Amazon’s $600 Through the Wall Surveillance Device… Buy One and Zap Your Neighbors!

I. 5/4/2108 Guys,

I got some feed back on the radiolocator / intentional radiator device that is sold on AMAZON; the WALABOT that uses radio waves to ‘see-through-walls’. It is amazing that it is available at such a low price.

I think it is big news that you can buy this ‘off-the-shelf’ for $599. The specifications for this TTWS MW RF radiolocator, intentional radiator device is very similar to the STORMS – Sense Through Obstructions Remote Monitoring System – both use pulsed microwave radio waves for through-wall-surveillance.

WALABOT operates between 3.3GHz – 10.3GHz and the STORMS at 3.3GHz – 3.8 GHz, but the STORMS has a 300 meter (984 feet) standoff range capability.

I think this WALABOT through-wall-surveillance device should be front page news in multiple news print – newspapers and magazines, TV and radio, Science Friday, etc.
WHAT !?? ! YOU CAN SEE INTO OTHER PEOPLES’ HOMES?? ! AND pick up their breath rate, heartbeat and speech! through walls, for only $599.00 !

If you soup up the power on this device, because it is a computer and programmable, you will have a low frequency, high powered microwave device, that hurts, burns, vibrates, while it tracks motion behind walls using its pulsed micro-Doppler RADAR and the Doppler signature of the human(s), it is tracking.

I am tired of people getting locked up because they innocently use the wrong words to describe and to try to explain and report, that they are being assaulted and tortured. That is why I wrote this up.

Someone recently said, ‘Yeah, but then there are the other weapons’. There are NO other weapons. It is just radio wave technology, in the microwave range. (There is millimeter wave Radio Frequency technology that has different capabilities, different range, different penetration, different atmospheric attenuation issues – so I do not think these assaults are caused using radio waves in the mm (millimeter) wave range in the EMF spectrum).

Think of it as — there are all kinds of vehicles, from a golf cart, to a VW Rabbit, to a Lamborghini, to an 18-wheeler; each of them have different uses and capabilities, but they are all vehicles.

Or think of it as all the different types of copiers there are out there; there are table-top models where you pick up the lid, place the paper on the glass, close the lid, press the button, pick up the lid, take out your paper and place the next page on the glass, close the lid and press the copy button, pick up the lid, etc.; then there are the KINKO copier models that copy, collate, sort and bind. But they all use the the same ‘copying’ technology.

So we don’t know what the capabilities are of the pulsed, vibrating MW RF radiolocator / intentional radiator through-wall RADAR device is being used on each of us. But these devices all use the same radio wave technology, some are ‘souped up’ models, some are pedestrian, bare-bones models.

What is being used on ALL of us is radio wave technology. That’s why they’ve been pretty smug about, that we would never figure it out. Who would have thought that pulsed radio frequency could hurt us. But this sure ain’t your grandpa’s AM / FM radio.

Now there is another matter of detecting these RF frequencies. The pulsed UWB (ultrawide band) a.k.a. ‘baseband’ or ‘carrier-free’ or ‘impulse’ radio beam, is inherently difficult to measure, extremely difficult to intercept, has great immunity to interference (or jamming), but has an inherent high precision characteristic.

FYI below on STORMS (VAWD Engineering has changed their FAQ sheet — this a copy of the old one)

STORMS specifications frequency ===>> 3.3 and 3.8 GHz at low power levels, using micro-Doppler RADAR (a microwave radiofrequency)


Sense Through Obstructions Remote Monitoring System (STORMS) faqs:

 Designed for Search/Rescue and First Response Missions,
Law Enforcement and Military Operations for lost or trapped
people or victims or hostiles

 Platform: Vehicle, Portable, Manpack, Handheld

 Penetration through Single or Multiple walls

 Simultaneous detection of stationery and moving life forms

 Custom 1D/2D/3D graphic display {{this means a computer

screen}} ,

with live video option {{this means live tracking RADAR on a

computer screen}}


The STORMS device specs start on page 26 (This web site has TTWS devices + prototypes.)

