Walter Bowart’s A. “Operation Mind Control Researcher’s Edition” (1994) B. The Invisible Third World War (2011), & C. Related youtube interviews w/ transcribed highlights

Webmaster’s Introduction: The expanded 1994 Researcher’s Edition of Walter Bowart’s 1978 book, Operation Mind Control: The CIA Plot Against America is an invaluable resource for those wishing to understand the CIA’s Targeted Individual Program (psychotronic warfare, or psychological plus electronic warfare), trauma (torture)-based mind control programming, and yes, cults as well. I also highly recommend the below interviews with Bowart, who died in 2007. Rest In Peace, Walter Bowart: You are a true hero of our nation and world for exposing and explaining these incredibly diabolical crimes against humanity.

My advice to TIs: Please read and share this expanded 1994 Researcher’s Edition of Operation Mind Control over and over until you have it more or less memorized. It could save your life and your soul. Walter Bowart’s consistent message was: Repeal the National Security Act of 1947, which basically suspended our civil liberties and brought our nation under permanent Martial Law and CIA/NSA/DoD/NASA/FBI/DHS cum Nazi-Zionazi (Satanic) control!!!!!! These devils have the power and deploy the tools and technologies to determine who is tortured and enslaved, who thrives, who is suppressed, and who lives and who dies in order to eventually institute one-world-Luciferian government and enslave and transhumanize all humanity. This book and these interviews help explain how these secret mind programming operations are done. Study these to defend yourself, our nation, and our species!

A. Operation Mind Control 1994 Researcher’s Edition (pdf)

Operation Mind Control: Researcher’s Edition (1994) by Walter H. Bowart

B. The Invisible Third World War by W.H. Bowart and Richard Sutton (2011; Synopsis)

The Invisible Third World War by W.H. Bowart and Richard Sutton

C. Interviews with Walter Bowart on Operation Mind Control

1. Operation Mind Control: Walter Bowart Interview

Operation Mind Control: Walter Bowart Interview

2. Walter Bowart Mind Control Interview

Walter Bowart Interview

3. Walter Bowart: Interview on Alien Abductions, Mind Control, Satanic Ritual Abuse

Walter Bowart: Interview on Alien Abductions, Mind Control, Ritual Abuse, Satanism

4. Walter Bowart with Ned Potter- Operation Mind Control

Walter Bowart with Ned Potter- Operation Mind Control


Ned Potter: What are the objectives of mind control?

Walter Bowart: To create a psycho-civilized society. According to CIA psychiatrist Jose Delgado. They don’t need the robots anymore. It’s finally already occurred to the cryptocrats, who regard us as just so many rats to them, that’s why over 50% of the American population has been experimented upon in one form or another. They want to engineer, terraform the planet earth. We humans are mostly in a time quarantine. And they keep us there. Perhaps in one place, like LA, creativity will be allowed. Creativity is chaos. But otherwise, we are going to order the entire thing. Unfortunately, for these guys and their way of thinking our Founding Fathers granted us the inalienable right of freedom of speech- so they can’t stop you from speaking. But if they can stop you from thinking or direct your thoughts, they can control what you say, and that’s what it’s all about.

Ned Potter: In his recent book, “The Controllers: Modern Myth, Mass Manipulation and the New Hypothesis of Alien Abductions,” Martin Cannon says the image of an alien from a UFO provides an effective cover story to disguise the faces of the real abductors, namely, spychiatrists, cryptocrats who are in Halloween masks so to speak. DARPA, Naval intelligence, CIA, universities, electronic stimulation of the brain, that’s what’s happening.

Walter Bowart: I’d say well said Martin Cannon. I think Cannon is mostly right. Now we have a number of the victims of MONARCH victims, who as children were in alien costumes an played the role of aliens in mind control. It’s done (inducing the alien experience) with stun guns. Amnesia as well. So the cattle mutilations and all that- they are called screens and scrambles.

One psychologist who doesn’t want to be named has made a large graph/chart correlating the different ritual abuse phenomenon, the random abuse phenomenon, the alien abduction phenomenon, an mind control phenomenon- and it’s all the same. Set and setting, animate and inanimate objects. Many of these people are from multiple generational incest families- a lot of them women.

