Andrea Malczewska: TI Statement to Webmaster (6/17 and 10/12/23 emails)

I. 6/17/23 email to Webmaster:

Letter i sent my public housing authorities
BC Housing
Vancouver Canada
Lisa Tucker

My problems started after three things happened,
a new electrical system was installed in the building (smart system , can be operated through app( China Creek ) ,
a neighbour moved in below me ,
and a thyroid treatment I received at VGH , that involved hydrogel .

I believe these did not happen randomly ( have reasons ) and were done to facilitate my harrassment . I was not given informed consent about the hydrogel i received for my thyroid at VGH . ( said i was going to help my thyroid and did nothing to improve it . Made it worse .

I think I was part of a pilot project before the rollout of the vaccine as both the vaccine and thyroid treatment i received had hydrogel in them and are developing technologies . Interesting that while in lockdown over Covid , they ( city ) was setting up a lot of the 5g infrastructure at the same time they were rolling out the vaccine . ( Hydrogel and 5g and other forms of energy such as microwaves , EMF/EF/RF’s which excite the nano tech in the hydrogel and it begins to self replicate and create a circuitry in your body .This can breach the blood / brain barrier and turn subject ( myself ) into a human antenna . ( not fun )

. It is biology mixing / merging with nano ,that can send and receive info wirelessly ! ( like bluetooth ) I’m very magnetic ! Spoons / knives anything metal or magnetic stick to me ! Its not normal . ( i never received vaccine , and choose not to due to health and previous /current symptoms suffered from my treatment at VGH with hydrogel .)
My ears have been ringing ever since these three events . At first gently and only in certain spots in my apartment and then over time there was nowhere to run/ hide . It was like i was being mapped out and hunted . From my research there is a big push to do more study on the brain and nano tech ( eg. Nero link and the brain initiative ) there is a lot of money involved and i have learned that people are used in medical experiments and not informed . I believe i am one of those unfortunate people . ( they use criminals to do their dirty work / freemasons because its so unethical )

I have a neighbour below me who literally makes it his job to harass me with a variety of tricks such as microwaves , frequencies , chemicals etc… i can hear him follow me from room to room ( always work in twos ) moving equipment and cursing when i wont keep still . They are using Directed energy weapons against me , its all high tech and hard to prove as they are doing this through walls , don’t ask me how they know what room I’m in , they always find me . Is awful beyond words.

So at the end of the night at 630-700 he leaves and someone else takes over for the day shift ( two people usually )
The fellow / tenant during the night shift must sleep somewhere else as he is bothering me and doing crack all night and never sleeps at night .

This has been going on for a long time and the intensity of the attacks has become very hard to take and it feels very diabolical .

I have taken meter readings of EMF/RF/EF and matched readings to a chart and the results are not good ( says i should not be in this kind of environment ) costs a lot of money to get a proper assessment so i bought a device and took my own readings . Thought by sharing these with you i could get some help . Instead i have been gaslighted and sent to hospital for assessments , based on your opinion ( or participation ) , if bc housing is involved , how do i get a fair hearing ! and with no investigation ! When at hospital i have requested a medical review only to be decertified and not have my concerns addressed or investigated . They tell me go to the police and police tell me to go to hospital , its a revolving door of nothing .
I am being hunted , tracked and intruded upon by criminals everyday . Its organized and sneaky .

I have heard that parents who are not on board with the trans agenda can be considered “ terrorists and can be subject to a watch lists and discrimination “ Christians too !

( my son has been high jacked by this trans agenda and i am a Christian ) i cant say why this is happening to me / us , ( if its medical experimenting or political or both , but believe it is part of a very real cultural war . And that if crimes against humanity can happen in the Ukraine , they can happen here in Canada too ! And i am a victim who needs help and to get my story out .

As this problem has been going on for so long , i have had plenty of time to observe and investigate my situation and know that what I’m dealing with is criminal . There are a bunch of people reaching out on the internet with the same kind of problem ! Normal everyday people . Innocent !

If bc housing is facilitating this then shame on you all !

In “ addition ! “ to what i have stated above i have also suffered greatly over the 2 year renovation of our building . My unit is on top floor of a three story walk up that has had a complete exterior makeover and a new roof installed . We had scaffolding all the way round and i had construction workers walking by my windows all day long for 2 years . Jack hammers starting at 730 and equipment tossed about above my head every morning till 6-7 o’clock
Not to mention unprofessional asbestos removal and feeling very ill during removal process ! Two years is a little long to do a Reno on a small three story walk up ) the construction workers took pleasure in disrupting my life in particular . The workers were encouraged to bully me , i know this because i overheard them say “ we need to make more noise , we are trying to make her move “ encouraging them to escalate noise factor .

