Logging Into Your Wireless Body Area Network (WBAN) For Military & Medical Missions: The Biodigital Convergence (More Sabrina Wallace videos, comments, etc.)

Epigraph Quotes:

1) “If somebody’s got more money than you do, they can electronically torture anyone they want to, for any reason. “We’re going to have lawfare!”  No, you’re not.  Those are “value-chain partners.””

What is Cov-BAN (Covid Body Area Network)? That’s you looking in my veins and arteries without my permission of whether or not I’m diseased enough for electronic submission. And somebody, young or old, is sitting at a data base somewhere real happy to punch them numbers in. They have weapons that none of them even understand in your blood and tissue. I’m done with the Covid table-topped larp session of controlling humans on a button press with United States Air Force sim technology.

Sabrina Wallace, video #3 below

2) This is from a college textbook in neural computing and applications entitled “CMPD-based intelligent transmission for wireless body area network in remote health monitoring:”

“Remote health monitoring: Remote health monitoring is one kind of e-health service that transfers data for medical analysis or diagnosis.” Physiological data is not a belief system. Whether or not you have a religion, whether or not you know how to dance, whether or not you know how to throw a football, they are still going to transfer the data out of your body electrically, send it to the hospital, and bring it on back, y’all. The reason that people don’t know better is because of consciousness peddlers; people who have been making money for years and years with the system of UFOs, psychics, cryptid, “NOBODY KNOWS!”.. Meanwhile, it’s a job.

Sabrina Wallace, Video #1 below

3) Someone can drug you by walking past you and electrocuting you with their phone.  With “Human Body Communication,” they can just walk up on you with a nano-peer-to-peer and because you don’t believe in your own physiology (biofield), you think the aura is something somebody made up or you need a religion for it, they just electrocute the fuck out of you .  Isn’t that nice?    This is really disgusting.  Every doctor and nurse out there, for all this time, they know all about this.

Sabrina Wallace, Video #4 below

1) What is a Network Engineer and how do they view a WBAN w/ OMNET? November 27, 2023

cranky warning – woke up getting hit in the left ear with tones i had to physically run from – silliness that wasn’t necessarily personal more like personnel for something local that my house sits in the way of. I suspect that bc it did not reroute to my heart tissue it just went on its’ huge swath wave way.


What is a Network Engineer and how do they view a WBAN w/ OMNET?
November 27, 2023

Sabrina Wallace: People are getting degrees in the wireless body area network (WBAN) tech. This is from a college textbook in neural computing and applications (“CMPD-based intelligent transmission for wireless body area network in remote health monitoring”):

“Remote health monitoring: Remote health monitoring is one kind of e-health service that transfers data for medical analysis or diagnosis.” Physiological data is not a belief system. Whether or not you have a religion, whether or not you know how to dance, whether or not you know how to throw a football, they are still going to transfer the data out of your body electrically, send it to the hospital, and bring it on back, y’all. The reason that people don’t know better is because of consciousness peddlers; people who have been making money for years and years with the system of UFOs, psychics, cryptid, “NOBODY KNOWS!”.. Meanwhile, it’s a job.

One more time (from the book): “WBAN is a promising technology to achieve physiological information acquiring and delivering and thus has been adopted in remote health monitoring applications.” I have numerous nurses on the channel who have been doing remote health care jobs and a lot of this is for mental health. They can’t be bothered to tell you that they can log into your body and that this is a set of jobs and this is from 2019.. But they can put you in a building and tell you how mentally unwell you are while they are destabilizing your electrical homeostasis.

I’m going to google “WBAN Omnet” on youtube: Why am I looking at bodies? Wireless Sensor Networks Project sending signals with software. You are watching the signals bouncing around to other people and relays, not just human. Omnet is a computer network modelling software. It can be used for satellites. It is also used for the WBAN.

When we don’t tell people the truth about software and technology, and we just go ahead and go to work, this is what we end up with. We try to tell people that the biosensors are internal… they don’t listen. They scream and yell that they have consciousness and they believe in a religion, so it’s not real. Then we have the atheists and the agnostics and they have no idea you are taking a piece of human anatomy away from people. You are disturbing and disrupting their red blood cells, their vasculature, their ion channels, their neurons. And we record synapses at 5100 bits every synamptic response to do this kind of stuff since the 50s with satellites, keyhole, with wireless body area networks. We told people it was remote viewing, we told them aliens. We told them BS and kept going to work. Psychology is a pseudo science because they left out what you are looking at… the body electric and the ability to pulse with the doppler endless signals of whatever they want electrically…. WBAN, Omnet, Qualnet and all these little nerds going to work for precision AI health care, etc..”

Webmaster comment: This comment has great bearing on decoding what is happening in Operation Crestone/Baca.


ty Sis for all you put up with to help educate
so many people compartmentalized and then the ones who do know and could help keeping their mouth shut


Psinergy: https://www.researchgate.net/figure/A-WBAN-based-relaying-virtual-backbone_fig4_308850533

Back in the 90’s most folks I knew in Data or IT or anything to do with code or computer programing did not have a degree in it. They were simply good at what they did and had experience from the birth of computer systems. I remember working for CCI, A “Survey” company. Somehow I went from interviewer to Supervisor on the floor in 3 months of working for the company. I worked there for almost 21/2 yrs before the corporate mindset and drama finally made me leave. I had no college. But I assisted in formating surveys on the computers, did testing and data entry.I also helped run network cables to update the computers. I still remember the sound of dial up when trying to send reports to headquarters.

same electrical handshakes are happening constantly on the inside of people – thermal dynamic k hop routing.

Thank you for inspiring me to place some links below. for those who watch this video, these are also here on the channel for further documentation of the new precision AI healthcare already in place with smart cities due to our smart houses and infrastructure well deployed. The ability to perform surgery with a drone is the new meta materials overpowered by the 5g pushing the mm wave Thz short range frequencies on the pulse doppler adjusted by ai or census databases owned by companies, not you.
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Psinergy: https://lifesciences.ieee.org/lifesciences-newsletter/2013/june-2013/ieee-standard-supports-development-of-innovative-body-area-networks/

Psinergy: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/338201311_Data-Driven_Body-Machine_Interface_for_Drone_Intuitive_Control_through_Voice_and_Gestures

Psinergy: Psinergy PDF as of 05-25-2023

Psinergy: psinergypdf2023

Psinergy: https://www.researchgate.net/figure/Conceptual-overview-of-the-system_fig1_363053978

Psinergy: https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1002/aelm.202200877

Psinergy: https://www.researchgate.net/figure/Characteristics-of-the-human-body-as-the-power-transmission-and-ambient_fig2_352299029

Psinergy: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41598-018-38303-x

Psinergy: https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s12243-021-00844-0

I have to wonder, if as part of the ‘testing’ or deployment process whether there are individuals hired to meander through gathering spaces and do WBAN/Biosensor testing, measurements or changes. I was at a coffee shop recently and a guy sat alone next to me with two phones, which is bizarre because noone does that anymore. One phone he left face up on the table, the other he was scrolling through, they looked like android phones. I didn’t see what he was looking at. Within 5 minutes or so I heard a loud tone in my left ear that lasted at least 10 seconds. Hope I’m not being paranoid but wanted to share.

