Global Gestapo #9–Phoenix Program, MK ULTRA, Brain Invasion Programs; Dr. Eric Karlstrom Interview with Ramola D (1/22/19)

Notes and Quotes for Global Gestapo #9 with Ramola D. Interview on January 22, 2019

TIs: The US government has declared war on us….. we are military targets. TIs.

Dr. Eric Karlstrom websites:,,, prove that many of the verities that steer our nation and world – are simply propaganda lies…..

1) man-caused global warming
2) 9/11
4) Even gang stalking term is woefully inadequate.

In ex-MI6 author, George Orwell’s dystopian novel, “1984.” GISTAPO-666-organized stalking/torture/mind control operations is metaphorically represented in the drama played out in last part of “1984” when Inner Party Member, O’Brien (who represents the CIA/MI6/Tavistock/Royal Family/Rothschild/Judeo/Masonic/Satanic elite) tortures citizen Winston Smith (a “dissenter” capable of independent thought and resistance to tyranny) until he finally acknowledges that 2 + 2 equals whatever O’Brien wants it to equal. After the torture and brain washing is complete and Winston Smith finally loves “Big Brother,” he is, of course, killed. The goal of the “Party” is to extinguish all independent thought, and even the possibility of independent thought, dissent, resistance, and the restoration of human dignity… forever.


5) “Global Intelligence-Syndicate, Satanic, Space-based, “Security-Surveillance” Stalking, Tracking, Targeting, Torture, Terrorism, Termination, Transhumanism And Psychopolitical, Pentagon, Policing-for-Profit, Psychotronic, and Psychological Operations.” (GISSSSSSTTTTTTAPPPPPPO should be pronounced in a harsh, guttural, Nazi accent, with the 6 S’s forming a prolonged hiss and the 6 T’s and 6 P’s pronounced with machine gun-like, rapid-fire staccato). Alternatively, it can be more simply rendered to as “GISTAPO- 666” and/or “GIS(6)T(6)AP(6)O” (with 6’s as superscripts).

We need to be like photographers with a good zoom lens- zoom in for closeups and pan back for wide angle views.

What group has the power to pay for this extremely expensive, invasive, and global program?….. Money is no object….. and it is global. That really narrows it down to the US government and the international bankers. And we will see that it is both.


1) “I toiled wholeheartedly in the vineyards because it was fun, fun, fun. Where else could a red-blooded American boy lie, kill and cheat, steal, deceive, rape and pillage with the sanction and blessing of the All-Highest? Pretty Good Stuff, Brudder!”

-Colonel George Hunter White, MKULTRA Operative, CIA/OSS (Office of Strategic Services)/FBN in his final report to Dr. Sidney Gottlieb, overseer of CIA’s MKULTRA Program

2) 1781 message from British General Cornwallis as he surrendered to American General Washington:

“A holy war will now begin on America, and when it is ended America will be supposedly the citadel of freedom, but her millions will unknowingly be loyal subjects to the Crown. Your churches will be used to teach the Jew’s religion and in less than two hundred years the whole nation will be working for divine world government. That government that they believe to be divine will be the British Empire. All religions will be permeated with Judaism without even being noticed by the masses, and they will all be under the invisible all-seeing eye of the Grand Architect of Freemasonry.” (And indeed George Washington himself was a Mason, and he gave back through a false religion what he had won with his army.)

Jonathan Williams,”LEGIONS OF SATAN,” 1781

3) Another official document that spells out a different aspect of the “Conspiracy” was recovered by George W. Hunt when he attended the pre-1992 UNCED meetings in 1987 described in Part I of this series. This document, entitled “From the Secretariat for World Order,” and circulated at a pre-UNCED meeting in Des Moines, Iowa, stated:

We are the living sponsors of the great Cecil Rhodes will of 1877 in which Rhodes devoted his fortune to the extension of British rule throughout the world and colonization by British subjects of the entire continent of Africa, the Holy Land, the valley of the Euphrates, the islands of Cyprus and Candia, whole of South America, the Islands of the Pacific not heretofore possessed by Great Britain, the whole of the Malay Archipelago, the seaboard of China and Japan, the ultimate recovery of the United States of America as an integral part of the British Empire.

