The film that lifts the lid on the climate alarm, and the dark forces behind the climate consensus. Written and directed by Martin Durkin. Produced by Tom Nelson.
Pinned by Food Lies
2 weeks ago
Thanks to the filmmakers for making this YouTube took it down immediately so I got permission to repost. I’m making my own documentary that’s similar but about the lies from Big Food & Pharma
Food Lies
2 weeks ago
The fact that YouTube is putting a context warning thingy says it all about the church of scientism and how science is manipulated for propaganda of the masses
2 weeks ago
Watch it while you can. Cancellation inbound…
2 weeks ago
It is not a climate crisis, it is a zombie apocalypse!
2 weeks ago
Open honest debate is the hallmark of a healthy society.
2 weeks ago
Worst part is anyone who knows anything about regenerative agriculture knows more COWS truly would help the world environment.
2 weeks ago
This is an “Inconvenient TRUTH”.
2 weeks ago
Anyone who claims that ‘the science is settled’ is NOT a scientist, no matter what their qualifications.
2 weeks ago (edited)
Fantastic movie. I have studied CO2, fluid mechanics and heat transfer, and numerical modelling my entire adult life. In the boardroom, I was told to “get on board” with the Climate Change religion because it was necessary for our social license to operate. I held my nose and did this, while my own daughter was indoctrinated by her school. The scientists in the movie are demonstrating their huge integrity at great personal risk. Like, me, they are mainly retired and have less to fear. I only wonder how long it will be until this is taken down by the censors, cancellers, and the “elite” – Google/Youtube is likely also worried about their social license to operate.
2 weeks ago
Please share this widely before it is removed.
Censorship is the last recourse of the tyrant.
2 weeks ago
Trust Science….Who remembers that? It was March 2020.
2 weeks ago
Every high school student should see this …
2 weeks ago
All these guys are old, who will speak like this in 10 years? We are in trouble.
2 weeks ago
Back in the 70s, they said global cooling or nuclear winter. Then later it went to global warming. Now it is climate change, which to me means they have no clue what the weather is doing.
2 weeks ago
Every living person needs to watch this terrific truthful explanation of what is happening in our world and our lives by these dictators and control mongers before it to late🇮🇪
2 weeks ago
Wonderful summary of the science and how the politics have subverted the science.
2 weeks ago
Im so happy this has been made. It sums up almost every argument i have with the alarmists.
Im grossly outnumbered, but i would rather be correct on my own, than wrong with the crowd
2 weeks ago
Brilliant. Well done. Let’s hope even sheeple watch it. Greta you watching? Steven Guilbeault? Needs to go viral. Thank you!
2 weeks ago
Needs to be mandatory viewing in all schools and universities
2 weeks ago
Well worth a watch, its shocking how this will be used to govern every thing in our lives.
2 weeks ago
Tony Heller posted this a few days ago…this needs to get out there, thanks for posting
2 weeks ago
“The science is settled”. No. You QUESTION science
2 weeks ago
Compulsory viewing for all humans.
2 weeks ago
I live 5 or so blocks from NASA’s Jet Propulsion Lab. With NASA reinforcing the gov’t’s “climate crisis”, I find it fascinating there are no solar panels anywhere on their campus.
2 weeks ago
Glad you re-shared this here.
Food Lies
2 weeks ago
Wonderfully done. Magnificent
2 weeks ago
I will save this to favorites and see how long it takes to vanish. Much like a lot of my comments. You Tube is fantastic, the same can NOT be said about the people who run it.
2 weeks ago
Magnificent movie. Should be shown in every school.
2 weeks ago
The climate war is perfect as you can never negotiate a peace. The money tap never gets turned off!
2 weeks ago
Just downloaded this before YT find a reason to ban it.
Great work folks
2 weeks ago
Why on earth was Judith Curry left out of the group. She is a poster child for a scientist who applied new data to her hypothesis and suddenly found herself plummeting like Icarus when the climate cult turned on her.
7 days ago
Hahah YouTube added context…from the United Nations. Thanks for proving the movie’s point.
2 weeks ago
Thank you so much for producing this amazing documentary
2 weeks ago
An excellent summary of how science has been captured by those who believe they’re in control. The same methodology was used in that 2020 event.
2 weeks ago
I’ve been following the work of the scientists in this movie for years now. It’s wonderful to see all of these experts in one documentary. Sadly, most people can’t recognize the difference between science and pseudoscience or political science. The new Communist regime will likely remove this gem of information.
2 weeks ago
Africa needs to do what’s best for Africa and tell the West to deal with it nor not, Africa and the needs of Africans is a priority.
2 weeks ago
EXCELLENT movie -must watch and share.
2 weeks ago (edited)
As a student I worried about CO2 levels but after studying geology I began to see there was no real problem. I now believe some FORTY years later we are being coerced by the WEF and others who seek more control and keep a small number of elites very rich. Just remember 90% of CO2 in rocks came form the atmosphere, it was there before and returning it in such a slow degree as we are makes no difference.
2 weeks ago
Fortunately the majority of climate ‘believers’ also followed ‘the science’ a couple of years ago.