6.3 STORM Portable Unit (VAWD Engineering)

Sense Through Obstruction Remote Monitoring System (STORMS) by VAWDEngineering is a TTWS that can detect, track and discriminate human and other life form targets. 43 Designed as a stand-off system, STORMS can be vehicle-mounted, man-packed, portable or handheld. VAWD reports that STORMS has a detection range of up to 120 meters {{393 feet}} for the man-packed, portable and handheld systems, and up to 400 meters for the vehicle-mounted system.44 Viewing angles are relatively small in relation to other systems (12 degrees for vehicle-mounted and 40 degrees for smaller systems). This may account for longer detection ranges through having a more focused emission. STORMS can detect moving and stationary targets and present data in 1D, 2D or 3D. STORMS can operate for 3 to 4 hours on a rechargeable battery pack. The units weigh up to 15 pounds for the smaller units and up to 70 pounds for the vehicle-mounted system.45

The systems are based on a central technology that allows the company to work with a customer to configure the equipment for a specific application need. STORM operates between 3.3 and 3.8 GHz at low power levels (less than typical cell phones).46

STORMS has not been FCC certified for civilian law enforcement applications; however, VAWD Engineering is aware of the FCC requirements for the equipment and is considering applying for a license so that the finished product can be offered for purchase.

43 VAWD Engineering.
Sense Through Obstruction Remote Monitoring System (STORMS). Accessed Sept. 12, 2012.

44Adams, Vinh, President and Chief Executive Officer. VAWD Engineering. Personal interview with ChadHuffman, Sept. 12, 2012.

45 VAWD Engineering. Products. Accessed Sept.12, 2012.

46Adams, Vinh, President and Chief Executive Officer. VAWD Engineering. Personal interview with ChadHuffman, Sept. 12, 2012.
II. From: H Cs

Sent: Tuesday, May 1, 2018 3:45 AM

Subject: AMAZON: Radio Wave, microwave / RADIOLOCATOR / INTENTIONAL RADIATOR device

WOW is right! Here is more on these microwave radio wave tracking devices.

Please feel free to forward, cut & paste, share, post on any social media. Spread the word. Too many people are getting locked up as ‘CRAZY’ because they are using the incorrect terminology.

I use phrases as ‘RADAR Tracking using microwave RADIO WAVES’ and ‘Microwave PULSED RADAR’ and often repeat the FCC’s official name for these devices as RADIOLOCATORS & INTENTIONAL RADIATORS which use microwave radio frequencies or RADAR to LOCATE, LOCK onto a TARGET and TRACK. These devices use the radio wave ‘return’ backscatter, that returns back to the GUI (Graphic User Interface, i.e. computer screen), to detect the slightest of motion behind walls. Once the MW RF RADAR locks onto a target and onto a particular body part of that target, the pre-programmed computer, to perform the desired task, with the desired power, using a mouse to click away, is PULSE at that body part, through our walls.

These thru-wall RADAR devices can pulse a very tight BEAM FOCUSED radio wave, onto any body part that it has locked onto. If the nerve endings are close to the skin surface, the stimulation of the synapses, with the microwave radio waves, will feel like ‘electrocution’. If the radio frequency hits a nerve at one of your reflex points, that limb will jerk. Body’s reflex points:

If the radio wave power is increased and the radio wave is a wider beam; it burns.

My hands, one or the other, is pulsed with this MW RF while I try to sleep, stimulating the nerve endings so that it feels like it’s on fire. If that doesn’t wake me up, they increase the power and my little bones feel like they are being pounded with a ball-peen hammer. Those are the ‘SHOCKWAVES’ or ‘PRESSURE WAVES’ caused by the pulsed, through-wall RADAR radio frequency. That wakes me up! Right now the palms of my hands are lobster red because that is how I am woken many, many times a night. It is TORTURE!

They are now trying to intimidate me (the legal term is ‘INTIMIDATION OF A WITNESS’) by playing ‘SHOT THROUGH THE BRAIN’, that feels like a revolver stuck to the back of my head and they PULSE RADIO WAVES. It feels quite threatening. One day they just might get their desired affect – a stroke!It is killing my brain cells. It is causing concussions or subconcussions, just like in Cuba to the US and Canadian Embassy personnel and their families.

How a human can do this to another human being, is beyond me – THEY ARE CRIMINALS! And it is all for revenge and retaliation or maybe just for FUN & BELLY LAUGHS, superstitiously watching people behind their own homes’ walls, in their own bedrooms or while they are sitting on their couch with their friends or family.
What hubris!!They just did not think that we would figure it out!!
The MW RF RADAR surveillance, espionage device has evolved from the 50’s, 60’s, 70’s pulsed microwave RF device that was beamed at the US Embassy in Moscow. The devices have become quite precise over the decades and craziness of it all, is that others around you will not feel the pain, the shockwaves, the burning, the twitching.

These MW RF pulsed RADAR devices were designed to be used by Law Enforcement or First Responders, to locate people during exigent circumstances, like ‘seeing’ into a huge earthquake rubble or a mud or a snow avalanche or during a hostage situation to peer into a home or building. They cannot be trusted with these see-through-wall radio frequency RADAR devices.