Now we have armies of zombies (mind-control victims) just walking around- people who are traumatized, dissociated. The alien abductee has been very pacified. Neurolinguistic Programming is now leaking out into the project. Delta Force are hypno-programmed. Conceivably you could find their codes, cues and triggers can take over from the handler and turn the thing around.

All these mind control techniques have been used to enslave people and are as old as mankind. The sufis’ mudras are very positive things and they use the same technology that is used to enslave people. So any of this can be turned around.

I told Dr. Collin Ross that virtually every doctor in the psychiatric community of a certain generation worked for Project Mind Control… That means you guys have a lot of work to do to clean it up. He said you are absolutely right.

We have the mind control technology today, influencing people with integrity, to rehabilitate prisoners, criminals of all kinds, but instead we are into punishment. This society is sick from the top down.

There are indications that Jonestown was a CIA experiment and it was multi-purposed. I know more about Waco from the Paul Wilshire letter to Janet Reno. The CIA is very interested in cults and using cults. You can manipulate people’s belief systems. If you can find out what a man believes and then his syntax, in other words, anything that you do, any expertise you have, let’s say you are a great golfer, what do you believe about golfing?… so if you find out what a person believes that is successful, and duplicate the belief and adapt the belief to your own purposes, and what you see, hear, feel in which order in the process of doing the task, you can duplicate the results. So when you get a group of people…. Anthony Robbins is a great teacher and he uses all the things that a fundamentalist revival meetings would use, music, lights, sound, like the Steve Martin film, Leap of Faith, shows the technology behind these revival meetings. Get a group of people singing, dancing, saying things, chanting, and then get them to anchor it by getting them to clap their hands together, it’s using the memory in your body to reinforce the information, so you can really change behaviors this way. So that’s part of the research that would go on with cults and groups.

In Waco, according to Wilshire’s letter and according to the Delta Force guys that went in there and murdered some these people, they had a problem of conscience because these people were captive sitting ducks… they used neuro…(weapons). And now we know that Wilshire is dead. He was hit by some electronic weapon it looks like that exploded his inner organs. He was found on the toilet, internal hemhorage. And they took his organs to Walter Reed hospital which is where they take the microwave and other nonlethal weapons research victims. Waco and Jonestown are two examples of CIA interference and this is why we have to abolish the National Security Act. This has got to stop. We’ve got the Nazis on our hands.

Webmaster’s comment: The above two paragraphs may apply directly to the raison d’etre of Operation Crestone/Baca.

Ned Potter: Are the mass shootings at McDonalds and San Diego, the Stockton school yard the work of mind controlled terrorists?

Walter Bowart: Talk to Mike Knight up in Sacramento. He’s a former cop and he’s been investigating this question for a number of years. And he has a lot of information that suggests that the “tower sniper” (Ferry)… that there is a lot of military-intelligence (cryptocracy)-mind control connection to a lot of these things. He got into the Son of Sam and the Zodiac murders and he says the pattern is unbelievable. The whole society is being engineered this way. The programming, the violence, in England you don’t have violence on television.

There is a phenomenon called audio-visual desensitization related to TV- little kids blowing people away like they see on TV.

My book, Operation Mind Control, as it was published in 1978 was just the tip of the iceberg. I’m just a reporter. Turns out it was all correct.

CIA Director Robert Gates released a document to Congress that says that every radio, TV, newspaper in the country has a CIA asset working with it. But the cryptocracy’s days are numbered. Since information travels at the speed of light now.

As soon as we repeal the National Security Act, we are going to learn all the secrets. Of course, they are shredding papers as fast as they can and planting false information in the files. The MJ-12 document is a perfect example.

Ned Potter: What is the Freedom of Thought Foundation?

Bowart: The purpose of the Freedom of Thought Foundation is to abolish the National Security Act. We want to begin to discuss the possibility of amending the Constitution to protect freedom of thought is an inalienable right. Our Founding Fathers couldn’t conceive of a time when voices could be implanted in your brain or of subliminal commands in the elevators in department stores. I think we should be free from microwave radiation and EM frequencies of all kinds that affect human thought processes, and we need to have a system by which we can prosecute perpetrators of mind control, be they public or private. We have the military now recruiting multiple-personality disorders from satanic cults and creating cults and supporting satanic cults to create multiple personality people. So it’s a vicious circle. And it’s got to stop. Just like we repealed the Volstead Act during prohibition, we’ve got repeal the National Security Act. This is a country of mavericks and always will be unless you want to put us all on the street as hollow zombies. Like I say with the Delta Force guys, who are hypno-programmed, you could find their codes, cues, and triggers and turn them around on their commanders. We are going to try to educate the psychiatric community and give them the real tools they need to clean up the mess that they, with the cryptocracy created, a psycho-civilized society.

