Stalin’s Jews- Larry Romanoff  September 18, 2022

Stalin’s Jews

Larry Romanoff • September 18, 2022 •  372 Comments

This topic is important not only for its own sake but because it provides linkages that help us to put other historical events in perspective, and even more because it is an astonishing, even astounding, example of how history is spun, of how the omission of only a few crucial facts can totally distort an entire vital segment of history. One result is that much of what we “know” of our history is factually wrong, but also it provokes us to despise innocent people while sympathising with the guilty.

Some years ago, Sever Plocker wrote an article for Israel’s Ynet News titled “Stalin’s Jews”[1]

in which he stated , “We mustn’t forget that some of greatest [mass] murderers of modern times were Jewish.” This article is a testimony to his statements.

To quote Plocker, “We cannot know with certainty the number of deaths Cheka was responsible for in its various manifestations, but the number is surely at least 20 million, including victims of the forced collectivization, the hunger, large purges, expulsions, banishments, executions, and mass death at Gulags. Whole population strata were eliminated: Independent farmers, ethnic minorities, members of the bourgeoisie, senior officers, intellectuals, artists, labor movement activists, “opposition members” who were defined completely randomly, and countless members of the Communist party itself.

And us, the Jews? Many Jews sold their soul to the devil of the Communist revolution and have blood on their hands for eternity. Dr. Halfin described the waves of soviet terror as a “carnival of mass murder,” “fantasy of purges”, and “messianism of evil.” Turns out that Jews too, when they become captivated by messianic ideology, can become great murderers, among the greatest known by modern history. Even if we deny it, we cannot escape the Jewishness of “our hangmen”, who served the Red Terror with loyalty and dedication from its establishment.

An Israeli student finishes high school without ever hearing the name “Genrikh Yagoda,” the greatest Jewish murderer of the 20th Century, the GPU’s deputy commander and the founder and commander of the NKVD. Yagoda diligently implemented Stalin’s collectivization orders and is responsible for the deaths of at least 10 million people. His Jewish deputies established and managed the Gulag system.”

Plocker then states a view all too common among Jews everywhere, when he writes, “The Jews active in official communist terror apparatuses . . . did not do this, obviously, as Jews, but rather, as Stalinists, communists, and “Soviet people”. But he does redeem himself by stating further, “My own view is different. I find it unacceptable that a person will be considered a member of the Jewish people when he does great things, but not considered part of our people when he does amazingly despicable things.” I couldn’t agree more.

If the arguments are valid, then Germany shouldn’t apologise or feel remorse about anything, because after all Hitler wasn’t acting as a German, but as a “European” or a “Nazi”. This is simply a lame attempt to tell us that Jews are “really Jews” only when they’re good. When they’re evil, their Jewishness is presumably cast off and they assume some other identity.

Jews are unwilling to confront the history of significant numbers of their own people committing savage atrocities, so they downplay their own origin, rewrite history, and forget it. Perhaps even more to the point, what about the savage and inhuman treatment the Jews in Israel inflict on the Palestinian people? When they shoot children in the head, bomb the UN school to utter destruction, destroy the American School in Gaza with white phosphor, and burn children alive, are they acting as Jews? Surely they must be.

Plocker refers to one other thing, an attempt to confuse and transfer liability and guilt from the Jews to the Russian people. He noted that Niall Ferguson, a so-called “historian” at Harvard University, in his book “The War of the World”, wrote that “no revolution in the history of mankind devoured its children with the same unrestrained appetite as did the Soviet revolution”. Plocker also recalled that Tel Aviv University’s Dr. Igal Halfin, in a book on the Stalinist purges, wrote that “Stalinist violence was unique in that it was directed internally”.

I find both those statements repulsive idiotic sophistry, apparent deliberate acts to deflect responsibility for a campaign of mass murder almost without equal. In no way did the Soviet Revolution “devour its own children”; rather the Jews came to Russia to devour Russian children. And the violence was “directed internally” only in the sense that those executing it were external agents, outsiders who came to kill.

A Bit of Historical Background

In a previous essay on Jews and Revolutions[2]

I noted that there have been many waves of attempted revolutions in the past, all instigated by the Jews, but mostly buried and misrepresented by these same people. Russia is a particular case in point. It doesn’t seem widely-known, but Russia has had more than its share of attempted revolutions, both before and after the 1917 event we all know as “The Russian Revolution”.

The Revolutions of 1848

The world in 1848 had a virtual epidemic of attempted revolutions and overthrows of government, affecting literally dozens of countries, Russia among them. There was mild success in France, but all others were crushed. Nevertheless, 1848 was a major point in world history that is almost never seen as such because the individual elements are all treated separately by our so-called historians (primarily Jewish) and the book publishers (almost entirely Jewish) who never provide us with the tools to link all those disparate events into one picture. I won’t dwell on it here, but all of those revolutions of that year were from the same source, an enormous concentrated effort to reconfigure the governments of the world to be more compatible with the aims of the Khazar Jews.

The Revolution of 1881

Russia had another revolution in 1881,[3]

stirred up by the same people, in this case with the assassination of Tsar Alexander II by a Jew named Vera Figner, leader of a Jewish terrorist group called “The People’s Will”. This was their notification to the new Tsar Alexander III: [4]

“Workers of Russia! Today, March 1st, Alexander the Tyrant (Alexander II) has been killed by us, Socialists. He was killed because he did not care for his people. He burdened them with taxes. He deprived the peasant of his land. He handed over the workers to plunderers and exploiters. He did not give the people freedom. He did not heed the people’s tears. He cared only for the rich. He himself lived in luxury. The police maltreated the people and he rewarded them instead of punishing them. He hanged or exiled any who stood out on behalf of the people or on behalf of justice. That is why he was killed. A Tsar should be a good shepherd, ready to devote his life to his sheep. Alexander II was a ravening wolf and a terrible death overtook him.”

The Revolution of 1890

It seems our revolutionaries didn’t much care for Alexander III either, and made another stillborn attempt in 1890. As part of their revolutionary plot, the Jews took advantage of a poor crop year in an attempt to foster a popular revolution with hunger as they did in France. The Russian government was at first unaware of the extent of the poor harvest and the food shortages, and delayed acting for some time. Realising the natural outcome, and also knowing that grain prices were much higher for export than for domestic consumption, Jewish “grain buyers” pre-empted the government’s actions by quickly purchasing and exporting much of the year’s already-limited crop before Imperial edicts could prevent it. The resulting famine was serious, and nearly 500,000 people died. The hoped-for revolution failed to appear, however.[5]

The Revolution of 1905

The next attempt following was much more momentous, this being the revolution of 1905 and the event termed “Bloody Sunday” where an organised protest was put down rather brutally by the new Tsar Nicholas II. During the next two years, the Jews organised terror brigades that killed many thousands of people, mainly police and government officials. Several thousand Jewish terrorists were caught and exiled to Siberia and elsewhere, but this story has a closely-related and very important element that history has de-linked and which we need to understand.[6]

The Russo-Japanese War

I won’t go into too much detail here because the topic is large and other references are easily available on the basic facts.[7]

In simple terms, Russia wanted a warm-water naval port in Northern Korea or Northern China, areas under the control of the Japanese. The picture is a bit murky but it is clear that the Jews were heavily pushing belligerence and intractability on both sides, and definitely promoting serious military engagement. Jacob Schiff was promoting a (thoroughly fictitious) policy of helping Japan to industrialise and militarise, to protect itself from the “Christians of Russia’s Tsar”.[8]

One of the crucial details history has suppressed is that Japan was not only being pushed into a war with Russia, but was given financing of $200 million by the European Rothschilds to purchase a wide array of arms and weapons conveniently supplied by Rothschild’s arms factories in Germany. Japan was literally armed to the teeth with the latest of everything – and all on credit. Another detail history has omitted is that Russia was sold essentially the same weapons for about the same $200 million and also on credit, financed by another group of Jewish bankers but supplied by the same Rothschild factories. Fortunately for the Japanese, their weapons arrived just in time for the attacks on Russia, permitting Japan to destroy much of the Russian fleet. Unfortunately for Russia, their weapons shipments were inexplicably delayed, not arriving until all the damage had been done, thus leaving the government weak, demoralised and in disarray, with much of its military destroyed.

In spite of this defeat, Russia did eventually obtain half of Sakhalin Island at the time for use as its naval bases, and obtained the remainder after WWII. Thus, the Japanese realised that their war with Russia was actually of no benefit at all, at least not to them. However, they also realised something else – that they had been suckered by the Jews into a war with Russia for the sole purpose of weakening Russia as preparation for the planned 1905 revolution. They not only obtained no benefit from the war, but were used merely as an unwitting tool to weaken an enemy for someone else to conquer – and left almost bankrupt and with $200 million in debt for the experience.

Our history books and Wikipedia have no knowledge of this. One example of how omitting just one crucial detail changes the entire picture of an historical event, leading all students to precisely the wrong conclusion.

The Japanese didn’t forget this and, with further similar experiences, they realised they were never going to be accepted as part of the Western world. Thus, when the winds of WWII began blowing, the Japanese understandably didn’t want enemy aliens in their midst. They first expelled all the Jews from Nagasaki in 1926 and then later all the Jews from all of Japan. This is where we can make more historical links. It appears almost a certainty that the reason Bernard Baruch, a Jew and “the most powerful man in the US” at the time, selected Nagasaki as one of the targets for the atomic bomb. And the later total expulsions were arguably the reason Baruch chose Japan as the target for the US to demonstrate its new atomic prowess.

The Khazar Jews are not forgiving to any nation who expels them, which is the reason poor little Cuba has been horribly punished ever since Castro’s revolution, and one of the reasons China is such a target today – because Mao expelled all the opium and every other kind of Jew from China as soon as he took power. Jewish publications tell us the Jews left Shanghai “in a hurry” after the war, neglecting to mention the cause of that “hurry”.

This is an aside, but the second expulsion of all Jews from Japan is the source of the fabricated stories of Shanghai “welcoming 40,000 Jews who were escaping Hitler’s atrocities in Europe”. The story, a lie in its entirety, is that all these Jews traveled from Germany to Shanghai where they would be “safe” from Hitler. But if this were their objective, crossing the border into Russia would have been enough; reaching Moscow would have been more than enough. Traveling 7,000 Kms. all the way through Siberia, then another 5,000 Kms. south to Shanghai makes no sense. There were many safe places on the way. In any case, transportation from Moscow to Siberia was minimal at best and there was no system capable of carrying an additional 40,000 people to Yakutsk, nor were there facilities to take those people through Siberia, Mongolia and Japan-controlled Manchuria all the way to Shanghai. While there might have been a few who did travel overland, it was the Jews expelled from Japan that flooded into Shanghai. And it was not the “warm-hearted Chinese” who saved 40,000 Jews from Hitler as we are told. The Japanese had full control of Shanghai as well as much of Northeast China, and Shanghai already had a huge number of opium Jews, so the transfer was a natural one. “China” had no say in the matter, Shanghai had no say in the matter, and all those “warm-hearted Chinese” didn’t even know what happened.

Back to the Revolution of 1905

The Tsar at the time, Nicholas II, had a serious change of heart and was willing to make major concessions to keep his country at peace and to avoid a civil war. One of his most effective ministers, Peter Stolypin, proposed many changes that would have cemented the contentment of the population and the security of Russia. It is said that Stolypin was perhaps the one man who could have avoided all the bloodshed and saved the Romanovs. Thus, Stolypin had to be removed.[9]

A Jewish revolutionary named Dmitri Bogrov shot and killed Stolypin.[10]

The Jews quickly claimed that Bogrov “acted alone” but mysteries about that assassination were never resolved. In any case, his assassination doomed the Romanov dynasty. Wikipedia had no idea Bogrov was a Jew.[11]

The 1917 Russian Revolution

We need to note first that the 1917 Russian Revolution was not, in any sense, a “Russian” revolution. It was entirely, 100%, a Jewish revolution against Russia and the Russian people. Native Russians had no part in the planning, and played little role in the execution of this immense tragedy, absolutely one of the bloodiest and most savage events in the world’s recent history.

It isn’t so much the revolution that is of interest to us, but the events preceding and following that should claim our attention. The Jews desperately wanted an upheaval to destroy Russia as it was, according to the plan for worldwide Communist control. This time, they planned much more carefully. It doesn’t seem widely-known, but Trotsky and several hundred Russian Jews who were expelled from Russia after the failed 1905 revolution, were all in the US receiving training for the next attempt, and they received literally many years of coaching. They were heavily financed by Jacob Schiff and Max Warburg, who spent more than $20 million on the training and the financing of the revolution itself. That would be about $750 million today, an enormous amount of money for the time.