These, ALL penetrating TTWS (Through-The-Wall-Surveillance) microwave radio wave RADAR devices, have been hijacked, co opted and are being misused. I would encourage everyone to send a letter to their representatives and forward (my words if you want) to as many newspapers, publications, editors and anyone else you might find helpful to recognize our suffering, since I do not believe that they know how many of us are being T O R T U R E D with this H E I N O U S microwave radio frequency, through-wall RADAR device.


Please feel free to forward, cut & paste, share, post on any social media. Spread the word. Too many people are getting locked up as ‘CRAZY’ because they are using the incorrect terminology.

III. (4/30/2018): I. From HCs (TI): Look what AMAZON has! a TTWS (Through-The-Wall-Surveillance) device for $599.00 with a 30-foot standoff range. AND it is programmable to increase the power ‘to hurt people’ through walls, using low frequency, high power microwave radiolocator / intentional radiator, a RADAR pulsing device.

It will detect your heartbeat, breath rate, has gesture and gait recognition, plus can tell what you are talking about, in the privacy of your own home (just like what was pulsed at the US and Canadian Embassies in Cuba, that caused brain concussion damage, hearing loss, confusion, etc.).

The most powerful TTWS radiolocator and intentional radiator, pulsed MW RF RADAR device (that I am aware of) is the S.T.O.R.M.S. (Sense Through Obstructions Remote Monitoring System) device, manufactured by

It has a standoff range of 300 meters or 984 feet.

Of course everyone knows that RADAR can locate a target, lock onto a target and TRACK a target. (The definition of the acronym RADAR means radio detection + radio direction and ranging.)


Once a target is located, the radio wave power can be increased and beam focused to pin point accuracy, that can stimulate nerve endings (feels like electrocution – i.e. rapid firing of a synapse); burn a body part; vibrate a discrete body part (including down to the accuracy of vibrating a single tooth); IT HURTS; IT IS TORTURE!

The MECHANICAL vibration of radio waves and radio wave SHOCK WAVES and PRESSURE WAVES cause concussions and sub-concussions and other bodily trauma.

The FCC call these RADAR devices that use radio waves as RADIOLOCATORS & INTENTIONAL RADIATORS. They are also known as TTWS (Through-The-Wall-Surveillance); a.k.a. STTW (Sense-Through-The-Wall); a.k.a. TWS (Through-Wall-Sensors).

There is one case that I know of that has gone as far as the 10th Circuit Appellate Court, where a home was searched using RADAR radio waves: US v. Denson (attached).

In ‘Sneeking Past Kyllo’, USA TODAY commented that the warrantless search using RADAR radio waves, was allowed in the DENSON case, whereas the evidence gathered in KYLLO v US, using a FLIR (forward looking infrared heat sensing devise that measured the heat escaping from a home), was not allowed. The majority opinion was written by Justice Scalia, Supreme Court (attached).

If you click through all the links in the USA TODAY article, you will find Marshal Moffet’s testimony transcribed. A Range-R, microwave radio frequency radiolocator, device was used in that search.

The Supreme Court in May 2015 denied the petition for review of the DENSON case:

Denson v. United States, 556 US 568 – Supreme Court 2009

No. 08-10433

Supreme Court of United States.
June 15, 2009.

The petition for a writ of certiorari is denied.

The U.S. Department of Justice had waived any response to the petition.

A good book to read on this topic is ‘The Zapping of America; Microwaves and their Deadly Risk and the Cover-up’ by Paul Brodeur (1977).

NOTE: No chips or DNA required to locate people, just point and PULSE

(5/1/18) II. WOW is right! Here is more on these microwave radio wave tracking devices.

Please feel free to forward, cut & paste, share, post on any social media. Spread the word. Too many people are getting locked up as ‘CRAZY’ because they are using the incorrect terminology.

I use phrases as ‘RADAR Tracking using microwave RADIO WAVES’ and ‘Microwave PULSED RADAR’ and often repeat the FCC’s official name for these devices as RADIOLOCATORS & INTENTIONAL RADIATORS which use microwave radio frequencies or RADAR to LOCATE, LOCK onto a TARGET and TRACK. These devices use the radio wave ‘return’ backscatter, that returns back to the GUI (Graphic User Interface, i.e. computer screen), to detect the slightest of motion behind walls. Once the MW RF RADAR locks onto a target and onto a particular body part of that target, the pre-programmed computer, to perform the desired task, with the desired power, using a mouse to click away, is PULSE at that body part, through our walls.