2 weeks ago
Thank you to the video makers, the truth will hurt the crazies, yippee. Well done
2 weeks ago
Once you realize you ARE the Carbon they want to get rid of, everything starts to make a LOT more sense
2 weeks ago
A must-see film!!
2 weeks ago
Isn’t this what Eisenhower warned us about in his farewell address?
2 weeks ago
Fantastic job. You can see by the ages of the experts that most younger “Scientists” have drunk the kool aid of the climate change lie. This movie explains why. Just for a hoot, I looked up climate change and mental health, climate change and religion and climate change and sex. There are lots of academic papers on those subjects from those who have jumped on the climate change bandwagon just as the movie suggests. It would be funny if it weren’t so sad.
2 weeks ago
Show this in University’s and high schools and Politicians!!!Maybe we would stop wasting money
2 weeks ago
Best climate documentary since ‘the great global warming swindle’
2 weeks ago
Best documentation about green end-of-the-world religion i have ever seen. Amazing!
2 weeks ago (edited)
I’m actually an organic no till farmer who does it regeneratively. I sequester a lot of carbon, but I’m grateful we have slightly higher levels of plant food in the air, aka CO2. We need to free up a lot more of the deeply sequestered CO-2 and get it back in to the climate cycle, re-sequestration of this important element to depths where it will be vital to life.
When the poles were tropical, and co-2 was much higher, the sea levels were what they are now, and Egypt was a lush paradise. We have had several geological black swan events that blocked the sun and ice caps formed, lowering sea levels so much, people were walking to other continents on land bridges that popped up. Sea levels again rose because the climate stalled. There wasn’t enough energy to create precipitation in many areas and those locations became deserts, and remain so until this day.
I’m a “green” farmer for two reasons. It is better for human health, and the land. They are the same thing. The 2nd reason is it just makes more sense to create your own fertility instead of buying it.
2 weeks ago
I’m old enough to remember what life was like before the climate alarms. It didn’t look like a dump liike it does everywhere today.
2 weeks ago
Thank you for this wonderful film, All the world should see it, especially the West.
2 weeks ago
BRILLIANT overview of where we are, today. And notice that the people who are speaking out are mostly well-established, award-winning scientists who don’t give a toss for government funding or sponsorship (older people, please note). They care for truth, and science,, and the welfare of humanity. They’re not grubbing-after government funding. The younger ones are especially brave, since they might sustain personal damage.
2 weeks ago
Excellent film. Much of this I already knew. Send it to George Monbiot!
2 weeks ago
Finally! Please God I’ve waited 20 years for this information to be common knowledge. Share this video far and wide – while we still can!
2 weeks ago
Everyone should watch this documentary.
Share it WIDELY.
2 weeks ago
Great documentary. It summarizes a lot of the issues with the whole climate movement quite well. It shows fact after fact and logical reasoning. There’s no conspiracy or crazy talk, just logical conclusions. Definitely recommending this to everyone I know.
2 weeks ago
It is easier to fool people than it is to convince them that they have been fooled .
2 weeks ago
I highly respect these scientists who decided to stand up for the truth. I have been following them for a while and have listened many times their lectures and have a few of their books.
2 weeks ago
FINALLY! I’ve been following these scientists for more than a decade now, and watched and listened to their presentations and their sound skepticism, but never before seen them together in a film as comprehensive as this. About time this coherent argument is spread worldwide! The climate catastrophists has to be debated and debunked.
2 weeks ago
Amazed this has been allowed to even be shown on YouTube…
7 days ago
“The Movie” is terrific but I fear that it is pretty much like to preaching to the choir. The problem is getting it out to those who really need to see and hear it.
11 days ago
In the US, contact your congressmen about YouTube’s censorship of this movie. The executives need to be hauled before a congressional committee and publicly justify their censorship. Write your congressman or senator now!
2 weeks ago
Thank you to all who made this
2 weeks ago
Canada’s economy is crumbling from the inside and our Prime Minister whenever questioned simply reply’s, “we need to protect the environment”. It’s his “get out of jail” card.
2 weeks ago
These context warnings have the opposite effect on me. When I see a banner underneath the video, it just makes me trust the video author more.
2 weeks ago
Excellent presentation. This video should be part of a high school/college curriculum.
2 weeks ago
Hands down, the best documentary ever.
2 weeks ago
I cant help but get the impression that the parameters in these computer models have been intentionally calculated to yield the desired outcome, politely expressed.
2 weeks ago
Great documentary, keep up the good word and pass it on.
2 weeks ago
Excellent documentary.
5 days ago
“United Nations
Climate change refers to long-term shifts in temperatures and weather patterns. Human activities have been the main driver of climate change, primarily due to the burning of fossil fuels like coal, oil and gas.” I suspect the people who posted this warning didn’t watch this movie.
2 weeks ago
2 weeks ago
I too was confused, not anymore ! I was a green party member and had standing orders going to Greenpeace and Friends of the Earth, I swallowed the whole Carbon is the problem rhetoric.
My Brother Neal got there before me, and I had some interesting chats with friends Simion and Josie, Danny too ( who like me was heavily embedded with the Green movement.
Watching the demographic I identified with so quickly turn authoritarian during COVID unsettled me, but it all came together after watching the great global warming swindle, the hockey stick, which I’m sure you’ve heard of is a falasy, they omitted key pieces of data, like the medieval warm period, which was 2° higher than today, and the little ice age, I knew about these from studying history, but hadn’t made the connection.
