Email Testimony, Questions, and Evidence from Tracy Ann, TI in Berkeley, CA

Dec. 25, 2016: Yeah, the black technologies of the Military Industrial Complex are way more advanced than this video suggests. (// __ Genetic Engineering Will Change Everything Forever – CRISPR)

~ Tracy

Feb. 23, 2018: Dr. Eric Karlstrom reads the military documents and then explains them to the public in simple terms. He does address remote neural monitoring (RNM), which I have experienced since being wired up for rogue HUMINT collections in December of 2001.

Citizen Neutralization using High Tech Weaponry with Dr Eric Karlstrom on WBB

April 5, 2017:
We definitely have to email the Full House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform: However, most public officials will not give out their private email addresses. They usually have a contact page instead. ~ Tracy

Just to let everyone know, I copied the form letter and inserted it into the whistleblower page for the Committee on Oversight and Government Reform here:

Since I did not write the letter myself, I signed it as “Sincerely, The Tsunami Email Campaign to Save Humanity” and included my name and contact information in the requested information boxes on the online form. I also changed the British spelling to American spelling (e.g. tumor, behavior, endeavor, etc.).

I also sent my personal testimony via gmail to Congressman Trey Gowdy at email address: [email protected]. However, I do not know if this is an active email address or not as it was published in retaliation against him after he went after FBI Director Comey about Killary’s private email scandal. ~ Tracy

April 24, 2017: Gang stalking just means “group stalking” however many of my stalkers are also gang members. I just use the terms; group stalking, organized stalking, or causal stalking, and it is only a small part of the harassment campaign. ~ Tracy

I use whatever words I want to use and choose not to restrict my vocabulary in order to accommodate other people’s preconceptions of what I am experiencing. Depending on what is most appropriate for the topic I am discussing, I may use stalking, gang stalking, group stalking, organized stalking, causal stalking, vehicular stalking, aerial stalking, cyberstalking, etc. ~ Tracy

April 26, 2017: The words “Organized Stalking” includes all types, and I think it best describes what we are referring to. ~ Tracy

January 28, 2018: You absolutely need to shield the walls, floor, windows, doors, etc. in order to shield properly from harmful frequencies. ~ Tracy

March 2, 2018: FROM TRACY: Keep in mind they can also use x-ray machines to see inside cars and homes:

The NYPD Has New “X-Ray Vans” to See Inside Your Home and Car


Tracy and all,

Actually, it is an x-ray system using “backscatter imaging”. Here is the website that explains and shows it all, right down to the Mini Z handheld unit that is in the hands of – again – law enforcement. If you watch the video, you will see how the backscatter imaging works. The handheld unit and the mobile units are key in targeting. Keep in mind, these systems are being hidden, as we all know as the NYPD is still (I believe) holding out on answering FOIA requests regarding their “x-ray vans”. I believe they are putting these units in their government vehicles, such as garbage trucks, street sweepers and postal vehicles, in the “drive-by mode for scanning.” Hence, the unwillingness to answer questions regarding their vans.

Again, this technology does NOT use the word “electronic”.

The ZBV® is the most maneuverable, versatile, and successful cargo and vehicle screening system on the market. Featuring Z Backscatter technology—pioneered and perfected by AS&E—the ZBV system can quickly reach places other systems can’t go, and scan objects other systems can’t inspect.

“Using AS&E’s signature Z Backscatter technology, the MINI Z system produces a real-time image of the scan target, highlighting organic materials that transmission X-ray systems can miss . . .”

The Rapiscan Eagle® M60 is a high-energy mobile inspection system that is ideal for scanning cargo and vehicles at seaports, border crossings, and roadside checkpoints. The system offers multiple operational modes for maximum flexibility, including drive-by mode for scanning . .

Let AS&E’s trained and experienced personnel operate and service your existing AS&E equipment and associated peripherals.
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Sent By Debra Poulsen
All Rights Reserved.

Thank you, Debbie.