In March of 1917, Schiff and Warburg sent Lev Davidovich Bronstein, better known as “Trotsky” and his group of several hundred Jewish communists off to Russia, to foment a revolution. At the same time, some 90,000 Jewish exiles returned to Russia from all over the world to infiltrate the country and assist in the revolution, most changing their Jewish names to blend more easily into Russian society. You can see this was not a trivial undertaking, but one with extensive worldwide planning from a single source – that source being the City of London.

Lenin was sent across Europe to Russia on the famous “sealed train” with an additional $5 million or $6 million in gold (about $175 million in today’s dollars). At the same time, Trotsky left New York aboard the S.S. Christiania with approximately 300 intensively-trained Jewish revolutionaries, with a huge hoard of gold in hand, their first port of call being Halifax, Nova Scotia. The Canadian government was aware of the plot and of the identities of those men, and arrested Trotsky and his people, and impounded their gold. But the Jews reacted immediately and with threats of force, with William Wiseman of Kuhn Loeb, and the famous “Colonel” House, imposing enormous pressure on Canada to release the men. Canada, cowardly as always, capitulated to the pressure and complied, Trotsky then free to meet up with Lenin and proceed with the Jewish plans for Russia. This is one of the many parts of Canadian history that no Canadian is permitted to learn.

In the world of motor vehicle insurance there used to be a doctrine for assigning responsibility for collisions, known as “the last clear chance”. The theory was that, regardless of who created the circumstances for an accident, if one driver had a last clear chance to avoid the collision but failed to exercise it, the blame would fall on him. If we adopt this doctrine, Canada had the last clear chance and can be assessed the entire blame for the revolution in Russia and the enormous toll of casualties that ensued.

The Jewish Revolutionists

The Georgian, Ioseb Besarionis dze Jughashvili (aka. Joseph Vissarionovich Stalin), may have been little more than a front, the real power behind the throne emanating from the City of London and masterminded by Jacob Schiff and Max Warburg. Some historians agree that Stalin was a mere figurehead, that it was Lazar Kaganovich (the Jewish head of the CHEKA, and the brother of Stalin’s Jewish wife) who was really in charge. More than a few historians appear to accept the thesis that it was all the Jews in important positions under Stalin, who actually made the decisions and determined the policies.

It should be noted that, while Jews were only a minuscule percentage of Russia’s population, between 80% and 90% of all Russian revolutionaries were Jews and, in some segments like the Gulags and the CHEKA, Jewish participation was effectively 100%. Jews absolutely dominated the entire Bolshevik regime after the 1917 Red October Revolution. Almost all the ministers in the first Soviet government were Jews, and the few who were not, were Freemasons, had Jewish wives, and spoke Yiddish. “The Bolshevik’s revolution in Russia was the work of Jewish brains, of Jewish dissatisfaction, of Jewish planning, whose goal is to create a new order in the world.” [12]

As noted above, about 90,000 Jews from many European regions poured into the major cities of Russia, to be given prominent executive positions in all major sectors of government and the economy.

“According to data furnished by the Soviet press, out of 556 important functionaries of the Bolshevik state, including the above-mentioned, in 1918-1919 there were: 17 Russians, two Ukrainians, eleven Armenians, 35 Letts [Latvians], 15 Germans, one Hungarian, ten Georgians, three Poles, three Finns, one Czech, one Karaim, and 457 Jews.”[13]

“According to the U.S. State Department’s documents, a group of powerful Jewish financial elites were planning the overthrown of the Russian Tsar, Nicholas II, in 1916. These plotters included Jacob Schiff, Mortimer Schiff, Felix Warburg, Otto Kahn and Isaac Zeelman. They decided that Russia should be destroyed and a communist dictatorial regime would be implemented, subservient to the dictates of International Jewry.”[14]

Alexander Solzhenitsyn wrote: “You must understand. The . . . Bolsheviks who took over Russia were not Russians. They hated Russians! They hated Christians! Driven by ethnic hatred they tortured & slaughtered millions of Russians without a shred of human remorse. The October Revolution was not what you call in America the ‘Russian Revolution’. It was an invasion & conquest over the Russian people. More of my countrymen suffered horrific crimes at the blood-stained hands than any people, or nation ever suffered in the entirety of human history. It cannot be understated! Bolshevism was the greatest human slaughter of all time. The fact that most of the world is ignorant of this reality is proof that the global media itself is in the hands of the perpetrators. We cannot state that all Jews are Bolsheviks, but without Jews there would have been no Bolshevism. For a Jew, nothing is more insulting than the truth. The blood-maddened Jewish terrorists murdered 66 million in Russia from 1918 to 1957.”[15]

Winston Churchill wrote, “There is no need to exaggerate the part played in the creation of Bolshevism and in the actual bringing about of the Russian Revolution by these international and for the most part atheistical Jews . . . In the Soviet institutions the predominance of Jews is even more astonishing. And the prominent, if not indeed the principal, part in the system of terrorism applied by the Extraordinary Commissions for Combating Counter-Revolution (CHEKA) has been taken by Jews, and in some notable cases by Jewesses.”[16]

“The world revolution which we will experience will be exclusively our affair and will rest in our hands. This revolution will tighten the Jewish domination over all other people.”[17]

The Jewish CHEKA

The Jewish CHEKA was a secret police force created through the NKVD; its makeup was almost entirely Jewish. “Jews were especially dominant in the most feared and bloodthirsty part of the Bolshevik State apparatus, the CHEKA, which consisted of 250,000 officers”, all Jews, and with unlimited power, Kaganovich and his CHEKA organisation acting as “policeman, investigator, jailer, prosecutor, judge and executioner”.[18]

Lazar Kaganovich was the Jewish head of the CHEKA and was famous for his purges of those who opposed Jewish control of the country. Anyone daring to criticize Jewish Supremacy was mercilessly murdered, as “anti-Semitism” became a crime punishable by death in the Soviet Union.

Primarily, the CHEKA rounded up all Gentiles failing to support the Jewish government, then tortured and killed them. This especially included the military and government workers, all Christian clergy, and anyone with property valued at more than 10,000 rubles. The Jews operating the CHEKA not only exterminated all these categories of people but specialised in torture, their methods including skinning people while alive, scalping, impaling on stakes, hanging, stoning to death, being ‘crowned’ with barbed wire, being tied to planks and pushed slowly into tanks of boiling water. There was a further atrocity that was also commonly done to black slaves in America, that of pounding nails into a large wooden barrel so the points protruded into the inside, then placing a naked man into the barrel, nailing it shut, and rolling it down steep hills. They also used what is called the “rat torture”, placing a rat inside an open-bottom metal box attached to a man’s abdomen, then heating the metal box to red-hot, at which point the animal, crazed from the heat, would attempt escape by eating into the man’s body.

These Jews also specialised in torturing and killing women and children, inevitably raping the women before they were killed. The CHEKA Jews quite openly roamed the countryside kidnapping and killing children, eventually exterminating entire rural populations. They also burned down many or even most of the churches and destroyed most of the Christian monuments in Russia, turned the priests into street-sweepers or simply murdering them outright. In the end, the majority of the Christian clergy were killed by the Jews. “The Jewish CHEKA systematically exterminated the wealthy, the business class, the intelligent educated class, all the high-achieving segments of the population, leaving Russia with a population of ignorant workers, peasants, and a powerful Jewish ruling elite.”

The Jews in the CHEKA also murdered the entire family of Tsar Nicholas II, “the last of the Romanovs”. It was Yakov M. Yurovksy, a Jew, who carried out the murders. Trotsky rationalised the murders as “a useful measure, not only expedient but necessary.” He claimed it proved that “it showed everyone that we would continue to fight on mercilessly, stopping at nothing.” He said the executions were meant “to frighten, horrify and instill a sense of hopelessness” in the Gentile Christians, and also to show other Jews that “there was no turning back, that ahead lay either total victory or total doom.”

The Jewish Gulags

The Gulags consisted of about 500 Jewish concentration camps established under the CHEKA, and used primarily for forced labor, any dissenters in the population typically receiving sentences of 5 to 25 years of hard labor. Yagoda sent hundreds of thousands to work on the Baltic Sea canal project where countless numbers of Russians, Ukrainians, and others perished. The system was created and founded by two Jews, Naftaly Frenkel and Levi Berman, under the direct control of Genrikh Yagoda and with the camps commanded by Jews such as Rappoport, Solz, and Spiegelglas, all of whom are mentioned at length in the work of Solzhenitsyn.

“Millions of innocent people were incarcerated in these gulags which eventually became death camps. “Prisoners worked outdoors and in mines, in arid regions and the Arctic Circle without adequate clothing, tools, shelter, food, or even clean water. They trudged through mud in sub-zero -20C temperatures, cut down trees with handsaws, dug at frozen ground with primitive pickaxes and heaved huge rocks with primitive tools. Others mined coal or copper by hand, often suffering painful or fatal lung diseases from inhaling ore dust while on the job. These prisoners worked up to 14 hours a day on massive projects, including the Moscow-Volga Canal, the White Sea-Baltic Canal, and the Kolyma Highway.

Before Stalin’s death, nearly 20 million men and women were transported to these camps in Siberia and other outposts, many of them never to return. The prisoners suffered from starvation, illness, violence, and cold; an immense number of people died. Starvation was not uncommon, as prisoners were barely fed enough to sustain such difficult labor. Other prisoners were simply dragged out to the woods and shot by guards for little or no reason.”[19]

Jewish Collectivisation
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The Jewish Bolsheviks implemented a policy known as “Collectivisation”, which meant confiscating all peasant land in the name of the state, and by the use of Red Terror at the hands of the CHEKA. “This is what Karl Marx himself described as the “essence of communism”, to abolish private property which belongs to the Gentiles“. After a dozen or so years, more than 90% of all the land had been ‘collectivised’. One direct result of this process was death by starvation, since the Jews confiscated not only the land but all the grain from these areas, directly condemning the peasants to death.

The famines created in Russia by the Jews were unimaginable. One historian, Yulia Khmelevskaya, wrote that “People were eating almost everything that could be swallowed. They ate straw from the roof.” The Jews deliberately organised three large waves of “man-made famines aimed at starving farmers in Ukraine, Belarus, Kazakhstan and Russia. Millions of people died a slow death and people resorted to eating grass and some even to cannibalism.” And the Jews’ attitude toward this? Trotsky is famous for having stated, “You are Starving? This is not famine yet; when your women start eating their children, then you may come and say we are starving.”[20]

The Jewish Holodomor in the Ukraine

The Encyclopedia Britannica estimates that around 8 million people, five million of them Ukrainian, were starved to death by one Kaganovich famine alone and the three Holodomor genocides together resulted in a death toll of 16.5 million people. The Jewish media and Jewish organisations of all stripes make enormous efforts today to dismiss the Ukrainian famines as a hoax when the evidence is overwhelming. They do so primarily to avoid competition for the Jews as the world’s only victims in WWII. This is worse than you might imagine; we have all seen photos of huge piles of emaciated dead bodies – literally skin and bones piled two or more meters high, which are presented to us as evidence of Jews starved to death by the Germans. But they are no such thing. They are instead evidence of Ukrainians, Russians and other Slavs starved to death by the Jews.[21]

Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn estimated that in total the Jewish regime in Russia managed to exterminate more than 60 million people, including victims of the forced Collectivisation, the starvations and famines, the purges, expulsions, banishments, executions, and mass deaths at Gulags. I believe he also said that “Industrial-scale murders like these are an essential part of [Jewish] communist theory.”

Khazar Jewish Sympathy for the Victims

Trotsky said “We must turn Russia into a desert, populated by White negroes upon whom we shall impose a tyranny such as the most terrible Eastern despots never dreamt of. The only difference is that this will be a left-wing tyranny, not a right-wing tyranny. It will be a Red (Jewish) tyranny, and not a White one. We mean the word “red” literally, because we shall shed such floods of blood as will make all the human losses suffered in the capitalist wars pale by comparison. The biggest bankers across the ocean will work in the closest possible contact with us. If we win the revolution, we shall establish the power of Zionism upon the wreckage of the revolution’s funeral, and we shall become a power before which the whole world will sink to its knees. We shall know what real power is. By means of terror & bloodbaths, we shall reduce the Russian intelligentsia to a state of complete stupefaction & idiocy and to an animal existence.” Lenin said that “Three-quarters of mankind may die, if necessary, to ensure the other quarter for Communism”.