There is this person, Kelley Marie Brady, known as Nancy Drew DC Detective. She has been walking around DC doing live videos on her cell phone for a few years now. It is clear now that she is bought and paid for to distract humanity from this truth and keep their eyes glued on fake politics and to steal peoples money. I went on her page and stated this today. Posted links to your videos. Talked about Hope/Tivon and Tore. She just blocked me after all these years. I rarely go to her page and have never shared, liked or barely commented on her page which proves she is SCARED of being found out now – Havent commented on her BS in almost a year and when I did it was anti-Kelly… Her facebook link is – https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100075099701598

– She has 73,000 brainwashed followers – PLEASE GO ON HER PAGE IF YOU CAN AND COMMENT ABOUT SABRINA, TORE, TIVON/HOPE, MARIA ZEE AND THE BIOFIELD SO WE CAN HELP OTHERS SEE. I feel so bad for people who follow her. They think she is an angel sent from heaven to protect them and that she is the only person who will be truthful with them. It is so sad.

I am uncertain if Kelly Marie Brady is bought and paid for. I quit forllowing her two years ago when she refused to even consider listening to Tore. She listens to one that i had figured out was a shill in 2020 after listening to his drivil for almost 3 months. It was in his chat channel in Telegram that I was encouraged to listen and read Tore’s work. I have not looked back since.

Why did you delete your bow staff nature walk video 🙁 … I loved that.

been recovering from some rough weeks, just me n the dog last nt 😉

Rumble Nonvaxer420 channel for data & direct industry presentations

Psinergy: https://www.researchgate.net/figure/Basic-principle-of-Doppler-radar-physiological-sensing-a-and-non-contact-continuous_fig1_342961155

Building wsn wban networks w qualnet and omnet++/ISAKMP and IPsec for cryptographic keys

Psinergy: Building wsn wban networks w qualnet and omnet++/ISAKMP and IPsec for cryptographic keys

Psinergy: https://www.gao.gov/assets/gao-20-215sp.pdf

Psinergy: https://rumble.com/v3wypuv-wired-for-destruction-hope-and-tivon.html

2) Optical Computing 1/5 ~ fourier funkyt0wn November 26, 2023









IEEE Mobile Communication Networks Standards Committee (MobiNet-SC)




this is more data for the long form. opto electronics takes us to their math eith all those arrays and we need to really talk about that doppler, it is waaaay more handsy with the wireless lookin at stuff than it should be …

2) MBAN = Medical Body Area Networks i/iii November 29, 2023

MBAN = Medical Body Area Networks i/iii
November 29, 2023


DTA Applauds the Reintroduction of Bipartisan Legislation to Enable Public Coverage of Prescription Digital Therapeutics







wban body area network matlab code projects – phdprojects.org

memristor-based intelligent human-like neural computing








data security based on eeg for bans

energy harvesting wbans

cyberphysical backbone ieee

Neuroscientists Demonstrate Direct Brain-to-Brain Communication in Humans

google finger terms:
medical body area network
biomedical health applications
signal to noise ratio
Integrated disease surveillance and response (ISDR



To everyone trying to learn this, yes this tech is wild & straight outta a scifi movie BUT she’s giving you everything you need to prove it to yourself it is real, this is happening. Once YOU get past the “omg wtf, they did WHAT?!?” Take moment, breathe, understand there is NO QUICK FIX, NO LEGAL FIX… breath again…now if you want answers the onus is on YOU. The Psinergy channel and Telegram has EVERYTHING YOU NEED but you have to YOU need to FCKN READ!!!!!!! Srry to yell 😁

Shawn/Nonvaxer420 – Agenda 2030: Transhumanism Technology WEAPONISED

I listened a couple hours ago. it was excellent! looking forward to you explaining the internet. not looking forward to the reality.

The body as a wire…

Dinesh discusses the facial web in the body and how it conducts vital energy using modern language.

Cigna, Humana In Merger Talks To Create New Healthcare/Medicare Powerhouse
The last time Cigna attempted a merger (with Anthem) it was “blocked” so Anthem went on to become Elevance Health.
Well, looky what they’re up to: Digitally Enabled Healthcare + The Power of Digital Technology ~ Integrating data, leveraging artificial intelligence, and applying insights to improve healthcare including care delivery, experiences, and OUTCOMES. https://www.elevancehealth.com/our-approach-to-health/digitally-enabled-healthcare

Will this set of videos stay up on your channel?

workin on it cause folks are busy and like the optical networks videos, it is easier to go back to. i am workin on it lady, and God bless you for all your sharing and reposting !

Slaves are just begging for A Clockwork Orange. And just remember the people that kill whistleblowers are going to let us live because of course they love us and respect us.And fools think they can run with others and hide,guaranteed they will turn on one another. If the majority of the population is not chipped already are they so desensitized and care for nothing?. How the fuck can i see this as a child that not caring has consequences and others do not. Well slaves it is December whilst we sit around doing nothing but wait our turn the plan is unfolding without a hitch. Notice a pattern here as people know they are going to lose their shit they suddenly are willing to do anything to keep their little prison. So the so called amount of good people lol is getting smaller. These fuckers in this building are meeting trying to find ways to get me removed, even though i do not say anything to them it has gotten to a point my gal’s so called friends here have turned on her WOW BIG SURPRISE did not call or see that coming. My good ol christian gal that worships hollywood satanists and cannot take any critism or do any self reflecting and of course take any responsibility for her actions and inactions How long before i am joining the crowd that everyone likes to ignore and shit on. I see maybe a month or two. I was on a list for affordable housing i get 3 chances to choose a place that is found for me then i lose that and have to reapply i have been on that list over 20 years i TOOK NONE. I am NOT going to run shut my mouth or hide and HOPEY for the best. I am trying real hard to understand how people can look in the mirror at themselves and think all that they have allowed and ignored is not coming for them. Somebody help me out here are people talking with people about organizing or have they given up If people have given up i get it if they have not i would love to know Talking and knowing shit while doing shit fuck all is not helping.


https://odysee.com/@Qwinten:b/are-there-female-freemasons:8 43.28 interesting bit i am nit buying it but he talks about SpaceForce

In the US, they’re called Eastern Star and very active in Wisconsin.

