Fiona Barnett, Whistleblower; Australian CIA Child Sex Trafficking, Ritual Abuse, & CIA MKULTRA Mind Control Victim, Military “Asset” (Assassin/Sex Slave), & Current TI (Article & 7 Videos)

Epigraph Quotes:

Child trafficking is run as a single integrated world operation. This operation is coordinated by the CIA in collaboration with British and Australian intelligence services.

… A vast majority of MKULTRA subjects were children. Children make the best assassins, best spies, and best soldiers. Fourteen is the best age.

…. ALL major crime within Australia stems from the single integrated world trafficking operation that I have described. If you disband this operation, you will virtually eliminate the trafficking of children, drugs, and guns in our society – and perhaps worldwide.

… The attacks on my family by New South Wales police, ASIO, and other institutions, have been ruthless. I have documented these and even obtained photos of the military thugs who chased me about Sidney when I tried to make police witness statements. It’s not paranoia when you have photos. The way I have been treated for daring to speak up about my child abuse and for taking a pro-victim stance against Luciferian pedophiles has been FAR WORSE than my original abuse and other victims of this sort of thing agree with me. The authorities who are supposed to support victims have done nothing but sabotage my case. They have engaged what I have learned from interacting from other victims as tactics typically used to discredit and silence victims. (Webmaster comment: Here, Fiona Barnett seems to be describing her organized stalking!)

… Security guards were hired by Nicole Kidman to stalk me that day and follow me around and they tail gated me and they nearly caused an accident and we got photos of them. And they admitted they had been hired by Nicole. Because Nicole’s security team had a leak. I was told that Nicole was taking a “Scientology approach to managing me.” (Scientology “gangstalks” members of its cult who try to leave in a process they call “Fair Game.”) Scientology is just one branch, so are the Freemasons and the OTO. Scientology is definitely involved… and the Catholic Church as well. Catholic Church is just a pedo organization.

Fiona Barnett (from interviews below)

Webmaster comment: Fiona Barnett claims she was child-sex trafficked by the CIA, subjected to satanic ritual abuse and torture, and turned into a CIA MKULTRA-military (mind-controlled) asset by MKULTRA psychologists, university and military personnel, and Luciferian cult members near her home in Sydney, Australia.  Her shocking and highly-detailed book, “Eyes Wide Open,” supported by numerous radio and podcast interviews, reveals that the CIA and British and Australian intelligence services, the psychiatric/psychology profession, and a large part of elite society are directly involved in pedophilia, Satanic Ritual Murder, and Satanic Ritual Abuse.  Her testimony indicates that elite Luciferian pedophile networks have conjoined with the implementers of top-secret post-WWII military and intelligence to carry out occult MKULTRA mind control programs.

Although some (including author, Russ Disdair, and radio podcaster, Ed Opperman) have questioned the validity of Fiona Barnett’s testimony, my opinion is that it would be impossible for her to demonstrate such extensive inside knowledge of the top-secret MKULTA and MKDELTA programs without having lived through them.  I find Fiona Barnett’s interviews and free book (“Eyes Wide Open: Lockdown Edition,” 2020) to be a treasure-trove of critical information and insights consistent with the research on these topics with which I am already familiar.  Interestingly, while Barnett is clearly still subjected to the no-touch torture and psychological warfare techniques commonly referred to as “organized stalking-electronic harassment,” she does not use these terms.   However, she repeatedly describes her ongoing “targeting” and traumatizing abuse by authorities and others.

Curiously, although Fiona Barnett relates that some of her most traumatic ritual experiences occurred within Catholic Churches and universities, historians have documented that Jews have secretly practiced ritual human sacrifice and abuse for millennia. Historically, Jews, as a group, have carried out (and still carry out) these crimes and also paid for and orchestrated their cover-up. Apparently, for them, torture and ritual murder are “religious” rituals dedicated to their god, Lucifer. This alleged transference of the practice of SRA and SRM to universities, the military, and the Catholic Church, historically the arch-enemy of the Jews, could be due to infiltration by Jews, Masons, and other Luciferian cults into the Church in order to discredit it.

I am currently mining all Barnett’s interviews and her book, “Eyes Wide Open,” for information and insights. I find her personal knowledge of MKULTRA to be astounding and particularly revelatory.  In interview V. below, Fiona Barnett identifies the Rothschild family and British Royal family as the top of the Luciferian/totalitarian system now being forced upon the world.

The bottom line of Barnett’s testimony is this: Members of US, British, and Australian military-intelligence have long partnered with Luciferian cult members and groups in the systematic rape, torture, ritual abuse, and murder of children and other innocent victims on a scale that can scarcely be imagined.   Clearly, an even broader swath of society has joined these groups and individuals in the multi-decadal cover-up of these and related crimes against humanity.  The same diabolical criminals who pose as our leaders and protectors have been and continue to be the perpetrators of these crimes.

I. Witness Statement by Satanic Ritual Abuse Survivor, Fiona Barnett – Calling Out Her Pedophile Abusers

II. Survivor of alleged elite paedophile ring including former prime minister speaks out

III. CIA Child Trafficking & MK-ULTRA Mind Control


Video version: Fiona Barnett Statement: 1:14:31 #SurvivorStories

(August 2, 2018) Connections Between CIA Child Trafficking, Ritual Abuse & MK-ULTRA Mind Control

Child trafficking is run as a single, integrated world operation.

This operation is coordinated by the CIA in collaboration with British and Australian intelligence services.

Retired NYPD Detective James Rothstein was appointed to the first US taskforce to investigate this child trafficking operation which, he found, went all the way up to the Whitehouse.

Detective Rothstein found that the CIA were behind a blackmail operation in which child prostitutes were used to honey-trap and compromise politicians, military brass, top businessmen, and key government officials.

Rothstein, who arrested the key Watergate perpetrator, said Watergate solely concerned this human compromise racket, and specifically was an attempt to obtain a list of compromised pedophile VIPs and their proclivities that was held at the Democratic National Headquarters. I spoke with Rothstein who said he knew of an identical VIP pedophile ring that existed here in Australia, and that an Australian intelligence officer named Peter Osborne knew the details of this.

Detective James Rothstein, NYPD (Retired), now Mayor of St. Martin, Minnesota.

The Australian wing of this child trafficking operation is coordinated by ASIO (Australian Security Intelligence Organisation). During the 1970s and 80s, Labour Party politician Kim Beazley Snr headed ASIO’s child trafficking operation.

Under Kim Beazley’s administration, I was prostituted, at age 6 years, to a pedophile orgy at Parliament House in Canberra, where I was raped by then Prime Minister Gough Whitlam, Attorney-General Lionel Murphy, and Governor-General John Kerr.

During this same excursion, future Prime Minister Bob Hawke raped me in a suburban backyard near Canberra, and former President Richard Nixon raped me in the back of a US / CIA military plane at Fairbairn, Australia’s main military airport where Airforce One lands when it visits.

After this, I was child sex trafficked from Sydney airport to California, USA, in a cargo plane. I was gassed and stuffed in a wooden crate like an animal.

During this trip, I was raped by media founder Ted Turner at a pedophile party held at Disneyland, and I was trafficked to the annual summer camp at Bohemian Grove attended by notable politicians, businessmen and other VIPs.

I was raped by Reverend Billy Graham in a pink bubble themed cabin at Bohemian Grove. Billy Graham told me his good buddy Richard Nixon had recommended me to him. At Bohemian Grove, I was one of a group of children dressed as teddy bears and hunted for sport by men in the forest, to the theme song Teddy Bears Picnic. I also witnessed the ritual murder of a woman by male guests dressed in black Luciferian robes.

I will now lay the foundations for explaining the relationship between pedophilia, child trafficking, ritual abuse, mind control practises, and the CIA’s Project MK-ULTRA.

I was handed over to the CIA child trafficking network by my paternal grandparents, Helen and Peter Holowczak, who resided at 14 McAlister Ave, Engadine, a suburb located in the Sutherland Shire, south of Sydney.

I was 15 years old when our family discovered that Peter Holowczak was not my blood relative. This news was well-received, since Peter Holowczak was a sadistic pedophile who violently abused me from my earliest memory. Peter Holowczak also abused my father and my brothers. My father, who has complex PTSD and DID, once told my relatives: “Everything Fiona says about the Satanists is true, but we just don’t tell her, for her own good.”

Peter and Helen Holowczak were amongst the large number of Slavic Nazi war criminals granted asylum by the Australian government through the International Refugee Organisation.

The wave of Slavic Nazis offered asylum in Australia was documented in Mark Aaron’s book War Criminals Welcome: Australia, a Sanctuary for War Criminals Since 1945. During a 2001 episode of the television show Lateline, Aaron explained:

Most of the war criminals who settled in Australia were not Germans or Austrians. They were people from Central and Eastern Europe, from the Ukraine, the Baltic States, the central European countries of Czechoslovakia, Croatia and Serbia… These people had done deals with western intelligence organisations, having given them intelligence were then secreted or allowed to go to third countries like Australia…

The Simon Wiesenthal Centre has a classification system whereby they rate (from A to F) how cooperative a country is with the process of locating, investigating and trying Nazi war criminals. Australia is ranked F – the least cooperative.

Numerous Nazi war criminals settled in an area south of Sydney which ran from the Sutherland Shire to Wollongong. These people worked and orgied together, just as they had done back in Nazi Europe. They carried Slavic, Germanic, or Anglicised versions of their former surnames.

The Holowczaks sought refuge from retaliation from the Allies for their collaboration with the Nazis. From when I was 6 years old, Peter Holowczak bragged to me about killing Jews for a living in the Nazi death camp located in Lublin, Poland. Helen was pursued by the Russians for her role in the Gestapo. Her father spent two years in a Siberian work camp for refusing to disclose her whereabouts to the Russians.

Polish people tend to name things after literal life events. The Holowczaks named their Australian house ‘Lublin’ and painted this title in folk art on a sign hung at the front entrance of their Engadine home. Peter named his Doberman dog ‘Satan’ and trained him to hunt and rape children. Helen, who regularly attended orgies with her Slavic refugee community, had three sons to three different men, none of whom were Peter Holowczak. Helen almost named her youngest son ‘Romance’ until an Aussie neighbour told her we don’t do that sort of thing in Australia.

Peter obtained his Doberman dog from another Slavic Nazi war criminal who was granted asylum in Australia. This man supplied dogs to the NSW Police force. He was also involved in the clean up and disposal of bodies following Luciferian ritual crimes.

What people must appreciate is that the Nazis were Luciferians. During their height of power, the Nazis conducted Luciferian rituals in broad daylight in the streets of Germany.

Luciferianism is a secret, multi-generational religion with its roots in ancient Babylon and Egypt. Luciferians worship various ancient pagan gods including Lucifer, Molech, Baal, Dagon, Imhotep, Horus, Isis, Anubis, and Seth.

Nazism drew out and promoted those Slavics who secretly practised Luciferianism. My grandparents and the other Slavic war criminals who were granted asylum in Australia, congregated to covertly practise their brand of Nazi Luciferianism here in Australia. Over time, the descendants of these Luciferian pedophile refugees collaborated with existing Luciferian dynasties such as the Kidmans, Conlons, Overtons, Huxleys, Cardens, and Cumpstons, and infiltrated the Australian government and influenced law and policy.

This explains why right is being confused with wrong, why the government bodies support the perpetrator instead of the victim of crime, and why our legislation is increasingly reflecting Luciferian pedophile doctrine. This explains, for prime example, why the Australian Human Rights Commission recently defended a pedophile who lied on his job application about his conviction and fined the employee for refusing to hire the pedophile. The president of the AHRC, who made that decision, is one of my Luciferian pedophile rapists.

Leonas Petrauskas was a close associate of my Lithuanian grandmother Helen Holowczak. Like the Holowczaks, Petrauskas was granted asylum through the International Refugee Organisation. In fact, the IRO employed him as a medic for a period in Europe. Petrauskas was educated in a Jesuit school.

The Jesuits are Luciferians who practise ritual murder and child rape. An increasing number of Australian politicians who hold power are Jesuits.

Owing to his Jesuit training, Leonas Petrauskas assumed the role of head Luciferian priest within the Sutherland Shire Catholic diocese. Roman Catholicism stems from Mithraism, the ancient Luciferian cult in which male priests were married to boy brides (altar boys), and temple prostitutes (nuns) bore children to the priests for ritual murder on key ritual dates.

The Latin mass is a whitewashed version of the high Luciferian black mass in which a new-born baby is ritually murdered, and its blood and flesh eaten. This is the ritual that occurred at Bathurst City Hall in 1985, presided over by the AHRC President.

Most of my perpetrators were raised Catholic, and many associated with the Catholic colleges located at Sydney University, particularly Patricia Ann Conlon who lived at Sancta Sophia College at Sydney University. Patricia Ann Conlon (nee Carden) was the Grande Dame of the Sydney area.

As Jesuit high priest, Leonas Petrauskas, presided over Luciferian rituals committed in the following Catholic Churches:

Regina Coli Church, Beverly Hills, Sutherland Shire (which was gifted by, and closely associated with, the US military),

BoysTown chapels located at Engadine, Sutherland Shire,

St John Bosco church located opposite Engadine BoysTown

Other key Catholic sites of Luciferian ritual were:

St James chapel located on Sydney University campus,

St Mary’s Cathedral, Sydney City.

Luciferianism is arranged according to a hierarchical structure which vaguely resembles a caste system. At the very top sit 13 family dynasties including the Rothschilds and the British Royal Family. These are recognised by the cult as demi-gods.

Below these sit approximately 300 Luciferian bloodlines who are generally high IQ, although this tends to have been watered down in some families due to intermarriage. Below this group sit the commoners who can never attain higher status because they lack the desired bloodline. These are your random covens based on nationality (e.g., there’s a strong Scottish coven in Bundaberg), sexual orientation (e.g., Bond University has a lesbian coven), gang membership (bikie gangs), or self-styled, whatever goes these days.

It is from these lines that the cult obtains ‘breeders’ – women who are forced to breed unregistered babies for sacrifice and sex trafficking. We refer to these bottom feeders as ‘coven scum’. Their behaviour is usually barbaric and requires constant management to stop them exposing the cult, and they show no respect for those in the caste above them. There is much jealousy and animosity directed by these lower members toward the blood-liners.

I stem from one of the 300 bloodlines via my biological paternal grandparents – not the Holowczaks who had the IQ of a toilet block and so resented my heritage and status within the cult. I question whether Helen Holowczak is my biological grandmother, and whether she used my father as just another prop to escape Europe. Helen lied to the European immigration authorities by saying Peter Holowczak was her husband and the father of my father. Peter and Helen were married in Bathurst Australia in the early 1950’s. We located my real paternal grandfather in Jelenia Gora, Poland. I met him, and to my delight he was everything Peter Holowczak was not: intelligent, attractive, highly respected, and ethical.

When I was 14 years old, Grande Dame Patricia Ann Conlon chose me to succeed her. With Sydney being the capitol of Luciferianism, this effectively made Conlon the highest ranking female Luciferian in Australia. I was selected based on my Aryan appearance, IQ level, bloodline, flawless body, strength, skills and teachability. Women with blonde or red hair were candidates, and this related to the appearance of the Aryans / Pleiadians that (as the history well books document) the Nazis aspired to.

Blood-liners are encouraged to marry within their caste. The father of my children is of the Gardiner Luciferian bloodline. He is the blood relative of Tony Gardiner, the mother of the current King of Jordan who converted to Islam and changed her name to Muna. Therefore, my daughters are double targets of this Luciferian cult. I have striven to protect my kids from the cult’s kidnapping and luring attempts. Cult members who serve in the NSW Police force attempted to kidnap my 10-year-old child, in 2015. My efforts to fight this resulted in the NSW police apologising to my daughter and giving her a police showbag.

Child rape, torture, and murder are routinely practised within Luciferianism for various reasons:

These acts are established traditions thought to appease their god Lucifer.

Some members get off on raping and murdering kids, but not all. The ones who like it were conditioned to be sexually aroused by it through being abused and exposed to such practises as children.

