Project Zyphr: Classified Docs Reveal Plan to EXTERMINATE Millions of Dissident Americans. David Goldberg’s Final Words Before His Death. ANOTHER PSYOP?

Epigraph Quotes From Below:

(David Goldberg) reveals that the White House has a project to “tag, track and identify” (“T, T & Id”) opponents of Zionist world government (Project Pogo):

“They plan to eliminate these people (w/ Project Zyphr): The “high-value people” through extermination (they will be picked up); the “low value” people through (targeted) viruses (either right away or over time). Goldberg estimates the total at at least 15 million (“dissidents”). This information is consistent with the fanaticism of Cabalists throughout history…. (Zionist) World government will come in under cover of a financial collapse.”

Anti Zionists, Christians Spreading Awareness of Israeli Synagogue of Satan, Muslims, and Non-Conforming Citizens who aren’t Jewish will be rounded up according to DG’s final words (by the National Guard, UN Disarmament Troops, Chinese troops, Israeli USA Troops, Military). White House documents prove this analysis according to DG who mysteriously died after releasing this video.

“Tom” (a friend of David Goldberg’s: “Tom said there was also an AI program that his source told him about, but that is not contained in the documents David possessed. This program was designed to replicate the individuals who would be “culled” or “murdered,” via social media later on. In other words, the plans are such to analyze the targeted individuals, their data, their likenesses partly through the TTID program, discussed in this video, and create an AI profile that would later serve to “replace” them in the online world.

Tom said the “AI plot” was the “craziest” thing he had ever heard of! He said he was told this plan is in place for multiple reasons, the main one being that “they need to keep down the panic when all these people vanish during the round ups and flu outbreaks.” He said it’s so many people they want to “get rid of” that they are willing to create these “fake online personas so that their friends and family think they are still alive, or don’t suspect anything. Once all this goes down, I think it’s going to be without a lot of fanfare. It sounds bad, but with this AI project, I’m seeing how this can be pulled off and you’ll have a lot of people end up ‘disappeared’, but no one will really know. I think California, right now, is a test run. They’re doing these fires, outages, and eliminating patriots right now and replacing them with this AI system.”

PROJECT POGO & PROJECT ZYPHR: It doesn’t get more serious than these two black ops!

I. PROJECT POGO & PROJECT ZYPHR: It doesn’t get more serious than these two black ops!

Ultra-Secret Zionist Scheme for World Takeover Revealed by Deep Insider…
…Who Already Exposed Trump’s Aborted War Plan Against Iran
“Every patriot needs to know about Project Pogo and Project Zyphr.”

— Intelligence Analyst & Former U.S Military Officer

State of the Nation

Let’s be very clear, the Zionist cabal and their covert plans for total world domination have been laid bare like never before. People everywhere are now aware of the true purposes of apartheid state of Israel.

The Internet has been used by truth seekers to completely unveil their malevolent strategies to collapse the American Republic and form a One World Government headquartered in Jerusalem.

The specific timeline for establishing a Zionist dictatorship has been clearly delineated for well over a century. World War I, the Great Depression and World War II were each engineered by the Zionists in an effort to advance their New World Order agenda. Likewise, the false flag 9/11 attacks, War on Terror and Greater Israel project are integral pieces of their fastidiously formulated blueprint for wars of naked aggression and state-sponsored terrorism.

Now comes along one “David Goldberg”. Goldberg has already eminently distinguished himself by outing a clandestine Trump administration war plan against Iran. There’s no question that he possessed highly classified insider information which he widely disseminated to avert the invasion.

As follows:

Insider Says Israel Poised to Stage False Flag Attack Against U.S. Targets to Start War with Iran
Project Pogo & Project Zyphr

Truly, it doesn’t get more serious than Project Pogo and Project Zyphr!

Classified Docs Reveal DEADLY “Project Zyphr” (Video)

Once again, David Goldberg is exposing a crucial piece of the global Zionist scheme toward world conquest. Only this time he discloses the nuts and bolts of a worldwide black operation that will effectively take out every major truth speaker and writer who threatens their treasonous enterprise.

SOTN was quite reluctant to publish the article posted below in its entirety in light of its incorrect premise. Unlike Dr. Henry Makow, we fully believe that the “David Goldberg” identity is being used to expose very real plans to subjugate nations large and small in the interest of forming an overarching Zionist totalitarian superstate.

In reality, it makes no difference if “David Goldberg” is dead or alive, real or unreal; for the true messenger has divulged the most radioactive truth there is today for the Patriot Movement to comprehend. Simply put, the ultra-classified data dump posted below is as important as any ever posted by this Alt Media platform.

Again, even if it is the Zionist themselves who are stealthily putting out this extremely critical info in order to tag whoever picks it up and runs with it so they can eventually be incarcerated or exterminated, being privy to their odious scheme is much better than not knowing at all.

Lastly, we do not feel the video below in any way discredits the truth. It never really matters who the messenger is. All that does matter is that the raw unvarnished truth is disclosed so that truth seekers can make informed decisions and respond accordingly.

Please, everyone, help us disseminate this pivotal post far and wide!

State of the Nation

September 4, 2019

N.B. Ever since Trump played his trump cards and totally exposed his hand, SOTN undertook a series of exposés on his secret agenda. The 5 links that follow contain some of the most authoritative information on the Internet today about Trump’s carefully hidden back story. The content of each of them is remarkably consistent with the “David Goldberg” article posted below them. The key phrase here is “false opposition“. Donald J. Trump was installed by Israel in 2016 as both false and perfectly controlled opposition.

Truth About Trump Will Bring Down the Whole System

A VERY SPECIAL MESSAGE TO THE PATRIOT MOVEMENT: Donald Trump is NOT who we thought he was

TRUMP: The Most Dangerous Economic Hitman & Financial Terrorist Of All Time

MAGAgate: The Hidden Agenda Behind Donald Trump

Team Trump Meets Bush Dynasty Half Way to End Epic Feud

KEY POINT: It ought to be obvious to everyone that the success of a plot of this enormity and gravity relies heavily on stealth and secrecy. (After all, that’s the primary MO of the thoroughly Zionist Khazarian Mafia.) And, that anyone who successfully penetrates the conspiracy is basically a dead man walking. Well, then, why wouldn’t the real code breakers create an identity such as “David Goldberg” to make public the diabolical Zionist plan?
David Goldman Psyop: Phoney Messenger Discredits the Truth

August 31, 2019

(Posted Aug 31 by “friends of David Goldberg”)
This story evolved when it was revealed that
David Elias Goldman didn’t exist
It began as David Goldberg -“Anti Semites”
Are Being Tagged for Extermination
You reveal the truth. Then you
discredit it by having a phoney messenger.

August 26, I posted this article about David Goldberg: “Dead Jewish Whistleblower Confirmed Occult WW3 Scenario.”

Goldberg, 59, was supposedly murdered on June 9. His “deadman’s switch” was supposedly activated in the form of this recording where he reveals that the White House has a project to “tag, track and identify” (“T, T & Id”) opponents of Zionist world government.

They plan to eliminate these people: The “high-value people” through extermination; the “low value” people through viruses. Goldberg estimates the total at 15 million. This information is consistent with the fanaticism of Cabalists throughout history.

Goldberg says Trump is an intrinsic part of this demented Zionist scheme. His first loyalty is to Israel. He is a con man first and foremost. This is all true. Except…


RED FLAG!!!! David Elias Goldberg was supposedly a journalist but google him. There is NOTHING. No other pictures. His image appears nowhere else on the Internet. No obituary. No funeral. There is no evidence this man actually existed. He is a “Fellow at the Jewish Center for Antisemitic Studies” which doesn’t exist. We are meant to discover all this.

Yet everything he says rings true. Think about it. Put out the truth and then discredit it. This may explain why the recording and this article are still up. Nothing to see here folks. Go back to sleep. (Dannielle Blumenthal was the first to raise this red flag.)