Grigori Zinoviev, the head of the Jewish Communist International (Comintern), wrote in an article in the Krasnaya Gazeta, in 1918 where he stated, “We will make our hearts cruel, hard and immovable, so that no mercy will enter them, and so that they will not quiver at the sight of a sea of enemy blood. We will let loose the floodgates of that sea. Without mercy, without sparing, we will kill our enemies in scores of hundreds. Let them be thousands. Let them drown themselves in their own blood. Let there be floods of the blood of the bourgeois; more blood, as much as possible.”[22]

Stalin’s Jews

Lazar Kaganovich

Lazar Kaganovich was a close associate of Joseph Stalin and the brother of Stalin’s wife. As noted above, Kaganovich was the Jewish head of the CHEKA and famous for his purges of those who opposed Jewish control of the country, having ordered the deaths of millions. Kaganovich openly boasted of personal responsibility for killing at least twenty million people. It was Kaganovich also who presided over the total destruction of Christian churches and clergy, the man famous for standing atop the rubble of a Russian church and proclaiming, “Mother Russia has been cast down! We have torn away her skirts!”.[23]

This Jew truly “made life a living hell” for the people of Russia, killing countless millions of innocent peasants in a sea of blood. Not everyone objected: One Jew in Hollywood was reported to have said, “You can’t make an omelet without breaking eggs” and, in a statement variously attributed to both Stalin and Kaganovich, “The death of one man is a tragedy, the death of a million is a statistic.” On the other hand, the Jewish Virtual Library seems to know only that Kaganovich “managed the construction of the Moscow underground”, and that, rather than being Stalin’s main Jewish handler, his “subservience to Stalin was made abundantly clear” in some obscure article he supposedly wrote.[24]

Kaganovich was just one of the Jewish mass murderers; there were many other Jews who contributed to the massacre of Russians under the cruelest circumstances.

Yakov Sverdlov

Yakov Sverdlov, known as the “devil of the revolution”, was the Jew’s executive secretary and head of the Jewish government. It was this man who created and unleashed what became known as “The Red Terror”. It was also Sverdlov who initiated the so-called “decossackization”, where about 1 million Don Cossacks were brutally killed, including women and infants, often by being buried alive. For the first several years after 1917, it seems that every single bloody action against the Russian people was instigated by Sverdlov, being “the brains of the party”. The writer P. Paganuzi said that “the monstrous crimes of the [Jewish] Bolsheviks which exceeded all measures of cruelty, were committed on orders from the center, and the main responsibility for them lay with Sverdlovsk.”[25]





It was Sverdlov who gave the order to kill the Russian Royal Family. “Research in 1990 by the Moscow playwright and historian Edvard Radzinsky uncovered Sverdlov’s role in ordering the execution of Tsar Nicholas II and his family.” The Jews were so proud of him that the city of Yekaterinburg where the Tsar and his family were killed, was renamed Sverdlovsk in his honor.

Genrikh Yagoda (real name: Genakh Gershenovich)

Genrikh Yagoda was described as “Stalin’s leading terror chief responsible for keeping him in power”, and who was unquestionably “one of the greatest Jewish mass murderers of the 20th Century“. He was the GPU’s deputy commander and the founder and commander of the NKVD. It was Yagoda who implemented the Collectivisation of peasant lands and crops and was responsible for the deaths of at least 10 million people. It was Yagoda’s Jewish deputies who established & managed the Gulag system, of Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn fame.[30]

Yagoda was later demoted and replaced as chief hangman by Nikolai Yezhov, “the bloodthirsty dwarf”.

Lavrentiy Pavlovich Beria

Lavrentiy Beria, certainly Stalin’s most powerful and vicious Jewish Lieutenant, was a mass murderer of peasants and a bloodthirsty sex maniac and pedophile who buried children in his basement, apparently many while still alive. Beria was the notorious police chief and powerful lieutenant who initiated the Katyn massacre.[31]

Beria joined the CHEKA and became head of the NKVD in Georgia and eventually a member of the Central Committee of the Communist Party, then deputy prime minister and member of the Politburo. After Stalin’s death in 1953, Beria attempted to replace him as dictator of the Soviet Union, but was defeated by Nikita Khrushchev, Molotov and Malenkov.

As an example of how history is spun, consider this apparently trivial statement: “Beria has long symbolized all the evils of Stalinism . . .” Stalinism? This immense Russian tragedy, planned and executed entirely by Jews, is suddenly reduced to a single adjective that pins the entire blame on one man not apparently Jewish. In fact, Beria symbolises all the evils of “Jewish-ism”, still “haunting the public imagination both in the West and in the former Soviet Union”. Yet the man’s name (along with a few others) has been expunged from history and almost no one has heard of him.

Ilya Ehrenburg

There was also Ilya Ehrenburg, who is perhaps most famous as the Jew who taught people to hate – to “Kill all Germans because they are not human”.[32]

It was Ehrenburg who incited troops to rape and maim German, Polish, and Czech women as a form of punishment, as part of his agitation for genocide against all Germans.[33]

“The Germans are not human beings. From now on, the word ‘German’ is the most horrible curse. From now on, the word ‘German’ strikes us to the quick. We have nothing to discuss. We will not get excited. We will kill. If you have not killed at least one German a day, you have wasted that day … If you cannot kill a German with a bullet, then kill him with your bayonet. If your part of the front is quiet and there is no fighting, then kill a German in the meantime … If you have already killed a German, then kill another one – there is nothing more amusing to us than a heap of German corpses. Don’t count the days, don’t count the kilometers. Count only one thing: the number of Germans you have killed. Kill the Germans! … – Kill the Germans! Kill!”

And in another leaflet: “The Germans must be killed. One must kill them … Do you feel sick? Do you feel a nightmare in your breast? … Kill a German! If you are a righteous and conscientious man – kill a German! … Kill!” [34]

But according to Wikipedia, Ehrenburg was a nice man, a quiet journalist who is most famous for his written works detailing “the genocide of Russian Jews”.[35]

Oddly, his fanatical writings demanding the genocide of all German Gentiles has been deleted by our history book publishers.[36]

And Many More

There was Leonid Reichman who was head of the NKVD’s special department and the organization’s chief interrogator, and a particularly cruel sadist.[37]

There are many more, names that will mean little to you: Alexander Parvus, Solomon Lozovsky, Moisei Uritsky, Adolph Abramovich Joffe, Dmitry Bogrov, Lev Kamenev (real name Rosenfeld), Maxim Litvinov (born Meir Henoch Mojszewicz Wallach-Finkelstein), Karl Radek (real name Karol Sobelsohn), Grigori Zinoviev, Ilya Ehrenburg, Natalfy Frenkel, Mathias Berman. All Jewish mass murderers in their own right.

The Anonymity of the Jews

It is not always easy to know with certainty the Jewish identity of some people due to attempts of so many natures to disguise and obfuscate the facts. Merely by changing their names so often, Jews make the truth of their ethnicity difficult to discern. Lenin (Vladimir Ulyanov) was a Jew.[38]




It is widely speculated now that Stalin was a Georgian Jew, with even the Los Angeles B’nai B’rith Messenger crediting him as being a Jew. Certainly, he spoke Yiddish, he had three Jewish wives, and had no Gentiles anywhere in his inner circle. And certainly, part of the issue is that identifying Stalin as a Jew, eliminates his usefulness as a poster boy for Russian psychopathology, leaving no Gentile to blame for Jewish atrocities. As mentioned above, this permits the Jews to categorise the entire “Russian” revolution and all the atrocities as “Stalinism”, i.e., an entirely Gentile event when the destruction of Russia and the extermination of more than 60 million Russians was entirely of Jewish creation and execution. It should be noted that Russia’s population at the time, was only 125 million.

There are some Jewish websites such as Jew or Not Jew that are often very helpful in offering their determination of the ethnicity of various people, and usually one can write and ask for an opinion or determination. But there are some individuals who appear to be verboten in this respect. One such is Reimert Ravenholt, the former head of USAID, surely one of the greatest sociopaths and psychopaths of all time, having forcibly sterilised literally hundreds of millions of women in undeveloped countries, and causing only God knows how many deaths. I have attempted through these Jewish websites to obtain information or opinions on Ravenholt’s ethnic background, and in only this one case have all websites unanimously refused to reply to me.

“The difficulty in arriving at an accurate understanding of the problem of the Jews lies in the fact that there is a distinct Jewish religion and a distinct Jewish race. Where one ends and the other begins. Jews will, however, reply with assurance that they are not a race but a religion and that to differentiate between them and other religious bodies is sheer prejudice and bald Anti-Semitism.”[42]

“Judaism is a religion, not a nation.” That may be true, but we aren’t discussing the religion of Judaism; rather, we are focused on Jews as a people. The preceding statements deny that Jews are a people, a race, or a nation, and can be identified only as members of a religion. Well, maybe, but how is it that I – and hundreds of millions of others – can look at a face and tell you instantly that person is a Jew? It would be a very powerful religion indeed if it can alter the facial features of its adherents.

There is more to this. Many years ago, the Jewish Kehillah in New York heavily pressured the US government to avoid altogether the ethnic or racial identities of Jews and to record only their passport status. This resulted in the government having no firm knowledge of the number of Jews in the US, the NYC Kehilla being the only body possessing such records. The Jews have gone much further in the recent past by pressuring the US government to make illegal any request of a person’s religion on the basis that this amounted to “religious discrimination”. Having succeeded in this, the Jews then conflated the two and heavily promoted the thesis that “Jewishness” is solely a religion and not a race or nation, thus making it impossible to have any legal means to discover if someone is a Jew. Quite clever. And, since so many Jews frequently change their names, the identification effort becomes almost impossible.

Yet, the effort is necessary because it is only when we can make this identification that we can form the links necessary to connect all the dots and understand both our history and the current affairs of the world. It is only with this identification that we can realise that pornography is almost exclusively a Jewish talent, that the alphabet soup of “sexual preferences” is being promoted nearly entirely by Jews. It is only by this identification of Jews as a race and a nation that we can realise that the “Russian Revolution” was in actuality entirely a Jewish Revolution against Russia, and that the destruction and colonisation of Yugoslavia, Iraq and Libya were entirely Jewish events even though effected by the US military on the Jews’ behalf. For example, the so-called “provisional orders” issued for the colonisation of Iraq by Paul Bremer, take on a very different light when we learn that Bremer, the “Temporary President of Iraq” was a Jew, and a close affiliate of Henry Kissinger. (43) Bremer was clearly taking his direction from the City of London and not from George Bush. Thus, Iraq was also a “Jewish Revolution”, as were Yugoslavia and Libya.

There is yet more. I once had an acquaintance in Shanghai named Steven Wood – hardly a name one would identify as a Jew. At the time, Steven had a high HR position with Huawei, and confided that he possessed both American and Israeli passports and traveled to Israel several times a year. One day he sent me a file of about 50Mb, if I recall correctly, containing the technical details of all of Huawei’s products. I was surprised because it seemed to me that was information he should not have had, since engineering and design were not part of his job description. He never told me anything directly but, from the context, I assumed that whenever he traveled to Israel all of Huawei’s information went with him. Huawei of course would have no way of knowing they had been infiltrated.

Given the difficulties, it is possible to make occasional errors in the identification, and classify someone provisionally as a Jew when they are not. I would argue that such occasional errors are almost always trivial. Most of those so identified are dead, and these errors, though unfortunate, are unlikely to do particular harm. This is by no means an excuse for carelessness or a casual attitude, but I would argue that so much is at stake that “it is better to be safe than sorry”.

There are many other items of immense historical significance whose flavor is considerably altered if we can accurately make these identifications. For example, the greatest criminal organisation in the history of the world was Rothschild’s British East India Company, followed closely by the Dutch East India Company, both of which were created and controlled by Jews. Rothschild and his Jews killed at least 200 million people in India by execution and famine, with some estimations being much higher. Similarly, the business of growing opium in India and forcing it onto China, were entirely Jewish enterprises – which our history books, thanks to Jewish publishers, blame on “the British”. Again, Rothschild and Sassoon killed that least 100 million in China by slaughter and at least an additional 50 million by other means. The CIA’s MK-ULTRA program was entirely Jewish at the top and at least through the middle ranks, with atrocities that may never have an equal. The decision to do incendiary bombing of Germany’s residential areas was the result of one of Churchill’s Jewish advisors. Similarly, Holland’s Tulip Bubble and the South Seas Bubble were Jewish concoctions. There is so much more.

Enormous historical crimes are thus covered up, with the blame assigned to the wrong persons and leaving the Jews free to present themselves as the world’s victims instead of the perpetrators.

I would add a final note. Readers often complain they are unable to locate evidence of certain historical events such as the expulsions of Jews from Cuba or China, stating that their searches uncover nothing. They seem unable to fathom that Google heavily censors any topic dealing with the Jews, with Israel, with history (especially any history involving the Jews), with most political topics and much more. It is almost amusing that Google has no knowledge of the expulsion of Jews from China after the war, but instead knows a great deal about Jews who remained in China and who carried much influence. As someone wrote, “It would be better to not know so many things, than to know so many things that are wrong.”

