Compiled by Dr. Eric T. Karlstrom, Emeritus Professor of Geography, January 24, 2025
Webmaster Introduction:
Walter Bowart’s “Operation Mind Control Researcher’s Edition (1994) and a number of his interviews provide some of the most extensive and accurate evidence regarding Mind Control and the Targeted Individual Program that I have encountered to date. Below are important excerpts from this second, limited edition of Operation Mind Control and the 6 interviews featured in Walter Bowart’s “Operation Mind Control Researcher’s Edition” (1994), The Invisible Third World War (2011), & 6 Video Interviews w/ Transcribed Highlights.
Operation Mind Control Researcher’s Edition (1994, pdf) and its bibliography are here:
Operation Mind Control Researcher’s Edition (1994) by Walter Bowart
Bibliography For Walter Bowart’s Operation Mind Control Researcher’s Edition (1994)
I. Introductory Quotes:
A. “The message is getting out, Mind Control (MC or MK) is part of the surge of Invisible Weaponry development. Our elected officials are involved. A third of our national budget is spent on black operations which hide all the secrets. Still, thankfully, the information is getting out to the general public, and since the 1980’s it been the survivors of EM Targeting (Targeted Individual Program), like Harlan Girard, who have led the way.
Waco and Jonestown are two examples of CIA interference (mind control operations) and this is why we have to abolish the National Security Act. This has got to stop. We’ve got the Nazis on our hands.”
Walter Bowart, Operation Mind Control Researcher’s Edition (1994)
B. In “The Radiohead Protocol: At Last V2K Mind Control Has An Alpha and Omega,” former Targeted Individual, Electronic Angel, points out that the CIA’s 1952 Project Moonstruck IS “the Targeted Individual Program!!!!” She states:
“It is devastating to realize, with dawning comprehension and a crushed spirit, that the V2K and Electronic Harassment experienced by so many Targeted Individuals today is actually Project Moonstruck, a bona fide mind control program of the mighty US government.”
Project Moonstruck, 1952, CIA;
1) Electronic implants in brain and teeth,
2) Long range Targeting,
3) Implanting during surgery or surreptitiously (secretly) during abduction, (Webmaster comment: This explains the MILABS or Military Abductions phenomenon)
4) Frequency range: HF – ELF transceiver implants,
5) Purpose: Tracking, mind and behavior control, conditioning, programming, covert operations,
6) Functional Basis: Electronic Stimulation of the Brain, E.S.B.)
For summary of Electronic Angel’s three books, see: Lightly Annotated Excerpts from Electric Angel’s Trilogy: 7 Keys to V2k, The Truth Will Set You Free & The Radiohead Protocol
C. Former Intelligence Officer, Julianne) McKinney continued, ”I see these UFO activities as being nothing more than a massive covert-intelligence fraud being perpetrated upon a gullible public – a lucrative, large-scale mind-control operation, qualifying as an attempt at creating The Cult to End All Cults/ The Cult From Outer Space.’ McKinney says another source told her that there was a project headed by (Lt. Col.) Michael Aquino that involves the programming of so-called “UFO abductees.” The source told her that this project is code-named GREENSTAR and is a mind-control operation involving an overlapping of satanic cults, the U.S. military and the UFO Community. “Michael Aquino,” McKinney said, “is alleged under these circumstances, to have his hand in two major types of DoD-sponsored mind-control operations; viz., Satanic cults and, now, UFO abductions.”
From Bowart, W., Operation Mind Control Researcher’s Edition (1994)
D. From the Bowne Report (The Quiet War Upon Us/FU Brave New World/FISA Abuse Must End, John Bowne videos, Nov. 11, 2024):
“A passage from The Harvard Economic Research Project (1948), a creation of World War II Operations Research, reads: “Since energy is the key to all activity on the face of the earth, it follows that in order to attain a monopoly of energy, raw materials, goods and services, and to establish a world system of slave labor, it is necessary to have a first strike capability in the field of economics. In order to maintain our position, it is necessary that we have absolute first knowledge of the science of control (cybernetics) over all economic factors and the first experience at engineering the world economy. Eventually every individual element of this structural automation comes under computer control by manipulating their personal preferences.”
II. Excerpts From “Operation Mind Control Researcher’s Edition (1994) by Walter Bowart.
1. The “Cryptocracy” (“Rule by Secrecy”/the intelligence agencies) and Their Mission
A. Whatever the motive for the creation of the National Security State, it was the beginning of the end of our free society. (L. Fletcher) Prouty (author of “The Secret Team: The CIA and Its Allies in Control of the United States and the World”) reminded me that President Harry Truman mentioned it as the only decision he would like to unmake. After he left office Truman said:
“For some time I have been disturbed by the way the CIA has been diverted from its original assignment. It has become an operational and at times a policy-making arm of the government…
I never had any thought that when I set up the CIA that it would be injected into peacetime cloak-and-dagger operations. Some of the complications and embarrassment that I think we have experienced are in part attributable to the fact that this quiet intelligence arm of the President has been so removed from its intended role that it is being interpreted as a symbol of sinister and mysterious foreign intrigue and a subject for Cold War enemy propaganda.” (Bowart, 1994, p. 670)
B. From: Michael Meiers’ “Was Jonestown A CIA Medical Experiment? A Review of the Evidence”
… (In) 1963, (former President) Truman and many others recognized that the executive branch of government was no longer in control of the agency (CIA) but no one questioned who was in control. Everyone assumed that the CIA had gone its separate way under its own power. No one could see that the Nazis who helped establish the agency had used the “need-to-know-security-system” to continue the Third Reich in the United States under the impenetrable cloak of national security.
The Nazis hiding in the CIA were relatively quiet for the first few years after World War II that it required to convince the American public that their true enemy was not fascism but communism. The success of the McCarthy Era propaganda campaign in the early 1950’s marked a distinct change in U.S. intelligence. No longer satisfied with merely gathering information about world events, as was their chartered function, the CIA began to create events that shaped history.
With the formation of the National Security Agency in 1952, the CIA was relieved of most of the responsibility for gathering intelligence but even though it had outlived its original function, the agency continued to grow in personnel and budget.
C. A Psycho-civilized Society
“Is the day CIA Spychiatrist, Jose Delgado, was desiring already at hand? Maybe we now live in a “psycho-civilized society.”
Dr. Jose Delgado, in US Congressional testimony in 1974: “We need a program of psychosurgery for political control of our society. The purpose is physical control of the mind. Everyone who deviates from the given norm can be surgically mutilated. The individual may think that the most important reality is his own existence, but this is only his personal point of view. This lacks historical perspective. Man does not have the right to develop his own mind. This kind of liberal orientation has great appeal. We must electrically control the brain. Someday armies and generals will be controlled by electric stimulation of the brain… ”
And remember that it was the state, through the Public Health Service, the Office of Naval Research, and the U.S. Air Force Aeromedical Research Laboratory, which funded Delgado’s work. (Bowart, 1994, p. 547)
D. The CIA
From Don Bains’ The Control of Candy Jones:
“It is also a perfect demonstrative test to the Agency (CIA) itself to see first hand just what the full capacity of this type of training or programming was back in the early days of the establishment of Mind Warfare. That is, successful alternation of an individual’s mind and subsequently conscious action and reaction. This program was a direct result of the saturation which took place within the U.S. Intelligence community by German Intelligence and PSYOPS exports when the OSS/CIA first brought the Reinhard Gehlen organization here from Germany after World War II. The great strides and success that German Intelligence had with similar operations was strongly desired by the CIA in hope that it could duplicate and continue this success in its own theater of operations.
The briefing document goes on to mention Castillo then George De Mohrenschildt. It suggests that the Aquarius Group was behind the psycho-torture and mind control in these cases.” (p. 581)
This series of interviews (of Candy Jones) is of interest to the PSYOPS and appropriate intelligence teams for obvious reasons. This is a clearly traceable case file in which an average person with no previous mental aberrations or disproportional prejudice was programmed by the Agency to produce an agent known as a “Sleeper”. This sleeper’s built-in sub-personality and alter-ego could be activated and utilized to carry out the Agency agenda. (p. 580)
With the creation of the CIA in 1947 our government started a process by which destruction, self-doubt, isolating the truth, explaining away truth, became a way of life as mutual mistrust was a key factor in de-stablizing societies. The CIA labeled people as Crazy, Convicts or Crusaders to discredit them when they were used as witnesses or came forward to testify. However, it is the very group of Crazies, Convicts or Crusaders who have come forward with the wealth of information that essentially is behind this book. It is this group as a whole that has been exploited and manipulated to gain control of nations and it is this group that has historically been kept “under control” by discrediting, minimizing and humiliating them. (Bowart, 1994, p. 559)
2. The “Cryptocracy” Requires Total Control and Total Secrecy (Summary Statement by CIA MKULTRA spychiatrist and LSD pusher, Timothy Leary)
A. Clever (CIA LSD guru,) spychologist and cryptoligarch, Timothy Leary, said:
There are two aspects of this social conditioning regime which are not stressed by (B.F.) Skinner. To make it work, the government psychologists must have total control over the citizenry and there must be TOTAL SECRECY and censorship. In order to condition human behavior it is necessary to get control of stimulus early in childhood and to maintain this control throughout life. In the psychological Utopia, conditioning would be accompanied by continual psychological testing so that special aptitudes and potential trouble-makers are identified early in the game and special conditioning programs set up, tailored to eliminate individual eccentricity.
