA) operative and anthropologist, Gregory Bateson, a participant in the Macy Conferences (1942-1952) that directly preceded the CIA’s MKULTRA mind control program, articulated the goal of trying to find ways to induce symptoms that mimic those of schizophrenia. In this regard, Bateson contributed greatly to the understanding of how “double binds” (aka no-win situations, the “baited mousetrap”) can be used to confuse and break individuals. What a guy.

Perhaps the deeper significance of these connections is the following: Masons have long utilized a similar method for covert torture and murder of individuals they blacklist, who are normally members who leave the cult. This practice is referred to as the “white hand” and “silent dagger,” “slow dagger,” and “secret dagger.” Many TIs have also reported that Jews are their principle perpetrators. (See: ‘Mafia States’ Targeting Innocent Civilians; 1) “Deceive and Hide- Jewish Mob Stalking Culture”; 2) “TI” As Lone-Wolf Terrorists;” Op Catalyst youtubes and text).

What is the common thread here? As it happens, Judaism, Masonry, and intelligence agencies are ALL, in practice, satanic death cults. Evidently, they all derive gratification, even joy, from their covert and highly systematic destruction, torture, and murder of other humans. Somehow, economically, politically, and spiritually, they “feed” off this torture and murder. Large sectors of the military, politicians, and scientists are also most certainly involved and I suspect they also derive financial and even spiritual benefit from these destructive covert operations. Thus, I now agree with Nessa Praf that gangstalking/electronic torture is “satanic ritual abuse and satanic ritual murder.”

TI Kay Griggs stated as much when she said: “They get brownie points in their little cult for destroying good people.”

Chuck Langenberg’s GangStalking Interview Before Being Murdered

James Harken 6,238 views

Published on Jun 14, 2017

More on Chuck Langenbergs Murder:…

“Gang Stalking” is, very likely, a disinformation term created by
U.S. intelligence agencies. It refers to the intense, long-term, unconstitutional surveillance and harassment of a person who has been designated as a target by someone associated with America’s security industry.

Such operations have nothing to do with criminal gangs. Official domestic counterintelligence operations of this type are – apparently – perpetrated by federal agents and intelligence/security contractors, sometimes with the support of state and local law enforcement personnel. Unofficial operations of this type are, apparently, perpetrated by private investigators and vigilantes – including former agents and cops, some of whom are members of the quasi-governmental Association of Law Enforcement Intelligence Units (LEIU), sometimes on behalf of corporate clients and others with connections to the public and private elements of America’s security industry.

The goal of such operations – in the parlance of counterintelligence agents – is “disruption” of the life of an individual deemed to be an enemy (or potential enemy) of clients or members of the security state. Arguably, the most accurate term for this form of harassment would be “counterintelligence stalking.” Agents of communist East Germany’s Stasi (state police) referred to the process as Zersetzung (German for “decomposition” or “corrosion” – a reference to the severe psychological, social, and financial effects upon the victim). American and British victims have described the process as “no-touch torture” – a phrase which also captures the nature of the crime: cowardly, unethical (and often illegal), but difficult to prove legally because it generates minimal forensic evidence.

Tactics include – but are not limited to – slander, blacklisting, “mobbing” (intense, organized harassment in the workplace), “black bag jobs” (residential break-ins), abusive phone calls, computer hacking, framing, threats, blackmail, vandalism, “street theater” (staged physical and verbal interactions with minions of the people who orchestrate the stalking), harassment by noises, and other forms of bullying.

Both the facts and the geographical distribution of relevant published news reports – as well as other evidence cited on this website – suggest that such stalking is sanctioned (and in some cases, orchestrated) by federal agencies; however, news reports, credible anecdotal information, and my own experiences, indicate that such stalking is also sometimes used unofficially for personal and corporate vendettas by current and former corrupt employees of law enforcement and intelligence agencies, private investigators, and their clients.

Since counterintelligence stalking goes far beyond surveillance – into the realm of psychological terrorism, it is essentially a form of extrajudicial punishment. As such, the harassment is illegal – even when done by the government. It clearly violates, for example, the U.S. Constitution’s Fourth Amendment, which prohibits unwarranted searches, and the Sixth Amendment – which guarantees the right to a trial. Such operations also violate similar fundamental rights defined by state constitutions. Stalking is also specifically prohibited by the criminal codes of every state in America.

Crimes against Americans at the hands of corrupt government agents and private security thugs have a long history in the U.S. The FBI’s COINTELPRO (“Counterintelligence Program”) scandal in the 1970s was the most notorious high-profile example, but similar abuses of power by “Red Squads” (state and local Law Enforcement Intelligence Units) and private detectives date back to the 19th century.

A glimpse into the management of informants/handlers…

Comments to Youtube:

Von Haunthorse
4 years ago
This is an amazing interview.. whoever conducted it thanks for having patience with Chuck, he seemed really high strung and on edge, in all fairness was being rather difficult and the interviewer handled it exceptionally… Rip

Pauline Lee
4 years ago
I believe you Chuck. I have been targeted, ever since 2004. But no matter how much you try to explain to him, he will never understand. Only targeted individuals will understand. You see, when you talk about the strange things that is happening to you, no one will believe you. It is set up to make you look crazy.

Mississippi Drifter
3 years ago
I just found out what has been happening to me and this is looking like a large group of individuals. But at least now I know I’m not going crazy.

Kim Murrell
3 years ago
Great interview. Rest in peace Chuck

JM Daigle
4 years ago (edited)
Such tragedy.
He sounds as overwhelmed as these filthy people make you feel.

Never Ending Purpose
3 years ago
Many of these comments are old but I have to be honest, when he mentioned about work related and the medical profession, I can definitely relate. I began to take an interest in this subject at the beginning of this year and although I have tried to find out why specific individuals are TI, to no avail, I still can’t comprehend why. I also don’t understand what their end result it. What are these people looking to accomplish or gain? Anyone with a legitimate answer, I would enjoy hearing from.

Paul Demsky
4 years ago
Thank you for continuing to get the word out. That was Chucks mission.

3 years ago
The guy asking questions is so passive aggressive it’s hilarious

3 years ago
Jesus really does help, and not just a little bit, but in a big way. Helps with the gang stalking, the DEWs, the character assassination, the induced health effects (even my fibromyalgia is gone after years of having it) and all the other things that come along with being targeted. If you don’t have a personal relationship with God the Father, through His Son, Jesus Christ, then you need to believe in Jesus, repent, be baptized in water (of your own free will – NOT just being baptized as an infant), and also have another believer / disciple of Jesus pray for you to be baptized with the Holy Spirit. If you are already a believer, you need to strengthen your relationship with God by praying to Him for that, and strengthen your faith by praying for that, then pray and visualize the effects that you want within His will, such as shutting down the DEWs in the middle of an attack, destroying the DEWs altogether, pray for the gang stalkers themselves to get saved (this is a spiritual war, NOT against flesh and blood – they are our brothers and sisters who are being overcome by the enemy and they desperately need our help, and they don’t even know it), bind the demons and cast them tot he pit of hell and seal them there until the day of judgment, pray in tongues (in addition to your regular prayers) so the enemy cannot discern what you are praying.

Ellemonette F
3 weeks ago
My targeting started when I was a child and is still going on. Almost 49 years of being targeted but nobody has had the guts to tell me why this ever happened to me.
Once your put into this program they get into every single email, all of your phones, and laptops. They get all of your job information, school info, info on relatives, friends and even your own children. Since I have been targeted most of my life all of my teachers have been gangstalkers. Teachers from grade school, middle school, and high school. Every coach, counselor, Club leader, boss, relative, neighbor… god the entire neighborhood all stalkers. Now why would a child need to be stalked and harassed by adults and children throughout their life…basically until they’re dead. Why??