The MONARCH program is a very interesting thing. It had to do with a butterfly. And the early MONARCH victims were tatooed with butterflys. There were two or three different levels of programming and each kind of programming would have its own set of codes, cues, and triggers. And the MONARCH programmed people were often very attractive young women used as Presidential models, some of them sold into some sort of perverted form of prostitution to government officials. And perverted tastes would be cultivated in the government officials. That’s how you would control the high government officials. Paul Bonacci of the Franklin Coverup was a Monarch.

Potter: If you had been a victim of MKULTRA what plan of action would you devise to protect yourself?

Bowart: Well, you wouldn’t know if you had been a victim, until maybe 30 years later, which is happening. The project MONARCH people, it started when they were infants. Some of them came from families that had been doing this for 100 years. The CIA just accessed these people, these children. They would take babies and dip the bottom half of them in ice cold water and the top half in scalding hot water. And they would dissociate as infants and they began to program these children this way and develop these different dissociated personalities that could then be used. And at a certain age, they would then sell them, this is still ongoing in this country, they would then sell them on a white slave market to the cryptocracy who would use them as couriers to carry messages. Because when you get an empty D-state weird phenomenon happen. Improved memory, enhanced memory, hyper amnesia, incredible memory abilities, great gifts come out of people who are tortured. Dissociation produces very useful things- sex slaves, drug mules, spies, people who can remember like human tape recorder-type people. It’s quite amazing. So it’s very useful to the intelligence people. And they took these attractive women and they used them as sex-slaves with all the Presidents and even in the 60s they reported they were given injections of different kinds to protect them from diseases that sound like AIDS, back in the 60’s. And yes, I think that AIDS was genetically engineered.

And half of the people of the USA have been experimented on in one form or another. 100,000 American soldiers were marched through the fallout at Trinity Site, for example, 35,000 that admitted were used in MKULTRA, which was the tip of the iceberg. The radiation people, that was an industry of 156,000. On and on. But the largest number was the Swine Flu dress rehearsal. When Ford was President, there was no Swine Flu, that was an engineered thing, and it wasn’t coming, but 50% of the population got the shot. We were the only country that had the chicken eggs, incubator racks, injections guns and needles, doctors and nurses, and communications system to do a quick emergency civil defense drill in germ warfare- that’s what it was. But it’s still using you without your knowledge or consent as a guinea pig to see if they could get you to take the shot. Which 50% of you did. Now they can analyze your blood to find out who the suggestible ones are in our population.

Potter: So this may relate to martial law.

Bowart:Well, the National Security Act is martial law. We’ve been living under martial law since 1947. All your civil rights can be suspended by the National Security Act. In the interests of “national security,” you don’t get a fair trail. What’s national security? There’s no case law. Nobody knows. It’s anything they say it is. The National Security Act must be repealed in order to regain our Bill of Rights.

Potter: In Christopher Simpson’s recent book, “Science of Coercion,” he quotes from US Army and National Security Council documents that define US Psychological Warfare strategy as the “clandestine targeting of the US population as well as foreign countries for psychological operations.”

Bowart: That’s very true what you just read. John B. Alexander, who is promoting nonlethal weaponry, and he’s selling them to local police forces. And a lot of quote “nonlethal weapons” will kill you, depending on what setting you have it on, “stun” or “kill.” But it will also fry your brain and produce permanent mental debilitation. Definitely, we’ve got to get this authoritarian trend in the country under control. There’s no reason to have a prison industry in this country when you have the technology to rehabilitate criminals. We have social engineers in this country. These guys are criminals.. They are probably Nazis from Germany, probably second generation. .

A clinical psychologist told me: “When we tell the FBI about satanic ritual abuse, they don’t pay any attention. But when we say there are skin-head Nazis they show up right away, because they know it’s the fastest growing thing in America.”