We stand with Lord Milner’s credo. We too are British race patriots, and our patriotism is to the speech, the traditions, the principles, the aspirations of the British race. Do you fear to take this stand at the very last moment when its purpose can be realized? Do you not see that failure now is to be pulled down by the Lilliputians of lesser race who care nothing for the Anglo-Saxon system?

4) Dr. Henry Makow (2004) defines the modern Illuminati as follows:

The Illuminati refers to a tightly organized network of family dynasties representing Anglo-American and European aristocracy and Jewish finance joined by intermarriage, belief in the occult, and hatred of Christianity. Freemasonry is their instrument. They care nothing for their non-Illuminati brethren, Jewish or not. They will destroy billions as they create a neo-feudal world characterized by the super-rich, their support staff, soldiers and serfs.

5) No one will enter the New World Order unless he or she will make a pledge to worship Lucifer. No one will enter the New Age unless he will take a LUCIFERIAN Initiation.

David Spangler, United Nations Director of Planetary Initiative

“If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it. The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the lie. It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth is the greatest enemy of the State.”

Joseph Goebbels, Reich Minister of Propaganda of Nazi Germany

6) James Paul Warburg, son of Paul Warburg, both of the Warburg (German Jewish banking) family that co-founded the Federal Reserve, stated on February 17, 1950 before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee:

We will have world government whether we like it or not. The only question is whether it will be achieved by consent or by conquest.”

7) William Casey Quote- 1981. We will know that our mission is accomplished when everything the American people believe is false.

8) “In 1953, (CIA Director Allen) Dulles, speaking before a national meeting of Princeton alumni, distinguished two fronts in the then-current “battle for men’s minds”: a “first front” of mass indoctrination through censorship and propaganda, and a “second front” of individual “brainwashing” and “brain changing.” Before an audience of fellow Ivy Leaguers, Dulles skipped the usual pieties about democracy. The same year, Dulles approved the CIA’s notorious MKULTRA project, and exempted it from normal CIA financial controls.”
Alex Constantine, Psychic Dictatorship in the U.S.A. 1995

9) “The Jewish people as a whole will be its own Messiah. it will attain world domination by the abolition of other races, by the abolition of frontiers, the annihilation of monarchy, and by the establishment of a world republic in which the Jews will everywhere exercise the privilege of citizenship. In this new world order the Children of Israel will furnish all the leaders without encountering opposition. The Governments of the different peoples forming the world republic will fall without difficulty into the hands of the Jews. It will then be possible for the Jewish rulers to abolish private property, and everywhere to make use of the resources of the state.

Baruch Levy, Letter to Karl Marx, La Revue de Paris, p. 54, June 1, 1928

10) Jews are behind the whole thing.

11) “There is now a New American War. It is inside America. It is called the “War on Terror”. The enemy is YOU! It is a staged, Phony War that has been created by the International Zionist Crime Syndicate (IZCS).

Every Military Force needs an enemy. Without an ongoing or perpetual war, the War profiteers quickly go bankrupt. In order to keep their profit stream going from war, war-profiteers need to create successive new wars or a significant threat of impending war.

This new War on Terror has been socially engineered to provide a continual stream of degradations and provocations against the average American, provoking many in a never-ending stream to resist, and causing them to be labeled dissenters. Once they have been labeled dissenters they are put on a Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Main Core Terror Watch List, which top insiders know is a targeted assassination list for later eradication of all Freedom-loving Americans who want to restore the American Constitutional Republic.

At present the Main Core list has over ten million Americans on it, and it is growing every day with thousands of new additions. Get a ticket for a driving offense or any arrest (even if later proven innocent) and it is highly likely you will be placed on this Main Core Terror Watch and Assassination list.