2 years ago
Excellant Interview, very, very serious !! Excellant Job, very sensitive asked questions !! Must have been not easy sometimes for you, Paul ! I think it’s the result of isolation and beeing frightened…

targeted in Maryland
3 years ago (edited)
This is still going on in 2018 sadly God Bless

Brittany J
4 years ago
my soul wants to cry by just thinking about chuck. they r sick

Rzxkp7 none
1 year ago (edited)
Thank you for uploading this video. Everything he said is correct. They will targeted spiritual groups.
They let us know they are in the area by making loud noises. The customer service representatives we talk to on the phone are law enforcement and etc.

Ellemonette F
3 weeks ago
I wish I could say being followed is my biggest concern about being ganstalked. My god, there is so much that goes along with it.
Targets are watched long before they have any idea that they have been put in this sick program….. Usually years before they figure it out.

GC Durnin
3 years ago
Please don’t act in an accusatory manner toward TIs. Be calm. Be polite. Ask direct questions in short sentences. Allow the TI time to answer without interruption. The cognitive harm caused to FIx by GSers who may be using EH or a chemical wherever the TI is trying to speak about his situation causes difficulty with articulating thoughts. You know what GS is but I expect you are attempting to make your audience aware.

You hear how this gentleman is so stressed and short tempered. This will happen to anyone under constant stress. And obviously that is true of this man.

I need to tell you three things: one, the man is telling the truth; two, this situation is progressing exactly like the sexual abuse of children that is, they are hurt covertly they are blamed for being the victim they are told they are crazy bad troublemakers, that they are making it up, and when they are suffering without belief and even blamed for being the victim as though they are the bad person, it is called “second wounding.” It is not the harm the perp does directly to the TI but the fact that the ppl who should have helped not only didn’t but caused irreparable harm by second wounding. Third, think about how pedophile priests got away with hurting kids who dared to reveal the abuse since time began until a few decades ago when victims were finally heard, despite the fact that the ppl denying them had been victims themselves. This crime of covert harassment torture and surveillance is the same and it causes the same problems. The difference is instead of one or several abusers and one or several enablers, there can be many more and the abuse is not when chance permitting it is nonstop. TIs can’t hope to survive their childhood then move far away and make a fine and happy life for themselves. For TIs there is no escape unless ppl en masse move in to stop it.

I urge you and others if you are seriously trying to learn and understand before you become a target yourself then study up on the history of child abuse. All of these abusers from the Nazis on down used the same programs to cause the same harm. Only now the program has been perfected.

Also check out the stalking section of the DOJ ‘s center for victims of crime. GS is a federal crime. No matter who is heading it or how it is being run every person involved is eventually going to be charged as a criminal. Punishment begins with up to 10 years incarceration just for conspiracy. It matters not HOW a perp got involved only that they were. International class action lawsuits are being worked on by lawyers at this moment. Their plan is to financially ruin the perps so they will not have funds to hire attorneys to escape convictions in the criminal cases which will follow. This will make Nuremberg look like legal practice class 101.

Oh and above all, even though everyone on the air wants to be Jerry Springer, take a pass on this issue and be kind instead. You will likely save a life. Thanks for listening.

Mighty by Grace
3 years ago (edited)
he did great, despite TIs being often covertly drugged and sometimes even cooked alive

Big Boss
4 years ago
The same thing happened to me with them flooding into my apartment. It was 4 people for an inspection

2 years ago (edited)

Billy Alley
4 years ago
They Are MURDER’S!! Nice To See This Coming To Light!!!😡 Pappa’s PISSED and These Murderers Are Going To Get EXACTLY EVERYTHING THEY DESERVE!!! TICK-TOCK…TICK-TOCK!!!!

J Av
4 years ago
@45:45 mins “Gang stalking is a worldwide protocol. They may be stalking you for revenge, for your assets … so they put you on this list and once you’re on that list, as nearly as I can tell, you’re not coming off that list.”

Chris Steiger
3 months ago
Vancouver Washington. I know the place well, even thw Freddie’s he was talking about being mobbed in. Truth be told the stalking will follow you where ever you go. I tried to outrun it a few times to no avail. For me, my targeting had to do with using meth and my toxic behavior whilst high. I get it. I can acknowledge it for what it was now. For me getting into recovery has made all the difference. I don’t have gs’ing happen to me when I am sober. I am forever grateful to Yeshua for delivering from the bondage that I was under. It was a drawn out process for me to get sober but finally I did it and my life has changed for the better by far.

Dave Volin
4 years ago
On the record: if I am found dead the government and its handlers killed me.

J Av
4 years ago
@1:16:29 “The chances of targeted individuals meeting other [real] T.I.’s are slim. You have to look at what they may have to offer/ lose… if they have family, assets, etc., it’s a lot to lose and they may sell you out. you don’t know who to trust. This is very tough.”

Ashley Lyons
1 year ago
How do I know who or what organization is behind my encounters which are increasingly scary

D3Finitely DiFf3r3nt
2 years ago
Directed energy weapons are definitely real

Nevin’s Life
4 years ago
chuck needs to release some of that stress lol

2 months ago
I stubbed my toe on the coffee table. Damn you, gang stalkers!

AintThat SomeShit
4 years ago
Chuck knew what was really going down over at FFCHS back then….

Ashanafi Pal
2 years ago (edited)
I am a a TI in Melbourne Australia and i have been targeted in 3 other different states

J Av
4 years ago
@14:30 mins “Once you become a T.I., practically everyone who enters your life will be a ‘plant’…. everyone who enters your life will hear that ‘oh, stay away from him, he’s a bad guy … he’s a pedophile … a thief … [the Perpetrator] will make something up. I’ll give you an example – I would go to a store or [restaurant] and the first time there the service would be [authentic] good. Then [next time – thereafter] terrible. That’s b/c the [perp] would get to them somehow”.

Jonathan E. Triumphant
4 years ago
The guy interviewing Chuck is obviously not a TI, he doesn’t have a clue. Everything he says makes 100% sense. Look at what happened to him as a result of his advocacy.

3 years ago
The interviewer is so aggressive & rude.

M. Smith
4 years ago (edited)
Did Chuck admit being a cult member at some point? 59.00

Great Topic
4 years ago (edited)
if a Ti is critized by other Tis (by many Tis) , Then they are the genuine Ti and the others are displaying perp behaviour.

3 years ago
I would like to meet targeted individuals in London, UK

Robin Gardipee
2 years ago
I have been through hell with this kinda shit….but if the FBI did kill this guy I am glad….he is so rude,annoying,ignorant and evasive on some questions….and he has dilusions of grandeur….

Justin St.Louis
4 years ago
I don’t wanna hear anybody who is not a T.I. complain about SHIT!
Sherri Vonch
3 years ago
I tried getting help… That was a joke.

Paul Demsky
4 years ago
RIP Chuck.

Faith constentine
3 years ago
Let someone finish the question before you answer it ugh 🤦🏼‍♀️

John Doe
4 years ago
Recorded live!

Zodarus Mysteries
3 years ago
Ain’t no conspiracy, shit just happens

Sherri Vonch
3 years ago
So I miss work… I miss nice ppl. I miss my kids… But I refuse to go through non stop bs behaviours from others while I am expected to be a fucking saint. I am not going to be treated like shit. So I am careful.

