CIA Mind Control = CIA torture = CIA neuroscience-based mind control research = CIA nonlethal weapons research = faked “alien”/real military abduction = ritual abuse = slave programming = TI Program? Dr. Eric Karlstrom on Rense Program (Feb. 7, 2025)

“Alien” Abduction = Satanic Ritual Abuse = Mind Control = TI Program? Dr. Eric Karlstrom on Rense Program (Feb. 7, 2025)

I. Epigraph quote from my article: Part IX: NWO ‘Slavemasters’ & Our ‘Absolute Slavery’ Via Intel Ops, Mind Control, Scientology, Cults, Torture, 9/11, & “Voices of God”: 2 Timelines (962 – 2012 AD)

1) The slavemaster plan is a police state (“Garrison State”) exercising sovereignty over every person in the world. That is their true idea for their world government. Anyone not submitting to slavemaster rule will be ruthlessly annihilated. There will be no rights or freedoms, not even freedom of thought. The slavemasters will dictate what you are allowed to think and how to live. They are currently getting laws passed to jail anyone critical of them. They are working on a surveillance system to detect counter-thoughts. Step by step they are moving the world towards an absolute slavery.

… Scientology attracted some of the most intelligent, caring and able people in the world. That’s the point, now, isn’t it? Behavior modify (mind control) those people as they pose the biggest threat to the slavemaster political agenda. Covertly get them supporting that agenda.

(Webmaster comment (2023): This explains the political purposes of the New Age Movement, innumerable cults, UFO cults like Scientology (actually a British and American intelligence operation), and “New Religious Movements.” “Dissidents” clearly require more stringent “behavior modification,” i.e., continuous punishment-degradation via gangstalking-electronic abuse and torture.)

Social psychiatry is a euphemism for social engineering, also called reality engineering. Social engineering is a euphemism for behavior modification. They have one method for Behavior Modification:

Step 1: Changing who YOU ARE and WHAT YOU THINK – various words are used to define actions undertaken in this direction, such as De-patterning, De-conditioning, De-aberrating (that one is Scientology), etc.

Step 2: Your consent to accept the NEW YOU with the NEW IDEAS that they want you to have. Various terms apply to this idea, such as “psychic driving”, “changing images of man”, Homo Novis (that one is Scientology), enlightened “education”, etc. The methods for accomplishing step 2 are drugs, torture of any and every kind including electric shock, re-training, “education”, all forms of communication to present the ideas to the “social” (society) group that they are supposed to have.

(Webmaster comment (2023): In CIA MKULTRA experiments, psychiatrist, Dr. Ewen Cameron, then-President of the American, Canadian, and World Psychiatric Associations and 32nd degree Mason, succeeded in “de-patterning” (erasing) and “psychic driving” (re-programming) the minds of his patients at McGill University in Canada through torture in the 1960’s. This 2-step process also appears to be the underlying purpose of the so-called Covid vaccines, the “Great Reset,” AND the “targeted individual program”/organized stalking-electronic torture.)

… 2) The UFO developments certainly fit one of the Report From Iron Mountain’s requirements for a war substitute: ”Sociological: Motivational function. b) New religions or other mythologies.’ There’s a growing body of self-published literature that points to the awareness of a mounting (phoney?) alien invasion. William R. Lyne’s book Space Aliens From The Pentagon? tells of the author’s own frustration with the U.S patent office and the State of New Mexico which, he says, ran him ragged with litigation and harassment after he stumbled across proof of a Nazi experimental P2 “saucer flown in New Mexico in the 1930’s, which ran on technology invented by Nicola
Tesla in the 1890’s.

His book, Lyne writes, “is the first to expose a BIG LIE mind-control hoax copied from the Third Reich, and covertly implemented through “national security” means, to perpetuate the coercive monopoly of a corporate-state elite. By stealing, concealing, or suppressing advanced technology, they insure our continued dependency on archaic petroleum and nuclear technology. Through the mass-media we are brainwashed with scientific lies and misinformation, and “indoctrinated” with Nazi-created “parapsychology“, designed to “stretch our credulity”, so we will indiscriminately accept on faith, a “psychic” BIG LIE religion and Platonist epistemology, which makes us easier to exploit as a slave people. To this end, flying saucer technology of relative simplicity and phenomenal potential was stolen from Nicola Tesla, and has been concealed from us for over 50 Years.”