3) Wed engine r00m: thinkin November 29, 2023


Ted Kaczynski!!! Remember him!!!

Fellowship of the Biofield.

….”hey I’ve been watching her for a while and I know what to do…” I piloerected today as I read a powerful prayer in a prayer book Celeste Solum spoke of. ” Prayers That Shake Heaven and Earth ” by Daniel Duval. These prayers speak of EMF’s gov’t killing us w air water and food. Highly recommend. God forgive us all.

absolutely powerful prayers that the Holy Spirit told him to write!!!
much luv

love ya my salty sis. I broke thru and started showing people at my job including the Dr who sees my IDD adult patients the little patients who I love and want to protect the TRUTH didn’t care if they thought I was crazy. I sent the Dr three peer reviewed IEEE papers including the CV disease caused by misuse of sensor misuse. Please pray fam and try to wake em up one at a time …pray when you share and biofield practice .
Sabrina I’m trying to teach my grandchildren , are you when you do classes, going to to some things we can use to teach the little ones .?

I listened because the Holy Spirit said you were telling the truth ….

I realize this comment may not be taken well. But I gotta say, you are one of the Generals in my perceived reality. I have been blessed to have encountered a handful of humans throughout history that have helped shape/enlighten me on my journey. I do not know how any of this will turn out, but I cannot express the gratitude I feel for you. You are modest, so I’ll add this:
‭‭John‬ ‭

Believest thou not that I am in the Father, and the Father in me? the words that I speak unto you I speak not of myself: but the Father that dwelleth in me, he doeth the works.

Jesus willing, I may someday meet you in his Kingdom. God Bless your friends and family Sabrina.

Keep up the Great work Sabrina. We are getting traction!

Thank you.

Salty Crystal much love

What’s weird is that I had a dream last night about being prayed over, and the mk ultra programming broke a bit… The first layer of it did. I heard people praying over me, and I started to see colorful shapes on a black background, and the colors and shapes started to shift rapidly. Then there was a crack in the colorful shapes, until at one point it broke and I woke up praising The Heavenly Father. And now this one is gone… who else is connected to me??? Zbigniew 7 years ago, and now him almost 7 years later.

breakthrough was for strength! my friend for what is to come

listen carefully I think he left us a few clues!

dr jane ruby and todd callender danced around it last night, no mention of our biofield

Will you follow ME?

That was powerful.

NSA “Tor network”.

4) MBAN = Medical Body Area Networks i/iii November 29, 2023

DTA Applauds the Reintroduction of Bipartisan Legislation to Enable Public Coverage of Prescription Digital Therapeutics







wban body area network matlab code projects – phdprojects.org

memristor-based intelligent human-like neural computing








data security based on eeg for bans

energy harvesting wbans

cyberphysical backbone ieee

Neuroscientists Demonstrate Direct Brain-to-Brain Communication in Humans


google finger terms:
medical body area network
biomedical health applications
signal to noise ratio
Integrated disease surveillance and response (ISDR




To everyone trying to learn this, yes this tech is wild & straight outta a scifi movie BUT she’s giving you everything you need to prove it to yourself it is real, this is happening. Once YOU get past the “omg wtf, they did WHAT?!?” Take moment, breathe, understand there is NO QUICK FIX, NO LEGAL FIX… breath again…now if you want answers the onus is on YOU. The Psinergy channel and Telegram has EVERYTHING YOU NEED but you have to YOU need to FCKN READ!!!!!!! Srry to yell

Shawn/Nonvaxer420 – Agenda 2030: Transhumanism Technology WEAPONISED

I listened a couple hours ago. it was excellent! looking forward to you explaining the internet. not looking forward to the reality.

The body as a wire…

Dinesh discusses the facial web in the body and how it conducts vital energy using modern language.

Cigna, Humana In Merger Talks To Create New Healthcare/Medicare Powerhouse
The last time Cigna attempted a merger (with Anthem) it was “blocked” so Anthem went on to become Elevance Health.
Well, looky what they’re up to: Digitally Enabled Healthcare + The Power of Digital Technology ~ Integrating data, leveraging artificial intelligence, and applying insights to improve healthcare including care delivery, experiences, and OUTCOMES. https://www.elevancehealth.com/our-approach-to-health/digitally-enabled-healthcare

Will this set of videos stay up on your channel?

workin on it cause folks are busy and like the optical networks videos, it is easier to go back to. i am workin on it lady, and God bless you for all your sharing and reposting !

Slaves are just begging for A Clockwork Orange. And just remember the people that kill whistleblowers are going to let us live because of course they love us and respect us.And fools think they can run with others and hide,guaranteed they will turn on one another. If the majority of the population is not chipped already are they so desensitized and care for nothing?. How the fuck can i see this as a child that not caring has consequences and others do not. Well slaves it is December whilst we sit around doing nothing but wait our turn the plan is unfolding without a hitch. Notice a pattern here as people know they are going to lose their shit they suddenly are willing to do anything to keep their little prison. So the so called amount of good people lol is getting smaller. These fuckers in this building are meeting trying to find ways to get me removed, even though i do not say anything to them it has gotten to a point my gal’s so called friends here have turned on her WOW BIG SURPRISE did not call or see that coming. My good ol christian gal that worships hollywood satanists and cannot take any critism or do any self reflecting and of course take any responsibility for her actions and inactions How long before i am joining the crowd that everyone likes to ignore and shit on. I see maybe a month or two. I was on a list for affordable housing i get 3 chances to choose a place that is found for me then i lose that and have to reapply i have been on that list over 20 years i TOOK NONE. I am NOT going to run shut my mouth or hide and HOPEY for the best. I am trying real hard to understand how people can look in the mirror at themselves and think all that they have allowed and ignored is not coming for them. Somebody help me out here are people talking with people about organizing or have they given up If people have given up i get it if they have not i would love to know Talking and knowing shit while doing shit fuck all is not helping.


https://odysee.com/@Qwinten:b/are-there-female-freemasons:8 43.28 interesting bit i am nit buying it but he talks about SpaceForce

In the US, they’re called Eastern Star and very active in Wisconsin.