It shouldn’t be necessary to point out that Google is as Jewish as Israel, and that the historical facts it permits to escape through the net on these topics, are those with a particular propaganda point of view and are, more often than not, factually wrong. For this reason, and because Google assiduously tracks (and saves in perpetuity) every search, every topic, every keyword, every clicked link, every website visited, I haven’t used Google for 20 years.

And, in spite of having no Google-related programs or apps on my computers, I am still warned of more than 500 attempts every month by Google attempting to track my online movements.

The Jewish Pogroms

These were events of punishment (by imprisoning or killing Jews) in Russia and some other countries, events which are presented (and which may have been) “witch hunts” against Jews for the crimes committed during and after the Revolution of 1917.

We have all seen enough of the Dr. Zhivago and Fiddler on the Roof-type movies to give us a sense of the sympathy-seeking approach by the Jews about the Russian Revolution. Because of their media and Hollywood control, much or even most of the world’s public consciousness about this enormous event has been resolved to only two items: One, Stalin was evil, and two, the Jews in Russia suffered terribly from these “anti-Semitic” pogroms, persecutions which the ever-chaste and stellarly-virginal Jews absolutely did not deserve because no Jew anywhere has ever done anything to anybody. It is almost unimaginable that the Jews have so much control over the media and book publishing that they have been able to perpetrate such an enormous and truly unforgivable hoax on the world’s public consciousness. Compared to what the Jews did to the Russian people, the so-called “pogroms” were too trivial to warrant mention.

I am obviously of Russian extraction. If you and your friends come to my country, brutally exterminate nearly half of our population, kill my King and his entire family and steal most of the Royal Treasures, torture millions, create famines to kill millions more, destroy the nation and the economy, then loot my country of most of its most priceless art treasures while also emptying my government’s central bank on your way out, I might be tempted to hunt you down and kill you too.


“We mustn’t forget that some of greatest [mass] murderers of modern times were Jewish.”

Does anyone recall Hitler writing: “The Jews are not human beings. From now on, the word ‘Jew’ is the most horrible curse. The Jews must be killed. One must kill them … If you cannot kill a Jew with a bullet, then kill him with your bayonet … Kill a Jew! If you are a righteous and conscientious man – kill a Jew! If you have already killed a Jew, then kill another one… Kill!”

No, of course not. Then, it is reasonable to ask why Hitler has become the poster boy for historical atrocities when most of these Jews were far worse, especially considering that much, if not most, of the so-called Nazi atrocities were merely “atrocity porn” proven later to have been entirely fabricated by the Jews. Why is it that we are inundated with tales of Hitler’s evils, both real and imaginary, but we have never heard of Beria, Kaganovich, Yagoda, Ehrenberg or Sverdlov? Who is it that controls the media and the book publishers? Who is it that labels you an “anti-Semitic Nazi Jew-hater” for revealing historical truths?

Think of the attitudes of the Jews mentioned in this article, of their actions. What kind of man boasts about having personal responsibility for killing “at least” 20 million innocent people? What kind of man says “If you are righteous and conscientious, kill a German”? What kind of man confiscates all the farm crops and thus sentences tens of millions to die? These are the Khazar Jews, as murderous and savage today as they were 700 years ago.

Moreover, these are the same people who today populate the City of London which is where the planning for all these atrocities has originated for centuries and continues still. Today, they dress nicely, drink afternoon tea with Royalty, and always brush their teeth after every meal. But they are responsible for one million deaths in Iraq, and many more recent tragedies. If COVID-19 was planned, this is where it was planned. These are the people who want a Third World War with Russia, China and Iran, and they will almost certainly have it because the Americans so under their control are stupid enough to launch it. The end.


Mr. Romanoff’s writing has been translated into 32 languages and his articles posted on more than 150 foreign-language news and politics websites in more than 30 countries, as well as more than 100 English language platforms. Larry Romanoff is a retired management consultant and businessman. He has held senior executive positions in international consulting firms, and owned an international import-export business. He has been a visiting professor at Shanghai’s Fudan University, presenting case studies in international affairs to senior EMBA classes. Mr. Romanoff lives in Shanghai and is currently writing a series of ten books generally related to China and the West. He is one of the contributing authors to Cynthia McKinney’s new anthology ‘When China Sneezes’. (Chapt. 2 — Dealing with Demons).

His full archive can be seen at +
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He can be contacted at: [email protected]


[1] Stalin’s Jews,7340,L-3342999,00.html

[2] Jews and Revolutions

[3] 1881 March 13 Czar Alexander II assassinated in St. Petersburg


Manifestos on the assassination of Alexander II (1881)

[5] Russian Famine of 1891-1892

[6] 1905 Russian Revolution

[7] Russo-Japanese War

[8] Jacob Schiff would help industrialize and militarize non-Christian Japan to fight against the Christians of Russia’s Tsar.

[9] Stolypin, Peter

[10] Dmitri Bogrov

[11] Dmitry Bogrov

[12] The American Hebrew, 1920

[13] Robert Wilton

[14] The Jewish-Led Russian Revolution

[15] The Jewish-Led Russian Revolution

[16] The Jewish-Led Russian Revolution

[17] Peuple Juif, February 8. 1919.

[18] Jewish Bolsheviks mass-murdered 66 million Christians in Russia


[19] The Jewish-Led Russian Revolution

[20] The Jewish-Led Russian Revolution

[21] Holodomor Denial — A Crime against Humanity

[22] The Jewish-Led Russian Revolution

[23] Lazar Kaganovich – Stalin’s Mass Murderer

[24] Lazar Moiseyevich Kaganovich
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[25] Yakov Sverdlov. 100 years since the death of the “devil of the revolution”

[26] Yakov Sverdlov: the demon of the Leninist Revolution. 6 facts that are not found in textbooks

[27] Grandson of a merchant and brother of the American banker Y. M. Sverdlov (Gauchmann Aaron Moishevich)

[28] Yakov Sverdlov-biography

Яков Михайлович Свердлов

[29] The secret of Yakov Sverdlov’s death

[30] The first NKVD commissar to be shot. Genrikh Yagoda

[31] Katyn massacre

[32] Ilya Ehrenburg agitated for genocide against Germans

Ilya Ehrenburg, the leading Soviet propagandist who agitated for genocide against Germans.

[33] Ilya Ehrenburg – Kill all Germans because they are not human

Ilya Ehrenberg, the Man Who Taught Soviets to hate and ‘Kill all Germans because they are Not Human’

[34] Ilya Ehrenberg – The Man Who Invented The ‘Six Million’

[35] Ilya Ehrenburg

[36] Ilya Ehrenburg

[37] Stalin’s Jews,7340,L-3342999,00.html

[38] Lenin was a Jew

[39] Lenin’s Jewish roots

[40] (Israel Moses) Blank in Odessa in the early 1800s.

The grandfather of Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov — he began to take the pseudonym Lenin when he was around 30 — was born Sril Moiseyevich

[41] Was Lenin Jewish?

Was Lenin Jewish?


[43] Humanity at the Crossroads
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• Category: History, Ideology • Tags: Bolshevik Revolution, Iosef Stalin, Jews 
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Observator says:
September 18, 2022 at 12:49 pm GMT • 2.8 months ago • 200 Words   ↑

Don’t forget a lot of those 1848 revolutionaries waved the Stars and Stripes as they called for the abolition of all kings and emperors, the same way Chinese kids made a replica of the Statue of Liberty in Tienanmen Square in 1989. Never overlook what a beacon light of freedom this country once was, and how much it was hated and feared by the tyrants of the Old World. One of the most forbidden secrets of our history is the extent to which the slaveholders were encouraged by their trading partners in London and Paris (and Rome) to shatter the world’s only republic, and show their restive subjects once and for all what a foolish dream representative democracy really was.

The Red Army also moved millions of Jews out of eastern Poland when it invaded in 1939. How many were relocated and their ultimate fate has never been adequatley ascertained, and almost certainly contributes to the inflated number of “Holocaust” victims attributed to Germany. Stalin’s 1930s purge of the old, almost all Jewish Bolshevik leadership and his postwar crackdown on Jews in Russia are also policies worth considering.
• Replies: @anonymous, @tinkerer
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rafael martorell says:
September 18, 2022 at 1:51 pm GMT • 2.8 months ago   ↑

Mr Romanov ,do you see a complete erasing of this trues in the future?Like in “once upon an time’ in form of high tech curse that erase the what happen in everybody’s future minds ,as a condition of keep function as a “society ”
• Replies: @Larry Romanoff
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Trinity says:
September 18, 2022 at 2:20 pm GMT • 2.8 months ago • 100 Words   ↑

Yet ANOTHER great piece!

Churchill KNEW about these Satanic Jews and yet the bloated alcoholic went against Germany. Same thing with the crippled FDR. America and Great Britain knew damn well what was happening in the old (((Soviet Union))) and they knew damn well the (((Bolsheviks))) had plans to do the same thing in Germany, France, Spain, etc.

Churchill, FDR, Kaganovich, Ehrenberg, Yagoda, and the rest of the Satanic mass murdering Jews and their shabbos goy boot lickers probably could use some air conditioning right about now. RIH boys.
• Agree: Irish Savant
• Replies: @Bookish1, @Flo
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Trinity says:
September 18, 2022 at 2:42 pm GMT • 2.8 months ago   ↑

Hitler and Germany were DEFENDING their people and nation from the same thing happening to them that happened in the (((Soviet Union.)))

Off your knees, Germany, AND WAKE UP, Europe, Australia, America, Canada.

America, Great Britain, France, etc., fought on the wrong side in WWII, that is OBVIOUS.
• Agree: nokangaroos, John Wear, Marcali, inspector general, Bookish1, Fungus Among Us, Kolya Krassotkin, BuelahMan
• LOL: soll
• Replies: @KenH
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Larry Romanoff says: • Website
September 18, 2022 at 3:01 pm GMT • 2.7 months ago • 100 Words   ↑

“Hitler and Germany were DEFENDING their people and nation from the same thing happening to them that happened in the (((Soviet Union.))) Off your knees, Germany, AND WAKE UP,”

YES. Exactly, exactly, exactly.

But the Jews have such a stranglehold on Germany that it is against the law, punishable by serious prison time, to even research these issues in Germany, much less to try to publish anything.
• Agree: Republic, John Wear
• Replies: @Seraphim, @Adûnâi
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Larry Romanoff says: • Website
September 18, 2022 at 3:08 pm GMT • 2.7 months ago • 100 Words   ↑
@rafael martorell

“Mr Romanov ,do you see a complete erasing of this trues in. the future? — as a condition of keep function as a “society ”

YES. That is precisely where we are headed. Very soon, publishing or even stating any of these truths will be labeled as “fake news”, “misinformation”, “disinformation” or “conspiracy theories”, and those making such statements will be ostracised and punished.

“The world today is like a sack being slowly filled while the string around the opening is pulled increasingly tighter to prevent the contents from escaping confinement. The shadows of this future are everywhere to be seen . . .”

Humanity at the Crossroads
• Agree: Chuck Orloski
• Thanks: IronForge
• Replies: @JM, @Bookish1, @Anon, @Ann Nonny Mouse
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Chris Moore says: • Website
September 18, 2022 at 3:25 pm GMT • 2.7 months ago • 400 Words   ↑

Plocker then states a view all too common among Jews everywhere, when he writes, “The Jews active in official communist terror apparatuses . . . did not do this, obviously, as Jews, but rather, as Stalinists, communists, and “Soviet people”. But he does redeem himself by stating further, “My own view is different. I find it unacceptable that a person will be considered a member of the Jewish people when he does great things, but not considered part of our people when he does amazingly despicable things.” I couldn’t agree more.

Jews, who like to describe themselves as Keepers of the Covenant, are in reality quite another thing: Keepers of the Ponzi.

Everything about Bolshevism can be viewed as just another chapter in the Great Game of the Anglosphere Empire vs the Russian Empire, with the ((Jews)) working as operatives for the Anglos. Today, the Anglosphere Empire has been transformed by the ((Jews)) into a vast Ponzi scheme, almost entirely.

The same “branding” the ((Jews)) used to sell Marxism (more compassionate, more humane, more scientific, more just) has been applied to Anglosphere branding. But in both cases, it was all propaganda by the expert ((Jewish)) confidence men, used and continuing to be used to inflate the Ponzi.

Imagine that, all these left-wing and progressive and neocon “intellectuals” and “experts” were and are either ((Jew)) confidence men, their underlings, or their useful idiots.

