Targeting/Murder of U.S. Citizens by FBI and U.S. Air Force: from and

The U.S. Government is “the greatest purveyor of violence in the world today.” – Martin Luther King, Jr.


Targeted Individuals Statement
Dr Daniel Lebowitz, M.D.
Presentation submitted to a Senate Hearing, December 2014. This is an excellent introduction about Targeted Individuals.

Ted Gunderson Affidavit

Geral Sosbee Affidavit
Ted Gunderson
Sworn affidavit of Ted Gunderson, former FBI Chief. Mr Gunderson confirms the FBI’s involvement with organized stalking and the Targeted Individual program. This affidavit is valid in any courtroom. “The CIA and FBI are behind most, if not all terrorism.” – Ted Gunderson.

Geral Sosbee
Sworn Affidavit of FBI Special Agent, Geral Sosbee. Mr Sosbee is a Texas attorney and has documented his ordeal on his website at Mr Sosbee confirms that the FBI is involved with organized gangstalking and Directed Energy Weapons. This affidavit is valid in any courtroom.

“Targeted Individual” refers to Hate Crimes that are being orchestrated and conducted by the CIA, Air Force, FBI, DHS, and Mossad; globally affecting hundreds of thousands of people and their families. These Hate Crimes are a violation of fundamental human rights, International Treaties & the U.S. Constitution. For Air Force & CIA officers – it is an act of TREASON.

A Targeted Individual is someone that has been selected by the Deep State (usually FBI or CIA) to unwillingly participate in a government experimental torture program. This program is designed to break down the individual and “neutralize the person,” using psychological, physical, and emotional stress. The ultimate goal of this program is to control the entire global population. Political activists and whistleblowers are two of the main targets. Family and spousal relationships are usually destroyed, as part of this torture.

The FBI runs the global gangstalking program, which is designed to harass, intimidate, and break down the target. The FBI outsources much of the local harassment to community groups, such as Infragard, Citizen Corp, Neighborhood Watch, and similar programs. Targeted Individuals are placed on the Terrorist Watchlist and tracked as “Non-Investigative Subjects,” so that local police and sheriffs can be instructed not to assist with their emergency calls.

The CIA and Air Force operate the Microwave Weapons program through the underground complex at Schriever Air Force Base, near Colorado Springs. The microwave weapons used are the Vircator, which is mounted on a satellite, and high-power magnetrons which are mounted in cell phone towers. MQ9 drones with magnetrons are also increasingly being used. The microwave beams generally target the head and cause long-term brain damage via white matter deterioration. In Houston, Texas, some of the MQ9 Reaper drones are parked in hangars at Ellington Air Force Base, and these are used against civilians as part of the Targeted Individual program.

Shooters, Aaron Alexis and Myron May are two recent examples of Targeted Individuals. They were psychologically destroyed using sleep deprivation, intense microwave attacks, and isolation from their family, and then they resorted to killing. Voice-To-Skull (V2K) signals can be embedded in the microwave frequency which allows the government criminals to send constant, hate-filled messages at the target. There are numerous U.S. Patents on these technologies. It is likely that most, if not all, school shooting events are orchestrated by the CIA and FBI using the subliminal messaging techniques developed under the CIA’s MK-Ultra program. “The CIA and FBI are behind most, if not all terrorism.” – Ted Gunderson, former FBI Chief.

Many respected Medical Doctors and Government Scientists have confirmed that the Targeted Individual Program is real, including former CIA and FBI agents. Sworn affidavits from FBI agents, Ted Gunderson and Geral Sosbee, are part of this evidence. These Unconstitutional acts are considered Crimes Against Humanity (“systematic attack against a civilian population”) and a War Crime (Article 32 of the Geneva Convention). It is estimated that there are about 170,000 Targeted Individuals in the U.S., and that it costs more than $1MM per person per year, to operate the program. The Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) provides the orders to the CIA and FBI, and this experimental program is administered worldwide.

