Published on May 14, 2016
Allen Dulles could be considered one of the most evil men in modern American history (although the competition is fierce). If you consider orchestrating the demise of Germany through two orchestrated wars, profiting on its collapse both times, starting the CIA (Central Drug Importing Agency) and puppeteering the assassination of JFK from a remote bunker evil, Allen is your man (monster more like it). Learn how someone can be so destructive and psychopathic to one country that he served as an inspiration for devils to follow like George H.W., Dick Cheney (first name is a verb), Henry Kissinger and George (strip the dead Jews) Soros. Listen as Eric unravels the fascinating story of one of the world’s worst Bad Guys.
Eric´s bibliography can be found on the show notes at
Read Eric´s article on Dulles at
Mission Magisterial
5 years ago
I love this video! I have studied these things as he did. It is BRUTAL IRONY that one of the planes on 911 took off from DULLES!
DogCat Party
3 years ago
Very interesting. Every student interested in U.S. History should listen to this interview of Eric Karlstrom on WorldBeyondBelief by pineconeutopia. Thank you.
Reda Haddad – Reżyser Aktor Artysta
4 years ago
Thank you for a very interesting interview. Bravo!
Cynthia Allaire
3 years ago
John Stockwell was CIA station chief in Angola. Eisenhower signed on the plan to assassinate Patrice Lumumba, the first elected president of Congo. Then the US installed the dictator Mobutu and maintained him in power for three decades. The murder of Lumumba has lead to the deaths of 10,000,000 Congolese because of the misrule and turmoil that were a consequence.
5 years ago
Thank you! Great content. Wonderful synthesis and history. A lot of my research has pointed around Dulles/CIA and this conversation really helped me connect dots.
This is very valuable! Thank you.
And personally, my evaluation of flat earth is that it and geocentrism are correct.
5 years ago
another good video !
Channing Bartlett
3 years ago
Thank you thank you Dr. M and Dr K. Breathtaking, disturbing show; brings together and clarifies so many major strands; brings alive the wicked, arrogant elitism that thrived in that era of American history…as well as “perfide albion.” I wish this show, or something like it, could be seen by all Americans, and remembered when someone says””Make America great again.”
Naseem Khan
3 years ago
I thoroughly enjoyed listening to this talk and as always conclude that Dulles Brothers were up to no good. He tried to master the knowledge of human mind and ended up being senile. It really is not my place to comment on his death bed condition but I don’t think that there is a human being alive who wants to be in his condition before death. The great teacher, truth, tells him it is too late for you. There is nothing Godly or biblical about a man who plays with human mind and he certainly lead his group in this.
Ralph Waldo
5 years ago
Wow. It goes to show you who you know is just as important as what you know.
Reda Haddad – Reżyser Aktor Artysta
4 years ago
But I`d digging more for the flat earth, bcasue if “science” settled something it doesn`t mean that it is truth. You know that TRUTH can sound ridiculus for many people, but it is still THE TRUTH.
Matt Foley
3 years ago
You may want to consider spelling the word, “World” correctly at :28 from “Wolrd” to “World”. Just a heads up. The Lord told me to tell you his. I try and do whatever He says.
Lesser Logic
5 years ago
Great guest
Christian Thomas
5 years ago
His drugs story in Laos and Vietnam isn’t correct, incidentally. There is a very good book which you can download, whose title doesn’t come immediately to mind, which tells a very different story. It had nothing to do with the Chinese opium trade or the East India Company. It was the CIA taking their part of the trade and then funneling it along the French South coast, which does finally bring you to Marseilles. This was the real chance for CIA to be self-financing without going begging to Congress and being overseen. Only the budget awarded can be overseen, but the illegal side cannot because it need not be known to exist.
Choochie Trixie
3 years ago
Watertown? Boldt castle weird O’s!!
Dave Goffredo
3 years ago
All this information is out there.
wallace willard
5 years ago
Does Eric talk about the Jesuits? i believe they are the root…
5 years ago
Was about to share this vid which was outstanding until 1:27:07 when he absolutely trashes Flat Earth. Oh well
Mark Parker
3 years ago
Kennedy killer
Christian Thomas
5 years ago
And there is no way that Ruby shot Oswald. Watch the film! It was a setup. You don’t get given a choice of jerseys to wear when you are in your cell and you don’t go through an underground with high power lights that suit TV cameras – of which there are more than one. That is not your usual underground car park. And you don’t flinch before the shot is fired or move your hand to a wound that isn’t yet there!