3) No one will enter the New World Order unless he or she will make a pledge to worship Lucifer. No one will enter the New Age unless he will take a Luciferian Initiation.

David Spangler, Director of Planetary Initiative United Nations

From: Operation Mind Control Researcher’s Edition (1994) by Walter Bowart

II. Walter Bowart Mind Control Interview

Walter Bowart Interview

Bowart: A friend of mind came back from a tour of duty with the US Air Force. He had amnesia and hyper amnesia. I knew his family. I began to do research and it took me to Washington, D.C. I was here in Tucson when it started. And of course out here I was crazy and alone. Nobody knew about this, nobody believed it. But the closer I got to DC the more people knew about it. You’d meet somebody in DC who asked what are you doing here and I’d say I’m doing research on the National Technical Information Service on mind control and hypnosis and drugs and interrogation and so on and somebody would say “Oh you’re talking about erasing people’s memories. The guy across the street mowing his lawn, he’s one of them.” So it was like everywhere in Washington. So if you’ve been in government service, the government believes they have the right to your body, mind, and spirit, I guess. You’re prepared to give for your life for your country. Are you prepared to give your mind for your country? Is the question we came up with.

Woman: So you are saying that there is the possibility anyone working for the government could have had their mind tampered with?

Bowart: One way or another. I was on a KPIF show in 1978 when I was promoting this book. The bus broke down. A ladies club had set up something- so we did a radio show. And a retired Navy Commander from San Francisco called in. He’d had hypnotherapy for 13 years trying to recover his memories. He said he was in black pajama team doing secret missions. This guy told me that he and his men, black pajama’d guerillas, would sneak behind a fixed border in SE Asia, assassinating charismatic local politicians- before they reached the national level, they’d bump them off. They’d try to make it look like an accident. He did this for six years. Then he and his team were taken to Walter Reed hospital. He said we went in with the flue and we came out with cardboard memories. It took him 15 years to recover his memories.

Man: When you were writing this book, did you run into people who didn’t want you to write this book?

Bowart: Yeah. There was an assassin who is now deceased. When i was interviewing him, there was an especially made recorder in my pocket. He was an assassin. He told me about the assassination business and how they use mind control in framing patsies more than motivating assassins.

We are all the victims of mental manipulation in one form or another with advertising and the media. When I started learning about the language of the unconscious, I’d get very upset with myself, catching myself asleep, being totally unconscious and open to suggestion and manipulation. This government research, which also includes various aspects of the UFO question, is a very interesting thing that spans 50 years. They have come up with a “rosetta stone” for the unconscious. They have deciphered the language of the unconscious.

Man: Who is they?

Bowart: I use the term “cryptocracy,” rule by secrecy. It’s all those agencies that hide behind the National Security Act of 1947. It’s the National Security Agency, the National Programs Office, the Defense Intelligence Agency, the CIA, the FBI, the National Reconnaisance Organization, etc. etc. When the Pike and Church Committees began to investigate this in the 1970s, Stansfield Turner and George H.W. Bush swept all this under the Office of Naval Research (ONR) and put it under some obscure title so they couldn’t find it. This week (March, 15, 1994), there was a meeting of the President’s Commission on Radiation Experiments, and there were two victims of the MKULTRA research and their therapists who talked to the scientists. I talked to the therapist before and after this and she said she went to Washington thinking she would have to convince these people that this was real. She found out that this commission of scientists immediately knew what she was talking about, they knew all about this. They knew it was all about the use of ionizing and non-ionizing radiation used in mind control experiments. The same doctors, Martin T. Orne, of University of Pennsylvania, Dr. Sidney Gottlieb, in charge of MKULTRA program, and L. Wilson Green, among 3 or 4 others were among the doctors that these survivors named. When she said I know what you’re talking about it’s about mind control and radiation, one of the scientists hit the ceiling said “not now, we’re not supposed to talk about this now.” They knew all about this. And their questions were very succinct. What they wanted to know was information that would lead them to the documents, the secret files on this.

Man: How long does it take?