It is believed to bestow power on the practitioner. Sodomy is called the ‘fountain of youth’ and is thought to transfer the child’s youth to the abusing adult.

Luciferianism is a cult. Cult indoctrination alone is a strong enough influence on human behaviour. But the impact of indoctrination is reinforced by fear of the consequences of betraying or exposing the cult.

The number one rule of Luciferianism is – there is no such thing as Luciferianism. At age 6 years, I was well taught this lesson. I was taken into a national park. There I witnessed a man (who was a traitor) have each of his 4 limbs tied to 4 different vehicles which drove at high speed in opposite directions. That incident taught me not to talk about the Luciferian cult I was raised in.

Mind control is a Luciferian tradition stemming back thousands of years. Luciferian offspring are trained in witchcraft, astral projection, and psychic manipulation of the physical elements. Children are tested at age 3 for whether they should be raised with conscious or dissociated awareness of their cult involvement. Children with a strong ethical objection to cult practises are never made aware of their involvement. These children are forced to dissociate through trauma, and their minds fragmented. My husband and I were two such children.

My memory of my involvement in these cult activities were mostly dissociated from my everyday thinking. Some awareness slipped through, such as when at age 12 years, the mother of my best friend Fiona LeCornu-Levett, came to collect me from my step-grandfather’s house, to take me to her Macquarie Fields home for a visit. Jan Levett overheard me screaming at Peter Holowczak that he was never to touch me again, by order of the Sutherland Shire high Luciferian priest Leonas Petrauskas. As we drove off in her car, Jan asked me what on earth that was all about. I diverted the conversation. But I forever recalled the incident in my conscious mind.

I also remember the time at age 11 years, when I tried to tell my mother about my child abuse. I started the conversation by saying I was special. My clueless mother told me I was telling fibs, and so I abandoned this attempt.

When I was 8 years old, my mother, brother and I painted a mural on my bedroom wall. I drew what I described as a Dr Who time tunnel, after the image seen during the opening credits of the British TV series. I was trying to tell my mother that I had just been suffocated during an Egyptian rebirth ritual in which I was placed in a grave over a decomposed body, while the Book of the Dead was chanted. I died, was revived, and awoke in Sutherland hospital, surrounded by concerned medical staff. I had a near death experience while I was unconscious and saw a tunnel that resembled the one shown at the start of Dr Who. I was trying to tell my mother what the cult did to me.

My memories of Luciferianism immediately flooded my conscious mind in the form of sudden onset vertigo and PTSD flashbacks, after Peter Holowczak was found hanged to death at Easter, 1991. My memories did not emerge due to therapeutic intervention, hypnosis, or the like. The coroner’s report ruled the death suicide. However, Helen told my mother that a group of men arrived at her house that day and ordered her to go shopping. On her return, Helen found Peter hanging from his chook shed. “You killed him!” Helen screamed at me when I visited her with my mother and husband, to confront her about Peter’s sexual abuse of me. My Uncle John pointed out that I was not even in Sydney when Peter died. What Helen meant was – the cult killed Peter as punishment for mistreating me and driving me far away from Sydney.

Peter Holowczak was not solely to blame for my leaving the cult. Antony Kidman (Nicole Kidman’s father) and Rosalind Frances Croucher (current president of Australian Human Rights commission) were to blame. I was selected as Grande Dame by my predecessor, Patricia Anne Conlon. Rosalind Croucher was ambitious, jealous, and wanted the position for herself; Consequently, after Patricia Anne Conlon’s death, Rosalind Croucher sought revenge by organising the Bathurst City Hall birthday gathering in 1985, in which I was raped on an alter by B-grade actor Bruce Spence in front of a room full of Luciferian pedophiles including multiple NSW Police and Catholic priests. Rosalind Croucher presided over this violation of my human rights, alongside NSW Police commissioner John Avery, Australian cricket captain Richie Benaud, and ASIO officer and federal politician Kim Beazley Snr. During the ritual, a fully pregnant breeder and her unborn baby, plus a group of approximately 10 children, were ritually murdered on stage. The whole sordid event ended in a pedophile orgy in which I was gang raped by a group including Rosalind Croucher who urinated in my mouth.

Rosalind Croucher, AHRC President

The Bathurst City Hall crime gave me grounds for leaving the cult. I had just turned 16 when I was summoned before the Luciferian Grand Council that met in Sydney University’s MacLaurin Hall.

Sydney University hosts the Australian headquarters of the OTO (Ordo Templis Orientis) which Antony Kidman and my other key perpetrators were members of. When I was aged 9 years, I witnessed Antony Kidman preside over the ritual murder of a young boy in Sydney University’s Great Hall. Nicole Kidman was 11 years old and present, sitting in the front row, during this murder. This was an OTO themed ritual murder, with Kidman and four others dressed in rather camp, theatrical coloured robes based on the Eastern Star pentagram which dominates the Alistair Crowley Thelema offshoots including Freemasonry and the OTO.

Eastern Star Pentagram

I bring your attention to a document titled, Ordo Templis Orientis, INTERNATIONAL CAMP, OASIS AND LODGE MASTER’S HANDBOOK, Revised Spring Equinox, 2002. Page 33 of this document lists the name Kylie McKiernan as treasurer of the OTO. Kylie was in a senior administrative position within the ABC broadcasting network in 2015, when the ABC TV show Media Watch publicly attacked me for speaking to a press conference about my child trafficking experiences. The presenter of this show is British Intelligence.

Page 22 of this handbook states:

Don’t sacrifice animals or perform any other actions or practices which might adversely affect the Order’s reputation or legal standing, including…explicit sexual acts at official or public-access events.

That’s something you wouldn’t read in your local football club handbook. So why do the OTO feel it necessary to warn their members not to publicly perform ritual blood sacrifice?

The Freemasons were also involved in my abuse. I was subjected to Luciferian pedophile rituals at various Masonic Temples, including Antony Kidman’s home lodge at 317 Pacific highway, North Sydney.

My leaving the Sydney based Luciferian cult left them in a pickle. A Grande Dame assumes the position by drawing in the dying breath of the previous Grande Dame. During my Grande Council hearing, Antony Kidman warned me I would amount to nothing without the cult’s backing. True to Kidman’s word, my ability in, and pursuit of, every one of my interest areas has been thwarted by cult members to this day.

I will give you an example. 20 years ago, I worked as a parole officer. I was appointed to the Corrective Services office at Burleigh Heads. A woman named Catherine Hand wanted the job of boss of Bulreligh Heads office. So, her mate Rod who was regional director of Corrective Services seconded the current boss of Burleigh Heads office, against his will, to work at an office one hour’s drive north of his Burleigh home. John had been boss of a fully functioning Burleigh Heads office for 20 years. Catherine Hand who had a diploma in art and zero experience as a parole officer, took over and systematically bullied out the existing Burleigh Heads staff and replaced them with young inexperienced women like me. On one occasion, she pinned a, 18-year-old parole officer named Chris up against the wall. She screamed at him the he was a “fucking idiot!” in front of the convicted criminals who were present in the office. Chris was a brilliant young employee who went on to work for the Federal police.

One day, Catherine Hand took me aside for a little chat. “Fiona, have you seen my ring?” she asked me. She showed off her ring which was an Eastern Star pentagram with coloured gemstones. “This is my coven ring,” she explained. “Every two years, the women in my coven meet up, no matter where we are in the world. Fiona, if you play your cards right, you will go far in management.” Catherine Hand informed me that a pottery lecturer from the Queensland College of Art (where she and I had both graduated from) was also a member of her “coven.”

I had only been at the office 3 months and was disgusted by Catherine Hand’s mistreatment of existing staff; so, I declined her offer by saying, “I’m not management material.” The following day, I lodged a formal complaint against Catherine Hand for her mistreatment of staff. Catherine then physically assaulted me by pinning me to a wall and sticking her face in mine. She gave me 10 minutes to vacate my desk. The Department of Corrective Services then sent me a letter to say that I had done nothing wrong but that I was being let go because I had been filling in for a woman on maternity leave (that was the first I had heard of this). I lodged a complaint with WorkCover. The government then hired a private detective to harass and film me at taxpayers’ expense. The second in charge of the Corrective Services Department told my barrister that she could “Do whatever the fuck we like” to me.

Eastern Star ring

The latest workplace at which I was targeted by Luciferians was Bond University. My Bond University supervisor, Norm Barling, a former Bond University lecturer, contemptuously called my Forensic Psychology lecturers, Katarina Fritzon and Rebecca Doley “lesbian witches” after these women lied to the Australian health board about me and so destroyed my psychology career, despite my excellent academic record. Their attack came after I rejected Katarina Fritzon’s sexual advances which included two sexual assaults, objected in class to pro-pedophile lecture content, and exposed Bond University’s coverup of a child sex trafficking ring that involved the Queensland state Department of Children’s Services (DOCS). This was linked to a South-East Queensland DOCS pedophile ring that police raided in the year 2000. DOCS staff were intentionally placing foster children with pedophiles who were prostituting the kids out. These child trafficking DOCS staff had passed working with children safety checks. My adhering to mandatory reporting legislation was supported by the head of the Queensland Children’s Commission, despite Bond University having withdrawn my complaint without consulting me, determined there were grounds for investigating my complaint.

I was somewhat vindicated when Bond University forensic psychology and criminology lecturer Paul Wilson was convicted and imprisoned in 2016 for pedophilia. Paul Wilson published pro-pedophilia articles on the Bond University website, in which he claimed children were willing participants in pedophilia and not harmed by it. In the 1980s, Paul Wilson organised a pro-pedophilia conference at University of Queensland, and in class he accidentally showed the end of kiddie porn snuff film. Paul Wilson’s wife Robyn Lincoln, also a Bond University lecturer, was on the advisory board of Bravehearts, a fake child abuse victim advocacy group which targets victims of VIP child abuse for silencing. For example, see the biography of Sarah Monahan, the child TV star who was sexually abused by actor Robert Hughes on the set of the Hey Dad! TV show. Bravehearts tried to destroy Sarah’s case.

‘Sexual Experiences Between Men & Boys’ by convicted pedophile Bond University Professor Paul Wilson

After Paul Wilson was publicly exposed as a pedophile, Terry Goldsworthy, a Queensland Police officer, took over Paul Wilson’s position as head of criminology at Bond University plus Robyn Lincoln’s advisory board role at Bravehearts. Terry Goldsworthy, whom I’ve never met, misused his position as a Queensland police detective to communicate with the NSW Police regarding the complaint I made in 2008 about the 1985 Bathurst City Hall ritual crimes. I came forward to Bathurst police detectives after Tor Nielsen reported to police that he saw 60 children ritually raped in the same hall by NSW Police and Catholic priests who worked at nearby St Stanislaus College. Multiple St Stanislaus College pedophiles have since been charged and convicted for the ritual abuse crimes Tor Nielsen reported.

Terry Goldsworthy lied by omission when he failed to include my age during this 1985 ritual and reported me as an adult perpetrator instead of a 15-year-old victim of child abuse, to the Queensland Psychology Board. He said NSW Police had confirmed this allegation and that I was the subject of a police investigation. I wrote to police commissioners in both Queensland and NSW who sent me letters confirming Terry Goldsworthy had lied to the Queensland Psychology Board and to the Queensland AHPRA office. I complained to the Queensland Police about Terry Goldsworthy using his role as a police officer to access, twist and misuse my private file, but they supported the perpetrator instead of me.

Terry Goldsworthy

Bond University’s criminal behaviour was the final straw which prompted me to go public about my child abuse. The corrupt Queensland Psychology Board’s support of UK sexual predator Katarina Fritzon’s false and vexatious notification against me, prompted me to lodge my own complaint against Sydney registered psychologist Antony Kidman to the NSW Psychology Board and NSW AHPRA office. Kidman was dead within weeks of my notification against him. Nicole Kidman’s personal security team informed Sydney Paparazzi that Antony Kidman was placed on immediate suicide watch following my notification against him. You see, I was not the first to complain to the health board about Antony Kidman. I have since been contacted by other Antony Kidman victims of rape, torture and unethical hypnosis. Many of these victims were child sex trafficked through Hillsong church. So, I found a strong link between Antony Kidman and Hillsong church. Hillsong church was founded by pedophile Frank Houston for the sole purpose of procuring child trafficking victims and producing kiddie porn snuff films. Hillsong ritually abused children.

The Luciferian pedophiles have infiltrated all areas of Australian government, education, health and human services. They have control over the police, media, universities, defence forces, parliament, schools, health services, churches of all denominations, psychiatric hospitals, and fake child abuse advocacy organisations like Bravehearts. You can not possibly understand their pervasiveness unless you were raised in their world.

I will now explain the link between Luciferianism and the CIA’s Project MK-ULTRA, demonstrate the existence of Project MK-ULTRA in Australia, and identify key MK-ULTRA perpetrators and MK-ULTRA abuse locations in Australia.

MK-ULTRA sub-projects were conducted in most Australian hospitals, universities and research facilities throughout the 1960s, 70s and 80s. MK-ULTRA’s presence in Australia stemmed from a 1951 security military agreement between our country and the USA. This agreement led to the establishment of the Australian Atomic Energy Commission in 1952, and the construction by the same US company, of two multi-story underground CIA research facilities, one at Lucas Heights (in 1958) and Pine Gap (in 1967). Pine Gap served as the endpoint for data collected all over Australia.

Sydney University was the centre of Australian MK-ULTRA research. MK-ULTRA university-based research was kicked off in Australia by CIA psychiatrist and hypnosis expert Martin Orne. In 1960, Orne conducted MK-ULTRA Subproject 84 under the title ‘Attitude Formation, Decision Matrices’ at Sydney University during a two-month lectureship. Subproject 84 was funded by the US Airforce Office of Scientific Research under Grant Number AF-AFOSR-88-63. A further $30,000 was provided by the Human Ecology Fund, ‘To study the nature of the hypnosis process as it may relate to induction of a changed motivational state.’

Martin Orne’s visit to Sydney University was sponsored by USEFA (United States Educational Foundation in Australia) and the Australian branch of the Fulbright Scholarship and Lectureship Program. The Fulbright program was a CIA scheme for recruiting and training MK-ULTRA scientists and spreading MK-ULTRA know how.

Months prior to his Sydney University visit, Martin Orne presented a paper, ‘Antisocial Behavior and Hypnosis’ at Colgate University, at the invitation of Psychology professor George Estabrooks. A hypnosis expert and self-confessed CIA operative, George Estabrooks once boasted:

The key to creating an effective spy or assassin rests in splitting a man’s personality, or creating multi-personality, with the aid of hypnotism… This is not science fiction… I have done it.

Sub-project 84 aimed at determining whether hypnotised people would commit dangerous and harmful acts they wouldn’t otherwise. The resultant article, ‘Social Control in the Psychological Experiment: Antisocial Behaviour & Hypnosis,’ was co-authored by Martin Orne and Frederick Evans, a Sydney University psychology student. Their article, published in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology (1965 [1], pp 189-200) featured the following abstract:

Rowland and Young found that hypnotized subjects were willing to carry out such apparently antisocial actions as grasping a dangerous reptile, plunging their hand into concentrated acid, and throwing the acid at an assistant.

This publication also notes: “We wish to thank A. G. Hammer, then acting Head of the Department of Psychology, for his cooperation with the use of departmental facilities.”

Beginning with Subproject 84, the University of Sydney became a major centre for MK-ULTRA hypnosis research during the early 1960s. Psychology professor John Sutcliffe led a research group that included fellow psychology professor Alfred Gordon Hammer and psychology students Frederick Evans, Peter Sheehan, Campbell Perry, and Wendy Walker. These researchers all went on to make significant contributions to MK-ULTRA hypnosis research. Most of them also went on to serve on the False Memory Foundation Board, a CIA entity founded by MK-ULTRA perpetrators and pedophiles to discredit the victim accounts of CIA child trafficking, ritual abuse, and MK-ULTRA mind control.

