Webmaster Introduction: In the first interview, Col. Rob Maness admits he is aware that the US government has been deploying directed energy (lasers, masers, microwave, acoustic) weapons against American citizens. And not just against the diplomats in Havana!!! Regular citizens like me. That’s what this website is about!!!! This IS the “Targeted Individual Program”…. And yes, it is carried out by the US government, not some foreign enemy. Repeat: THE US GOVERNMENT, NOT A HOSTILE FOREIGN ENEMY, IS SECRETLY TARGETING, ATTACKING, AND TORTURING AMERICAN CITIZENS WITH THESE WEAPONS. ERGO, THE ENEMY OF THE AMERICAN PEOPLE IS THE US GOVERNMENT RATHER THAN A FOREIGN GOVERNMENT. Furthermore, this website proves that this TI program has been a secret, black project since the 1950s at least!!!! So once more for good measure….
REPEAT: THE US GOVERNMENT IS USING DIRECTED ENERGY WEAPONS AGAINST ITS OWN CITIZENS!!!! Alas, Brannon Howse is not sufficiently knowledgeable about this subject to question Col. Maness further on the point.
Dr. Peter Breggin, Jewish psychiatrist, famously blew the whistle on ongoing CIA MKULTRA mind control programs in the 1970s, thereby, inadvertently or intentionally helping drive these secret programs further underground. He has been called the “conscience of psychiatry.” Although Howse does a good job of explaining how these various types of directed energy weapons are deployed domestically, Breggin does not comment in a meaningful manner when he is asked to comment. Rather, he defers the problem to the illegal immigrants. This is highly disingenuous. Given all that Breggin knows about the electronic components of Project MKULTRA mind control “experiments,” he clearly is concealing of the information about US government testing of these weapons on innocent civilians!!!!! I don’t trust this guy somehow…. However, I agree with him in his assessment that we are engaged in a war between good and evil.
As for SMART Dust per the third interview included on this post, this may also have played an important role in the LA and similar DEW fires.
Given his limited knowledge of these issues, Howse is quick to point the finger of blame at China. However, I would not blame China for these geoengineered disasters…. To get a sense of the scope of these environmental attacks, we should examine a larger sample: including 9/11 (2001), Hurricane Katrina (2005), a host of controlled hurricanes and earthquakes in America and around the world, the Lahaina fire, the unprecedented North Carolina-Hurricane Helene floods, DEW fires in Australia, HAARP earthquakes in Haiti, Chile, Indonesia, and elsewhere, etc. Let’s look at all of them in order to ascribe attribution.
Was China involved in carrying out 9/11? No. It was the US government itself, the “Interagency,” to be specific, in partnership with Israeli/Jewish Mossad and American Jewish sayanim (civilian helpers). How about Hurricane Katrina, Harvey and other geoengineered storms? These are weather/environmental warfare courtesy of the US Air Force, i.e., the US government. OK, we can and should also blame the supporting players in the New World Order’s (UN Agenda 21) “Public Private Partnerships”…. But more specifically, I’d suggest these highly coordinated environmental and administrative warfare attacks on the American homeland should be largely attributed to the US Air Force, the CIA, the DoD, DHS, NSA, NASA, NATO, as well, probably, as Israel and England. Qui bono (who benefits?). Certainly, the SMART city agenda of UN Agenda 21/2030. Other primary collaborators in the scripting and execution of these disasters, I think, probably include the Blackrock-led corporatocracy in cahoots with the UN, WEF, Bill Gates, George Soros, the “Good Club” de-populationist billionaires, and the usual globalist-UN AGENDA 2030 suspects (Rothschilds, Rockefellers, Tavistock Institute, MI6, the British Royal family, and central bankers, etc). And yes, all this leads to implementation of the long-planned and long-sought Luciferian New World Order-One World Government. So get educated and pick a side, based on your aspirations for eternity! These evil devils are going to hell and are trying to bring the rest of us to hell with them. Just say no.
Is Smart Dust Falling in American Cities and What Exactly is Smart Dust?