I just found a 2015 RT Report from NY making this a mainstream surveillance abuse topic:

NYPD USING X-RAY VANS – Secretive Mobile X-Ray Vans Cruising The Streets & Spying on Unknown Targets

Journalist Michael Grabell has been demanding that NYPD make these materials public since maybe 2012 and has also been challenging the use of TSA Body Scanners since 2014:

I wonder if he would take on more of our targeting issues regarding surveillance abuse and directed energy assaults. ~ Tracy

March 3, 2018: I requested a White House Liaison and am told I need to wait 3-6 months for one to contact me. ~ Tracy

March 24, 2018: It is a federal program. So, every government agency that accepts federal funds must comply and participate accordingly. The local police used to be funded by local tax dollars, but now the Chiefs of Police are being placed into local police departments after working for the FBI for 10+ years. And they are all too happy to comply since they are getting lots of new cars, new uniforms, and new weaponry that they would not otherwise have access to if they did not receive federal funds. Many of the local police departments are fully staffed by Freemasons, and only the most corrupt rise to the top. ~ Tracy

March 29, 2018: I’ve heard that the FBI can investigate the FCC but don’t trust my source because I haven’t been able to get the FBI to investigate anything! ~ Tracy

April 6, 2018: Thanks Eric, There are layers of lies covering up layers of truths and so they say they aren’t using ADS, yet they’ve used it on me since December of 2014, and my neighborhood perpetrator Drew Cabral gloated that he was “cutting my life in half”. So, they obviously know what they are doing! ~ Tracy

Hi Don, They do not just mount the ADS onto vehicles. They can install ADS devices into architectural structures, and they can also use smaller mobile devices. Raytheon made the ADS which was recalled. However, ADS II and Silent Guardian are still in use and, in fact, being distributed to law enforcement and private security companies. They are used for crowd control, which I’m starting to realize that “crowd control” is a code word for genocide. The ADS pain beam uses millimeter waves in the 95 Gigahertz range to burn the hell out of targets. I’ve been millimeter radiated 24/7 for nearly four years now, and I’ve been diagnosed with polyneuropathy, a general degeneration of peripheral nerves that spreads toward the center of the body.

Some TIs are suggesting that we are also poisoned with Barium, a heavy metal that responds to radio waves, and this might explain why my daughter is getting sick but does not feel the same burning sensations that I do. My nerves are literally on fire and my body overheats to the point where I need to take a cold shower or stand in a walk-in fridge to cool the body temperature back down, just like getting microwaved. And, yes I agree with Joe Imbriano in the linked video, many TIs are saying that 5G uses the same frequencies that we are targeted with. I get the sense that they are using the boiling frog method to wipe out humanity by slowly and incrementally increasing the frequencies, and by the time everyone else realizes they are getting cooked, it will be too late. In my specific case, I have recently been informed that I am being spectrum assaulted by a group of CIA operatives who are linked to Project Artichoke Operator Peter Fagan and who are living in the University Housing Project working for the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory:

~ Tracy

April 7, 2018: I just want to be supportive of all of the legitimate targeted individuals because we are being hit with many different types of weapons, and by different types of groups using them. So, we cannot just argue amongst ourselves if we do not share the exact same types of targeting with one another. I know for one that I am being radiated from the floor with heat rising up (which I call ADS but the name keeps changing with newer versions of the same technology), and I am also targeted from above with laser pulsed energy projectile (PEPS) while under satellite surveillance. Plus, I’m also targeted by cell phones that activate my body area network. One perpetrator told me that I have 44 implants and 12 weapons on me. It seems that those of us who were targeted since birth and for generations are targeted by many different groups with a multitude of different technologies. We cannot just keep discrediting each other like this or we end up sabotaging ourselves and everyone else. ~ Tracy

April 18, 2018: Hi Eric Karlstrom,

I notice that you and Karen Stewart are referring to Targeted Individuals as Code 4 “Non-Investigative Subjects” when I am definitely a Code 10 “Suspicious Person” under continuous investigation via falsified Suspicious Active Report (SAR). I overheard someone calling in a Code 10 on me, and then I asked someone else unrelated to the incident what a Code 10 means and he told me. If anyone wants to help me get access to the SAR file that UCPD has on me, it is stored under Case #17-03178.