22 hours ago
MBAN – Medical Body Area Networks iii/ 3nd

1 day ago
MBAN = Medical Body Area Networks ii/iii

1 day ago
This Isn’t Your Grandpa’s Thc – It’s Way Stronger!
This Isn’t Your Grandpa’s Thc – It’s Way Stronger!
HumanAugmentics – Body Area Networks

5 days ago
Wireless body area network (WBAN) for medical healthcare

3 months ago
(WBAN) Network Protocol Physical Layer – Wireless Body Area Network – Wireless Networks

3 months ago

10 months ago
(2010) Characterizing Body Area Networks in-body, external sensors (WBAN)

3 months ago
Communication Modeling in Wireless Body Area Networks (WBAN)

3 months ago
Wireless Body Area Network (WBAN) Intra-Body Area Network Online Presentation

3 months ago
Body Area Network Market – 802.15.6-.5-.4 – YOU’RE BODY FOR $ALE

3 months ago

1 month ago
Wireless Body area Network Projects using Ns3 simulation

3 months ago
SH_P’s-Medical Body Area Networks: Rules and Regulations-CANADA Involvement-Prayer Request

Sh P
2 years ago
Galvanic coupled Intra-body Communication Technology – Wireless Body Area Network (WBAN)

3 months ago
Passive Network_wireless body area network (WBAN) 802.15.6-.5-.4

3 months ago
Webinar on Wireless Body Area Network | KSRM College (2021)

2 months ago
SGT Report – The New Manhatten Project Wireless Body Area Network

8 days ago
Applications of Wireless Body Area Network (WBAN): A Survey (2017 / pdf)


5) MBAN = Medical Body Area Networks ii/iii November 29, 2023


i think you are ready for interviews my dear. you are more powerful than anyone i know!

Thank you so very much Sabrina for helping all of us! And HOLY HECK! Your research is frankly beyond brilliant and oh so prescient. I have been and am currently treating myself to Epsom salt/ borax baths with rounds of SSKI yielding positive results with copious evidential material coming off in each bath and lessening the electronic harassment symptoms and negative thoughts. This journey I am currently documenting will be posted soon. However, (and I have deep appreciation of you for this) I find myself even MORE in the dark than before, realizing at accelerating breakneck speed (catching up as quickly as I can) the width, breadth and depth of these multiple ranges of control you research. I am in a debt of gratitude to you for this. One question: from your perspective, can disassembling these nano-wires, crystals,biofilm and nano fungal/graphene have a lasting effect, aiding in regaining control of our own Biofield, in light of the enormity of dominance and control found in your research? Again, God bless you for your time and attention!

oh this is gonna be fun 😁 thank you you are the Best.

So…I have my ideas, and maybe I have not come across that portion of the channel yet, but wtf is covid? I of course knew it wasn’t a ‘virus’ from day one, but have a hard time trying to explain to other skeptics what it is.

Aaaaaaand they still call it HEALTHcare [:woozy:]

you are on fire!

6) MBAN – Medical Body Area Networks iii/ 3nd November 29, 2023

Thank you for the information.

That is the most difficult part, the anger. It is important to not get lost in anger, anxiety and fear. Prayer, reading my bible, and music help. It also helps to get up and move! And we have another day of freezing fog here. It’s supposed to last through Thursday.

We should do weekly programs together.

I think it would be terrific. You are on top of your game!

Few are on the social media battlefield for the ADD peanut-sized minds, aka: Tick Tock pacification & control.


7) Thank You Maria Zeee and NonVaxer420 & Folks November 29, 2023

did you see articles 5days in a row on how targeted justice is a full blown certifiable corporation of exclusively spooks.


Why am I not surprised by this. I had been wondering about the targeted justice newsletter on Substack.

P.S. Love from Canada.

Sending you lots of good energy. You are awesome. Thank you for sharing this information.

I have uploaded full interview Sabrina
As you know you have been mentioned few times
(Must See!) The Truth about Agenda 2030 – Transhumanism Technology WEAPONISED (Maria Zeee & Shawn – Nonvaxer420)
(Must See!) The Truth about Agenda 2030 – Transhumanism Technology WEAPONISED (Maria Zeee & Shawn – Nonvaxer420)

The Truth Above All: (Must See!) The Truth about Agenda 2030 – Transhumanism Technology WEAPONISED (Maria Zeee & Shawn – Nonvaxer420)

the angry vids are my fave shows your heart fire for team humanity sis!

excellent job MZeee and Rumble Dad!!!

A hospital in Yakima, Washington is already requiring masks. I think I tossed all mine out that I had to waar at work. I am not putting on back on. They are unnecessary as per Dr. Stephen Petty. https://youtu.be/J3dnkbKoj4A?si=3R0aAQr3u7HQCN
Dr. Stephen Petty’s qualifications:

Sorry just logged on and saw some Really Crappy B.S. I know you are very busy and haven’t a lot of time but do you Have any ideas on this “Solar Flare” nonsense, what are they up too? Are they testing something we probably should know about? https://www.bitchute.com/video/46wBMWrTr3P0/

8) What is: the global information grid? For 500 Maria! November 29, 2023
























you know…. i always knew those free internet signs were bad, even the ppl inside appear strange, i always say nothing is free, should be the first buzzz word you learn free means ~beware ~ lol gtsy. = ) hope you laugh.

Woo Hoo- Double Jeopardy Lol! How about that shout out from Rumble Dad and Maria…great job answering the call on this one Sabrina. I sense the tide is turning, people are awakening and the Forces for Good are rising every day. Appreciate you and all the pioneers spearheading this info/truth wave and also for the links provided. Bless ya Bella!

Uh Oh, new term: wikerpedia! That music is perfect for this information/edumacation.

I hope you have all of your research backed up. You should print it out on paper too. I had no idea they were this far along in their agenda, I knew it was coming though. I’m surprised they let you put this out there. Please stay safe and God bless you, thanks for doing what you do!

Psinergy: psinergypdf2023

email [email protected] and i will make you a folder, print the pdf and send it to your snail mail. we have a snail mail newsletter as well.

Good work Sabrina. It still amazes me how much in denial and willful ignorance people have. They know something is wrong with them (always tired, run down) but still think it’s all a conspiracy theory.