Goldberg is a Jewish psyop, probably ADL, but I still take his message seriously. There is a mountain of corroborating evidence, i.e. Trump’s subservience to Israel and Chabad, the Epstein connection and his recent remarks about being the “King of Israel” and “destroying” antisemites. We cannot be naive about the grave danger we face.

Listen to the recording which I summarize below.

by Henry Makow PhD

David Goldberg supposedly was murdered on June 8. His “dead man’s switch” has been activated by this recording.

A White House “insider”, who he refers to as a male yet interviewed a female, supposedly gave Goldberg a trove of documents and memos which indicate that the Cabalists (the Chabad cult) fear the increasing awareness about Zionist plans for a tyrannical world government based in Israel.

Here are his main points:

1. The growing awareness of the Cabalist agenda for world government is a problem for Zionists. They have been shutting down some websites like The Ugly Truth. But, Goldberg says, they have initiated other web sites which actually tell the truth in order to identify people who subscribe. He speculates that Adam Green’s Know More News is one of these but he does not know for sure. [Discrediting Green makes sense for Goldman, a Jewish psyop.] Goldberg calls these “gatekeeper” sites. He says Alex Jones is an obvious example. This “T, T & ID” program is called “Project Pogo.” Ironically, his own recordings actually may be fulfilling this function.


2. The second program is called “Project Zyphr.” This involves exterminating American opposition to Zionist world tyranny. He predicts power blackouts and/or a world financial crash will be used as a cover to round up opposition. A flu-like virus may be used. He speculates that it will go down in the winter of 2020-2021 after Trump’s reelection which is guaranteed.

It makes sense. This is why the Demonrats are behaving so badly. To elect Trump.
This is why they are pushing gun control and the motive behind all the mass shootings. The latest shooting was on Saturday. They often hire the same people to stage these shootings. ( See my Twitter feed for @Zyntrax.)

Left-Right (globalist-nationalist, fascist-communist) collaboration is part of a coordinated attack on humanity just like World War Two, and all wars. (Hitler vs Stalin yada yada) Americans are being led down a garden path. Trump is the “Chosen One.”

All nation-states will be collapsed, Goldberg says. A world government and world currency will be presented as the only alternative to chaos.

Trump is totally on board. He has been promised the title “King of Israel” and his family will have the highest status.

Trump recently referred to himself, in the trade context, as “the Chosen One,”…the “King of Israel.” Trump has called for the death penalty for all antisemites. The Noahide Laws say that people who worship Christ and refuse to serve the Jews should be guillotined.

3. Trump has been a conscious agent of this conspiracy for years. The script — “Make America Great,” Build the Wall, etc. — was all drafted five years ago. The election indeed may have been hacked …by Israel. The Russian collusion is all diversion.
“Trump loved the script,” Goldberg said. “He’ll be President. He’ll be able to do a lot of things he was already predisposed to do.”
See also Insider: Is Trump Family Cult Behind Coming Armageddon?


If Goldberg is correct, Trump is false opposition, a Judas Goat, or Pied Piper leading Americans to destruction, like Hitler did to Germans, while pretending to defend their interests. (Consider also Steve Bannon’s connection to the Zionist mouthpiece, Breitbart.)


4. Goldberg says Trump’s speechwriter Stephen Miller, left, a Jew like Trump, is an ardent Zionist and plays a “big role” in the agenda.

5. Goldberg said he feared for his life. He sees black SUVs outside his residence which drive away when he approaches them. He has given friends copies of all the documents. He doesn’t care if he dies because “this is getting serious”…it is reaching a “terrifying new level.”

He estimates 15 million will die but “it could be more.”

But everyone will be caught up in the blackouts and “financial meltdown.” There will be food shortages and other mayhem which will be used to justify the new world government.


I cannot vouch for this information but it would explain why I have received so little pushback. Yes, I am being partly shadowbanned on Google. But I suspect my Twitter followers and other readers are being identified.

I am not a witting part of “Project Pogo.” I am inspired by a belief in God and God’s purpose for humanity. Our lives are trivial if we are not doing God’s work in some fashion. This is our common purpose, our common meeting place. Humanity should be led by the very finest people instead of the dregs.


In conclusion, I believe Goldberg’s information is true but that he is a Cabalist Jewish psyop designed to discredit this very information. They always telegraph their intentions. His Jewish accent is a little too thick to be believable. He doesn’t exist. We will probably find his picture among “victims” of some mass shooting.

His recording probably functioned to do the job he was “warning” about, track “antisemites.” He said these “gatekeeper” sites get credibility by telling the truth, the very thing I believe he did.

I wanted to believe Goldberg was a Jewish martyr prepared to sacrifice his life to expose the madness of the Jewish leadership. This was not to be. It was another Jewish psyop. But it did reveal a lot of truth 1. Trump is first an agent of Israel and the NWO 2. Left and Right collaborate to advance the cabalist agenda 3. The period after Trump’s 2020 election is an ominous time.

Goldberg’s “information” will not deter me and I hope it won’t deter you. We must use our freedom to oppose this evil plot.

We must hope for the best but prepare for the worst.

II. Project Zyphr Extermination and Quarantine Concentration Camps

Anti Zionists, Christians Spreading Awareness of Israeli Synagogue of Satan, Muslims, and Non-Conforming Citizens who aren’t Jewish will be rounded up according to DG’s final words (by the national guard, UN Disarmement Troops, Chinese troops, Israeli USA Troops, Military) and White House documents prove this analysis according to DG who mysteriously died after releasing this video which was taken offline

Israel-USA agenda

I’m reuploading this crucial information

spread the word now

11 months ago
complete BS!! This guy doesn’t sound credible for one second.
Awake Carolina
III. Project Pogo and Project Zyphr

Project Pogo and Project Zyphr

Note from Eric Hufschmid:

I was sent the transcript (below) of this video by David Elias Goldberg, in which he discusses “Project Zyphr”. If there was information about Goldberg on the Internet, most of it has been deleted. He claims to be a Jew with access to people in the White House and Israel.
Update: The video has been removed, but here is a copy on bitchute.
It is audio only, so record a copy and pass it around.


He became disgusted with what the Zionists were planning, and he decided to expose their plans on his YouTube channel. Or maybe he just came to the conclusion that the plan was going to fail, and he did not want to be on the losing side. Whatever his motives, he died suspiciously on 8 June 2019.

The mysterious coronavirus and the shutdown of the economy appear to be the first part of Project Zyphr. The second part of Project Zyphr is to shut down power plants and execute the millions of us who the Zionists do not like.

This audio might help the public understand the current battle that is going on. The sheeple should be somewhat receptive of this information because it comes from a Jew, so it cannot be dismissed as the anti-Semitic ravings of a Nazi.


Project Pogo and Project ZyphrIdentify and kill all those aware of the Zionist Crime Network — by the millions

by David Goldberg

8 June 2019 or earlier

(DG): Hello everyone, it’s David Goldberg again. It’s probably going to be one of my most important videos that I’ve done yet. We’re going to discuss a couple of things, new things, that have come up. I have received classified documents from my White House insider and we also have some memos that I have referenced in the past, and I’m going to walk through everything that I’ve been deciphering and learning from these videos — excuse me — from the documents that I have received. So we’ll get into this, the crux of it. I want just to introduce you right away what is it all about. This is it. This is what the documents reveal.

There are too many people waking up.There are too many Americans, more and more of them, that are suspicious of Israel, more and more Americans aware of Zionism. This has been around for decades and decades. You go back to the fifties, sixties… There’s a lot of literature about Zionism and Judaism. It’s not unusual, but the difference is today more and more people are waking up to it. It’s been a real tipping point for you have… you always had maybe about half a percent of the population that was aware of Zionism, that did not like Jews and whatnot, but they were never a part of the mainstream. They were always dismissed as conspiracy theorists; they had no influence; so they were not really a threat.