Bowart: There’s a guy in Almagordo, New Mexico, a former weapons engineer, you can call up and he will build you a weapon to take care of your mother-in-law… if you modulate it can just put voices in her head and have her think someone is talking to her, drive her totally nuts, or if you turn it up it will boil her brain in the brain pan. There’s no law on these invisible, nonlethal or soft-kill weaponry.

Man: But it takes a period of time doesn’t it, it doesn’t happen in a week?

Bowart: There’s different types. Some of it is instantaneous and some of it takes a long period of time. The area that is coming out now because of the age of the victims, they are about from 40 to 48 years of age, they are 80% women. They were made into multiple personalities either by their parents and/or by the “cryptocracy” or intelligence organization. Take a guy that was a child abuser. The father or the uncle of a small 6-month old child. He might be of German extraction. Because we’ve found that this is well known in German families going back 100 years. He would take the small child with the purpose in mind of making a dissociated personality, a compartmented personality out of this child. He would dip half of this baby in almost scalding water and the other half in ice water. This would dissociate the child. And then they begin to work on it and torture it. We have the story of Candy Jones. She was model and she wrote a book, The Control of Candy Jones in the 1950s. She was the number 2 pinup after Betty Grable during World War II. She was one of the first MONARCH so-called Presidential models. She was probably used as a sex slave. She reports only her role was a pigeon, someone who carries messages locked behind post-hypnotic blocks. And other survivors talk about Marilyn Monroe being a presidential model.

This has been going on for a long time with this disassociated identity. Because all of us have multiple personalities. You have your public persona, your family persona, your work place persona, you put on different hats, etc. But you’re not disordered because all your personalities know about each other and they talk to each other. When you are given a trauma, you are compartmented, you have amnesia and one personality takes over so that you will survive. And then they reinforce it. So you have Three Faces of Eve and Sybil had three or four personalities. Our government found ways of fragmenting personalities into thousands of personalities, each with its own codes, cues, and triggers.

So you have Castillo, arrested in the Philippines, the attempted assassin of Marcos, you say one thing to him and he’d points the gun at whoever said it and pull the trigger (of course they didn’t give him a loaded gun), another thing he would fall to the floor, off the table, another word and he’d point it…. The cruel tricks they play on them. Castillo believed that Alan Dulles was his father.

Woman: We asked you about Montauk. There were young men at Montauk who had been implanted and were under hypnosis or whatever and set to go off in 1995 or 1996 they would commit terrorists acts and that would cause government to say we have to crack down with Martial Law, take away your rights, etc.

Bowart: It’s a very common story. We have heard these things from mind control survivors over and over again. Some say 1997 some 1998, some say numerology is involved in setting the dates.

Man: How about these people involved in the post office shootings?

Bowart: yes

Woman: I’ve heard that mind control has been used on the Iraqi soldiers in the Gulf War…

Bowart: They use psychological operations, very sophisticated. They used that at Waco- they played loud music day and night. They admitted that. What they didn’t tell you is that there were subliminals embedded commands in the music. Those people that survived were in a total daze. If you turn on 8-10 Hz- it’s called entrainment. You’ll go into an Alpha state. If you turn on a 14 cycle, you’ll be entrained.

Man: One common thing in the UFO field is the alien abduction scenario. Your research suggests it’s possible that this is a mind control phenomenon rather than actual physical abduction.

Bowart: We have a chart that compares the satanic and pagan and cult ritual abuse as a scenario that’s been created… the people that are describing the alien abduction, and ritual abuse, and mind control survivors are describing basically the same thing. The differences are worthy of study. But generally speaking, the table, the white lights, the doctor, the physical examination the almost rape aspect is universal to all three of them.

Then there’s this (Dr. Michael) Persinger guy at Laurentian University in Ottowa, who worked with the DIA. He’s using magnetic waves he’s got an old motor cycle helmet, he’s inducing happiness, sadness, hallucinations just from playing magnetic fields over your head. One scientist in the New Scientist says that mind control can be done at a distance. And there’s one scientist says we can have a symposium at Dallas and take someone from the audience and without drugs and without breaking the skin he could give them an alien abduction experience in front of 200 people. Then they’ll tell you they have missing time, and yet everyone has seen him do it and how it’s done. But he’s worried about the legalities of this and the long terms effects of that.

Man: What about things with the UFO phenomena like women getting pregnant.