These thru-wall RADAR devices can pulse a very tight BEAM FOCUSED radio wave, onto any body part that it has locked onto. If the nerve endings are close to the skin surface, the stimulation of the synapses, with the microwave radio waves, will feel like ‘electrocution’. If the radio frequency hits a nerve at one of your reflex points, that limb will jerk. Body’s reflex points:

If the radio wave power is increased and the radio wave is a wider beam; it burns.

My hands, one or the other, is pulsed with this MW RF while I try to sleep, stimulating the nerve endings so that it feels like it’s on fire. If that doesn’t wake me up, they increase the power and my little bones feel like they are being pounded with a ball-peen hammer. Those are the ‘SHOCKWAVES’ or ‘PRESSURE WAVES’ caused by the pulsed, through-wall RADAR radio frequency. That wakes me up! Right now the palms of my hands are lobster red because that is how I am woken many, many times a night. It is TORTURE!

They are now trying to intimidate me (the legal term is ‘INTIMIDATION OF A WITNESS’) by playing ‘SHOT THROUGH THE BRAIN’, that feels like a revolver stuck to the back of my head and they PULSE RADIO WAVES. It feels quite threatening. One day they just might get their desired affect – a stroke!It is killing my brain cells. It is causing concussions or subconcussions, just like in Cuba to the US and Canadian Embassy personnel and their families.

How a human can do this to another human being, is beyond me – THEY ARE CRIMINALS! And it is all for revenge and retaliation or maybe just for FUN & BELLY LAUGHS, superstitiously watching people behind their own homes’ walls, in their own bedrooms or while they are sitting on their couch with their friends or family.
What hubris!!They just did not think that we would figure it out!!

The MW RF RADAR surveillance, espionage device has evolved from the 50’s, 60’s, 70’s pulsed microwave RF device that was beamed at the US Embassy in Moscow. The devices have become quite precise over the decades and craziness of it all, is that others around you will not feel the pain, the shockwaves, the burning, the twitching.

These MW RF pulsed RADAR devices were designed to be used by Law Enforcement or First Responders, to locate people during exigent circumstances, like ‘seeing’ into a huge earthquake rubble or a mud or a snow avalanche or during a hostage situation to peer into a home or building. They cannot be trusted with these see-through-wall radio frequency RADAR devices.

These, ALL penetrating TTWS (Through-The-Wall-Surveillance) microwave radio wave RADAR devices, have been hijacked, co opted and are being misused. I would encourage everyone to send a letter to their representatives and forward (my words if you want) to as many newspapers, publications, editors and anyone else you might find helpful to recognize our suffering, since I do not believe that they know how many of us are being T O R T U R E D with this H E I N O U S microwave radio frequency, through-wall RADAR device.


Please feel free to forward, cut & paste, share, post on any social media. Spread the word. Too many people are getting locked up as ‘CRAZY’ because they are using the incorrect terminology.

III. The People Zapper! Stock Up. Christmas is only eight months away!


Walabot Developer (US) : Programmable 3D Imaging Sensor, for makers, developers, engineers and universities
Be the first to review this item
12 answered questions

Price: $599.00 & FREE Shipping. Details
In Stock.
Want it tomorrow, April 30? Order within 10 hrs 40 mins and choose One-Day Shipping at checkout. Details:
Sold by Walabot and Fulfilled by Amazon. Gift-wrap available.
Specifications for this item:
Measurement System Inch
Brand Name VAYYAR
EAN 7290111110108
Model Number VM18BDUS01

Product Description:
Develop Your Dream Application

Radio Frequency technology has been around for a long time. From enabling us to listen to the radio to giving us wireless communication, RF is rapidly evolving in new surprising and exciting ways!

Meet Walabot Developer Pack, a programmable 3D imaging sensor that sees through objects using radio frequency technology that breaks through known barriers, bringing highly sophisticated sensing capabilities to your fingertips!

3D Imaging Sensor That Let’s You Uncover Things Hidden In The World

Around You

Walabot Developer Pack senses the environment by transmitting, receiving and recording signals from multiple antennas. The broadband recordings from multiple transmit-receive antenna pairs are analyzed to reconstruct a three dimensional image of the environment.

This opens the possibility to develop apps for Walabot in many fields including 3D imaging through solid objects, target tracking, breath detection and many more.


When purchasing Walabot-Developer Pack you will get access to various applications code for different use cases on Walabot GitHub repository.

Walabot Developer Capabilities
In-room and in-wall imaging
Object detection
Change detection
Speed and range measurement
Motion sensing
Breathing detection
Sensing of dielectric properties of materials
People tracking and fall detection.