Great video, thank you, much wow. [:space_doge:] [:star:] [:spock:] [:clapping_hands:]

this is what Deloris Cannon was preaching about but on the opposite side… I’m a dot connector, it’s how my brain works

I remember when I heard about the SWS ….I couldn’t for the life of me understand why they’d want to do that .But now it All MAKES SENSE

9) GIG global information grid August 10, 2023

10) USAF Sensor Operators August 16, 2023


Whoa- “Google Fingers,” as Sabrina affectionately calls them , shows lots of sensor operator jobs, references to MQ9-9etc. Heaven Help Us! Kyrie Eleison!

My biofield is going absolutely insane rn. There is no debate left and the realness is here in their recruitment vids.

Human Powered Biosensors | Bodies being used as renewable batteries (+ network nodes) | TEDxBaltimore Jan 2016

They used the drone footaged that killed innocent journalists for their recruitment video???

As much as i hate Kissinger he is right about the US Military.

Hey, ya know what? I bet their RS from that video will continue to indicate exactly what we’ve been trying to tell everyone. And, this transhuman system just needs to be re-inverted…or righted using business models to walk us out of this transhuman shit hole and into the proper, natural matrix as close back to the Garden of Eden as we can get back to imo. It just takes educating the public on what’s going on. Flip Minerva Social Engineering on its head to report the actual truth and simply encourage a healthy, benevolent balance worldwide in their ad campaigns instead of inverted money-from-suffering spreading of misery for domination and that would be a great help.

11) C4ISR & Netcentric Warfare August 8, 2023

Webmaster: Notice the British accent.


Tschau folks!
Sabrina (Davis) Wallace

12) Drone kill communications net illustrated i July 30, 2023


13) Drone kill net part ii July 30, 2023




Ooo, edumacation. I love these lessons.

Much love funny lady! Hope you’re groovin today! gratias Deo Amen – my birds outside today are so beautiful – I’m doing bo staff in a bit so I hope you can hear them later. I’m able to leave videos up for about 3 days atm – please thank everyone on the video tg group for me if you get a moment to drop them an emjoii of appreciation from me, thank you lady if you can, Amen.

Baaaaa Baaaaa;)

ty again for pointing that out. i have been working on pointing out range each time i show product or chipset now so folks understand .. the pen is mightier … ha trebek .. ur mother HEY! stfu connery! in other words everything is a tool and as a mother who grew up with a respect and love for electronics and physics, i love model airplanes, engines, civics layouts utilizing topology for natural water systems and if we are cut off from teaching it how do we ever learn to fall in love with such beautiful applications of material physics? sorry blacksheep folks if anyone got cranky, thank you for the good work you do!

14) Drone kill net part iii July 30, 2023




rf spectrum for uwb for wban on thumbnail

12) Sat coffee December 2, 2023




13) Contextual condescension = mock them December 2, 2023

if you don’t feel honestly angry once you realize the gaslighting the lies the lack of empathy these former humans , that I’m not even sure they are human anymore, it’s so HARD .it’s Righteous anger !

sent you email about Giordano

I call him Dr Evil

Aw dang honey. I hear ya and I think you misunderstood the context of my comment. It was mainly about why I can’t share those type videos with MY friends and family because they are very kind simple people on a whole different level…like elementary school compared to the phd degree that you and a lot of other folks in this community are operating from. But I totally appreciate you addressing my comment and clarifying where you’re coming from. I hear you loud and clear and stand by you no matter what. You know what my son is dealing with and I have the same rage. I guess my training in elementary educ makes me less sophisticated and more inclined to be softer: the ol spoonful of sugar to help medicine go down thang. Though preferably raw local honey-never processed white cane Lol!! I have shared many of your vids with them and choose the ones that are more palatable for their receptivity. For myself I’m cool with the smackdown stuff cuz that is when I resonate and piloerect even stronger! And of course you do YOU cuz to me you are amzing and sorry to break it to you-Yes a type of Leader like Sigourney W in all the movies…Sabrina W in real life.
Keep on Keepin On Sweetheart! [:heart_on_fire:] [:heart_on_fire:] [:heart_on_fire:]

ooooh, lady thank you for clarifying and I keep those folks in my heart always bc I actually advocate for NOT over steessing folks bc frankly lady some ppl just cannot mentally balance too much so we love em the ways we can. i will think on that and see if i can develop something like my biofield classes for children for folks who, for example may have learning issues or nerve damage. i am gonna tap the nurses bc i am certain they have some ideas .. maybe a cascade chart of how to inform folks and where the stop gaps can be? like a flow chart? i am NOT being condescneding, it is actually very smart lady bc all of us have family we love who literally or physically cannot hear us for whatever reason, thinkin, ty beautiful heart.


Love from Canada


LOL see what happens when you allow too many voices in your ear. Fucking slaves we are being culled and PATHETIC PUSSIES are worried about someone’s tone of voice opinions or way they communicate and a myriad of other things. This is why i can never have a channel or friends people are beyond fucking pathetic. Are the MORONS missing the message you put forth? (Besides me of course) What do slaves need A boot on the throat with a scumbag order follower shouting instructions to get it. Will you look up and go Please such and such can you order me gently and push me compassionately to the camp or gracefully put a bullet in my head. Are slaves that out of tune and forget when you started you were nice and proper. As i told you if you think i am pushing boundaries or am deserving of a lashing let loose i stocked up on my depends and reinforced my blankie i will GUARANTEED get over it and reflect on things if i think i am deserving and if i am not Well wait i am perfect i can do no wrong and i am Sir Batshit so that’s it

Beee Yourself!!!

Question: With all you know now Sabrina, do you think most people in population are original children from original Man and Woman? If not, what percentage would you say? Myself, im thinking theres approximately 5% original and the rest are biologically cloned and hybrid. Seriously. Theres only few that accept and see reality truthfully and its most that dont and go along waiting on jesus to come and trump to save them instead of actively denying and rebelling against anything gov says or does. Lots of those believe the guns are going to save them oblivious to the drone warfare because they think its science fiction. I Appreciate you as a Woman first and a good being in a fubar world. Thanks

Social Media is overwhelming Military INTEL BOTS and contract shills, Mavens of Mendacity. This forum runs on a Bank funded Military Platform.

In WAR, people get killed. There is no time for hurt feelings.

Please don’t change a damn thing about the way you present info!



your right , i heard the creeps that said we have to be nice to them. yeah how does it feel ten years later.? i hate the assholes and suggested a Guillottine years ago. Sabrina why bother answering , yes family members. i tèll them what they arè vampires, Nazis, traitors, should be tarred and feathered. taken out and sh@t. active denial system goes right through you . scalding all soft tissue on the way.