But that has changed, and you know that has changed. Anyone paying attention knows that has changed. We have seen a big change in comment sections on YouTube. Many people make references to Zionism. It has become a part of the nomenclature through the influence of 8chan, 4chan, many, many websites and ultimately many many YouTube channels that have been speaking the truth very aggressively for many years but it has really gotten attention lately.

It is somewhat of a cumulative effect, a snowball effect where more and more people start to wake up to the truth and the facts, and it just expands, and people become more accepting of it and they start to say: “Okay, it’s okay for me to look at the information; I’m not an anti-semite for looking at it.” It really starts to click for people. So this has been a big change in the recent past few years.

What happened is that Israel, its agents, its propagandists have been paying very very close attention to this over the past few years. They know this is happening; they are very concerned about it. We’re talking about 0.5 of percent of Americans who has some ideas of Zionism and they’re against it and they understand it. That number, according to these documents, is now about… I saw two numbers: they said 15% and another one said 7%, but that is a very large number of Americans that are have woken up to what’s going on with Israel, and Zionism, and the Israeli Lobby and its influence. They’re unafraid to hate Israel. That number is very high and it makes them very concerned. This is much of what the classified documents talk about. We’ll get into that the more.

I wanted to set it up for you to actually understand what this is really about, what I was given from the White House insider. The main part that you really need to know about is they have a plan for all of this, so I’m going to talk about that now.

There is discussion within these documents years ago to ban the YouTube channels, to shut it down, all of that, but they changed course. They made a decision to do something completely different, and they decided instead of censoring everything, to fund and promote gatekeeper channels, shill channels, to simply gather and collect all the open-minded people who are looking at the issue.

And they did shut down some of the legitimate channels and that has actually happened. If you’re following some of that, you are aware that there have been channels that have been shut down, almost completely eliminated. Some of those channels are not a part of the original gatekeeper channels, they had no connection, they are truth-telling channels. Some of those they’ve eliminated, that they felt were a threat or that might be calling out the gatekeeper channels.

So, I’m just looking through some of the documents and see what I want to talk about next. One really interesting aspect of all this is that the gatekeeper channels and the shill channels, typically these would be disinfo channels. Disinfo channels, like Alex Jones for example, has been a long time disinfo Zionist channel, very, very active in deflecting people away from Zionism. Alex talks about everything but he never talks about Israel. So that is an active disinfo channel; it has been around forever.

What they created with these new gatekeeper channels is very truthful channels, they’re very honest, they don’t put out a lot of disinfo, they are actually legitimate and that is done to give them credibility among these people who are awake, who are waking up. That was very specifically done; the documents do talk about that.

I’m going to talk about what is the purpose of the whole operation and the purpose of this is to put out truthful channels to attract people to them. They call it “tag, track, and ID“. It is a term used throughout the documents: TTID. It’s something you want to remember; this is very common throughout these documents; they are referred to all the time. So what does that tell you? They want to tag, they want to track you, and they want to identify who you are. If you are watching these channels, if you are informed, if you’re awake on these issues they want to tag you, they want to track you, and they want to know exactly who you are.

They want to know … and it talks about the tracking people’s IP addresses through YouTube. They have access to YouTube. They do know who you are, so this is discussed a lot in the documents I’m just looking for it right now.

And there are two projects, and it’s very important to listen to this. Project Pogo is one of them, and project Zyphr. I will spell that one: “Z” “Y” “P “H” “R”. Project Pogo and project Zyphr are the two projects that the classified documents are referring to, and each has a different role.

Project Pogo is about the YouTube gatekeepers, how they are all agents, they’re all paid to put out truthful information so that they can tag, track and ID the people that are watching the videos and giving them likes, and giving them comments; they’re tracking all of it. Project Zyphr is a different project and that’s what I’ll talk about in a bit.

That is the second stage here, that is coming up and that is the extermination. They’re going to exterminate these people, whether it is: tagged them for anti-semitic speech, charge them with crimes, eliminate them completely, and this is where I’ll talk about in the documents, where they talk about guillotines, viral attacks… targeted, how they’re going to eliminate these people without too much suspicion, without too many people noticing, but here’s the problem.

As I read the documents I can see… I have documents from four years ago, I have documents from two years ago, and then I have documents from three months ago; so there’s a progression in the timeline as the projects change, and project Zyphr has changed.

In the beginning they have been talking about… they were talking a lot about: “Okay, we are going to infect these people with a virus that imitates the flu virus, or going to eliminate them in various ways that would not be suspicious.”

In the documents I have now from three months ago they are saying the amount of people they have to eliminate is too large. It is too many. We are talking about millions of Americans and this is where we see their plans are changing and they are going to initiate something that is devastating and that is extremely frightening.

And based on what I can see in the documents we’re talking about power outages along with a purge. They’re gonna come in and they’re going to take out your home and they’re going to put you into a military vehicle or whatever, a van, and drive you away and place you into a camp. It is a very very big operation that they’re planning. It is millions of Americans. They will do it under the cover of night, under the cover of blackness during one of these planned blackouts. The blackouts are based on documents I’m just looking at right now. They have a three day blackout; they have a nationwide blackout that last two days, and a lot of localized blackouts. So it is a whole series of blackouts that they’re going to do and of course it will be blamed on all kinds of things; they might blame it on Iran — I’ve seen that mention on documents. They’ve already prepped people for this. They’re going to be more blackouts. There are already predictive programming so we may see more of this as we go on. As far as I can tell from project Zyphr they are planning this next year, and the year after.

They are not done tagging, tracking, and identifying everyone; it looks like they’re at about 78%. I looked in the documents and there were a couple of indications and how long, for how long, they feel the project is… They are 78% done but they’re not completely done. It does take time to identify a YouTube account and then track it to the email that it was created with, and then the IP address, and then find out who created it. It does take them a lot of time to do that; it is not instant. It does take a lot of research because a lot of people create a YouTube account or an email address it and doesn’t give any indication of who they are, an account name that doesn’t have their full name on it, they don’t use the real pictures, so it is a challenge for them. That’s why that project has been going on for so long, but it is coming to a close.

In the next six months to a year it appears it is coming to a close, and that is when Project Zyphr will be initiated. So I have some notes here; I’m going to continue on and talk a little bit more about… Right… They’ve being tracked or they’ve being identified, that’s the whole point. A lot of people have said: “Well, why are some of these YouTube channels allowed to exist? Why are they allowed to so openly talk about the truth?”

And some of you might know Adam Green of Know More News and there are a whole bunch of others and they’re very, very open about Zionism and very honest about it, and they’re telling the truth! I mean they’re telling the truth; they’re not hiding anything; they’re not disinfo; they’re not putting disinfo out there, but as far as I know they are part… I mean they’re all part of this operation. I can’t say specifically if Adam Green is a part of it or not, but I would assume possibly he is. He has probably been guaranteed a lot of money; he has probably been promised a lot of things; he has probably… He could be a Freemason, he could be a part of their operation, he could be an agent, I don’t know, but I had no idea, this is total speculation on my part; I have no idea. All I know is this is part of the operation. What they want to do… his channel would fit into the M.O. [modus operandi]; it is an example I’m giving. He is there to tag, track, and ID. Not him specifically, but the people behind the operation who are doing all the research on all the people who are commenting and viewing, and liking.

They want to know who they are, they want to know where they live and they are going to eliminate them at a date in the future — completely eliminate them. This is going way beyond the idea of passing laws to ban speech which they’ve already doing; they’ve done it in America already but not very aggressively and we’ll see more legislation of that nature.

But they want to completely eliminate these people because they do stand in the way of the agenda. There are too many people that are waking up. It is way too many for them to handle. They’re starting to have an influence, and they’re starting to change the conversation online. It is a great concern to Israel.