Sherri Vonch
3 years ago
Hahaha when visiting public places that is what happens … First time is great all others suck. The harrassment is started based on heresay…

Stratus Blue
4 years ago (edited)
Why was he targeted? Is that not the obvious 1st question?

American Made
4 months ago
What happened to Chuck?

reshay 37
2 years ago
He’s so aggressive

4 years ago
The issue is they get turned or they up the frequency and she starts babbling about aliens and non reality

romine acosta
3 years ago

Kim Murrell
3 years ago
Gangstalkers are Murders.

3 years ago
Just take pics of them and follow them. Find out where they live. Then start throwing dogshit on thier roof. Do it everyday.

Ellemonette F
3 weeks ago
Stalkers are taking the time to leave comments…smh

John Doe
4 years ago
Recording live!

Donna Taliercio
4 years ago

2 months ago
Can he answer the question please? lolol

Asaru 9 Ether AkA Osiris 9 Ether
4 years ago
Chuck iz tell’n the truth I’m going throw the same thing

Dose Gonzalez
3 years ago
Esoteric teachings

TheeRepenter AkaTheeComforter
2 years ago
lmao can I pls just answer the question lollol

3 years ago

Leila Adl
2 years ago
Why is he telling him to go to the police or psychiatrist?

3 years ago
dose anyone knows how chuck got knocked off ?

Christopher klp
4 years ago
My buddy have killed 7 gangstalkers so far

6 months ago

Nevin’s Life
4 years ago
can i answer the question lol

Jameson Reese
3 years ago
Any of you ex- military or federal employee who are T.I.s?. I suspect a connection. If not do u have anyone in your family employed under the federal government…Consider me the curious cat, I ask merely out of personal research.

3 years ago
T.Is do not need to be lonely….we need to date other genuine TIs…only way it well with. Jesus is Savior!

Ellemonette F
3 weeks ago
It doesn’t matter what name you use. They know all of your info already. They know your name, when and where you were born, things about your family and children, things that’s bother you, things you like,we n jobs you’ve had. They know all of your business… ALL OF IT. NONE OF YOUR APPOINTMENTS OR PRIVATE OR ANYTHING YOU DO OR SAY IN YOUR HOME..NONE!!

3 years ago
they will kill me, 8/282018

Forget Gangstalking
3 years ago
I hate these jokers who present themselves as tis to make us look silly.

4 years ago (edited)
Fake ti james harken doesn’t know anything about me!

howard the duck
4 years ago
research Tiffany jenks

TheeRepenter AkaTheeComforter
2 years ago
host was like cringecringe

The Elegant Beauty
4 years ago
This Chuck guy was annoying

II. Agent 9 | Perp Reveals Inside Knowledge About GangStalking

James Harken
5.57K subscribers
More on Chuck Langenberg’s Murder…

Some of Chuck Langenberg’s Podcast Mp3’s:…

“Gang Stalking” is, very likely, a disinformation term created byU.S. intelligence agencies. It refers to the intense, long-term, unconstitutional surveillance and harassment of a person who has been designated as a target by someone associated with America’s security industry.
Such operations have nothing to do with criminal gangs. Officialdomestic counterintelligence operations of this type are – apparently – perpetrated by secret society members, community based agents, federal agents and intelligence/security contractors, sometimes with the support of state and local law enforcement personnel. Unofficial operations of this type are, apparently, perpetrated by private investigators and vigilantes – including former agents and cops, some of whom are members of the quasi-governmental Association of Law Enforcement Intelligence Units (LEIU), sometimes on behalf of corporate clients and others with connections to the public and private elements of America’s security industry.
The goal of such operations – in the parlance of counterintelligence agents – is “disruption” of the life of an individual deemed to be an enemy (or potential enemy) of clients or members of the security state. Arguably, the most accurate term for this form of harassment would be “counterintelligence stalking.” Agents of communist East Germany’s Stasi (state police) referred to the process as Zersetzung (German for “decomposition” or “corrosion” – a reference to the severe psychological, social, and financial effects upon the victim). American and British victims have described the process as “no-touch torture” – a phrase which also captures the nature of the crime: cowardly, unethical (and often illegal), but difficult to prove legally because it generates minimal forensic evidence.
Tactics include – but are not limited to – slander, blacklisting, “mobbing” (intense, organized harassment in the workplace), “black bag jobs” (residential break-ins), abusive phone calls, computer hacking, framing, threats, blackmail, vandalism, “street theater” (staged physical and verbal interactions with minions of the people who orchestrate the stalking), harassment by noises, and other forms of bullying.
Both the facts and the geographical distribution of relevant published news reports – as well as other evidence cited on this website – suggest that such stalking is sanctioned (and in some cases, orchestrated) by federal agencies; however, news reports, credible anecdotal information, and my own experiences, indicate that such stalking is also sometimes used unofficially for personal and corporate vendettas by current and former corrupt employees of law enforcement and intelligence agencies, private investigators, and their clients.Since counterintelligence stalking goes far beyond surveillance – into the realm of psychological terrorism, it is essentially a form of extrajudicial punishment. As such, the harassment is illegal – even when done by the government. It clearly violates, for example, the U.S. Constitution’s Fourth Amendment, which prohibits unwarranted searches, and the Sixth Amendment – which guarantees the right to a trial. Such operations also violate similar fundamental rights defined by state constitutions. Stalking is also specifically prohibited by the criminal codes of every state in America.
Crimes against Americans at the hands of corrupt government agents and private security thugs have a long history in the U.S. The FBI’s COINTELPRO (“Counterintelligence Program”) scandal in the 1970s was the most notorious high-profile example, but similar abuses of power by “Red Squads” (state and local Law Enforcement Intelligence Units) and private detectives date back to the 19th century.
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Gari Crewsen
Gari Crewsen
4 years ago
James, this is incredibly powerful, and sadly moving. This has been the longest 20 minutes of the last two decades of my life. Casting us as “Perps-in-Training” seriously just fucked me and my girlfriend off as we sat, slack jawed, listening to some of Vancouver’s last words, especially his willingness to die. You have our sincere thanks for sharing this. Be well, and good hunting. R.I.P. Chuck.
James Harken
James Harken
4 years ago
Righteous Indignation Much love. Thanks for watching.
Gari Crewsen
Gari Crewsen
4 years ago (edited)
Back at ya, and thank you as well for maintaining this channel for all of us and not going “off the deep end” by diverging into other personal subject matter; for ‘staying the course’ so to speak. If anything is wanting throughout this community it’s members like yourself who share ONLY what we ALL need. I’m sure you’re a great guy, and maybe, someday we’ll have a forum or a meeting where we can get to know one another personally, but all that’s inappropriate in this forum. Thanks for being one of the few who keeps that in perspective, because as many other well meaning T.I.’s have done through allowing anything other than their gangstalking autobiography to be included, they’ve unintentionally poisoned their message and reputations. Please stay your course, and thanks again for doing so thus far. My appreciation for your dedication to towing that line cannot be repaid. Good hunting, friend.
*edit: By the way, if not for this channel we never would have even known about Chuck and his autobiography. Thanks heaps for sharing his story as well.
James Harken
James Harken
4 years ago
Righteous Indignation Thank you for your kind words. That means a lot to me. I’d be open to talking whenever. 313-740-5450.
Litle Blackdot
Litle Blackdot
4 years ago
It is important not to give up in life and if u are a TI you will understand this once you realize you are one. Our stories are so unbelievable that we as targets have a hard time believing it ourselves because it sounds so crazy but it’s the truth. They say truth is stranger than fiction and I now agree that it is the case. My story is unbelievable and your story will be as unbelievable or even worst. Why not join together?
Litle Blackdot
Litle Blackdot
4 years ago
James Harken I will try to find this.
Truly Unbroken
Truly Unbroken
3 years ago
Scape Goat I would like to connect with some other true T. I. s. I am completely isolated! Anyone??
Insightful View
Insightful View
3 years ago
Tiff B. ive tried connecting with others who claimed to be TIs on facebook (fb has a TI community). But all that happened was i got perp after perp after perp. The TI movement is so infiltrated that its very hard for a non sell out TI to connect with another non sell out TI. On facebook i found other alleged TIs who i spent weeks talking to. They said all the right things and shared the same experiences that i have had. Then, they fuck with you, perp you and often block you
Truly Unbroken
Truly Unbroken
3 years ago
Insightful View yeah I have had some of the same experiences. I still want to try. I find that by engaging some perps, u learn more at times. However it is disappointing. But ur right, I have noticed the TI community is so very infiltrated, I agree 100%!
Peace Pain
Peace Pain
3 years ago
My story is unbelievable too its satanic what these sick perps are
ReLeesa Dopamine
ReLeesa Dopamine
3 years ago
Hi there 👥😍 fellow 🎯. We united make us stronger to fight it ♣️ vivet liberium 🕶💣💥🚷
Crystal Newman
Crystal Newman
4 months ago
@Truly Unbroken I thought it was good to engage them at first but they communucate EVERYTHING to the network and perps and handlers can use that info to hurt you. I wouldnt have became a real TI if I didnt engage them. I was a test TI but engaging the TI community turned me full blown.
themosthigh God
themosthigh God
4 years ago
This is the beginning of the Mark Of the Beast. Stay prayed up. Keep your eyes on the prize.
Saving Souls Ministries
Saving Souls Ministries
3 years ago
Rapper “kid buu” just posted a vid of him getting one. Also says he is a Cline from clonaid apparently. Sick shit but I have no fear
Franky Lo_
Franky Lo_
2 years ago
People that ain’t even paid to gamgstalk anyone should just slap themselves. If money is envolved then it would make more sense. I’d Focus on the program itself which is the center to why your harassed and targeted by cowards remotely. They want to hook your brain & central nervous system to a computer program inorder to collect data while conducting human research for fun. By tainting your homes air , it allows perps to implant bio-composite materialsto your central nervous system and brain like a cell phone to which they are then able to direct radio frequency to your biological system to induce pain, movement through motor functions, & speech. This is all basic science and technology nothing rocket science. Despite their sovereignty, the federal goverment (DOD components, science and technology agencies) they can still n sued under the federal tort claims act FTCA for non consentual human experimentation and torture. Other ways to ligate them and its hella easy once you obtain the physical evidence which is the composite materials used like a rfid chip. Very foods pull this out of your system. They are not using no satellites in space either its cell towers transmitters domestically allocated and still regulated even for national defence agencies like the military.
Jane Doe
Jane Doe
11 months ago
What God did is unforgivable.
8 months ago
@Jane Doe I feel that way also. How could a loving God allow that to happen to all those innocent children and babies.
Servant of our Lord Jesus Christ
Servant of our Lord Jesus Christ
7 months ago (edited)
@CubbieBlue the answer is in the scriptures, everything exists for a reason but God promises that He would eliminate all evil. You need to trust in Him.
Servant of our Lord Jesus Christ
Servant of our Lord Jesus Christ
7 months ago (edited)
@Jane Doe the answer is in the scriptures, everything exists for a reason but God promises that He would eliminate all evil. You need to trust Him.
Jane Doe
Jane Doe
7 months ago
@Servant of our Lord Jesus Christ I don’t need to do anything, especially put trust in a child trafficker. In fact, i don’t even have to forgive to be forgiven cause i never joined this r a pist cu lt.
Servant of our Lord Jesus Christ
Servant of our Lord Jesus Christ
7 months ago
@Jane Doe have you ever stolen anything or lied?
Servant of our Lord Jesus Christ
Servant of our Lord Jesus Christ
7 months ago
@Jane Doe looks like you are part of the problem.
Servant of our Lord Jesus Christ
Servant of our Lord Jesus Christ
7 months ago
@Jane Doe come to the Creator!
1 month ago
@Servant of our Lord Jesus Christ 👍👍👍♥️
I Am Mark
I Am Mark
3 years ago
Testimony Part #2

