Roots of Modern Psychological Torture, Mind Control (& Organized Stalking-Electronic Torture/Targeted Individual Program) ENDEVR Documentary

The Roots of Modern Psychological Torture | Mind Control | (And The “Targeted Individual Program”) ENDEVR Documentary

22,856 views Jun 22, 2022 #ENDEVR #FreeDocumentary #MindControl

Eminent Monsters: The Roots of Modern Psychological Torture | Documentary from 2020

Eminent Monsters traces the roots of western governments love affair with torture. In 1950s Montreal Scottish born psychiatrist Dr. Ewen Cameron experimented on his patients, using sensory deprivation, forced comas and LSD injections. Covertly funded by the Canadian government and the CIA, his techniques have been used in Northern Ireland, Guantánamo and 27 countries around the world. Including extraordinary first hand testimony from Guantanamo survivors, the Hooded Men from Northern Ireland and senior American psychologists and military personnel, Eminent Monsters shows how the collusion of doctors to aid and abet torture began in the 1950s and continues to this day.

Epigraph Quotes From Video:

What you see in these (torture) techniques (used by the British government on the “14 hooded men” in Northern Ireland in 1971) is the state devising methods to essentially destroy the personality of an individual by scientific means.

Professor Tim Shallice, Neuropsychologist, Former Director of Institute of Cognitive Neuroscience at University College London

The goal (at the US Guantanamo Bay detention/torture center), psychologically, was to create the most dreadful conditions you could establish for a human being. And the enhancement to that was based on a program called “learned helplessness”…. The program included even putting people into coffins, to create such inhumane conditions, that you would be under the power, they called it “demonstrated omnipotence.”

Mark Fallon, Department of Defense

So the idea was that you could the undermine the basic instincts of survival of an animal (and human) if you traumatized them or tortured them enough.

Dr. Steven Reisner, psychologist

Webmaster: In my opinion, the dialogue from this excellent video, partially transcribed below, summarizes and encapulates the development and application of the scientifically-based, state-sponsored torture techniques now being systematically deployed against “targeted individuals” on a worldwide basis! Essentially, the TI program IS an ongoing, global “open-air GITMO torture program.” Selected dialogue is transcribed here:

At about 30:40 into the video:

Professor Tim Shallice, Neuropsychologist, Former Director of Institute of Cognitive Neuroscience at University College London:

In the autumn of 1971, a report came out in the Sunday Times (about the “14 hooded men: tortured by British authorities in Northern Ireland). It became clear that this was the scientific development of brainwashing techniques. What you see in these techniques is the state devising methods to essentially destroy the personality of an individual by scientific means.

Moderator: Professor Tim Shallice was one of the first to make the connection between the Montreal experiments (by CIA MKULTRA psychiatrist, Dr. Ewen Cameron) and the interrogation (torture) techniques used in Northern Ireland. In 1974, he presented a BBC documentary with the Irish prisoners who by then had been nicknamed “the hooded men.”

Dr. Alfred McCoy, author of “A Question of Torture: CIA Interrogation, from the Cold War to the War on Terror” (2006): They (the 14 “hooded men”) were subjected to essentially the same two foundational techniques that had been developed as a result of the CIA’s (MKULTRA) behavioral research in the United States during the 1950s nearly 20 years before (sensory deprivation and self-inflicted pain).

Professor Tim Shallice: The two most important (techniques) were sleep deprivation and isolation. In Ireland, they got no sleep at all for the first two days. This combination of procedures, which are each in themselves extremely simple and extremely cheap to produce, comes from the abstraction from (CIA MKULTRA) scientific work. And the consequence of this in the men that I interviewed was a long-term traumatic neurosis… post-traumatic stress disorder. It was carried out with the intention of brainwashing and it certainly succeeded in doing so.

Dialogue at about 51:40:

Video moderator: On Oct. 7, 2001, the “War on Terror” began.