University of California, Berkeley
UC Police Department
1 Sproul Hall
Berkeley, California 94720-1199
Ph: 1(510) 642-6760

Email: [email protected]

New Form:

Tracy A. Wellons

Eric Karlstrom, Do you have any contacts at UC Berkeley? I am looking for an engineer-type to scan my apartment for microwaves and millimeter waves, especially in the 95GHz range used for the Active Denial System (ADS) and laser Pulsed Energy Projectiles (PEPS). I am financially depleted and therefore unable to hire a professional to do the scan. So, I am looking for someone who can do this as a favor because it is morally unethical for the university to murder their own students and the families who reside with them in university housing. Judging on how they have treated me, I suspect that the 6 Irish students were also murdered (plus 7 injured making a total of 13 victims) via DEW attack to the balcony they were all standing on in 6/16/15. The entire area seems to be controlled by freemason police forces with an apparent Nazi-Zeta alliance.

Tracy A. Wellons

April 19, 2018: I have no audible v2k during the day while I am awake. I most likely have subliminal messaging while I am asleep. I have continuous tinnitus in both ears while awake and asleep, and it is a keen-pitched, always-present tone in both ears estimated to be about 9000Hz. It is also encoded with subtle tonal changes that I only notice when I pay attention to it. It started when I was at the end of the 8th grade (~1983) after I went to the ER in San Francisco for intense ear pain following a long flight from Connecticut on US Airlines to visit my father who worked for the CIA and British Intelligence. My father was accompanied by my handler, former Navy Captain Peter Fagan. I suspect that I had been implanted with RFID microchips in both TMJs (just like Jesse Beltran) and I suffered intense pain following a surgical procedure that required codeine. Over time, I learned to ignore the tinnitus (or maybe I was hypnotized to ignore it). However, the RFID microchips were replaced with new ones in December of 2001. I woke up during the procedure, and saw what they looked like. I suspect that I am just hearing the frequencies and that it is not designed to torture me with sound. I think it is just a tracking device that can double as a receiver of mind control frequencies in the ELF range that can be used to induce trance or incapacitate.

The microchips looks similar to these images of an RFID chip with a copper coil:

I have no audible v2k during the day while I am awake. I most likely have subliminal messaging while I am asleep. I have continuous tinnitus in both ears while awake and asleep, and it is a keen-pitched, always-present tone in both ears estimated to be about 9000Hz. It is also encoded with subtle tonal changes that I only notice when I pay attention to it. It started when I was at the end of the 8th grade (~1983) after I went to the ER in San Francisco for intense ear pain following a long flight from Connecticut on US Airlines to visit my father who worked for the CIA and British Intelligence. My father was accompanied by my handler, former Navy Captain Peter Fagan. I suspect that I had been implanted with RFID microchips in both TMJs (just like Jesse Beltran) and I suffered intense pain following a surgical procedure that required codeine. Over time, I learned to ignore the tinnitus (or maybe I was hypnotized to ignore it). However, the RFID microchips were replaced with new ones in December of 2001. I woke up during the procedure, and saw what they looked like. I suspect that I am just hearing the frequencies and that it is not designed to torture me with sound. I think it is just a tracking device that can double as a receiver of mind control frequencies in the ELF range that can be used to induce trance or incapacitate.

The microchips looks similar to these images of an RFID chip with a copper coil:

I had a cold and was told that US Airlines was flying at extremely high altitudes and it nearly busted my eardrums, but who knows. I did not normally have ear problems except for the two times my father flew me from Connecticut to San Francisco on a cheap US Airlines flight, which my uncle said was the equivalent of flying me across the continent in a cardboard box. I normally traveled on TWA Airlines or private on Lear Jet and did not ever have any issues before or after.

I have ovoid hemotite magnets (also called singing magnets) and I do not have any obvious magnetic zones on my head or body. However, I do notice that when I sleep with magnets near my head, it prevents or disrupts the clamp onto my brain magnetite needed for remote neural monitoring. I would place strong neodymium magnets (N52) in clothing and in bedding. I have also used magnets to block pinpoint signals that specifically hit certain areas of my body. Others have use magnetic pulses to cure Morgellons disease:

April 21, 2018: Hi Eric, Yes, you are on to something with what you describe. They (meaning the military-industrial-intelligence community) have been swapping people out and replacing them for a long time. Even Putin’s ex-wife gave an interview about how her husband was replaced, and he chose to spend his last night with his two daughters. It’s very difficult to get the general public on board with this phenomenon because they depend so heavily on proving everything with published or leaked documents by “credible” sources, but I do not believe that this is something that is documented in writing as Black Operations are not just classified operations; they exist outside of the classification system and are therefore never put in writing in the first place.