My wife and I found actual video footage of “alien/demonic” activity, that I do not remember taking. I recall the night of the video’s, but nothing about taking them, or what had happened. My wife and I were jaw dropped as we watched them. We were looking through my Google photos and reminiscing about our children and that’s when we found them. My phone was synced to my Google photos, anytime a video or photo is taken, it appears there for storage and can not be deleted unless I do it manually on the site. On my phone, the photo’s were no where to be found. There are 2 video’s. At first we thought alien’s and we felt so helpless because out children were going through this. All the symptoms and common talked signs of abductions. Then God, showed us, what we were dealing with. For some reason, He has allowed me to still have these video’s and the picture’s and other video’s I have. I feel it is one last lifeline to show the world, a world that needs to believe to see and see to believe. To prove to the world, that the things that are going on and to come are not what we think or are lead to believe. That goes with the “Great Deception”. We have experienced a lot and we need to tell the world and show the world. My wife is 90% blind in her left eye, from a demon that tried to kill her and children in our vehicle. It tried to grab my daughter and she covered her and it grabbed my wife. She was paralyzed and half of her body turned yellow on her left side. My girls were crying and we could feel the heat from this thing and it smelled like burnt batteries. I called upon, God to intercede as I repented for all my sins. It then released her after begging God not to let this thing take her. My wife said, the feeling she felt when she was grabbed by this, was that she was fading away. We went to the eye doctor the 3 days later because she couldn’t see out of that eye, only shadows and shapes. The eye doctor rushed her set up an emergency surgery appointment because both of retinas had holes in them, like a 70 year old with severe glaucoma and her left eye was detached. They did 2 different surgeries and she is now limited to 10% of sight in that eye. We were told by the Catholic Diocese, that we were their most extreme cases they ever dealt with. We told them all that was going on in various meetings and the scripture we were told and shown in the heavens and things that we were seeing and dealing with.

We had no idea of what the Chosen elect were. We were not practicing Catholics. We were baptized Catholics, but we’re not going to church. Our children were baptized and went to church here and there. I never read the Bible as I do now and never made it past Genesis, if that can give you a idea. We had no idea of the name chosen elect, until it was made known to us. We we’re living in De Pere, Wisconsin at this time, when we we’re about to be attacked by the enemy. My wife asked me to call upon Father, the Lord God Almighty, as I was mowing our lawn. We saw a dark swarm coming and as dark clouds of locust, they weren’t cloud level swarms, but tree level. We then knew for certain that they had found us again. All of a sudden we saw angels appear and a huge battle happen right in front our eyes. After, A human sized ball of light came down from the heavens that both my wife and self were seeing and speaking to as we were both on fire so to speak. We couldn’t move as the ball of light spoke to us, all three of us were in communication at the same time hearing each other’s thoughts of what we spoke as we were one. Each time the ball of light spoke to us the outside of it vibrated with each word spoken. Like a huge ring around the circle of it. This is when we found out were told that we are his chosen elect, that we are predestined before the foundation of the world that we are justified. Feeling ourselves on fire a heat that was all around us, it wasn’t painful but tolerable. After this, my wife was jumping around as she is saying to me with excitement”do you know who are”? Saying with joy we are God’s children we are his family, we belong to Jesus and I’m with joy, shocked and with amazement saying but yeah, but why us, grateful and with all humility saying “we’re nobody” not seeing yet of how much He loves us.