Mozzam Begg, British national, family man, educator and humanitarian volunteer in Afghanistan, then Guantanamo detainee: (Now, after US and UK bombing and invasion of Kabul began) it’s pure panic. This isn’t just the United States bombing sorties and campaigns. This is now soldiers on the ground, armed people in the streets killing people, arresting people, torturing people. And I’m a target.

Moderator: Mozzam was captured and detained in Baghram Air Base for a year. In February, 2003, he was taken to Guantanamo Bay detention camp and accused of being a member of Al Qaeda. He was considered high risk. And for the next 22 months he was held in solitary confinement.

…. Moderator: In the chaos (following 9/11), President Bush signed a secret directive giving the CIA authority to kill or capture terrorists anywhere. In the years that followed, several dozen aircraft criss-crossed the globe making thousands of flights.

Professor Alfred McCoy: People were snatched off the streets of Milan and Stockholm and put into this transnational gulag of “allied” sites in Uzbekistan to Morocco.

Moderator: Faced with an onslaught of prisoners, the Bush administration drew up a memorandum known as the “torture memos.” It set out the legal basis for using these techniques in the “war on terror” and cited the “hooded men” (of Northern Ireland) 1978 judgement. Within months the CIA rolled out these (torture) methods (derived from Project MKULTRA; sensory deprivation and self-inflicted pain, including sleep deprivation, forcing “stress positions,” “walling technique,” “dark,” “confined space”) within Guantanamo and all its black sites. They called them “Enhanced Interrogation Techniques.”

Mark Fallon, Department of Defense, Chief Investigator for Al-Qaeda:
The CIA turned to contract psychologists who had no experience with Al Qaeda (or) interrogations (or) the Middle East…

Dr. Bruce Jessen, CIA-paid psychologist: Jim and I together… rolled out a list of techniques that we thought had worked well in the SERE (Survival, Evasion, Resistance, Escape) school.

Dr. Jim Mitchell, CIA-paid psychologist: I had already been told that the Geneva Conventions didn’t apply to the captured detainees by the attorneys at the CIA and so I don’t think I thought about Geneva Conventions.

Mark Fallon: They (Drs. Jessen and Mitchell) became… the modern-day equivalent of snake oil salesmen. These two psychologists were awarded a $183 million contract to run a program of torture.

President George W. Bush:
We must conduct ourselves under the common Article 3 of the Geneva Convention (which states) that there will be “no outrages upon human dignity. It’s very vague. What does that mean?

McCoy: They used the CIA paradigm of sensory deprivation and self-inflicted pain and then they added to it. They probed Arab cultural sensitivities and they discovered that nudity and fear of dogs would break down Arabs.

Moderator: CIA psychologists used Dr. Ewen Cameron’s experiments on sensory deprivation and overload along with the Cold War SERE program to create a horrific mix of torture techniques.

Mark Fallon: The program included even putting people into coffins, to create such inhumane conditions, that you would be under the power, they called it “demonstrated omnipotence.”

Moderator: Secretly, the APA (American Psychological Association) permitted psychologists working in the torture program to override their ethical code of “do no harm” if the military and CIA required it.

Dr. Steven Reisner:
The program of abusive interrogations, of torture,at the CIA was designed and at Guantanamo was designed by a psychologist and a psychiatrist after they were trained in the techniques and in the program of the CIA abuses….. So the underlying (idea) was that you could if you traumatize them, or torture them enough.”

Mark Fallon: The goal, psychologically, was to create the most dreadful conditions you could establish for a human being. And the enhancement to that was based on a program called “learned helplessness.”

From (1960’s?) News Clip: Recently released CIA documents refer to the feasibility of remote control of animals and that special investigations will be conducted toward the application of selected elements of these techniques to man.

Moderator: Scientists have long experimented on animals to determine human behavior. In 1967, Dr. Martin Seligman (University of Pennsylvania CIA psychologist) began a series of tests using electric shocks on dogs.