14) Long Form 1/4 December 2, 2023

this is practice, working as fast as i can.

thank you mr callendar, maria zeee, hope and tivon for helping rumbledad, myself and many others get the wban out in front.

God bless y’all out there, amen.


Sabrina Wallace quote from video:

We have our own slaughterbots in the US, called OSIRIS. That’s why we have “the target being developed.” Because this is all about your health. With liquid neurons. They area going to siphon your cells right out of your body and they’re going to put them wherever they want to. We’re going to upload your mind…

The cognitive cities will watch you think in real time. Based on the feedback from your own biosensors and your wireless body area network that’s all for our health but nobody got a choice. But we’ll just stay out here…They’ll never find us!

You think you’re off the Global Information Grid, right? This is an industrial system. Electronic warfare works really well to replace human perception at the somatoform. No problem. When you tell humans nothing exists except what they can see then you can hire video game creators to make little headsets and satellites. And now we’re autonomous. We got hover gliders, drones, satellites, super soldiers. Nobody’s talking about anything real. Nothing.

Instead, we’re told when they go to conferences to discern how to work our Cognitive (C-40) Cities? A conference on the topic has these topics on the program:

Standard distributed interactive simulation concepts and techniques
Modernize your training by migrating legacy systems
Transportation systems
Simulation conceptual modelling theory and application
Machine learning- an introduction for humans
Digital engineering- basic principles
Practical guide to learning engineering
Behind the Screens
MNS Anatomy and decomposition of a contemporary ride system attraction
Export controls in 2023
Live virtual and constructive interoperability
How to build a wartime resilient online learning system (Sabrina: Remember they log into a web portal and then your ass)
Implementation strategies for creating a sustainable API data strategy
Evolution of RF signal visualization from spectrum analyzers to augmented reality
Making the case building strong verification evidence
Building trusted AI
Finding fidelity when it’s too much and how to optimize simulations for high training effect and low cost.

And you wonder how they’re controlling the world? Synchronizing everyone’s brain tissue to their digi-twin and gangstalking people into submission. Making them hear voices to do what they want that they may or may not be able to cognitively hear. And you will go into that cognitively working city.”

More topics from conference schedule

Then reading from Wiki on “Interaction Between Citizen and City:”

The cognitive city pursues one main goal: improved information for the development of knowledge, the so-called collective intelligence (webmaster: hive mind)…. In order to attain this goal, the city applies cognitive computing.






Team builds first living robots—that can reproduce


















dod nano casualty care

bbc black ring in 2014

using dna steg to sort carbon nanotubes

network selection in cbans



batman high frequency generator scene


controlling empathy and somataform

drakengard – principatum

living xenobots





Todd Callender – Proof That Fake Governments Are Hacking Humans



File size564.95 MB

What exactly do they plan to do to humankind ~ their end game/plan?
Oh, whatever the frick they want.

Thank you, Sabrina.

Apologies free range humans who are good people and whose souls and minds would literally not approach such vectors of thought; I am with you. I believed for the entirety of my life it was just quiet nightmarish bad luck or some sort of horrible situation that must have been a hallucination – certainly it ONLY happened to me or the few folks I saw disappear. Newp, as you asserted – they are running rampant due to the endless 5th/6th gen warfare, necessitated gaslighting under the guise of “natl security” and being able to meat grind our sons and daughters, friends and neighbors into the cyber industrial machine until now our own family will be man plus machine – like it or not – biosensors attenuating tissue for ALL – and we’re still over here waving papers citing WBAN with people staring at us thinking we’re the crazy ones for NOT wanting a remote to our BODY in the hands of some rando. Worst part … 28 years of this and nobody said anything – they think it’s normal and plausibly beautiful to just keep controlling people – literally, so comfortable with it they go to seminars and play volleyball and treat all of this as if they are heroes and heroines. A difft commenter asked – how many of em do you think are human born of man and woman? I really do not know but it’s an excellent query that has bubbled up a few times since 2022. This is inhumane to the extreme and they seem to enjoy it and more than anything, they love keeping it all secret unto themselves and causing abject destruction as they see fit given no one knows if a judge, police officer or doctor will /really/ do their job given they are beholden to all this secret electromagnetic surveillance tech. It’s ugly.

15) Long Form 2/4 (practice) December 2, 2023

citing the patens for each technology shown in Rakka (2017) is about as hardcore as it gets 🤯 IMO

working on it – plus I have to remain steady throughout and it’s tough but I’ll nail it down. It’s really important folks know what stage these technologies are legit deployed at. It’s nerve wracking to watch so many folks attempt to defend that passive avoidance Juxtaposition speaks of.

now i see what you meant by are you ready? 😁
keep that shit comming!

upon exray by a chiro they won’t touch me because mine is slipping. why is that? I am a TI and they are busy still. i am studying your block shock shield

block shock shield even when you’re learning really helps
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That was Dr teresa long, DOD whistleblower

16) Thurs afternoon chattin w/ the psinergists December 3, 2023

remember folks, if it is labeled for data or a presentation you can grab it

if it is a chat with the psinergists and something does not make sense to you, ask a psinergist and they can probly answer you on their own. it s all open source data wise.

psinergists adapt to the life experience and practice courageous compassion with their armor on the daily … biofield adjudicators training their immune systems to be buff .. free stem cells

they are not into trans humanizing the planet, the air molecules and all animals and plants. psinergists know humanity can do better and that is what a psinergist shows in their daily walk with their creator through their kindness through action.

thank you becca trulystewart

amen everyone, may you be blessed with groovy tunes and love surrounding your vitality

Mark 5:36

Fuck’em…you have assets…us.