So why C02, why a climate crisis ? They need a unifying cause, something altruistic to motivate people into what they are planning next. Last century appeals to nationalism brought us fascism and natzism, appeals to class identity brought us communism ! But this time to usher in another authoritarian system they have created the myth of a climate crisis, this is what we are being asked to sacrifice our freedom for, a concept that doesn’t stand up to rigorous investigation, but has had a huge propaganda investment to drill it so deep into our subconscious, that we unquestioningly believe it.
There has always been climate variability, we as a species’ have always adapted. We are unusual in that we live in all the environments on earth, from the sub zero temperatures of Siberia to the scorching hot desserts !
Our recent history has been a time of abundance, but as Macron said in 2022, the time of abundance is over. In terms of resources and energy, we’ve picked all the low hanging fruit, and to some extent squandered it on mindless tat that spends a few weeks in our hands then heads off to landfill, it was profit driven, because of the economic system . Well ! Those who made the greatest profits have decided that what’s left will no longer be shared, they want to retain their privilege, they are the stakeholders Klaus talks about. And as for the rest of us, we are supposed to go without, and to persuade us to do so ? They invented the climate crisis, so we can think we are accepting less for an existential reason ! We’re being conned !
2 weeks ago
Thanks to all the people involved in this film!!! I salute before your braveness and pursuance! This has to be spread out in the world.
2 weeks ago
Brilliant, needs sharing far and wide
2 weeks ago
I am freezin my ass of here in the UK and it’s the end of March.
Chem Trail are Real! And it’s pissing me off. !!!!!
2 weeks ago
very good documentary. you got them all together.
7 days ago
Excellent movie !
Everybody should watch this…
6 days ago
Great Movie Thank you!
2 weeks ago
Lived right at the beach for 30+ years, no sea level rise whatsoever.
2 weeks ago
Michael Crichton’s ” State of Fear ” book explains all !
7 days ago
If you searching for the title its hard to find.. Then you know enough..
13 days ago
Thank you Martin Durkin!
2 weeks ago
The people who tell us that we must change our whole lives because the temperature will be two degrees higher in 100 years can’t reliably tell us within two degrees what the temperature will be in 100 days.
2 weeks ago
Excellent production values and top notch content. Well worth the watch.
2 weeks ago
I love how YouTube has the context “Climate Change” UN explanation under the video window.
Yes the climate does change and yes CO2 and other activities have an influence but the world will not end.
2 weeks ago
What a brilliant film very revealing very informative
2 weeks ago
Good film produced by Tom Nelson who interviewed many scientists, a few who speak here. People should see this, but actually should not need to if they took basic science and physics classes. Obvious CO2 doesn’t affect temperature or climate.
2 weeks ago
Climate gonna change. Always has. Always will.
2 weeks ago
I can’t thumbs up this enough, i fear though that all of this evidence will fall on deaf ears
7 days ago
Great video, kudos for bringing this information out.
2 weeks ago
Orchestrated by the WEF
2 weeks ago
Contamination is the real danger but cleaning up areas does not make trillions…
12 days ago
Brilliant- should be shown in all schools! Always knew it was a scam!
2 weeks ago
Brilliant documentary, thank you. May God guide and protect us all
2 weeks ago
many weather stations are located near airports and buildings!
2 weeks ago
Thank you. This is the best documentary I have seen on the topic. It really gets one thinking. I can’t help but put my crminologist hat on and wonder about how societies establish social norms and deal with (criminalise) disenting views and behaviours. It makes me realise how flakey humanity is to subject ourselves collectively such self harm.
2 weeks ago
Thank you for this beautifully made film. We need more of this type of well made documentaries about important and true issues like this one… and against all the mainstream hypocrisy and the cynicism. Thank you!
2 weeks ago
Excellent production Martin. The presentation, graphics and tone are spot on.
2 weeks ago (edited)
Just finished watching- thanks for posting here! Always good to see an alternate to the “consensus”; reminds me of the bs promulgated in nutrition “science” the past many decades. As ever, “Follow the Money”…
2 weeks ago
Good luck finding this in a search
2 weeks ago
Great movie. It’s a must watch for everyone
5 days ago
Good job Martin it is time for this film. We are all being gaslighted and brainwashed into and sleepwalking into an economic disaster. Net zero has to go and fields remaining to grow food not windmills or solar panels. Just look what happened in Sri Lanka their people were close to starvation following climate change zealots rules.
2 weeks ago
Outstanding TRUTH .
2 weeks ago
I did a search to find out who funded the making of this film. No luck. If anybody can post a link to that information here, I would greatly appreciate it. Thank you!
2 weeks ago
shame that this isn’t getting enough views
2 weeks ago
Thank you for posting this Brian
9 days ago
Amazing film. Massive congratulations to those involved.
12 days ago
We need more cow’s for the planet!
2 weeks ago
2 weeks ago
This was amazing…. A must watch
2 weeks ago
Well done. Wisdom is rare.