Between that and my neighbours and their shenanigans its been very hard . I am a quiet considerate person and don’t deserve all this !

I am not hopeful that this problem will improve because it has gone on so long with many pleas on my part for help . (letters , calls etc…) But do believe that this is a trend that will manifest more in the future within bc housing and society as a whole . It’s all very diabolical . Someone needs to speak out ( not sell out ) !This is for the record .
Shame on you bc housing and Canadian government !

Really by writing this letter i am appealing to my bullies ,

I don’t see the light at the end of the tunnel here .
All i can do is tell the truth and hope it will fall on the right ears . “ no pun intended

As to the effects on my health and my family it has been immense . Too much to say 😢

I am requesting that i be transferred to a safe place where i can recuperate . I have been on the bc housing transfer list since 2015 and feel this should make me a priority . I am also requesting that i should be eligible for portable housing subsidy due to extreme sensitivity to microwaves etc … and the changing nature of this landscape . My ears improve when away from all this stuff ! and need to find an affordable escape . I am also collecting supplies to build a tiny house if there are grants or funding i would be happy to discuss this too .

A am hoping one of these will provide the solution i need so badly .

My mother tells me there is new housing going up in Victoria , near Esquimalt and this would be great if i could be considered for one of these as it would be close to her and other family members . ( she just recently broke her leg badly ,and needs support )

I am applying for a one bedroom but two would be better.

My son is happy in Vancouver and wants to be close to sister and work , but at times needs a place to get well . He has mental health struggles . So a two brm unit would be nice but 1 brm works too .

Yours truly
Andrea Malczewska
303-1040 east 7 th ave
Vancouver bc

File number 1113439

II. 10/12/23 email to Webmaster:

Hi Dr Micheal

I am looking for a professional that can vouch for my situation and that this is real . I have recently written letters calling out bc housing ( my subsidized rental ) and they are sending a nurse on Monday ! I am sending you copies of letters i sent them so you will know my situation better . I am a little scared and it would help to get letter or Referal for consultation .

Thanks for being a voice for those who suffer a similar fate . God bless

First letter sent

Lisa Tucker

My problems started after three things happened ,
a new electrical system was installed in the building (smart system , can be operated through app( China Creek ) ,
a neighbour moved in below me ,
and a thyroid treatment I received at VGH , that involved hydrogel .

I believe these did not happen randomly ( have reasons ) and were done to facilitate my harrassment . I was not given informed consent about the hydrogel i received for my thyroid at VGH . ( said i was going to help my thyroid and did nothing to improve it . Made it worse .
I think I was part of a pilot project before the rollout of the vaccine as both the vaccine and thyroid treatment i received had hydrogel in them and are developing technologies . Interesting that while in lockdown over Covid , they ( city ) was setting up a lot of the 5g infrastructure at the same time they were rolling out the vaccine . ( Hydrogel and 5g and other forms of energy such as microwaves , EMF/EF/RF’s which excite the nano tech in the hydrogel and it begins to self replicate and create a circuitry in your body .This can breach the blood / brain barrier and turn subject ( myself ) into a human antenna . ( not fun )

. It is biology mixing / merging with nano ,that can send and receive info wirelessly ! ( like bluetooth ) I’m very magnetic ! Spoons / knives anything metal or magnetic stick to me ! Its not normal . ( i never received vaccine , and choose not to due to health and previous /current symptoms suffered from my treatment at VGH with hydrogel .)
My ears have been ringing ever since these three events . At first gently and only in certain spots in my apartment and then over time there was nowhere to run/ hide . It was like i was being mapped out and hunted . From my research there is a big push to do more study on the brain and nano tech ( eg. Nero link and the brain initiative ) there is a lot of money involved and i have learned that people are used in medical experiments and not informed . I believe i am one of those unfortunate people . ( they use criminals to do their dirty work / freemasons because its so unethical )
I have a neighbour below me who literally makes it his job to harass me with a variety of tricks such as microwaves , frequencies , chemicals etc… i can hear him follow me from room to room ( always work in twos ) moving equipment and cursing when i wont keep still . They are using Directed energy weapons against me , its all high tech and hard to prove as they are doing this through walls , don’t ask me how they know what room I’m in , they always find me . Is awful beyond words .
So at the end of the night at 630-700 he leaves and someone else takes over for the day shift ( two people usually )
The fellow / tenant during the night shift must sleep somewhere else as he is bothering me and doing crack all night and never sleeps at night .
This has been going on for a long time and the intensity of the attacks has become very hard to take and it feels very diabolical .