Hey. I just found you and your content today and I wanted to say thank you for what you are doing. God Bless!

onyx cube, thats parallel-layered microcrystalline silicon dioxide. while obsidian ( old world scry mirrors) is a volcanic glass form of silicon dioxide. i just watched ken talk about the metaphysics of silicon, so i think you’re telling us something with that cube

Amen to that sister!
Much love

yes yes n yes to maps

17) Brain Initive + CoNvida = wban surveillance and c40 cities with no escape December 3, 2023

Machine Learning w/ Yannic Kilcher a year ago – Neuron Interaction Solved

Liquid Neural Networks TedX

SGT Report: Unbridled Tyranny

Weaponization of Public Health

2014 Internation Discussion about NetCentric Warfare




FM 3-09.34 Kill Box Tactics and Multiservice Procedures





wban omnet modelling





Remote Monitoring of COVID-19 Patients Using Multisensor
Body Area Network Innovative System





Optofluidic Amplification-free Multiplex Detection of Viral Hemorrhagic Fevers

Machine Learning-Guided Systematic Search of DNA Sequences for Sorting Carbon Nanotubes









Bio-Physical Modeling of Galvanic Human Body Communication in Electro-Quasistatic Regime

Secret Key Generation Rate vs. Reconciliation Cost Using Wireless Channel Characteristics in Body Area Networks





God bless the HeckleFish


18) CoNvida part ii December 3, 2023

is your email,[email protected]?

yes sir, [email protected]

The funny thing is we say they but they are not doing shit we are We are following orders sitting on our asses not using what is already created on them.

im telling you, for the masses, its too late. in ps5 online, people dont say they kill eachother in the game, they call it being deleted. they say lol instead of laughing. they are already all being hybridized in the language. 3 days ago i DELETED all of them from my “friends” list. im used to being a lone. that doctor patriot video was nice to hear.

i just touched my emf rf ef device and my ef went from 71 v/m and it went up when pain in my neck from the electro magnet radio frequency and ef energy to the wifi in my office. it all started when i started to watch psinergy channel. my wbanetwork is frickin transmiitting and my radio frequency monitor is reading it. my device is an CG MODEL EMF-390. WOW MY BODY IS TRANSMITTING AND I HAVE NOT BEEN COVID VAXED AT ALL

yep I had the same thing happen one day. it’s everything Brina has been. shouting from the rooftops !🙏❤️‍🔥


Aah there you go again all politey poo that should make the snowflakes happy. Shit your delivery there warning us of the dangers we are facing almost made my heart flutter. So calm so RESPECTFUL so #^${#+_)*&^^! your killing Meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.

19) Vitaliano and the CIN i/iii December 3, 2023

Internet to GQD Particle: How NSA’s Franco Vitaliano became the heart of The Transhumanist Agenda

Plasma optics

















Vitaliano Clathrin GQD Neural Interface Technology Consolidated Globally Under Obama Brain Initiative

GQD Particle: The Transhumanist Quantum Agenda

How To Kill A Graphene Zombie

Internet to GQD Particle: How NSA’s Franco Vitaliano became the heart of The Transhumanist Agenda


Moderna’s Triple Helix Patent: A Clathrin mRNA Neural Lace Smoking Gun

5G CoVFeFe Solenoids harvest and transmit Magnetic Fields for behaviour modification





3D CAD Generative AI Software Tools

pls love on the rumbledad – and in this short clip it cannot be more clear:


Sugar FTW beeeen sayin! If you eat more sugar with lower fat, your cells have more energy. If the optogenetics is fracking our glucose + RBC it makes complete sense that eating more with help alleviate EW symptoms. No on wants to hear this, I’ve been ranting for years, sugar is a nutrient not a drug. The trans humanist, depopulation psyop is to eat less sugar. This again tracks for me because the nano loves fat. The pay for play is behind high fat low sugar. While healthy people who eat more sugar than anyone they know are the suppressed. It’s literally just plant juice dehydrated + purified. The genetic modification of our fruit has reduced the brix value or sugar content. This is why sugar added to food is a nutritional supplement. Sugar water with a bit of lemon juice is amazing!

And sugar doesn’t mean donuts, which is high fat. It would be fruit mainly, high carb low fat foods… rice, potatoes, pasta, grains etc. and literal sugar, dehydrated cane juice.


Nano technology council has a webinar on the 12th . I signed up. https://ieeenano.org/2023/2023-ieee-ntc-tc10-modeling-and-simulation-december-webinar


27.39 Not true i want to hear it. How much more can slaves take? Oh wait it is Christmasy time so let’s sing Do not be mean what’s a little graphene to go with your caffeine. What’s a little clot coming out of you on the pissy pot. What’s a stroke as your underwear soak. What’s a little face freeze as you buckle at the knees. Let’s rejoice but do it quietly for snowflakes do not like a loud voice.

Melvilles health advice – so antithetical to actual good advice, good body chemistry, it is like he is advising a space alien, I know this because this is the state the body is in before vax death. I did none of this, exactly to opposite in every way to fix Hanna, my terminal vax injured test subject. Everything he recommends will further decimate immune function, I know that. And think about what he wants people to do eat more sugar, [feed cancer] get all acidic, [cancer thrives in acid substrates], I could go on. He is feeding the alien in people. How the hell is this helpful in a “detox” Ugh. This is what Klaus Schwab would recommend you do. i.e. help him rid the world of you.

Sabrina, Be aware, Melville himself is a clown. This is not his work or his opinions. Not sure who authored them but I grilled Melville and even with regard to simple basic definitions he is science stupid, really stupid. He uses these papers and opinions to substantiate awful health advice and sell a costly microwave beacon product that will burn you. The first 8-10 papers are really interesting as are the opinions. But again they are NOT Melville’s work. Melville is a profiteer in my opinion, posing as a credible scientist providing credible advice.

20) Vitaliano and the CIN ii/iii December 3, 2023

Internet to GQD Particle: How NSA’s Franco Vitaliano became the heart of The Transhumanist Agenda

Plasma optics

















Vitaliano Clathrin GQD Neural Interface Technology Consolidated Globally Under Obama Brain Initiative

GQD Particle: The Transhumanist Quantum Agenda

How To Kill A Graphene Zombie

Internet to GQD Particle: How NSA’s Franco Vitaliano became the heart of The Transhumanist Agenda


Moderna’s Triple Helix Patent: A Clathrin mRNA Neural Lace Smoking Gun

5G CoVFeFe Solenoids harvest and transmit Magnetic Fields for behaviour modification





3D CAD Generative AI Software Tools

pls love on the rumbledad – and in this short clip it cannot be more clear:


21) Vitaliano and CIN /3nd December 3, 2023

CIN in a one man show. Melville is ALONE. He even admitted that. Take the valuable nuggets to be found, there are some good ones, but discard the rest, there is plenty of that. And for gods sake don’t buy or use his product. I asked him to explain the working principle. He would not do it. I pressed. Finally, I had to offer a yes or no question, to which his answer was yes. I said: SO basically this thing emits a signal and your claim is that if that emission is STRONGER than other signals that are present which you say are harming us, (they are, no argument there) this signal will drown them out. Not negate them, not cause destructive or constructive interference, not resonate or neutralize or cancel, but simply overpower them, correct? Yup he said. So, according to this ridiculous logic, more radiation is better. This device burned someone I know and burned his son. 2nd degree burns, rashes. It is an omni directional ray gun that bathes you in EMF, like Wi-Fi, but dangerously, wildly more, and the more you pay him the more power the various versions of this thing he wants you to use puts out. BluSheild is “death with a dimmer switch”. Brilliant. Haven’t seen anything more stupid since the iTerra wand. (which is a microwave hairdryer!) Fuckin hell. Can’t save the fools that buy this stuff. if you did they would walk of a cliff while texting five minutes after.