Here are some of the things I am personally aware of:

1.) The shadow government has breeding programs and cloning programs in their deep underground bases.
2.) The shadow government uses life extension technologies such as age reversing hormones and can cure any disease.
3.) The shadow government can dramatically change their physical appearance through genetic manipulations (e.g. changing eye color, hair color, skin color, age, ethnicity).
4.) The shadow government can swap bodies, and many of them have told me that they get new bodies every once in awhile.
5.) The shadow government is scanning, uploading, and downloading our memories (or what they call consciousness).
6.) BlackOp agents can upload specific skills needed to complete a mission or task (e.g. foreign languages and SAT, GRE, or MCAT testing materials) but then they get memory erasures followed by new downloads when they get placed on a new assignment (which is how they are controlled).
5.) All BlackOp agents use multiple names and identities, and all of them have whistleblower personas in order to access whistleblower protections.
6.) All of the major public figures (politicians and celebrities) have and frequently use doubles, including our past and present presidents. Sometimes these doubles take over when that person passes away.
7.) All shadow government agents are chipped and tracked, and many of them can be remotely killed via their implants.
8.) All shadow government agents are aware of directed energy weapons, and they indeed use DEWs as well as shield from them.
9.) All shadow government agents control what is placed on the internet about them and can get negative or private material removed from the internet.This is why you cannot just Google career criminals or pay for online background checks because disinformation is intentionally placed on the internet in order to distract or mislead you.
10.) There is an Intranet that contains accurate information about everything and everyone, but it is not made available to the public. This data includes human genomes, medical information, family trees and ancestries going back thousands of years, and certain bloodlines are being targeted based on ancestry alone. ~ Tracy

4/22/2018: The history of the Nazis has been well covered, but I speak from personal experience about what is going on in the here and now. It’s not just one group anymore. It’s the Nazis, Zionists, Commies, Mafias, Drug Cartels and Street Gangs who have all been recruited and every school, every hospital, every church, and every government agency infiltrated. I’m sure that in the underground facilities, the Rockefeller Nazi faction and the Rothschild Zionist faction still live on separate levels, but when they aren’t contract killing each other, they are arranging marriages with each other, sacrificing their first born child, and raising each others children (swapping babies). The clones are an important part of the transhumanist agenda as they are the AI driven human robot super soldiers who do their bidding for them without questioning authority, but they have nothing to do with being the so-called god-men. The Nazis are atheist and do not have souls and therefore cannot even understand that concept of God. Their Nazi NWO agenda is never going to materialize because they are going to destroy humanity and everything on this planet. Unlike what R.L. is preaching, it’s not just the US Air Force or one single branch of the military that is being used to target us; It’s the entire Global Information Grid which is made up of all branches of law enforcement, private security contractors, military and intelligence. I hope to expose my perpetrators, a rogue group of CIA operatives working for a former Navy Captain Peter Fagan, who happens to be the illegitimate son of David Rockefeller. He is someone who I consider to be the like the Wizard of Oz character manipulating everyone from behind the curtain, but for some reason, only a few of my fellow targeted friends believe me when I actually name my perpetrators:

PETER FAGAN’S PARTIAL WORK HISTORY (not including classified positions for FBI & CIA)

*Superior Court Commissioner for San Diego and Contra Costa Counties (2015-Present)
*Master Councilor at Union County Chapter of DeMolay (2012-2012)
*Managing Attorney at Law Office of Peter L. Fagan, A.P.C. (2003-2015)
*SECNAV Staff at U.S. Navy (1989-1993)
*Attorney at US Navy JAG Corps (1976-2003)
*Captain at Navy (1976-2003)

CIA Project Artichoke Mind Control Operator/Controller Peter Fagan (left) hired Sinaloa Drug Cartel Leader Edgar Duran (right) to use Department of Defense (DoD) installed surveillance devices to spy on me and my child inside our home without a warrant for the purpose of committing sex crimes: rape assault, gang rape, sex trafficking and slavery. When I reported a 2008 sexual assault to the Carlsbad Police Department, Drew Cabral (posing undercover as Deputy Sheriff Stevens) showed up and called his contact at Child Protective Services (CPS) to state kidnap my 15-year-old daughter with threats to foster her out for prostitution in 2010, a juvenile court dependency case that I appealed and prevailed on but continue to get harassed about.