Something that the memos that I have received… I will talk a little bit about the memos. And memos are different from those classified documents. The memos are White House internal memos that discuss a wide range of things in terms of Trump’s meeting with rabbis, discussions with Netanyahu over the phone. And one of the memos says that Donald Trump will have to declare himself king of Israel, publicly. This is part of the process for them. It doesn’t… there’s no strategic reason for it; it is symbolic for them. Trump is going to declare himself king of Israel at some point, I don’t know how, but they’re talking about in these memos over and over again. When he’s gonna do it, why… why they want him to do it, which again is symbolic; it has no strategic purpose apparently. It is part of the process of what of the endgame basically is what I’m saying.

So we will see if that happens or not. It sounds ridiculous, I can’t imagine him actually saying it, but maybe he will do something like that, we will look out for that in the coming months. Based on my reading of the classified documents and the memos, so much of what is going on is planned. They’ve given people the impression that Trump has brought chaos to politics but it’s actually opposite; it has been planned.

Donald Trump’s allegiance is to Israel. He’s not only a Jew [1], he is a Freemason. They have promised him, his daughters, his sons, will enjoy very high-level ranking within the world government that they are forming, the capital of which will be Jerusalem. So that is why Trump is so dedicated to following the script, performing the way that he does; it appears to be very authentic to his followers.

Everything he’s done, talking about the wall, to the fake news, was scripted from the beginning around 2014 and 2015. And according to some of the memos I’m reading, he loved it. They introduced all of this to him and he loved it. They told him the plan: “You’re going to become President, you’re going to say this, and this, and this”. He loved it. He is already a little bit of a racist, he’s already predisposed to some of this rhetoric, so he loved it. He jumped on board and they promised him great things especially for his family if he would have followed through on these things and simply follow the script and he does have leeway. He has leeway to say many things that he wants to say. He has a lot of fun doing this but he does have script writers and …there’s one of the script writers, I forgot his name, he’s… he’s a bald guy… I want to remember his name; it’s important to say it. Um… well he is a big part of this, he writes a lot of the … Trump’s tweets, he crafts a lot of it. Oh… my God … I want to look him up right now.

Well… Trump’s speech writer… [DG does search on the web.] Steven Miller. Steven Miller has a big role in all of this; he’s a dedicated Zionist; he has a lot to do with a lot of this. If you want to go down the rabbit hole, if you want to find out who’s really behind it, Stephen Miller is a big part of it. So that is the whole of it; I want to get this video out; I want people to hear it. I want people to know what’s going on.

I’ve had some strange things going on in my house. I’ve noticed black SUVs I mentioned it before; they’re still there; I still see them every once in a while. The other day I went out to try to approach one, to confront them, like: “What are you doing here? I know you’re here.” And they drove off as I could … right when I open the door and I look outside and I see them drive off. So I don’t know, maybe it’s just coincidence that they were leaving and they saw, I don’t know, but it feel like they were very, very prepared to get out of there. So the next time I see them I’m going to confront them quickly, and make sure that they don’t have time to get out of there before I have a chance to get down there and if they see me coming for them I will try again. But I have seen them mostly at night, I open a window, I look up the window and that is when I see them mostly; so I want to confront them; I’m tired of the harassment, I know they’re watching me.

I assume I’m bugged. I assume there is somebody heaaring what I’m saying, but I don’t care anymore. I have been given the documents; I have been tasked with this duty to get the information out and I’m going to do it in any way that I can. I have given my friends copies of all of these, I have stored them in different places, I have a dead-man switch in case something would happen to me. So I’ve done my best to prepare because I feel like this is getting very serious, I mean, the documents they shown me are terrifying.

The plan that they have in place. I would expect they have this plan of gatekeeping and cracking people, but they’re going to take it to a new level with project Zyphr. They’re going to take it to a new level; they’re going to exterminate these people, one by one, through the blackouts. … It says in the documents they plan to pick them up, they’re just going to physically pick them up. They’re also going to use all kinds of other means to eliminate them, not just the high-value targets are going to be picked up. The lower-value targets will be given viruses, targeted viruses that activate either right away or over time. They don’t want it to be too obvious; … a whole bunch of Americans get sick. Of course there will be official stories in the news media, okay, there’s a flu outbreak which indicates to me this will probably happen in winter. Not this winter but possibly the winter of 2020 — 2021.

From what I’m reading from documents, that is the timeline. It is not specific but that is where I feel it’s going to be because they want to do a flu outbreak and it will make sense in winter and people won’t question it. They have to eliminate a lot of people and a lot of people … high value targets. It’s going to be so many people that disappear that people will ask questions so they have their cover stories and they’re getting them ready and they got them in place.

If this were a few hundred thousand people they could do it but it is millions and millions of Americans that they want to eliminate. I think it’s 15 million, based on what I’m reading in these documents and some of the numbers they’ve used which has not been totally specific about it but it looks like 15 million, but it could even be more; they want to eliminate them completely! Completely!

Because it’s becoming a problem, and it has been a problem for a few years and this is their solution to it. In addition to that, they want the world government, they want all these plans to move forward. They cannot have opposition because the things that are going to happen can be very, very radical. You’re going to see the disillusion of the United States of America, you’re going to see world leaders and the media endorsing something that is so crazy, and that is the dissolution of the United States of America and the endorsement of a world government seated in Israel. A lot of Americans aren’t going to accept that, but they have to eliminate the people who are going to call out what’s really going on.

From my reading of the documents how they’re going to roll all of this out and justify the dissolution of the United States, and many other countries as well, it appears their plan is to do all countries at once. It’s going to be under the cover of financial collapse:

“Well, we have to do the world government, we’re all going to die because the financial system is broken down.”

That is something that is talked about in the classified documents. That ultimately will be the cover story after they do the purge and eliminate the dissidents, the people who are woken up to Zionism.

There will be a total financial meltdown and they will say:
“Look we have to do the world government, we had to come together, we have to create this new currency; we have no choice. The chaos is too serious”.

It would be probably six months of complete financial chaos; food shortages, rising in crime, many, many people die; millions and millions of people will also die from this. And then they were justified and say: “Look we have to do the world government.” So that is what’s going on.

I’m about done; I’m going to do another video, I have more things are coming up. I have a lot more planned because there’s more in the documents that I need to discuss. I’ll be back with another video soon. Thank you for listening and I’ll do more soon.

[1] On a previous audio messages, e.g. “Trump became a Jew two years ago. Interview with White House official soon”, or “White House Insider fired for revealing Trump is a Jew” (dated 2019-03-07), David Goldberg claimed that some of his sources told him that Trump converted to Judaism.


Original article here:

David Goldberg’s Prophecy transcribed:

Project Zyphr – a Warning That Predicted This

Bit of a plot twist involving last year’s Nerd of the Year. A mild controversy. In light a mystery man known as David Goldberg.

Rule of thumb: do not take seriously some random internet anon going on about ‘leaked documents’ and wild predictions. It’s 99.9% gunna be “Q” bullshit, some 4chan troll or at best is disinformation put out intentionally as part of a coordinated disinformation campaign. Heck, there is speculation that even Julian Assange or Edward Snowden could be agents; merely entertainment fodder to keep truth seekers at bay. How do you know for sure?

This one caught my attention however because of the timing and nature of the predictions. Which came in the form of a warning broadcasted to his YouTube account in September 2019 (account since disabled, but the upload date is about the same on other mirrors of the video that remain available on Bitchute and Internet Archive). The warning, which he describes in detail, he claims is based on documents leaked to him from the White House – and that he had “been tasked with this duty to get the information out”.

What he describes is either incredibly coincidental for having lined up with events unfolding today – or it has some rare potential for legitimacy. You obviously can’t draw conclusions from a mystery man but if the fucking guy last summer was warning about an operation in the works to roll out a media hyped worldwide flu outbreak as cover for a mass scale military backed roundup the likes the world has never seen – then I think it deserves a closer look. Particularly if we find ourselves already in second stage of said operation. Oh, and also cause he calls into question Nerd of the Year!