In November 1962, John Sutcliffe published an article titled, ‘Personal identity, multiple personality, and hypnosis’ in the International Journal of Clinical and Experimental Hypnosis [Vol. 10 (4), pp 231-69]. Sutcliffe’s study considered whether multiple personality disorder stems from hypnotic suggestion, and if “degrees of proneness to multiple personality are predictive of degrees of hypnotisability.” MK-ULTRA mind control involved using unethical hypnosis to dissociate the mind and result in multiple personality disorder or DID.

In 1963, Frederick Evans was granted a CIA Fulbright Scholarship to continue hypnosis research with Martin Orne at Harvard. In 1966, Evans and Orne assumed positions at the University of Pennsylvania when it was a hive of MK-ULTRA hypnosis experimentation. Students Peter Sheehan and Campbell Perry joined them. Alfred Hammer likewise spent two sabbaticals in Martin Orne’s USA laboratories during the 1960s and 70s.

In 1961, Wendy Thorn received a post-graduate research scholarship at the Australian national University (ANU) for studies on the placebo effect, after completing her thesis in 1960 at Sydney University, on posthypnotic amnesia. In the same year, she presented a paper to the APS on, ‘Hypnosis and Suggestibility.’ Thorn notes in her 1962 ANU thesis that, “This study would have also lacked a great deal without the information, advice and materials supplied by Professor H. J Eysenck.” Hans Eysenck was then director of MK-ULTRA Subproject 111.

In 1963-4, Wendy Thorn was involved in hypnosis research with MK-ULTRA Subproject 84 Dr Frederick Evans. She was currently receiving CIA funding via the Studies in Hypnosis Project that was directed by Martin Orne. Frederick Evans received a Fulbright Scholarship to work with Martin Orne at Harvard in 1963. Wendy Thorn later continued to work with Frederick Evans and Hans Eysenck.

During the 1950s and 60s, most leading Australian universities had professors and students in the CIA’s MK-ULTRA program, including Australian National University, La Trobe, and the University of Western Australia.

Most chairs of the Australian Psychological Society (APS), the body that certifies our psychologists, were involved in unethical MK-ULTRA research. These included Alfred Hammer who chaired the APS in the 60s when MK-ULTRA began, and Bond University’s first professor of psychology Bob Montgomery who conducted unethical experiments at LaTrobe University in Melbourne in the 1970s, which left participants permanently traumatised. LaTrobe University lecturer Gary Dorsett wrote an article entitled, ‘Boiled Lollies and Band-aids: Gay men and Kids,’ in Gay Information Quarterly Journal (Spring, 1982) in which he advocated for the legalisation of pedophilia.

Bob Montgomery also lectured at ANU. Leonard G. H. Huxley served as Vice-Chancellor of ANU from 1960 to 1967. Leonard George Holden Huxley was on the board of USEFA at the time it oversaw the Fulbright Lectureship being granted to Martin Orne. Huxley was appointed to the board for the 1960 period and was also on the board of the CSIRO (Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation, which also conducted MK-ULTRA research), with Richard Casey as the Executive. Richard Casey helped establish ASIO and ASIS and helped secure funding for USEFA in 1959.

I have provided a short introduction to the documented, irrefutable presence of Project MK-ULTRA in Australia. My researcher Steve McMurray has uncovered much more that I don’t have time to share here. (See: MKULTRA In Australia by Steve McMurray (2015)).

I was subjected to MK-ULTRA procedures on the campus of Sydney University. These acts of crime were perpetrated by Sydney University staff from the faculties of Chemistry, Medicine, Dentistry and Psychology, and alumni who maintained lifetime association with their University. Other, international perpetrators visited and used Sydney University facilities to abuse me.

Most of my key perpetrators attended Sydney University together, at a time when Sydney University was both the centre of MK-ULTRA research plus the national headquarters of the OTO (Ordo Templis Orientis). Dr Leonas Petrauskas graduated with a diploma in Tropical Medicine in 1957, while Dr Antony Kidman was enrolled. Kidman and Telford Conlon graduated second year Chemistry together in December 1959, the same year Conlon’s future wife Patricia Anne Carden passed third year English. Holsworthy military consultant anaesthetist Colonel John Overton (who was Antony Kidman’s next-door neighbour), and celebrated heart transplant surgeon Dr Victor Chang graduated in the same medicine class together in 1962. Actor John Bell (who gang raped me with Kidman) also graduated from Sydney University in 1962. Rosalind Croucher studied at Sydney University also.

My recruitment as a MK-ULTRA lab rat began with my abuser Leonas Petrausaks who was an expert in sea creature poisons and published papers on this in PNG. Petrauskas attended the Australian School of Pacific Administration (ASOPA) which emerged from Sydney University’s Department of Anthropology. ASOPA was a cover for MK-ULTRA activity, weaponised anthropology, and MK-NAOMI bio-weapons research conducted in Papua New Guinea. MK-NAOMI received CIA funding through MK-ULTRA Subprojects 13, 30 and 50. Documents show, in PNG, Petrauskas worked alongside notable MK-ULTRA recruits including Margaret Mead, and Hitler’s chief bio-weapons scientist, Erich Traub.

ASOPA was founded by Labor party connected Alfred Conlon, who worked for British Intelligence. Alfred Conlon recruited anthropologist Camilla Wedgewood to ASOPA. Camilla Wedgewood had ties with British Intelligence and she worked at Sydney University. Alfred Conlon also appointed CIA agent John Kerr (also my rapist) as principal of ASOPA.

Australian Prime Minister Gough Whitlam (another of my rapists) appointed his friend John Kerr as Governor General of Australia. After Whitlam threatened to expose Australia’s CIA agents, and shut down the CIA underground facility at Pine Gap, the CIA orchestrated a coup against Whitlam. The CIA employed ‘their man’ John Kerr to enact archaic legislation to dismiss Whitlam on behalf of the British Monarchy. Bob Hawke (also my rapist) who also worked for the CIA, played a role in ousting Whitlam. Whitlam was forced into compliance since the CIA had him compromised as a pedophile.

Alfred Conlon’s son Telford not only studied with Antony Kidman at Sydney University, but they later published research papers together. Telford Conlon married Patricia Anne Carden. Patricia Anne Conlon’s National Archive file is currently sealed for reasons of national security. This indicates Ann’s association with intelligence agencies, and her role in the CIA’s Project MK-ULTRA. As Luciferian Grande Dame, Patricia Anne Conlon’s role was to supervise the selection and training of children. This training included esoteric knowledge and skills and employed trauma-based mind control techniques. Patricia Ann Conlon easily transitioned to work for the CIA where she assisted in the selection and training of MK-ULTRA child victims.

Grande Dame, Patricia Ann Conlon

Patricia Anne Conlon was publicly recognised as a pioneering feminist and communist who worked for Labour Party pedophile Neville Wran. Patricia Anne trained in MK-ULTRA techniques while undertaking a postgraduate scholarship in 1964-65 at the University of Saskatchewan, Canada. MK-ULTRA was rampant at the University of Seskatchewan when Patricia Anne was on a social sciences scholarship there. Professors Humphrey Osmond and Abraham Hoffer were the two biggest MK-ULTRA perpetrator names after Aldous Huxley. The Rockerfeller association funded Osmond and Hoffer’s research into adrenochrome. Adrenochrone is a chemical created from oxidised adrenaline. It occurs in the blood of traumatised ritual murder victims. When drunk, it gives the blood drinker a drug induced high and sexually arouses them. This is what occurred during the Luciferian black mass conducted at Bathurst City Hall.

Antony Kidman and Leonas Petrauskas were close associates of Dr Harry Bailey who was trained in deep sleep methods by MK-ULTRA perpetrator Ewan Cameron. The CIA funded Bailey’s MK-ULTRA deep sleep project at the notorious Chelmsford Private Hospital in Sydney. I was subjected to MK-ULTRA procedures by Harry Bailey, in the presence of Kidman and Petrauskas, at Chelmsford.

Antony Kidman was a psychology student at Sydney University during Martin Orne’s experiment and lectureship. He later studied at the University of Pennsylvania with famous clinical psychologist Aaron Tim Beck (another False Memory Syndrome Foundation board member). At the University of Pennsylvania, Kidman became a long-time colleague of Martin Seligman, whose Learned Helplessness research formed the core of the CIA’s torture program.

Antony Kidman returned to Australia in 1972 after years of work at St. Elizabeth’s Hospital, Washington DC, in the Laboratory of Preclinical Pharmacology, which was involved with LSD research and served as a hub of the Scottish Rite Schizophrenia Research Program. Both Jacqueline Goodnow and John W. Gittinger had performed research at this hospital and it was one of the major centres for MK-ULTRA research.

John Gittinger was the CIA’s head psychologist. He developed the test battery (PAS) used to assess potential CIA case managers and agents. Gittinger trained Antony Kidman in MK-ULTRA mind control methods and directly supervised the MK-ULTRA techniques perpetrated against me. These techniques included torture, physical assault, sexual assault, drugging, electrocution, and unethical hypnosis.

The mind control aspects of my abuse mainly occurred at laboratories in Sydney University, Holsworthy Army Base, Lucas Heights nuclear reactor, and Pine Gap. Holsworthy is Australia’s oldest military base. It is located south of Sydney near my grandparents’ Engadine home. Holsworthy Army Base sits adjacent to Lucas Heights nuclear reactor, now called ANSTOW (Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation). Lucas Heights nuclear reactor is a 20-story underground research facility that was connected via underground tunnel to another (7-story) underground research facility at Holsworthy Army Base.

Data and material collected from these labs were delivered to Australia’s main CIA / US Military underground facility at Pine Gap. Holsworthy and Lucas heights both featured underground rooms dedicated to Luciferian ritual and the worship of their ancient deity Dagon. All top Australian military brass were Luciferians. Most Sydney University staff were Luciferians.

MK-ULTRA experiments and end-goal procedures were conducted using children as lab rats. These child victims were sourced from Luciferian covens, various cults, BoysTown homes, Daruk Boys Home, government and church run juvenile detention centres, child protective services, foster care, police lock-up, Catholic churches, child prostitution brothels, blackmailed pedophile parents, and Hillsong church (founded by pedophile Frank Houston). Some children were kidnapped off the streets. Other children were specifically bred to serve as human lab rats, their births not registered. Children were imprisoned in cages beneath Holsworthy and never saw daylight. Children were tortured, raped and murdered in the name of national security, with the full knowledge and blessing of the Australian and United States governments.

As George White wrote Sydney Gottlieb in 1971:

…it was fun, fun, fun. Where else could a red-blooded American boy lie, kill, cheat, steal, rape, and pillage with the sanction and blessing of the All-Highest?

There were two main categories of CIA child trafficking victims:

Those considered dispensable and destined for murder, and
Those deemed useful on a long-term basis (a fate worse than death).

I was in the latter group. At age 5 years, I was presented before a panel in the loungeroom of Leonas Petrauskas’ Engadine home. This panel included John Gittinger, Antony Kidman, and Grande Dame Patricia Anne Conlon. There Gittinger asked me if I like to be special, and he promised to make me special. Immediately afterwards, Gittinger subjected me to a battery of tests at Holsworthy, including a full physical exam, endurance testing, IQ testing, and multiple brain scans. Gittinger then accepted me into the MK-ULTRA program based on my high IQ, creativity, physical strength and endurance, blue-eyed blonde features, bloodline, and intuition. John Gittinger particularly sought my visual-spatial cognitive ability, or right hemispheric strength.

The Nazis recognised Luciferian based esoteric knowledge and techniques as a power source that they sought to weaponise. That is why they travelled the globe collecting esoteric knowledge and dissociation techniques from the pedophile Dali Lama and other Nazi collaborators.

The end goal of MK-ULTRA was to create super soldiers. They used child soldiers for this purpose. I was one of those children recruited into Delta Special Operations. Delta is comprised of MK-ULTRA victims. I recently spoke with a former member of Delta and asked him about what I recalled. He told me he only heard rumours of a super soldier program with children being employed as soldiers, to keep up with the Russians. Saw nothing himself. But as I pressed for info, this person dissociated, became indecipherable, and began stuttering references to MK-ULTRA programming cues. So, I’d say all Delta Special Ops soldiers have dissociated from their knowledge of the CIA super soldier program. I knew this as the Jason Project.

I was put through full military training at age 6 years and assigned to a small unit of all male soldiers. My basic soldier training was supervised by Colonel Victor Change at Holsworthy Army Base. Chang was a CIA asset with training in brainwashing and torture techniques. The Australian public knew Chang as a famous heart transplant surgeon who was gunned down in a gutter in a manner befitting his true criminal nature. Chang’s assassination was rumoured by mainstream media to be in connection with black market organ trafficking.

My training was completed in the USA at age 14 years by Lieutenant Colonel Michael Aquino in a special laboratory established at Dulce underground base. Delta training included the weaponization of psychic ability, or psychic warfare training.

During the 1950s, the CIA funded John Lilly’s development of the sensory deprivation tank, and his research into brain waves and altered states of consciousness. In his book, Programming and Metaprogramming in the Human Biocomputer, Lilly explained how children can be programmed MK-ULTRA fashion using LSD and his sensory deprivation tank. Indeed, the most fundamental MK-ULTRA programming levels (i.e., Alpha, Beta, Delta, Omega and Theta) are laid via LSD trips in a sensory deprivation tank. The brain naturally splits into five dissociative states, which is why there are five basic compartments. My five basic splits were organised according to an Eastern Star pentagram shape, with a gatekeeper placed in the pentagon which sat in the middle of five doors.

During the 1950s, the CIA simultaneously funded Robert Monroe’s development of what is called the Gateway Experience, or Hemispheric Synchronization. This is commonly known as astral projection. Newspapers and army documents record that the US Army sent soldiers to Monroe for training in the Gateway Process. In the UK, standard military police training 25 years ago consisted of remote viewing which enabled MPs to patrol UK bases located in foreign territories.

I bring your attention to a US military document approved for release by the CIA in 2010. The document dated 9 June 1983 is addressed to the Commander of US Army Operational Group at Fort Meade, by Lieutenant Colonel Wayne M. McDonnell. The subject heading reads, ‘Analysis and Assessment of Gateway Process.’ This document describes the physics behind interdimensional astral projection as engaged in by the military.

Gateway Process, US Army document

I bring your attention to a January 14, 1953 memo entitled ‘Interrogation techniques’ which states:

If the services of Major Louis J. West, USAF (MC), a trained hypnotist, can be obtained and another man well-grounded in conventional psychological interrogation and polygraph techniques, and the services of Lieutenant Colonel [DELETED], a well-balanced interrogation research centre could be established in an especially selected location.

Major Louis J. West coordinated MK-ULTRA experiments at UCLA. Documented in mainstream newspapers and magazines, including Psychology Today (1974), these experiments involved behavioural conditioning of autistic children using cattle prods, physical violence, and electrocution via an electrified metal floor. West hired Ivar Lovaas to conduct the experiments, who in turn regularly consulted the father of operant conditioning, B. F. Skinner.

I know the names of the two men whose names are omitted in this document. They were John Gittinger and Lieutenant Colonel Michael Aquino. I know the location of the research centre. It was built at the underground military base located near Dulce, New Mexico.

A circa 1956 untitled document describes the “research centre” or “laboratory” which the CIA constructed at Dulce:

This laboratory will include a special chamber, in which all psychologically significant aspects of the environment can be controlled. This chamber will contain, among other things, a broad-spectrum polygraph for simultaneous recordings of a variety of psycho-physiological reactions of the individual being studied. In this setting the various hypnotic, pharmacologic, and sensory-environmental variables will be manipulated in a controlled fashion, and quantitative continuous recordings of the reactions of the experimental subjects will be made.

The “chamber” at Dulce was an upright version of John C. Lilly’s sensory deprivation tank. Lilly’s sensory deprivation chamber was combined with the Gateway Process to develop MK-ULTRA victims’ psychic abilities, and to engage in the extreme interdimensional astral travel which included contacting and communicating with interdimensional entities, as described in the Fort Meade document released by the CIA in 2010.

