Bryan Kofron, Whistleblower and TI: 3 Q & A Programs

I. Bryan Kofron: Questions and Answers 1-3

Posted by Bryan Kofron on August 2017
CENSORED by YouTube:

Saturday, Feb 20, 2018 i saw VIEWS of 2,200+
Two-Three months later VIEWS of 900+
Now, Friday, September 28, 2018 VIEWS of 452

Deleted from his website by the Deep State.

During my time as a Security Specialist with Security Industry Specialists in Seattle, Wa I became aware of a massive social engineering program run by the federal government, intelligence agencies, private corporations, private security contractors, and DESC (Downtown Emergency Service Center).

This social engineering program experiments on the homeless population and the general population of Seattle utilizing what most people know as Voice to Skull (V2K) technology. However, this technology is infinitely more advanced than most people know. It can be used to completely control the thoughts and emotions of the target and thus, it can be used to control the target’s actions.

This program is illegal, unconstitutional, and absolutely terrifying. It must be exposed and stopped NOW. What follows is a detailed outline of the entire program. Please read and share with all of your friends and family. Contact your Senators and members of congress and demand that they investigate immediately.

Many of the homeless test subjects of this program start out as highly educated and successful people. Their lives are systematically destroyed by this program using voice to skull technology, organized stalking, career sabatage, and an intense character assassination effort which isolates them from society, leaves them unemployed, and turns family and friends against them.

Greystar Property Management, a company that manages apartment complexes around the country, is complicit in this illegal program. As the Targeted Individual (TI) is being tortured by V2K, microwaved, and emotionally manipulated by frequency weapons, Greystar employees look the other way when the tenent complains to the leasing office. Their maintenance workers routinely enter the target’s residence without permission. And they work hand in hand with the organized stalking program to surround the target with neighbors who are working for the program. The result of these illegal activities is that the target ends up completely isolated from society and will eventually be forced out of their home.

This part of the social engineering program is carried out in cities accross America with the goal of relocating the victim to one of the “Hub-Cities” of the program – in this case, Seattle Washington.

The relocation phase of this program uses V2K and organized stalking to force the victim out of the city they reside in. They are then forced to buy a Greyhound bus ticket to Seattle. In route, they are intercepted by a group of thugs on the Greyhound bus that includes every other passenger on the bus. During the long hours of the ride to Seattle, the victim is drugged, robbed, tortured, and prevented from escaping. During this hellish relocation operation, false confessions are beaten out of the victim. The purpose of this, is to later prevent the victim from seeking help from law enforcement, for they are told that the false confessions will be used against them if they do.

The victim’s ID, credit cards, social security card, and cell phones are stolen, thus leaving the victim completely helpless and destitute. They are then dropped of on the side of the highway in the freezing cold and rain just outside the city of Seattle.

The victim is left alone for a period of days, as they wander along the highway with no money, food, or water. During this time, V2K is used to induce hallucinations and relentlessly torture the victim psychologically. When they inevitably collapse from exhaustion, dehydration, and hypothermia, they are picked up by people in the program, revived, and then dropped back off on the side of the road. Slowly, they are guided to downtown Seattle where their nightmare will get even worse.

Once the victim arrives in Seattle, they are subjected to merciless psychological torture. As they aimlessly wander the streets, organized stalkers scream insults at them and spit on them. A constant bombardment of directed frequency energy pummels the victim’s mind and completely destroys their ability to function and think. This goes on for a week or more. No care is afforded to them and they are rendered emotionally and psychologically devistated.
It is at this point that the victim is guided to the waiting arms of DESC (Downtown Emergency Service Center) where their torture will continue in a facility that appears to all the world as nothing more than your average homeless shelter.