Free ebooks available in the STORE.

1. Targeted Justice has obtained the sworn affidavit of two FBI Agents, Ted Gunderson and Geral Sosbee, clearly stating that the gangstalking and Directed Energy Weapons are real and being used against U.S. citizens. TI’s should print this out and save it. It is valid in any court room.

2. Basic information for building a Faraday Cage has been provided on this website. A properly designed and properly grounded Faraday Cage will block all microwaves. It will block all V2K, all synthetic telepathy, and Artificial Intelligence signals. The materials cost about $300. It will not block x-rays, gamma rays or scalar weapons.

3. The Titan Corporation in San Leandro is likley the company that made the satellite microwave weapons. The company has since been acquired by L-3 Technologies. The Electromagnetic Gun is called the “Thunderbolt System,” and it is based on the U.S. Patent granted to Donald J. Sullivan in 1982.

4. We have learned that Raytheon Ktech in Albuquerque, New Mexico, is building the next generation of high-power microwave system that will likely be used against civilians. It is called the CHAMP system.

5. TI’s are tracked using the Terrorist Watchlist system. If you are stopped by police for any reason, tell the Officer that your name appears on the Terror Watchlist as a “Non-Investigative Subject,” Handling Code 4, Silent Hit. (Source: This causes many problems for the crooked FBI.

6. The Air Force Space Command in Colorado Springs, Colorado operates the satellites that are targeting individuals all over the world. The Air Force personnel that “push the button” to hit you with microwaves, sit at a computer desk located underground, at Schriever Air Force Base. The CIA provides the funding for the program. If your family members are being hit with subliminal messages and turned against you – this is the organization that has their GPS coordinates and keeps track of them. General John W. Raymond is the Commander.

This is a recommended video of Dr Bill Deagle on his experience at Shriever Air Force Base:

These are the senior officers over the bases:
1. General David. L. Goldfein, Air Force Chief of Staff
2. Dr. Heather A. Wilson, Secretary of the Air Force
3. General John W. Raymond
4. Major General Stephen N. Whiting
5. Major General Robert J. Skinner
6. Mr. Scott M. Anderson
7. Colonel Todd R. Moore
8. Colonel Eric S. Dorminey
9. Colonel John L. Doucet III
10. Colonel Jennifer L. Grant
11. Colonel Jacob E. Middleton
12. Colonel Devin R. Pepper

This is a list of 24 Medical Doctors, PhD Scientists, and former government agents that agree the U.S. government is using an illegal program of microwave targeting against civilians. Some of these people are proud Whistleblowers and would gladly do it again:

Dr John Hall, M.D. and author
Dr Daniel Lebowitz, M.D.
Dr Barrie Trower, government Scientist
Dr Colin Ross, M.D.
Dr Spencer Carter, M.D.
Dr Katherine Horton, Oxford University Scientist
Dr Doug Rokke, government Scientist
Dr Eric Karlstrom, Professor
Dr Nick Begich, Scientist
Dr Paul Batcho, government scientist
Dr Paul Marko, Psychologist
Dr Robert Steele, former CIA analyst
Dr Curtis Bennett, Professor
Dr Corkin Cherubini, author
Dr Matthew Aaron, Scientist
Dr Sean Andrews, Scientist
Willam Binney, NSA Whistleblower
Kirk Weibe, NSA Whistleblower
Karen Stewart, NSA Whistleblower
Carl Clark, CIA Whistleblower
Kevin Shipp, CIA Whistleblower
Mark Phillips, CIA Whistleblower
John DeCamp, Army intelligence Whistleblower

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Technology – Block All Microwaves

A Faraday Cage that is properly designed and properly grounded, will block all microwaves and will block all V2K. It will also block all synthetic telepathy, Artificial Intelligence signals, and whatever other descriptions you have heard. The people that designed this technology for Schriever Air Force Base are not medical doctors. They are engineers.