Over time these provocations are designed to result in a continuing stream of America dissenters that want to take their Republic back from the zionist hijackers and will meet DHS tyranny and force with the like. Any and all Dissenters are now being defined as “Enemies of the State”.

… the Department of Homeland Security is now recognized as a major IZCS beach-head inside America and part of a long term plan to establish a foreign controlled IZCS neo-Bolshevik military force inside America to tyrannize, wage war against, and eventually serially mass murder most Americans.
This is why some top insiders refer to DHS as the New American Gestapo or Stasi. Some see it now morphing into a New Red Cheka mass-murder machine for dispensing Bolshevik-style Red Terror and the serial mass-murder of Americans.

The War on Terror is obviously a Phony. But it has been the greatest boon to the American Defense Complex ever, with many times more net American Taxpayer dollars spent on this war than any other war in history, including WW2 or the Vietnam War.”

Preston James, Ph.D., YOU Are THE ENEMY, Veterans Today (2014)

12) “Neuroscience captures $175 billion dollars annual market space…. The brain is the next battlespace…. We are targeting the brain…. We need to recon (the) target area (i.e., the domestic population) in order to: 1) acquire viable targets and 2) avoid collateral damage. Like (in) any race, the morbidity and mortality, going at this speed… is real.

1. Multiple goals and effects of global organized stalking/mind control/electronic torture operations for the New World Order include:

1) massive make-work program; establishment of a massive make-work program that radically expands the National Security Enterprise/Terrorism sector of the economy through: a) allocation of billions of federal dollars to watchlist and target generally law-abiding civilians through the DHS-FBI Fusion Center system, b) human trafficking of “TIs” as non-consensual human experimentees into military-university-corporate-state neuroscience and weapons-testing programs*, and c) illegal seizure of terminated targets’ assets*,

(*As revealed in the “Iran-Contra” scandal of the 1980s, the rogue corporate-military-intelligence (CIA-mafia) networks of the criminal “shadow government” (National Security Enterprise) have also profiteered from international sales of illegal drugs and weapons, trafficking of sex slaves and children, etc., for many decades. Among many names for this “shadow government” is Dr. Alfred McCoy’s term, “covered netherworld.”)

2) formation of “secret armies;” formation of vast “secret armies” of “perpetrators” (“perps”) comprised of military special forces operatives, “civilian warfighters,” citizen spies, recruited criminals, government agents/informants/spies, “surveillance role players,” “crisis actors,” academic and medical cognitive and neuroscience researchers, and others, to: 1) maintain control over all sectors of society, 2) squelch all potential dissent and civil rights movements, 3) “divide and conquer” domestic populations, 4) artificially create a civil war in which civilians police, stalk, harass, torture, and kill each other,

3) “Isolate and Remove” (ISR) and “asset stripping” of dissident/”targets” with no-touch torture, “nonlethal weapons;” organized stalking of “Targeted Individuals” by these secret armies is accompanied by deployment of high-tech, military-grade “nonlethal” electromagnetic and neuro-tech weapons to ISR (“isolate and “remove”) TIs from society (i.e., eliminate/”suicide”/kill them), which allows elites and/or the state to seize “targets’” assets through insurance fraud, etc.

4) create worldwide “no-touch torture, psychotronic concentration camp;” create a no-touch, electronic Guantanamo Bay-Abu Ghraib-style torture-mind control system that can be deployed anywhere on earth at any time against anyone viewed with disfavor by those in power.