‘The Mind Manipulators’ contains FOI released MK-ULTRA documents referred to here.

According to US military documents, candidates for the Gateway Process required high intelligence, imagination and creativity – the very characteristics CIA psychologist John Gittinger assessed me for. Gittinger was particularly interested in right hemispheric functioning. High IQ children have a visual-spatial learning preference. When they perform cognitive tasks, both brain hemispheres are activated, as compared to individuals of average intelligence whose left hemisphere only lights up. High visual-spatial processing ability was essential for visualisation during MK-ULTRA training, and for the Gateway Process. That is why Gittinger tested me at age 5 years using the Stanford Binet LM and the Block Design subtest of the Weschler series, the best measures of visual-spatial IQ.

Following training, my unit and I were deployed to South America where the CIA were conducting operations against so-called communist governments.

When I was a child, the CIA said our enemy was communism. Today, the CIA says our enemy is terrorism.

The CIA continue to make money out of child trafficking by laundering it through banks and funnelling it into CIA terror organisations that have decimated Syria and other nations. In 2016, Syria’s representative to the United Nations publicly stated twice that ISIS forces were armed with genetically modified super soldiers produced and supplied by the USA. In 2015, 7-foot tall genetically modified engineered soldiers were filmed beheading 21 Christians in Egypt during the CIA-orchestrated Arab fundamentalist uprising. These super soldiers are described as Caucasian not Arabic in appearance. They resemble the super soldiers developed at Pine Gap and Dulce 45 years ago. Putin recently said Russia are developing super soldiers that are “worse than nuclear bombs.” I know exactly what he meant.

Australia’s Commonwealth Bank was recently fined 700 million dollars for 54,000 breaches of anti-money-laundering and anti-terrorism financing laws. Nicole Rose, head of AUSTRAC, the organisation investigating money laundering by banks, said it involves organised crime, child exploitation and drug importation. The Commonwealth Bank laundered money obtained from child sex trafficking and funnelled that money into international terrorist activities.

I reiterate: Child trafficking is run as a single integrated world operation. This operation is coordinated by the CIA.

I bring your attention to a 1978 book entitled ‘Dope Inc.’ The latest edition was published in 2010, but I highly recommend the 1978 copy which is available free online. This book revolutionised the way drug law enforcement officers consider drug crime. It led to the HSBC bank losing its licence to operate in the USA. Dope Inc authors found that drug trafficking is run as a single integrated world operation, from your cartels down to the person who sells drugs to junkies on the street corner. This operation started with the Opium Wars where the British Monarchy forced China to accept heroin produced in India. Two well recognised organisations stemmed from this operation: P&O; cruise ship line was established to transport the heroin; and the Hong-Kong-Shanghai Banking Corporation (HSBC bank) was established to launder the drug money. The court Jews that served the British Monarchy, including the Rothschilds, managed the money made from this heroin trafficking operation.

Dope Inc then explains how the drug trafficking and related money laundering operation established in the Opium Wars, is the exact same operation in existence today. In fact, HSBC was in recent years fined by USA authorities for still engaging in drug money laundering. If you follow the money trail, it still leads back to the British Monarchy. This is the same British Monarchy that I witnessed engage in Luciferian ritual crimes in 1980 at St James Anglican church in Sydney City. The book Dope Inc devotes a chapter to explaining the British aristocracy’s involvement in an ancient Egyptian cult, how Britain started the drug / rock n’ roll counter culture in the USA with the help of the CIA, and the links between Egyptian cult practises, the counter culture, and the CIA which was established by British Intelligence. Dope Inc explains how and why the CIA run modern drug trafficking and money laundering as a single integrated world operation.

The 1978 classic ‘Dope Inc.’

When you read Dope Inc, if you cross out the word ‘drugs’ and insert the word ‘kids’ – then you have a picture of the CIA child trafficking organisation that violated my human rights.

I fought to make police witness statements about the crimes I witnessed and was a victim of. I completed four days of witness statements, and police commenced an investigation which included door knocking around Engadine and raiding the home of my deceased grandparents. Police had promised to take another 5 days of statements. But suddenly everything was shut down. I later received a cold call from a lawyer who said that the Sutherland police detective in charge of my case was herself a child trafficker and member of the pedophile network she was supposed to be investigating.

The attacks on my family by NSW police, ASIO and other institutions have been relentless. I have documented these, and even obtained photos of the military looking thug who chased me about Sydney when I tried to make police witness statements. It’s not paranoia – when you have photos.

The way I have been treated for daring to speak up about my child abuse, and for taking a pro-victim stance against Luciferian pedophiles, has been far worse than my original abuse. The authorities who are supposed to support victims have done nothing but sabotage my case. They have engaged in what I have learnt from interacting with other victims, as tactics typically used to discredit and silence victims.

The current Australian Child Abuse Royal Commission is yet another damage control and information gathering exercise. VIP child trafficking victims who testified to the Royal Commission have ended up being targeted for silence.

Since I appeared before the Royal Commission several years ago, I have been contacted by hundreds and hundreds of child abuse victims. A considerable number of these are victims of what I endured – CIA child trafficking, ritual abuse, and CIA mind control. From what these victims have shared with me, I now have a very clear picture of child sex trafficking in Australia. I will give you an example of what I have learnt from victims:

The NSW Police were the subject of a 1990s Royal Commission conducted by Judge James Wood. This investigation stemmed from allegations of child sex trafficking in Sydney involving the same Luciferians and pedophiles who trafficked and abused me. The Wood Royal Commission was a white wash. Commissioner James Wood covered up reports of child sex trafficking involving Hillsong church, Antony Kidman, Daruk Boys home, Costellos boy brothel in Kings Cross, judges, lawyers, Catholic churches, day care centres, and NSW police officers. Multiple victims named Kings Cross underbelly boss police officer Roger Rogerson. Rogerson was responsible for the murder of Sally Ann Huckstep, who died after she wrote a story on child prostitution at Kings Cross for a porn magazine, in the days when porn magazines published pedophilia material. The clean cop who refused to report Sally Anne’s murder as suicide, had his career destroyed and life threatened by NSW Police after he testified to the Royal Commission against his corrupt colleagues. That police officer is still in hiding in a state of trauma. Roger Rogerson never brought to justice. In 2016, Roger Rogerson was imprisoned for a 2014 murder.

Another notable perpetrator named to the Wood Royal Commission was Bob Carr. Bob Carr served as an ABC journalist, Premiere of NSW, and Minister for Foreign Affairs in the Australian Federal government. In 2012, Bob Carr and Kim Beazley Jnr (son of ASIO agent Kim Beazley Snr who trafficked me to Bohemian Grove), attended Bohemian Grove pedophile summer camp at Australian tax payers’ expense.

Commissioner James Wood covered up all reports of VIP child sex trafficking, ritual abuse, and mind control. This is not surprising, considering James Wood was named by victim Dean Henry and others to the current federal Child Abuse Royal Commission as a member of the very pedophile ring he was employed to investigate.

I will now mention the two most abhorrent and famous criminal cases in Australian history. One is the backpacker murders committed by serial killer Ivan Milat. The other is the murder of a beautiful young nurse named Anita Cobby, committed by a gang of young men including Les Murphy. Ivan Milat murdered victims in a Luciferian ritual manner, so did Les Murphy. The details of both murders have not been released to the public. I discovered what was done to Anita Cobby through two people who read her case file; a lawyer who worked on her case, and a prison guard who read Les Murphy’s file. What the public were never told is: Les Murphy and his killer gang made deep lacerations in Anita Cobby’s body and had sex with those wounds. That sort of crime can only be learnt, and it is the sort of crime taught to child victims of ritual abuse.

Both Ivan Milat and Les Murphy were abused and taught to commit Luciferian style rape, torture and murder during their incarceration at boys’ homes. Les Murphy attended Daruk Boys Home where boys were prostituted by staff to VIP pedophiles and used for MK-ULTRA experiments including Subproject 74: the psychological effects of circumcision. I saw the botched circumcision of one Daruk victim who had his penis cut off make international mainstream news headlines. Daruk’s use as a source of MK-ULTRA child lab rats explains why many victims’ files were destroyed.

Ivan Milat attended Engadine BoysTown at age 13, the same place where my father, brothers and I were abused, and where victims were recruited for MK-ULTRA experiments. Ivan Milat was in the Luciferian cult that abused me, and the Milats associated with the Holowczaks. Ivan Milat sought victims to be used in Luciferian rituals and helped dispose of bodies afterwards. He closely associated with the Slavic dog breeder. Ivan Milat procured boy victims for abuse by VIP pedophiles at Costellos boy brothel. Les Murphy worked behind the bar at Costellos boy brothel when he was 16 years old.

My final point is this:

ALL major crime within Australia stems from the single integrated world trafficking operation that I have described. If you disband this operation, you will virtually eliminate the trafficking of children, drugs, and guns in our society – and perhaps worldwide.


Six Youtube Interviews w/ Fioona Barnett Testimony:

IV. #SurvivorStories​ Fiona Barnett

Australian whistle-blower Fiona Barnett shares her experiences of CIA Child Trafficking, Ritual Abuse, and MK-Ultra Mind Control.

V. Fiona Barnett tells Her Story [Survivor Trigger Warning – Graphic]

180,406 views Dec 12, 2015

Mark Hoffmann host and Special guest Fiona Barnett who will be telling us about an International Child trafficking, and Pedophile Ring. You will not believe your ears when you hear how deep it runs. From Australian Prime Ministers, Actors, Politicians, and a President. Hear Fiona Barnett tell her story of Horrific Crimes against her and others who have come forward because of her bravery.…

VI. Jason Q and Friends with Fiona Barnett (Jan. 18, 2022)

VII. Fiona Barnett- Candy Girl Documentary (Part 1 of 2)

168,455 views Oct 4, 2018
Candy Girl is the documentary in which Fiona Barnett visits ritual abuse sites around Sydney and describes what she experienced at the hands of Luciferian Antony Kidman at CIA MK-ULTRA research labs at Sydney University, Holsworthy Army Base & Lucas Heights ANSTOW nuclear reactor.

VIII. Fiona Barnett – Candy Girl Documentary (Part 2 of 2)

90,747 views Oct 4, 2018
Candy Girl is the documentary in which Fiona Barnett visits ritual abuse sites around Sydney and describes what she experienced at the hands of Luciferian Antony Kidman at CIA MK-ULTRA research labs at Sydney University, Holsworthy Army Base & Lucas heights ANSTOW nuclear reactor.



1 year ago
Fiona is one of the first people who opened my mind up to what real hell must be like. She is such a HUGE personality with such bravery. The amount of free info she’s put out is unbelievable…. I’m at a loss at some of the people who question her! Anyway, A GREAT BIG HUG and THANK YOU to Fiona for her work with the children. God Bless her!
SOULutions with Aquarius Rising Africa
1 year ago
I love Fiona. Very happy to hear her again and especially here. Her speech is so powerful, it’s more than words and information, like a punch to the mind, I have to keep pausing the interview so I can breathe. Thank you for your bravery Fiona, thank you for your sacrifice, you are greatly esteemed by those who matter!
SOULutions with Aquarius Rising Africa

1 year ago
Oh my gosh oh my gosh ohhh my gosh! I literally started crying when I found this!! I have wondered about Fiona … if she is still with us… SOOO HAPPY TO SEE SHE IS!! Her truth resonates with me as I am a survivor with an all to similar truth and I know God saved us for a reason! God has us!
SOULutions with Aquarius Rising Africa

1 year ago
Very glad to see Fiona talking again I was worried she’d disappeared. She gave me hope all those years ago speaking out for the victims.

1 year ago
Fiona was the first survivor of SRA I read about a few years ago and was mindblown by her bravery and revelations. Thank you so much for all you do Fiona. Much love and respect from Scotland 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿🇦🇺 🇿🇦 xx

1 year ago
Praise God you’re still alive Fiona.🙏🏼
Thank you so much for coming back out to speak.✨🍃🇦🇺
SOULutions with Aquarius Rising Africa

1 year ago
I love Fiona Barnett’s style – she’s straight-up and it’s so refreshing. I’m with her on the being fed up with stupid people.

1 year ago
Listening to Fiona speak of her ‘friends’ ~ I can completely relate!! I have had many I have had to separate from, they actually scare me, believing as they do! I have said since march 2020 ‘ I do not fear this virus I fear the fear ‘ ! Thanks fiona for speaking such truths ❤🌹❤
SOULutions with Aquarius Rising Africa

1 year ago
SO GOOD to hear Fiona again ❗ I love that no nonsense Aussie approach & sense of humour ❣️ every time I listen to Fiona I learn stuff …. Cheers from Far Nth Queensland 🇦🇺

1 year ago
It would nice to see Jessie and Fiona on together.

1 year ago
I followed Fiona years before Jessie! I’m so glad to see she’s ok!!

1 year ago
I have a great deal of respect for Fiona, I pay a great deal of attention to what she has to say. I hope one day we are all able to honour you in a way you completely deserve for your service ❤

1 year ago
Fiona, you are such an AMAZING, COURAGEOUS, TRUTHFUL, WONDERFUL, & even HILARIOUS (tallow kitchen, lol) person! I wish to THANK YOU for sharing the personal story of your life, & all the detailed, in-depth knowledge you have about this crazy world & the people running it! Really appreciate your prepping humor! Hopefully, I will be able to remember your story & laugh, when I’m crying while trying to survive after the destruction of my country (“Babylon”, as you called it)! Cheers to you & your mug of home brewed beer! Sending you a hug & 🙏🏻 God continues blessing you & your family with protection!
As always, THANK YOU Chanti, Morne, & Gabbi, for providing us all with more knowledge & truth! Y’all are so BEAUTIFUL, both inside & out! Sending hugs & 🥰 to all of you!
SOULutions with Aquarius Rising Africa

1 year ago
I had a massive change of heart watching this. And I am a truth follower. Massive. Can’t thank you enough Fiona, Gabby, Chantel and Morne xxxx

1 year ago (edited)
We are listening Fiona! We are listening now. Many have woken up and we are here now. Please don’t give up, please keep teaching us.

1 year ago
What an amazing woman Fiona is. Thankfully she is ok. I was wondering where she was over the past few years. Powerful interview😍
SOULutions with Aquarius Rising Africa

1 year ago
I love hearing you tell it how it is no bullshit this is how it is. I understand the positive spin people like to spin but at the end of the day it’s not all Rosie and this is the truth! I’m an Aussie and love hearing the Aussies keeping it real. Thank you Fiona love your work & honesty 🇦🇺👍
SOULutions with Aquarius Rising Africa

1 year ago
Much love to you Fiona. Brilliant, love that aussie humour! 🇦🇺❤️🙏

1 year ago
Thank you for all the work you all do ,my respect for Fiona is huge blessings to everyone on this video
SOULutions with Aquarius Rising Africa

1 year ago
Fiona is such an inspiration, great work Aquarius rising Africa.Pray for Australia.

1 year ago
Beautiful Fiona… I first heard one of your testimonials a couple of years ago now. You single handedly took me from ‘can this be true’ to believing absolutely without a doubt all of the whisperings of trafficking, sra and all that involves. So many rabbit holes later, I am now doing all I know how to remove the blinders off others. I send you so much love and gratitude for all you are… Thank you, thank you, thank you ❤❤❤

1 year ago (edited)
So grateful to be able to join you in this “international lounge room”!

There are no adequate words to describe Fiona, but I will echo all the outpouring of love, respect and gratitude from other comments shared here 🙏🏼

So many valuable truth bombs and I appreciated hearing Fiona’s comments regarding the “Canberra stage” and associates which confirmed my thoughts.
PS: yes!! Regarding white hats!
PPS: top sense of humor 😂

1 year ago
I haven’t laughed so hard in such a long time love love love you Fiona you say what I and many others think! Cognitive dissonance Mind construct Michael Aquino Mind Wars manual playing out. Thanks for being you mate 🇦🇺👍

1 year ago
Fiona…. You’re my hero! One of the bravest women I know! You make me proud to be a woman! I wish I wasn’t so late to the game and knew this all sooner than two years ago. Thank you for continuing to educate us and not give up on us all! ❤️

1 year ago
Fiona. You are definitely not forgotten. So good to see you 💗

1 year ago
I just watched this. Fiona spoke everything I have been saying for 2 years! We could be twins. I hear the same things she says as I minister to survivors, she tells the truth. May the Lord protect her and strengthen her and provide her every need. I really LOVE her truth and her boldness!