Your microwave oven is a good example of a Faraday Cage. The microwaves in this case, are kept inside the cage, rather than outside. In simple terms, a Faraday cage is a metal box or shell that conducts electricity and protects whatever is inside. There has been a huge disinformation campaign by the CIA to convince TI’s that an effective cage cannot be built. Don’t believe it. A Faraday Cage is simple science and has been around since the 1800’s.

Please read the free ebook available on this website: “How to Block the Microwaves & Jam the Tracking Signal.” This ebook provides basic information for building your own Faraday Cage.


This timeline was constructed from the patents and companies that worked on the microwave weapons program, as well as the stated events at

(all dates are approximate)

+ Research done under contract with U.S. Air Force at Mission Research Corporation, in Albuquerque, New Mexico – Donald J. Sullivan (approx. 1977 – 1980).

ATK Mission Research Corporation
5001 Indian School Road NE
Albuquerque, NM 87110

+ US Patent 4345220, Submitted Feb. 12, 1980 for the Vircator Microwave Weapon.
Donald J Sullivan
9100 Hagerman Ave NE
Albuquerque, NM 87109

+ Patent 4345220 Granted to Donald J. Sullivan: Aug. 17, 1982
– Patent assigned to U.S. Air Force

+ President Reagan Announces Star Wars/Strategic Defense Initiative – March 23, 1983

+ Groundbreaking for what will become Schriever Air Force Base – May 1983.

+ Titan Corporation in San Leandro, California builds prototype Vircator, in 1983 – 1984. Modified to become the Reltron, which has higher efficiency. The completed hardware is named the Thunderbolt System.

+ The Thunderbolt System is built by the Titan Corporation (now called L-3 Technologies) rated at 32 MegaJoules of energy. One megajoule (MJ) is equal to one million joules, or approximately the kinetic energy of a 2,200 lb vehicle moving at 100 mph (161 km/h). 1984 – 1989

+ Mark Fleenor becomes General Manager, 1986.

Lawrence Mark Fleenor, General Manager (1986 – 2005)
Air Force Weapons Lab & Mission Research Corp

Lawrence Mark Fleenor
9905 Desert Mountain RD NE
Albuquerque, NM 87122

+ Strategic Defense Initiative launches about 24 to 30 satellites into geosynchronous orbit with the Thunderbolt System (Vircator/Reltron): 1987 – 1992.

+ The 2nd Space Wing at Schriever Air Force Base takes operational control of the Air Force Satellite Control Network beginning in October 1987. The Air Force Satellite Control Network was previously located in Sunnyvale, California – the home of Lockheed Missiles and Space Company (LMSC).

+ Targeted Individual, Harlan Girard, reports first microwave attacks from satellite, 1987.

+ 50th Space Wing is activated at Schriever Air Force Base, 30 January 1992, replacing the 2nd Space Wing.

+ In July 1992, the US Government claims the Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI) program was canceled. What this really means – it is now fully operational. The current Vircator Microwave Weapons have been measured at 3920 – 3935 MHz. The FCC frequency allocation table confirms this is a satellite-to-ground frequency.

“High Power Microwave Generation from a Virtual Cathode Oscillator” (August 1983) – Donald J. Sullivan
“Compact Pulsed Power for Directed Energy Weapons” (2003) (Clink LINK – available for free at
Compact Pulsed Weapons
D. Price and others, Titan Corporation
“The Titan Corporation has been developing directed energy technologies since the early 1980s. Over this time Titan has provided advanced power supplies for electromagnetic gun and laser research while making broader contributions in the field of high-power microwaves (HPM). Titan’s HPM work expanded from initial efforts fielding and operating the fist gigawatt-level oscillators for susceptibility test applications, to research and development maximizing the peak and average output powers and overall efficiency realized from such systems. As interest in HPM technology has spread globally, Titan has leveraged this core competency and provided the HPM equipment for nearly all of the major European effects test facilities. Titan’s current interests focus on compact, efficient and reliable directed energy weapon systems and the advanced subsystems and components that enable the same.”