On January 1st, we had a meeting with the Diocese and on a day that they were not open, they finally confirmed that what we have been shown and told was from the Most High. That we weren’t being influenced by antichrist spirits or religious spirits. It was nice to hear that they knew what we were saying was from, God. Not that we needed that affirmation. We appreciate all they helped us with, but were shown the TRUTH, guided by the Holy Spirit and protected by God the Father Almighty and our Lord Jesus Christ. Knowing that we are the “CHURCH”. We have been through a lot. PRAISE THE LORD

When I was baptized by the Holy Spirit, I did not speak in tongues, if I did… I do not recall, but I am sure I would have remembered. The tongues is least of the gifts received when baptized. I know during the intense warfare myself and family went through, with the authority of Our Lord, I have melted the enemy down into a puddle of glowing white stench of goo. This happened before I was baptized by the Holy Spirit. I was able to inflict damage to the enemy in the name of the Lord, while I was not hurt, or burned as I could remember. Felt them spitting or peeing on me, but I was protected from their fiery grasps. Praise the Lord.Thank you, Lord. Unfortunately my family was feeling it and I would have traded that for them. Breaking the shields of witch’s and their friends, in the name of the Lord, by destroying their boxes, made them susceptible to blessed salt, Holy Water or blessed oil. I thought all that was make believe, until one was in astral in our vehicle and my wife and I destroyed it’s shield and I sprayed it with Holy water and we heard the most gut curdling, painful scream, come from the distance, right after we pulled over. Knowing that it felt that, and we knew the Lord was with us. People can say what they want, about Holy Water and blessed salt, chalk or oil, we’ve seen it work when we had no clue, as to how to use it, or what for but were guided and lead by the Holy Spirit and FAITH. What we have learned, is all of “man’s religion” is wrong in trying to get what the Lord, is showing the world, and individually in religion, they all have a piece of it right, to wage warfare with the tools they use, and collectively with FAITH, thats where they get it right, if that makes sense. But religion as a whole, has it all wrong. We didn’t idolize any of the weapons at our disposal, but utilized them, letting this be known. What we realized was that it wasn’t any of the the stuff we used for warfare but as in (1John 4:4) “He who is in us, is greater than he whom is in the world.” We saw it as training wheels, or “boot camp” until we were stronger in faith and more knowledgeable. We did realize they can be utilized during warfare. Of course the strongest weapon is prayer. I explained all this, because I was able to use the gifts of the Lord, before I was baptized by the Holy Spirit
Mindy Monde
Mindy Monde
2 years ago
My spouse and I have that happen too. My spouse goes through their Google photos and comes across videos we never took. Whoever or whatever took them Is all wobbly and the cats are terrified. Other recordings are just audio because we have electrical tape covering up our cameras. I’ll be talking and it cuts out mid word mid sentence and what can only be described as reptilians talking to each other plays for thirty seconds to a couple minutes, then it picks up right where it left off, with Me taking, same sentence same mid word, picking back up like no time was missing, only a couple minutes in between is a long time.
This shit is no joke.
Servant of our Lord Jesus Christ
Servant of our Lord Jesus Christ
7 months ago
What does it all mean?
Servant of our Lord Jesus Christ
Servant of our Lord Jesus Christ
7 months ago
@Mindy Monde what does it all mean?
BabalonthePerson 156
BabalonthePerson 156
1 year ago
I am so glad I find out about you’re Channel been Gangstalked all my life seems like I’ve been getting spied on since in school and now leading up to this point I’m 29 shit really hit the fan for me in the last couple years people really change on me yeah the path is lonely but got my spirituality and peace of mind
Jeanne Taurus
Jeanne Taurus
4 years ago
James you have some really good posts. Keep getting the word out & God bless you!
Rosalind R
Rosalind R
4 years ago
Thank you, exhausting never having privacy yet feeling so is a helpful look into this insanity.peace,love,light.fight for Humanity!
Laura Randolph
Laura Randolph
4 years ago
“The truth will set you free.” God is bigger than all these petty rebels including their god Satan.
2 years ago
This is very important info because its get deep as tv trolling and out in the open TI targeting.almost if not everyone is involved in targeting you playing mind games.
Ophelia Rolle
Ophelia Rolle
3 years ago (edited)
“Don’t tell anyone what your thinking of “?is he serious?? They already know what your thinking! And passing it on to others. So if you have a friend who you “think” is an asshole,well guess what he will know about it if these perps need him at any given time. I have discovered it’s not always them claiming several crimes you committed, they also use what you think about a person. This is also one of the ways these talentless people steal your ideas.
Lucian Evans
Lucian Evans
3 years ago
Post more of these, this interview is spot on. I have 45 GS videos up and this is freaking accurate. Thanks for the post
Michael Fogarty
Michael Fogarty
3 years ago
I have been gang stalked for a long time but it stopped after I moved my family out of state, then again, we ended up getting a divorce 9 months later being unable to heal the fractures left in us from the gang stalking so indirectly it stayed with us mentally. It was horrible. They “infected” my workplace, as customers. I was an Area Manager of a quick serve food chain. At this point in time, of 2 stores and training another manager who felt the gang stalking himself too. I had “customers” in my store sitting drinking coffee (in a sandwich shop not known for coffee at all) for HOURS before my normal customers daily. I got nosy and asked where he was from and he said Atlanta. I should have guessed then. My wife would wait in the car sometimes to pick me up and people would run by and take a picture of her to see what she was doodling while waiting. Many customers would be in line using one of my catch phrases but sarcastically to each other. Both loud and obnoxiously then turn to face me, laughing to place an order.. This is just small samples of irritants they did. One time, I laughed at them (but freaked out at the same time) as I pointed them out to co-workers and friends who thought I was crazy by now, one of their guys got into a car accident in front of my store and it must NOT have been planned. People came out of EVERYWHERE! A clear street had instantly 2 dozen bodies from 6 directions checking on one car and cursing the driver of the other car. My co-workers were stunned at where did they all come from. My store emptied out too. I got a chill run through me thinking about all that again
Lauren Keyes
Lauren Keyes
3 years ago
Wow thank you for sharing and sorry that this situation impacted your relationship. God bless you!
janeene browne Blank
janeene browne Blank
4 years ago
you do have a choice, and that is talking about the evil. bringing the activities into the light.
Will Ofortune
Will Ofortune
3 years ago
Where evil bounds , grace abounds more . Love
Great Topic
Great Topic
4 years ago
A bit like victims of bullying who become bullies to protect themselves but dont realise theyre doing it i suppose. Theirs plenty of Tis that are acting like perps if they think your a perp.
Truly Unbroken
Truly Unbroken
3 years ago
Great Topic i must admit, I may come off harsh depending on the perp. I try not to let it bother me much anymore, but I guess I have been guilty of acting ‘perpish’ towards perps. I think almost everyone is. Yet, I am open-minded to know they are a few truly good people sprinkled in there.
UK Access To You
UK Access To You
4 years ago (edited)
Great video – an insider exposing the truth . We need more insiders – that will be the bridge to TIs truths.
I Am Mark
I Am Mark
3 years ago
We are the seed, the remnant, that the enemy calls Targeted Individuals. We were chosen by YHWH, THE MOST HIGH! Revelation 12 King James Version (KJV)
12 And there appeared a great wonder in heaven; a woman clothed with the sun, and the moon under her feet, and upon her head a crown of twelve stars:

2 And she being with child cried, travailing in birth, and pained to be delivered.

3 And there appeared another wonder in heaven; and behold a great red dragon, having seven heads and ten horns, and seven crowns upon his heads.