There are a lot of things about the UFO situation that are really puzzling. There could be several things going on. But one thing that is going on is definitely government-created and funded. A lot of things take place on military bases. One ritual abuse guy in Nebraska tells the story of the alien abduction thing. Universally, the survivors of mind control have UFO stories and their therapists tell them not to tell anyone because no one would believe you. So it’s like the unspoken part of the mind control scenario. He talked about going into caves, and this was in the 50s, where there were fake UFOs and big sets. Elaborate constructs to convince another person. He was also under mind control, but he was convincing an adult that he was having an alien abduction thing. A woman in Maryland, when she was a little child, was used inside an alien suit- where she played the role of a fake gray. Must be very experience.

Woman: But to what purpose?

Bowart: But suppose your President is a pedophile and we can supply him with little children to molest, we can supply that man, and we can control him. We can film this. We can supply the victim that will never squeal. Blackmail, bribery, threats. Standard operating procedure for any Nazi regime.

June, 1947 we had the Roswell incident. Sept. of 1947, the National Security Act was passed with no debate. This suspends your Bill of Rights. It’s a state of national emergency. We’ve been living in that since 1947. There are two bills now in Congress to limit the war powers act part of this act. Apparently the President can commit troops without anybody’s consent and turn them over to the UN. I think that’s a cheap and shallow compromise. I think we have to repeal the National Security Act.

Man: What is the definition of national security?

Bowart: Nobody knows. There’s never been any case law. When one of the DoD guys goes into the judges chambers, I don’t know what happens but the case is dismissed. Maybe it’s blackmail. Time and time again, they say it’s national security and the case is dismissed.

A classic case was the two guys who were caught smuggling heroin sewn up in the bodies of dead Vietnam soldiers. Someone told the judges this was a national security matter and the case was dismissed. So it suspends our law and makes a laughing stock of our Constitution.

If we didn’t have a National Security Act we wouldn’t have had the assassinations of the Kennedys and King, and Watergate, and Iran-Contra. We would probably have a golden age because we would be able to access all this free energy.

Man: Ed Dames, in Albuquerque, talks about this kind of mind control.

Bowart: He’s a partner of Col. John Alexander in psi-tech, one of the main proponents of so-called nonlethal weaponry. Well, nonlethal weaponry will kill you. I call it invisible warfare. Invisible weaponry. Some call it soft-kill weaponry.

Man: Well Ed Dames says the Roswell crash was actually a mind control operation. He called it remote viewing. I asked him what is remote viewing.

Bowart: I think that Ingo Swann and the Stanford Research Center were the authors of this. Back in the 1950s and 1960s. Ingo Swann is an amazing psychic with immense gifts. I contacted him in 1977 and I wanted him to go into Cheyenne Mountain and remote view and work for the citizens. And he was frightened to death… He kept saying “the CIA is not all bad guys!”

There are two Americas. There’s the America that believes in our leaders. And the other America that believes in murder and blackmail.

Back in the 60s we used to have saying: “If you are not part of the solution you are part of the problem.” We are all programmed from the time we go to school. This information is the “rosetta stone” of the unconscious. Mind control is everywhere. There’s a positive side and a negative side. We have nobody to blame but ourselves. “We have met the enemy and he is us,” as Pogo said.

Woman: Unless you are aware you can’t change anything. To take back our power, our minds.

Bowart: These people were thinking the unthinkable. J.B. Ryan at Duke University did research funded by the CIA in the 1950s. Telepathy is everybody’s birthright. Remote Viewing. Astral travel. They proved that we could do it. Then they put out the disformation campaign that “it can’t be done.”

Neuro Linguistic Programming says there’s no such thing as genius talent. It says: if we can find out what you believe and how you syntax the process, the context, and what you see, hear, and feel and in which order, I can duplicate your efforts. Let’s say you are the greatest golfer in the world. If I can find out what you believe about golf and your syntax process, the context, what you see, hear and feel and in which order, I can duplicate your efforts. And this would be true of anybody and in any field.

(Webmaster comment: I’d say Neuro Linguistic Programming is dead wrong. In fact, I’d say this is complete horseshit. There is genius talent. And there is certainly a hell of a lot of stupidity- on the part of the military-intelligence- and the psychology field. But what a way to waste money on foolish research!!!!! I imagine that this may be one of the projects covertly undertaken in Operation Crestone/Baca…. They say military intelligence is an oxymoron… and this is certainly correct.)