Why did the ((Jews)) do it? What else is a nation of hucksters going to do when their original Ponzi scheme (“Yahweh”) runs its course?

How many hundreds of millions of lives have been wasted, ruined or destroyed thanks to these ((Jews)) and their pathological greed and hucksterism? It takes a special kind of sickness and sociopathy to build that particular monster, which is why the rabbis have to be so precise with their blades and with their brainwashing and with their money-changing; they want just the right minions with just the right balance of drive, greed and sociopathy to carry out their soulless enterprise.

Isn’t that basically what Jesus said? Or is he just another victim of the Ponzi, who found out too late what these ((Jews)) are all about?

At least he got in some good shots before they nailed him to the cross.
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nokangaroos says:
September 18, 2022 at 3:53 pm GMT • 2.7 months ago • 200 Words   ↑

Most of the above is quite openly discussed in pre-WWII textbooks – the contrast is rather stark. Jews´social status predisposed them to atrocities, having no loyalty nor mercy for the majority population, but in a pinch any despised minority e.g. gypsies would do (nowadays they use joggers and perverts); Stalin btw was Ossetian (not Georgian), an Iranian splinter people. What´s missing is the Bolsheviks were a tiny minority even among (((revolutzers))); the revolution Jacob Schiff bought was the February one and somewhat bloodless. The Kerensky government was Jewish and masonic but willing to continue the war; Lenin and his kamarilla eked out a miserable life in Swiss exile, shunned even by their fellows, until “Parvus” (Israil Lazarevich Gelfand) dug them up and presented them to the German general staff as an expensive yet dandy way of taking Russia out of the war i.e. the October “Revolution” was a putsch against the revolutionary goverment (Parvus was brilliant, having previously advised the High Porte, but this little history made him too toxic for a hoped-for government post under Lenin, and the Germans didn´t respect him in the morning either). Oh, and Zinoviev was born as Apfelbaum.
• Replies: @Larry Romanoff
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Dutch Boy says:
September 18, 2022 at 4:52 pm GMT • 2.7 months ago   ↑

E. Michael Jones wrote the book on this:
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Colin Wright says: • Website
September 18, 2022 at 5:00 pm GMT • 2.7 months ago • 100 Words   ↑

Determining if someone is Jewish seems to have gotten harder over the past few years. Wikipedia used to routinely describe someone as having ‘parents who were Jews’, or list them at the bottom under ‘Jewish Microbiologists’ or whatever. Now, they frequently don’t. One has to comb through pages of search hits to eventually find the proud reference from the Poughkeepsie Jewish Summer Camp to _______ as one of their alumni, or eventually conclude that maybe they’re really not Jewish — their stereotypically Jewish ideological stance notwithstanding.
• Agree: nokangaroos, Jane Weir
• Replies: @Irish Savant
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anon[287] • Disclaimer says:
September 18, 2022 at 5:11 pm GMT • 2.7 months ago   ↑

the author wrote an excellent piece but says yogoda was the biggest killer at 10 million and kagonovich toll was 20 million. I always thought kago was the biggest killer. communist jews were making major inroads in Germany and Hitler stopped them and also saved Europe from soviet invasion
• Replies: @Curmudgeon, @Arlene Johnson
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Auntie Provocateur says:
September 18, 2022 at 5:27 pm GMT • 2.7 months ago • 100 Words   ↑

Larry “Romanoff”, something tells me that you are neither Russian nor Bulgarian. Please disclose your honest ethnicity.

Stalin studied for the priesthood and was killed by the very doctors he was about expose in a reprisal against the Zionist faction within communism. You badly let down Unz readers by Judaizing the Georgian.

Otherwise, you make a great case that the unRussian Deep State was very Jewish. I like your facts but not your speculations.
• Replies: @anonymous, @Che Guava
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Jim Bob Lassiter says:
September 18, 2022 at 5:35 pm GMT • 2.7 months ago   ↑

I can’t help but wonder if Congressman Adam Schiff is related to the Schiffs named in this article.
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anon[309] • Disclaimer says:
September 18, 2022 at 5:41 pm GMT • 2.7 months ago • 100 Words   ↑

“Savak’s unit was responsible for torture was trained by Israel in the dark art of repression. Yaakov Nimrodi , a longtime intelligence and military operative and arms merchant was posted to Tehran in 1955 for 13 years .According to Nimrodi ,” When one-day we shall be permitted to talk about all that we have done in Iran, you will be horrified…. It is beyond your imagination”


SPY TRADE: How Israel’s Lobby Undermines America’s Economy Kindle Edition
by Grant F. Smith
• Replies: @Arlene Johnson
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Curmudgeon says:
September 18, 2022 at 5:56 pm GMT • 2.7 months ago • 200 Words   ↑

Canada, cowardly as always, capitulated to the pressure and complied,

It is always difficult, but necessary, to separate the government from the country or people. Governments do what they are told to do by the donors, irrespective of what the electorate wants. At the time, Canada`s Prime Minister was Robert Borden, who was also a member of the Imperial War Cabinet. Borden had quietly floated $35m to Britain to build ships. I have little doubt that the Balfour declaration was already in the works by March 1917, whether Borden was aware of it or not, but as I understand it, he was out of the country at the time. He actually supported Allied intervention in the Revolution, and my best guess is that it would not have been on the side of the (((Reds))). That said, post retirement from Chancellor of Queen`s University, he landed gigs as President of Barclays Bank of Canada and Crown Life Insurance, perhaps as repayment for caving in 1917.
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Athena says:
September 18, 2022 at 6:30 pm GMT • 2.7 months ago • 300 Words   ↑

Canada has been colonized three times: by the British, then the French, and then the Americans. Maybe this can explain the submissive, spineless attitude that so perfectly characterizes typical Canadians.

Canada is also the paradise of money swindlers. Most Canadians know that, but since it’s easier and more comfortable to feign ignorance, Canadians prefer to obey to the Crown, government, and City of London’s parasites:

“London: Parasites’ Paradise (Or the Best Criminal Sanctuary Money Can Buy)”

“Crime Wave Sweeps City of London”

“London has become the center of global financial capital by engaging in long term large scale active collaboration with multi-billion pound drug, arms, people smuggling and sex-slave cartels. The “Brits” specialize in laundering funds from the Mexican, Colombian, Peruvian, Russian, Polish, Czech, Nigerian narco-kings. Albanian white slavers have their ‘private bankers’ at prestigious City banks with a preference for graduates of the London School of Economics. Bi-lingual Greek kleptocrats, lifelong billion dollar tax evaders, fleeing from their pillaged homeland have their favorite real estate brokers, who never engage in any sort of naughty ‘due diligence’ which might uncover improper tax returns. The City Boys with verve and positive initiative, aided and abetted by the hyper-kinetic “Tony” Blair’s open door policy to swindlers and saints of all colors and creeds, welcomed each and every Russian gangster-oligarch-democrat, especially those who paid cash for multi-pound ‘Olde English’ landmark estates’.”

“The London Sanctuary for the world’s richest plunderers and parasites offers unprecedented services, especially protection from extradition and criminal prosecution at the site of their crimes. Impartial British legal and judicial officials are experts in citing constitutional precedents that, in strict regard for the established legal order, uphold the denial of extradition, denying the legal and justice systems of every pillaged country and the cries of justice of the impoverished Irish, Russians, Greeks and Spaniards.”
• Replies: @Curmudgeon
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Rev. Spooner says:
September 18, 2022 at 6:39 pm GMT • 2.7 months ago   ↑

I’m depressed. They have won and we cannot make a difference. I hope Putin, Xi and Iran can defeat them.
The collective West is in their grip, let’s hope it looses now and the world (east) has another chance.
• Agree: mark green
• Replies: @nokangaroos, @Cloverleaf
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Derer says:
September 18, 2022 at 7:01 pm GMT • 2.7 months ago • 100 Words   ↑

David R. Francis US ambassador to Russia sent a dispatch to Washington in Jan. 1918:

“The Bolshevik leaders here, most of whom are Jews and 90% of whom are returned exiles, care little for Russia or any other country but are internationalists and they are trying to start a worldwide social revolution.”
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Anon[185] • Disclaimer says:
September 18, 2022 at 7:13 pm GMT • 2.7 months ago • 300 Words   ↑

Perhaps even more to the point, what about the savage and inhuman treatment the Jews in Israel inflict on the Palestinian people? When they shoot children in the head, bomb the UN school to utter destruction, destroy the American School in Gaza with white phosphor, and burn children alive, are they acting as Jews? Surely they must be.

One thing puzzles me: is this sadistic trait transmitted genetically, and-or do they indoctrinate their children to convince them that other races and religions are dangerous and must be fought, the ultimate purpose being intermarriage (to keep lands and expand territories)?

On Intermarriage
The Basis for the Jewish Opposition to Intermarriage
By Eliezer Shemtov

“Many Jews are Jewish in spite of themselves. They live a life denying their condition as Jews, but at an unexpected situation, when their defenses are low, and they are distracted, their Jewishness jumps out. There are many Jews that invest time, energy and resources to deny their Jewishness. Even though they might vehemently deny it, this behavior is but another manifestation of their undeniable Jewishness, for if they were really not Jews – as they claim – why is it so important to them to deny it?

So, we see, the problem does not begin when a Jewish boy wants to marry a non-Jewish girl. The source of the problem is the fact that he has been deprived of a true Jewish education to the point that he or she doesn’t even realize what it means to be a Jew and the inherent incompatibility between him and his non-Jewish girlfriend.

To many, the opposition to mixed marriages may appear to be elitist and even racist. Why disapprove of a marriage only because one of the members is not Jewish? A Jewish boy who wants to marry a non-Jewish girl might think to himself: ‘What hypocrites! What practical differences are there between my day-to-day behavior or that of my parents and that of the non-Jewish woman that I want to marry?”
• Replies: @Chris Moore
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Anon[185] • Disclaimer says:
September 18, 2022 at 7:28 pm GMT • 2.7 months ago • 200 Words   ↑

Are most of them only psychopaths (or sociopaths)? I’d also say they are SADISTS (i.e., they TAKE PLEASURE in others’ pain) :

Sadistic Personality

“Disorder DSM-III-R Criteria. Numbers mark aspects of the case most consistent with DSM criteria and do not necessarily indicate that the case “meets” diagnostic criteria in this respect.

A pervasive pattern of cruel, demeaning, and aggressive behavior, beginning by early adulthood, as indicated by the repeated occurrence of at least four of the following:

– has used physical cruelty or violence for the purpose of establishing dominance in a relationship (not merely to achieve some noninterpersonal goal, such as striking someone in order to rob him or her)

– humiliates or demeans people in the presence of others

– has treated or disciplined someone under his or her control unusually harshly, e.g., a child, student, prisoner, or patient

– is amused by, or takes pleasure in, the psychological or physical suffering of others (including animals)

– has lied for the purpose of harming or inflicting pain on others (not merely to achieve some other goal)

– gets other people to do what he or she wants by frightening them (through intimidation or even terror)

– restricts the autonomy of people with whom he or she has a close relationship, e.g., will not let spouse leave the house unaccompanied or permit teen-age daughter to attend social functions is fascinated by violence, weapons, martial arts, injury, or torture
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Haxo Angmark says:
September 18, 2022 at 7:37 pm GMT • 2.7 months ago   ↑

good piece. And Stalinism itself

was nothing but (((Trotsky)))’ism minus Trotsky:

permanent revolution,

permanent purge,

permanent Terror.
• Replies: @Curmudgeon
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Larry Romanoff says: • Website
September 18, 2022 at 9:18 pm GMT • 2.7 months ago • 200 Words   ↑

“Most of the above is quite openly discussed in pre-WWII textbooks . . .”

Your comment fits perfectly a standard Jewish Hasbara template:
1. State a few facts that are true but irrelevant.
2. Fill the room with as much smoke as possible to confuse the matter and deflect readers’ focus from the main point.
3. Go off in ten different directions, all with information that appears significant at first glance but that, with thought, proves to be irrelevant rubbish.
4. Copy from Wikipedia, but try hard to appear erudite and of “superior” knowledge.
5. State clear falsehoods in an attempt to deflate or deflect blame or responsibility. To wit:
“Most of the above is quite openly discussed in pre-WWII textbooks.” – Rubbish
“the Bolsheviks were a tiny minority even among (((revolutzers)))” – Rubbish
“the revolution Jacob Schiff bought was . . . bloodless” – Rubbish.
“Joseph Stalin was Ossetian.” – 80% Rubbish.