Information on the L-3 Technologies website:

Binney Affidavit
Affidavit of William Binney, former NSA Technical Director

“The allegations in the complaint are true and correct: Defendants (NSA and US Govt) are intercepting, accessing, monitoring, and storing the Plaintiff’s private communications. I have knowledge of this information, based on the following facts…”

14 Replies to “Targeting/Murder of U.S. Citizens by FBI and U.S. Air Force: from and”

  1. Please help me I’ve been electronically harassed, slowly isolated from friends and family lost everything and collected a bunch of evidence doing counter surveillance before ! Let them know I knew. When I finally let their main operative my upstairs neighbor and tenAnt know I knew so it would get back to them, and I had enough evidence to prosecute and the head of Harvard medical s school of psychiatry to back me up over a two year period it escalated into breakins and planting of evidence that could have put me away for a long time. All of this is in camera and safe with a lawyer i have skills they were unaware of thank and support from a micronutrients and ret. Det. Who was in a federal task force. I barely escaped. They almost successfully had me committed my father and landlord threw me out because he thought I was just paranoid and I have the best psychiatrists backing me up when they don’t normally support the TI theory. My internet presence is slowly disappearing I’m a talk show host and journalist who is a computer genius with strong political believe and a large following online they keep blocking my attempts to access everything and Facebook is compliant so I know it’s the government. And it l fought them red handed more than once jack my house not library computers to access my encrypted email and usb drive from a mobile device. I’m on the run and don’t know why. Jellybeans Vera aka Jannellybeans


    1. help me today! I am in the same boat, but now I am on the last leg of microwave strems that will pu t me down!
      My family is convinced I committed and harmed my grandson, but I did not! this was orchestrated by son in law to get me out of their life.
      along came the FBI ( my daughter works for the government) never a questions asked. now I will be put down as a bad person and loose my voice, commited for life.
      can you help me today! Need a safe place and my story out there this morning before I die!

      This is a murder by the FBI an hit by my family! 8323121560 3144266882 call monitered by the FBI

  2. I am a targeted victim ,I have been this way for over 7 years.I am asking for any type of assistance help resources honestly just some feedback.

    1. I have been targeted for past 5 years.. I am kept up all night with murder threats and threats to kill my family. And accussations of crimes that I don’t know how to even commit with the threat that I will be in prison forever. They are using V2K, Dew and God only knows what else. I am sleep deprived. I get terrorized 24/7. They want me to kill myself and say they will murder me and leave a suicide note. I NEED help too. I have lost everything: home, friends, family, cars, job, and I am almost homeless.I am down almost a million dollars. I need a safe place to go. I have been trying to find TI community that maybe has housing etc. I have not found anything. If you here of anything let me know and likewise.

  3. March 8, 2020
    Organized crimes, police corruption, contracted harassment/ assaults domestic terrorism.. criminal network
    Here’s a list of the people, city/ government agencies, contractors, companies, responsible for these crimes in Cambria Heights Queens, NY ,Abuse of power, misconduct, non consensual human experimentation, Domestic terrorism ,human trafficking ,contract stalking , property extortion, property damage, financial sabotage, financial monitoring, mortgage servicing fraud, false information reporting to credit bureaus, mail theft, identity theft, The NYDepartment of Motor vehicles for creating licenses for identity theft & fraud crimes , cyberstalking / cybercrime ,downloading malware onto my devices, Lockheed Martin dropping posions onto my roof all day , everyday, drones, and satellites directed at my house, treason, bank fraud , community mobbing, racketeering, wiretapping, cyberstalking, electronic harassment, illegally accessing my computer network and devices, using TLC vehicles, Ubers, city , service vehicles, government vehicles & their fleet tracking systems to illegally track my vehicles and aid other criminals involved in these crimes of contracted stalking and harassment, fake investigations, recruiting other participants, and other Organized crimes and their criminal networks of businesses and affiliates