1 year ago
Thank you so much for bringing Fiona back! I have so much respect for her. Such a clever lady with a wealth of information!

1 year ago
I’ve been saying this too Fi..exactly as you say. Nobody listened! I told them we were already gone. I told them about the martial law…everything. Well, Im so glad you came on tonight bc you restored my sanity. Felt like I was so alone in this. Thank you and PS, I pray for you every day to keep you safe 🙏
SOULutions with Aquarius Rising Africa

1 year ago
Fiona’s doco Candy Girl is what woke me up to SRA. I have so much respect for her but I feel some healing and forgiveness is needed to set her soul free. There is always hope for humanity. There are always infinite possibilities of timelines. We are creator beings 🙏🙏
SOULutions with Aquarius Rising Africa

1 year ago
Still listening but I have to say that this could be the most important show you’ve done on Aquarius Rising Africa. I’m sad that more people seem to write Fiona off but I would imagine that back in the day of Atlantis, more people didn’t want to believe the end time warnings. Nobody wants to believe something so grim. I, myself, want a savior to show up! I want God to come down and say that since I’ve been MOSTLY good, I get to not experience anything bad and have my chariot waiting for me! Dear Lord, this is scary BUT I remember what Fiona had said in the past and she’s been accurate! So if there is even a chance that what she’s saying is true, we need to know. We need to try and have a plan. I think mostly it’s going to come down to God and prayer and deciding which side of the fence we want to be on. Thanks for showing Fiona respect and for sharing your platform so that some of us can learn and prepare.
SOULutions with Aquarius Rising Africa

1 year ago
Thank you for your bravery Fiona. Thank you all for having the courage to have Fiona tell it like it is.

1 year ago
Thank you so much everyone, especially Fiona, you re- aligned me, re- ignited my intuition, as I was” side tracked ” away from it” for a while, ffs..I knew I should have not listened to some others, and kept with my plan which was basically moving away from uncivilsation, out whoop whoop and prepping for this shit! Back to that again.. I’m grateful to have had the chance to find you! Cheers 😊💖 If anyone has some land, I’d be more than happy to come, as no home, don’t own anything anymore, except some clothes..bring a tent and work hard to prepare. 😊💖

1 month ago
Fiona talking about the truth community is why I have stepped away from my spiritual community too. It was exactly the same over there.
Amen sister ❤
SOULutions with Aquarius Rising Africa

1 year ago
It’s been exciting to see Fiona’s knowledge grow! Excellent interview.

1 year ago (edited)
Thank you for having Fiona on … what a great interview … hopefully the fact that she is now talking publicly again means that there is some kind of unseen protection we are all under … 🤞💜🙏 pray for the best prepare for the worst XxoO God Bless

2 months ago
I am so glad to find this! I thought I would never see Fionna again. It does my heart good to see her healthy and blessed!

6 months ago
Fiona, I can’t thank you enough for all that info!!! You are confirming all of my experiences and then some!!! Chantelle, we’ll have to discuss them on our next show…
Bless you all for helping me along this lengthy healing journey!

1 year ago (edited)
It’s clear that Fiona has an exceptional IQ. Her ability to recall information and express it in perfect expression and understanding of the system.. She’s bursting with information. Can we keep up?

1 year ago
Good interview, Fiona is great and despite the seriousness of her information she has a fantastic sense of humor. Very cool lady.

1 year ago (edited)
I’ve haven’t forgotten you Fiona. I only found you a couple of years ago. I pray for the day that you and all Overcomers and victims get justice and that your experiences will be common knowledge, so as not have it ever happen again. Bless you 🤍✨🙌🏻

1 year ago
Beautiful Fiona… I first heard one of your testimonials a couple of years ago now. You single handedly took me from ‘can this be true’ to believing absolutely without a doubt all of the whisperings of trafficking, sra and all that involves. So many rabbit holes later, I am now doing all I know how to remove the blinders off others. I send you so much love and gratitude for all you are… Thank you, thank you, thank you ❤❤❤

1 year ago (edited)
So grateful to be able to join you in this “international lounge room”!

There are no adequate words to describe Fiona, but I will echo all the outpouring of love, respect and gratitude from other comments shared here 🙏🏼

So many valuable truth bombs and I appreciated hearing Fiona’s comments regarding the “Canberra stage” and associates which confirmed my thoughts.
PS: yes!! Regarding white hats!
PPS: top sense of humor 😂

1 year ago
I haven’t laughed so hard in such a long time love love love you Fiona you say what I and many others think! Cognitive dissonance Mind construct Michael Aquino Mind Wars manual playing out. Thanks for being you mate 🇦🇺👍

1 year ago
Fiona…. You’re my hero! One of the bravest women I know! You make me proud to be a woman! I wish I wasn’t so late to the game and knew this all sooner than two years ago. Thank you for continuing to educate us and not give up on us all! ❤️

1 year ago
Fiona. You are definitely not forgotten. So good to see you 💗

1 year ago
I just watched this. Fiona spoke everything I have been saying for 2 years! We could be twins. I hear the same things she says as I minister to survivors, she tells the truth. May the Lord protect her and strengthen her and provide her every need. I really LOVE her truth and her boldness!

1 year ago
Thank you so much for bringing Fiona back! I have so much respect for her. Such a clever lady with a wealth of information!

1 year ago
I’ve been saying this too Fi..exactly as you say. Nobody listened! I told them we were already gone. I told them about the martial law…everything. Well, Im so glad you came on tonight bc you restored my sanity. Felt like I was so alone in this. Thank you and PS, I pray for you every day to keep you safe 🙏
SOULutions with Aquarius Rising Africa

1 year ago
Fiona’s doco Candy Girl is what woke me up to SRA. I have so much respect for her but I feel some healing and forgiveness is needed to set her soul free. There is always hope for humanity. There are always infinite possibilities of timelines. We are creator beings 🙏🙏
SOULutions with Aquarius Rising Africa

1 year ago
Still listening but I have to say that this could be the most important show you’ve done on Aquarius Rising Africa. I’m sad that more people seem to write Fiona off but I would imagine that back in the day of Atlantis, more people didn’t want to believe the end time warnings. Nobody wants to believe something so grim. I, myself, want a savior to show up! I want God to come down and say that since I’ve been MOSTLY good, I get to not experience anything bad and have my chariot waiting for me! Dear Lord, this is scary BUT I remember what Fiona had said in the past and she’s been accurate! So if there is even a chance that what she’s saying is true, we need to know. We need to try and have a plan. I think mostly it’s going to come down to God and prayer and deciding which side of the fence we want to be on. Thanks for showing Fiona respect and for sharing your platform so that some of us can learn and prepare.
SOULutions with Aquarius Rising Africa

1 year ago
Thank you for your bravery Fiona. Thank you all for having the courage to have Fiona tell it like it is.

1 year ago
Thank you so much everyone, especially Fiona, you re- aligned me, re- ignited my intuition, as I was” side tracked ” away from it” for a while, ffs..I knew I should have not listened to some others, and kept with my plan which was basically moving away from uncivilsation, out whoop whoop and prepping for this shit! Back to that again.. I’m grateful to have had the chance to find you! Cheers 😊💖 If anyone has some land, I’d be more than happy to come, as no home, don’t own anything anymore, except some clothes..bring a tent and work hard to prepare. 😊💖

1 month ago
Fiona talking about the truth community is why I have stepped away from my spiritual community too. It was exactly the same over there.
Amen sister ❤
SOULutions with Aquarius Rising Africa

1 year ago
It’s been exciting to see Fiona’s knowledge grow! Excellent interview.

1 year ago (edited)
Thank you for having Fiona on … what a great interview … hopefully the fact that she is now talking publicly again means that there is some kind of unseen protection we are all under … 🤞💜🙏 pray for the best prepare for the worst XxoO God Bless

2 months ago
I am so glad to find this! I thought I would never see Fionna again. It does my heart good to see her healthy and blessed!

6 months ago
Fiona, I can’t thank you enough for all that info!!! You are confirming all of my experiences and then some!!! Chantelle, we’ll have to discuss them on our next show…
Bless you all for helping me along this lengthy healing journey!

1 year ago (edited)
It’s clear that Fiona has an exceptional IQ. Her ability to recall information and express it in perfect expression and understanding of the system.. She’s bursting with information. Can we keep up?

1 year ago
Good interview, Fiona is great and despite the seriousness of her information she has a fantastic sense of humor. Very cool lady.

1 year ago (edited)
I’ve haven’t forgotten you Fiona. I only found you a couple of years ago. I pray for the day that you and all Overcomers and victims get justice and that your experiences will be common knowledge, so as not have it ever happen again. Bless you 🤍✨🙌🏻

1 year ago
Great video, much love and thanks to Fiona for everything she has done = a super soldier of the light that could not be defeated by darkness!

1 year ago
Great interview. Can’t wait to read Fiona’s Book! Love you Fiona your such a True Blue Aussie Mate!!
Praise Jesus for your bravery, wisdom and revelation.
You know you are so looked after…
God bless you and your family.

1 year ago
Fiona Barnett is a true hero one of the bravest souls who had so much to loose by exposing VIP Satanic Ritual Abuse and Chikd Trafficking but stood in her truth about the horrors perpetrated by this level of evil. Fiona woke many Australians🇦🇺 up and the world just how prevalent this is and who is running our politics and the world. Thank you 🙏 this is very powerful. Fiona is one of the most courageous whistleblowers. Keeping Fiona in my prayers as she has been to hell and back to tell her story and what happens to many children. This go to the very top sadly 🙏🙏🙏

1 year ago (edited)
Fiona is a hoot! I absolutely love her!!! She had me in stitches laughing about her survival skills!!! OMG! If she lived here in the United States 🇺🇸 I would so want to be her friend ❤️ thank you for having her on I am going to get her 📕 book!

1 year ago
LOVE Fiona Barnett , so happy to see her again!

1 year ago
They all need to be held accountable for all the the evil they’ve done to so many – in so many ways . Thanks Fiona for coming back and speaking out.

1 year ago
I love
Fiona Barnett she’s frieken awesome. Thank you Chantelle for having her on. Been following her for years ♥️

1 year ago
I think the flood gates will open Fiona, thank you for your Life, thank you for your endurance, thank you for staying for the so many reasons you chose, thank god for you and your lifes contribution, you honor the voices of the others and awaken the rest of us. Words barely do justice to the Love and Gratitude we have for your gift. Love and Gratitude to you all.💖💖💖💖

1 year ago
Fiona Barnett Soap could be a big seller.:) Thankyou for this dynamo woman who knows the seriousness of ‘botox’, politicians, mkUltra programs & so much more. Didn’t know Karen Brewer criticized Fiona; or that Dale Holmes,who exposes much corruption,has been in danger because of it. Thankyou for sharing her book here(free). Important conversations here on your International lounge. Fiona seemed comfortable there.

1 year ago
What a powerful woman! I certainly am going to read her book. Thank you!

1 year ago
Love you all so much, thank you for another interesting programme! Bless you – Louise and Emily ❤️

1 year ago
Thank you for this show. My first time listening to Fiona, what a wonderful woman. God bless you all! 🙏
SOULutions with Aquarius Rising Africa

1 year ago
Amazing! Thank you for this one.. When she talked about the bite that won’t let you die, sounded like Tom Althouse’s true and intended scripting of the Red Pill…. Immortality, but not in the way you’d want…
SOULutions with Aquarius Rising Africa
1 year ago
I would love to hear more from Fiona, about the supernatural and the occult knowledge

1 month ago
Fiona is amazing. As a survivor she resonates with my own story. She is telling the truth.: I wish all survivors could come together to support one another in real life, I feel so alone some days. Fiona has given me so much material to aid my own healing & therapy;
She’s the only person I would divulge my own truth to. Bless ❤

1 year ago
Thank you Fiona. It’s such a relief to see you on here. You have been missed ❤️

1 year ago
God I love your strength and your soul so much Fiona Barnett thankyou for continuing to try and educate the masses you really are a LEGEND of a woman!! Best interview I have seen!! Everyone download Fiona’s book it will blow your mind…
๑Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ๑*¨*• 🙏🏿•.¸¸..๑Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ๑

“A strong woman knows she has strength enough for the journey, but a woman of strength knows it is in the journey where she will become strong.”

10 months ago
I came back and revisited this and I have to say. Fiona Barnetts testimony is the most resonating with the reality of what’s really happening. This makes more sense than anything. Liking something makes no difference in reality. This….Is the closest to the truth imo

1 year ago
First time being introduced to Fiona. Blew my mind even more open! What a #WARRIOR . I can feel her frustration. America = Babylon = Nuked = Gone??? 🤯 What good will it do if I can grow a bean or a tomato? I would gladly share it with my neighbor, but our eyes will be melting out of our heads. Fiona is right. There are many who won’t wake up until they see their neighbor’s head blown off. What do they say in Aussie, “bloody hell”. God help us. Please we need you LORD!

1 month ago
It comforts me to know while I was still in school she was running around trying to do something about the very ring I was being trafficked by ❤

1 year ago
Thank u Fiona for walking us through the dystopia that awaits all of humanity ! Please grace us with your insights further🙏and may Archangel Michael protect and bless you at all times! 🕊❤️🕊🇦🇺

1 year ago
So cool to finally hear from Fiona again! God bless!

1 year ago (edited)
Admire your work Fiona love that you don’t beat around the bush. I could understand your frustration and heard that loud and clear (understandably) but please don’t give up getting your message out there

1 month ago
Come back Fiona❤ love to hear you speak so good to see you love your book!!!

1 year ago
I’m reading Fiona’s book. Thank you all! So sorry for the absolutely horrifically atrocious horrors you lived by Satanically inspired and wicked people. They will answer for it, unless they repent.

10 months ago
Fiona I’m making an effort to bring your Testimony and story back alive!!! I’m streaming Day 2 today of your content. I can, in my own sorta way, understand your frustration. It’s warranted. 🤗

1 year ago
Fiona you are seen and heard by many. Don’t stop now. Much love to you from USA.

1 year ago
You were never forgotton fiona. We worried where you were. So glad your safe. 🙏

1 year ago
Thank you, Fiona, you are greatly appreciated for bringing the TRUTH to us. From Canada

1 year ago
Absolutely a Beautiful Soul to have Overcome sooooo much! have pinned her web to order the book . Each of you panelists are a gift to us, honestly, help us innerstand MORE…..fiona put tigetger many many pieces of the puzzle my Spirit danced, as i’ve known since 60’s bout ww3…..watching it all going downhill as white girl in deep south watching attrocities against my brothters and sisters of another color…..anyway, i had no idea the depth…cain’s seed…the levite strand i’d forgotten or didn’t recall. i think father of my children is one of those….glad i got outttttt

1 year ago (edited)
And thank you so very much for telling it plain and straight so we can all understand! You don’t have to pick up all the bread crumbs to understand!!! God bless you!!! 🙏🏻❤️

1 year ago
I started a petition for Fiona Barnett in 2019-2020

Unfortunately I lost my Instagram to fighting the cause and got just over 1500 signatures to have her case re heard by the royal commission

She deserves justice and so do all the silenced children out there

Good to see you back 🙌🏻
SOULutions with Aquarius Rising Africa

1 year ago
I was only chatting to a friend yesterday about Fiona and wondering if she was going well, as she had been so quiet online and last night my friend sent this link ✨

1 year ago
We need to have faith to get through this.

1 year ago
Love to you Fiona❤️Many believe your story and thank you for speaking out,bold and strong! God bless and protect you!

1 year ago
I believe the Issac Kappy chat followers, hid Fiona’s truth.
I followed her on Twitter and watched a video She was on long ago before the Great Awakening.
Thank you for having her.💕

1 year ago
I love Fiona’s energy, well done.