I have taken meter readings of EMF/RF/EF and matched readings to a chart and the results are not good ( says i should not be in this kind of environment ) costs a lot of money to get a proper assessment so i bought a device and took my own readings . Thought by sharing these with you i could get some help . Instead i have been gaslighted and sent to hospital for assessments , based on your opinion ( or participation ) , if bc housing is involved , how do i get a fair hearing ! and with no investigation ! When at hospital i have requested a medical review only to be decertified and not have my concerns addressed or investigated . They tell me go to the police and police tell me to go to hospital , its a revolving door of nothing .
I am being hunted , tracked and intruded upon by criminals everyday . Its organized and sneaky .

I have heard that parents who are not on board with the trans agenda can be considered “ terrorists and can be subject to a watch lists and discrimination “ Christians too !

( my son has been high jacked by this trans agenda and i am a Christian ) i cant say why this is happening to me / us , ( if its medical experimenting or political or both , but believe it is part of a very real cultural war . And that if crimes against humanity can happen in the Ukraine , they can happen here in Canada too ! And i am a victim who needs help and to get my story out .
As this problem has been going on for so long , i have had plenty of time to observe and investigate my situation and know that what I’m dealing with is criminal . There are a bunch of people reaching out on the internet with the same kind of problem ! Normal everyday people . Innocent !
If bc housing is facilitating this then shame on you all !

In “ addition ! “ to what i have stated above i have also suffered greatly over the 2 year renovation of our building . My unit is on top floor of a three story walk up that has had a complete exterior makeover and a new roof installed . We had scaffolding all the way round and i had construction workers walking by my windows all day long for 2 years . Jack hammers starting at 730 and equipment tossed about above my head every morning till 6-7 o’clock
Not to mention unprofessional asbestos removal and feeling very ill during removal process ! Two years is a little long to do a Reno on a small three story walk up ) the construction workers took pleasure in disrupting my life in particular . The workers were encouraged to bully me , i know this because i overheard them say “ we need to make more noise , we are trying to make her move “ encouraging them to escalate noise factor .
Between that and my neighbours and their shenanigans its been very hard . I am a quiet considerate person and don’t deserve all this !

I am not hopeful that this problem will improve because it has gone on so long with many pleas on my part for help . (letters , calls etc…) But do believe that this is a trend that will manifest more in the future within bc housing and society as a whole . It’s all very diabolical . Someone needs to speak out ( not sell out ) !This is for the record .
Shame on you bc housing and Canadian government !

Really by writing this letter i am appealing to my bullies ,
I don’t see the light at the end of the tunnel here .
All i can do is tell the truth and hope it will fall on the right ears . “ no pun intended

As to the effects on my health and my family it has been immense . Too much to say 😢
I am requesting that i be transferred to a safe place where i can recuperate . I have been on the bc housing transfer list since 2015 and feel this should make me a priority . I am also requesting that i should be eligible for portable housing subsidy due to extreme sensitivity to microwaves etc … and the changing nature of this landscape . My ears improve when away from all this stuff ! and need to find an affordable escape . I am also collecting supplies to build a tiny house if there are grants or funding i would be happy to discuss this too .
A am hoping one of these will provide the solution i need so badly .
My mother tells me there is new housing going up in Victoria , near Esquimalt and this would be great if i could be considered for one of these as it would be close to her and other family members . ( she just recently broke her leg badly ,and needs support )
I am applying for a one bedroom but two would be better.
My son is happy in Vancouver and wants to be close to sister and work , but at times needs a place to get well . He has mental health struggles . So a two brm unit would be nice but 1 brm works too .

Yours truly
Andrea Malczewska
303-1040 east 7 th ave
Vancouver bc

File number 1113439

Second letter

Health effects of DEWs and gang stalking ( Havana syndrome )

Re Andrea Malczewska
303-1040 east 7 th ave
Vancouver bc v5t-1p7
File number 1113439

Brain fog
Sleep depravation
Blurry eyes
High pitched loud frequencies constantly beamed in my ears makes them sore and more sound aggravates it .
Muscle weakness and bad balance

Lasers directed at my head neck and feet mostly , but other places too . Hurts so i move around my apartment for relief ( and hear neighbours moving equipment( DEWs ) following me to the next room like a hunted animal .
I am having a hard time cooking and my appetite is not good as a result . I am loosing weight and my energy is very low .
But the worst is when i get micro waved . I feel like blacking out, puking and shitting myself all at the same time and extreme danger . ( have locked myself out of the apartment a couple times due to this . )
I have also noticed entry into my apartment on returning from outings and missing items . This adds another layer to my safety issues .
I feel my apartment is bugged and have extreme privacy issues . I bath and change in the dark and worry about cameras .
My bullies always know where i am no matter how quiet i am and follow me with their equipment .tracked traced and gang stalked relentlessly . Constantly put in fight or flight mode . The stress is enormous . It has lead me back to smoking and i am having a hard time quitting due to said
issues . Always running out in the rain and the cold just to get relief is not fun .
My phone has been hacked and i have been locked out of it . Emails of a nefarious nature and phone calls .
I have no privacy and my home is not a home . Its a kill box .