5) create mass shooters through invisible, no-touch torture; the “zionist-controlled USA is running
COINTELPRO-COPs-Gang-Stalking and wireless-MKULTRA program on millions of innocent Americans in order to advance a political agenda to create psycho-bombs; mass shooters who create a gun problem so they can ban them” according to Dr. Robert Duncan (CIA scientist, whistleblower, and author of “Project: Soul Catcher: Volume 2: Secrets of Cyber and Cybernetics Warfare Revealed”)

6) cover-up their own criminality; psychological and/or physical breakdown/incarceration/institutionalization/”slow kill” murder of TIs via “no-touch torture” eliminates “dissidents,” “whistleblowers,” “truth-tellers,” and dissent, in general, thus facilitating suppression of the truth and the implementation of the long-sought, totalitarian one-world government. Removal of “political enemies” through these targeted killings also facilitates the cover-up of this and other government crimes, covert ops, and massive propaganda lies, including 9/11, staged false-flag terror events, prosecution of illegal wars, the phony war on terrorism, the phony man-caused global warming hoax, etc.

7) neuro-weapons testing/brain- and soul-mapping/cloning; military research, development, and refinement of a variety of neuro-weapons, as well as the mapping, digital copying, and cloning human brains and souls (defined as “intellect, will, and emotions”) is carried out to create: a) “enhanced” cyborg supersoldiers, b) a race of transhumanist (human-computer) cyborg slaves/bio-robots, and c) enhancement of “conscious” AI (artificial-intelligence) supercomputers, d) fascist military-intelligence domination the entire world population through use of neuroweapons/neurotechnologies which permit remote mind control, torture, and mind influencing, and e)a host of other objectives,

8) “divide and conquer” society for total control; dividing society into three classes; a) predators, including elites and “perps”, b) prey, including targeted individuals and audiences, and c) clueless and cowardly bystanders, aka “the bewildered herd.” This “divide and conquer” strategy facilitates total control of societies by elites and eliminates the threat of genuine protest, meaningful social movements, etc.,

9) create a society of sadists and spies; traditional Christian values such as love, truth, beauty, honor, kindness, courage, and service to others are replaced in progressively dehumanized societies by a sadistic-mafia-spook-style “thugocracy” (rule by thugs) with a “Lord of the Flies” jungle mentality in which sadistic, violent guerilla tactics are commonly employed to “keep the peace,”

10) weaponize, criminalize, and satanize society; societies are thus “weaponized,” “criminalized,” and “satanized” to such an extent that these types of illegal and unconstitutional activities continue unreported and unpunished,

11) creation of New World Order electronic military-intelligence-vigilante police state; creation of a global, totalitarian, corporate-owned New World Order military-intelligence-vigilante civilian-police state linked to AI supercomputers, cell towers, and electromagnetic frequency and advanced neuro-tech weapons can be covertly deployed against any and all individuals and groups in all sectors of society.
Through economic policies, zoning restrictions, and man-caused catastrophes such as the California wildfires, etc., citizens are now gradually being forced out of rural and suburban areas into crowded UN Agenda 21 “Smart Cities,” where total physical control can be exerted through control of food, water, and energy, etc. and total psychological and behavioral control can be exerted through GISTAPO-666,

12) electronic/psychotronic genocide of populations; large populations can be genocided and/or turned into bio-robots using these technologies.

13) elites attain immortality; elites evidently hope to develop and use these brain-to-computer mapping and copying technologies to transform themselves into a race of immortal, omniscient, transhumanist “gods” who would rule a universal, one-world antichrist kingdom… forever.

Other Forms of State-Sponsored Terrorism

Readers should also understand that “GISTAPO-666” is just one component of a multi-pronged “state-sponsored terrorism”/”unconventional warfare” global take-down strategy that includes other types of operations as well.
These include:

1) Weather warfare/geoengineering; for example: a) global aerial spraying of chemtrails, b) manufactured “frankenstorm” hurricanes such as Harvey, Katrina, Michael, etc., c) geoengineered DEW (Directed Energy Weapon) fires in California and elsewhere and d) HAARP-(High Active-Frequency Auroral Research Program)-ELF- (Extremely Low Frequency) induced droughts, floods, earthquakes, etc.
2) chemical, biological, and psychological operations,
3) propaganda and soft-mind control through controlled media and alternative media
4) mass trauma-based mind control through staged, false-flag “terror” incidents such as 9/11, Sandy Hook, the Boston bombings, etc., etc.
5) Special Forces and Tactical Psychological Operations Teams’ “asymetrical war” operations now being deployed to destabilize most nations in the world.
6) others of which most of us remain unaware