1 year ago
I’m SO glad to see Fiona again! I’ve been hoping she’s ok. Thankyou!!

1 year ago
Can you have Tom Althouse, Fiona, Jessie, Gabbi and Stephen on at the same time? 🙏🏼✝️💚
SOULutions with Aquarius Rising Africa

1 year ago
I love you Fiona you are fierce and real and I have been studying the elites and there fkd up agenda for around 7 years. Yes its WW3 and there is no going back, its all biblical, and your one of earths angels and you were born to wake up the masses like you do. You are an amazing woman and my blood boils from what they have done to you. You have been through and witnessed more horror than anyone can be fathom and still you stand strong. You are a warrior and pure respect to you. I too get so annoyed and frustrated with stupid people who walk us all over the cliff and straight into the NWO. Sending you peace and love from the UK. <3 xxx @debrawatts8937 1 month ago I was the same I had no idea until I graciously come upon Fiona .. and I was dumb founded. She's a amazing woman that's all I can say. 🙏 1 SOULutions with Aquarius Rising Africa · @Psychealchemica @Psychealchemica 1 month ago Thank you for being a voice of reason and logic on the Kabbalah and mind kontrol programming overlaying! @earlyburd78 @earlyburd78 1 year ago Fiona ADDED ME on FB back in late 2016 after the 🍕 gate revelation when we were both in a now defunct group called PIZZAGATE EXPOSED. It is truly an honor that a TRUTH I posted resonated with her. 2 SOULutions with Aquarius Rising Africa @dtanya5619 1 year ago (edited) Oh my gosh - I 💚ed her from right before IK started outing ppl. I can and can't believe she's on your show, Chanti and Morné 🥰 Ok, back into it. I 💚 you, Fiona 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼 🙏🏼✝️ Had to edit - hello, Miss Gabbi 💚 you too : ) 3 SOULutions with Aquarius Rising Africa @giselebeaupre1704 1 month ago Kudos to Chantelle, lover of truth, beautiful beyond belief!!! Great interview. SOULutions with Aquarius Rising Africa @whitneybaxter3299 1 year ago When she mentions the targeted “Levite blood line” that perked my ears up because according to the Bible out of the twelve tribes of Israel only one tribe was assigned to deal with the ark of the convent and the building, tending duties and priests of the temple of God and that tribe was the Levite tribe. The whole story starts in exodus after Moses frees the Jews from Egypt. @ctebopilipovic5235 11 months ago She is 100 % right !!! Zombies are everywhere even in alternative news @bishhwahh6229 1 year ago I never forgot you Fiona and your story I have been thinking about you and how it is all connected ❤️ @animaleyes4733 1 year ago You guys are hilarious. Thanks for the humor! Lol @Psychealchemica 1 month ago 52:11 it’s time we listen to our survivors 👍🏼 the most validating thing I’ve heard all week, exactly. 1 SOULutions with Aquarius Rising Africa @phyllisd.5640 6 months ago Love Fiona.. 10 months later, praying she is doing well.... SOULutions with Aquarius Rising Africa @leahthomas4299 1 year ago This is awesome Information thank you, I will buy your book. I mean it's devastating but I value you sharing this. I thought their plan was to kill us not have us stay alive forever? @patriciaanderson9283 1 year ago Always thinking of you Fiona Pray your always safe happy & in good health Bravest person ever 💛💛💛 🌷💖🌷💖🌷💖🌷🌼 @georgiaobree 1 year ago Sending LOVE to you all from flooded Brisbane. xxg @alexaphillips3758 1 year ago Thank you Fiona Barnett and everyone. I have downloaded and printed @deborahharker4392 1 year ago I would love a show with Fiona and Jessie!!! @truthsrfreedomamyjogodluvs6627 1 year ago Ty God for the Strength you have given this warrior. For her only, Lord please give her a moment of peace that passes understanding just for a little respite. Lord Thank you for her tenacity and refusal to give up. Amen! @bridgetshaw7051 1 year ago Morne your face is cracking me up! The surprise and shock over what she is saying is evident on your face. And I feel the same way!! @missijane4114 1 year ago Why fiona is cool she is a warrior so intelligent wise funny xxx @darlenecupp7440 1 year ago Jessie mentions horrific things but she doesn’t mention some of these horrids. Yes I believe we have evils coming across the borders . But I will always believe my Lord will control all this to his glory and plan @kirsikkamansikka8695 7 months ago I would like to hear an update from Fiona. 🙂🙃 She's such a brave lady! SOULutions with Aquarius Rising Africa @zuk024 1 year ago Thank you for everything love Fiona. @animaleyes4733 1 year ago Thanks for coming back Fiona! @melissajohnsonhaight5036 1 year ago (edited) I have to say…. I was double botoxed lol but it was before I heard most of this…. I refused anymore! It’s not too late for some of us who love Jesus I assure you. I’m late to learning but I feel the differences in my body. But like Jessie says I pray against it! No weapons formed against me shall prosper! I rebuke it! Please don’t give up on all of us…. some of us see and hear and believe and work to do better now that I know. ❤️ @MrArron4949 1 year ago Amazing interview with Fiona xxx @marisacruz7651 2 months ago 😆I love Fionna! @AngelaKirbyonbeingyou 1 year ago Time to fork off.. lol… so good to see Fiona …thank you all…. I came in at 40 min so I am just starting again… 🌹♥️🌹 8 SOULutions with Aquarius Rising Africa @sylviabriggs4087 1 year ago I have just finished watching Gali Lucy's world predictions, and feeling happy with her information, but now feeling confused,,,thank on for sharing x @zoe-annefields1452 1 year ago Raw and true. A big thank you. 🙏 @susiefraser9182 1 year ago This was great Chantelle, I think you will reach a lot of people. Heavy topics though. In future will you ask any questions about Isaac Kappy? @giselebeaupre1704 1 month ago I am going to suggest that Roseanne invites Fiona to be on her show. That would be amazing. IF You speak to her please ask her to invite Fiona. It would be hilarious!!! Crying hillarious because it is so crazy especially with Roseanne lol Fiona can be fee to be funny as hell also lol @loriclarke1759 1 year ago People are still believing tv!!! I feel so frustrated. They’re in zombie land here in Tasmania! Go Fiona I’m with you!!! @Psychealchemica 1 month ago She’s spot on about the quantum computer and the frequencies and tree of life. The 5G towers are also involves, they emit frequencies that align with this technology. I think it’s more with enochian aethyrs the 5G. @bigkitty731 1 year ago Would love to hear how Fiona was able to recover from her torture @PREPPER65 1 year ago (edited) 18mins 20seconds - an orb flew past Gabbi's shoulder whilst Fiona talked about child soldiers 😳 @TL-gq9nk 1 year ago Whistleblower who developed the 'mark' tech, spoke out because they would proceed with the lithium batteries used in developement when he had protested about not replacing them with safer options, was ignored and he would not support this. @debrawatts8937 1 year ago Love fiona... she's gutsy. @CtheBRIGHTside 1 year ago Your beautiful Fiona. Believe and love U 🙏❤️✌️ @traceyanne777 7 months ago That Karen Brewer has caused at lot of trouble here in NZ. Because of her manic behaviour people switched off and wouldn't listen to someone trying to speak up with the facts. SOULutions with Aquarius Rising Africa @leahthomas4299 1 year ago I've never heard Bosi put you down, or discredit you. @dropbear9526 1 year ago There is Q, then there are Anons, there is no Qanon. And, Q made me take a 2nd look into God. Because of Q I went from a serious atheist, to a believer. Just sayin. @charissseburchett8353 1 year ago Fiona has not been forgotten xxxxx never SOULutions with Aquarius Rising Africa @trappedinplastic2060 1 year ago Who on earth said Dan Andrews was great? Much love to Fiona and hope for the real war going on. @trezaredden4473 1 year ago (edited) Fiona, I am praying continuously for strength, power and might. You keep referring to the prophetic books. I know that to be the BIBLE. Still so many in the “Truth” movement are very lost and falling for demons and evil healings of darkness. They are still missing the MARK of Christ that separates the sheep from the goats. I pray your message today penetrates through bone and marrow. Believe in the Lord Jesus Christ and you will be saved. Sadly many Christians have taken the botox. It is all a set up for what is coming. Maranatha Lord Jesus come quickly. May He be lifted high and redeem His people. @Linda-em1om 1 year ago Please come back Fiona😍♥️ @loriclarke1759 1 year ago Thanks Fiona❤️ @cynthiarushing 1 year ago Also, too!! The acupuncturist I had used for years, the neighborhood apothecary I actually worked for the ladies, have had botox!! I can no longer support them! 3 SOULutions with Aquarius Rising Africa @truthsrfreedomamyjogodluvs6627 1 year ago TY So much Fiona! Ty All so much! @louisepeacock3953 6 months ago Our history is one of war, punctuated by short periods of peace. @missijane4114 1 year ago Brilliant chat @onlyhis5870 1 year ago (edited) As long as people are watching television, the ‘News’ etc. they will be brainwashed. It’s ALL sorcery, lies and deception. The ONLY answer is to put our faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. He and He alone is where we find our salvation. The battle is spiritual. It’s Satan and his people against the Lord Jesus Christ and those who belong to Him. We win this! We already won this at Calvary when Jesus rose from the dead victorious over ALL Satan’s power! Look to Jesus and no-one else! @passionatepatriot7272 1 year ago Love Fiona @julietye108 1 year ago Why bother waking them to tell them they’re. gonna die WAKE UP ITS tIME TO DIE. 😂 enjoyed everything you had to say and am looking for your channel. I’m in Maclean northern NSW. Tomorrow is first day can drive out my driveway after flood @sparrowsflight2947 1 year ago Hi Fiona. Have you heard of Project Mk Often here in Australia? Are you able to be contacted? @neeveyniamh5762 1 year ago Good video 👍🏻 @hope4u149 1 year ago Question: who did she say has the strongest constitution? In very beginning, before Levites. Hierarchy and bloodline.... @rachaeldodd462 6 months ago I was in the Round Table as was my friend who has also commented on this video too @tobyfitzpatrick565 1 year ago FIONA! @ritapoe4652 1 year ago Love U Fiona @reneesalvatori1996 3 weeks ago Where can I get the book or reading on pdf? Her sight states I have to have an account. @mj3825 1 year ago Salt of the Earth....pls come back.💖 @madonnamiller1 1 year ago So the book isn’t available in print? @melaniemuller135 1 year ago The link to Fiona's book doesn't seem to work. Any idea where else I can download it? @hisbeloved8894 1 year ago Is fiona ok? @passionatepatriot7272 1 year ago (edited) Hell no hope ?? my-swell go live it up while i can 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️party like a rockstar 🤷‍♀️ why not 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️ @lesliebisset1318 7 days ago thank you @loriclarke1759 1 year ago Anyone heard of JZ Knight/Ramtha?? She even has Q on her front gates!! @leahthomas4299 1 year ago I cannot find the link to the book, could someone help me out please thx @deborahcamacho6261 11 months ago Fiona’s website and book is unavailable going by these links @mariac3882 1 year ago Csiro is on Clayton's monash university campus?? @passionatepatriot7272 1 year ago Naaaaa imma knock myself off when shit gets real I’m not living that life @julietye108 1 year ago They forked off. 😝 😂 @sirius4518 4 hours ago 55:22 - can someone explain that 2 names / first and last name thing? @debrawatts8937 3 months ago Hahahaha... 😁 @lainepreston8104 1 year ago Oh get in with it @MKUltraGirl 1 year ago Over the falls. @DUxYFn 1 year ago All the comments are very “happy”…..she’s just told you we’ll all be nuked. Very weird. @105millertime 9 months ago Does anyone know how to contact Fiona? SOULutions with Aquarius Rising Africa @debrawatts8937 1 year ago Lopk at Melbourne the lat 2 years... communist country it's been crazy.. @CtheBRIGHTside 1 year ago Spiritual warfare the only solution is to be found in God through Jesus @rochellepaputsis7245 1 year ago Red Dawn in America @CtheBRIGHTside 1 year ago Acting Army lol @casiozhuman.8196 1 year ago seems like a kiss your arse goodbye ....Trust in God.......the only way out ..xxxxx @CtheBRIGHTside 1 year ago (edited) Andrenochrome "the Botox project". @alexandrahalpern1184 1 year ago Ww3 is already here. @jennieazak6724 1 year ago Stephen Hawking @philipbrazis8732 1 year ago (edited) Ruth here, Jesus will not come back for a tattered bride, Jsus followers we with stand satan, we will fo greater things than Jesus, is tha not what it says in the gospels see o we must stop this doom and gloom @aussiegirl3473 1 year ago Good to see Fiona again, we haven't seen her since the Isaac Kappy and Tom Hanks events.. The Levites, descendants of Jacob 's son Levi, were selected to serve G‑d in the Holy Temple.Most served in peripheral roles, playing music, opening and closing the gates, and standing guard. In the case of the portable Tabernacle (which preceded the Holy Temple in Jerusalem), they were responsible for packing up, transporting, and reconstructing the Tabernacle whenever the Israelites ... (imho, this would explain why those from that line would have a higher spiritual connection) X. Australian Victim Fiona Barnett’s New Documentary (January 18, 2022)

733 Comments To IV. Fiona Barnett tells Her Story [Survivor Trigger Warning – Graphic] (above)

Deedee Berry
6 years ago

Joy Gallaher
6 years ago
Thank God for Fiona and her courage!!

7 years ago
Fiona, peace and love to you and those who have gone/are going through the same torture.

barbara dolby
6 years ago
What continues to bother me is how rampant this is! It’s in so many countries and it’s known by the rich! They are involved in it up to the tips of their heads! I just am sickened to my stomach! It needs to be shared world wide! We have to wake more people up!

Victoria Day
6 years ago
Very brave lady.

M A ‘s
4 years ago
God bless you Fiona and God bless those who support Fiona Barnett!

Anna Johnson
7 years ago
You are a real Hero Fiona … good on you for having the guts to tell your truth

7 years ago
I am a survivor of the SAME SET and an currently being suppressed/silenced on these matters. I verify that the problem reached the highest rank of Australian politics (of off-shore allegiances), army, policing, medicine, law, education, sports, theatre, media … with many of these certain people REMAINING EVEN TODAY in government roles today and on the payroll
And sadly the harms to me have been continued using abuses of Acts of government, and I DO have these proofs from FOI files, the matter been perpetuated by the predators positing fallacies to ruin the lives of survivors. The set attempted to wipe me out !
A very certain International human rights abuses matter.

dawn connors
7 years ago
Fiona IS naming names without civil/legal consequence… THAT is how you know she is telling the truth. The FIRST thing those in power would do, if they could, is SHUT HER UP!

6 years ago
god bless this woman she is so raw &brave along with courage..

Anastasia Maria
5 years ago (edited)
I raise awareness in our world and work with Mother Earth and her ley lines. I love this woman Fiona Bartlett. She is my HERO and she is a Way Shower for all in our world today. For Fiona to come out and dedicate her life to transmute and transcend this abuse energy in our world is a job like no other. Her dedication to this cause is admirable. Her contribution to the Web of Life, Humanity and all life on this Earth and within our Universe is SUBSTANTIAL.

You have no idea how much adversity this woman has overcome and how much is still slung at her to stop her from speaking up about all this and raising awareness.

Most people have no idea how much she has put at risk coming forward, naming names and talking about the unspeakable behavior of these crazy out of control over sexed elite POS (pieces of shit).

To break the famly tradiion is unheard of in these circles. Especially because she betrayed the family, one cannot overlook what kinda gumption this really brave soul has put forth in our world to break the cycle of abuse in their family and to raise awareness.

So when anyone steps up against abuse in the world, within their own bloodline, they have the ability to heal generations of people throughout their history. Not only those involved now – it’s huge over 50,000 can heal from such bravery from a human at this time.

This healing is not only on a Earth level, there is a huge war going on in the spiritual realms right now with some dark folks. Our military and our corporations have more information on this than they let on with us.