(Webmaster comment: Ergo, these potential trouble-makers with special aptitudes become “targeted individuals.”)
Political conditioning requires not only control of reward and punishment, but also secrecy… Psychological conditioning techniques cannot be employed in a democracy where minority groups can campaign against and publicly discuss the techniques being used, and publish the answers to screening tests, where citizens have the right to avoid the conditioners. Thus the proposals of B.F. Skinner cannot be implemented except in a state where the government has total control of communications…
B. Omar V. Garrison cut it closer to the bone as early as 1967 when he said:
“In the totally controlled society of George Orwell’s nightmarish novel, ‘1984″, the individual had one retreat that Big Brother could not penetrate. Nothing was your own except a few cubic centimeters inside your skull.”
But in America today, even those “few centimeters of cranial refuge” are under siege. The dangers of psychotechnology are real. They are being applied. We were warned twenty years ago, in 1974, by the U.S. Senate, 93rd Congress, 2nd Session which investigated and published a book which too few have read. It was entitled Individual Rights and the Federal Role in Behavior Modification. (Bowart, 1994, p. 438).
3. How to Achieve Total Control Over Individuals and the Population? Psychotechnology, “Alien Abductions,” Project Greenstar, and other Black Ops!
A. Stonehill says K.B.’s article ended strangely:
“Having observed the brain as a receiving and transmitting device, the researchers had discovered certain wavelengths. Using them, it is possible to influence various sections of the brain directly, reproduce cerebral tissue, and then provoke unusual changes in the qualities of individual psyches. Then one can program anything into the brains of experimental subjects.
Just like in the movie Brainstorm.” (Bowart, 1994, p. 441)
B. The Radio and Electro-magnetic Mind Control procedures are the latest and most effective methods utilized to date. Electro-magnetic, Radio Wave, and Microwave Pulse/ Mind Warfare has great advantages in that a desired subject or population has no knowledge of the procedure being implemented. With no conscious realization of the process being used, there is no subconscious realization of the same. This particular factor is greatly appreciated by agencies involved in areas of Mind Control and Manipulations because there is no risk of physical, person-to-person contact or action between agency personnel and the desired subjects. These procedures are not only much more reliable and successful than earlier methods, but they allow those implementing the manipulation to maintain complete anonymity. (Bowart, 1994, p. 574)
C. The largest of these Mind Control programs under the auspices of the CIA, ONI and National Security Agency are as follows:
M.K. Ultra
One source reports that M.K. Draco is the code name for one of the “alien abduction scenarios.”
Jonestown is not unique as a controlled environment which was created under the need for discretion in carrying out the covert operations of the ULTRA program. The fact that the community moved to a foreign country from the U.S. was even more of an incentive for the intelligence groups concerned. The interest in cults spawned many additional programs with other cults and certain religious sects.
The document then goes on to name several so-called cults and even cites Christian Evangelical and Far-Right, “Born Again” groups as being the pawns of the cryptocracy. Instead of risking offense to everyone, let’s just say that the cryptocrats know that if a person holds strong and intractable beliefs, those beliefs can be used to manipulate them. (Bowart, 1994, p. 591)
Finally the briefing raps up:
The operative must be aware of the impact and implications of this method of PSYOP Warfare. Aquarius Group Operations, as part of a current agenda, has been very successful under project REACH and BELFRY in programming and cueing selected individuals who have, in turn, carried out programed procedure and opened fire on other civilians in public areas all across the United States. (Bowart, 1994, p. 591)
(Webmaster comment: This refers, of course, to “Manchurian Candidate” programmed assassins aka “mass shooters,” “serial killers,” special forces operatives (DELTA, NAVY SEALS, etc.), who are the mind-controlled “products” of these projects (MKULTRA, ARTICHOKE, BLUEBIRD, etc.).)
D. Mind Control Applied to the General Public
It is part of Aquarius operations to bring this about in more of a repetitive pattern over a period of many years in order to increase the callous disregard for human life by others who reside in high population-density zones. Especially targeted are large urban areas where street gangs are prevalent. In the overall scenario of senseless and unprovoked killings increasing as time passes, the Aquarius Operation feels they will eventually condition the public to welcome the eventual confiscation of firearms, setting of curfews, mandatory Bar Code I.D.’s which will be subdermally inserted, and general areas of Martial Law (Refer to files on REX 84, KING ALFRED, CABLE SPLICE and GARDEN PLOT) (Bowart, 1994, 591)
E. Mind Control And Abductions (Military and/or “Alien”)
For decades, “spychiatrists” working behind the scenes — on college campuses, in CIA-sponsored institutes, and (most heinously) in prisons – have experimented with the erasure of memory, hypnotic resistance to torture, truth serums, post-hypnotic suggestion, rapid induction of hypnosis, electronic stimulation of the brain, non-ionizing radiation, microwave induction of intracerebral ‘voices’ and a host of even more disturbing technologies…”
Martin Cannon agrees with CIA veteran Miles Copeland who once admitted to Robert Eringer of Rolling Stone: “The (Church) congressional subcommittee which went into this sort of thing got only the barest glimpse.”
Martin Cannon argues that much of the testimony before Congress on the CIA’s “brainwashing” efforts (webmaster: During the Church Senate Hearings of the 1970s) was perjury. He says the clandestine research into thought manipulation was not stopped but went operational and, he asserts, any claims to the contrary are cover stories. He presents evidence (as have we) that a number of government agencies, CIA, NASA Atomic Energy Commission as well as a variety of agencies of the Department of Defense are all involved in research and operations to this day, and that the UFO abduction phenomenon, at least in part, is quite likely a continuation of the clandestine mind control operations.
“Perhaps the most interesting pieces of evidence surrounding the abduction phenomenon are the intracerebral implants allegedly visible in the X-rays and MRI scans of many abductees. Indeed, abductees often describe operations in which needles are inserted into the brain; more frequently still, they report implantation of foreign objects through the sinus cavities. Many abduction specialists assume that these intercranial incursions must be the handiwork of scientists from the stars. Unfortunately, these researchers have failed to familiarize themselves with certain little-heralded advances in terrestrial technology,” Cannon says. “The abductees’ implants strongly suggest a technological lineage which can be traced to a device known as a ‘stimoceiver,’ invented in the late ’50s-early ’60s by a neuroscientist named Jose Delgado.” (Bowart, 1994, p. 610)
F. Law Enforcement, Implants, Mind Control, and Cults
Addressing the large number of “implants” reported by abductees, Martin Cannon writes: “If we are to take seriously abductee accounts of brain implants, we must consider the possibility that the implanters, properly perceived, don’t look much like the ‘grays’ pictured on (author, Whitley) Strieber’s dustjackets. Instead, the visitors may resemble Dr. (Joseph A.) Meyer and his brethren…”
Cannon says, Meyer is “perhaps the most disturbing wanderer in this mind-field of the National Security Agency, the most formidable and secretive component of America’s national security complex. Meyer has proposed implanting roughly half of all Americans arrested — not necessarily convicted – of any crime; the numbers of ‘subscribers’ (his euphemism) would run into the tens of millions. ‘Subscribers’ could be monitored continually by computer wherever they went.
Meyer, who has carefully worked out the economics of his mass-implantation system, asserts that taxpayer liability should be reduced by forcing subscribers to ‘rent’ the implant from the State. Implants are cheaper and more efficient than police, Meyer suggests, since the call to crime is relentless for the poor ‘urban dweller” – who, this spook-scientist admits in a surprisingly candid aside, is fundamentally unnecessary to a post-industrial economy. ‘Urban dweller’ may be another of Meyer’s euphemisms: He uses New York’s Harlem as his model community in working out the details of his mind-managed system.”
