Mark of the Beast: The Great Reset-“Going Direct” to Cyborg Enslavement. “We are In World War III:” Catherine Austin Fitts 10 Interviews (6/21, 7/20, 8/22, 10/7, 10/9, 10/18, 10/29, 12/22 2020) & Webmaster’s Transcription and Notes

Catherine Austin Fitts: Our Choice is Between Slavery and Freedom (and death is not the worst thing that can happen) I. Catherine Austin Fitts | … Continue reading Mark of the Beast: The Great Reset-“Going Direct” to Cyborg Enslavement. “We are In World War III:” Catherine Austin Fitts 10 Interviews (6/21, 7/20, 8/22, 10/7, 10/9, 10/18, 10/29, 12/22 2020) & Webmaster’s Transcription and Notes