2 weeks ago
Fantastic doco. What is poignant is that the most senior scientists, now retired, have no fear about speaking up. And no reason to do so other than get to the truth. And the struggle of those still actively working against the mainstream narrative. What the doco didn’t touch on is the role of the media and how it is influenced by Green money and resources. Which is a story in itself. Part 2 maybe?
2 weeks ago (edited)
The sole reason for blaming human activities is you can tax them. You can’t tax the sun or the galaxy.
2 weeks ago
This has now created a larger problem which is that if the CO2 B S is dropped that will put millions out of work
11 days ago
The film they don’t want us to watch!
2 weeks ago
Great watch ..
2 weeks ago
Great movie. I doubt it will change the minds of the religious. The “Context” note from Youtube is hilariously ironic. A statement of fact no doubt.
13 days ago
Fantastic film. The jist of the film is that climate alarmists ultimately view Orwell’s 1984 as a how to manual, rather than a stark warning.
2 weeks ago
This is a remarkable and hugely important documentary, thanks for putting it out here !
2 weeks ago
You’ve just gained a sub from me for that superb documentary.
2 weeks ago
So it’s Naomi Klien’s “Shock Doctine”.
3 days ago
Watched it, liked it, 100% agree with it. Bravo! Hopefully it’s a beginning of a movement back to common sense and real science.
11 days ago
So good that this has been done! Bravo!
2 weeks ago
I have a client who works for the met office in UK and Norway.
We were chatting about the weather and unbeknown to me I didn’t know his job. He stated that the data he collects is manipulated by his managers to promote climate change.
They do this by accounting for errors and using the error correction, done by computer modelling so the true data is pointless as it’s been manipulated.
He was the person who told me to look at heat maps of Europe over the last 25years, and watch weather programs during that time. I did.
It opened my eyes to the lies told daily to the general population.
I was open-minded before I started looking into it.
2 weeks ago
Very well put together. More people need to see it. Be sure to share on as many uncensored platforms as possible.
2 weeks ago
As soon as that girl starts talking just turn your ears off
2 weeks ago
9 days ago
Brilliant production! Thanks for the share. Mahalo aloha.
2 weeks ago
Fantastic documentary.
2 weeks ago
Does anyone know who paid for this movie to be made?
2 weeks ago
Netflix this. Now.
2 weeks ago (edited)
I am trying to download this video. It is not doing it. Can you try downloading it and let me know if you can, thanks.
2 weeks ago
I used to argue with people about the climate issue. Now I can just tell them to watch this movie.
Food Lies
2 weeks ago
great movie, encourages free thinking. So thank you so much.
2 weeks ago
I get my climate change updates from Climate Discussion Nexus, Tony Heller, Patrick Moore, Dr Willie Soon, John Christy, Lord Monckton, Freeman Dyson, and Dr Richard Lindzen. Oh, and earthquake forcasting from Dutchsinse.
2 weeks ago
This is a little beauty! Thanks for putting it together
2 weeks ago
This is the best thing I’ve seen, forever.i love hearing real people speek.power to the people.
2 weeks ago (edited)
It is quite incredible how each of these #hashtag movements we’ve seen throughout the last decade have the same sinister and eerie totalitarian ways about them, and they capture people’s minds incredibly well. Personal critical thought, especially in face of all the AI flowing in, is more important than ever.
2 weeks ago
Beautifully done! How did this release before Food Lies? I’m not complaining but super excited to see what’s next.
Food Lies
2 weeks ago
That was great! Thank you for summing it all up!
5 days ago
Thank You for this great film.
2 weeks ago
Needs to be downloaded and shared globally… wake the sheep up
2 weeks ago
Excellent! Very well constructed and argued presentation.
2 weeks ago
People need to thank YouTube for not pulling this because they could if they wanted to. Maybe there’s a sea change happening.
2 weeks ago
Data sources and links would be great
2 weeks ago
I wonder how long it will be before I get banned. I sent them feedback on their context warning lol. This is a great movie and needs to be shared a lot.
7 days ago
Hope youtube will keep it online! Amazing film thank you so much!
13 days ago (edited)
Good movie, good science, fine critical thinking, excellent scientists. Independence always provides facts and sound data
2 weeks ago
Watch and share
2 weeks ago (edited)
We’re in concrete construction – we do super flat floors for large distribution centers. Because of this nonsense we are being forced to change our mix designs for the floors in order to ‘lower carbon emissions’, problem is, the new mix designs are failing due to the change in materials needed in order to make concrete. We are currently involved in trying to change these mandates, we have a tough road ahead. Floors are failing, it’s becoming a big problem.
2 weeks ago
La vérité, le réel, fait son chemin doucement, mais sûrement! Merci! Québec
2 weeks ago
It just occurred to me, I don’t even own an umbrella !
2 weeks ago
You could remove the word climate & insert nutrition & the commentary would sound the same – poor science based on funding, bullying of scientist that actually want to do science
7 days ago
It’s refreshing to see that logic and rationale still exists in the brainwashed western world. Thankyou. I will support you in any which way that i can. Keep it up.
2 weeks ago
Amazing. It reminds me of the war on fat that started in the 50’s. Government funding, ideology and financial biased lobbying was what drove the movement and never the science.
2 weeks ago
An important contribution to the debate on climate change that upends the official narrative.