Have a listen to the full audio in what was his last upload and/or review my highlight summary of his words near-exact below (and followed by brief commentary at the end).

“There are too many Americans, more and more of them, that are suspicious of Israel.

This has been going on for decades going back to the 50’s, the 60’s… not unusual but, the difference is today more and more people are waking up to it. It’s been a real tipping point.

Israel, its agents, their propagandists – have been paying very very close attention to this. They know this is happening. They are very concerned about it.

…that number is, according to these documents, is now… I saw 2 numbers. They said 15%. And another number said 7%. But that is a very larger number of Americans that have woken up to what is going on with Israel, and Zionism, and the Israeli lobby and the influence…

…the main part you really need to know though, is that they have a plan for all of this.

There is discussion within these documents – years ago – to ban YouTube channels, to shut it down – all of that – but they changed course… they decided instead of censoring everything: to fund and promote gatekeeper channels. Shill channels. To simply gather and collect all of the open minded people who are looking at the issue.

And they did shutdown some of the legitimate channels…some of those they’ve eliminated – that they thought might be a threat or that might be calling out the gatekeeper channels…

…one really interesting aspect of all this is that the gatekeeper channels and the shill channels – typically these would be disinfo channels. Alex Jones for example… talks about everything but never talks bout Israel. So that is an active disinfo channel that’s been around for forever.

What they created with these new gatekeeper channels is very truthful channels, they are very honest – they don’t put out a lot of disinfo – they are actually legitimate. And that is done to give them credibility – among those people who are awake, who are waking up. That was very specficially done.

They call it tag, track and ID; TTID. If you are watching these channels, if you are informed – if you are awake on these issues they want to tag, they want to track you and know exactly who you are.

There are two projects… Project Pogo is one of them. And Project Zyphr… the 2 projects that the classified documents are referring to; each has a different role. Project Pogo is about the YouTube gatekeepers… who are paid to put out truthful information – so that they can tag, track and ID the people that are watching the videos.

Project Zyphr… that is the 2nd stage here – that is coming up. And that is the extermination. They are going to exterminate these people.

Whether it is tag them for anti-semetic speach. Charge them with crimes. Eliminate them completely… viral attacks, targetted. How they are going to eliminate these people without suspicion – without too many people noticing…

but here is the problem: as I read the documents… there is a progression in the timeline as the project’s changed.

Project Zyphr has changed.

In the beginning they were talking a lot about OK: we are going to infect these people with a virus that imitates the flu virus… eliminate them in various ways that would not be suspicious…

in the documents I have now from 3 months ago, they are saying: the amount of people they have to eliminate is too large – it is too many – we are talking about millions of Americans. And this is where we see their plans are changing….

they are going to initiate something that is devastating and that is extremely frightening…

based on what i can see in the documents we are talking about power outages. Along with a purge. They are gunna come in, they’re gunna take you out of your home – put you into a military vehicle or whatever – a van – and drive you away and place you into a camp.

it is a very very big operation that they are planning. It is millions of Americans. They will do it under the cover of night. Under the cover of blackness. During one of these planned blackouts….

they have a 3 day blackout, they have a nationwide blackout that lasts 2 days. And a lot of localized blackouts. So it is a whole series of blackouts that they are going to do.

And of course they will blame it on all kinds of things – they might blame it on Iran, I have seen that already in the documents…

As far as I can tell from Project Zyphr they are planning this next year and the year after. They are not done tagging, tracking, and identifying everyone… there were a couple of indications of how far along they feel the project is – they are like 78% done…

but it is coming to a close. In the next 6 months to a year it is coming to a close and that is when Project Zyphr will be initiated.

…some of you might know Adam Green Know More News – and there are a whole bunch of others, and they are a very very open about zionism and they are very honest about it…

but as far as I know they are all apart of this operation. I can’t say specifically if Adam Green is apart of it or not: but I would assume possibly he is.

all I know is that this is part of the operation – what they want to do – his channel would fit into the M.O. – to tag, track and ID…

they want to know who they are, they want to know where they live – and they are going to eliminate them at a date in the future.

this is going way beyond the idea of passing laws to ban speech. Which they are already doing… but they want to completely eliminate these people because they do stand in the way of the agenda. It is way too many for them to handle… it is of great concern to Israel.

…the memos are different from these classified documents. The memos discuss a wide range of things in terms of Trump’s meetings with rabbis, discussions with Netanyahu over the phone…

and one of the memos says that Donald Trump will have to declare himself ‘King of Israel’ – publicly. This is part of the process for them – there’s no strategic reason for it – it is symbolic for them…

…Trump is going to declare himself King of Israel at some point, I don’t know how – but they are talking about it in these memos over and over again… it is part of the process of the endgame basically is what I’m saying…

… we will see what happens… it sounds ridiculous I can’t believe I’m actually saying it – but maybe he will do something like that, we will look out for that in the coming months…

based on my reading of the classified documents and the memos – so much of what is going on is planned. They’ve given people the impression that Trump has brought chaos to politics but it’s actually opposite – it has been planned – Donald Trump’s allegiance is to Israel. He is not only a jew, he is a freemason – he has been promised him his daughter and sons will enjoy very high ranking in the world government that they are forming. The capital which will be Jerusalem.

So that is why Donald Trump is so dedicated to his script….

everything he’s done, I’m talking about the “the wall” to “fake news” – was scripted from back around 2014 and ’15. They told him the plan and he loved it. He jumped on board. And they promised him great things especially for his family… and simply follow their script. But he does have script writers…. Steven Miller is a big part of it.

So that is the whole of it – I want to get this video out, I want people to hear it. I want people to know what’s going on.

I’ve had some strange things going on at my house – I’ve noticed black SUVs, I’ve mentioned it before – they’re still there I see them every once in a while… I know they’re watching me. I assume I’m bugged… but I don’t care anymore. I have been given the documents. I have been tasked with this duty to get the information out I’m going to do it. In anyway that I can…. I have given my friend’s copies of all these, I have stored them in different places, I have a dead man’s switch in case something would happen to me.

So I’ve done my best to prepare. Because I feel like this is getting very serious. And the documents they’ve shown me are terrifying. The plan that they have in place…

they are going to take it to a new level with Project Zyphr…

they are going to exterminate these people, one by one….

all kinds of means to eliminate them…. the high value targets are going to be picked up.

the lower value targets will be given viruses. Targeted viruses. That activate either right away, or over time. They don’t want it to be too obvious – that all of a sudden a whole bunch of Americans get sick. Of course there will be official stories in the news media, “OK there’s a flu outbreak” – which indicates to me that this will probably happen in winter… not this winter but possibly the winter of 2020-2021. From what I am reading from the documents that is the timeline – it is not specific but that is where I feel its going to be. Because they want to do a flu outbreak. And it would make sense in winter – and people won’t question it.

They have to eliminate a lot of people. And a lot of people – and a high value of targets. It’s going to be so many people that disappear that people will ask questions – so they have their cover stories, and they’re getting them ready – and they got them in place.

…. it is millions and millions of Americans… it looks like 15 million but it could even be more – they want to eliminate them. Completely. Completely!

Because it’s becoming a problem. And it has been a problem for a few years and this is their solution to it.

In addition to that, they want the world government – they want all these plans to move forward, they cannot have opposition. Because the things that are going to happen are going to be very very radical.

You’re going to see the dissolution of the United States of America, you’re going to see the world leaders and the media endorsing something that is so crazy… the endorsement of a world government seated in Israel.

A lot of Americans are not going to accept that, but they have to eliminate who are going to call out what is really going on. From my reading of the documents. How they are going to roll all of this out and justify the dissolution of the United States and many other countries as well – it appears their plan is to do all countries at once – is going to be under the cover of financial collapse.

