American Intelligence Media- The (U.S.-U.K.) Pilgrims Society is Behind The World Takeover?

American Intelligence Media- The (U.S.-U.K.) Pilgrims Society is Behind The World Takeover?

Webmaster’s Introduction: In the first several segments of my extended series of articles: “Is Crestone/Baca The Vatican City of the New World Order? An Expose of the New World Religion,” I investigated these issues in great depth. My conclusions differ from those of McKibben and Gabriel regarding the central locus of power in the “world conspiracy.” However, I enjoy hearing other perspectives.

American Intelligence Media
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Michael McKibben and Douglas Gabriel share history that was not taught in the public school indoctrination centers. Listen and learn. Then share with your circle of influence.

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Love is the key & Love is of pure intention

10 months ago (edited)
“Devolved to the lowest common denominator with political correctness” …… They can’t lord over free thinkers and so they want to return us and keep us in the dark where knowledge is held in their great libraries for them ….. the middle class being the bridge between the rich and the poor levelled the playing Field and they don’t like sharing …. they want it all …. this insatiable appetite for wanting it all knows no bounds and they would/will turn on each other eventually …. This is the nature of The Beast !!!

Walter Baltzley
10 months ago (edited)
Here is an “ism” for you: DAMOCLESIANISM — The belief that The People must keep a sword to the throat of their government, and not be afraid to use it when it steps out of line… Political leaders should be kept under continual surveillance and suffer swift and severe penalties whenever they violate the limits placed upon them by the Constitution. The Capitol should be treated as a foreign occupied territory, patrolled by security forces selected from and under the command of the several states. These forces should be authorized to use deadly force to protect the rights of The People.

Let full weight of tyranny press down upon the back government. If any wish to rule from a throne of gold, let them do so chained to it hand and foot, under armed guard who stand ready to execute swift justice upon them should they dare deviate from the law. If any wish to create laws by which to govern other men, let them do so under the barrel of a gun. Let power become a burden that great men shoulder with reluctance, and even the bravest exercise with trepidation…

10 months ago
Just a heads up….Live stream was kind of hard to find or could have been for many.
No clickable link in notification. Thanks again love your show as always!

celtic dove
10 months ago
excellence, as always

foxybubba18 Linda
10 months ago
I bought my Betsy Ross flag, Trump 2020 hat, 6 MAGA tee shirts, 2 lawn signs for election and 4 cling on Trump 2020 cling ons for our cars.

American Intelligence Media

Glen Horta
10 months ago
There’s a truth Warrior named amazing Polly she has interesting facts about Ukraine with documentation. People should look at that!

10 months ago
Thank you, wonderful video.

foxybubba18 Linda
10 months ago
I couldn’t believe Pelosi wore that pin again. I hope POTUS knows what it means!

juan jose
10 months ago
Boy, I felt bad for Chris. Would love to hear more from him.

Keith E
10 months ago
Excellent information in this discussion. Please continue this soon!

foxybubba18 Linda
10 months ago
Aren’t We The People the 4th branch of government?

Glen Horta
10 months ago
Because of free will that we chose. We have become like god. Knowing good and bad, so we choose the Republic but it never was instituted because of Benjamin Franklin. Double agent.! Why is he on the $100 bill?

Glen Horta
10 months ago
Discerning truth is a very hard thing to do? Why question marks. Lucifer is the angel light an Angel of Darkness who’s the Lord Over All Christ Jesus. Mother Mary is a figure head,

foxybubba18 Linda
10 months ago
Join your community Republican club, educate others on the difference between a MAGA Republican and RINOS. Many do not understand. Aim4truth helps to educate them to learn the difference. #MAGA Republicans

Glen Horta
10 months ago
America was Illuminati experiment because we won the revolution have they took it over again will this happen again time will tell.

The Miracle
10 months ago
Who came up with the idea of Mother Mary? Why would Jesus come to the Earth dimension as a baby to honour a woman called Mary?