There has always been a concerted plan to ridicule people on the UFO phenomenon.

Man: But the ridicule effect is starting to melt a little bit.

Man: 3% of the people of the US say they’ve had some sort of contact with UFOs.

3. Walter Bowart: Interview on Alien Abductions, Mind Control, Satanic Ritual Abuse on Paranet UFO Continuum (1996) w/ Michael Corbin

Walter Bowart: Interview on Alien Abductions, Mind Control, Ritual Abuse, Satanism on Paranet UFO Continuum (1996)

Walter Bowart:
Mind control is the use of technology, non-ionizing radiation, drugs, electrical stimulation of the brain, it is a violation of your right of freedom of thought, your most private rights- your will and your knowledge. From traumatized children come multiple personality problems. Especially if they are bright and sensitive. If a programmer is involved, the new personality will be given a name and it will be highly developed.

A friend of mine who worked in the Air Force was programmed to be a courier, a witness- with hyper amnesia, he was a human tape recorder with incredible, enhanced memory. And yet he couldn’t remember things from his childhood. He had been subject to military mind control programming.

Corbin: You attended a conference this year in March of this year in Dallas, Texas –

Bowart: It was a group against ritual abuse of children that had noticed there’s a pattern being reported from the victims or survivors. It was called the Society for the Investigation, Treatment and Prevention of Ritual and Cult Abuse situated in Richardson, Texas. and headed up by Pam Perskin. The Cult and Ritual Abuse Trauma-Based Mind Control and Dissociation: A Multidisclinary Dialogue and Educational Symposium. And yes, it was a gathering of psychologists, psychiatrists, survivors, law enforcement personnel, and writers. Among them was Alan Shefflin who wrote the book: “The Mind Manipulators: Trance On Trial.” Out of this came a consensus of opinion that the Ritual Abuse phenomenon and the Alien abduction phenomenon fit very well into mind control descriptions of the victims. I have many charts here by a psychologist that shows these relationships. Let’s take a run this down. I have the data here in front of me:

“Comparison of similar and dissimilar Alien Abduction and Ritual Abuse Accounts by category. I’ll just name a few because it’s a long list. Let’s start with Elements-Inanimate.

The Alien Abduction (AA) accounts have an examining table, ritual abuse (RA) survivor accounts have an altar table.
AA: white sheet, RA: white sheet and a black rug,
AA – machines, x-ray, head gear, wires, body fluid, collecting devices of sperm and blood, RA: machines, ECT, polygraph, chakras, headgear, wires, cattle prods,
Instruments: AA. Surgical needles, implant instruments, RA instruments: knives, daggers, pins and needles.
Symbols: AA: new space writing and different symbols RA old writing symbols, letters, numbers, many of them are the same, religious symbols upside down
In both AA and RA: eyes are scary and calming

Elements- Animate: AA report: aliens in charge- others are subservient; RA- high priest or priestess is in charge and others are subservient
AA report: ET and humanoids, Satanists cultists and humans, reptilian creatures RA: report beasts, reptilian creatures, and cartoon characters
Both report Men in Black and shadows in the mind

Messages given:

AA: survivors are told “you are special,” we will return, do not tell, aliens are in charge, we want to breed with you
RA: you are special, we will return, do not tell, we are in charge, Satan is more powerful than God, and they are forced to breed
psychological sequel; AA: have memory loss, amnestic RA:
AA: bonding with the alien, RA: bonding with the cult is coerced
AA: feeling of euphoria, they are anesthetized and drugged, RA: are drugged with LSD, heroin, roots and herbs

It goes on and on….

Charts below are reproduced from A. Operation Mind Control: Researcher’s Edition (1994) above

The common hidden agenda in the mind control realm and ritual survivors is to discredit the victim. Nobody will believe them if they say they were abducted by aliens.

Three doctors mentioned by surivors in the 1994 President’s Commision on Radiation are Dr. Martin Orne, Dr. Sidney Gottlieb, and Dr. L. Wolfen Green. These three doctors were involved in the CIA’s MKULTRA program!!! Have you heard that in the news anywhere? No.