Here is a very partial list of GOVERNMENT EMPLOYED GANG STALKERS in San Diego County, California who have targeted me and my daughter with drugging, gang rape, trafficking, torture, interrogation, and other forms of violence from 2001 to present:

1. David Cerna – Government Employment: National Institutes of Health and Science Applications International Corporation (NIH/SAIC). Criminal Affiliation: Mexican Nazi and Salinas Gang Member who does business with all of the mafias and drug cartels.

2. Edgar Duran (Edgar Emilio Duran Moreno) – Government Employment: National Security Agency and Central Security Services (NSA/CSS). Criminal Affiliation: Sinaloa Drug Cartel Leader who infiltrated Los Zetas and La Familia Drug Cartels.

3. Nemecio Lagunas Hernandez – Government Employment: National Security Agency (NSA) contracted. Criminal Affiliation: La Familia Drug Cartel member and hired assassin.

4. Scott Whitehead (aka Mark Powers, recently identified himself as “Michael” and “Mike Paulino”) – Government Employed: Special Agent for Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI). Criminal Affiliation: Member of the Nazi Brotherhood of Aryan Nations.

5. Kevin Cleary – Government Employed: Rogue subversive agent for the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI). Criminal Affiliation: Irish Republican Army (IRA) and German Nazi Party.

6. Drew Cabral (aka Deputy Sheriff Stevens, Detective Taylor Sinclair, Oceanside Gang Response Team Sniper) – Government Employment: Central Intelligence Agency (CIA). Criminal Affiliation: Arizona Western Apache informant for Los Zetas Drug Cartel.

7. Curtis Webb – Government Employment: NYPD and Economic Crimes Fraud Investigator for the San Diego County District Attorney (DA). Criminal Affiliation: Puerto Rican criminal hired by the 3rd Family Italian Mafia to take down my entire family because my late step-grandfather, John Moriarity, who sexually abused every member of my family, may have been a rogue subversive Pollock Jew CIA agent himself.

8. Jaymie Gonzaga (Formerly known as Curtis Webb) – Government Employment: Foster Youth Liaison at Mira Costa Community College. Criminal Affiliation: Former Project Artichoke Operative, wearing a Remote Neural Monitor (RNM) Viewer (contact lens or nano-implant in the left eye) who is a criminal degenerate and rapist that has ‘perfected’ how to sexually assault women at their weakest moments.

9. John Juarez (Juan Manual MacGarvey Juarez) – Government Employment: Child Protective Services (CPS). Criminal Affiliation: Joined La Familia Drug Cartel in 2008.

10. Guillermo Auyon (aka “Michael”) – Government Employment: Department of Justice (DOJ) Foreign Prosecution Unit and Procuraduria General De La Republica (PGR). Criminal Affiliation: Los Zetas Drug Cartel Leader.

11. Lic. Mario Ricardo Palmerin Velasco – Government Employment: Mexican Army General and Procuraduria General De La Republica (PGR). Criminal Affiliation: Los Zetas Drug Cartel Leader.

12. Phil F. Mouvet – Government Employment: Rogue subversive HUMINT FBI COINTELPRO agent who retired from the U.S. Air Force. Criminal Affiliation: Links to
rogue subversive HUMINT FBI Agent Bob O’Haurly who worked at 525 Post Production in Santa Monica California and was known as ‘Bob the Salesman’.

Drew Cabral (#6 listed above) currently resides in my building at UC Berkeley’s University Village Apartments in Albany, California where he has false flagged me as a Code 10 “Suspicious Person” in order to place me under continuous investigation by UCPD’s patrol officers, security patrol officers, and their onsite DHS Unit by continuously surveilling me and submitting a falsified Suspicious Activity Report (SAR):

PHOTOS 1, 2, 3: UC Berkeley government students, Drew Cabral and his wife, stalking me on on the property where I peacefully reside.

PHOTOS 4, 5, 6, 7: UC Berkeley Police Department’s Security Patrol Officers stalking me on the property where I peacefully reside.

I am going to approach RT about exposing UC Berkeley because I’m getting sick and tired of getting cooked with microwaves.