People like Nichole Kidman and her father and these POS who buy into this Satanic Ritiual ABuse and continue the abuse within their homes and businesses victimizing millions need to be called out. We need to shine the light brightly on this kind of BAD . . . HORRENDOUSLY BAD BEHAVIORS.

Mariella Delores
4 years ago
Fiona speaks the truth. In raising awareness may the Lord keep you safe.

Sara Pattishall
5 years ago
this stuff goes on way more than people have any concept of

Cherri Music
3 years ago
Our Fiona is a gem, she will win in the end!! power to you Fiona… Perth Australia

5 years ago
I believe her story!!
I remember hearing similar stories by victims telling their stories about 25 years ago on short wave radio
I remember a girl saying she was hunted in the woods and was raped and some were killed and she named former president “daddy bush” as being one of the prominent men that were there participating in the hunt

1 year ago (edited)
Thank you to all the victims & survivors of this evil who speak out.
May your God bless you all ❤

Persian Rebel
6 years ago
Fiona I am so proud of you for coming forward, in spite of in fear of your life!!! Fuck the people for doing these satanic and child abuse things!!! God bless you

Ty Kellerman
4 years ago
What a remarkable woman and all the survivors I hope they see all this sickness come to light.

4 years ago
I totally believe Fiona. It breaks my heart that she had to deal with all that abuse. The horrible thing is that those pictures are in her mind until her death. I can’t even imagine. She is a very strong and brave person.

Julia H.
5 years ago
I absolutely believe her.

Marianne Gordon
5 years ago
I’m so sorry for what you and others have gone through and for those that are going through it!! I pray that our Father helps those in need and helps you all others heal!! And intervenes with those still going through it!! God bless you and thank you for exposing this pure evil!!! 💝💓💜💕🌸

4 years ago
These last few months I’ve opened my eyes to a lot of things, I no longer watch tv. As an earlier comment says “we don’t even know 1% of reality”. I think you hit the nail on the head. Explain things to people like i was 12 months ago, they think your crazy! The whole world have been conditioned, blindfolded almost to what REALLY goes on in this world. And we let it happen…My eyes are wide open now.

Lexy P
4 years ago
So brave Fiona thoughts are with you and all the other victims

6 years ago
Thank you to Fiona Barnett for bringing forward her own story and can’t even begin to imagine how difficult her life and story have actually been, but bless her for telling us.Takes tremendous courage to try to tell this truth to the public.Beware of those violent among us and those who want to torture people.We can look at the lineup of US presidents since JFK and see each is complicit in the coup which took our government. CIA was taking over our country drafting plans two years before end of WWII. Did it ever end?

Gordon Welke
4 years ago
Fiona Barnett is yet another Hero of the highest order. Sheer courage and love for her fellow humans. Thank You

Root Vibes
2 years ago
Much love to you, thank you for being a force for good! God bless you 🙏❤️🙏

Jennifer DuVall
4 years ago
Omg,… these people that do this shit to children, are vile, disgusting, horrific monsters!!! I can’t even wrap my mind around that level of pure evil!!! Wtf?!!! I honestly don’t even think that they are human beings! There is NO humanity left in these creatures! A human being would shudder, at just the thought of such things! This is truly heart wrenching!!! We are ALL in the middle of a spiritual battle, (and some people don’t even realize this,)…this is a war between good and evil, darkness and light, life and death, and it’s a struggle for the very future of humanity!!! Please share this information with anyone and everyone that you can! It’s time to wake up and get into the fight! Love and blessings all!

What Grandma Thinks about it
5 years ago
Fiona. I was severely abused by my mother who was not in a satanic cult but she was a practicer of spiritism which made her subject to “the demons”. I am almost 60 years old and my mother is still wicked and she has not changed. I had to cut all ties with this old woman who must have made a deal with the devil because she is still wicked and she recently tried to use my two sisters to continue this abuse against me. There was a very large confrontation between myself and my siblings. My children are appalled and cannot accept the level of depravity that was perpetrated against me. For this reason, I have no contact with two of my children. Please, if there is an attorney who will help me to sue my mother’s estate ( dearest ) for the The continued abuse against her eldest daughter.

Veronica Lake
4 years ago
Thank you Fiona Barnett FOR TELLING THE TRUTH.!

Veronica Lake
4 years ago

Cole Cole
5 years ago
This is heartbreaking 😟

Jojo Hugo
6 years ago
Fiona , you are a hero…! God bless

Nicola Douglas
2 years ago
Children’s drawings are very telling!!! If ever a child is hiding something and won’t tell just ask them to draw a picture!!!!! You may find out the problem!!!!

Debbie Charles
6 years ago
thankyou for sharing,you must be prsised for bringing this to light,and a wonderful truth for the victims of this terrible tragedy.

6 years ago
THank you for exposing these devils to us…

Tinkerbell Dog
4 years ago
Thank you for supporting Fiona to have a voice.

Phoenixx Star
3 years ago
I mean c’mon this is all def true!! have seen many interviews on children over seas and other ppl tell their stories and they’re all practically the same!! WTF are WE as the 99 % doing to stand up to this and destroy all of this! This is the worst shit going on in this world, worse than war in my opinion. These innocent humans being abused for their sick pleasure omg, they all need to DIE!!!

Intelligentbodymassage. com to deeply reconnect
6 years ago
GOD BLESS THIS WOMAN who will leave a legacy, She needs our prayers not our destructiveness.

LaQueisha Braham
4 years ago
God Bless You Fiona Barnett!!!!!!

5 years ago (edited)
Kind of makes you remember the movie “Eyes Wide Shut” with Nicole Kidman and Tom Cruise and the strangest shit going on in the film. I hope to the Lord that she is not really like the movie portrayed! [Disclaimer: I had a pedophile father who molested five out of six of my older sisters but not me.] Right under my mother’s nose, so she had to have been in on it. They were really kinky anyway (barf, gag, blegh). As for me, I was saved from that because of my singular “talent” to protect myself: I had/have a “BIG, big mouth” and the ability to just blurt stuff out around other people who were or were not in the pedo game, so they left me alone. But I saw it happening. My sister closest in age to me was molested for over 10 years by my father. Maybe more after she got married and left home. My mother knew all of it. My sister had my father’s baby…TWICE! They lied and told me she was going to Hawaii for “college entrance exams”. Death threats were used on me if I ever said anything to anyone, so I never did. The second I turned 18 years and 1 second old, my shit was packed and my dog and cat and I fled from that house of horrors and I never looked back. The sister closest to me doesn’t remember anything, conveniently. They told her she had had a “concussion” (my ass she had a concussion, she was punched and strangled.) She was molested and programmed by my father and his friends with my filthy mother’s assent. Today, that sister is so mentally screwed up that she has become a terrible human being, very predator-like, ridiculously kinky, loves bondage-type sex play and also turned out to be just a horrible in general human being as well. Thank God I cut her and my parents loose and out of my life years and years ago. I then moved away from all of them! Ironically, I moved to Australia for 3 years to get away from all of them. Had I known there was the stuff in this video, I might have chosen another place. But I LOVE LOVE LOVED living there. I had a fantastic time there, fell in love, lived next to the beach in Cairns (9 Fern street, Holloways Beach for you Aussies who know the area) and was blissfully ignorant that this stuff was also going on around me. Phew! That would have really harshed my wonderful memories of being there. My heart goes out to any person who is victimized as children or adults in this mind bending pedophile world.

4 years ago
Thanks Fiona for that good answer to him. Just like any society there is a percentage who do evil.

Blessed Hope
5 years ago
I believe her.

Cortney Holt
4 years ago
Ive now switched my new career goals to Vigilante that protects children!

1 year ago
They get away with so much because the child isn’t even aware of what’s happened to them until several years have passed. Then when you do start getting memories they come in as dreams and flashbacks that are split up.

After so long mist adults realize what happened but they turn around and do the same thing to their children and the children that belong to the families that practice those sick acts

Natural Ascetic Revolution
5 years ago
Bless all these people. You are my hero Fiona. I Pray for our leaders to change. I pray for us all to be changed.

Early Cuyler
5 years ago
These elites, power brokers, etc. would have made this lady disappear instantly if there was an ounce of truth to what shes saying. If they can make actors, other elites, directors, etc., people who actually know or were involved, disappear or scare them into silence they sure as hell have access to this lady.

Seeking Truth
5 years ago
Poor children that had no parental love and Protection..

6 years ago
OK you got my attention and my spiritual senses went up. It is time for the army of God to start moving. Christ Jesus is the commanding officer. Fiona Barnett, you are a strong woman and keep up your testimony. I will continue to pray for all this and your protection from what we can not see. Angels of protection surround you and loved one, all in the name of Jesus.

5 years ago
Very brave woman, god bless.
What Grandma Thinks about it
What Grandma Thinks about it
7 years ago
What bothers me is that Nicole adopted all of those beautiful children. What has become of those children?

Private Hudson
4 years ago
There is NO WAY Nicole Kidman is not a devil worshipper after being brought into it by
her sick father

7 years ago
Humanity has no hope with these scumbags ruling countries nations and the world.

7 years ago
Two questions nobody seems to be asking – 1 what does Fiona stand to gain financially from all of this?
2 Why is she still alive?
Michele Mcguire
2 years ago
I’ve heard alot of stories and everyone is just a little bit more horrific

Rita Rita
4 years ago
However what comes to these children – WE SHULD PRAY for them… If you read this message please stop what you doing and say a little Hart Felth Pray for their safety, wellbeing and hope for escape and better life… Please let’s send some positive energy and hope!

Joy Gallaher
6 years ago (edited)
I LOVE Fiona and want to help Gordon. We have got sooo many famous people in USA as well.

5 years ago
I no her story is true . when I was younger a girl told me a very similar story .she said that that people would assemble in a theater type place and forced to have sex on stage in front of the hole crowd of people then an orgy would happen. I had forgotten about it until I found until out about Fiona barnett

Polaris 23
6 years ago
I feel horrid about my last post. I was projecting and I apologize. I’ve seen what seems like hundreds of vids on this subject as I believe I was abused very heavily as child and memories erased. There are literally no memories before age nine and my behavior was very abnormal by age ten, plus, tons of others patterns that I don’t want to get into. So, anyway, out of the countless testimonials I’ve seen, Fionna is by far the BRAVEST woman I have ever heard in my life and the strongest. Her public disclosure is creating the beginnings of a tidal wave of the cabals demise. In fact, I truly believe, from my research, that they’re all either dead or locked up. If you notice someone bowing out of spotlight for few days and then re-appearing as if they lost weight and have more color in the face, less wrinkles, etc…. you can BET your bottom dollar it’s a clone. (Hillary’s appearance in 1st week of FEB 2017 is perfect example.)

Look Listen
4 years ago
Too much evil walks this earth……

5 years ago
Thanks for remaining with the good fight…

Joey Trifogli
3 years ago (edited)
Operation Freedom 2020 just blew this up. WWG1WGA✊

Maria O. 2020
4 years ago
Let me tell you something it’s hard to believe because it’s just too much evilness in those people, the billionaire, the Hollywood people, they are disgusting humans being, everything she said it’s true

5 years ago (edited)
And Fiona did see what she tells us – and survived. Why?
Seems, THEY like witnesses: Ohhh, let me be accused. Yes, yes, me too. Please wait! Tell the police. Yeah!

3 years ago
This ladys so brave 💕👍😦

Richiet Tass
4 years ago
I do know that the part of the military that would always take me was the DNI. Department of Naval intelligence. This branch of military worship dagon deity. each branch of the military has its own deity that they worship. Department of Naval intelligence is also in charge of all portals or interdimensional travel these are the ones that would come get me almost every night matter of fact they took me so many times it never felt like I slept. so I’m wondering if anybody else had any information regarding regarding the department of Naval intelligence and abduction programs and different things like that

Cody S.
4 years ago
Fiona is the unsung hero of mankind. She will save this world.

Juniper Wood Green
7 years ago
Just a tsunami of tears roll down my own face and flood my heart. Someday a bright new wave will break upon the shore and their will be no sickness no more crying no more war and little children never will go hungry anymore and their will be a bright new morning over there there will be a bright new world for us to share…

Marv Moskwa
4 years ago
Patriots Fight!


Noel Dee
4 years ago
I could never stand Nicole Kidman now I know why

Levi Goldstine
7 years ago
she said there is corruption at all levels the victims I pray as well as yourself Fiona, Jesus Christ is our only by accepting him into your hearts. He’s the only one who can protect and give the victims peace of mind. The Holy Spirit is only one that can guide and lead a person into all truths. Pray for the abusers to get saved and repent of their sins. This is the devil’s playground so we expect this kinds of filthy gory things to happen and be covered up. That why if your going to speak out you better have Jesus Christ in your hearts confess your sins to him and repent. The will try to kill you and those close to you. Shalom 4-19-16

Theresa Hoffman
6 years ago
This goes on in Hollywood

Theory Of Personality
1 year ago
The reason they started calling children kids is because kids are sacrificial baby goats. Humans have children. Goats have kids.

Col Dawson
5 months ago
Young country kid’s in Australia especially NSW. All head to Kings Cross. My youngest brother went to Kings Cross in Sydney. He was held down and raped by 3 men. Fortunately a woman who worked there liked him. Told him to get out or they would kill him. His mate was owned by a high up layer
He rang him and told him to get back straight away. They had only just arrived. So I told him to tell him to wait. He looked at me and said. You don’t do that. And he left.
My brother slashed his wrists. There was blood everywhere in the bathroom. Fortunately my husband was a policeman. So we got help and him stitched up.
My husband never rose in the ranks higher than senior constable, because he was an honest policeman. And this all happened in 1977. My son was 10months old
And have never forgotten. I also lost my virginity with rape. Am almost 70 and I still remember every detail. So this lady is the most amazing woman. And for you evil men and women. It’s just a shame there is no such place as a burning hell.

Richiet Tass
4 years ago
I was three when it started for me. Docs can’t help they think your crazy. I was also a part of a program that had military take me out of my bed at night with other children. I know we’re taken to China lake. At seven when they took me I saw that they already had AI up and running. In the early 70s I saw AI drones that would guard China lake we’re we would be taken into this underground entrance. I remember see other children of different races. I do not know if any of the children made it back. I know that because I scored very high on my psychic abilities my empathic abilities which go hand-in-hand with your intuitive psychic abilities. they found out the more empathic the child was if he had the gift of the psychic abilities the more empathic they were the higher the psychic ability would be. not only did I score off the charts on the empathic ability but I also scored off the charts on the psychic ability. that’s one of the reasons for the cloning they need that part to be fused into the DNA or whatever embryonic being they want and increase the intuitive psychic ability in that creature. I hate them for what they did to me I hate them that they changed me that they made me alienated from everything around me. every time they would take me than Shatter Me More. I’ve gone through hell and I’m still marching I will not take my own life but I ate them with everything that I have and I would kill every last one of them if I could for what was done to me and the other children

kimmi w
4 years ago (edited)
Our heavenly father wants this known..thank you Father..check out walter veith about the herodian mind/mark of cain on youtube..Yeshua is everything

Da Koder
6 years ago
The perpetrators are cursed 7 x 70 fold for their heinous sins. Reward them Lord God for their diligent work on behalf of Lucifer. Fill up the cup of your Wrath without mixture. Glorify thy name. Save the little ones from this madness. Blessed art thou O’ Lord. Thy will be done.

Sid Smith
4 years ago
I believe this woman.

Jimmy Byars
4 years ago (edited)

7 years ago
She seems to have a very good memory for someone so young,how the heck would she know who Billy Graham was? How can she so accurately pin names to all of those faces from so long ago?,these are the questions that will be asked if ever…….