“Well, we have to do world government or we’re all gunna die because the financial system has broken down” that is something that is talked about in the classified documents. That ultimately will be the cover story after they do the purge and eliminate the dissidents – the people who are woken up to zionism. There will be a total financial meltdown and they will say “look we have to do the world government, we have to come together – we have to create this new currency. We have no choice. The chaos is too serious” it will be probably 6 months of complete financial chaos. Food shortages. Rising crime. Many many people will die….

and then they will justify it and say look we have to do the world government.

so that is what is going on.

More details on Project Pogo and Zyphr, disinfo projects, biometric humans and the AI ​​Program

The AI ​​plot or plan was the craziest thing Tom had ever heard of. And 5G is one of their number one methods of future control. 

A man named Tom, one of David Goldberg’s friends, was told, in 10 years from 2019 the world would totally change.

Tom shared many more details of his relationship with David, his knowledge of what is known as Project Pogo and Project Zyphr, as well as new information on a previously unrevealed AI program underway. He has answered many questions via email and phone, describing in detail a great deal of information.

Tom claimed a military friend of his had independently shared with him classified details that seemed to match up with some of the things David was saying in his videos. For Tom, this was strong confirmation that David’s information was legitimate.

 Most important bullet points

Phrases in quotations below are Tom’s words verbatim.

1 Tom has asked that most of his personal information be obscured. He is from Oklahoma and has a military background.

2 Tom first viewed David’s videos in April of 2019. He says David’s perspective on the Trump Administration “matched up” with a few things his military source had shared with him. From there, Tom left his email in a comment and asked David to write him. David deleted the comment, but ended up emailing Tom.

3 Both men began to talk via email and later over the phone, and it became immediately apparent that they both had access to the exact same information . In David’s case, the Project Pogo & Zyphr files had been directly given to him. In Tom’s case, they had been described, but not named, by his military source.

4 Tom says his military source “without any doubt” had described to him Project Pogo & Zyphr, the same operations David had possession of in the form of classified documents.

5 Tom says David used a “clever method” of confirming the information through Tom’s military source, as well. Tom had spoken with his source during the month of May, and asked specific questions David had instructed that he ask; in doing so, the source confirmed David’s information.

6 In their many conversations, Tom says David described his Jewish heritage, spoke glowingly, at first, of Israel (and later became critical of it), and also spoke of his decades working in the Jewish community. Tom said, “David was one of the most proud Jews I ever met, and to me it was inspiring in a way to hear of his love of his people. I’d never had any issue with Israel myself, I always thought they were the USA’s greatest ally or something. David knew a lot more than I did, a hell of a lot more than he even let on in his videos. I saw his heart change in his final days. He recognized the evil and rejected it.”

7 Tom trusted David and came to respect him, and he says he misses him and was devastated to learn of his passing. He says they spoke “at least thirty times” over the phone and quickly developed a strong rapport and friendship.

Tom’s relationship with his military source

1 Tom claims that his source is a high-ranking military official who has been feeding him classified secrets for many years. He says this individual is in a position to have access to these secrets. He says the information this individual has provided has never been wrong.

2 Tom says his military source only shares information with him in person , and never “goes out of his way” to meet him or do “anything that would seem out of the ordinary.” He says his source is “monitored so closely that they can hear all of his conversations in his home” and that all of his electronic communication is monitored.

3 Tom says this military source “has to speak in code a lot of the time, and it’s an off-hand code we’ve developed over the years, where one word means something else. It’s probably why he never used the specific project names.”

4 Tom says he believes “they know he’s spilling the beans but we do our best to maintain secrecy anyway. This is the first time I’ve really talked or let this out. For years, I kept those conversations to myself and my wife and kids. I’ve got permission from him to do this, so I’m doing it.”
Specific details on Projects Pogo & Zyphr, and the newly-revealed AI program

What Tom was told from his source, separate from David’s information…

1 Tom claims he was told in “code terms”, during a conversation with his source, that some kind of “round up” was planned for “patriots” in the year 2021. He was told this in December of 2018, far in advance or meeting David.

2 Tom says his source was deeply concerned, and indicated it was “something that had been in the works for decades, and they finally wanted to get it done.” He said by “get it done” that meant a “cleansing” of the population, as in, extermination or culling. He added, “People think that’s shocking, even though mass killings by governments occurred all throughout the 20 th century. We’re so deluded we think it can’t happen to us.”

3 Tom said three phases were to be used, including a flu virus outbreak , power outages , and physical round-ups .

4 Tom said there was also an AI program , that his source told him about, but that is not contained in the documents David possessed. This program was designed to replicate the individuals who would be “culled” or “murdered,” via social media later on. In other words, the plans are such to analyze the targeted individuals, their data, their likenesses partly through the TTID program, discussed in this video , and create an AI profile that would later serve to “replace” them in the online world .

5 Tom said the “AI plot” was the “craziest” thing he had ever heard of! He said he was told this plan is in place for multiple reasons, the main one being that “they need to keep down the panic when all these people vanish during the round ups and flu outbreaks.” He said it’s so many people they want to “get rid of” that they are willing to create these “fake online personas so that their friends and family think they are still alive, or don’t suspect anything. Once all this goes down, I think it’s going to be without a lot of fanfare. It sounds bad, but with this AI project, I’m seeing how this can be pulled off and you’ll have a lot of people end up ‘disappeared’, but no one will really know. I think California, right now, is a test run. They’re doing these fires ,outages , and eliminating patriots right now and replacing them with this AI system.”

6 Tom said the technology exists to not only replicate their online behavior and personalities, but also their voices and physical features. He said “they can make a fake phone call from your father, who they’ve already killed, and you will think he’s still alive”, and that “they can also create a fake video conference call or face time call.”

7 Tom indicated this “AI plan” had more uses to it, and that they specifically want to do a “test run with this big extermination, then later implement it more precisely.” He said “they will find someone they don’t like, kill them, then replace them with these AI avatars that serve to convincingly replicate everything about them online, over the phone, and in video, except for their actual physical existence.”

8 Tom said, “in the future people will be online so much, that your physical relationship with a person will be a much smaller part of that relationship.” He said the “long-term plan is to get everyone so connected to the internet that people won’t physically meet up anymore.” He said Israel and the US government want this because it “gives them so much more control, because now they can just eliminate people, create new AI versions of them, and people won’t figure it out, unless they physically try to track them down and can’t find them.”

9 Tom said the technology does have limitations, but will be “very useful for getting rid of patriots who are dependent on radio, YouTube, and social media, where their physical existence isn’t something people rely on to know them.” He said it will not work for people who spend most of their time connecting with people in real life, but that “there are active plans to phase this out, to where people are more disconnected physically than ever.”

10 In Tom’s own words in an email to us, he stated, “ First, they do Pogo to track everyone with TTID, to set up all the shill channels, to bring them in, lure them in with the correct information , all these things David talked about. Then they do Zyphr in order to wipe them out, with the three phases , and then they replace a bunch of these patriots with AI versionsso nobody’s the wiser. So nobody suspects that they are really gone, because lo and behold, their channel still exists, the uploads keep coming, the voice is the same, the likeness is the same on video. It’s all the same, even the phone calls to friends or colleagues, it all seems the same! The only way anyone figures it out is not being able to see that person in real life, but the AI ​​will come up with clever evasions as to why that person can’t meet in real life, or be at a real world conference, or meet for dinner. This charade can go on forever. Meanwhile, no investigation is done for all the missing, dead patriots, because nobody even believes they are gone because they are still making phone calls, sending texts, tweets, making videos! Law enforcement sure as hell won’t care. It’s totally insane.”

11 Tom said he thinks “this AI thing is part of Zyphr” but that David’s portion of the documents he possessed didn’t contain it, or the section talking about it.