History is already suffering. It doesn’t need any more trolls. Please don’t pollute my articles again.
• Thanks: CelestiaQuesta, JWalters, Odyssey
• Troll: Wizard of Oz
• Replies: @JWalters
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Priss Factor says: • Website
September 18, 2022 at 9:27 pm GMT • 2.7 months ago • 200 Words   ↑

We need to note first that the 1917 Russian Revolution was not, in any sense, a “Russian” revolution. It was entirely, 100%, a Jewish revolution against Russia and the Russian people.

True to an extent, but there were many non-Jewish revolutionaries as well: Latvians, Poles, Georgians, etc.

Also, prior to the Revolution, Russia had long been ruled by non-Russians. Tsars were of German origin, and much of the industry and governance were handled by non-Russians, often German.

Paradoxically, the anti-Russian ‘Russian Revolution’ laid the groundwork for Russian takeover of Russia. The Revolution removed the Germanic elite element from Russia. In time, Stalin the Georgian eliminated many Jews from the upper ranks. Also, as communism favored mediocrity over merit, many humble Russians rose to the top at the expense of Jews. (In more meritocratic US, Jews rose to the top and toppled the Wasps.)

Khrushchev came from Ukraine but grew up speaking Russians and was ethnically more Russian. And all the leaders after Khrush were Russian, including the drunkard Yeltsin and the sober Putin.
So, in a way, the Revolution wasn’t entirely bad for Russians in the long run.

Likewise, foreign imperialism led to the Chinese taking over China from the Manchus who weren’t really Chinese. Manchu rule was weakened and led to the rise of true Chinese Nationalism.

History is funny that way.
• Thanks: Kratoklastes
• Replies: @Old Brown Fool, @Jane Weir, @Cinu
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nokangaroos says:
September 18, 2022 at 9:44 pm GMT • 2.7 months ago • 100 Words   ↑
@Rev. Spooner

The good news is Mother Russia shrugged off the yoke several times, and the
Cathedral of the Savior is standing;
after Stalin´s death the Ruskies gradually took back their revolution, and
(((they))) switched their “loyalties” (it is well to remember US military intel had to
coopt the Organisation Gehlen – German military intel, to become the BND –
in 1945 because every last one of their “own” (((agents))) in Europe had become
worse than useless in one swoop).
When their new Sugar Daddy is gone (I can´t spare you that) at least Hungary,
Germany, Slovakia and Croatia will remember; England is too far gone –
let´s hope (((they))) do not manage to worm their way back into China.
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Chris Moore says: • Website
September 18, 2022 at 10:05 pm GMT • 2.7 months ago • 100 Words   ↑

One thing puzzles me: is this sadistic trait transmitted genetically, and-or do they indoctrinate their children to convince them that other races and religions are dangerous and must be fought, the ultimate purpose being intermarriage (to keep lands and expand territories)?

It’s transmitted by the rabbi’s scalpel, and yes, by brainwashing.

Historically, keeping and expanding territories using the kosherized bodyguards was likely the reason for the sadistic, ritualistic indoctrination; today, it goes on to expand the kosher Ponzi, which in addition to making the kosher class rich, also pays for the expansion of Israel, which is parasitically feeding off the blood, treasure and human resources of the host nation(s).

The Anglosphere, and the underling nations the Anglosphere’s armies and MIC occupies, is if course the current host.

The conspiracy is all called international Zionism.
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Curmudgeon says:
September 19, 2022 at 1:14 am GMT • 2.7 months ago • 200 Words   ↑

Canadians prefer to obey to the Crown, government, and City of London’s parasites:

The Crown is an entity owned by the government. It is not the monarchy. Most Canadians, who are old enough to understand, are outraged that the Government owned Bank of Canada, joined the City of London’s parasitic Bank of International Settlements in 1974 and ruined our economy. Older Canadians have always been cynical of government. There is an old saying – we don’t elect governments, we throw out the crooks for the new crooks. During the last 50 years, the population is close to double what it was. The overwhelming majority of that is non-White 3rd world immigrants. We have gone from 97%+ White to 70% White, with some areas, like the Greater Toronto Area and BC’s Lower Mainland, now being a majority non-white. The majority of the “old stock” Canadians the Trudeau v2.0 despises have never been in favour of what has happened, and understand who has caused it.
As I have posted elsewhere, for the last 50+ years, our pragmatic politicians have been replaced by ideologues, most of whom wish to emulate the US. We now have the worst elements of both political systems.
• Agree: Larry Romanoff
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Curmudgeon says:
September 19, 2022 at 1:17 am GMT • 2.7 months ago   ↑
@Haxo Angmark

I believe Trotsky’s permanent revolution was intended to be more organic within a country rather than the central planning of Lenin and Stalin.
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Curmudgeon says:
September 19, 2022 at 1:22 am GMT • 2.7 months ago   ↑

…Hitler stopped them and also saved Europe from soviet invasion

Harrumph! Next thing you are going to tell me is the Holocaust™ didn’t happen.
• Replies: @Marcali
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Sorel McRae says:
September 19, 2022 at 1:53 am GMT • 2.7 months ago • 100 Words   ↑

I had no idea Trotsky was such an overt Zionist! Do you have a cite for that quote?

All I can find is an obscure Russian fascist paper from 1930s Harbin (Наш Путь, Our Way) purporting to quote Aron Simanovitch from Rasputin: The Memoirs of His Secretary. But that is presented as a paraphrase and some (printing facsimiles of the original) claim even that much is not there.

Do you have anything better?

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Elric says:
September 19, 2022 at 2:41 am GMT • 2.7 months ago • 100 Words   ↑

I believe that the Jews did play a big role in Bolshevik communism and that they were responsible for the deaths of tens of millions. You are absolutely correct in that. However, I’m not so sure about your assertion that the Jews killed 200 million in India and 100 million in China. I know that Jews had influence in Britain during this time (though not nearly as much and as damaging as today) and that they often didn’t act honestly or morally, they may have been exploitative in India and China but those numbers just seem far too botched for me. Not to defend Jews, but it doesn’t help your case to mix fact with inflated assertions and numbers. You don’t need to do that to make the case that the Cabal is damaging the West and the world and has been doing it for a long time.
• Replies: @Larry Romanoff, @WhoaWaitaMinute
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Larry Romanoff says: • Website
September 19, 2022 at 3:05 am GMT • 2.7 months ago • 200 Words   ↑

“I’m not so sure about your assertion that the Jews killed 200 million in India and 100 million in China.”

This is too large a topic to discuss in a comment, but the BEIC (Rothschild) had an army in India of more than 1 million men, the largest army in the world at the time. That tells you how profitable it was to loot India. Half of that army was to subdue the population who didn’t want their country looted and the other half to force farmers to grow opium instead of food crops.

The contrived famines alone had an enormous death toll, and the slaughters were huge. In China, the Rothschild-financed Taiping Rebellion had 70 million to 90 million deaths alone, and there were many other wars and slaughters.

” it doesn’t help your case to mix fact with inflated assertions and numbers.”

How dare you make such an offensive accusation? I don’t write fiction. If you can’t be civil, go someplace else.
• Agree: IronForge
• LOL: Wizard of Oz, mark green
• Replies: @Zachary Smith, @Stephen Paul Foster, @Anonymous, @Wizard of Oz, @Che Guava, @Anonymous
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Seraphim says:
September 19, 2022 at 5:10 am GMT • 2.7 months ago • 100 Words   ↑
@Larry Romanoff

We should keep in mind that Schiff and the Warburgs were German-American Jews.
Max Warburg stayed in Germany, head of the M. M. Warburg & Co. in Hamburg, advisor and financier of the Kaiser and then of the Reichsbank from 1924 to 1933. He emigrated to America only in 1938.
His brothers Felix and Paul Warburg emigrated to USA.
Felix married the daughter of Jacob Schiff.
Interesting that various historians who speak about the occult ‘Role of the Venetian Oligarchy’ in modern times, haven’t noticed that the Warburgs were ‘of Venetian Jewish descent’ (the Venetian Jewish del Banco family), actually Sephardic Jews immigrated from Spain.
• Replies: @MA, @Larry Romanoff
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IronForge says:
September 19, 2022 at 6:04 am GMT • 2.7 months ago • 300 Words   ↑

Damn Shame this has been hidden in the most treacherous and disgusting manner.

I just wish that this Set of Historical Records were made available publicly and taught in Schools starting from the Junior High School Level.

This and learning about Jesus Never Existing (the Dead Sea Scroll Gospel Hoax were in their 40year Scamming Run then) in the 70s would have saved me many a Sunday Naval Base Chapel Svc (don’t get me wrong, I was around the most Honorable and God Revering Protestant Service Members, Families, Veteran-Mentors, and Chaplains) growing up and at Church+Synagogue Services. Bad enough now with all kinds of Masonic/Mormon/JW+Moonie+Negro+Scientology Cult Monkeys Stalking+Proselytizing here in SoCal.

And we’re seeing the Soros-Schwartz, Blinken (Soros Vassal Family), Nudelman-Khagan, Kolomoiskyy, and Zelenskyy in this present ClusterFrack Coup and NATO_MICC driven ShitShow.

Glad I’m leaving ‘Murica soon. Had I known then what I know now – probably may have gone to MIT/SwissEquivalent instead of Annapolis – or have gone to Annapolis, then attended MIT/SwissSchool after my SvcObligations for my Masters/PhDs, then PERMANENTLY GTFO of ‘Murica to Work/Invest Abroad.

I’m still pissed from finding out that a bunch of Cult Negroes (Acquaintances of Late Father + Civil Svc + Military) and accommodating Whites were screwing with my last Military Career Assignment in the 90s onwards(set me up in the Caribbean due to the 1stGulfWar Admin Mixup) – still stalking me in my work/business/family matters (LAX AFBase is right along Maxine Waters’ Gerrymandering District. Taking my Mother in for her Pharma+Commissary Runs got me re-targeted by the same Negro Cult Monkeys – with Mormon/JW Additions that used to knock at my door several times a week).

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Zachary Smith says:
September 19, 2022 at 6:28 am GMT • 2.7 months ago • 400 Words   ↑
@Larry Romanoff

I don’t write fiction. If you can’t be civil, go someplace else.

Recently Mr. Romanoff wrote another essay in which he claimed that China and Cuba both threw out all the Jews when Mao and Castro took power. When I looked up that claim, all the sources pointed back to … Larry Romanoff.

The Germans are not human beings. From now on, the word ‘German’ is the most horrible curse. From now on, the word ‘German’ strikes us to the quick. We have nothing to discuss. We will not get excited. We will kill. If you have not killed at least one German a day, you have wasted that day … If you cannot kill a German with a bullet, then kill him with your bayonet. If your part of the front is quiet and there is no fighting, then kill a German in the meantime … If you have already killed a German, then kill another one – there is nothing more amusing to us than a heap of German corpses. Don’t count the days, don’t count the kilometers. Count only one thing: the number of Germans you have killed. Kill the Germans! … – Kill the Germans! Kill!”

Mr. Romanoff seems to be surprised that War Propaganda exists, and has made the assumption that only Evil Jews do this sort of thing.

Russians were losing in the early stages of the German invasion, and were near starvation during the most of the war. Stoking hatred was a natural thing to do to motivate citizens who were suffering horribly in everything. Not at all a nice thing, but what else could a propagandist do?

I doubt if Mr. Romanoff knows very much about Hitler’s plans for the Soviet Union. German soldiers were given carte blanche from the beginning to do anything they pleased to both civilians and soldiers – military discipline did not apply to their activities of rape or murder or wholesale mayhem. The Russians caught on fast that the plan was to exterminate the entire population for “living space” for Germans.

It was a War Without Quarter on both sides. The Germans knew what had been done in Russia, and that’s why they made every effort to surrender to the US and UK troops.

If Mr. Romanoff wants to Hate The Jews and blame them for Every Evil Which Has Ever Happened, he really needs to make sure he does NOT get into fiction.

My theory about why Mr. Unz publishes this stuff is beginning to solidify into near-certainty.
• Replies: @Joe Levantine
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Anon001 says:
September 19, 2022 at 7:42 am GMT • 2.7 months ago • 100 Words   ↑

Hi Larry,

Small advice – it’d much easier to see what’s quoted in your replies if you’d use “Blockquote” feature instead of just quotes, which are not easy to see/find. It’s one of the buttons just above the edit box on the right side.

How to: Copy and paste the text you’re replying to, mark it, and click Blockquote button, and the editor will enclose the text two tags. That way, it’s much easier to see what your’re quoting and what’s your reply. Below are two examples.

Sorry if you already knew this but prefer your style.