It should be stressed that most of the individuals and groups (termed “perpetrators” or “perps”) that execute these covert, illegal, and unconstitutional terror and torture operations are guilty of committing criminal felonies as well as treason for they are violating the constitutionally-guaranteed rights of their fellow citizens and/or their own sworn oaths to protect the U.S. Constitution and the American public from enemies foreign and domestic.
What makes this new form of terrorism/covert torture/warfare so insidious and effective is that the public is largely unaware of the existence of the high-tech weapons and technologies it deploys. Weaponized directed energy wavelengths and frequencies can silently and invisibly target, manipulate, and degrade minds/behaviors as well as induce premature deaths from heart attacks, strokes, cancers, and a host of other maladies, etc. EM frequencies are also used by the military and private subcontractors to control weather. These effects are possible when these weaponized electromagnetic wavelengths and frequencies are deployed in combination with satellites, cell towers, supercomputers, spraying of metallic particulate and nano-particles into the atmosphere (chemtrails), cyber warfare systems, and other high-tech weapons.

1) “There is a plot in this land to (mentally) enslave every man, woman and child. Before I leave this high and noble office I intend to expose this plot.”

President John F. Kennedy, Nov. 12, 1963, 10 days before his public execution

“For we are opposed around the world by a monolithic and ruthless conspiracy that relies on covert means for expanding its sphere of influence–on infiltration instead of invasion, on subversion instead of elections, on intimidation instead of free choice, on guerrillas by night instead of armies by day. It is a system which has conscripted vast human and material resources into the building of a tightly knit, highly efficient machine that combines military, diplomatic, intelligence, economic, scientific and political operations.

Its preparations are concealed, not published. Its mistakes are buried not headlined. Its dissenters are silenced, not praised. No expenditure is questioned, no rumor is printed, no secret is revealed.”

President John F. Kennedy, April 27, 1961

Overwhelming evidence indicates that the public execution of JFK in 1963 and staging of the 9/11 false-flag synthetic terror event in 2001 were in fact massively planned “trauma-based mind control” events that were part of a series of coups or “overthrows” of the US government. This “shadow government” has also been called the “Deep State,” “New World Order,” “Illuminati,” “CIA-Mossad-MI6-Mafia,” “Zionazis,” “International Zionist Criminal Syndicate,” “hidden hand,” etc. This same group, hell-bent on world domination, IS prosecuting these modern crimes.

President John F. Kennedy referred? This question is readily answered by sampling statements of informed experts through history. Indeed, history and the published confessions of the “perpetrators” reveal that this same secular-“spiritual” power orchestrated the French and Russian Revolutions, World Wars I and II, the Great Depression, and many other calamities. The following statements suffice to identify the true perpetrators of these atrocities (See Who Are “They?” Their Statements Say…. Starts With J:

1) “The day is not far distant when all the riches, all the treasures of the earth, will become the property of the children of Israel.”

Jew and high Mason, Cremieux, founder and president of L’Alliance-israelite-universelle (1860); from “The Trail of the Serpent,” by Inquire Within (1936)

2) “We (Jews) control America, and the Americans know it.” Arial Sharon, Israeli Prime Minister, October, 2001

3) “Creative destruction is our middle name, both within our own society and abroad. We tear down the old order every day, from business to science, literature, art, architecture, and cinema to politics and the law. Our enemies have always hated this whirlwind of energy and creativity, which menaces their traditions (whatever they may be) and shames them for their inability to keep pace. Seeing America undo traditional societies, they fear us, for they do not wish to be undone. They cannot feel secure so long as we are there, for our very existence—our existence, not our politics—threatens their legitimacy. They must attack us in order to survive, just as we must destroy them to advance our historic mission.“
Jewish Neoconservative, Michael Ledeen, “The War Against the Terror Masters,” 2003