12 Tom said he told David about the AI ​​program, and David agreed it was possible but had no information on it.

13 Tom said his military source said the “tech is easily there to do it, they are perfecting it every day. It’s absolutely crazy how powerful it is, how convincing! They can create a virtual ‘you’ online and you would think that person was your mother, or father, or child, and you wouldn’t know. You would see their Facebook, you would face time with them, you would talk on the phone, you wouldn’t know! They’re already talking about so-called ‘deep fakes’ which anyone can Google to see how they work, and what they really want to do is kill certain people, and replace them using some of that technology. The only limitation is you can’t physically meet this AI in person, but they are working on that, too, in terms of cloning and such.”

14 We asked about cloning , and Tom said, “They can do it, but not with a recently deceased patriot who got wiped out in the power outages or round-ups, that’s too tall a task right now. What they are really focused on is biometric humans, and their next step is trying to grow someone’s face and placing it on a pre-formed body. They’ve also experimented with killing a person, removing their face, and placing the dead person’s face on an android, but this hasn’t worked at all. It’s failed miserably. So, what they really want is to be able to just get your DNA and grow your face quickly, but this is a huge challenge. At minimum, it takes two or three years and the results are not good, but it will get there. Now, you are getting to where you can kill a person and replace them physically, but they haven’t quite gotten there. They are close, though. You’ve heard of Ancestry , where you send in your DNA sample? That is a very big project of theirs. It’s all controlled by Israel, all of those companies. Now they have theDNA of millions of people , plus their personal info. If you’ve sent in your DNA to anyone, you just gave up your rights, and now they can replicate you . They’re also looking to ‘phase out’ certain undesirable races, or change them, lessons them, weaken them. This all serves that.”

15 We asked about timelines , and how certain Tom was that this would take place in the next two years. He told us, “My source thinks it’s going to happen but might get a little delayed, because there are all these problems right now in the financial system that has them in a real panic.” We asked him to expand on what he meant by that, and he said, “They lost some control over the whole thing, and it’s coming undone. Some banks they need, or didn’t think would fail, they are failing. This is impacting some of their offshore accounts, it’s impacting these intel budgets. Let me just put it this way, money is being moved around in a panic like never before, from one bank, to another, trying to find stability. We’re talking tens of billions a day, this black project money.” He went onto say he expects “Zyphr to happen no matter what” and that “if anything, this financial situation might accelerate it, or cause them to push something else crazy.” He said the “financial system is a total scam, and it got away from them a little, and they’re trying to reign it back in. Maybe God is working in such a way that their own greed and lust for power will be their undoing? I pray that’s the case. Sometimes there’s a glimmer of hope. One thing they do love isBitcoin , moving money around there. Black project money. Millions and millions moving around every day. If you look at that market, you’ll see this money moving, and it’s so astronomical, there’s no explanation for it. It’s not regular trading. Watch the trades, these exchanges, well, they’re in on it, too. I’m not sure if the price will go up or anything, people are always asking me that, and I don’t know that answer. I just know, they like Bitcoin and it will be around.”

16 Tom added, relating to disinfo projects , “They’ve got five hundred disinfo projects running at once , all designed to confuse, subvert, distract, neuter America’s backbone, and resilience. The whole thing is so deep, you can’t even believe it, but I’ll give you an example. Think of a magazine called Men’s Journal. Heard of it, right? They are bleeding money for years, but their magazine is pretty polished. Who’s funding it? Ok, the CEO, he’s an Israeli. I’m just putting that out there. But what’s my point? The magazine doesn’t make money and has had dropping subscribersship for years. It’s down to 25,000, I heard. With that in mind, did you know they mail out 22 Million copies of that magazine to male households in the USA every month? It costs them a fortune, and that’s the black project money funding. Most aren’t subscribers, of course, almost none are, but they will get notices each year, something like, ‘Here is your free trial subscription’. See, they are bleeding money, nobody wants to pay money or subscribe to it, in some cases people just can’t afford it, or they don’t like the content, but they mail out millions of these magazines anyway! Not only that, they are put in doctor’s offices, in barbershops, everywhere. Why? Because between those pages is the handiwork of Israel’s finest minds, crafty programming for America’s men,subliminal programming that serves their agenda. Read it carefully, there’s a lot in there about ‘climate change and other political stuff’ . No one would ever suspect or guess something like Men’s Journal serves some other purpose, but it does, right in plain sight! The rabbit hole goes deep, and people aren’t looking in the right places, or seeing what they need to see. They take all this at face value, ‘Oh, that company is successful’. Is it? Or is it just a failure, and funded with black project money? Things are much crazier than people realize, much crazier! They love to promote these completely unsuccessful companies, get the public believing they are successful or important. Some of this was done with Apple, by the way.”

17 We asked Tom about guns , as we have had many comments on David’s channel from people claiming they will fend off something like Project Zyphr because they are armed. Tom stated, “The guns are nothing . The guns are sticks compared to what they ‘ve got. If you want to beat them, you have to have information. Most of the patriots are clueless, following pied piper Trump. The guns won’t save them, won’t protect them, won’t do anything. The government doesn’t have much interest in banning guns, just some special interest Democrat groups. It’s not really on the agenda. If they wanted it done, it would be done. About twenty years ago they realized that letting patriots cling to guns actually helped their agenda, because it provided a false sense of security. The real power is information, organization, knowledge, money, owning land. That’s the real power. Besides all that, their tech is so advanced they can send in a small drone and disarm you, making the gun inoperable. They have nano tech , too, they have sound weapons , they have mind control devices . The guns are more dangerous in terms of patriots fighting and turning on each other, or family members killing each other, than even the slightest threat to the military.”

18 After this response, we asked Tom for suggestions on how to stave off this terrifying future, and he said, “There isn’t much most of these people can do. But if they are going to do anything, it should be to get informed with the right information. Stop following the news, and that includes Fox News. Stop following the pro-Trump blogs and sites , stop believing it, because they are all Israeli Hasbara operations. Their main job is to keep you distracted with DC drama, most of which is nonsense between the two parties. If you are wrapped up in that, now you are under their control. David taught me a lot about this, in fact. David knew a lot about this.

19 We asked for further details on the power outages . Tom said, “It’s obvious what they are doing in California. Now, who ever heard of power outages because of fire season ? Unheard of, doesn’t even make a lick of sense, does it? They also tested these energy weapons in Santa Rosa. They can incinerate anything. Why do they care about your guns, when they can just vaporize your entire house and call it a forest fire? They murdered a lot of people, some of them patriots, and nobody cares at all. Anyway, they have to get people a little more conditioned to power outages, so when they really roll these out, people will accept it as normal.The main purpose of the outages is to work in tandem with the round-ups. They want to do these specific round-ups because, for whatever reason, I’ve heard, they want some of these people alive, and they want them in camps. All the camps are underground. So, the power goes out, you’re a little confused, maybe panicked, now a van or truck shows up in the black of night, you cling to your AR, you think you are defended, and zap, a little drone cuts a hole in your window, flies inside, you don’t even notice it at first, and before you know it, you’re out cold. You took a whiff of whatever that drone put into the air, and it knocked you out. Or it shot you with a nano dart, you couldn’t see it or feel it. Now your gun is meaningless. Now they walk right in, pick you up, your family, put you in the truck, you’re gone. The AI ​​system is then turned on, and your normal social media activity carries on. Your phone sends texts the next day. Nobody thinks to check on you. People think you’re still alive. Eventually, a family member will notice nobody’s home, but now the AI sets up some narrative about how there was a break-in, and you’re on a little mini vacation to Disneyland, just to be safe. Then, the AI ​​posts fake photos of you at Disneyland, with your family. Meanwhile, you’re really in an underground base somewhere, being tortured, your kids being raped in front of you, or God knows what they have planned for you. If that scenario sounds crazy, well, I just gave you the mild, conservative version.”