Message to TIs from Bryan Kofron:

Due to threats made against me and my loved ones, I am discontinuing The fake activist organization “PACTS International” is involved in a slow-kill domestic assassination program. They bragged to me that they have killed Targeted Individuals before and they said that I would also be killed if I didn’t stop my efforts to expose the Truth about what is being done to T.I.’s. I am NOT affiliated in any way with PACTS International and I never was. If you are a Targeted Individual and/or a whistleblower, stay away from PACTS International and DO NOT trust them or get involved with them in any way. They are liars, they are very dangerous, and they are loyal to the same people who are targeting all of us. They continue to downplay and cover up the use of frequency and etheric weapons against Targeted Individuals in accordance with the will of the people running this program against T.I.’s. The online T.I. community consists largely of fake activists and fake T.I.’s who are complicit in the psychological operation being run against T.I.’s. If you are a T.I., stay away from these controlled opposition groups and understand that T.I.’s are being used against other T.I.’s to perpetuate the negative effects of the psy-op being run against us. Thank you to everyone who has supported me and my efforts to expose the crimes being committed against T.I.’s and what is going on in Seattle, Washington. Stay Strong and never give up. – Bryan Kofron


3 years ago
Bryan is a true blessing. I emailed him several months ago and someone responded on his behalf…. I was sure it wasn’t him…. He is a revolutionary for all TIs

Golden Eagle Phoenix
2 years ago
Thank you to both of you for an intriguing and informative video from NM!

Douglas Donohue
2 years ago
been happening to me and has ruined my life. I know for a fact several
mass shooting are the result of this

9 months ago
i’ve been experiencing this program since 2010. it hasn’t become RNM until 2012 (as far as i’m aware). It has been on and off over years in waves that i nicknamed “seasons”. It is disgusting how it is being used. The lack of oversight, and in my case, lack of maturity and intellect in oversight is hideous. This technology should not be used on civilians, and only used in foreign intelligence, military and NASA (only with education and consent with an on/off given to the individual) in my humble opinion. The cost in dollars and years of research behind this must be enormous to be spilled illegally onto civilians, who may be targeted for a very simple reason as someone did not like them. Whatever the reason, it is illegal, explosively powerful, covered up, and out of control. Our trusted politicians are either not aware, coerced to cooperate, or possibly even under the influence.

Around 44 minutes Bryon talks about the license plates of the vehicles that have followed the TI’s he’s witnessed. I’ve seen brand new vehicles, with the brand new state license tag designs that just got rolled out at the time (2012) and a state employee office plate placed on an old classic car that was planted at one of my stops. The security firms have deals with auto a DMV’s i’m sure. Years later on another “season” i’ve seen a USAF plate roll out in front of an establishment i was in and a couple gangstalkers entered, fortunately i was on the way out. I agree with Bryan fully.

He is correct by saying that this is a complete “hands off” program, where anyone accused can easily say that they have not physically done anything (meaning no police report and paper trail, like good organized crime). i’m at the point where i’m conditioned to recognize the gangstalker and am aware that they may be pushed to “pop off” but actually won’t, for whatever reason they’re told. However, In 2016 my house was broken into, and a fire alarm was set off in my basement at around 0300 hours on a weeknight. When i eventually went outside, with the alarm blaring loud outside, i’ve seen a local police car parked across the street empty. I’ve waited and looked as anyone should, no one showed despite phone calls. No other neighbors said a blip. So the grab of these security personal can cross further lines.

Bryan briefly mentioned DEW’s. I wish he had went further into discussing them. I found good info from Richard Lighthouse in his ebooks. Take a look, very informative. I don’t want to discuss too much about my personal case, but i’ve experience “electronic touch” on and off for almost 10 years now. It is supposedly microwave directed energy in the 1-10 millivolt range directed pinpoint on the body. It is certainly “non-touch” torture/intimidation.