5. Walter Bowart Operation Mind Control (2 Interviews) Dave Emory, Ned Potter

Walter Bowart Operation Mind Control (2 Interviews) Dave Emory, Ned Potter

6. James Martinez on Operation Mind Control and the Life of Walter Bowart (2009)

James Martinez on Operation Mind Control and the Life of Walter Bowart (2009)

Bill Ryan (British) from Project Camelot: James was the business partner of Walter Bowart.

James Martinez: Both Walter Bowart and I were adopted. And we hit it off immediately. Walter’s book was the first really authoritative investigation of military mind control programming used on soldiers, including his childhood friend, David, and how this programming violates the soul. This book became the template of many other books. But he regretted writing the book because it hindered his life. This book began his career and ended. He had lots of problems when he first went on a book tour. He was a key player in the 1960s when the Timothy Leary and drug craze. He was editor of the He was in charge of the exorcism that they did on the Pentagon. His primary interest was to advance consciousness. This book was bought immediately because they didn’t want that book on the street. The book also alerted many others about the potentials of these technologies.

He wanted to do Operation Mind Control Phase 2… and I’m involved in doing that right now. As he got older he suffered from colon cancer and went through a lot of cancer treatment.

Woman: Wouldn’t you say he brought to the planet the whole story of MKULTRA?

Martinez: Yes.

Woman: I wanted to learn about Walter’s background.

Martinez: He was primarily a writer. He moved to NYC and wanted to become a writer. In the 1959s, he started the “East Village Other,” which was the first alternative newspaper. He would get calls from military people- people telling him what they had been through. Some people did lose their memories, there were trauma victims. A lot of military people came to him… almost like he magnetically attracted these people. And the rich who were financing these operations. He and I coined the term “Richcraft.” The 60s revolution and the use of LSD into the culture was central to his life. There was an assassination attempt on him and two others at this time. Two of his associates died within 48 hours. He got high for 40 days…. he told me made he made contact with advanced species. He was a very conflicted guy… because he wanted to liberate the human spirit.

Woman: Was he mind controlled himself?

Martinez: He did have issues like that. I heard all the baggage as well as the good stuff of his personality.

Woman: He became a magnet for the release of information as editor of this paper? As people told him their stories, is this what eventually became his book?

Martinez: Yes.

Woman: So he was part of the original counter-culture. He was involved with it and also reported on it. He kind stumbled into a big snake pit at that time?

Martinez: yes.

Ryan: I think he is a hero. What positive feedback did he get?

Martinez: He gained a lot of trust from a lot of people. He was brilliant at it. He had some shamanistic tendencies. But his personal life was like a disaster area. he had three or four marriages. He was introduced by Timothy Leary (CIA spychiatrist) to billionaire Peggy Hitchcock, who came out of the Mellon dynasty. And I did too. So he missed a lot of healing himself. He was interfered with by government many, many times. His personal life with his family was destroyed. So he never really made a bond and had a home.

Webmaster comment: So it seems like he was a targeted individual.

Woman: Was his marriage with Peggy Hitchcock engineered for him?

Martinez: Yes, he was well aware of that. He already had had a child and was concerned about supporting that child. That’s why he married Peggy Hitchcock. The level of consciousness of the people on that level of society, they are so removed from society that this is why they do the things they do. Everything that is going on is for greed… A group of people are so disconnected that they don’t have any humanity at all. He told me as he approached death that he had to correct the book…. that he wanted me to explain that it’s time to stop focusing on the bad stuff of MKULTRA- which just reinforces it…. and focus on the healing potential.

He regretted that he didn’t include media’s effect on consciousness as per the work of Marshal McCluhan. All of are embedded in a digital environment. His updated version of Operation Mind Control in 1994 does mention this. How humans think, his consciousness, has been changed forever by digital media. The Bourne series is based on Walter’s work. He and I had the vision of using media to turn this all around. We are steeped in violent, ugly media. We wanted to build a company, called SOMA (Semiotic Off-screen Media Arts), that would talk with producers and directors to use media to heal instead of hurt the public. He realized that just talking about MKULTRA was putting people under those conditions. We are literally mapping the brain now with computers.