2 weeks ago
Great presentation based on factual, verifiable data, presented in an easy way to ‘digest’. Glenn
2 weeks ago
I’ve been looking closely at this issue for over 20 yrs now as a trained mechanical and aerospace engineer, where fluids (the atmosphere is a fluid) are one of this field’s expertise. I’ve also been around long enough to see all of the scare tactics used in our society to drive agendas. This is certainly one of those, and you know that because it’s been highly politicized. And when that happens, the science takes a back seat.
8 days ago
Thanks…FINALLY some reality!!
2 weeks ago
Great documentary and excellent closing words. The whole world needs to see this.
2 weeks ago
This will be deleted soon and probably the director sent to jail. Watch and learn while you can.
2 weeks ago
I would love to see Potholer’s take on this one.
Thanks for the upload
2 weeks ago
Cows and Carbon good for you and good for the environment.
2 weeks ago
They’ll want to cancel this!
2 weeks ago
When I first started to research the validity of global warming back in the 90’s, the comment I read that has stuck with me is: “beware those who tell you the world is coming to an end.”
7 days ago
Man, this is eye opening information. I knew it, but I just couldn’t express it because I didn’t have any of these statistics. For me, this was mind boggling.
2 weeks ago
Very well put . I used to warn about the dangers of industrialization (?) thirty years ago !but I have had to eat my words largely through listening to the arguments of Patric Moor . I did find the soundtrack a touch condescending to those who may not agree with the thrust of the film but apart from that it certainly makes a good point !
7 days ago (edited)
I had to type the director’s name and the exact title for the YT algo to find this movie. It’s uncanny how bad the YT algo is with anti woke content.
Food Lies
2 weeks ago
The most humorous part of this youtube presentation is the juxtaposition of the info from the movie and the byline just below marking this as “Climate Change” content, which makes claims that are exactly the opposite of those from the movie.
2 weeks ago
7 days ago
THANK GOD they made this movie!!!
2 weeks ago
Can you imagine concluding that the Sun is not even a variable in global temperature flunctuation? It doesnt require a Phd, a 5 year old could comprehend that.
2 weeks ago
Fantastic film. All politicians and puppeticians should watch it ASAP. Pass it on
2 weeks ago
Good of Youtube to add “context” from our trusted friends at the United Nations contradicting everything said in this documentary . I guess we should believe the governments version . Because …well …when has the government ‘not’ had our best interest ?
2 weeks ago
Me: I want the truth, honesty, to be able to freely ask questions.
Them: How Dare You!
2 weeks ago
2 weeks ago
This is a very important documentary that deserves to be widely shared and interrogated.
The documentary should have been more hard hitting in its conclusion: climate change alarmists have diverted funds and focus from alternative and more impactful interventions. This is criminal and has led to deaths that could have been avoided. Research and interventions that could have reduced malnutrition, narrowed the digital divide and improved education outcomes in the developing world have been displaced by climate change research and interventions that are comparatively ineffective with inferior returns as measured by cost benefit analyses. The information produced by the Copenhagen Consensus could be used to quantify the blood that is on the hands of climate activists.
2 weeks ago
Bravo for creating this , the Truth!! Thank you all
2 weeks ago
Degrowth promotes scarcity. This film makes the point that the climate alarmists so often do not lead by example, do not forswear the products of fossil fuels, namely food production fertiliser, steel, cement and plastics
2 weeks ago
13 days ago
It’s clear they’re shadowbanning this movie. Hard to find it with a search now.
12 days ago
a refreshingly clear description of science.
4 days ago
Thank you
2 weeks ago
Ok, the number of fires might be going down but what about the sizes? I’m a 90’s baby and 2011 is the first year I remember all of western Canada being completely covered in smoke. It’s been happening in more summers year after year and I’m getting sick of it. I want my summers back.
2 weeks ago
Share far and wide ….
2 weeks ago
one of the worst things is disposable plastic, we should move to long use plastic utensils
8 days ago
Thanks for posting.
2 weeks ago
Not a single mention of WEF and their agendas. Otherwise great Doc.
2 weeks ago
Who caused climate change before humans existed?
9 days ago
Eye opening
5 days ago
Thanks a lot, eye opening! Everybody needs to know that…
2 weeks ago
2 weeks ago
Freaking great presentation. I’ll share the sh!T out of this.
2 weeks ago
Spot on…my thoughts exactly. Let’s adapt not regulate.
6 days ago
How long will it be until this movie is censored or removed? I wonder. This just gives me the clarification I was looking for
Food Lies
12 days ago
I couldn’t access this by searching YouTube. It came up via a Google search
Food Lies
2 weeks ago
CO2 is great for the environment it has made the planet 4% greener then 20 years ago. We need climate change. I want a greener planet with more animal life. More plants = more animal life. Plus, if the ice caps melt, we will have two new continents, both bigger than the USA, to colonize.
2 weeks ago
I have been in doubt for some time. Now I am convinced.
2 weeks ago
Have you noticed they do not talk of global warming any more. They say climate change to hedge their bets.
2 weeks ago
2 weeks ago
The scams just keep coming….never bought into any of all this BS
2 weeks ago
The Earth is NOT 550,000,000 years old.
5 days ago
I love the “Context” blue box provided by YouTube – proof of the group think.
2 weeks ago
Liked and shared.