I have been unaware of this technology/program being used on others until 2019. Very lazy on my own part, but after the 2012 “season” i’ve tried an internet search for info and back then i found very little and obscure information. But since 2019 i’ve found stronger and stronger evidence that correlates to my experiences and i know that it is going on elsewhere. I’ve seen cases where people have been targeted and brought completely down into silence, and i’ve heard of suicides spoken of. The only aspect of my own case is that instead of an immediate downward destructive force on the outset, there was a false “building up” aspect to the beginning. Something i never took seriously in the very beginning, but an overwhelming amount of attention was placed on me, only to be revisited and wrecked physically and mentally twice, in two “seasons”, only to be handed off into an ongoing campaign of character assassination for two more “seasons”.

If any other TI’s out there read this, BE STRONG. If you understand what is happening, you have the upper edge. Chance is on your side because you should be smart enough to recognize it. You will survive if u want to. Don’t give in. Don’t pop off, don’t shrink out, and don’t hang up.

Kristin in SEATTLE
1 year ago
I have been a TARGETED INDIVIDUAL since birth. I come from generations of military. For instance my grandfather retired from the Navy then proceeded to work for Lockheed in Seattle in which he retired from as well. Do you suspect that Lockheed is tied in with this technology? It only makes sense to me.

Cashmere Woods
1 year ago
Reminds me of being a ward if the state in Seattle, Seattle does a shit ton of messed up stuff to people

Ontologically Steve
2 years ago (edited)
Can getting rid of your smartphone/devices and Wi-Fi prevent them from utilizing this technology? At the very least—-lessen it? I’m utterly burnt out. If not for my wife of 20 years (who’s witnessed every bit of this): I’d probably think that I’ve merely lost my mind.

Ellemonette F
2 years ago
Gangstalkers just don’t know that the technology can be used in them covertly so they have no idea their thoughts and emotions aren’t their own.

Cecil Odell Turner O’dell Paul Weiner
9 months ago
This one is not for you people! In San Diego, Ca!! “Hey ! I know you!” “No! You don’t know me!” “No!!! I know you!””
That was the conversation of 2 police officers and a plain clothed guy. The plain clothed guy had me in my head of hearing and hope, to go back and forth in the rail system for over an hour, to keep me from accomplishing my focus.

Michał P
2 years ago
Happening to me in Kraków Poland!

Cecil Odell Turner O’dell Paul Weiner
9 months ago
The LA PD, never lost their connections/ buddies. They got research from. Anyone that realizes, that if not in jail, they still have their contacts and buddies. They are still

Cathy R. Szymanski
1 year ago
What I meant is all you say is true and fits exactly what happened to me. I am very aware of their madness. It is done in my private apartments and private houses and in many states and currently am in Myrtle Beach, SC and will leave sat by ride with a guy I found on Craigslist. I have been attacked in hotels and motels as I have stayed up and down was those and my own family was taken and yes military heavily involved as I lived next to military base for 11 years in private house and when in NY me and friend was invited on ship during vessel week of Navy and then in 1986 went on board of Naval vessel and sat around for an hour chatting for a couple hours with Gus about 30 or so and spent further hours with many friend and 2 military guys and have over years have been amongst many military people. I think I was originally profiled at about age 16 in high school situations. Yes all you say happened to me. Yes they want people to think u r crazy and purposely make u crazy for the time that you figure it all out so they can always claim you r crazy. My involvement why they picked me was my brother joined Marines at 19 and I was 11 yrs old and later back in 1990’s with congressman filled out freedom of information and when I called on phone to Philadelphia cause I lived in PA for 14 years plus and on that call FBI said it was nothing to worry about. My name was cross-connected to someone and he being my brother.

loving life
1 year ago (edited)
I’ve been gang stalked for 10yrs. Ruined my life. Lost everything. Mind included.
4 years ago
Definitely interested in getting Bryan for a interview with Studio1776
4 years ago
Definitely interested in getting Bryan for a interview with

Cecil Odell Turner O’dell Paul Weiner
9 months ago
The man is correct of the teeth. There is a protruding sliver above where an eye tooth used to be. They also do bone reconstruction of cheeks. Let alone perfectly good teeth pulled due to pain of some sensor or RFID! There is also”MY NAME IS EARL”, of jaw popping and cheek bone alteration to eliminte.