Meyer, Cannon suggests, could be one of the top men behind the abductee brain implants, the “scoop marks” and other scars on abductees bodies. “We would also have an explanation for the reports of individuals suffering personality change after contact with the UFO phenomenon.” (Bowart, 1994, p. 610)
G. The Report From Iron Mountain (1967) As Blueprint for Social Control
By all indications, the Iron Mountain report (1967) was implemented by the secret War/Peace Research Agency, whatever it may be named. Environmental pollution has accelerated. New “invisible” forms of killing (viral infections) are appearing with increasing frequency. Evidence of experiments with bizarre religious cults, The Unification Church (Moonies), The Branch Davidians, The Peoples Temple and others testify to a secret hand on the pulpit. And now comes the clincher, victims of government mind control remembering enough to begin to testify about their “Alien” programming.
The Hudson Institute was started in 1961 when Herman Kahn (Polish Jew), the owner, decided “to help determine the entire future of the U.S. – and, time permitting, much of the world beyond.” The Institute received its $1.36 million income in 1968 from The Office of Civil Defense, The Office of Secretary of Defense, the Military Services, and according to Life magazine, “Other Government and Non-U.S. Government” agencies. On the list of what it calls “Public Members” and “Fellows” the Institute published, ten of the twenty-one of its Public Members were members of the Council on Foreign Relations, as were fifteen of the thirty-four Fellows. Two of the Fellows are very well known: Dr. Henry Kissinger and Dr. Milton Friedman (both Jews). (p. 597)
Report From Iron Mountain: Substitutes for the Functions of War: Models (p. 600-01)
The following substitute institutions, among others, have been proposed for consideration as replacements for the nonmilitary functions of war. That they may not have been originally set forth for that purpose does not preclude or invalidate their possible application here.
1. Economic. a) A comprehensive social-welfare program, directed toward maximum improvement of general conditions of human life, b.) A giant open-end space research program, aimed at unreachable targets, c) A permanent, ritualized, ultra-elaborate disarmament inspection system, and variants of such a system.
2. Political. a) An omnipresent, virtually omnipotent international police force, b) An established and recognized extraterrestrial menace, c) Massive global environmental pollution d) Fictitious alternate enemies [emphasis added.]
3. Sociological: Control Function. a) Programs generally derived from the Peace Corps model, b) A modern sophisticated form of slavery.
4. Motivational function. a) Intensified environmental pollution, b) New religions or other mythologies, c) Socially oriented blood games, d) Combination forms.
5. Cultural. No replacement institution offered. Scientific. The secondary requirements of the space research, social welfare, and/or eugenics programs.
H. Mind Control, Alien Abductions, Satanism, and “OPERATION GREENSTAR:”
Lincoln S&L conspiracy witness, Paul Bonacci (programmed MONARCH mind-controlled sex slave of Franklin Cover-Up fame), testified to a number of code names for different programs. Some names matched those given by other victims who did not know Bonacci.
There was “Wizard of Oz” and “Alice in Wonderland”. One project was code-named “Alien.” Bonacci said “the alien program which they used… Alien was mainly under Star Wars…” (This would fit with (Lt. Col. Michael) Aquino’s reported penchant to dress up like Darth Vader and it would be consistent with his frustrated literary urge to extend the Star Wars trilogy. Bonacci positively identified Aquino as one of his programmers.)
Satanic activities, Bonacci said, were also a frequent part of the Monarch programming. The Satanic and Alien programs took place “almost always on military ground.” Bonacci said. “I said all the alien stuff happened in Colorado, up in the mountains, and also I think they did it mostly where there was hardly any chance that there would be a lot of people around.” He described some of the alien programming as taking place in caves underground.
“They took you in the caves which they had set up. Some of them had an alien space ship so you would go into it,” Bonacci said. “Even now they keep showing them movies that have alien space ships with caverns in them. If you got away from them and went around these caverns you’d think, well,’ man this is just like the movies.’” (Bowart, 1994, p. 612)
I. Former Intelligence Agent, Julianne McKinney, on the “Alien Abductions:
Julianne McKinney, Director of the Electronic Surveillance Project of the Association of National Security Alumni , reports that she has interviewed 125 victims of government mind control. One of them had apparently been part of the “Alien” programming. The woman, now an adult in her 40’s, told McKinney of being used in the alien project as a young child because she was small and just the right size for wearing the costume of a “gray”, the big-headed alien with big eyes and a skinny neck which many UFO “abductees” sketch under hypnosis.
The woman was cult connected. She claimed to have played a role in the perpetuation of the UFO abduction myth; i.e., as a member of a DoD-affiliated Satanic cult. As a little girl she was made to wear an ET costume. When describing the costume, this woman said that the head and neck were manipulated by means of electronic gadgetry built into the costume. The Babylon Five preying-mantis costume — which also had an elongated neck, and eyes which were situated far above the wearer’s head – is also operated by means of electronic gadgetry built into the costume. The ET costume worn by this woman antedated Babylon Five’s special effects costuming by approximately 10 to 15 years,” McKinney said.
“Have you noticed how the special effects technologies in science fiction films have evolved at approximately the same rate as the special effects being employed in so-called UFO abductions and sightings? The “flying saucers” reportedly seen by the public during the 1950’s were about as sophisticated as those which were portrayed in science fiction films during that same period. By today’s standards, both were quite primitive.
“The special effects in today’s science fiction films have become quite sophisticated,” McKinney said. “Similarly, persons who now claim to have been abducted, or to have seen UFO’s, are describing scenes and events which parallel those now being seen in science fiction films in the form of special effects.
“Having been given no reason to believe otherwise, I have personally concluded that so-called UFO abductions, and the events surrounding those abductions and sightings, are a “black” intelligence operation, involving government-sponsored kidnappings, experimental drugs, surgical experimentation, sophisticated electronics and directed-energy technologies, implantable microcircuited devices, experimental aircraft, Hollywood-style special effects, and the exploitation of government-sponsored genetics experiments.”
“These reported activities do not require the involvement or intellectual input of extraterrestrials. In fact, given the alleged superior capacities of ETs, these UFO operations come across as being really quite bungled, redundant and primitive. Their failure to outpace Hollywood’s development of special effects technologies or DoD’s weapons technologies also points to totally human involvement.”
“In sum,” McKinney continued, ” I see these UFO activities as being nothing more than a massive covert-intelligence fraud being perpetrated upon a gullible public – a lucrative, large-scale mind-control operation, qualifying as an attempt at creating The Cult to End All Cults/ The Cult From Outer Space.’”
McKinney says another source told her that there was a project headed by (Lt. Col.) Michael Aquino that involves the programming of so-called “UFO abductees.” The source told her that this project is code-named GREENSTAR and is a mind-control operation involving an overlapping of satanic cults, the U.S. military and the UFO Community.
“Michael Aquino,” McKinney said, “is alleged under these circumstances, to have his hand in two major types of DoD-sponsored mind-control operations; viz., Satanic cults and, now, UFO abductions.”
Other researchers say there could be a long-term narco-hypnotic induction program using costuming and movie sets as covers for implanting terrifying “screen” or “scramble” memories of phony abductions by big-headed short gray aliens, the editio vulgata of ufology’s abductee memories.’
While “guesstimates” project numbers of victims of cryptocracy mind control to be in the tens of thousands, a 1993 Roper Poll has been interpreted to indicate that 6-10 million North Americans have experienced “alien abduction.”Somebody must be working overtime.(Bowart, 1994, p. 613)
J. More MONARCH-Colorado Connections:
Many of the survivors of the so-called Project Monarch are remembering alien scenarios, while “ordinary folks” are those reporting their abductions. The thing they both have in common is the amnesia they experienced for so many years
after the event. (p. 612)
Without question, most of the effects described by the abductees can be duplicated by cryptocracy mind control “handlers.” In fact, one prominent “deprogrammer” suggested that, after working out the appropriate legal documents to protect him from liability, he would ask for abduction volunteers. His idea was to bring the volunteers before an audience at one of his lectures and “perform” the programming (with high voltage shocks) which creates the same “screen” memories and missing time that the “abductees” are reporting.
The most recent reports grow more disturbing and more difficult to explain entirely by what we know of the state of mind control arts. A letter came from a Colorado woman who previously reported to me an encounter she had with what appeared to be an “alien” along with a human male who appeared to be a government “techie”.*. She is in contact with other “abductees” and just before we went to press sent us some e-mail about two other friends who had experienced similar events.
