A message to all whistleblowers who are being targeted for telling the truth (8/13/23 video)

A message to all whistleblowers who are being targeted for telling the truth (8/13/23 video)

Whistleblowers who are speaking out against the NWO Covid genocide agenda are being targeted, hunted and sometimes murdered. Recently Karen Kingston and Brian Ardis put out information speaking about how they have been targeted and their lives have been threatened. This casual conversation recorded by Hope and Tivon is a response to this recent disclosure. Based on our own experience with being targeted, we wanted to provide insight and advice to all Whistleblowers out there that might help to keep them safe and may even save their lives.
We discuss that the symptoms experienced are most likely from microwave radiation targeting even though many are saying its “aerosolized chemicals”. We also discuss define and locate the grid that is needed to use these energy weapons on targets. Our opinion is that a targeted individual is safer off of this grid. We also discuss a list of precautions that we feel all whistleblowers must take to ensure their safety. Below are links we reference in this discussion. Please share this video with any whistleblowers that you feel might need to hear it.


Karen Kingston Targeting Video

Brian Ardis Targeting Video (about 40 minutes in and then again later on)

Mike Adams covers Karen Kingstons Targeting

Dr. Buttar
Dr. Buttar talks about his targeting here: https://unite.live/greenmedinfo/greenmedinfo?recording_id=1999&fbclid=IwAR0hJZMy-DB8gMDWYNI6m6Ff5NXLBXamfFeGlpXlsQTBbXemKCaoT4jrMUk

Tivon’s Testimony

Surviving Electronic Harassment, V2K, Gangstalking. Ex-Military Engineer Powerful Testimony.

Most Recent SGT show


Most Recent Todd Callendar Vaxx choice show

Nanotech Prison Grid Injected Into Population Through Covid

Targeted Individual Information:

5 Targeted Individuals Expose Shocking Electronic Harassment and Torture

Category Science & Technology
Sensitivity Normal – Content that is suitable for ages 16 and over

3 hours ago

Don’t wear a powered on Mobile phone or leave them on in the same room as where you are, especially when sleeping – power it off! It goes without saying don’t use WiFi or Mobile data or a fucking 5G phone which is a DEW targetable system system anyway – check out the number of fucking electricity transformers by these high powered [show more]
Edited 2 hours ago


4 hours ago

This was a very good talk.
Thank you both.

10 hours ago

We are ALL targets. Never assume you are safe. AI now uses wifi to track all living beings & pets in your home in real time. Sooner or later they will attack less high profile people.

Did you mention that you wrote a book? If so, please give the Title. This is most helpful, because eventually they will be going after the common [show more]
Edited 8 hours ago
2 hours ago

Your details are just placed into an AI targetting system and if you are V’Axed you are fucked if you do not take big precautions as you show up on their systems. The Mobile phone that they are trying to make everyone use i.e V’Axe Passports are their targetting mechanism when you travel around – turn it off! The DEW attacks on Mauii [show more]
12 hours ago

Why would they wait to target somone when travelling when they can simply target you in your own bed.?
View all 3 replies
4 hours ago

Traveling is especially useful for them if they want to arrest you.
Also, when you’re traveling and they don’t pick you off,
it’s interesting for them to target you more because you are going somewhere to meet people. [show more]
2 hours ago

Depends where your bed is – off the mobile phone 5G Kill grid is a good place to sleep – they do not have the personel to target 1000s that is the AI Kill grid shit!
12 hours ago

If we choose to be against the covid hoax it’s our privilege, they are going to be the hunted soon!!

16 hours ago

This is how CIA PsyOps work is to have people warning about the vaccines on social media and then later scare everyone from ever speaking out with a personal harm fear and scare video.
9 hours ago

It may…
17 hours ago
Mr Jigsaw 2

Awww those puppies are so adorable ☺️ Thankyou Hope & Tivon,I always appreciate the time and effort you both put in to getting this extremely important information out there,God bless you both 🙏🇬🇧

18 hours ago

For biometrics to identify you they have to see your eyes and your upper row of teeth so if you wear one of these masks that became commonplace with the fake bio weapon COVID-19 they can’t biometrically scan and identify you

20 hours ago

Owning that shit.

Please feel free to share your content in my comments.

a day ago

Also, There is aerosol being sprayed across my property, an order like cheap perfume. The same odor was on my porch in New Jersey.
2 hours ago

Funny when Covid was going around I got sweet smells regularly and ended up getting phantosmias phantom smells and taste changes – I don’t drink beer anymore 🙁 The Phantosmia was also proceeded by epileptic auras – scarey shit and probably what the Spinning Death shit is all about – neuronal overload! This Bioweapon spike protein [show more]
Edited an hour ago
a day ago

It has been happening to me especially since moving to Kentucky. Dr.. Ardis interviewed me about the murder of my Healthy Mother. I wake with my legs vibrating every day. My stomach in pain, distended headaches. My hair analysis shows that I am being poisoned with heavy metals. Water and food sabotage with parasites, rust, fungus. [show more]
View all 6 replies
11 hours ago

absolutely and I have means to get away from it vehicle wise. But who do you trust, do I trust you? I don’t trust anyone. But please enlighten me. Thank you.
Edited 11 hours ago
an hour ago

Get off YouTube!