Interview of the late Dr. Robert Duncan, CIA neuroscientist and TI

Webmaster comment: I received the link to this interview with Dr. Robert Duncan by Craig Laforest from another TI named Chris (October 3, 2024). My reply was:

Many thanks for passing along this fine interview with Dr. Robert Duncan- I’ve posted it here with your excerpts from it.

Duncan always has (had) valuable insights and this interview is no exception. Very sorry to lose him (he was murdered via electronic warfare presumably by the “deep state”- i.e., his former employers)…. The title of the book he was working on at the time of his death, “Emergent Minds and Topologies of Brain Networks,” which he mentions in the interview, indicates this would have been an important and insightful book having to do with connecting people’s minds/brains…. Creating super-intelligent minds.

“Will we one day all communicate telepathically,” he asks.

He also mentions, in passing near the end, of how the perps can recognize which Tis’ brains “have been broken”- like you break a horse.

Best wishes,


Excerpts from video by Chris:

Psychic Warfare, Brain Mapping, Mind Hacking.. Total Totalitarian Dictatorship from the Deep Underground Scientific Military Bases — Mass Shooters are Targets.

Dr. Robert P. Duncan, top US CIA Scientist turned whistleblower for HavanaSyndrome and neural electromagnetic weapons refers to his actions and agenda, after he discovered that weapons designed for wartime were being used on innocent civilians: includes mind control and direct energy weapons.

Excerpt from

“This wasn’t the way it was supposed to be.”

And so, my agenda, since then, has been to enlighten people, to educate them. I’ve gone to the Senate Intelligence Committee, met with 23 Senators — in the United States, Federal — with the head of the Los Angeles FBI. And to our dismay, our words fell on deaf ears, [our words] of what was happening.”

“No one understood the technology or even believed it existed. And these are our leaders. We met with the Senate Intelligence Committee behind closed doors. (And, you know, frisks for wires and bugs.) They had never heard of MK-ULTRA. They’re the oversight committee of our intelligence agencies. And we had a huge hearing in the 1970s called the “Frank Church hearings” — a Senator from my state of Idaho. (But I know most people don’t know where I am or that is [smiles]). And it was very famous.”

“And turns out the CIA was doing all this mind-control testing on humans in Canada and the United States, just some various things. And they end up shredding about 70 000 documents. So that kind of (thing) led me forward to write some books, that I did, and do events like this, just to educate the world this is happening — it’s probably ramping up.”

“If you know someone, educate them because the “shock and awe” of becoming a target, not knowing how it all works and what to expect is horrifying.”

By the late Dr. Robert Duncan, former CIA Scientist turned whistleblower. He spoke-out exposing what’s been going on, regarding mind control projects he worked on that were not suppose to be used on the civilian population. Yet, they do…

“Human Augmentation” and “Cybernetics – Intelligent systems of control”.

How is electromagnetic targeting scaled to so many targeted individuals? Is it about algorithms and chatterboxes? It is impossible to have an army of operators for so many people. Are people interfacing with AI or a human? Few TIs would say it is AI. How can there be brain-to-brain interfacing?

Dr. Duncan responds below to a different, although similar question.

“So, this gets into cybernetics, sentient programs. I’m going to try to make it easier to comprehend. What if there was a group called “psychic soldiers” and what they have to do is “dedicate” their brain, their lives in a sensory deprivation chamber. And sensory deprivation chamber is something where your senses* are deprived of all their natural senses. And let’s say you’re fed (…) and you’re all good.”

*possibly sensory inputs

“Remember, this is a hypothetical; and then I’ll get into the sentient AI programs. But that person… if you’ve ever done it, (sensory deprivation) I’ve only done it for eight hours at a time and I couldn’t handle anymore. You can do it for weeks. And in your awake state you begin hallucinating or dreaming in fact. And those dreams become your reality. You cannot separate the dreams from your alpha brain wave state that we normally experience through our bodies and five senses.”