IV. Some Very SMART Human Lab Rats (Targeted Individuals) Testify:
A. Glen E. Nichols, Targeted Individual:
Bowart: A good example of someone standing at this brink is Glen E. Nichols (47) of Grover Beach, California. Once a psychotherapist and family counselor, Nichol’s patients were engineers, scientists and executives, employed by such companies as: Rockwell International, Lockheed Corporation, Rand Corporation, Litton Data Command, Motorola, Rocketdyne, Honeywell Computers, Rockwell Science Center, Lockheed CADAM, Infomatics Corporation, Grumman Corporation, Whittaker Corporation. Hughes Aircraft, Teledyne Corporation, U.S. Navy, U.S. Air Force, U.S. Army, Digital Equipment Corporation, Language Technology Inc., Image Sciences, Tandem Computers, Telos Corporation, Jet Propulsion Lab (JPL), Boeing Aircraft, Electrical Engineering Software, Compucorp, Wangtek, Data Products, GTE, Radian Corporation, ATE Associates, RCA Exxon, IBM, Northrop Corporation, NASA Chevron, CBS, NBC, ABC, CNN, Paramount Pictures, Universal Pictures, Lucasfilms, Disney Corporation, Aaron Spelling, Stephen Bochoco, WalMart and others.
Today Nichols will tell you he’s been a victim of mind control for most of his adult life. Yet it was only a few years ago he says “awakened” to that fact. Like Girard and 0 (Cathy O’Brien) and Lois, he too uses the word “slave” when speaking about his condition. Here follows an excerpt from letter’s he wrote over the early months of 1994: (Bowart, 1994, p. 536)
Testimony of Glen E. Nichols, targeted individual:
“I have radio receiver-transmitters implanted next to each of my ear drums, and an EEG transmitter planted in my brain. They have demonstrated quite conclusively they can read every one of my thoughts. The system is extremely fast and accurate. They inform me of their knowledge of my most minimal thoughts, auditory perceptions, and visual perceptions. The system is also very powerful. I have tried evading the radio signals by hiding in structures and traveling great distances. Unfortunately, they have always been able to receive data from the transmitters, and I have always heard their broadcasts. Nothing has been successful.
…They read every thought, make continual bizarre distracting comments, give constant subliminal commands, and use high pitched sounds against me every moment. They use a combination of extremely demented, vulgar, heinous, and satanic ranting; then alternate this with informing me of the details of thousands of days of experiences for which I have had complete amnesia. They will at times cause me to laugh, smile, and display a lighter mood, while inside I know they are creating an image for a situation and I am actually extremely distressed. I know that they still have complete control of me, even though I am now aware of their system. They like to command me to do different behaviors, then taunt me with I am their toy and robot. They continually remind me that it is impossible to counter their subliminal commands. They call this process of torturing me “icing.” They have been controlling and torturing me for my entire life. The perpetrators increased their subliminal broadcast to a conscious level and have been using the speakers and EEG transmitter to torture me continuously since June 1991.”
Glen E. Nichols, TI, continued (p. 541(:
“I am not optimistic. The Organization here in America seems to have complete dominance of every individual and institution. They boast to me how they are the Eye of the IUuminati, Freemasons, and the secret Greek Society. They say they are a worldwide nation that governs the world. They tell me that no country or organization would dare defy them. They indicate that they are the government behind most governments.
..I know that they are masters of deceit and frequently use a Trojan horse. They set up front organization to portray that they are helping victims so that they can uncover any underground opposition. I hope that some people and organizations that seem to be genuinely helping victims are real.
I am very skeptical. For instance, I wonder about former intelligence officers based in a suburb of Washington, D.C., that publish information about government abuses. Why does the Association of National Security Alumni publish an expose about microwave harassment and mind-control experimentation, when in reality it is not harassment or experimentation. They are actually diabolical torture and perfected mind control systems, respectively. Why do they emphasize the beginning of government electronic abuses in 1988 or 1989 when they should very well know the abuses have existed for decades? You would think former intelligence officers would know these facts. Why do they emphasize microwaves and directed-energy methods, when there are complete thought reading and mind control systems using implanted devices, telemetry, and super-computers? Why do they present circumstantial evidence with references to records, scars, inconclusive X-rays, and victims’ testimonies when there are victims that are known to them, and brain images, frequency analyzers, and surgeries to prove the existence of the devices beyond any doubt? Why is there no reference to the secret societies and fraternities like the Mafia, PII, and Freemasons’? Why is there no mention of the prevalence of mind controlled slaves?
…I will continue to be skeptical and cautious. I know that all legal systems are usurped by The Organization and public laws and constitutions are circumvented.”
B. Harlan Girard, Businessman, Air Force Veteran, Targeted Individual:
I’ll introduce Girard to you, the way I met him, through his paper OFFENSIVE MICROWAVE WEAPONS: Developments in the Technology of Political Control:
“The Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) has developed a technology which can make the blind see, the deaf hear, and the lame walk. It will never be used this way because the technology is central to the domestic policy and foreign ambitions of the United States Government, whether that government is nominally headed by George Herbert Walker Bush, William Jefferson Clinton, or any possible successor.
The effects of these microwave weapons are many and varied, but the most insidious couple with the central nervous system to produce effects which might be described as Satanic possession, remote motor control of human locomotion and movement (including speech) has become possible. Remote motor control can be used to murder by suicide, “accident”, suffocation, asphyxiation and heart attack, or to simply neutralize the victim by making words come out of his/her mouth which he/she had no intention of speaking.
In order to evade responsibility for the detention, torture, rape and murder of many tens of thousands of human beings, the CIA has developed in conjunction with the NASA Ames Laboratory what I called, generically, a “telepresence surveillance system.” This system gives the torturers employed by the CIA the sense that they are in the room with the victim. In other words, the victim can be made to feel, and does feel, as if he/she is in prison, but the victim remains in his/her own home.
Consequently, a situation is created in which the victim appears to be free to uninformed third parties, but at the same time is incarcerated as securely as if he/she had been confined to a maximum security prison. In this manner, human beings can be and are being sadistically tortured in the privacy of their own homes. The bizarre objective of this treatment is to mentally and physically torture the victim until his/her own personality collapses, and he/she becomes something lower than a slave. In science fiction, this computer driven human being is called a cyborg.
At the present time, approximately 300 Americans (and other nationalities) are being clandestinely detained and tortured. Some of the funding comes from behavioral neuroscience research authorized by Congress in Decade of Brain (1990s) legislation. As with every other interest of the United States Government, the creation of cyborgs had been entered into with reckless enthusiasm, the crudest possible taste, and immense amounts of money.
…the United States has brought the whole world to the brink of a disaster which is almost beyond human comprehension.” (Bowart, 1994, pp. 535)
Bowart: The message is getting out, Mind Control (MC or MK) is part of the surge of Invisible Weaponry development. Our elected officials are involved. A third of our national budget is spent on black operations which hide all the secrets. Still, thankfully, the information is getting out to the general public, and since 1980’s it been the survivors of EM Targeting, like Harlan Girard, who have led the way. (Bowart, 1994, p. 548)
So, it’s appropriate to close this chapter with the voice of TI, Harlan Girard, from his speech entitled AFFECTS OF GIGAHERTZ RADIATION ON THE HUMAN NERVOUS SYSTEM Recent Developments in the Technology of Political Control, a speech he delivered at the NATO Advanced Research Workshop on Coherent and Emergent Phenomenon in Bimolecular Systems. Held at University of Arizona Jan 15-19 1991:
“In 1988 the Office of Technology Assessment of the Congress of The United States published a special report entitled: Criminal Justice, the New Technologies and the Constitution. The report surveys the new technologies used in the investigation apprehension and confinement of criminals and “addresses that delicate balance to be maintained between the national interest and individual rights.” As welcome as this report is to those of us who are interested in a government of law rather than of men, it manages to omit any discussion of the use of directed energy weapons from the section on less than lethal” weapons. For instance, a weapon has been developed to paralyze a person at a distance through a brick wall if necessary. This weapon was developed during 1983 and 84 for use in situations where hostages are being held. A variation of this weapon has been purchased by the Marine Corps for confusing and disorienting the enemy. American weapons research has centered on pulse radiation in the gigahertz frequency band for a very interesting reason. In 1972, the Department of the Army researched Soviet and other foreign literature sources and discovered over 500 studies devoted to the biological effects of Super High Frequency Electromagnetic Oscillations (SHF).
“SHF may have potential uses as a technique for altering human behavior. Lethal and non-lethal aspects have been shown to exist. In certain non-lethal exposures definite behavioral changes have occurred. There also appears to be a change in mammals when exposed to SHF, and sensitivity to sound, light, and olfactory stimuli.”