Larisa Smith
1 year ago
I don’t know who’s the insane one, Bryan or you Derrick

1 year ago
“It can be used to create riots.”

Cecil Odell Turner O’dell Paul Weiner
9 months ago
She interrupted him. That is a “Mole”. Technique!

Cecil Odell Turner O’dell Paul Weiner
9 months ago
He’s correct of fake military authentication. Seen , been part of. Even a wood console in police cruiser, 1996. But the ticket stuck.

Cathy R. Szymanski
1 year ago
mine 1983 as I took a CIA Morse code aptitude test for Morse code with about 200 mostly young men at age 34. Then I lived in VA beach, VA and ad was in Sunday paper about testing for tech position. Did well. Small number passed n then given application to mail in and then mailed in and wrote back not accepted n all record is destroyed of me having applied. 1986 while living in my apt in NYC was attacked n driven to severely paranoid state. I am now 71 and program was torture mind control by CIA/NASA/FBI and many times cops came to my own home and forced to a place drugged with thorazine and they did so several times there in Columus, NJ. They gave me history of mental illness but I moved everywhere and reprogrammed my mind n very well. I was used cause I have prophetic dreams born with many high Super conscious abilities wrote this quickly so that it’s received by artificial intelligence cops from state police were trained to do all torture and they gather my own dreams as well as my ability to figure them out as I studied Jungian theory. Got it under control and all you say is true. I lived in 10 states I am very aware. They steal all over and over. All I say true. I am now 71 years old. [email protected]

St.EveNMichael MADara
2 years ago
Did you say

Total individual control technology is being used by security industry special list for this one hes talking about technology that doesn’t exist but stalk him tomorrow instead of el chapo

Cecil Odell Turner O’dell Paul Weiner
9 months ago
Interruptions! That’s my notice.
Marc Allain
Marc Allain
2 years ago
Happening to me in Massachusetts

Cecil Odell Turner O’dell Paul Weiner
9 months ago
She interrupted, to create confusion and disorientation of the end point. (My opinion)

Ellemonette F
1 year ago
This interview was stolen from someone else. The person asking the questions is just stopping the original interview and putting in questions. Smh

Truth Is Criminal 2
2 years ago (edited)
There is a way out. That way is through the belief in Jesus Christ. I am a trauma based mind control victim. I’ve been hit with electronic harassment, DEW’s, pulses energy projectiles, gang stalked and all of the above and until I came clean before the Lord, handed everything over to his will and made Him the Lord of my life I was in complete and utter torment. YOU CAN GET FREE!!

Psalm 50:15 King James Version (KJV)

15 And call upon me (Jesus), in your day of trouble: I will deliver thee, and thou shalt glorify me.

I’m living proof of this.

God bless you!!

simone bae
7 months ago
I’m being telepathically harassed and I would like it to stop please get back to me with any information thank you

1 month ago
Mind Control V2K Travessa ETCD Diadema SP Brazil TI targeted individual

Julius Spartacus
10 months ago
If this was real, yt wouldn’t allow it. Full stop. Don’t be deceived.

3rd Eye Kween Ma’at
1 year ago

Cecil Odell Turner O’dell Paul Weiner
9 months ago
Confusing lady. Maybe not a mole… I don’t know but I do notice that she is directing the topics!

Miranda A
3 years ago
Laura Thankyou

Iaman Empoweredone
2 years ago
I subscibed to your channel and keep getting unsubscribed

Ellemonette F
1 year ago
Why not just MIRROR this video instead of making people think you actually interviewed this guy. I heard the real interview and its not this one. Smh

Joe Redfield
2 years ago (edited)
suspicion sells. It’s just a business. All that social engineering is bullshit. Sell suspicion and you have a thriving plant that you can water everyday.