2 weeks ago
What mental cases those people are at the beginning, especially Saint Greta.
2 weeks ago
One thing that’s misleading about this movie “Climate: The Movie” is many of the temperature charts end at the year 2000. Why would a movie made in 2023-24 show data that ends in 2000? There’s been a significant rise in global temperature since 2000. Why leave this data out?
12 days ago
A masterpiece.
2 weeks ago
Great movie
2 weeks ago
Those in the alarmist camp are in for a rude awakening. The change in GHG levels has a small effect on temperature.
2 weeks ago
Vote Trump. ️ Save the planet
2 weeks ago (edited)
such a curious time when we have people on both sides absolutely adamant they are right – each side should be forced to be transparent about any conflicts of interest.
12 days ago
A search on ‘Climate: The Movie’ doesn’t bring the video up.
2 weeks ago
I don’t find these documentaries only portraying one side particularly useful. They claim to fight propaganda while being propaganda themselves. Is it really so hard to try and show both sides and let the audience decide for themselves?
7 days ago
This documentary is a steaming pile of bullshit and I challenge any of you who thinks otherwise to debate me about its content.
7 days ago
Might this be put on Rumble for better free speech access?
2 weeks ago
Just brilliant
2 weeks ago
The biggest piece of nonsense here (among many) is in reference to the past relationship between CO2 and temperature. The speakers assert that the historical lagged relationship between CO2 and temperature proves that CO2 can’t warm the atmosphere. The problem is, of course, that temperature historically varies due to many different causes. Historically, higher temperatures lead to CO2 outgassing from the ocean and rocks. This means that when it warms due to any cause, CO2 will then gradually increase, leading to an out of phase relationship. But increasing CO2 reinforces the higher temperature. But then CO2 sources run out, and the biosphere take it up. Then, lack of CO2 helps impact temperature decline (but again, out of phase with temperature because the other factors that drove warming and cooling exist independent of CO2). But today is different because CO2 is going up due to factors not caused by temperature (because we burn fuels).
2 weeks ago
8:03 Well this incorrect already? “Warmer water means more life”
Scientific credibility already in question eight minutes in.
“The amount of dissolved oxygen in water decreases with rise in the water’s temperature. Cold water has more dissolved oxygen per unit area than warm water. This the reason why aquatic animals are more comfortable in cold water than warm water.”
Maybe just a script error?
2 weeks ago
Brilliant! Shared again.
2 weeks ago
What I have been hoping for: old scientists coming clean, making right by us… old retired… money isn‘t the driver anymore. TRUTH is.
2 weeks ago
Martin Durkin is known for questionable interpretation of data. One of his best movies is “tempest in a D cup“ which claims that silicone breast implants are actually good for women. (no, I am not making this up )
He also wrote the script for a pro Brexit movie a few years back. We all know how that worked out :-).
You would be well advised to check the data sources for anything stated as fact in this movie. Since it’s only a few days old, I’m sure there will be lawsuits/complaints from scientists who’s statements were taken out of context and misrepresented.
2 weeks ago
Sure it was hotter millions of years ago, and sure we might be in an ice age now, and sure the temperature can get much higher and life will go on. The issue is people, that when it gets higher the ice caps melt which raises the sea level and changes the underwater currents which means everything we’ve built on the coasts will now be under water. Ya see any problem with that?
What about deforestation, is that a problem, if there’s much less CO2 being collected by plants so less oxygen being released, you know, that breathy stuff we need to live on. What about all the pollution being produced, all the insecticides, herbicides, pesticides and micro plastics in our water? We all good with that? Nothing to worry about there either?
2 weeks ago
I’m sure the director Durkin has had this translated in the world languages
2 weeks ago
Thanks! Incredible film
6 days ago
Very bad film
2 weeks ago
Goebbels would love this film. It reminds me of those tobacco executives in the 50s trying to convince us that lung cancer had nothing to do with smoking. The idea that the overwhelming body of scientists are lying to us for “funding” is childish and insulting.
13 days ago
thank you for this movie
2 weeks ago
But the real danger is another, the poisons that are spilled from factories and industrial waste in the name of the profit .. I’ve seen things as industrial engineer over the years. And when I was rising concern about that, ‘they’ answer me – Why do you care? Still, more modest living is of a need, but not in the name of the temperature increase.
2 weeks ago
This movie is a lie
10 days ago
Good documentary. Keep the pressure on.
2 weeks ago
Please spread the word and be active in protests and voting for a capitalistic approach to progress .Copy and paste in every media outlet
2 weeks ago
My favourite climate change movie is “The day after tomorrow” where global warming causes a new ice age 😉
2 weeks ago
Great Job!!!!!!
13 days ago
Took four tries to find this. Could not look up directly on censorship tube
2 weeks ago
When i typed in “climate the movie” in the search bar 2 days ago it showed about 10 channels posting it. Just now it only showed 1 channel. This one. When you supress science it’s just ideology. Not science.
13 days ago
Just wondering: What are the sources on this documentary? I’d be thrilled to read more of this, please just comment some of them, thank you! 😀
2 weeks ago
Common sense to anyone with eyes and ears and not going to change the minds of those without.
2 weeks ago
This is an amazing, eye opening, documentary! My question is, why are we being told something else by the UN?