    NYPD, #105 th& 113th precinct & Nassau County Police
    Emery Perry Private Investigator 114-69 227street organizers/ recruiters
    Krista & Phil Nut Howard 114-104 227street Organizers / recruiters
    Morris , Linda, Tahara, Tonya Johnson CO @Rikers 114-99 227street recruiters
    Micheal & Eudina (city employee) Boodie social worker child services 114-108 227street recruiters
    Nathohya & Jeliose Boodie 114-108 227street
    Josaine & Elsie czayowsky 114-107 227street recruiters
    Eatmans 114- 100 227street
    Cutlers 114-95 227street recruiters
    Hazel & Compton Williams 114-96 227street
    114-94 227street
    114-98 227street
    Tiffany Clark Taxi Limousine Commission
    Lockheed Martin video of dropping posions onto my roof
    Fed Ex
    General Motors
    Verizon fleet tracking
    MCU credit union elmont branch,
    Loan care mortgage LLC,New Residential Mortagage LLC, New Rez Loan LLC
    Capital one Bank Queens villiage by 105 th precinct
    There’s also a couple of attached houses on 114 & 228th the exact addressI believe is 114-16 228th st Cambria Heights ny 11411
    that’s also being used for terrorism Phil Howard , Johnson, and other recruits are sent there to electronically harass me ..shoot directed energy weapons; microwave weapons, frequencies lasers, from the ajar windows and to store weapons and ammo.
    Please note that these criminals are also changing my emails, texts, and social media messages ,
    Sent TWH on 1/25/2020 @139am
    Sent TWH on 3/8/2020 @720pm

  4. The Petition to Demand DOJ investigate their employees & contractors crimes of misconduct, abuse of power ,domestic terrorism , Hate, extortion, harassment, electronic harassment, etc
    Created Feb 20, 2020 And intercepted by Phillip & Krista Howard, Morris Johnson,

    I’m a Law abiding citizen, never been into trouble with the law.However It’s now going on three years now ..I started reaching out to the DOJ.. to stop what I now know is contracted harassment, stalking, community oriented policing aka domestic terrorism and electronic harassment with the main perps being NYPD Nassau county , high ranking officials, DOJ employees, and contractors. Here’s the revised complaint down below that I sent at least 3 times .I’m not sure that it wasn’t intercepted because I didn’t receive an instant e- mail confirmation..and the response back was one saying that the complaint wasn’t about DOJ employees and or contractors or crimes that they investigate..when in Every one of my complaints I included that FBI agents,DOJ officials and Lockheed Martin (a contractor of DOJ )were involved .. The response every time was that my complaint wasn’t something that they would be able to investigate …Even though I have proof that DOJ and it’s contractors are involved.the address of one of the organizers I deleted.
    Feb 19, 2020
    This is to inform you that the my first complaints Did in fact include a complaint about Dept. of Justice employees and Contractors and high ranking officials maybe not all by name … However…but how could the NYPD be involved in crimes of this magnitude without the knowledge of their commander ?. I have pictures of being stalked with The stalkers driving cars with the Department of Justice license plates , I have pictures of Fbi officials with license plates displaying fbi on them…How can any dept. that is supposed to be about protecting its American citizens …but are involved in crime and acts of harassment, 24/7 surveillance, extortion, terrorism, recruiting other C.O.P.S. Community oriented policing and others to also participate in these crimes of hate and terrorism NOT affect proper functioning of programs etc? Lockheed Martin, And Fed Ex which are contracted by the DOJ was listed in my prior complaints but maybe they were over looked by the other names… So I will leave those names out … And focus mainly on
    Lockheed Martin’s all day and night flying low over my home dropping posions / toxins onto my roof , spy drones and other unmanned vehicles like satellites are being used to spy and invade my privacy and cause harm…while the FBI has a long list of wanted criminals and REAL terrorists that they are NOT or simply can not focus on locating them .simply because they are too busy engaging in terrorism and other crimes that I’ve already mentioned. Fed Ex has also been engaging in criminal behavior…using their trucks to illegally track my personal vehicles ( with their fleet tracking systems) for the sole purpose to harass and to assist others that are involved .I have tons of video and pictures of them committing these acts as well. In my other complaints ,a link of a video of Lockheed Martin’s crimes of domestic terrorism was included…I will add it again.
    As I am typing this ..I can hear the white van that is ALWAYS parked near my house give a signal with his horn …which also brings me to the fact that my personal , & financial information is also illegally spied on by not only these agents but also by my neighbors who are also involved in community mobbing,racketeering,identity fraud, mail fraud, domestic terrorism crimes and more. One in particular neighbor is said to be related to a Nassau county high ranking police/government official .His name is Phillip Howard of ———————-Cambria Heights NY..he has been continuously involved in these crimes against me. I also believe that Emery Perry a Private Investigator May be a sub contractor and He as well is also heavily involved. Here’s the link of Lockheed Martin video that I filmed of Lockheed committing treason ,domestic terrorism against myself a law abiding American citizen . .Please consider not just the Contractors of DOJ..Lockheed Martin And Fed Ex for these crimes , abuses of power, waste etc…but also the other information given here.
    Thank you