20 We were curious about how the AI ​​can explain away people not showing up for their jobs, not being physically present anymore, so we pressed a bit more on the issue. Tom replied, “What jobs? If you look around, a lot of people actually aren’t working. The low unemployment numbers are fiction. They do not even count people not in the workforce, not looking for jobs, and other fuzzy math to move the numbers. Reality’s very different. But this is the agenda. Their goal is to get people separated from each other, alone, on devices, on computers, all day, and break apart the family unit. They are very close to that goal. Anyway, to be more specific to your question, the AI ​​is not capable of replicating a person’s real world presence, it can just do everything else. It’s enough, in many cases, to eliminate investigations, questions, inquiries. You’re forgetting that the AI ​​can create realistic photos, face time, video conferencing, videos. Now, your neighbor sends you a holiday video card from vacation in the Caribean, and now you think, ‘Oh, they’re ok, nothing to worry about’. People are so consumed with themselves and their personal drama and financial stress! They don’t have time to launch some investigation to see if their neighbors are really alive or not, even if they suspect something. Law enforcement won’t care or listen, especially since they’ve already gotstand-down orders not to look into vanishing patriots . There’s a list of these people, names, it’s sent out to top law enforcement people, and they know, ‘Don’t waste your time on these names’, don’t go there. Threats are effective, threats work. If you know you’ll lose your job, your kids, your life, you don’t ask questions.”

21 We wanted to know more about the viral outbreak, so we asked. Tom’s response, “Well, you ever notice Wal-Mart and a bunch of other stores just give out these flu shots for free ? Yep, anyone who has gotten one can now be exterminated easily. Why? There are nanodevices in the vaccine .

Corona Zephyr Project Zyphr – Tom Hanks published this image in 2017 on Twitter

The nano devices do all kinds of little functions , but namely their purpose is to kill. They can remotely activate them and kill you instantly, and also produce some symptoms, like a severe flu or disease, in fact, anything . The military is much worse, because they’re forced to take them. So every patriot, good guy in the military, they are good as dead right now. They all have the nano devices in their bloodstream. The only way to disable them is to live in a lead-lined room. That eliminates the signal from the satellite in space to tell the nano device to activate, to kill. Or, you can leave the country, get as far away from the USA and Israel as possible, and you might get off their radar. But like I said, they use satellitesto send the signal.”

We asked if Tom believed he and his family had these devices, and he said he didn’t think so, if they had not gotten any vaccines in the past five years. He said the nano tech has only been introduced in the past few years.

22 We inquired more about timelines, how these operations will be executed, and Tom replied, “They’re already taking place. David’s gone. Other people are gone, you just don’t know it. They’re in the early testing phases of all of this tech. You might be following someone on YouTube, you see they are still posting videos, you hear their voices, you see their faces, and you think everything is normal. Are you sure about that? The people who are real threats, like David, they are focused on them. The people who aren’t part of their disinfo operations. The people not on the payroll. If you really pay attention, you’ll find a lot of very small channels that have been suppressed, that lose subscribers constantly, whose videos are blocked, hit with violations.Those are the ones they are targeting.

23 Tom had mentioned he had been told about more classified projects from his source, unrelated to Project Pogo or Zyphr. We asked what these projects were. He replied, “There are three others I’ve been told about, that I talked a little about with David. They concern disinfo projects , Internet projects and more or less surveillance . What you’ll notice now and then is that your computer is doing funny things , the kinds of things that didn’t happen in the past. You’ll see your phone do this. You’ll wonder why technology seems a little more screwy and unreliable than it did, say, five years ago.All of that is their AI systems probing your devices, scanning every bit of information, placing it on a server . It’s way beyond NSA stuff , which was more geared toward mass collection of data, and not personally cataloging or profiling every person. What they are doing now is making a profile of every human being. These weird glitches are that process. Beyond that, they talk about the Internet of Things (IoT) , they push things like Siri and Alexaonto people. This is for total surveillance, top to bottom, of your life! They’re not worried too much about the masses, either, but they don’t want to take chances. They are monitoring, closely, shifts in perceptions, opinion, and the influence of the web, and the popularity as of late or alternative sites, truth seeking; all of that’s gotten more popular. They noticed and took action, co-opted it, they have their controlled ops in place in order to control the narratives. Very effective, very powerful! There’s hardly a single voice you can trust now. They can’t have the general public really waking up, particularly to Israel or other deeper truths. They feel they have to suppress it.”

“I saw a comment on David’s channel, somebody said this is all fear, trying to put fear into people. Yes, it’s fear, but it’s knowledge. Another way they are doing all this is to sap you financially, so you’re living in desperation, pay check to pay check, on the fumes of debt. If you’re in that place mentally, you aren’t prepared for harsh truths. They want that! Keep Americans stressed, on the edge, we’re there right now. They want this world where half the people are disconnected and online, and the other half working sixty hours a week, too stressed to think. I guess they still need people working to keep the system in place, until the technology is better for robots . I was told, in ten years the world will totally change. They still want people around to eat, spend money, consume, but it’s different. They want to control their beliefs, spirituality, but even more, their reality. They’re playing around with a lot of augmented reality , where you look at something, think it’s real, but it isn’t.”

24 We asked why it was so necessary to kill so many people, and how many people Tom felt that number would be. His response, “These people are a nuisance to them, a problem. You have enough people talking truth, that much online, and the masses start to catch on. When you have half the population idle, at home, on the Internet, now their minds are fertile. They can’t have Youtubers speak these truths in an effective way. It’s always been a problem. It was a problem with 9/11, so they introduced a ton of paid shills to muddy the waters, confuse people, discredit everything. Now with this stuff, people started connecting the dots. This irritates them. They want extermination, they want some of these people kept alive and put in camps underground. They see you and me as just flies, just worm food, to them we’re nothing, but we do have power. They hate the power we have, and that is the power of knowledge, truth, to act. They’re a little worried. That’s why you see the full spectrum dominance mentality, hitting from all sides. They are taking no chances.”

“The amount they want to take out is at least 20 Million. David had different numbers. I’m told it’s twenty. It’s a lot. A lot of good men and women, a lot of patriots. Many will die of disease, others removed and placed in camps. I’ve been told by my source 50,000 have already been removed the past year, as they are testing this all out. It sounds like a lot but this country has 350 million people in it. They have a lot of people they’re looking at to get rid of. There are more people awake, aware right now than ever before, and they know it and it’s a big problem to them.”

25 We asked about Trump and David’s views on Trump, and what Tom felt. He replied, “David and I had a few arguments on that, but at the same time, my source had said things that aligned with things David was saying. I didn’t like it, but facts are facts. David and I had a lot of discussions on the agenda, why Trump’s doing what he does. David felt he had converted to Judaism, and I didn’t totally agree with that. We argued. But at the end of the day, it’s sitting right there in front of us. Trump championed 5G, which is one of their number one methods of future control.I’ve just been told: don’t believe what you think, what you see, more or less. A bigger agenda is playing out. David thought Trump was knee-deep in it. It’s scary as hell, to think we got this guy in there, leading us, who looks like he’s doing some good, but it’s just some evil agenda playing out.”

26 We asked Tom about some of David’s notes , if he could shine some light on some of them and his opinions of them.

He replied, “I’m glad David did what he did, because those notes hold some keys . I’ve watched the video. I appreciate what you did, in removing some things, and some personal info. Whatever instructions David left you, well, you’ve honored them fully, as far as I’m concerned. We’ve talked about this, and you have some more, and I’ve encouraged you, release them. I know you’re hesitant, I know why, but I hope to see a second video on the other notes. People need to know. Hell, I’d repeat it right here, but I’ve only got what David told me, and my memory isn’t good enough to recall the coordinates, numbers, some of the dates, things like that. But you’ve got them, so I hope they are seen.”