4) “Jews rule the world by proxy. They get others to fight and die for them.” Malaysian Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad, 2003

5) “Israel was behind all four fronts in 9/11, that momentous event in our nation´s history: 1) The actual terror attacks themselves; 2) the subsequent cover-up; and both 3) ¨the U.S.-led military invasions overseas¨ and 4) the ¨domestic security state apparatus.¨
Hugh Akins, “Synagogue Rising,” 2012

6) “The goal for which we have striven so concertedly for three thousand years is at last within our reach, and because its fulfillment is so apparent, it behooves us to increase our efforts and our caution tenfold. I can safely promise you that before ten years have passed, our race will take its rightful place in the world, with every Jew a king and every Gentile a slave. We will openly reveal our identity with the races of Asia and Africa. I can state with assurance that the last generation of white children is now being born.

“Our control Commissions will, in the interest of peace and wiping out our interracial tensions, forbid the whites to mate with white. The white woman must cohabit with members of the dark races, the white men with black women. Thus the white race will disappear, for mixing the dark with white means the end of the white man, and our most dangerous enemy will become only a memory. We shall embark upon an era of ten thousand years of peace and plenty, the Pax Judaica, and our race will rule undisputed over the world. Our superior intelligence will easily enable us to retain mastery over a world of dark people.

… This war will end for all time the struggle against the Gentiles… Our race will rule undisputed over the world… And so, with vision of world victory before you, go back to your countries and intensify your good work, until that approaching day when Israel will reveal herself in all her glorious destiny as the Light of the World”.

Rabbi Emanuel Rabinovich; Speaking of the Third World War, Rabbi Rabinovich is publicly reported to have addressed a special meeting of Rabbis in Budapest on January 12, 1952 as reported in the Nov/Dec 2000 issue of Americas Bulletin (N.P. Purvis, Editor), The Canadian Intelligence Service – Excerpt from September 1952 issue, “The World’s Troublemakers,” [See resources ] “THE STRUGGLE AGAINST THE GENTILES”

7) “The elite have plans to get rid of 2/3 of the world’s population with electromagnetic warfare, chemical warfare, and psychological warfare…. Mind control, MK, is listed as a “non-lethal weapon” by the military… (In 2002), the United Nations Institute for Disarmament Research (UNIDIR) in Geneva, Switzerland, designated mind control as a weapon of mass destruction along with nuclear bombs… This technology links the brains of people via implanted microchips to satellites controlled by ground-based super-computers….

…All the US military branches are involved in the development of the technology, in cooperation with civil institutions like the Department of Health, in what is known as the NEURAL NETWORK ASSOCIATION. At their 1991 conference, it was revealed that they submitted and endorsed over 1000 projects in brain-computer technology at 350 medical centers, universities, etc.

…The best way to control people without their knowledge is through mind control. According to the CIA Director in 1972, mind control means a world where every thought, emotion, observation, and need is controlled….. Cybernetics, full neurological control and communication, has been in use since the 1940s without the knowledge of the public… The objectives are behavior modification and influencing mental and bodily functions, processes, and emotions remotely through computer-satellite links….

…Directed Energy (DE) weapons, mostly EMF (electromagentic frequency) and acoustic weapons, act on the psyche and the body of human beings and all living creatures. They have been called by many names: Psycho-physical weapons, weapons of information warfare, psychotronic weapons, cognitive weapons, neurological weapons, mind-invasive weapons, mind control and electronic harassment weapons, remote neural monitoring, active denial systems, weapons of electronic warfare, means of neuro-linguistic programming, means for behavior modification, means of influence technology, computerized brainwashing machines, devices to zombify people, means to induce mental and physical illness, means for hostile surveillance, people zappers, and weapons of mass destruction.