2 weeks ago
Brilliant documentary. It should be required viewing in every imaginable forum, by all people, everywhere.
5 days ago
The one thing they did not mention – Chemtrails, I thought the 2 cloud guys might have some information about this.
2 weeks ago
There’s compelling science, data and narratives on both sides of this topic. The science seems anything but settled, being that there’s no consensus. So we must look toward the motivations and outcomes of each ideology, and I love that the film brought this up. One ideology is about existential death and solutions include more control, limitations of freedom, and more government. The other ideology seems to espouse “We’re going to be ok” and “We stand in opposition of our freedom being taken away.”
I know which side I lean towards, what about you?
2 weeks ago
Good information, I have read many books from scientist about the so called warming . And this movie covers and confirms everything I read. . One very good Book is this one> It’s the Sun Not Us by Dr . L.D. Boer…….easy to read and understand. Another is Solving the Climate Puzzle by Javier Vino’s, is more in-depth. and is forwarded By William Happer, the same person in this movie . A very Big Thanks to Tom Nelson, and all his podcasts
2 weeks ago
Great production that totally shreds ‘man-made global warming’, and
rightly so! However, there is a potential climate crisis of cooling, at
least for the northern hemisphere – look to the Beaufort Gyre and the AMOC.
Also, maybe not so impending, yet is
2 weeks ago
How can we get this wonderful video in front of our blind politicians, and would they even care? It spells out a deep-seated fear I have about where this catastrophic madness is heading, from having rediculously useless EVs rammed down out throats to sky high energy bills caused by total inaction over using our own abuntant energy resources. And as for those mad lunatics dressed in red, just why have most of the asylums in the UK been closed, leaving people like that free to cause a nuisance.
2 weeks ago
Excellent and very well-resourced and just such a shame that so many have become enamoured by the current hysteria.
2 weeks ago
How long will this be up for?
7 days ago
Thank you for putting this up. YouTube, of ALL companies, should know all about censorship by now and that it IS morally wrong to remove any voice that speaks on ANY matter, no matter on who gets offended. M/F’ers!
2 weeks ago
A very good educational documentary. When we talk about the subject of Climate, there must first be a consensus, just to be clear, that those who have managed to make this subject so huge in recent decades do not do it for the so-called climate / environment / nature, but for the sake of completely different reasons, such as power, money and control. Once that is clear to everyone, we can discuss further. After all, there is actually a conspiracy. Just look at all those 12, 13 so-called “Pandemic Preparedness simulations” with all their perfidious names. Just look at who was present at, for example, Event 201. That was a true conspiracy against humanity
2 weeks ago
11 days ago
Das ist hochinteressant!
2 weeks ago
This actually is making a lot of sense thankyou. Although perhaps its just my latest covid booster shot is wearing off.
6 days ago
Interesting video! The ending showed the multi-week truck occupation of downtown Ottawa, which was primarily about COVID restrictions on truckers. It only a little to do with climate issues, Canada’s carbon tax.
The suppression of new ideas is similar to people bringing up COVID vaccine issues, and the saturated fat fiasco that basically put everyone on sugar and toxic vegetable oils.
9 days ago
Very good watch, needs a lot more to change current fanaticism
11 days ago
Thank you!!
2 weeks ago
Yes it’s spot on saw it last night great show
2 weeks ago
1:10:48 why does Canada export grade A coal , hugely to china? While shutting our own coal plants down? Etc.
3 days ago
the greatest problem is that ‘it is easier to fool people than it is to convince them that they have been fooled’ (Mark Twain).
2 weeks ago
Saved to my Environment list
2 weeks ago
Always has.
Always will.
2 weeks ago
Thank you. Finally somebody who “dears” show facts.
2 weeks ago
The YouTube “Context” messaging puts this video into counter CONTEXT perfectly.
2 weeks ago
My takeaway?
Whenever a minority view is holding out in the face of overwhelming consensus, we should be prepared to pay attention to the minority and
1. disprove what can be disproved; and
2. admit what we assuming (with minimal or no decisive evidence) to reveal the space where there is an absence of confidence.
In climate science it seems like this space of huge.
4 days ago
Can’t find the link to this video. Can anyone assist?
10 days ago
Dr.William Soon did a great interview with Tucker Carlson and well worth a watch..Not sure if YouTube took it down..
2 weeks ago (edited)
Any message of morality, promoted by presumtive certainty, and performative virtue, can not be the truth. When refutation is not allowed, and contrary opinions and evidence are agressively silenced, it can not be the truth. Censoring, ostracizing, and political promotion of scientific consensus, are not the tools used to convey the truth.
The truth does not require false virtue, or moral sophestry, and it always allows refutation, and questioning to aid understanding, and clarity.
2 weeks ago
2 weeks ago
You can’t forget the feels-like temperature. In Canada the weather is reported as 25 degrees Celsius, but feels-like 35 and they leave the feels-like temperature on the board. It never feels colder to the feels-like person, only hotter. It started as a feels-like temperature of 2 degrees more then the listed; however every year they keep adding 2 degrees to the feels-like. I wonder how it would work if a carpenter’s measuring tape say’s 10.257 meters, but the carpenter says, yes but it looks like 11 meters. What-ever; in today’s world the (powers that should not be) are deciding more and more what things look-like, feels-like, sound-like and whether its a male or female, and you need to believe what your told to believe.