Quoted text #1


Quoted text #2

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bonin says:
September 19, 2022 at 7:49 am GMT • 2.7 months ago   ↑

In Israel people can drink alcohol. Muslims prohibit alcohol. I, as a drinker, will support a people that allows alcohol. Jews can be irritating but they don’t assasinate blasphemers.
• Replies: @Truth Vigilante, @Passing By, @Druid55, @Bukowski, @Marcali
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WCH says:
September 19, 2022 at 7:53 am GMT • 2.7 months ago   ↑

This is a very informative essay. It helps a lot to explain the current Ukraine situation. Thank you…
• Agree: John Wear
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Slav says:
September 19, 2022 at 8:19 am GMT • 2.7 months ago • 100 Words   ↑

You are blinded by Zionist anti-soviet propaganda and Nazi racialist definition of jew. You are mixing cosmopolitan traitors like Trotsky and Kamenev with Soviet patriots like Iron Lazar.

The USSR was the only entity that ever seriously stood against world Zionism and (primarily) Jewish monopolist capital since Lenin.

People like Adolf Hitler only talked, but acted as Zionist agents.
• LOL: Trinity
• Replies: @Trinity
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GMC says:
September 19, 2022 at 8:23 am GMT • 2.7 months ago   ↑

As stated 4 years ago ” The Bolsheviks couldn’t get their 100th class reunion in Moscow , so the had it in Washington”. And the rest is Historia. Спасибо Большой L R .
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anonymous[772] • Disclaimer says:
September 19, 2022 at 8:57 am GMT • 2.7 months ago • 300 Words   ↑
@Auntie Provocateur

Indeed something wrong with this article by Larry Romanoff, in not confronting Stalin’s massive purges of Jews in the late 1930s after he got rid of some of their goyim top collaborators first, and Stalin’s moves against Jews after the war as well, with the claims that Stalin was ready to conduct massive anti-Jewish pogroms / killings when Stalin died / was murdered.

The web has lots of Jews speaking along these lines, e.g., here Ben Cohen in a Jewish publication denouncing Stalin as ‘anti-Semitic murderer’

There is an overall theory that the claims of ‘millions killed by Stalin’ are a false narrative in revenge for Stalin’s later phases of purging Jews, hence the ‘Hitler-Stalin both bad’ orthodoxy. Israel Shamir has published detailed material here on Unz, with sources saying the Soviet Stalin-gulag death & imprisonment figures are fake, with Soviet archives listing, e.g., about 10 million total arrested during thirty years of Stalin’s rule (The USA arrests 10 million people every single year these days!) … with the number put to death something like 600,000

Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn is seen by some as a lying opportunist. Solzhenitsyn’s first ‘Stalin gulag’ book in 1962 was sponsored by Khrushchev himself … Solzhenitsyn tasted fame and glory thanks to this, and seeing the West full of ‘Stalin killed tens of millions’ stories, Solzhenitsyn got fabulously rich going along … leading some to argue he is not credible

Canadian Douglas Tottle did a 1987 book denying the Ukraine starvation ‘Holodomor’, as based on a mish-mash of Hitler-Nazi propaganda plus Hearst media fanatic anti-Bolshevism; Tottle’s ‘Fraud, Famine, and Fascism: The Ukrainian Genocide Myth’, is free online here
• Troll: Trinity, Druid55
• Replies: @Marcali
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Anonymous[270] • Disclaimer says:
September 19, 2022 at 9:26 am GMT • 2.7 months ago   ↑

Beria wasn’t Jewish (or is that simple fact too inconvenient for your thesis)
• Replies: @Marcali
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anunrealname says:
September 19, 2022 at 9:36 am GMT • 2.7 months ago   ↑

Leiba Bronstein = Leon Trotsky, Hirsch Apfelbaum = Grigori Zinoviev = Gerson Radomyslsky, Leiba Rosenfeld = Leon Kamenev, Tobias Sobelsohn = Karl Radek, Meyer Wallakh = Maksim Litvinov, Yankel-Aaron Solomon = Yakov Sverdlov, Julius Zederbaum = L. Martov or Julius Martov
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Hitmarck says:
September 19, 2022 at 9:37 am GMT • 2.7 months ago   ↑

The most spineless of all people want to lead the world, we see the result today, don’t we, and they aren’t done leading it.

BTW, since cause and effect, is it even remotely intellectually honest to put Hitler on the same page?
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Laurent Guyénot says:
September 19, 2022 at 9:51 am GMT • 2.7 months ago   ↑

Do not miss this: “Vodka and Rural Jews in Eastern Europe”, by Judith Kalik: an Israeli scholar blames 19th-century Ukrainian Jews for turning Russian peasants into alcoholics and stealing their land, thereby confirming Solzhenitzyn’s accusation:

Save it before it disappears.
• Thanks: Chuck Orloski
• Replies: @Zumbuddi
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Wizard of Oz says:
September 19, 2022 at 10:25 am GMT • 2.7 months ago • 100 Words   ↑

What a shame! What a waste! Including the time of readers who want more than rather odd fiction mixed unreliably with purported fact. Interesting subjects are broached but in the end the best outcome is a game of Check the Footnotes. For example I looked for the bolded quote preceding its footnote 12 and it wasn’t there in the linked alleged source. I bet there are fake quotes to be found also as LT has a tin ear.
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Dolan Drumpf says:
September 19, 2022 at 10:25 am GMT • 2.7 months ago • 200 Words   ↑

Certainly, he spoke Yiddish, he had three Jewish wives

Do you have any source for this? I know wikipedia isn’t the best source, but it says –

“Ekaterine Svanidze was born in Baji, Georgia, a small village in Racha, a region of Georgia, which was then part of the Kutais Governorate within the Russian Empire. Her parents were Svimon, a railway worker and landowner, and Sepora, a descendant of minor Georgian nobility”

“Alliluyeva’s father, Sergei Alliluyev was from a peasant family in Voronezh Oblast. Sergei’s grandmother was Romani, a fact to which his granddaughter, Svetlana, attributed the “southern, somewhat exotic features” and “black eyes” that characterized the Alliluyevs.”
“Alliluyeva’s mother, Olga Fedotenko was the youngest of nine children of Evgeni Fedotenko and Magdalena Eicholz. Alliluyeva’s daughter Svetlana wrote in her memoir that Evgeni had Ukrainian ancestry on his father’s side, his mother was Georgian, and he grew up speaking Georgian at home. Magdalena came from a family of German settlers, and spoke German and Georgian at home.”
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soll says:
September 19, 2022 at 10:47 am GMT • 2.7 months ago • 500 Words   ↑

The Revolution of 1905

The next attempt following was much more momentous, this being the revolution of 1905 and the event termed “Bloody Sunday” where an organised protest was put down rather brutally by the new Tsar Nicholas II.

During the next two years, the Jews organised terror brigades that killed many thousands of people, mainly police and government officials.

Several thousand Jewish terrorists were caught and exiled to Siberia and elsewhere, but this story has a closely-related and very important element that history has de-linked and which we need to understand.

Hardly a new Tsarist regime in 1905 by Nicholas II having already headed Russia a decade earlier since 1894. He had time to engage in reforms, yet it took until 1905 for the October Manifesto to be forced upon him which still resulted in nothing. Modern terrorism was birthed in Russia, it did not start in 1907. Check the history of Revolutionary Russia–in the late 1800s for example on average 300 Government officials were being murdered each month. Long before 1907. You cannot claim that we are ignorant and need to understand by then not presenting any of the history. Yevno Azef is one name you are referring too Larry yet he is not mentioned. Same with Father Gapon, another relevant name not given in 1905.

You have also cited David Duke’s hoax quote he attributes to Solzhenitsyn, You Must Understand… so-called, Solzhenitsyn blamed Russia’s Revolutions 1905-1917 on the Russians themselves–never once did he blame these events on the Jews. This is Duke’s invention. see Chapter 9 of Two Hundred Years Together (authorized translation found in Mahoney’s, The Solzhenitsyn Reader–excluded from those fringe English translations which contradicts their forced narrative).

Back to the Revolution of 1905

The Tsar at the time, Nicholas II, had a serious change of heart and was willing to make major concessions to keep his country at peace and to avoid a civil war.

One of his most effective ministers, Peter Stolypin, proposed many changes that would have cemented the contentment of the population and the security of Russia. It is said that Stolypin was perhaps the one man who could have avoided all the bloodshed and saved the Romanovs. Thus, Stolypin had to be removed.[9]

Nicholas II had a serious change of heart? The October Manifesto was forced upon him, he never wanted it. The Dumas had no influence, he was asked to establish these same reforms by his own ministers 10 years earlier and he was disinterested (at least 5 years, it’s covered in Black Night, White Snow by Harrison E. Salisbury).

The only person who could save Nicholas II was himself, during the start of the Russo-Japanese War in 1904 where was he? Busy shooting animals on his estate, pigs I recall, completely unaware and disinterested in country and politics.
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Arlene Johnson says: • Website
September 19, 2022 at 11:19 am GMT • 2.7 months ago • 200 Words   ↑

Interesting that the author doesn’t realize that Nagasaki held predominantly Christian people which is why President Harry S. Truman, a Jew, bombed it, a fact that I learned after publishing that the real reason Hiroshima and Nagasaki were bombed was to let the Soviet union know that the US had the bomb thus starting the Cold War, not to end the war sooner which is what the Jews wanted us all to believe. See the first item in my Did You Know? feature.

Bear in mind that in 1967 it was the Soviet Union that saved the crew of the USS Liberty after the state of Israel attacked the ship. See Russian Trawler towed to Cyprus Scroll down to the 14th item. This is my Did You Know? feature Scroll down to the 15th item; this is my Did You Know? feature. US Government tried to sink given that President Lyndon Baines Johnson was also a Jew.
Arlene Johnson
To access the rest of my work, which is top secret history that’s internationally acclaimed, and free to the world, click on the icon that says Magazine.
To access 46 posts exposing coronavirus, log onto
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Arlene Johnson says:
September 19, 2022 at 11:34 am GMT • 2.7 months ago   ↑

People forget that the Soviet Union was allied with the US, Great Britain, and France during WW II against Germany, Japan, and Italy.
• Replies: @soll
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soll says:
September 19, 2022 at 11:36 am GMT • 2.7 months ago • 300 Words   ↑

The Jewish Gulags

The Gulags consisted of about 500 Jewish concentration camps established under the CHEKA, and used primarily for forced labor, any dissenters in the population typically receiving sentences of 5 to 25 years of hard labor. Yagoda sent hundreds of thousands to work on the Baltic Sea canal project where countless numbers of Russians, Ukrainians, and others perished. The system was created and founded by two Jews, Naftaly Frenkel and Levi Berman, under the direct control of Genrikh Yagoda and with the camps commanded by Jews such as Rappoport, Solz, and Spiegelglas, all of whom are mentioned at length in the work of Solzhenitsyn.

500? The main camps less than 450, yet consisted of 1000s of sub camps.

How is a labor camp a Jewish concentration camp? Makes no sense, the camps sustained the Soviet economy–if you read any of the 100s of survivor memoirs you would learn they are often written by Jewish inmates, (Eugenia Ginzburg and Lev Razgon perhaps the most known) many later also came from Poland. Jews were not excluded from the Gulags. It’s estimated 25.000 died from the White Canal development, famously covered up by Maxim Gorky.

Frenkel did not create the Gulag, he himself was already arrested in the early 1920s on the border and deemed either as a smuggler or merchant and sentenced to 10 years hard labor. It’s never been proven he was Jewish, Solzhenitsyn claimed this label which had stuck yet Solzhenitsyn had no documents and relied on the 227 survivor testimonials. Frenkel was reported to be from all over, Odessa, Turkey, Austria, Palestine and even America. He has been rumoured to have created the theory of food for work, of camp labor–output to set targets, less met targets equal less food rations, incurred starvation into extremes of self multalation–yet it’s never been confirmed if this basic economic idea came from him. His influence is considered minimal in scholarship on development of the Gulag.
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René Fries says:
September 19, 2022 at 11:39 am GMT • 2.7 months ago   ↑

mud in sub-zero -20C temperatures

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Trinity says:
September 19, 2022 at 11:41 am GMT • 2.7 months ago   ↑

” antisemitism ” was a crime in the (((Soviet Union))) and could be punished by death.

SMDH and laughing hysterically.
• Replies: @Slav
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Stephen Paul Foster says:
September 19, 2022 at 11:55 am GMT • 2.7 months ago • 100 Words   ↑
@Larry Romanoff

it doesn’t help your case to mix fact with inflated assertions and numbers.

How dare you make such an offensive accusation? I don’t write fiction. If you can’t be civil, go someplace else.

“How dare you”? Don’t play lèse-maj·es·té Larry. You’re not the king, and when you write these 9000 words screeds with lots of wild accusations and assertions without support, you should be called on them.