The significance of this intelligence document in terms of the medical experiments commissioned by the Central Intelligence Agency since 1976 is that “emphasis in this report is placed on influencing individuals as opposed to groups. Secondly, this report is a trend study and therefore contains statements predicting Soviet knowledge and capabilities for influencing human behavior up to fifteen years ahead, or 1987. It foreshadows the enormous effort put into behavior control experiments employing the use of masers and microwave beam weapons on involuntary human subjects during the Reagan/Bush regime. Thirdly, despite the report titled, Controlled Offensive Behavior USSR., it opens with a chapter describing the use of torture on Catholic prisoners in British jails in Northern Ireland.” (Bowart, 1994, p. 549)
“Fourthly, the report states that “the purpose of mind altering techniques is to create one or more of several different possible states in the conscious or unconscious area of the brain. The ultimate goal of controlled offensive behavior might well be the total submission of one’s will to some outside force.” After discussion of the possible states short of complete submission, which may be the goal of Soviet research in behavior control, the author states, “since the desired end product of this type of research is some change in the human mind, only the non-lethal aspects are discussed in this report. It should be remembered however, that some techniques have lethal thresholds.” (Bowart, 1994, p. 550).
(Webmaster comment: As it turns out, Bowart was also “punished” (ergo, targeted) as well, to the extent that all his family relationships were sabotaged and destroyed. That will sound like familiar territory to most TIs.)
C. Private Sector Mind Control As Profit Generator
Should you wish to attend one of PSI TECH’s courses, the brochure says, allow an extra day to visit Los Alamos National Laboratory or the Sante Fe Institute.
“With Major Richard Groller and Janet Morris as his co-authors, (Lt. Col. John B.) Alexander published THE WARRIOR’S EDGE in 1990. The book describes in detail various unconventional methods which would enable the practitioner to acquire “human excellence and optimum performance” and thereby become an invincible warrior.* The purpose of the book, the author’s write is “to unlock the door to the extraordinary human potentials inherent in each of us. To do this, we, like governments around the world, must take a fresh look at non-traditional methods of affecting reality. We must raise human consciousness of the potential power of the individual body/mind system – the power to manipulate reality. We must be willing to retake control of our past, present, and ultimately, our future.”
Alexander is a friend of Vice President Al Gore’s. Their relationship dates back to 1983 when Gore was in Alexander’s Neuro-Linguistics Programming (NLP) training (by Wyatt Woodsmall a student of Anthony Robbins and Richard Bandler.) So, one would assume, most of PSI TECH’s customers are government agencies or government contractors.
In his book, The Warrior’s Edge, Alexander said that NLP was “presented to selected general officers and Senior Executive Service members” a set of techniques to modify behavior patterns. Among the first generals to take the course was then Lieutenant General Maxwell Thurman, who later went on to receive his fourth star and become Vice-Chief of Staff at the Army and Commander Southern Command. Among other senior participants were Tom Downey and Major General Stubblebine, former Director of the Army Intelligence security Command. In 1983, the Jedi master (from the Star Wars movie) provided an image and a name for the Jedi Project” The Jedi Project’s aim was to “seek and construct teachable models of behaviorable/physical excellence using unconventional means.”
According to Alexander the Jedi Project was to be a follow-up to Neuro-Linguistic Programming skills. By using the influence of friends such as Major General Stubblebine, who was then head of the U.S. Army Intelligence and Security Command, he managed to fund Jedi. In reality the concept was old hat, re-christened by Alexander.
Victorian wrote: “The original idea which was to show how ‘human will power and human concentration affect performance more than any other single factor using NLP skills, was the brainchild of three independent people; Fritz Erickson, a Gestalt Therapist, Virginia Satir, a family therapist and Erick Erickson, a hypnotist (sic).” (Bowart, 1994, p. 468)
D. Mind Control, The National Security State, and Organized Crime
We also have dabblers in ritual crime and the mind control technology (which is being printed in underground papers in the music field, for example) which shows people how to alter another’s perceptions and personalities. The cat is out of the bag. Our entire society will soon be having fun “playing with each other’s minds” using these methods of mind control developed by our government.
V. UFOs, New Religious Groups, Cults, and The Report From Iron Mountain
The UFO developments certainly fit one of the Report From Iron Mountain’s requirements for a war substitute: ”Sociological: Motivational function. b) New religions or other mythologies.’
There’s a growing body of self-published literature that points to the awareness of a mounting (phoney?) alien invasion. William R. Lyne’s book “Space Aliens From The Pentagon?” tells of the author’s own frustration with the U.S patent office and the State of New Mexico which, he says, ran him ragged with litigation and harassment after he stumbled across proof of a Nazi experimental P2 “saucer” flown in New Mexico in the 1930’s, which ran on technology invented by Nicola Tesla in the 1890’s. (Bowart, 1994, p. 618)
His book, Lyne writes, “is the first to expose a BIG LIE mind-control hoax copied from the Third Reich, and covertly implemented through “national security” means, to perpetuate the coercive monopoloy of a corporate-state elite. By stealing, concealing, or suppressing advanced technology, they insure our continued dependency on archaic petroleum and nuclear technology. Through the mass-media we are brainwashed with scientific lies and misinformation, and “indoctrinated” with Nazi-created “parapsychology”, designed to “stretch our credulity”, so we will indiscriminately accept on faith, a “psychic” BIG LIE religion and Platonist epistemology, which makes us easier to exploit as a slave people. To this end, flying saucer technology of relative simplicity and phenomenal potential was stolen from Nicola Tesla, and has been concealed from us for over 50 years.
The Cold War was just an excuse to get the National Security State going. It was just like terrorism on airplanes was just an excuse to control public air travel, just like gang shootings were just an excuse to disarm the citizenry, just like another “unwinnable” War on Drugs was just an excuse for both illegal searches and seizures, more prisons and SWAT teams, and the high price and perverse interests and availability of drugs – mostly uppers of the kind the Nazi Blitzkreig ran on. The Nazis went the way of the radio – the new technology that created Hitler’s environment – it became an artform.
The secrets are coming out. Being obsolesced for a cryptocrat means he feels a great need to confess his secret sins against humanity in order to regain his own. While we may have been a nation of lab rats preyed upon by the cryptocracy, we are no longer. The way I add it up, through one secret program or another, half of the people in this country – maybe more than 150 million people – have been the targets of our own government’s clandestine experiments. That’s no longer a secret. Nothing in this book is secret any longer. (The cryptocracy will release the “official” photocopies that prove what I’ve said here is generally correct. But there were be carefully forged documents within the stacks meant to mislead on certain crucial points – to mislead wherever it can. (Bowart, 1994, p. 675)
VI. No Justice For the Victims/Survivors of MC?
I’ve interviewed disproportionately too many “survivors” of the so-called Project Monarch who have had to have their thyroids removed. But, (Secretary of the Dept. of Energy) O’Leary isn’t the secretary who is going to have to look into the faces of the array of zombies who’ve been mind-controlled by a half dozen agencies of the cryptocracy. The Department of Energy barely even qualifies as an agency of the cryptocracy. Maybe O’Leary should be appointed to the directorship of the CIA next?
O’Leary announced that cleaning up the radiation dumps around this country are going to cost $300 million. I wonder what the doctors are going to charge to restore peace of mind to the millions of mind control “survivors” that are just now discovering they need psychological help. And what about all those that’ve killed themselves due to mind control? And what about those that’ve killed others because of mind control? And what about all those who were killed because they began to remember the dirty secrets that they were programmed to forget – those whose amnesia finally ran out?
There are six new lawsuits over radiation experimentation and carelessness (August, 1994). That’s six more out of 165,000 workers in a 1.5 billion industry. I know of twice that many mind control suits shaped up in the same time.
One thing that the mind control suits and the suits against the DOE or most other agencies have in common (sometimes the DOE is the object of the mind control suits as well) – all but a few are thrown out of court when the National Security Act is invoked.
See, the National Security Act says that “in the interest of national security” you’re not entitled to a fair triaL.. all your civil rights can be suspended in the “interest of national security”. And what is national security? Nobody knows. There’s no case law on it. It’s anything the cryptocrats say it is, and for some reason, the judges go along with this … Why? Probably because they’re part of the cryptocracy, or they’re afraid that the pictures of themselves molesting that beautiful young child will be made public and that’ll be the end of their careers. They didn’t know that it was the cryptocrats who provided the child and the child is an MPD ( multiple personality) who’s specially trained to perform some perverted sexual act that serves the judges own paedophilic or bestial tastes… (Bowart, 1994, p. 684)
VII. Conversations Between Therapists Trying To Heal Survivors/Victims of MONARCH (military mind control) Programming
From Chapter 40: Dangerous Freethinking
In an undisclosed location, at a secret conference, an emergency panel of five psychiatrists and clinical psychologists met to discuss the alarming data they were gathering about mind control, satanic ritual abuse, and alien programming from patients diagnosed as suffering from Multiple Personality Disorder (MPD) also called Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID). Due to what is, by the standards of a conservative profession, the controversial content of this conference, and due to the fact that many of the doctors have already received the strongest criticism from their peers and threats on their lives, their identities must remain undisclosed – you’ll understand why as you read more.