“So, let’s say we connected those brain signals to someone else. We heterodyne them. Now, you become a larger intelligence, in a sense. And you can create through willpower, through imagination, a shared reality. And shrinks call it the “virtual visual workspace”.”

“So, I think that’s kind of where you’re getting at — you’re asking, well, can it just be a set of algorithms doing it? It can, but I don’t want to go there because that sounds less believable.

So, let’s just say it’s one or more individuals in a hive mind connected to a person and I’m going to just go ahead and talk more about it.”

Comment: As mentioned previously, few TIs would say it is AI.

“Various ways to induce dreams: you know, we’ve all heard of those hypnotic tapes; you can increase your vocabulary while you sleep, if you listen to these tapes or or positive hypnosis type stuff.”

“The human being, when we’re in our delta or even theta wave, the lowest, slowest wavelengths, all of our senses, our body senses are kind of muted. And we’re more vulnerable, because our conscious mind is not there to filter things. So, dream interrogation and dream programming are incredibly effective in altering the human being.”

Duncan’s post from Sept 2023 regarding targeting —

Brain Data Experiment Collection on Innocent Targeted Individuals:

“There comes in my research of both disclosure and teaching aids for the global brain network system. While the data collection methods used on Targeted Individuals almost defy description of the atrocity due to the lack of language and mutual experiences of humans, it is nonetheless quite ‘real’ for the subjects, worse than death in many cases.”

Project Soul Catcher: Secrets of Cybernetic Warfare and Cybernetics, Robert P. Duncan, BA, MS, A.B., S.M., M.B.A., Ph.D

Post-Script by Webmaster:…… My email response to email from fellow TI, Jane, on same day, is related to this topic:

Jane wrote:

Hi Eric,
I have been thinking about the possibility that someone attaches to targets in infancy and grows along with them through out their life. Some might call it a guardian angel or a digital twin or an avatar or a parasite or something else.. a person or a computer.
Have we a sure name for it. Yet? I have seen some kids I think have it and I wonder how much of themselves might be taken over. How much of them is puppeted and spoken through with thoughts and words not from themselves? I wonder if the person is always being used or if someone drops in on them and uses them when ever it is convenient.
I worry that should all this be uncovered and it was stopped what would happen to the person that was being used? Would they just be shells and have to relearn everything again?
If you have read anything on this topic or have any ideas on it pease let me know. Thank you. Jane

Hi Jane,

Good questions. Well, here is the first of the many tracks of my “Lifeline Project” in which I am reading from Dr. Rauni Kilde’s “Bright Light on Black Shadows”.

Dr. Rauni Kilde’s Warning To Humanity (Audio Narration, Music & Text; Insights By Dr. Rauni Kilde, Medical Doctor, TI)

Perhaps listen to it. In this short passage, Dr. Kilde states:

… “(And) the Swedish military research (FOI) declares in their report of activities that their goal is to direct the cognitive functions of people for a lifetime.”

I am certain that the CIA and DOD have had and maintain equivalent projects here- indeed, that they farmed these projects out to their post-WWII “colonies” as well.

This seems to be a long-term project to obtain total technological control of the human population, as well as other things- such as development of hive minds, augmented humans, neural nets, super-soldiers, digital immortality, life extension, digital twins (Avatars), the internet of things, the internet of bodies, creation of Manchurian candidate assassins (programmed mass shooters), sex slaves, super-spies, couriers, etc. –

…. and we so-called TIs (us) have been and are the guinea pigs for these long-term projects- which must go back to WWII or even before that. And yes, I think many Tis have been so since their births in these top-secret programs. This means that our governments have always regarded us as their “property.”

Recent documents that relate to how we have been and are being used include:

I. Human Digital Twin and Modeling Guidebook (US Air Force, 2022) & II. Digital Twin in the Military Field (2021)

Hope that helps a little,

Best wishes,


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