K.C. Gillum
7 years ago
I really do t think we as humans or people k ow what is really going on ,on this earth. I don’t think we even know 1% of reality!
Urupipeṛ2 Ṫẁo

Debbie McLean
6 years ago
the thing that makes this very hard to fully accept is if all of this happened this way she claims why are none of the other children ever coming forward? No matter who or what it is against, when someone comes forward saying this is what happened, after the first, the others start to come. Why have none of the other victims come forward??? If there are the massive massive amounts of kids tortured and tormented each night, over and over and over again as she is claiming, where are the victims? There have to be reports of injured children, there have to be others willing to say, yeah we were hurt.. at least one other… why is it she is the only one when there is massive massvie massive amounts????

The Man from Epsilon Crucis
6 years ago
she has managed to string together every conspiracy possible, to create a huge story. But it has many flaws and holes. That will happen when you weave such a huge fantasy. Maybe she was molested by her father I think, probably for many, many years. To cope with that, she made up this amazing story with every famous person she could cram in, along with fantasy locations etc. Sorry, I can see through it. I feel sorry for her becasue someone did molest her, but it was a boring, run of the mill story.

5 years ago
Why don’t ALL of these many vids of these things go viral? We know why

Joker & Cars
6 years ago
I just cant take a person speaking with an Australian accent this long serious. Too comical

6 years ago
i believe u, and im sorry this happened to u..the world is evil

10 months ago
Fiona is Australian of the Millenium!

Casa Arriola
6 years ago
may the Blood Of Jesus cover you sister…your courage will be rewarded…cris arriola

1 year ago
Of course your considered nothing but a complete but job when you start getting your memories back, then you start asking questions but all you get is the silent treatment or told that your a liar and those things didn’t happen

Richiet Tass
4 years ago
When I was In second grade I had a flash back of me in a room standing with someone at my side wearing a robe. The walls were red and In front of me we’re a door was I saw black curtains. all of a sudden men in monk robes came walking out one by one holding a candle. I know there is more but that’s all that flashed before my eyes. It scared me so bad I had to have my Mum get me.

nobody noname
4 years ago
Think of all the people and Kids that disappear without a trace. Its starting to make sense

AlleY HonEYcuTAfaRT
6 years ago
i assume there is no coincidence that nicole kidman and tom cruise played in that movie EYES WIDE SHUT !

Mind and Body Equlibrium
5 years ago
Great interview

1 year ago
Using Statement Analysis, her statement is considered truthful.

Rick Barron
5 years ago
I’m not so sure about her. One part of me wants to believe her story.
The other part is very suspicious of why is it that only she, got to be in the presence of all these famous people. It sure is a lot for one person who’s not famous to claim that she’s been with all these famous people.

Jim Hocking
5 years ago
This is so sad. Where is Fiona today.

Hailey Miller
5 years ago
I can corroborate this testimony

7 years ago
All of this is absolutely disgusting and heinous but I have ONE question that hasen’t been answered anywhere as of yet or perhaps I’ve missed the reason.
WHY did this woman’s biological mother leave her with these monsters ? These “grand-parents” ?????? WHY ???????

Private Hudson
4 years ago
Sh needs to go on Alex’s show wow

Colleen Tanaka
5 years ago
How do we stop these sick people? Maybe only God can. Cause if we do anything we will be put in jail

6 years ago
if this is true why doesnt someone take action ??
if this is not true, why doesnt someone arrest her ??

Cortney Holt
4 years ago
Well there goes my interest in a career in Military Intelligence. If I uncovered those dossiers I couldn’t look the other way and my career would there fore be short lived!!!

Railroad Reg
6 years ago
There was a telemovie starring Sigrid Thornton called “Whipping Boy”. I think that movie tells this story. Shocking.

1 month ago (edited)
She just blabs on very matter of fact and not very traumatized🙄 How the hell could she get through all this and sound so normal!? Also she must be a target

Ethna Lee
4 years ago
Great Honest Video, You are a fighter Fiona, Keep safe Fiona, Those Paedophile Psychopaths, time is up sooner then later, No wonder Paul Keating Wife left him….

Daketta Wilson
4 years ago
My God these people will have to Answer to God for what they did!!!!!

Annette Colon
4 years ago
she ate kids but got kids ??? how the hell does she sleep eat or even be alone…id be in a bad stage …wow

Robert Galloway
6 years ago
is this for real???I have never heard of this ever, so why are those mentioned not pulled in and made to answer for this atrocity get them in a courthouse now and let it go world wide asap

11 months ago
Es währe ganz gut wenn es einen deutschen Untertitel geben würde. Danke 🙏

Source Hauntings
5 years ago
Where the fuck was her mother?!?!? Mothers were made to protect! If this happened to my child EVERYONE dies that had contact with my kid.. Everyone.

Lindy Ellinger
6 years ago
some of you people are heartless be happy it did not happen to you many of us have been sexally abused and these things do happen! Where is or compassion.I think you people live in the dark!!!

6 years ago
These things make me so sick , so sick to my stomach

Theory Of Personality
1 year ago
Fast forward to 2021 and Disney was named as a co-conspirator in the Epstine Maxwell case.

Miss Bliss
6 years ago
At least we know why Nicole Kidman is an ice queen now huh? Y’all thought Tom was the mental one…

TheDanishGirl !!
4 years ago
What happened to this woman? I just googled her and everything after 2015 had been removed by the EU.

4 years ago
Paul bonachi described exact same about bohemian grove.

6 years ago
this guy was asking wrong questions and about other people dude let her tell her story. he obviously didnt know much about what happened to Fiona.. but she did real well un regards to him not really paying attn..

6 years ago
How did she get out?

Lindy Ellinger
6 years ago
Dena do you have children?Pray it don’t happen to them! I,m going to pray for you!

Joan Wisnowski
1 year ago
She referred to Jane Fonda’s husband, the politician. That was Tom Hayden. So does she mean Tom Hayden or Ted Turner who was there? She said Ted Turner, but he wasn’t a politician. ???

Jessica Maskiell
5 years ago
No thanks to our fathers, brothers, grandfather’s, uncle, teacher, neighbor, babysitter, guardian, and any other man that has his hands down my pants…we are now, generations of misfits, fucked up damaged goods⁉️

La Quan Clemmons
5 years ago
this is bad 🙁 and all the innocent children being hurt and tortured for nasty bastards desires!!!!

Aliyah Brown
5 years ago
Question Australia has a crossword book that kids can join online…the crossword puzzle book had my daughter had joined by mistake had very dodgey tittles possibly suggested sexual connotations of child abuse, disposal of bodies, actors names suggests movies, puzzle books are everywhere on display, but the one I had with all this was issued bout 2005 very concerning.

6 years ago
here in America too! And every nation

paul cheney
5 years ago
WHAT THE F** IS THIS REAL!!! Good god they aren’t suing her for slander so draw a conclusion from that!!

4 years ago
Is this the sex ring that “Kendall” from Dr Phil talked about last year?

Jennifer Ramos
4 years ago
Damm this is to crazy!!!

6 years ago
I’d really like to know if Franklin Graham is involved! He is involved in operation Christmas which involves lots of young Children. Also part of Trumps Christian advisors.

Janine Cooper
7 years ago
Wasnt there a movie or documentry on Nixon and had this sort of stuff in it?????

V Toria
6 years ago
They put the fault in only one person, look what happened to Peter Scully case, only stupid people think he was working alone, for who he was making the snuff movies for?
The NLF (No limits fun) was making a lot of money, who was paying for?
This thing is HUGE and nobody is talking about this anymore, why?

winter dreams
5 years ago
if this was true how is it they havent killed her

4 years ago
I always wondered why they had Club 33 at Disneyland, now we know the real reason..

don key shot
5 years ago
37:25 the person in disneyland that fiona is referring to is ted turner, founder of CNN and ex-husband of jane fonda.

3 years ago
Hi I’m Troy from Engadine Australia my life has been completely destroyed from the youngest of age by Dutch school teacher family and friends along with the police officers that have been involved . I’ve been a victim if Gang stalking police set ups & more . P

5 years ago
Is this Fiona’s art work? 😳
Urupipeṛ2 Ṫẁo

Rosana Reeves
5 years ago
Holy Jesus… Smh. How horrible. Sick.

3 years ago
Is this woman speaking of this horror in front of a CHILD??

9 months ago
2015, nothing has changed…

Urupipeṛ2 Ṫẁo

4 years ago

Michael Boris
5 years ago
Those drawings are hard to take.

Serendipitous Sun
4 years ago
1:06:41 the image shows blond or red hair, are the girls typically blond, bleach blond or red haired? I notice that their are a number of survivors who shave their hair.

annalee christie
5 years ago
No she is not lying…cowards all.

Isabel Shafe
3 years ago
Did she say Bill Graham???

Kendall Stanes
7 years ago
father God bring up souldiers with no fear of the authority because there is no authority but yours to bring justice upon these enemy’s of ours vengeance is yours repay in this time now on this earth ten fold into the bosom of those who reproach these children may they know you are God and you repay evil and use it against itself to its own destruction thankyou in the name of Jesus Amen.

For what its worth?
5 years ago
Fiona has now disappeared from Australia.

6 years ago (edited)
Club of Rome 1968-9 Decided to Use Australia as a Test!!! … This is in a Book I have . So what this Lady said is Verified. at 44:58 Onwards!

6 years ago
I remember being at 7 studio in Dorcas street on whats happening tv show with meldrum and Elton was there

Shotz Fired
4 years ago

Meghan Rachelle Marks
2 years ago
I pressed the save button for this video, then shared it on Facebook and the video unsaved from my list. I pressed save video again, then went to check something else on my phone and came back, the video unsaved again. I’ve pressed the button four times and it won’t save the video. I think there’s some kind of suppressive programing attached to this video.

Ethna Lee
4 years ago
Bob Hawk, was an Australian Prime Minister….That is Who Fiona is referring too….

Kashawn Wardlaw
5 years ago
I don’t think this lady would be alive today if these things actually happened to her from these people why would they let her live

6 years ago

Mini D
5 years ago
Is it true Fiona is missing?!

Jessica Evrist Art
4 years ago
Too bad the background noise was on this.

Abraham Pardo
6 years ago
Fiona Barnett Candy Girl Documentary Part 2 of 2 / Satanic Ritual Abuse

Lavonna Nelson
4 years ago
im disgusted .. WOW

4 years ago
Why are these conversations always on the phone?

9 months ago
Vilnius has a building with the all seeing eye/pyramid on it, think it was a church but is the city gate. Weird, lithuania weird vibes

Rae Zola
4 years ago
my gawd

6 years ago (edited)
This makes me sick….I wish every evil guilty man and guilty woman get the Lord’s anger thrown at them…………..No wonder Nicole Kidman made movie with Tom..eyes wide shut!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

vanessa southern
4 years ago
Knew Nicole Kidman was very strange. An arrogance and a very ‘successful’ career.

Lukas Graham
4 years ago
Too much details. How she knows all names, places?

Shahin Dohan
6 years ago
Waaaaait a minute, Billy Graham was involved in this? No way I’m believing that…

4 years ago (edited)
I’ve followed up on everything to try and piece together any evidence or statements that might verify her accounts. There just isn’t any, not a scrap.

If anyone can point to any evidence at all , I am sure everyone following her would be interested. I’m not talking about irreputable evidence of her claims, just one or more supporting documents.

Ms Joppie
4 years ago
Correction ! Michael Jackson was NOT a pedophile

Aus Turk
4 years ago
Nicole Kidman you can see it in her eyes?

Alyssa Kalette
4 years ago
What are all of these drawings in this video?

Bernadette Cordova
5 years ago
what can Christians do ?

mrs Richardson
5 years ago

David Howard
7 years ago
Google “The FBI uses polygraphs to eliminate suspects”

5 years ago
Ted Turner who owned CNN before it was CNN & sold it

Barry aLLen
3 years ago
Nicole made a movie about tthe Freemasons Illuminati occult it’s call EYES WIDE SHUT with Tom cruse

4 years ago (edited)
You really didn’t need to spend so much time on each picture. Yuck.
Dougie Bull

5 years ago
Wtf is the point of this.wheees there empathy that’s what I don’t one gets off cauing pain
Urupipeṛ2 Ṫẁo

4 years ago
What Is the point of all this? Why? Pure pleasure or is there evidence of dark magic working?

Best Review Bot
4 years ago
KnickSon programmed to keep crispy grill paul wall

4 months ago
30:16 what is that “dragón´´ standing all about?

Kashawn Wardlaw
5 years ago
I’m gonna be the first to say I do not believe her. I don’t. What I find that is not right at 5 years old and less. When you come in contact with these people they introduce themselves to you they give you their full name? And if they do how do you remember at the age of 5 or less.

Rodney Kelly
4 years ago
Why ask her about Islam nothing to with topic

– Vee –
3 years ago
19:54 what is this noise?

Carole LawMac
9 months ago
No one has sued her.
Enough said.

A random Element
2 years ago
Where is Fiona?

geronimo jak
6 years ago
R there women who participate in it

Dawn Markey
5 years ago
People jump on the bandwagon, against all of these unsubstantiated goings on, which destroy people. Anyone can say anything, and you’ll have a group of certain people who will profess the slandered to be a hero. Ha

Olivera Stevanovic
6 years ago
this is so sick , I could not watch much of it . I want my head to stay in our domestic problems in the Balkan . We have wars going on and it is so cool , adult men kills another adult men over some shity border .

This royal shit is to disgusting .
And we barbaians , we fight LGBT also 🙂

3 years ago
I was looking at # of comments,909,a man looking back on life….”9″ is a stick figure of just that.Psychiatree & Psychiatricks Eden need.Add everything Adam Eve.-% help from God not to be prejudice leaves only 99 % “You ” left for God to respect.Looking back in history (his story,his tree,history )did we decide for ourselves not to be prejudice or did society insist God does it for us.If I didn’t say who or what could?Not God because if it told anyone this the 1% clause would kick in.Dino Sherman 1-1-2020 (c)

Black Dot
6 years ago
Why hasn’t this woman been sued into oblivion?

Leeanna Lynx
4 years ago
I don’t love Nicole Kidman.

Darc Horse
5 years ago
Tweet Trump. He may be able to help you. He’s busy draining the swap over there in the USA

Dougie Bull
5 years ago (edited)
Im sick of hearing everyone’s awnser to this sick situation.and it’s alwAys about God and Jesus protecting us.Hate to say it but they abandoned us.just like this poor woman who went through hell.where was jeasus then

Levi Goldstine
7 years ago
she said there is corruption at all levels the victims I pray as well as yourself Fiona, Jesus Christ is our only by accepting him into your hearts. He’s the only one who can protect and give the victims peace of mind. The Holy Spirit is only one that can guide and lead a person into all truths. Pray for the abusers to get saved and repent of their sins. This is the devil’s playground so we expect this kinds of filthy gory things to happen and be covered up. That why if your going to speak out you better have Jesus Christ in your hearts confess your sins to him and repent. The will try to kill you and those close to you. Shalom 4-19-16

6 years ago
this guy was asking wrong questions and about other people dude let her tell her story. he obviously didnt know much about what happened to Fiona.. but she did real well un regards to him not really paying attn..

AlleY HonEYcuTAfaRT
6 years ago
i assume there is no coincidence that nicole kidman and tom cruise played in that movie EYES WIDE SHUT !

5 years ago
nazis nazi oy vey

Kashawn Wardlaw
5 years ago
I’m sorry forgive me this is not my world. But y’all asses going to hell for lying on these people Richard Nixon????? Really? I’m surprise she is alive to tell the story. Shit I feel scared for myself for listening to this. Looking over my shoulder now.

Amy Miller
4 years ago
Listen to her voice she is lieing threw her Teeth. She sounds like a Robot No emotion not a care in the world no tears no nothing. If this happened to me I would be a emotional wreck. I Don’t care what anyone says Half of what she is saying is a LIE plus you can hear her laughing in the background when a question is asked.

Anne Elizabeth
4 years ago
Not convincing. This woman speaks so matter of fact, without emotion, how could that match the horrors described ?

4 years ago (edited)
She’s completely full of crap. Good luck with that book deal though.

Rapture Angel
5 years ago

Fiona’s Facebook Page —…

X. Fiona Barnett & Jew David Shurter – Paedophilia, Bohemian Grove, Nixon paedophile, Cathy OBrien