Although delivered in a conversational tone without footnotes and scientific documentation, there is a lot of technical information in this round-table conference which should be of great use to therapists. For the lay reader a study of the works of Milton Erickson or at least NLP would be helpful in explaining what the doctors are talking about
The term “bloodline” refers to the practice of satanic ritual abuse which carries on generation after generation under the belief that after several generations of “conditioning” a “genetic memory” or a “blood memory” carries on the information which has been programmed. This belief in “blood memory” can be found in a variety of secret societies and not just in satanic cults. A person who is of the “bloodline” is the offspring of parents who are in the cult, and often the great, great, great, great grandchildren of cult members. Some survivors have reported that the sophisticated form of programming described in this conversation goes back more than 100 years and has been co-opted by the intelligence agencies only in the past 50-odd years.
Suffice it to know that the assembled doctors, men and women, are among the most qualified in their profession. They are recipients of the top honors, awards and degrees, members of all the most prestigious societies, editors of the most influential journals
Dr. A: Here’s where it appears to have come from. Before the end of World War II, Allen Dulles and people from our Intelligence Community were already in Switzerland making contact to get Nazi scientists out. As World War II ended, they not only got rocket scientists out, they also got out some Nazi doctors who had been domg mind-control research in concentration camps. (p. 643)
Dr. A: Yes, the group that was to become the CIA brougnt them to the United States. Among them was a young boy, a teenager, who had been raised in a Hassidic Jewish tradition with a background of Calistic mysticism. That appealed to people in the occult – at least Aleister Crowley had introduced Cabalism into Satanic cults at the turn of the century.
Dr. A: What they basically do is get a child about two-and-a-half after the child’s already been made dissociative. The dissociation programming can start at birth.
Dr. A: One way or another they’ll make the child dissociative. Not only through abuse, like sexual abuse, but also through things like putting a mousetrap on their fingers and teaching the parents, “Do not go in until the child stops crying. Only then do you go in and remove it.”
The programming starts after the child already has Dissociative Identities. It generally starts at about two-and-half. It kicks into high gear, it would appear, at around six or six-and-a-half, and continues through adolescence with periodic reinforcements in adulthood.
In the programming we’re tracking to this particular doctor, the child will typically be put on a gurney. They will have an IV in one hand or arm. They’ll be strapped down, typically naked. There’ll be wires attached to their head to monitor electroencephalograph patterns.
They will be shown a pulsing light, most often described as red, occasionally white or blue. They’ll be given, most commonly I believe, Demerol. Sometimes it’ll be other drugs as well, depending on the kind of programming.
Dr. D: That’s not uncommon. I’ve treated or been involved with cases who are part of this original mind-control project as well. They also had their programming on military reservations.
Dr. A: We find a lot of connections with the CIA as well. I have this patient now who was in a private cult school where several of these sessions occurred every week.
Dr. B: When you start to find the same information in different states and different countries, from Florida to California, you start to get an idea that there’s something going on that is very large, very well coordinated, with a great deal of communication between people. What’s happening appears to be very systematic, don’t you think? (p. 641).
Dr. D: I have a patient from an old German family who reports that these techniques go back in her family more than one hundred years. (p. 646)
(Webmaster comment: Psychologist Dr. Cory Hammond, speaking at a professional psychology conference in 1992 (“The Greenbaum Speech”) states that psychologists have been able to trace the use of these techniques in Germany back 12 generations, that is between 240 and 300 years! See link below:)
Monarch (Military) Mind Programming: The Greenbaum Speech of 1992).
Dr. B: What I’ve seen suggests that the programmers carry laptop computers which keep track of everything that they did twenty, thirty years ago in terms of the names of alters, the programs, the codes, and so on. (p. 649).
Dr. D: I get the very uncomfortable feeling from my past experience that when we look at this we will find the large proportion of ritual-abuse victims in this country are having their ongoing therapy monitored. (p. 650).
Once in a while I’ve had some other colors mentioned in about three or four patients that I felt were trying to dissimulate in some way. In one case I got another color and I found out later it was a doctor whose name was a color who was being trained by Dr. Green almost thirty years ago and he supervised part of the programming of this woman under this doctor. (p. 653)
I remember one woman couldn’t come up with anything. No alter would speak up with anything. I said, “Okay: and we went on to some other material. About two minutes later she said, “Green. Do you mean Dr. Green?” We found this all over. There appears to be some Green Programming below that and I suspect that you get down to fewer and more central programs the deeper you go, well all “Green Programming” is Ultra-Green and the Green Tree.
Cabalistic mysticism is mixed in this. If you’re going to work with this you need to pick up a couple of books on the Cabala. One is by a man named Dion Fortune who called it “Qabala” with a “q.” Another is by Ann Williams-Heller and it’s called The Kabbalah.
I knew nothing about the Cabala. It was interesting. A patient had sat in my waiting area, got there considerably early and drew a detailed multicolored Cabalistic Tree over two years ago. It took me two months to figure out what it was. Finally, showing it to somebody else who said, “You know? That looks an awful lot like the Cabala Tree” and that rang a bell with some esoteric symbols I’d seen in an old book and I dug it out.
Now the interesting thing about the Green Tree is his original name was Greenbaum. What does “greenbaum* mean in German? It means Green Tree, and Ultra-Tree. I’ve also had patients who didn’t appear to know that his original name was Greenbaum, volunteer that there were parts inside named Mr. Greenbaum.
Dr. A: Most of the patients I know with MPD ritual abuse that are being treated are women, however. I know of some men being treated where we’ve found this. (657)
A while back I was talking to a small group of therapists somewhere I told them about some of this. In the middle of talking about some of this all the color drained out of one social worker’s face and she obviously had a reaction and I asked her about it and she said, “I’m working with a five-year-old boy who, just in the last few weeks, said something about a Dr. Green.” I went on a little further and I mentioned some of these things and she shook her head again.
I asked, “What’s going on?” And she said, “He’s been spontaneously telling me about robots and about Omega.” I think you will find variations of this and that they’ve changed it, probably every few years and maybe somewhat regionally to throw us off in various ways but that certain basics and fundamentals will probably be there. I have seen this in people up into their late forties including people whose parents were very, very high in the CIA. I’ve had some that were originally part of the Monarch Project which is the name of the government Intelligence project.
Dr. A: I have one non-bloodline complex multiple who had this kind of programming. The programmers had a lot of access to the patient as neighbors. And, by the way, you’ll find physicians heavily involved with cults doing ritual abuse and mind control. The cults recruit their own doctors as part of their protection. Some of the doctors are themselves programmed. It’s quite common to suspect that the majority of the programmers are programmed.(p. 658)
Dr. A: We’ve heard the patients say, many, many of them say that the year 1999 is the year the alters programmed to kill will kill their therapists and anyone who knows about them. Some have reported to be programmed to kill people in public places. That, apparently is the year when the satanic New World Order is going to take over in the wake of the chaos created by these, alleged, hundreds of thousands of hypnoprogrammed killers being turned loose on North America.. (p. 659)
Dr. A: This type of programming will be done in the cults with the candles and all the rest. My impression is that this is simply done in people who they have great access to, or to bloodline people, people whose parents are involved so that they can be raised in it from an early age. If they are not bloodline, they are the “chosen generation.” They’re expendable and they are expected to die and not get well. (p. 660)
There will be booby traps in your way if they aren’t bloodline people that when they get well they will kill themselves. My belief is that some people that have ritual abuse and don’t have this have been ritually abused but they may be part of a non-mainstream group. The satanism comes in the philosophy overriding all of this.
Dr. C: What’s the purpose of it?
Dr. A: My best guess is that the purpose of it is that they want an army of Manchurian Candidates, hundreds of thousands of mental robots who will do prostitution, child pornography, smuggle drugs, engage in international arms smuggling, snuff films, all sorts of very lucrative things and do their bidding and eventually the megalomaniacs at the top believe they’ll create a Satanic Order that will rule the world.
Dr. C: You have suggested and implied that at some point at a high level of the U.S. Government there was support for this kind of thing. What documentation is there?
Dr. A: There is some documentation. One of our leading colleagues is writing a book about our peers of the older generation who were involved in it. We have CIA documents declassified which help us figure out who did what. There are ‘good guys” within the intelligence community who have provided us with leads. We have the identity of some of the key figures. Many are dead, but a few are still alive and very active. But most of the information I’ve given you today comes from victims who are imperiled witnesses.