2 weeks ago
Amazing to hear some comon sense !
10 days ago
Download this movie and preserve it! It’s worth it.
2 weeks ago
As our politicians fly all over the world in their unicorns
2 weeks ago
Excellent doc and well done creating this. Hopefully the world wakes up to what’s really going on. It’s amazing how brainwashed the world is. All they have to do is look at a few graphs to become educated.
7 days ago
Thank You for this You have to talk about what is happening in Brazil, too. Brazilian people in Amazonia have the same problem as people in Africa.
2 weeks ago
Fantastic documentary
9 days ago
7:04 those layers of sediments were laid down during The Flood 4,370 years ago.
All the plateaus around the world were the sea bed at the height of The Flood.
2 days ago
48:38 min: „…Chief Sustainability Officers, Carbon Offset Advisors…”
2 weeks ago
Fantastic! Thank you
2 weeks ago
It is March 24.
Where I live it has been snowing the past three days and the temperature has fluctuated from -2celsius (28.4 Fahrenheit) to -20 C (-4 F).
My husband is working in the southern part of Nunavut, the other day they had 80km winds (49.71 miles) and it was -32 C (-25.6 F)
11 days ago
Glenn always walks the line of hysteria… such a carnival barker.
2 weeks ago
Hope this is on X cause YouTube will probably try to censor it or at least shadow ban it
2 weeks ago
For the algo. This needs to be seen.
2 weeks ago
If this were to be put up in the House of Commons as a matter of urgency and scientific provenance, it would get the same response as Andrew Bridgen and his frantic efforts over covid and the jab.
2 weeks ago
2 weeks ago
PS The point is it is not just climate; it is environment, biodiversity and rapacious consumption of resources. O&G should be used for industrial processes not driving around to the shops.
11 days ago
Thank you for movie. I cant stand the official WEF and ICPP Propaganda, that you see every day on the mainstream media, any longer.
2 weeks ago
Well said Claire Fox.
2 weeks ago
In the information age, most Professors are fighting to keep themselves relevant.
9 days ago
This is on rumble to if its taken down
8 days ago
Caution: RFK Jr wants anyone who watches this movie to be jailed.
2 weeks ago
Im not sure what controls clouds but they are all magnetically attracted here 🇬🇧
2 weeks ago
Clinging to the comforting narrative!
2 weeks ago
Tell everyone to watch this.
11 days ago
29:42 it’s almost as if we shouldn’t base our public policy on modelling but rather on actual data
2 weeks ago
Comment for the alogrithm so it gets shown more.
2 weeks ago
““The common enemy of humanity is man. In searching for a new enemy to unite us, we came up with the idea that pollution, the threat of global warming, water shortages, famine and the like would fit the bill. All these dangers are caused by human intervention, and it is only through changed attitudes and behaviour that they can be overcome. The real enemy then, is humanity itself.“– Club of Rome
2 weeks ago
very good
a mention of the club of rome would have been a nice addition to help show where this agenda got started
12 days ago
Its not down, it just cant ve found. You have to have the link i think.
2 weeks ago
2 weeks ago
Brian when is food lies going to be released. I feel like it’s taking so long that I’ll probably be eating cruciferous vegetables and grains by the time it’s out
2 weeks ago
Good it’s actually here, for now
4 days ago
Why are all the experts here so “old”? Because they can speak freely without worrying about losing their jobs and grants.
2 weeks ago
The context warning as per commenter VlancingGenie and also that this film will probably
not be shown in classrooms.
8 days ago
Why the fuck is YouTube removing the perfectly legal and acceptable views of respected science professionals ? Reasoned debate is being stifled. Unacceptable.
2 weeks ago
Finally the truth being told
2 weeks ago
2 weeks ago
everybody needs to see this !
2 weeks ago
The hottest Day of the year recorded in my town was in 1930
2 weeks ago
Im endlessly confused why people in those countries dont cook outside or in a nearby ventilated space with chimneys. Seems simple enough to remedy it without much cost
2 weeks ago
George Carlin says: I told you so ages ago
2 weeks ago (edited)
Hope you guys have this downloaded this is very interesting I must say
1 day ago
After all the complaining about censorship – love how you are censoring any critique of the film
8 days ago
2 weeks ago
I watched it at Tony Heller ‘s channel first, now here! WTH is going on, it should have been closed down by now??
9 days ago
Very informative.
2 weeks ago
It’s easy to forget the geopolitical advantage the West gains if it were to successfully prevent geopolical rivials (e.g. China, Russia, Venezuela, etc.) from fully utilizing their natural resources in the same way that the West was able to do for centuries. Accordingly, climate change policy can be promoted at the highest levels of government, by even the most geopolitically realist. The irony however, is that it is now more implimented in the West than anywhere else and those same geopolitical rivals are now heavily promoting (typically covertly) climate change alarmism in the West, sowing much inefficiency and division along the way.
13 days ago
I like this movie but how long will it stay on youtube before being definitely banned ?
2 weeks ago
Cosmic rays create clouds and more of those are incoming with a weakened electromagnetic shield.