4 And his tail drew the third part of the stars of heaven, and did cast them to the earth: and the dragon stood before the woman which was ready to be delivered, for to devour her child as soon as it was born.

5 And she brought forth a man child, who was to rule all nations with a rod of iron: and her child was caught up unto God, and to his throne.

6 And the woman fled into the wilderness, where she hath a place prepared of God, that they should feed her there a thousand two hundred and threescore days.

7 And there was war in heaven: Michael and his angels fought against the dragon; and the dragon fought and his angels,

8 And prevailed not; neither was their place found any more in heaven.

9 And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, which deceiveth the whole world: he was cast out into the earth, and his angels were cast out with him.

10 And I heard a loud voice saying in heaven, Now is come salvation, and strength, and the kingdom of our God, and the power of his Christ: for the accuser of our brethren is cast down, which accused them before our God day and night.

11 And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony; and they loved not their lives unto the death.

12 Therefore rejoice, ye heavens, and ye that dwell in them. Woe to the inhabiters of the earth and of the sea! for the devil is come down unto you, having great wrath, because he knoweth that he hath but a short time.

13 And when the dragon saw that he was cast unto the earth, he persecuted the woman which brought forth the man child.

14 And to the woman were given two wings of a great eagle, that she might fly into the wilderness, into her place, where she is nourished for a time, and times, and half a time, from the face of the serpent.

15 And the serpent cast out of his mouth water as a flood after the woman, that he might cause her to be carried away of the flood.

16 And the earth helped the woman, and the earth opened her mouth, and swallowed up the flood which the dragon cast out of his mouth.

17 And the dragon was wroth with the woman, and went to make war with the remnant of her seed, which keep the commandments of God, and have the testimony of Jesus Christ.

Ephesians 6:12 King James Version (KJV)

12 For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.

King James Version (KJV)
Mike Waggoner
Mike Waggoner
4 years ago
Gangstalking cowards and pukes will give account to God on the Last Day. Evil begets evil and receives an evil reward. Peace
Mish’l Carr
Mish’l Carr
3 years ago
I’m a contagious Christian. A Fisher of men. TO GOD BE THE GLORY!!!
Ursa Major
Ursa Major
4 years ago
“Not playing their game”
🎱 – CHILLY – 🎱
🎱 – CHILLY – 🎱
1 year ago
still here
L Woody
L Woody
4 years ago
So many theories on this….. I think this is best left untouched. Maybe we are all under surveillance or maybe not. But what does it all mean, if it’s undefined or unexplained? Nobody knows what this is, so maybe ignorance is bliss or not? I think if I knew what this is about, I would feel something about it, wouldn’t we all? If you dont know, hard to attach any emotion to it. Therefore, I say keep God first. They hated Jesus Christ and they will hate you too. I also would question “Agent 9” sounds like a Bond movie.
Shelly Sunde
Shelly Sunde
3 years ago
OoohLuLa Woo They fancy themselves as dark agents of the NWO. They tell everyone something different.
I Am Mark
I Am Mark
3 years ago
Testimony Part#3

We Are One…

I had a dream that had, Jesus on the cross. We were on a mountain. There was a huge valley below. I was in front of Him, and I was wearing shiny silver armor, on my chest and something very long and bright white underneath. I had a sword, that was between my legs as if I was on guard facing the valley. My back was facing the Lord, and I could see the Lord, in my mind, as if I was staring at, Him. I had my hands on the hilt of the sword as it was pointing towards the ground. A football fields length away, there was a black, empty void, of evil. It was like a huge wall of evil cloud. It was coming towards us and it told me in my mind, to step aside. My right arm extended and my finger pointed at it, with no hesitation and the most powerful, deep, commanding, thunderous voice, boomed out of my mouth, ”WEEEEEEE ARRRRRRRRE ONNNNNNNNNE!” I, immediately opened my eyes, because the voice was so powerful and the second, I became conscious, I heard the same powerful voice saying… ”ONNNNNNNNNNE!” as I, was sitting up in my bed pointing at my wall and the walls vibrating. My wife was awakened and heard the voice coming out of me. There is no possible way for a human, to make that tone and sound. I found out in scripture….

***… that they all may be one, as You, Father, are in Me, and I in You; that the world may believe that You sent Me. And the glory which You gave Me I have given them, that they may be one just as We are one: I in them, and You in Me; that they may be made perfect in one, and that the world may know that You have sent Me, and have loved them as You have loved Me.” (John **17:21*-23)**

I never knew the word then, as I am learning now. I was awakened to see the truth and He, is the truth. I was reborn of the Spirit on November 25, 2016. It was an amazing feeling and a heavenly scent, I will never forget. I have felt the HOLY SPIRIT tingle and my hairs rise on my body before, but not like this. I felt love, a love so perfect and pure. A love so divine and beautiful that I pray I never forget. It filled my entire body, every molecule of my very being. I smelled a scent of purity, if that makes sense? Like an aroma of flowers or something so fresh. I smell it when I am in prayer and my 3 year old, has told me, it comes from me, haha. I don’t know, but all that I, was before, was gone and is gone. All my pain, anger, loss, emptiness, rage and not knowing love, because my heart was sealed with a wall of stone…anything and everything that is not from God, was gone. I tried to listen to my heart as my wife explained for me to do and silence my mind. God speaks through our heart and soul and the enemy speaks through your mind. So I laid down to listen to my heart and silence my mind and I was awake, but closed my eyes…then I saw this white light, as I saw the heavens open up in my bedroom ceiling and this beautiful living light appeared in the shape of a Dove, that was wavering towards me. I quickly opened my eye’s and closed them, open, closed, open, closed and it was getting closer and bigger. I then could see it was alive and as it wavered, to best describe it, how it moved, with the opening and closing of His wings. With each waver, I felt that same exact feeling of love, of mercy and grace fill me, like a heartbeat. It filled me and was renewing and rewiring me. I finally fell asleep and I woke up, completely at peace and with a tickled feeling of love and fluttering in my soul. All that was there, that was negative was gone. I got up and was speaking to my wife and I turned on the tv and there was a boxing match on and the second I saw that, I had to turn my head, I grew very nauseous and almost threw up. I then asked the, Lord what, He wanted me to read, in the bible and I was brought to (Ephesians, Colossians, 1 Thessalonians, 2 Thessalonians, 1 Timothy, 2 Timothy, Hebrews, James, 1 Peter, 2 Peter, 1 John, Jude then Revelations) And now I am reading the bible from beginning to end. As from the epistles and gospel of Ephesians, and every book I read, I felt as if the the Saints, were speaking, we’re speaking directly to me, especially everything that myself and family have endured. My family and self are truly here, because of the God’s, love, mercy and grace. We have experienced God’s, miracles, His LOVE and His, MERCY and have testimonials, that I am told, are prophetic. We have seen battles in the heavens and the enemy in various ways, which are of old. I give all my love and praise to God, in the name of Jesus, for protecting us and loving us. We are only alive and here, because of God the Father’s love and mercy, For the love and mercy of Jesus Christ the Son of God and God, the Holy Spirit’s love and mercy. For God, is love and His, love is so beautiful. Thank you Father, in your precious son’s name, Jesus. Amen.