The interesting thing is how many people have described the same scenario and how many people that we have worked with who have had relatives in NASA, in the CIA and in the Military, including very high-ups in the Military.
Excerpts From Radio and Podcast Interviews With Walter Bowart
VIII. Washington DC as capital of mind control programming in 1940s-1960s?
From: Walter Bowart Mind Control Interview. Walter Bowart Interview
Bowart: “A friend of mind came back from a tour of duty (in Vietnam) with the US Air Force (in the early 1970s). He had amnesia and hyper amnesia. I knew his family. I began to do research and it took me to Washington, D.C. I was here in Tucson when it started. And of course out here I was crazy and alone. Nobody knew about this, nobody believed it. But the closer I got to DC the more people knew about it. You’d meet somebody in DC who asked what are you doing here and I’d say I’m doing research on the National Technical Information Service on mind control and hypnosis and drugs and interrogation and so on and somebody would say “Oh you’re talking about erasing people’s memories. The guy across the street mowing his lawn, he’s one of them.” So it was like everywhere in Washington. So if you’ve been in government service, the government believes they have the right to your body, mind, and spirit, I guess. You’re prepared to give for your life for your country. Are you prepared to give your mind for your country? Is the question we came up with.
Woman: So you are saying that there is the possibility anyone working for the government could have had their mind tampered with?
Bowart: One way or another. I was on a KPIF show in 1978 when I was promoting this book. The bus broke down. A ladies club had set up something- so we did a radio show. And a retired Navy Commander from San Francisco called in. He’d had hypnotherapy for 13 years trying to recover his memories. He said he was in black pajama team doing secret missions. This guy told me that he and his men, black pajama’d guerillas, would sneak behind a fixed border in SE Asia, assassinating charismatic local politicians- before they reached the national level, they’d bump them off. They’d try to make it look like an accident. He did this for six years. Then he and his team were taken to Walter Reed hospital. He said we went in with the flu and we came out with cardboard memories. It took him 15 years to recover his memories.
(Webmaster comment: This also sounds like it may have been associated with CIA’s Phoenix Program during the Vietnam War.)
Man: When you were writing this book, did you run into people who didn’t want you to write this book?
Bowart: Yeah. There was an assassin who is now deceased. When I was interviewing him, there was an especially made recorder in my pocket. He was an assassin. He told me about the assassination business and how they use mind control in framing patsies more than motivating assassins.
We are all the victims of mental manipulation in one form or another with advertising and the media. When I started learning about the language of the unconscious, I’d get very upset with myself, catching myself asleep, being totally unconscious and open to suggestion and manipulation. This government research, which also includes various aspects of the UFO question, is a very interesting thing that spans 50 years. They have come up with a “rosetta stone” for the unconscious. They have deciphered the language of the unconscious.
Man: “Who is they?”
Bowart: I use the term “cryptocracy,” rule by secrecy. It’s all those agencies that hide behind the National Security Act of 1947. It’s the National Security Agency, the National Programs Office, the Defense Intelligence Agency, the CIA, the FBI, the National Reconnaisance Organization, etc. etc. When the Pike and Church Committees began to investigate this in the 1970s, Stansfield Turner and George H.W. Bush swept all this under the Office of Naval Research (ONR) and put it under some obscure title so they couldn’t find it. This week (March, 15, 1994), there was a meeting of the President’s Commission on Radiation Experiments, and there were two victims of the MKULTRA research and their therapists who talked to the scientists. I talked to the therapist before and after this and she said she went to Washington thinking she would have to convince these people that this was real.
She found out that this commission of scientists immediately knew what she was talking about, they knew all about this. They knew it was all about the use of ionizing and non-ionizing radiation used in mind control experiments. The same doctors, Martin T. Orne, of University of Pennsylvania, Dr. Sidney Gottlieb, in charge of MKULTRA program, and L. Wilson Green (Webmaster comment: You mean, Dr. Greenbaum?), among 3 or 4 others were among the doctors that these survivors named. When she said I know what you’re talking about it’s about mind control and radiation, one of the scientists hit the ceiling said “not now, we’re not supposed to talk about this now.” They knew all about this. And their questions were very succinct. What they wanted to know was information that would lead them to the documents, the secret files on this.
IX. From “Germanic” Multi-generational Dissociation to CIA/US Military Codes, Cues, and Triggers
Man: But it takes a period of time doesn’t it, it doesn’t happen in a week?
Bowart: There’s different types (of mind control). Some of it is instantaneous and some of it takes a long period of time. The area that is coming out now because of the age of the victims, they are about from 40 to 48 years of age, they are 80% women. They were made into multiple personalities either by their parents and/or by the “cryptocracy” or intelligence organization. Take a guy that was a child abuser. The father or the uncle of a small 6-month old child. He might be of German extraction. Because we’ve found that this is well known in German families going back 100 years. He would take the small child with the purpose in mind of making a dissociated personality, a compartmented personality out of this child. He would dip half of this baby in almost scalding water and the other half in ice water. This would dissociate the child. And then they begin to work on it and torture it. We have the story of Candy Jones. She was model and she wrote a book, The Control of Candy Jones, in the 1950s. She was the number 2 pin-up after Betty Grable during World War II. She was one of the first MONARCH so-called Presidential models. She was probably used as a sex slave. She reports her only role was a pigeon, someone who carries messages locked behind post-hypnotic blocks. And other survivors talk about Marilyn Monroe being a presidential model.
This has been going on for a long time with this disassociated identity. Because all of us have multiple personalities. You have your public persona, your family persona, your work place persona, you put on different hats, etc. But you’re not disordered because all your personalities know about each other and they talk to each other. When you are given a trauma, you are compartmented, you have amnesia and one personality takes over so that you will survive. And then they reinforce it. So you have “Three Faces of Eve” and “Sybil” had three or four personalities. Our government found ways of fragmenting personalities into thousands of personalities, each with its own codes, cues, and triggers.
X. Montauk Project
Woman: We asked you about Montauk. There were young men at Montauk who had been implanted and were under hypnosis or whatever and set to go off in 1995 or 1996 they would commit terrorists acts and that would cause government to say we have to crack down with Martial Law, take away your rights, etc.
Bowart: It’s a very common story. We have heard these things from mind control survivors over and over again. Some say 1997 some 1998, some say numerology is involved in setting the dates.
Man: How about these people involved in the post office shootings?
Bowart: Yes (This occurred under the George H.W. Bush Presidency. As CIA Director in 1976, George H.W. Bush authorized that these MONARCH programs “go public.”)
XI. Charts That Correlate Satanic Ritual and Cult Abuse with “Alien” (MILAB) Abductions and trauma-based Mind Control
Man: One common thing in the UFO field is the alien abduction scenario. Your research suggests it’s possible that this is a mind control phenomenon rather than actual physical abduction.
Bowart: We have a chart that compares the satanic and pagan and cult ritual abuse as a scenario that’s been created… The people that are describing the alien abduction, and ritual abuse, and mind control survivors are describing basically the same thing. The differences are worthy of study. But generally speaking, the table, the white lights, the doctor, the physical examination, the almost rape aspect is universal to all three of them.
Then there’s this (Dr. Michael) Persinger guy at Laurentian University in Ottowa, who worked with the DIA. He’s using magnetic waves he’s got an old motor cycle helmet, he’s inducing happiness, sadness, hallucinations just from playing magnetic fields over your head. One scientist in the New Scientist says that mind control can be done at a distance.
Man: What about things with the UFO phenomena like women getting pregnant.
Bowart: There are a lot of things about the UFO situation that are really puzzling. There could be several things going on. But one thing that is going on is it’s definitely government-created and funded. A lot of things take place on military bases. One ritual abuse guy in Nebraska tells the story of the alien abduction thing. Universally, the survivors of mind control have UFO stories and their therapists tell them not to tell anyone because no one would believe you. So it’s like the unspoken part of the mind control scenario. He talked about going into caves, and this was in the 50s, where there were fake UFOs and big sets. Elaborate constructs to convince another person. He was also under mind control, but he was convincing an adult that he was having an alien abduction thing. A woman in Maryland, when she was a little child, was used inside an alien suit- where she played the role of a fake gray. Must be very experience.
Man: 3% of the people of the US say they’ve had some sort of contact with UFOs.