The evidence makes the alien abduction phenomenon so similar to the ritual abuse phenomenon and we know both fit into the mind control category.

We know that Dr. Michael Persinger at Laurentian University has developed a magnetic helmet (this is in the New Scientist Nov. and Dec. last year, article and letter called “Alien Abductions”) and by playing magnetic signals over the brain you have an alien abduction experience. And there are various other ways to do this. It all breaks down to the manipulation of the unconscious.

We are talking about the invisible government, the cryptocracy (rule by security), which was set up by the National Security Act in 1947. Col. L. Fletcher Prouty said this is out of control- in fact the minute they started doing the black budget things it went off the rails.

The Report From Iron Mountain says (1967) if we want to have peace, we don’t know how to do that… so when the commies are under the bed, let’s have the aliens overhead.

We’ve had three people who have killed others in this county (Arizona) in the last decades and he believes the aliens told him to do it. He said they were Nordics and you couldn’t tell them from normal humans except their telepathic abilities.

Motivations for government mind control operations: To make mules, pigeons, sex slaves (especially the women)… the alien abduction story can be laid in as screens and scrambles. But people today would rather believe that aliens are doing this than to believe the government is doing this.

Corbin: The psychiatric community is concerned about ritual abuse…. What does the alien abduction experience really mean? There could be agencies could be using legitimate UFO phenomena to mask their agendas.

Bowart: Both ritual abuse and alien abduction survivors are afraid of hypnosis and both feel they were victimized. The differences are interesting. The RA has more prevalent multiple personality disorder than AA people. But both have PTSD- post-traumatic stress disorder. And they both have hallucinations, depression, nightmares, sexual disturbances, visual disturbances, sleep disturbances, and headaches. So there has to be something in common here.

Back in the 1970’s, when the MKULTRA documents were coming out, I got three documents that talked about using the alien phenomenon as a psychological warfare operation.

4. Walter Bowart with Ned Potter- Operation Mind Control

Walter Bowart with Ned Potter- Operation Mind Control


Ned Potter: What are the objectives of mind control?

Walter Bowart: To create a psycho-civilized society. And this, according to CIA psychiatrist Jose Delgado. They don’t need the robots anymore. It’s finally already occurred to the cryptocrats, who regard us as just so many rats, that’s why over 50% of the American population has been experimented upon in one form or another. They want to engineer, terraform the planet earth. We humans are mostly in a time quarantine. They keep us there. Perhaps in one place, like LA, creativity will be allowed. Creativity is chaos. But otherwise, we (they) are going to order the entire thing. Unfortunately, for these guys and their way of thinking, our Founding Fathers granted us the inalienable right of freedom of speech- so they can’t stop you from speaking. But if they can stop you from thinking or direct your thoughts, they can control what you say, and that’s what it’s all about.

Ned Potter: In his recent book, “The Controllers: Modern Myth, Mass Manipulation and the New Hypothesis of Alien Abductions,” Martin Cannon says the image of an alien from a UFO provides an effective cover story to disguise the faces of the real abductors, namely, spychiatrists and the cryptocrats who are in Halloween masks so to speak. DARPA, Naval intelligence, CIA, universities, electronic stimulation of the brain (ESB), that’s what’s really happening.

Walter Bowart: I’d say “well said Martin Cannon.” I think Cannon is mostly right. Now we have a number of the victims of MONARCH program, some of whom, as children, were in alien costumes and played the role of aliens in mind control operations and military abductions disguised as alien encounters and abductions. It’s done (inducing the alien experience) with stun guns. Amnesia as well. So the cattle mutilations and all that- these are called “screens and scrambles.

One psychologist who doesn’t want to be named has made a large graph/chart correlating the different ritual abuse phenomenon, the random abuse phenomenon, the alien abduction phenomenon, and mind control phenomenon- and it’s all the same! Set and setting, animate and inanimate objects. Many of these people are from multiple generational incest families- a lot of them, about 70%, are women.

Now we have armies of zombies (mind-control victims) just walking around- people who are traumatized, dissociated. The so-called “alien abductees” have been very pacified. Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) is now leaking out into the project. Delta Force (and Navy Seal) operatives are hypno-programmed. Conceivably you could find their codes, cues and triggers and can take over from the handler and turn the thing around.