We were told to tell the world…REPENT. KNOW THE WORD. HE “JESUS”, IS COMING… SOON
Kavi Jackson
Kavi Jackson
3 years ago
To live long enough to become the villain…😧
Tez A
Tez A
4 years ago
does this come across as a person reading out a fantastical novel he has wrote. I expect this stuff is real, but not the conversation he is relaying.
3 years ago
You have entities watching you from birth. Good and bad they know everything because when you think your alone your not. We fear what we dont understand.
Brave in battle
Brave in battle
6 months ago
Agent 9 is a pro disinformationist, totally not a turned T.I.. First, being a T.I., you are already in the game whether you want to play it or not. If you don’t play the game well, you are putting yourself in a very inferior position, and letting them abuse you effortlessly. My suggestions: 1. to secure your financial income, my is investing. 2. to stable your mentality, reading “The Enchiridion by Epictetus and Tao Te Ching by Wayne Dyer. Empowering your inner strength. 3. To read The Art of War by Sun Tzu. 4. Videoing whenever you are outdoors and expose them on the internet. 5. To find fun in the process of being gang stalked and make fun of them. Lastly, to drill in I Ching “Book of Changes” If you followed through what I suggested step by step, you’ll be just fine. ^^ By Animal Person, an undaunted T.I.
Offramp Tavanipupu
Offramp Tavanipupu
3 years ago
James Harken, you fell for it. It was a total load of bollocks.
🎱 – CHILLY – 🎱
🎱 – CHILLY – 🎱
7 months ago
Max Rivera
Max Rivera
3 years ago
Love your videos
Jacqueline Meyers. Church Of The Hop
Jacqueline Meyers. Church Of The Hop
3 years ago
Thank you. Encouraging, . Sad. Prayers.
4 years ago
Jane Smith
Jane Smith
4 years ago
Yup your right, I have switch it around on them. Now they’re scared of me.
I have actually had half a dozen of them shake and quiver like a little girl that has just realized a 900 pound Kodiak is starring them in the face.
Th1rt33n Tw3ntythr33
Th1rt33n Tw3ntythr33
3 years ago
Jane Smith
Yes, they GS, hate certain situations.
Natalie Langtree
Natalie Langtree
3 years ago
There are much better ways to build up a person. You are so great for seeing your experience this way. I’m glad this got you through it and it’s very significant. I feel they want to keep us no higher than the third dimension. The fourth dimension is something they want you to ruminate on alone at night. Nevermind 5D, which switches on heart consciousness and centers you.
3 years ago (edited)
Hopelessnees speechjokes..
Don’t fall for those creeps..just ignore them..they need you..not the other way around..
As soon they loose their job they are gone…ask their boss for a salary as you are a teacher…
Caleb Stith
Caleb Stith
11 months ago
3 years ago (edited)
The Lord placed a man in my path has the testimony and described his demonic stalking. Im glad i didnt tip him to anything i dont wanna infect anyone with what ive been thru. Ill pray for them and they will find out but at least i know another ti w the testimony of Jesus Christ here.
Randy Frushour Stand Skeleton
Randy Frushour Stand Skeleton
4 years ago
Isaiah 29
15 WOE to them that seek deep to hide their counsel from the Lord, and THEIR WORKS ARE IN THE DARK, and they say, Who see’s us? and who knows us? 📡
16 Surely your turning of things upside down shall be esteemed as the potter’s clay:. shall the work say of him that made it, He made me not? or shall the thing framed say of him that framed it, He had no understanding?
17 Is it not yet a very little while, and Lebanon shall be turned into a fruitful field, and the fruitful field shall be esteemed as a forest?
Edward Geraci
Edward Geraci
4 years ago
Would proof of God help stop them?
Jane Smith
Jane Smith
4 years ago
“This covenant must never, ever be known to exist. It must never, ever be written or spoken of, for if it is, the consciousness it will spawn will release the fury of the prime creator upon us, and we shall be cast to the depths from whence we came and remain there until the end time of infinity itself.”
🎱 – CHILLY – 🎱
🎱 – CHILLY – 🎱
1 year ago
Good can’t wait 😄
Jane Smith
Jane Smith
1 year ago
@🎱 – CHILLY – 🎱 Get ready for the WikiNuke!
🎱 – CHILLY – 🎱
🎱 – CHILLY – 🎱
1 year ago
@Jane Smith hell yes
Servant of our Lord Jesus Christ
Servant of our Lord Jesus Christ
7 months ago
I remember someone having a longer versions of this.
Immortal Law
Immortal Law
3 years ago
I dont think they can tell the secret because they reincarnate knowing they are gangstalkers in past lives, its a continuous cycle, this is why children even gangstalk. its the spiritual deal with the devil. its more than money, more than threat of being targeted that keeps them silent, their spirit is on the line
Earth Unicorn
Earth Unicorn
2 years ago
This sh*t is getting real…
Dana Harvey
Dana Harvey
4 years ago
That would have been an interview with the perp’s Handler, which would be a worse Liar
Drift Wood
Drift Wood
2 years ago (edited)
I keep watching this…i knew this was a recruitment program because they’ve been trying to recruit me since i became aware of this phenomenon…
Jane Doe
Jane Doe
11 months ago
Born into it. Repressed for decades and reactivated a few years ago. I refuse to play games with lives. I would rather die.
🎱 – CHILLY – 🎱
🎱 – CHILLY – 🎱
7 months ago
@Jane Doe likewise 👽
Gari Crewsen
Gari Crewsen
4 years ago
I was just at, which I linked to through the infowars link above in “more information” and none of the links listed under or chuck langenberg, I clicked worked; all returned 404 error code.
Matt Evans
Matt Evans
3 years ago
Harken back to the old days James !
Roger Bonilla
Roger Bonilla
3 years ago
Desperate! Spirits not of good origin. Best reference to know who you are and who’s you are comes from the WORD OF GOD!!!!
2 years ago
Stalkers stalk between one another. They have no private life. They form a comunity of very sick mindes. And sometimes, innocente person gets stalked by all of them.
Caleb Stith
Caleb Stith
11 months ago
Then the perps die one by one then..!!!!No fear over here…
🎱 – CHILLY – 🎱
🎱 – CHILLY – 🎱
2 months ago
@Caleb Stith totally
Denise Lyman
Denise Lyman
3 years ago
You can tell this is old. They been doing this awhile. The 50s this sounds like.
🎱 – CHILLY – 🎱
🎱 – CHILLY – 🎱
1 year ago
3 years ago
How is him saying technology makes it easier crazy talk? You’re a fool or not really being targeted if you don’t know this is all being driven by advanced technology.
Shoot On Site Entertainment Damiano Marquez
Shoot On Site Entertainment Damiano Marquez
2 years ago
Been pushed too far ~TheMartyr
I Am Mark
I Am Mark
3 years ago

My name is, Mark. I am like many who were lost, who had no clue as to the real truth in the world. That there is a great evil here and it seeks to destroy us, it seeks to devour the very being of whom created you. The one whom created us, is God The Father Almighty, and there is our Anointed One, our Messiah. The Son, of the Living God, Jesus/YESHUA. He is a love, that can open our lives, to a love so pure, so real, so unforgettable. Here are a couple of testimonies, of my family and self and how the Lord God Almighty delivered us from evil and protect us from the evil one. Praise be God!