those differential equations he’s talking about around the
mark are called boundary value problems or applied real analysis, essentially Calc-6 if one went straight thru the courses. I’m pretty good at that sht. i think the onyx cube would be a near perfect element for the applications shown on the slides, crystalline parallel layers would allow for much control…. n-sphere topology on the other hand is requiring me to learn everything in a different manner all over again in that they in topology are essential working a dimension behind on the way we were trained to think about equations, like generally the equations for a ball is what we would think of as a three dimensional equation but in topology the resulting surface is just the 2dimensional “skin” on the ball defined in what i still think of as three dimensions.

21) Nbc news and meta materials December 5, 2023


dangerous to lie about the blue box now

Psinergy: https://rumble.com/v3vcl84-your-body-is-your-internet-and-now-it-cant-be-hacked-purdue-university-news.html

Dr. Cody techforpsych

16K views 1 month ago
In this video, Dr. Cody names his favorite Neurotech devices for 2024

Thz networks IN the body

Psinergy: Thz networks IN the body

BLE’s everywhere all the time is a simple fact of life these days, good luck finding someone else able or willing to touch that fact. Sabrina speaks truth 🙏🙇

DARPA Squad-x program for integration of robots, drones and sensors with infantry

darpa human augmentation programs

660 views Apr 15, 2022 HDIAC – All Webinars
For over two decades, the government has invested heavily in nanotechnology research, and the broad applicability of advances in the field holds great promise to improve combat casualty care (CCC). Because of this broad scope, however, no single source exists that comprehensively assesses the current and potential applications of nanotechnology to military health service support, especially CCC. This webinar will present preliminary findings of an ongoing state-of-the-art report being conducted by HDIAC to evaluate the current and potential uses of nanotechnology to improve CCC. Primarily, the session will review current trends in relevant applied and translational research, commercially available products, existing research gaps, and technical and policy-related challenges of implementation.

DARPA, Programmable Matter, Artificial Life Forms, Ai Interfaced Humans, Reverse Speech, #DiFi, CA DEW Caught Live, and CBS News- 1-7 below-

Full Post- 1 thru 7=

FB Link-
#DiFi shown here on a CBS This Morning video report by Oprah’s BFF presstitute news repeater Gayle King where Lisa Murkowski’s being intimidated by #Difi regarding Justice Kavanaugh with some sort of strange protrusion coming out of one side of her forehead shown on national television at 2 mins 42 secs into the video. This protrusion was not there the day before or the day after & I saw NO ONE else ask the question but me, “Wtf is that thing that appeared in the picture we were shown of #Difi intimidating Murkowski?” Is #Difi transhuman? Programmable matter connected to emotion? Fake make up to gaslight the public to see how many would notice? See it? Programmable matter? DARPA Satanic Science Project? Transhumanism is Satanism.

#DiFi was shown in pics before her death with a severe droop underneath the same eye where that protrusion had been. Plans for a train connected to DiFi were in the same area that a live DEW was caught on radar burning people out. What are #AiSuperPredators? How do you get what you want, enslave, cull, and sicken others while you make money without them knowing that’s what you’re doing? What are #AiSuperPredators? #GlobalTranshumanMoneyFromSufferingSyndicate

Dianne Feistein Eye Droop Shortly Before Death Blamed on Shingles- May 18, 2023-

DEW Caught on Video Live in Dutchsinse’s Earthquake Live Forecast…

Psinergy: https://www.gao.gov/assets/gao-20-215sp.pdf

Psinergy: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41598-018-38303-x

Psinergy: https://www.researchgate.net/figure/Basic-principle-of-Doppler-radar-physiological-sensing-a-and-non-contact-continuous_fig1_342961155

Psinergy: https://pt.slideshare.net/Calit2LS/building-an-information-infrastructure-to-support-genetic-sciences

Optical Transceivers in Open Networks

All Hacking Cons: Optical Transceivers in Open Networks

Psinergy: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nP65iSbKf5A

Emergency Alert System routing metrics from your cable company to you

Psinergy: Emergency Alert System routing metrics from your cable company to you

Psinergy: https://rumble.com/v3esgtr-the-bio-electric-body.html

USAF Sensor Operators

Psinergy: USAF Sensor Operators


turning the body into a wire


2018 wban data for MICS, Mhz to answer the query I asked.

C4ISR & Netcentric Warfare

Psinergy: C4ISR & Netcentric Warfare

Building wsn wban networks w qualnet and omnet++/ISAKMP and IPsec for cryptographic keys
Building wsn wban networks w qualnet and omnet++/ISAKMP and IPsec for cryptographic keys

Psinergy: Building wsn wban networks w qualnet and omnet++/ISAKMP and IPsec for cryptographic keys
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Who comprises the IEEE?

Psinergy: Who comprises the IEEE?

Cisco, Charter Communications and Wisconsin plant coverage

Psinergy: Cisco, Charter Communications and Wisconsin plant coverage

Drone kill communications net illustrated i

Psinergy: Drone kill communications net illustrated i

Psinergy: https://www.researchgate.net/figure/A-WBAN-based-relaying-virtual-backbone_fig4_308850533

Psinergy: https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s12243-021-00844-0

Psinergy: psinergypdf2023

Psinergy: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/338201311_Data-Driven_Body-Machine_Interface_for_Drone_Intuitive_Control_through_Voice_and_Gestures

Psinergy: https://lifesciences.ieee.org/lifesciences-newsletter/2013/june-2013/ieee-standard-supports-development-of-innovative-body-area-networks/

Psinergy: https://apps.dtic.mil/sti/pdfs/AD1128558.pdf

Psinergy: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I6b3PURlsCg

I take a photo, save it then in my photo app the links can be clicked on. (iPhone IOS.)The links don’t usually show up as hypertext that can be clicked on but that’s my work around.

Have a great day!

So what is going on with the Shingles?

if anybody brings a gun to a electromagnetic battle they will need to use there biofield anyway [:monocle:] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R7vFG7jQZGY



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