All these mind control techniques have been used to enslave people and are as old as mankind. The sufis’ mudras are very positive things and they use the same technology that is used to enslave people. So any of this can be turned around (for positive effects).

I told Dr. Collin Ross that virtually every doctor in the psychiatric community of a certain generation worked for Project Mind Control… That means you guys have a lot of work to do to clean it up. He said you are absolutely right.

We have the mind control technology today to influence people with integrity, to rehabilitate prisoners and criminals of all kinds, but instead we are into punishment. This society is sick from the top down.

There are indications that Jonestown was a CIA experiment and it was multi-purposed. I know more about Waco from the Paul Wilshire letter to Janet Reno. The CIA is very interested in cults and using cults. You can manipulate people’s belief systems. If you can find out what a man believes and then his syntax, in other words, anything that you do, any expertise you have, let’s say you are a great golfer, what do you believe about golfing?… So if you find out what a person believes that is successful, and duplicate the belief and adapt the belief to your own purposes, and what you see, hear, feel, and in which order in the process of doing the task, you can duplicate the results. So when you get a group of people…. Anthony Robbins is a great teacher and he uses all the things that fundamentalist revival meetings would use; music, lights, sound. The Steve Martin film, “Leap of Faith,” shows the technology behind these revival meetings. Get a group of people singing, dancing, saying things, chanting, and then get them to anchor it by getting them to clap their hands together, it’s using the memory in your body to reinforce the information, so you can really change behaviors this way. So that’s part of the research that would go on with cults and groups.

In Waco, according to Wilshire’s letter and according to the Delta Force guys that went in there and murdered some these people, they had a problem of conscience because these people were captive sitting ducks. They also used neuro…(weapons). And now we know that Paul Wilshire, author of the letter to Janet Reno about what really happened at Waco, is dead. He was hit by some electronic weapon, it looks like, that exploded his inner organs. He was found on the toilet, internal hemhorage. And they took his organs to Walter Reed hospital which is where they take the microwave and other nonlethal weapons research victims. Waco and Jonestown are two examples of CIA interference and this is why we have to abolish the National Security Act. This has got to stop. We’ve got the Nazis on our hands.

Webmaster’s comment: The above two paragraphs may apply directly to what Operation Crestone/Baca is all about.

Ned Potter: Are the mass shootings at McDonalds and San Diego, the Stockton school yard, etc., the work of mind-controlled terrorists?

Walter Bowart: Talk to Mike Knight up in Sacramento. He’s a former cop and he’s been investigating this question for a number of years. And he has a lot of information that suggests that the “tower sniper” (Ferry)… that there is a lot of military-intelligence (cryptocracy)-mind control connection to a lot of these things. He got into the Son of Sam and the Zodiac murders and he says the pattern is unbelievable. The whole society is being engineered this way. The programming, the violence. In England, you don’t have violence on television.

There is a phenomenon called audio-visual desensitization related to TV- which results in little kids blowing people away like they see on TV.

My book, “Operation Mind Control,” as it was published in 1978, was just the tip of the iceberg. I’m just a reporter. Turns out it was all correct.

CIA Director Robert Gates released a document to Congress that says that every radio, TV, newspaper in the country has a CIA asset working with it. But the cryptocracy’s (rule by secrecy) days are numbered since information travels at the speed of light now.

As soon as we repeal the National Security Act, we are going to learn all the secrets. Of course, they are shredding papers as fast as they can and planting false information in the files. The MJ-12 document is a perfect example of this (webmaster: I.e., misdirection).

Ned Potter: What is the Freedom of Thought Foundation?

Bowart: The purpose of the Freedom of Thought Foundation is to abolish the National Security Act. We want to begin to discuss the possibility of amending the Constitution to protect freedom of thought as an inalienable right. Our Founding Fathers couldn’t conceive of a time when voices could be implanted in your brain or of subliminal commands in the elevators in department stores. I think we should be free from microwave radiation and EM frequencies of all kinds that affect human thought processes, and we need to have a system by which we can prosecute perpetrators of mind control, be they public or private. We have the military now recruiting multiple-personality disorders from satanic cults and creating cults and supporting satanic cults to create multiple personality people. So it’s a vicious circle. And it’s got to stop. Just like we repealed the Volstead Act during prohibition, we’ve got to repeal the National Security Act. This is a country of mavericks and always will be unless you want to put us all on the street as hollow zombies. Like I say with the Delta Force guys, who are hypno-programmed, you could find their codes, cues, and triggers and turn them around on their commanders. We are going to try to educate the psychiatric community and give them the real tools they need to clean up the mess that they, with the cryptocracy, created, a psycho-civilized society.