Alright, I must share this testimony from June 15, 2018. I was in a Piggly Wiggly parking lot, with my family. I had my elbow out of the window and it was about dusk. I all of a sudden felt this weird heat on my arm and smelled a scent that was not the typical demonic scent. I then saw a strange light green, light coming into our vehicle. I looked around and saw The Star like things, I that I see at night flashing different colors, very rapidly and it was about a couple of hundred feet away or more. I then rebuked it in the name if the Lord and it shot back into the atmosphere, fast. I then saw the enemy around us, keeping their distance. They would honk or flash their lights at each other. So were the star like things, but they followed us everywhere we went, creeping low like helicopters, but they definitely were not helicopters. As we were driving, each light post and street light we went past would turn off and turn back on, immediately as we drove past it. Knowing by sensing and seeing this star like thing, which I know are the “Watchers” was doing this to the light’s, really made me focus onto the reality of this threat and how bad it was trying to take us out, as they were over us, following. From the sky to the enemy, on the ground we were in a fight for our lives. I saw them in human form that were on the ground and driving regular vehicles. As I was driving to my brothers, and praying they shot something at my face and it was like a sticky web like feel to it, that if touched with my other hand, the residual effect, would be attached to whatever I touched. If that makes sense. My eyelid and cheekbone felt like the muscle had no control to it. I ignored it and still kept driving. It’s as if I could see a white glowing substance on my hand from touching it. Anyways, the vehicles, I knew were the “bad guys” as our children call them. They followed us all the way to the otherside of town. I arrived at my siblings house and prayed with him. I confessed openly anything I may have done to offend the Lord and spoke about the Lord to my sibling, in doing so I felt my entire body fill up and light up, like a light bulb. I felt as if I was glowing strong. I went outside and knew the things in the sky would be way in the atmosphere and sure enough they were. I praised the Lord and thanked Him. As we were driving I prayed to the Lord if it be His will, to dispatch an assignment of holy battle angels to our aid and as soon as I said, Amen, they arrived zipping up to a red light at the opposite side if the road and and one smiled and nodded at me, and as if saying “we’re here”. As my family and I drove home, 2 enemy vehicles pulled along us and it’s as if they couldn’t stand being next to us. Then a black car came zipping up and I felt myself centered with the Lord and start to light up again, if that makes sense. The black car hugged the left shoulder lane and couldn’t stand to be next to us and it drove ahead cutting the other enemy vehicles off, just to get away. At that moment, there were 3 enemy vehicles in front of ours and I said,the Lord’s name. JESUS! At that very moment, all 3 vehicles were heaved forward as if something grabbed all 3 at the same exact time and shoved them forward, away from us. I looked at my daughter as she looked at me smiling in amazement, and I said His mighty and precious name again, JESUS! Again, they were heaved forward as if getting shoved ahead, all three at the exact same time. I then said His name again and and again the same thing. I then said, His name several more time’s and they went studdering down the road and couldn’t get away fast enough. The second I let up, they were gone and flew around corners to get away. My daughter and family were in ahh and praising the Lord. I know by no means, of my works but His and all glory to You my Lord. I am only here to testify of His works. The feeling I felt, the nasty tain, from that thing that was flashing various colors. Others call them whatever they want, but I have a pretty good idea of who they are or what they are, to say the least. I can explain a different encounter with this star like thing in a future testimony, but it’s time to let the world know. I thank You, heavenly Father for protecting my family and self. I give all praise and love to You. Thank you, my God and King. Glory be to the Lord God Almighty and the Son of the Living God, Jesus Christ. Thank you, Holy Spirit for filling me with Your fire. God, YOU ARE AMAZING. PRAISE THE LORD!!! RAISE THE BANNER OF THE LORD GOD ALMIGHTY
Freedom is Gone
Freedom is Gone
4 years ago
Where is my application?
First ONE
First ONE
3 years ago
wow first home run video explaination
yusuf mambo.
yusuf mambo.
3 years ago
know that toxoplasmosis,cats,dogs,flies,snails even worms take part of this game
Mr. Shadow
Mr. Shadow
4 years ago
But what exactly is a TI ? Is this just a dog hunt ?
Rapture Ready
Rapture Ready
3 years ago
Wow. Don’t do Talkshoe. RIP Chuck.
Guy David
Guy David
3 years ago
Good stuff
4 years ago
this shit is confusing trust and believe they dont want me for shit these ppl want me dead
Truly Unbroken
Truly Unbroken
3 years ago
NUBIAN T.I. I feel u. Once they have watched u first so long and they see how much. Have survived despite everything, then they get even more pissed! That hey def wanna take u out! Me too, they got my entire family in on it! They turned them those, I remember my mom getting targeted in some ways in the past and us not even knowing what it was. Now she has acted like she has completely forgotten, and has sacrificed me for her own well being! What a fuckung mother, right! I cant believe it! Disgusting!! It feels as if she isnt even my mother anymore! Maybe a pod person, or a stepford wife. She’s cloned!!
Truly Unbroken
Truly Unbroken
3 years ago
Insightful View I just can’t imagine choosing myself over my kids…! This whole program is sickening!
Joy K
Joy K
3 years ago
My mom did the same thing, and was poisoning me.
King Freedom
King Freedom
3 years ago
I cast you out in the name of jesus yeshua my king and savior.son of the allmighty. I have the power be gone
Citi Zen
Citi Zen
4 years ago
Is the man talking on this video now dead
Citi Zen
Citi Zen
4 years ago
Oooo so very sad, I did do a search on his channel, and everything had been removed, No doubt this is what they have in sore for all of us Ti’s, Thanky you kindly for your reply.
Brian Miles
Brian Miles
1 year ago
Well always civil war
4 years ago
that little audio melody always makes me think..get ready to be harrassed..
4 years ago
lol b/c talkshoe is one big harrassment zone to mess with ti’s..
Max Rivera
Max Rivera
3 years ago
Just keep playing a word nuclear
James T Kirk
James T Kirk
3 years ago
Mish’l Carr
Mish’l Carr
3 years ago
It’s all b.s !!! You choose to believe or not!!
Mexica Rap
Mexica Rap
3 years ago
Israel Kingdum is on its way
mothers gauri
mothers gauri
3 years ago
He’s messing with you. The script is to unsettle, confuse, etc. … and of course he’s trying to stop what you are doing..they don’t want to be exposed. Ignore it and carry on….stay on the side of light. There is a God . You will win.
Max Rivera
Max Rivera
3 years ago
I’ve been to for five years
None Oftheabove
None Oftheabove
4 years ago
Is this guy drunk?
Barry Cofflin
Barry Cofflin
2 years ago
This is best Gs Clip
Carletta Edwards
Carletta Edwards
3 years ago
Put on the armor of God daily Ephesians Google armor of God. Then bind & rebuke them in Jesus name they Flee. As God puts hedge around you & gives you weapon Jesus name the sword of the Spirit. FACT s
Jemimah Kendall
Jemimah Kendall
3 years ago
Why we looking at orgones
Stevie Grant
Stevie Grant
3 years ago
Del roy
. Mason are them ppl doin … …3 6 9…i gnore for a while but they use chemicalschand rashes weight loss
3 years ago
Wft is that im losing weight like a mofo
3 years ago
imagine if Jesus and the disciples reincarnated theyd be targeted ASAP
🎱 – CHILLY – 🎱
🎱 – CHILLY – 🎱
1 year ago
jesus christ of Nazareth was gangstalked. witch hunts have been going on since man was conceived
3 years ago
gangstalking just looks like people doing average shit stop looking for stuff your actively looking for shit to view as gang stalking if you look for yellow cars youll notice yellow car this is the same thing
3 years ago
Targeted individuals aka schizophrenics.. I wish it was real, I would definitely take a paycheck to follow people around or whatever.
Caleb Stith
Caleb Stith
11 months ago
You might need one!!!
Crystal Newman
Crystal Newman
4 months ago
Its real!