Product features:

Three-dimensional radio-frequency based sensor

Uses an array of linearly polarized broadband antennas

Frequency range: 3.3 – 10.3 GHz (US/FCC model)

Cypress FX3 controller for USB communication and data pre-processing

Requires a PC, R-Pi or Arduino. You can write your own program or download Apps from Walabot Community –

Product details
Product Dimensions: 6.4 x 4.1 x 2 inches
Shipping Weight: 12 ounces (View shipping rates and policies)
Item model number: VM18BDUS01

Average Customer Review: Be the first to review this item

Amazon Best Sellers Rank: #206,776 in Industrial & Scientific (See Top 100 in Industrial & Scientific)
#835 in Computers & Accessories > Computer Components > Desktop Barebones

Customer questions & answers:

Question: I only found the setup app. where is the walabot run-time app?

Answer: The Walabot Developer is a programmable device which works with our SDK. (Software development kit) . A software development kit is typically a set of software development tools that allows the creation of applications for a certain software package, software framework, hardware platform, computer system, video game console, operating system, or similar development platform. More at Wikipedia

To access this information, go into the Walabot website. If you intend to use Walabot for in-wall imaging with our Android application, this is a different device altogether- the Walabot DIY. If you need further assistance, please email our support staff.

By Walabot SELLER on December 16, 2017

Question: Does it work in hollow block walls?

Answer: Walabot Developer is intended for developers to create custom applications. It is intended for use with breathing detection, people tracking and other similar projects. It does not work with the in-wall imaging application. If you are interested in seeing through walls for purposes of construction, renovation and remodeling, then the Walabot DIY is the product you’d want.

By Walabot SELLER on October 4, 2017

Question: Can this be used to X-ray

Answer: Walabot sees through and inside materials using radio waves in the frequency range of 3 -10Ghz. Differing from x-ray and optical images, Walabot can form a model of what is happening beneath and inside surfaces.

By Walabot SELLER on August 27, 2017

Question: What is the range of the antennas and could it see through different rooms if the range is far enough. Is there a way to program to see heat if possible?

Answer: Walabot Developer can see up to 10 meters (33 feet) in open space. It can see through different rooms. Walabot will not see heat.

By Walabot SELLER on February 7, 2018

Question: can it differentiate organs in the body?

Answer: The Walabot Developer is mainly intended for developers to create different types of custom applications. Please contact our support team for further details about your project [email protected]

By Walabot SELLER on April 23, 2018

Question: How many inches does the $500 Walabot see into a wall? The one for $100 goes 4″.

Answer: Walabot Developer is a programmable device intended for customer applications. If you are interested in in-wall imaging, the Walabot DIY is the product for you.

By Walabot SELLER on November 28, 2017

Question: is the walabot really $599.?

Answer: Walabot Developer is a programmable device used to create custom applications. If you are interested in seeing through walls for remodeling/construction purposes, please purchase Walabot DIY which is $99.

By Walabot SELLER on November 10, 2017

Question: What is the device’s maximum unambiguous range?

Answer: Up to 10 meters in open space

By Walabot SELLER on January 12, 2018

Question: I noticed in some of the videos the device being used to determine alcohol content. Correct? What other chemicals has it been used to detect?

Answer: Hi, thanks for your interest in Walabot! We are currently running a Hackster contest and some participants have used it for gas sensing. You can check out their project here:

Feel free to reach out to them if you want further explanation on their project!

By Walabot SELLER on December 30, 2017

Question: How deep can it make a model of rebar In a concrete slab?

Answer: Walabot Developer is intended for programmers to create custom applications. If you are interested in in-wall imaging, the Walabot DIY is more suited for that. It can see up to 4 inches/10 cm.

By Walabot SELLER on November 2, 2017

Question: walabot developer is the same as walabot professional edition

Answer: Walabot Developer is a programmable device intended for engineers to create custom applications. If you are interested in using the Walabot for in-wall imaging with our Android application, that would be the Walabot DIY device.

By Walabot SELLER on February 6, 2018

Question: Why no Walabot for iPhone?

Answer: Walabot is currently compatible with Android only. We have plans for iPhone in the future.

By Walabot SELLER on September 1, 2017

One Reply to “Amazon’s $600 Through the Wall Surveillance Device… Buy One and Zap Your Neighbors!”

  1. Now we know the REAL reason the government banned “leaded paint”………I found out the govt and military still use leaded paint in all their facilities…..Because it blocks radiation and other forms of surveillance such as what is mentioned in this article.

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