Banking has been destroyed by the digital environment.

Woman: Was Walter in touch with the occult significance of mind control? And the media can be used by the occult to play such a negative role in people’s lives. You are talking about the Illuminati and the rich being the Illuminati, which is basically satanism, they are using children as sacrifices, and they are using it in a group way through the media. And it’s all to the end of feeding the beast.

Martinez: Yes, the people at the top have no problem with destroying children all over the world. He knew all about this. These children are being sexualized, trafficked, tortured, programmed, and murdered. They refer to it as breaking the soul of a child when it is young and creating alter personalities. The people at the top have been victims of this and they are dissociated! It is very difficult to treat people that have been damaged like this.

He was healing himself by doing this for others. He told me that I had to tell people about the ramifications of the digital environment. These are sophisticated ways of defiling people’s spirit.

He endorsed the healing effects of ayewaska for those who have gone through MKULTRA traumas.

Woman: What about his ET experiences?

Martinez: He definitely made contact. The government gave him something that put him out for 42 days.. .and during that time, he made contact with aliens. He told me about his contact in New York, pure light beings that walked him around, didn’t say anything, just telepathic communication. He experienced healing capabilities. He had a major experience. He said the UFO experience is all tied into the spirit of the planet. He said the beings told him that everything is perfect. And he agreed with them. It’s exactly what people created. Humans are in a deep state of amnesia. The biggest problem with human race, according to his contact, was our lack of confidence in our own abilities.

He was aware of the MILABS (military abduction) phenomenon. That a lot of it was faked. His contact experiences with advanced species shaped him to a great extent. The message he got is that we are the creators, we are the gods of amnesia.

His final book was going to be called: “The War of This World” – I believe his family in California has this and his other papers. He paid a dear price- he never had a normal relationship.

After the book came out, some of the intelligence agencies, according to him, affected his family. They damaged his family to give him a message to back off.

Ryan: James is saying that he was punished. I think that’s all we need to know.

Webmaster comment: Yes. Walter Bowart was a Targeted Individual.

Martinez: Walter wanted me to carry on his legacy of exposing the money system and the type of people that run the money system. If you follow the money, there will be many of the answers. He knew what the international bankers were doing and how all this was financed. I learned all he taught me about behavior modification, hypnosis, NLP, etc.

His book addressed who is going to be running the show here.

Woman: He was aware of the ET influencers, the ultra-dimensionals?

Martinez: Yes.

Ryan: In 1990, I got a hold of a copy of Walter’s synopsis for a book called: The Invisible War…. Was this the book he was working on? (Maybe it was the first part of it.). But there’s no connection to the financial game, the pedos.

Martinez: He thought he might write a book, The Conspiracy Against Man. They were killing off scientists that were trying to help man evolve to a better place. He told me there is a group of people that just don’t want humans to evolve. They are going to kill off science and manipulating science. He got into a lot of physics and biology. He said they would kill off scientific bodies. They can control the scientific content of information and manipulate the worlds. He said much of what is going on is just a rigged game.

Webmaster comment: My experience supports these statements.

Woman: What did he think of the remote viewing process?

Martinez: He was very interested in that. There was a woman who could remote view 24 hours a day. She was a contactee. He knew that type of ability existed within all people. He wanted to help people develop their advanced capabilities. (Webmaster: sounds a lot like Michael Murphy of Esalen Institute.)

He really understood the psychiatric community, the people that model consciousness and the DSM 4 and DSM 5, and how much power they have, it’s tied in with the drug companies. They can harness and take hostage and harvest humans. Every other commercial is a drug commercial. The psychiatric community has been completely infiltrated by the intelligence agencies. And you actually take hostage a country. This country is ill. We are dissociated, desensitized, lost generation, the United States.

Bowart was worshipped by the Scientologists. But he did not like the Church of Scientology establishment at all. But he knew the emeter and some of the technology they had was pretty good. He refused to be a part of it.

He told me all about Operation Paperclip…. He told me that science and the whole massive space outfit was just a big cover story. That the whole thing was fake. He was well aware of it. He was very much into the UFO thing. He was just very quiet about it.

He respected Thomas Bearden quite a bit. He knew that the whole UFO area was unknown to a lot of people so he shied away from it. He was more of an observer. He had enough problems with dealing with the memes that he created. He refrained from doing that because like you said, punishment.