…(And) the Swedish military research (FOI) declares in their report of activities that their goal is to direct the cognitive functions of people for a lifetime.

… On July 21, 1994, the U.S. Department of Defense (DOD) proposed that “non-lethal” weapons be used against anyone engaged in activities that DOD opposed. That could include almost anyone. DOD’s potential enemies may be counter-cultural individuals, those with opposing political viewpoints, economic competitors, biological undesirables, etc. From my point of view, the uses of this new technology philosophically are comparable to and amount to the Biblical Fall of man, the eviction from paradise. The all-encompassing thought-reading and mind-influencing capacity (of this technology) divides man into two encampments: Those few “God-like” people, who are allowed to use these means, and all others, whose freedom and free will is being taken away.

We have been very surprised to hear about school and shopping center shootings. How many realize that these are tests where mind control programming is used to create a human robot. The serial killer is a victim himself, being programmed to be an emotionless robot and following orders to kill. The real killers sit behind computers and send him electromagnetic beams to the brain.

…. the secret services and their sabotage and terror “departments” are the biggest “terrorists” in the world and work together with the mafia. That was the case even in World War II, as has been published decades ago…. More crimes against humanity have been committed under the shield of “national security” than the people can ever know…. possibly even more than the mafia.

…To label the (non-consensual) human experimentees, the victims of mind control, as paranoid-schizophrenic is a crime against humanity…”
-Dr. Rauni Kilde, M.D., author, former Chief Medical Officer of Northern Finland, From: “Bright Light on Black Shadows” (2015)

8) “The Vietnam war was the formative experience for a generation of CIA and military intelligence personnel involved in the Phoenix program. They viewed the military defeat in Vietnam as a betrayal on the home front, a loss of will by domestic political enemies, not a military failure against a nationalistic revolution fought as a guerilla war.

The Phoenix program, assassinating suspected VC (Viet Cong) sympathizers in a systematic manner, worked well and is the blueprint for the current black operation (aka gang stalking) targeting thousands of loyal Americans using state of the art microwave and radio frequency radiation weapons. The motivation to suppress domestic dissidents and to assassinate loyal American opposition stems from the perception of dissent against the war as treason. This philosophy is stated very clearly in the “Mind War” (1980) paper written by Michael Aquino.

The Department of Defense has a huge stake in futuristic technology that kills by ionizing and non-ionizing radiation, leaving little or no trace. The indiscriminate killing of the Phoenix program continues on American soil. The terms “soft kill,” “slow kill,” and “silent kill” refer to the new way of killing the enemy in conflicts short of war and in small wars of the future. The counterinsurgency doctrine has now been applied to the home front so that the perceived betrayal of the military in Vietnam will not be repeated.

The generation of CIA and military intelligence led by Ted Shackley, Richard Helms, (CIA Director) William Casey, Maj. John Singlaub, Richard Secord, Maj. John B. Alexander, Col. Michael Aquino, Paul Vallilee and others have built the perfect beast, using selective assassination that leaves no trace. The ability to cull the human herd with “silent kill” technology allows a few personalities to remake the entire society in their own image.

Extremely low frequency (ELF) technology slowly drives the target crazy with silent sound, similar to the CIA MKULTRA psychiatrist, Dr. Ewen Cameron’s, “psychic driving” technique, used to break down the target’s personality. The new buzzwords at the Pentagon are “synthetic telepathy” and “psychotronics.” Another means of attack on targets is the Smirnoff patent, that uses subliminal suggestion to manipulate human behavior. This patent was purchased by the remote viewing company, Psi Tech Corporation.

Military intelligence officers involved in developing these “non-lethal weapons” also control Psi Tech. Emotional manipulation is accomplished using Dr. Michael Persinger’s work to remotely project emotional states that the brain entrains or locks onto and emulates. One can broadcast rage or fear at an individual target to manipulate and control them. As if these methods were not enough to torture and murder people, add to this nightmarish toolbox, active gang stalking. CIA-created cults and other cause-oriented groups are used by actively harassing them in public in neutralization techniques described in counterintelligence operations manuals that are aimed at enemy agents.