The MONARCH program is a very interesting thing. It had to do with a butterfly. And the early MONARCH victims were tatooed with butterflys. There were two or three different levels of programming and each kind of programming would have its own set of codes, cues, and triggers. And the MONARCH-programmed people were often very attractive young women used as Presidential models, some of them sold into some sort of perverted form of prostitution to government officials. And perverted tastes would be cultivated in the government officials. That’s how you would control the high government officials. Paul Bonacci of the Franklin Coverup was a Monarch.

Potter: If you had been a victim of MKULTRA what plan of action would you devise to protect yourself?

Bowart: Well, you wouldn’t know if you had been a victim, until maybe 30 years later, which is happening. The project MONARCH people, it started when they were infants. Some of them came from families that had been doing this for 100 years. The CIA just accessed these people, these children. They would take babies and dip the bottom half of them in ice cold water and the top half in scalding hot water. And they would dissociate as infants and they began to program these children this way and develop these different dissociated personalities that could then be used. And at a certain age, they would then sell them, this is still ongoing in this country, they would then sell them on a white slave market to the cryptocracy (i.e., the national security state) who would use them as couriers to carry messages. Because when you get an empty D-state weird phenomenon happen (including) improved memory, enhanced memory, hyper amnesia, incredible memory abilities, great gifts come out of people who are tortured. Dissociation produces very useful things: sex slaves, drug mules, spies, people who can remember like human tape recorder-type people. It’s quite amazing. So it’s very useful to the intelligence people. And they took these attractive women and they used them as sex-slaves with all the Presidents and even in the 60s they reported they were given injections of different kinds to protect them from diseases that sound like AIDS, yes, back in the 60’s. And yes, I think that AIDS was genetically engineered.

And half of the people of the USA have been experimented on in one form or another. One hundred thousand American soldiers were marched through the fallout at Trinity Site, for example, Thirty-five thousand, they admitted, were used in the MKULTRA program, which was just the tip of the iceberg. The radiation people, that was an industry of 156,000. On and on. But the largest number was the Swine Flu dress rehearsal. When Ford was President (in 1976), there was no Swine Flu, that was an engineered thing, and it wasn’t coming, but 50% of the population got the shot. We were the only country that had the chicken eggs, incubator racks, injections guns and needles, doctors and nurses, and communications system to do a quick emergency civil defense drill in germ warfare- that’s what it was. But it’s still using you without your knowledge or consent as a guinea pig to see if they could get you to take the shot. Which 50% of you did. Now they can analyze your blood to find out who the suggestible ones are in our population.

Potter: So this may relate to martial law.

Bowart:Well, the National Security Act is martial law. We’ve been living under martial law since 1947. All your civil rights can be suspended by the National Security Act. In the interests of “national security,” you don’t get a fair trail. What’s national security? There’s no case law. Nobody knows. It’s anything they say it is. The National Security Act must be repealed in order to regain our Bill of Rights.

Potter: In Christopher Simpson’s recent book, “Science of Coercion,” he quotes from US Army and National Security Council documents that define US Psychological Warfare strategy as the “clandestine targeting of the US population as well as foreign countries for psychological operations.”

Bowart: That’s very true what you just read. John B. Alexander, is promoting nonlethal weaponry, and he’s selling them to local police forces. And a lot of quote “nonlethal weapons” will kill you, depending on what setting you have it on, “stun” or “kill.” But it will also fry your brain and produce permanent mental debilitation. Definitely, we’ve got to get this authoritarian trend in the country under control. There’s no reason to have a prison industry in this country when you have the technology to rehabilitate criminals. We have social engineers in this country. These guys are criminals.. They are probably Nazis from Germany, probably second generation. .

A clinical psychologist told me: “When we tell the FBI about satanic ritual abuse, they don’t pay any attention. But when we say there are skin-head Nazis they show up right away, because they know it’s the fastest growing thing in America.”