Mark Fallon: He (Seligman) was able to determine that if you indiscriminantly abuse the dog… gave them electrical shocks. Even if they could avoid the shocks, they would just submit to them, they would learn to be helpless. These dogs would learn helplessness.

Dr. Reisner: Their aim was to undermine the mental independence of detainees, the instincts for self-preservation, the ability to think and choose using techniques not unlike what Seligman did to his dogs.

Mark Fallon: The psychologists actually designed a program based on those SERE techniques and the theory of learned helplessness and then tried to apply those theories to human beings.

Dr. Reisner: So the idea was that you could the undermine the basic instincts of survival of an animal (or human) if you traumatized them or tortured them enough.

Moderator: In August, 2017, the two psychologists who created the CIA’s torture program (at Guantanamo Bay) were about to be put on trial.

Dr. Bruce Jessen: We were soldiers doing what we were instructed to do. We knew it was lawful, we knew it was legal, we knew it had been vetted and approved.

Moderator: The CIA settled out of court for an undisclosed amount. No liability was admitted.

Webmaster comment: This brilliant film traces the progressive development of state-sponsored torture techniques deployed on civilians from the CIA’s MKULTRA mind/behavioral control experiments of Dr. Ewen Cameron in the 1950s and 60’s, to the utilization of these techniques by the British government against fourteen Northern Irish civilians (the so-called “hooded men”), to the torturing of Middle Easterners at America’s Guantanamo Bay detention facility and other CIA “black sites.” Although the film does not make the connection to the widespread utilization of these same torture techniques against “targeted individuals,” I believe overwhelming evidence indicates that these same no-touch torture techniques are being widely deployed against TIs on worldwide basis.

Thus, this documentary helps us trace the historic developments of torture techniques utilized against targeted individuals subjected to organized stalking-electronic harassment, aka “the program.” America, the UK, and the “5 Eyes + Israel” currently lead all NATO countries in torturing their own citizens on a massive scale via this covert, and officially denied program. The “TI program” is hidden in plain sight, covered by a multiplicity of Orwellian terms. Government agencies and their private subcontractors justify using these tactics of no-touch torture/soft kill/silent kill/slow kill psychotronic (psychological and electronic) warfare against civilians as “counterterrorism.” The pretext is that it is necessary to wage the “War on Terror” and maintain “national security.” It is doubtful that a greater lie has ever been told or sold. I suggest that the number of sadistic government agents and citizen spy/criminals currently involved in the US-UK 5-Eyes New World Order-mafia “National Security Racketeering Networks” today rival or possibly exceed that of the former Soviet Union and communist East Germany. Government has now merged with organized crime and satanists to become a psychopathic killer.

Ex-CIA Director, Richard Helm’s 1972 stated: “To spy on dissidents, just call them “terrorists”.” This Orwellian, linguistic trick is at the heart of the so-called “War on Terror” AND global gangstalking operations. Strip away the propaganda and it becomes obvious that governments are the terrorists (see my website: and that they use their monopoly on power to label and attack their critics or anyone else they want to eliminate as “terrorists.” This lie can only fly and the resulting war crimes/crimes against humanity can only be perpetuated in a nation comprised predominantly of ignorant, propagandized, vindictive, and cowardly sheeple.

This is simultaneously a tragedy and a farce. Anyone with a brain can determine that the US government-military-intelligence-“Interagency” complex (with help from UK, Israel, and other entities) executed the 9/11 terrorist attacks!!!!!! Then, 9/11 itself became the pretext to torture into submission anyone and everyone whom the authorities dislike anywhere and any time. Murder and torture of civilians are clearly US government domestic and foreign policy.

In 2014, ex-Naval officer, Christian pastor and author, Texe Marrs, summoned the appropriate outrage and passion in this Power of Prophecy podcast entitled: CIA Torture Report.

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10 months ago (edited)
European court of human rights saying the hooded men were not tortured when all evidence and logic shows that they were, creates a dangerous precedent. The European court of human rights has just justified the use of torture. It is proven torture serves no purpose, but a sadistic attempt of revenge by psychopathic minded individuals.