In the race to develop a new weapon it has always been necessary to test it on human beings. Perfecting the latest weapons designed to kill slowly and silently as well as perfecting the process of controlling the human mind are no different. Once the weaponry has been perfected on these few thousand people, the same techniques will be applied en mass to the general population and then to humanity as a whole.”

Marshall Thomas, “MONARCH: The New Phoenix Program” (2007)

9) “Mr. Speaker, we are here now in Chapter 11. Members of Congress are official trustees over the greatest reorganization of any bankrupt entity in world history, the U.S. government.”
Speaker-Representative James Traficant, Jr. (Ohio), addressing the House of Representatives, 1993

“Israel has used America as a whore…. They control our government, our media, and the finances of this country…. Through their lobby, Israel has manifested total power over the Congress of the United States… We’re conducting the expansionist policy of Israel and everybody’s afraid to say it… They are controlling much of our foreign policy, they are influencing much of our domestic policy. They control much of the media, they control much of the commerce of the country, and they control powerfully both bodies of the Congress. They own the Congress… Israel gets billions a year from the American taxpayers, while people in my district are losing their pension benefits…. and if you open your mouth, you get targeted. I was the number one target of the American Israeli Public Affairs Committee… We have investigated and found 2 separate incidents of AIPAC spying on America….

My concern is the taxpayers and the citizens of the United States should control their government, not a foreign entity… But if you deal with the real problems in America, YOU GET TARGETED.”

James Traficant, Jr., U.S. House of Representatives (Ohio) (1941-2014), who was expelled from the House and served 8 years in prison and then killed for representing the interests of the United States rather than those of Israel and the Jews, in FOX News interview below.

ETK (Dr. Eric T. Karlstrom) again: Thus, if we strip away the Orwellian terminology and look at history, we discover that these draconian police-state programs have their antecedents in protocols and citizen-spy networks developed by the Soviet Union’s Cheka secret police, the East German Stasi secret police, the Nazi SS (Gestapo), and other totalitarian police-state systems. In America, many essential elements of these programs were deployed in the FBI’s covert COINTELPRO (counter-intelligence program) of the 1950’s through 1970’s; the CIA/NATO/MI6’s covert assassination, terrorism, and sabotage of domestic European populations via secret, “Stay Behind” armies between about 1950 and 1990 (including Operation Gladio and related programs); the CIA’s top-secret MKULTRA mind control programs/experiments, extending from the 1940’s to the present; the CIA’s Vietnam War-era murder and terrorizing of the Vietnam civilian population, termed Operation Phoenix; the U.S. Military’s Operation Garden Plot and Cable Splicer in the 1960s; and scores of similar covert “death squad” programs applied in scores of “counter-insurgency list” nations…. including the United States, as in the CIA’s top-secret Operation MHCHAOS in the 1960s (See L. F. Prouty’s “The Secret Team: The CIA and its Allies in Control of the United States and the World” (2008) and Douglas Valentine’s “The CIA As Organized Crime: How Illegal Operations Corrupt America and the World” (2017)).

“The Program” also involves a vast neuro-warfare weapons system which is now being secretly tested and deployed worldwide as part of the U.S. military’s (electronic) “Revolution in Military Affairs” and the U.S. military-academic-corporate complex’s brain mapping, behavioral control and cloning projects, and it is also apparently being used to help usher in global government and a global police state under United Nations auspices. It should be noted that trauma-based mind control is based on the principles of Satanic Ritual Abuse. As these technologies are of central importance in previous and ongoing CIA mind-control programs such as MKULTRA, there is also a spiritual (satanic) component to “the Program.” Thus, participation in the “Program” both criminalizes and “satanizes” the huge portions of society complicit in it.