The Brain Invaders Program With Jesse Ventura

The Brain Invaders Program With Jesse Ventura

Webmaster’s Comment: A very good introduction to this complex subject. I have hitherto not included this video on my website because:

1) While Dr. Robert Duncan is an important expert and whistleblower on this topic, he is certainly not the “Big Kahuna” who created this program, as claimed here. Indeed, my own article: Mind Control: History and Applications By Professor Eric T. Karlstrom (2012) exposes many of (the thousands) of scientists and CIA spychiatrists who developed these technologies in cooperation with intelligence and military agencies over the past 70 to 80 years. That said, Dr. Robert Duncan, author of “The Matrix Deciphered” and “Project Soul Catcher: Secrets of Cyber and Cybernetic Warfare Revealed” is a very important whistleblower.

2) The name of Ventura’s program is “Conspiracy Theory.” However, information presented here is conspiracy fact. Indeed, the term “conspiracy theory” is a pejorative term the CIA introduced after they helped organize the assassination of President John F. Kennedy in order to discredit those who were researching this crime and other government crimes. The term is a form of bullying designed to stop critical thought.

So, yes, I believe we are dealing here with Government-sponsored “technological possession.” And the goal, as Dr. Robert Duncan says, is total control of the population.

How do you get put into this diabolically evil program? Well, it seems that displeasing someone in the power elite will do it. Just before being targeted, Harlan Girard, featured here, made a critical remark about George H.W. Bush, Yale Skull and Bones, former President and CIA Director. Hmm. Come to think of it, using others’ research, I wrote a summary article in 2004 about the Bush Crime Family entitled:

The Bush Dynasty of Death: Four Generations of Wall Street War-Making and War-Profiteering

And I have traced my targeting back to at least 2004…. Hmmm