I also believe they installed something on roof during construction ( renovations ). For two years i had scaffolding and workers outside my window and was relentlessly bullied by them . ( heard guy encourage workers to drop materials on the roof above my head and say that it was to try and get her to move ) think they are a biker run company . ( more questions ) They are contractors for bc housing and i think they may have installed apparatus to facilitate my continued bullying because lazars ( or what feels like lazars )seemed to be coming from the roof and my patio area during this period and continue as of then . I believe i am living in a kill box . Curtsy of Canadian gov , CDC WHO military and bc housing !
Using criminals to do their dirty work . ( more questions , bc housing and bikers ? , their cash cow and close to home . Yikes
I have an advocate who lhad to flee to an island to escape her biker bullies who engaged in the same criminal activity ! She runs a support site for targeted people now and would be happy to share her story and how all this is a real thing .
I believe Canadian gov , WHO CDC military and bc housing use thugs like this to get their dirty work done , with out a doubt . And also evidence of freemason involvement . So many dots to be connected . But i am beginning to see the full picture . And believe it was in the making a long time ago . Possibly with my ex and his connections . Thats a whole other story . It too involves his biker connections ! And his connections to my family !
I was so nigh-eve . But now things that didn’t make sense , make sense . A lot of people are in on the game .

For what ever reason i have become a target . I believe it is because my son was hijacked into the trans movement and my dismay at this situation ! I’m an easy target , cant just get up and move and live on small disability pension ( I also believe there is a silent cultural war going on and that government and other institutions have been corrupted by money and agendas . Its the big secret .
The art of war 😢
I believe i am an un consenting victim of track and trace program , which includes gang stalking .
My big question is why ?

I plan on seeing if I’m on a terrorist watch list .and if yes who put me on that list .
Some say it sounds like human trafficking and this would fit with the characters I’m dealing with .
I have been to the police only to be told i should go to the hospital and at hospital they say this is a police matter . Bc housing the same ….. i have now where to turn and feel this is a crime against humanity . It has a cultish feel to it all and I feel that thats part of it . Im a christian .
My biggest worry is for my son . I believe this is all connected . My heart is severely injured .
I have been gaslighted and accused of making it all up !
Why would i do that ? As a christian the truth matters and lies are the language of the devil . Thats crazy . Don’t have the energy for that . I want my life back and my son 😢
All this has given me ptsd and graves disease . ( diagnosed with graves when this all started to happen . Its an auto immune disease which can be brought in by exposure to high levels of radiation ! ) Nothing will change this .
To add to this , because of the nefarious nature of the people perpetrating this there are a lot of crack smells that come up into my apartment , especially at night . I believe they hire ( crack addicts ) who are easily controllable and can sit up all night and will keep their dirty little secrets in exchange for favours .
This attracts bugs too and i am constantly fending them off as i cant face another series of sprays which make me so sick . My skin is so sensitive and bugs drive me nuts . But i think now i will need to do the inevitable and am having anxiety over this . My energy and funds are low and no place to go .
I also have concerns about two young girls( one seems to have disappeared ) and a young man ( only saw him once , but seemed quite disturbed )in connection with the neighbour below me . He does crack around them and has them participating in stalking and harassing me . I can hear him coaching them ( thats why i think trafficking may be involved among other reasons) And i think he’s a predator . The smells support that 🤮

I have also been sexually harassed with this tech ( DEWs )which is hard to talk about because its so weird . I believe its about frequency , but am not an expert . Other targeted people have said the same thing . I know I’m not the only one and have heard rumours that other are saying the same thing .
They can target any part of my body they please . I wonder how and if they can see me . I think they can !
I hate it when people ask me how i am . Like small talk , knowing that I’m suffering and they have little desire to offer any support .
My family in particular . Which adds insult to injury .

My mother remarried an abusive doctor from Whales ( abusive to me ) hmmm so I’m alone reaching out and making some noise till i get what i need . Truth and justice .
Im glad i wrote it down , tired of repeating it like some fairytale . 😢

I know its a lot
Too much to say
And a lot of questions that need to be answered
Silence is compliance

I have nothing to loose and everything to gain by sharing my truth and hope to be a voice for others in a similar situation . Who are isolated and tormented . Maybe bring my sons to understand what a warrior their mother is . The truth will set us free to find healing and validation .

Andrea Malczewska

Sent from my iPhone

One Reply to “Andrea Malczewska: TI Statement to Webmaster (6/17 and 10/12/23 emails)”

  1. Very painful and heart touching testimony. All targeted individuals are going through similar plight. Very bad system of repression and torture.

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