  5. You guys this is all over the news and is a hot topic right now!! It’s warrantless surveillance and the FISC (Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court) is slamming the FBI and other agencies for submitting fraudulent applications to them to have innocent American citizens targeted!! The FISC and the Inspector General are cracking down on this for sure but people need to keep talking about it LOUDLY to keep it going!!!! If you call it gangstalking you get labeled as “crazy”…….call it warrantless surveillance!!!!

    1. about to loose my life today! please help me! getting microwaved by AFB – innocent person framed by the FBI.
      family believes them, never asked me a question………just took me down! Please call me today – this morning and help! labeling mental illness
      [email protected]
      3144266882 – call monitered

  6. I have been targeted for past 5 years.. I am kept up all night with murder threats and threats to kill my family. And accussations of crimes that I don’t know how to even commit with the threat that I will be in prison forever. They are using V2K, Dew and God only knows what else. I am sleep deprived. I get terrorized 24/7. They want me to kill myself and say they will murder me and leave a suicide note. I NEED help too. I have lost everything: home, friends, family, cars, job, and I am almost homeless. I am down almost a million dollars. I’m broke. Isolated. Scared. I need a safe place to go. I have been trying to find TI community that maybe has housing etc. I have not found anything. If you here of anything let me know and likewise.

  7. If we can get this web site to help us . We can all go to to Washington and declare o

    i ur government is commiting war times and tortured. We post as re names email and all group message a time and date and carpool. What ever.

  8. This stuff is actually more complicated than led on. My impression is that persons have found ways to analyze society and reality as a computer system and execute various programs, whereby a chain reaction of events are set into motion for various events and persons to work on gangstalking one or more persons into a “group” of individuals, whereby the group is a group that is subdued/oppressed in the hope that the stalking party manages to outcompete the one or more other individuals in competition for resources relative to the monopoly on violence. These are very clever tactics. An individual might question, “How is this possible?” Well, there are people of whom sociobiologically deviate from the norm, such as myself, with a “center of gravity” that highly correlates/affects various environmental variables, leading to a chain reaction of events. I’ve been getting gangstalked for a stupid long time, but my center of gravity is stupid high to the point that persons aren’t capable of bringing me down.

  9. Someone please help, these individuals have murdered my Mother and burned my house down killing the family dog. Yesterday they used a high frequency direct energy weapon to stop me from breathing. Mobs on the sidewalks were laughing and saying “he’s dying” These people are trying to kill me if anyone can help please call (720)296-3153 They are constantly microwaving me and I am nearly dead someone please remember my testimony.

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