I understand why the UFO thing has been covered up. A lot of people just can’t handle it.

Woman: Have you been subject to surveillance?

Martinez: I am well aware that everything can be watched from everywhere under satellite conditions. I’m not hiding from anybody. No one can. I’m for let’s let it all hang out. let’s get to the root of what’s really going on. I just think it goes both ways- we should be able to surveille them too. It’s the right thing to come and confess right now. I’m doing it through the financial world. I’m just doing my part like you guys.

I’ve had a strange psychic connection with Bowart- and we planned on communicating after he passed.

Woman: The financial issues are coming to the fore at this time. Can you comment on the psychology behind the people who have brought this thing to this point?

Martinez: They do want one world government. Free energy is fully available and it is going to affect the money system. Walter helped me to see how the credit card companies use media as a way to hijack, harness, and harvest humans- make a human being work for a bank, willingly, over and over again. I discovered how these credit cards are doing this. I was fighting the behavior of the victims of this. They were basically hypnotized into working for the bank for a good portion of their lives. It is the richest segment of society that has decided what we are going to do as a species. We call that “richcraft”- Walter understood that if the money issue is not addressed on a global level then we are all in a lot of trouble.

Yes, he thought the revealing of the secrets was the answer. So have to continue to reveal the secrets. Secrecy, the cryptocracy (rule by secrecy), has made a mess of everything. Now the intelligence agencies use misdirection to misinform. Everything can be faked- but everything can be revealed at the same time.

The problem with the UFO environment, Walter thought, was the lack of education. We have been deliberately dumbed down and in the dark. Now the lightbulbs are starting to go off.

Woman: This digital environment is a double edged sword. Project Camelot couldn’t exist without the internet. So there’s an up side and a down side. You are revealing that the credit cards are creating a slave society. The banks have betrayed everybody- we saw that with the bailouts. Most people are trying to connect to somebody- they really are only half paying attention. The psychiatric community will dictate to you what it is that is wrong with you for being addicted to your devices.

The psychiatrists may suddenly decide that being connected is a disease… it’s a problem for you to connect with others. This could be too much awakening and too much resistance to them. This might really be the expansion of the brain. It could be that the synapses are being jumped. They want to isolate individuals from each other. To better breed a better slave society.
It’s a fascinating syndrome. This storm started back in the 60s- perhaps we are now seeing a shift from negative to positive.

Martinez: He thought that this is the most important time in humanity’s history… that this is a major transformation. I went to Peru and participated with Ayewaska. It was from this that I got a much larger picture in the coming situation… under the tutelage of a long standing shaman there.

It is essential for people to do a media fast once in a while… computer, everything… and going back to nature. Media installs a lot of patterns that doesn’t support the human conditions.

Woman: In terms of 2012, and what Walter thought it would hold, what is your take?

Martinez: It’s happening now. Humans are changing and are getting ready to merge with advanced species- our ancestors. The extra-terrestrial relationships that we’ve had.

Woman: We would agree that we are going through it now. Walter was in touch with people doing black projects… the underground bases, etc.

Martinez: He took these phone calls but he didn’t do anything with it. He was punished and he didn’t forget that…. He didn’t take a lot of action. The integration with an advanced species… the amnesia is going to be removed of who we are as a species. That’s the only thing it is. The alien archetype is everywhere. In the movies, etc. Walter and I knew that the main thing was the removal of our amnesia… we’re supposed to be going back to the stars so to speak. He and I agreed on the liberation of the human spirit.

Webmaster comment: I disagree with the vision of the future presented here. This scenario basically contradicts basic Christian doctrine. My position is that the two documents that Americans need to hold onto, in this order, are: 1) the New Testament, and 2) the US Constitution. All this talk about merging with our ancestors sounds a lot like wanting to merge with demons to me. I.e., I think the “aliens” are demons. So, in my opinion, it’s sad that Walter Bowart was put on LSD for 42 days and hung out with those “light beings” …. it may have cost him his soul. (“The devil comes as an angel of light, a wolf in sheep’s clothing, and a roaring lion…. he comes to kill, steal and destroy…. he is the tempter, the accuser, the deceiver, etc.”)

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