3. Walter Bowart: Interview on Alien Abductions, Mind Control, Satanic Ritual Abuse on Paranet UFO Continuum (1996) w/ Michael Corbin
Walter Bowart: Interview on Alien Abductions, Mind Control, Ritual Abuse, Satanism on Paranet UFO Continuum (1996)
Walter Bowart: Mind control is the use of technology, non-ionizing radiation, drugs, electrical stimulation of the brain, it is a violation of your right of freedom of thought, your most private rights- your will and your knowledge. From traumatized children come multiple personality problems. Especially if they are bright and sensitive. If a programmer is involved, the new personality will be given a name and it will be highly developed.
A friend of mine who worked in the Air Force was programmed to be a courier, a witness with hyper amnesia, he was a human tape recorder with incredible, enhanced memory. And yet he couldn’t remember things from his childhood. He had been subject to military mind control programming.
Motivations for government mind control operations: To make mules, pigeons, sex slaves (especially the women)… the alien abduction story can be laid in as screens and scrambles. But people today would rather believe that aliens are doing this than to believe the government is doing this.
Corbin: You attended a conference this year in March of this year in Dallas, Texas –
Bowart: It was a group against ritual abuse of children that had noticed there’s a pattern being reported from the victims or survivors. It was called the Society for the Investigation, Treatment and Prevention of Ritual and Cult Abusesituated in Richardson, Texas and headed up by Pam Perskin. The conference was called: The Cult and Ritual Abuse Trauma-Based Mind Control and Dissociation: A Multidiscliplinary Dialogue and Educational Symposium. And yes, it was a gathering of psychologists, psychiatrists, survivors, law enforcement personnel, and writers. Among them was Alan Shefflin who wrote the book: “The Mind Manipulators: Trance On Trial.” Out of this came a consensus of opinion that the Ritual Abuse phenomenon and the Alien abduction phenomenon fit very well into mind control descriptions of the victims. I have many charts here by a psychologist that shows these relationships. Let’s run this down. I have the data here in front of me:
“Comparison of similar and dissimilar Alien Abduction and Ritual Abuse Accounts by category:” I’ll just name a few because it’s a long list. Let’s start with comparing Elements-Inanimate in Alien Abduction and Ritual Abuse accounts:
The Alien Abduction (AA) accounts have an examining table, whereas Ritual Abuse (RA) survivor accounts have an altar table.
AA accounts have a white sheet, RA accounts have white sheet and a black rug.
AA accounts have machines, x-ray, head gear, wires, body fluid, collecting devices of sperm and blood, whereas RA accounts have machines, ECT, polygraph, chakras, headgear, wires, cattle prods.
Instruments involved: AA has Surgical needles, implant instruments, RA instruments include knives, daggers, pins and needles.
Symbols involved: AA has new space writing and different symbols. RA symbols include old writing symbols, letters, numbers, many of them are the same, religious symbols upside down
In both AA and RA: eyes are scary and calming
Animate Elements: AA accounts report aliens in charge with others as subservient; whereas RA accounts feature high priest or priestess is in charge and others are subservient.
AA report ET and humanoids, Satanists cultists and humans, reptilian creatures, whereas RA report beasts, reptilian creatures, and cartoon characters.
Both AA and RA report Men in Black and shadows in the mind.
Messages given:
AA: survivors are told “you are special,” we will return, do not tell, aliens are in charge, we want to breed with you, whereas
RA survivors are told “you are special, we will return, do not tell, we are in charge, Satan is more powerful than God, and they are forced to breed
In terms, of psychological sequel; AA survivors have memory loss, amnestic RA:
AA accounts feature bonding with the alien, RA accounts feature bonding with the cult and is coerced
AA accounts feature feeling of euphoria, they are anesthetized and drugged, RA accounts are drugged with LSD, heroin, roots and herbs/
It goes on and on….
(Webmaster: These 11 charts are reproduced from A. Operation Mind Control: Researcher’s Edition pdf (1994) as linked to above.)
The common hidden agenda in the UFO/alien mind control realm and for ritual survivors is to discredit the victim. Nobody will believe them if they say they were abducted by aliens.
And half of the people of the USA have been experimented on in one form or another. One hundred thousand American soldiers were marched through the fallout at Trinity Site, for example, Thirty-five thousand, they admitted, were used in the MKULTRA program, which was just the tip of the iceberg. The radiation people, that was an industry of 156,000. On and on. But the largest number was the Swine Flu dress rehearsal. When Ford was President (in 1976), there was no Swine Flu, that was an engineered thing, and it wasn’t coming, but 50% of the population got the shot. We were the only country that had the chicken eggs, incubator racks, injections guns and needles, doctors and nurses, and communications system to do a quick emergency civil defense drill in germ warfare- that’s what it was. But it’s still using you without your knowledge or consent as a guinea pig to see if they could get you to take the shot. Which 50% of you did. Now they can analyze your blood to find out who the suggestible ones are in our population.
VII. What is the U.S. Military’s motivation for Project Mind Control and Military Abductions Disguised as Alien Abductions?:
From Martin Cannon’s “The Controllers A new hypothesis of Alien Abduction.”
As Richard Gabriel, the excellent historian of the role of psychiatry in
warfare, writes:
Modern warfare has become so lethal and so intense that only the already insane can endure it…. Modern war requiring continuous combat will increase the degree of fatigue on the soldier to heretofore unknown levels. Physical fatigue – especially the lack of sleep – will increase the rate of psychiatric casualties enormously. Other factors – high rates of indirect fire, night fighting, lack of food, constant stress, large numbers of casualties – will ensure that the number of psychiatric casualties will reach disastrous proportions. And the number of casualties will overburden the medical structure to the point of collapse.
The ability to treat psychiatric casualties will all but disappear. There will be no safe forward areas in which to treat soldiers debilitated by mental collapse. The technology of modern war has made such locations functionally obsolete…153
According to Gabriel, the military intends to meet this challenge by creating “the chemical soldier,” a designer-drugged zombie in fighting man’s uniform:
On the battlefields of the future we will witness a true clash of ignorant armies, armies ignorant of their own emotions and even of the reasons for which they fight. Soldiers on all sides will be reduced to fearless chemical automatons who fight simply because they can do nothing else…. Once the chemical genie is out of the bottle, the full range of human mental and physical actions become targets for chemical control…. Today it is already possible by chemical or electrical stimulation to increase the aggression levels of the human being by stimulating the amygdala, a section of the brain known to control aggression and rage. Such “human potential engineering” is already a partial reality and the necessary technical knowledge increases every day.
While this passage speaks of drugs and electronics, we can safely assume that the planners of battle would not refrain from using any other promising technique.
Gabriel writes primarily of large-scale battle scenarios, but based on his information, we can fairly deduce that the mind-controlled soldier will also play a role in the surgical strike, the covert operation, the infiltration behind enemy lines by units of the Special Forces. On such missions, United States personnel have increasingly relied on torture as a means of interrogation and intimidation, and as such barbarism becomes standard procedure the American fighting man of the future will need to find within himself unprecedented reserves of brutality. Will the average recruit, culled from the nation’s suburbs and reared on traditional ideals, possess such reserves?
Vietnam proved that the soldier, despite a barrage of propaganda intended to cloud his discernment, will sense the difference between fighting for legitimate defense interests and fighting to protect political hegemony. To forestall this realization, or to render it irrelevant, military planners must withdraw the human combatant and replace him with a new species of warrior. The soldier of the future will not discern; he will merely do. He will not be a butcher; he will be the butcher’s knife – a tool among tools, thoughtless and effective.
And it is my contention that to create this soldier of the future, the controllers will need a continuing program, one designed to test each new method and combination of methods for conquering the human mind.
One primary goal of this program must include expanding the human capacity for stress and violence. Subjects enrolled in such experimental procedures will experience pain, and will learn to accept the pain. Eventually, they will learn to inflict it, without remorse or even remembrance. The nation who first creates this new soldier will possess a decisive advantage on the “conventional” battlefield – as will the nation which first develops a means of using mass mind control techniques
to disable entire enemy platoons. This paramount military necessity is the reason why I will never believe any unconvincing reassurances that our nation’s clandestine scientists have foregone or will forego research into behavior modification. This research will never be mere history. What’s past is present, and today’s covert experimentation will become tomorrow’s basic training.
A prototype of the future warrior may already be with us. The Navy SEAL I interviewed spoke in horrifying detail of dismemberment without emotion, of rape as routine, of killing without affect. And then forgetting that he has killed. Even years later, he could not recall the stories behind many of the wounds on his own body. He claims that whenever he would need the services of the veteran’s hospital, doctors would re-hypnotize him shortly after his admission, while a physician
specifically cleared for such work would examine his medical history, which was highly classified and kept under lock and key.
According to the SEAL’s testimony, his memory block cracked little by little, as a result of events too complex to recount here. Finally, years after Vietnam, he was able to remember what he did. Amnesia was a blessing.