1 year ago
I wonder what type of understanding of the psyche torture teaches the student. I wonder what the notes from these experiments reveal

1 year ago
Wow. So powerful. The lengths that humans will go to satisfy their need for revenge.

1 year ago
Been tested on. Was very very traumatic. It happens all over bad neighborhoods. Happens all over the world

1 year ago
This country has don’t some of the most horrific torture and sickening unholy insane cruelty to its citizen, children, patients and prisoners. We are far from alone in the evil men are capable of inflicting on one another. Other country’s have their secrets also!

1 year ago
Let this be a lesson our government will stop at nothing to get what it wants

1 year ago
Deception will never be my perception of reality! We must question everything and think with an open mind at all times!

2 days ago
I think the truth usually comes out sooner or later- it’s sad that those ppl suffered without justice. But I think justice is finally served maybe not the way it should had been but at least people are aware now so that hopefully cruel and unusual punishment will stop, people will learn to get along and work together instead of divided.

1 year ago
My sister wants to get into psychology and I’ll be honest, there’s such a difference between what’s like ‘commericial’ because I agree kind of little with what she says lol, commercial stuff is just nice fluff. I imagine the real psychologists, they get sucked up by the big corporations and governments.

1 year ago
thank you for uploading this this is such a interesting and horrible topic

1 year ago
bbc actually still making interesting documents 🙂 really cool, good job

1 month ago
It’s not just psychological it’s physical too

1 year ago
Political dissidents are silenced through these methods. Labels are used to discredit “undesirables”

1 year ago
Great work!

1 year ago
Great work 🥳🥳🥳 Thank you 💜💜💜

1 month ago
It’s beyond stress it’s nothing but painful hopelessness

4 months ago
One of those lawyers checking the legality of the torture was DeSantis.

1 year ago
The general psychiatrist, could have reported it ?
The animals have the audacity to call themselves doctors!

1 year ago
woa, I live in montreal and have passed in front of that building countless times, I had no idea that canada ever had a program similar to mkultra

1 year ago
Most people don’t know this but it’s – mares eat oats and does eat oats and little lambs eat ivy. But either way is technically correct

3 months ago
I’m going through this. Where can I find help? I have lost all hope.

3 months ago
Wow that was really interesting footage of the joint chiefs of staff when trump made his announcement. They all look distressed.

3 months ago
i reversed the process and the traumatic abuse experiments have now affected my “handlers” instead, and now, I handle all of them.

1 year ago
Expect nothing less from from America!

3 months ago
I need help! I am a Navy Veteran and they are doing this to me

1 year ago
Duck the bloody Politicians!

1 year ago

1 year ago
They have been trying to do this to me…manipulate, change, & destroy my personality. They dont realize I have god on my side!

1 year ago
They missed their minerals while young

6 months ago (edited)
Still ongoing!

1 year ago
Trust the science yall

1 year ago
Ewom Cameron. The Stalin Lenin and Trotsky in one.

4 months ago
Why there is a TOOL’s singer on a preview picture?

3 months ago

1 year ago

3 months ago
ANTHONY_SUPPORT0 intervention was the turning point in stopping the prolonged stalking and harassment that had taken over my life as a TI.

3 months ago
i was a victim of v2k and its a horrible i had the experience and life scaring fear on being a TI but i thank God that anthony_support0 was able to help me get out and free AFTER 22 years.

3 months ago
Anthony_support0 intervention was the solution to the prolonged stalking and harassment I faced as a TI, and I would recommend their services to anyone in need

3 months ago
anthony_support0 services were instrumental in stopping the prolonged stalking and harassment that had taken over my life as a TI, and I would highly recommend them to anyone in need.

3 months ago
Thanks to ANTHONY_SUPPORT0 intervention, I’m no longer living in fear of being stalked and harassed as a TI, and I highly recommend their services to anyone in need.