The professionals at this are the ones who know they are selling something that is neither here nor there. The one who sell it to themselves are usually conflicted. The professional teaches them there is no shame in it. To not feel, only act in your interest and let everything fall as it should.

It is a business, and you’ll be hard pressed for people to quit doing business.
Rosalind R
2 years ago
Thanks.1 view here. & shared.

joshua chad morris
2 years ago
Ti for 5 years from Texas

II. Bryan Kofron- Q & A, 2 of 3 (Jan. 11, 2018)

III. Bryan Kofron- Q & A, 3 of 3 (Feb. 20, 2018)

Saturday, Feb 20, 2018 i saw VIEWS of 2,200+
Two-Three months later VIEWS of 900+
Now, Friday, September 28, 2018 VIEWS of 452
this happened to 1of3 and similar happened to 2of3 and 3of3

Deleted from his website by the Deep State:

Located at 505 3rd Ave in Seattle,Wa 98104, DESC Connections houses homeless men who are experimented on by a covert research and development/social engineering program run by The United States Government. Here, constantly updated versions of Voice to Skull and Emotion-Manipulation technology are used against vicitms in a controlled setting. The shelter and surrounding area are a testing ground for a highly classified form of voice to skull known as “Hive Mind,” which is used to refine coordinated organized stalking and street theater tactics. Participation in these activities is involuntary. These helpless people are modern day slaves who have been treated like lab rats by the criminals running this program.

DESC is suppose to be helping these homeless people find jobs and affordable housing. I can tell you from first hand knowledge that although many of these victims are making a valiant effort to overcome the torture and find jobs, the employees of DESC will simply not allow it to happen. Their job is to keep these men homeless at all costs. They are human test subjects in a highly illegal program and thus, their homeless condition is understood by all involved as permanent.

With such a miserable existence impossed on them by those who have been charged with their care, these homeless people have very little to look forward to. The people running this social engineering program know this so they have built into the program a series of incentives. These range from dirt cheap cigarettes and free bus rides to EBT food stamp cards paid for by the state of Washington.

But the most well behaved of the test subjects have a chance to move up town to a place that most homeless men in Seattle only dream of living some day: 157 Roy Street.


Inkognito 9
1 year ago
they are also able to control animals especially rats and crows and are also used as sneaky and stealthy observer perps.
dogs,sparrows,squirrel,cats,horse.and some insects like the moskito.
this is no joke!


Jewels. T.i.
2 years ago
It’s possible if justin carter would left the U.s. he couldve give us more details on this gangstalking and perhaps and that just perhaps probably make his life safer, I hope your alive Justin carter. We <3 u Ellemonette F 2 years ago There are NO aliens, only the government and their technology. Erin 1 year ago Obviously po lice/33 ARE/were looking for now vanished likely dead Kofron; as they're the biggest stalkers around! Trust I know, after 35 years of false arrests; biz, home and asset sabotage, constant home contacts with these thugs. With all due respect, catch up to this agenda. This show is too slow and strung out... speaker sounds tranquilized. NO offense. Ronaldolacerda1 1 month ago V2K mind control Travessa ETCD Diadema São Paulo Brazil TI ROSEBUDS 2 years ago Has this video been edited???? 🤔🤫🤫🤫🤫🤫🤫🤫 Iaman Empoweredone 2 years ago web site looks to be gone for now?? 1

One Reply to “Bryan Kofron, Whistleblower and TI: 3 Q & A Programs”

  1. This is world wide and now US is open about the existence of EMF (Havana Syndrome) and directed energy weapon. There are now millions of people aware of these crimes now. They used directed energy on citizens of Australians who were peacefully protesting covid lockdowns. It seems TI were the beta program for the full rollout Internet of Bodies using bio surveillance via Mrna experimental gene therapies. Here is a documentary nano man featuring leading doctors, scientists and biologists that have discussed the WEF Covid Passports that leverages the Mrna software platform using AI to interact with the self replicating nano-bots via graphene. Most GangStalking is automated via AI and Sws Watch here:

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