For example: in an earlier post you wrote that that a half-a-million American service men died in Vietnam. Proof Larry.
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Iwa says:
September 19, 2022 at 12:06 pm GMT • 2.7 months ago • 100 Words   ↑

Jewish communist were responsible not only for atrocities against Russian and Russian minorities but also in Poland after WWII. They put Polish patriots in prison, they executed them or sent them to Siberian gulags. It was estimated that they killed 300,000 Poles after WWII. One of the persecuted was my father and we have proof in the form of “court” papers of names of “judges” who sentenced my father to 8 years in a work camp in Siberia. To polish the government on exile in London my father was a hero and they gave him 2 medals for his underground fighting. When Poles accuse Jews of these atrocities , Jews say you cannot call them “Jews’ , because they were first communists and second Jews.
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shahnameh says:
September 19, 2022 at 12:08 pm GMT • 2.7 months ago   ↑

Just as an exercise in research where did Shimon Peres, Menachim Begin, Golda Meir, Benzion Netanyahu, Ben Gurion, Levi Eshkol ….. 1st Gen Aliya(sp?) come from? Yes our now contested area loosely referred to as Poland Ukraine and Belarus.
• Replies: @Wokechoke
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soll says:
September 19, 2022 at 12:19 pm GMT • 2.7 months ago • 400 Words   ↑


“Millions of innocent people were incarcerated in these gulags which eventually became death camps. “Prisoners worked outdoors and in mines, in arid regions and the Arctic Circle without adequate clothing, tools, shelter, food, or even clean water. They trudged through mud in sub-zero -20C temperatures, cut down trees with handsaws, dug at frozen ground with primitive pickaxes and heaved huge rocks with primitive tools. Others mined coal or copper by hand, often suffering painful or fatal lung diseases from inhaling ore dust while on the job. These prisoners worked up to 14 hours a day on massive projects, including the Moscow-Volga Canal, the White Sea-Baltic Canal, and the Kolyma Highway.

Before Stalin’s death, nearly 20 million men and women were transported to these camps in Siberia and other outposts, many of them never to return. The prisoners suffered from starvation, illness, violence, and cold; an immense number of people died. Starvation was not uncommon, as prisoners were barely fed enough to sustain such difficult labor. Other prisoners were simply dragged out to the woods and shot by guards for little or no reason.”

And when did the largest death tolls occur in the Gulag? 1941 and onwards with Hitler’s invasion of the Soviet Union–which he is rarely credited for.

-20? No in the mining camps like Kolyma and Perm 36 in the Far East of Siberia try -40 and below. Actually many did return and were released from the Gulags. As shown by Death and Redemption by Stephen A. Barnes, the labor camps of Soviet Russia became deadly with Hitler’s invasion. It was common of zeks to complete their sentences and to be released. After 1941, inmates near death would be released early to cover up as having died within a camp. Zeks or prisoners were commonly released though.

Prisoners would be shot for attempted escapes. As mentioned starvation was tied to food for work, outputs. It’s why so many wanted to get into the camp hospital the zeks would resort to self multalation–often burning their hands in stoves, burning with chemicals in the mining camps, opening old wounds trying to get them infected to cutting off fingers and hands or allowing large boulders to break their leg. Suicide by hanging was also methods used. The period you are on is more Hitler’s influence than anything attributed to Frenkels.
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Truth Vigilante says:Show Comment
September 19, 2022 at 12:29 pm GMT • 2.7 months ago • 100 Words   ↑
• Agree: Druid55
• Thanks: Joe Levantine, Chuck Orloski
Zumbuddi says:
September 19, 2022 at 12:30 pm GMT • 2.7 months ago   ↑
@Laurent Guyénot

— and Joseph gained the ear of the Pharoah . . .Grain was stored against a coming famine … The grain then sold to the peasants was of such high price that the peasants were forced to sell themselves into bondage . . .

OR to migrate away from their native lands to work for the Overlords.
• Replies: @Another Polish Perspective
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Trinity says:
September 19, 2022 at 12:40 pm GMT • 2.7 months ago • 100 Words   ↑

Lavon Affair
USS Liberty
Jonathan Pollard
Backstabbing Germany in WWI
Morgenthau Plan
“Germany Must Perish” Theodore Kaufman
5 Dancing Israelis, Larry Silverstein
George Soros
Flooding White nations with non whites
Anti White media run and controlled by anti White Jews

One could go on and on. 110 AWAITS.
• Agree: John Wear, Druid55
• Replies: @soll
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Arlene Johnson says: • Website
September 19, 2022 at 12:41 pm GMT • 2.7 months ago   ↑

You can read more of what happened to Iran if you log onto where there are comments by a few who have read my book and ordering information. I distribute this book myself. Ships internationally.
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Slav says:
September 19, 2022 at 12:49 pm GMT • 2.7 months ago • 100 Words   ↑

Because antisemites are useful idiots of Zionism and Judaism. Followers of Judaism are not semites btw. The solution is assimilation of Jewry.

Without antisemites, Jews would be forced to assimilate and their cabalist structures disarmed long ago. That is why Rotchilds and other monopolists fund both Zionism and antisemites like AH. Eliminate this class of monopolists, they are the source of Zionist power.
• Replies: @Chris Moore
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JM says:
September 19, 2022 at 12:50 pm GMT • 2.7 months ago • 200 Words   ↑
@Larry Romanoff

YES. That is precisely where we are headed. Very soon, publishing or even stating any of these truths will be labeled as “fake news”, “misinformation”, “disinformation” or “conspiracy theories”, and those making such statements will be ostracised and punished.

I think it’s maybe even worse than that. As an example, I used to have a pretty full collection of informative, controversial and entertaining videos featuring David Irving. These were stored on a external hard drive that collapsed and the contents were unrecoverable. I looked on YouTube from where all of them had been downloaded. NOT ONE was still there. But worse than this expected result were the unending foul, lying, articles about this legendary, brilliant, heroic, patriot of contemporary residual Western civilisation offered up by all the major search engines. I sought “David Irving videos on bitchute (…on Odysee…etc etc”)” and not one was shown to be available. This is the state of play on the Internet already.

His video record has been erased.
• Replies: @Truth Vigilante
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geokat62 says:
September 19, 2022 at 12:54 pm GMT • 2.7 months ago • 500 Words   ↑

Brother Nathaniel’s latest instalment, Demons of Democracy

Video Link

• Thanks: Chuck Orloski
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Bookish1 says:
September 19, 2022 at 12:57 pm GMT • 2.7 months ago   ↑

This article makes me think twice about Hitler. If Hitler saved the Germans from all that horror that happened in the east then he is a forever hero. And there is much much more.
• Thanks: Trinity
• Replies: @Hitmarck
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Bookish1 says:
September 19, 2022 at 1:05 pm GMT • 2.7 months ago   ↑

just maybe there is some afterlife retribution as the eastern religions believe. If so then Churchill and FDR are maggots who for all eternity are eating dead rats assholes.
• Agree: Trinity
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Anonymous[939] • Disclaimer says:
September 19, 2022 at 1:11 pm GMT • 2.7 months ago • 100 Words   ↑
@Larry Romanoff

The person who commented was perfectly civil.

The East India Company was founded in 1600 when there were no Jews in Britain. It’s army was never much more than a quarter of the size you state. The Taiping rebellion wasn’t financed by the Rothschilds, indeed it wasn’t financed by any outside powers. The Rothschilds are responsible for a lot of things but making stuff up doesn’t help. Perhaps rather than whining whenever someone challenges your claims you should provide evidence for your assertions.
• Replies: @inspector general, @Bro43rd, @antibeast, @Slav
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Ya says:
September 19, 2022 at 1:15 pm GMT • 2.7 months ago   ↑

Jews want you to believe by bringing up their psychopathic blood lust history, you are antisemitic.
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Bookish1 says:
September 19, 2022 at 1:16 pm GMT • 2.7 months ago • 100 Words   ↑
@Larry Romanoff

don’t forget that that state of erasing the truth has already been here. The internet only interrupted that state for awhile. Before the internet there was no way to get the info that Romanoff gave us except a few offbeat books that one wondered why there was more talk of it if it really happened.
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Anonymous[307] • Disclaimer says:
September 19, 2022 at 1:19 pm GMT • 2.7 months ago • 100 Words   ↑

I don’t understand the idea of London being the center of the web, now and over past centuries. I understand it’s a leading finance center. I understand there are powerful people there. But that seems to me more true about Washington D.C. and Manhattan. Can anyone give some links on the topic?
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Passing By says:
September 19, 2022 at 1:21 pm GMT • 2.7 months ago • 100 Words   ↑

Who cares for the tens, perhaps even hundreds, of millions of victims of Jews around the globe. What are their lives compared to a drunkard’s right to waste himself on booze?

Btw, haven’t “anti-semitism” and “holocaust denial” become akin to blasphemy and heresy and aren’t they punishable by law in most countries run by Jews?

Some think that freedom of speech takes precedence over the right to indulge in vice. Otoh, some are zoglodytes. To each his priorities.
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Joe Levantine says:
September 19, 2022 at 1:23 pm GMT • 2.7 months ago • 400 Words   ↑
@Zachary Smith

“ Mr. Romanoff seems to be surprised that War Propaganda exists, and has made the assumption that only Evil Jews do this sort of thing.”

If you are insinuating that propaganda is a necessary evil, I counter that propaganda taken to extremes is pure evil. When Singapore fell to the Japanese, Joseph Goebbels wrote an article in which he gloated about the British defeat. Before being disseminated in the German media, Hitler got hold of the text of the speech and tore it down telling Goebbels that we have to remember that though Germany was at war with with the UK, Germans should not forget that they are kindred of the White British. Notice that German war propaganda mostly attacked the Jewish influence over the Allies enemy and hardly spoke ill of the French, the British or the Americans as a people. Even when talking about the eastern Untermensch, the emphasis was on the evil Bolshevism rather than the people ruled by communism.

Ilya Ehrenberg’s message of pure unadulterated hate goes beyond the pale. The raping of German young women all the way to those in their late years that was induced by the typically hateful Jewish Ehrenberg bordered on the systematic, putting such a stain on the Red Army’s reputation, that nothing short of rewriting history by Jewish minions would exonerate that barbaric act.

“ German soldiers were given carte blanche from the beginning to do anything they pleased to both civilians and soldiers – military discipline did not apply to their activities of rape or murder or wholesale mayhem”… your sources please.

And here we should not forget Hitler’s peace offer to Britain which went unheeded by Churchill, which proposed a German withdrawal from all conquered territories except those of pre WWI Germany. That makes valid speculation as to whether Germany would have found the urge to push against Russia if she were not controlled by Jewish Bolsheviks and part of the Soviet Union, taking into account the important fact that German troops did not shy away from cooperating with the Untermensch of Ukrainians, Cossacks and Chechens and dissident Russians who saw in the Wehrmacht a force of liberation.
• Agree: John Wear
• Replies: @Zachary Smith, @orchardist
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Anonymous[374] • Disclaimer says:
September 19, 2022 at 1:24 pm GMT • 2.7 months ago • 200 Words   ↑

In the world of motor vehicle insurance there used to be a doctrine for assigning responsibility for collisions, known as “the last clear chance”. The theory was that, regardless of who created the circumstances for an accident, if one driver had a last clear chance to avoid the collision but failed to exercise it, the blame would fall on him. If we adopt this doctrine, Canada had the last clear chance and can be assessed the entire blame for the revolution in Russia and the enormous toll of casualties that ensued.

This is incorrect prima faciae. The people who bear the responsibility for the casualties are those who directed and did the killing, namely the Jews the Canadians failed to stop and those who acted in concert with them. It is true, however, that Canada should feel some of the guilt for failing to stop such – but to claim they bear the entire blame for the revolution in Russia is absurd.
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Irish Savant says:
September 19, 2022 at 1:35 pm GMT • 2.7 months ago • 100 Words   ↑

I have had a lifelong interest in the USSR – Stalin in particular. After I became Jew-wise I realised to my amazement and fury than no fewer than seven of my eleven books on the subject were written by Jews. No wonder the early Bolshevik mass-murderers seemed to have no ethnicity and that Jews as Jews became prominent in the story only after Stalin had turned on them.
• Replies: @Wokechoke
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soll says:
September 19, 2022 at 1:37 pm GMT • 2.7 months ago • 700 Words   ↑

The 1917 Russian Revolution

We need to note first that the 1917 Russian Revolution was not, in any sense, a “Russian” revolution. It was entirely, 100%, a Jewish revolution against Russia and the Russian people. Native Russians had no part in the planning, and played little role in the execution of this immense tragedy, absolutely one of the bloodiest and most savage events in the world’s recent history.

Considering Jews were restricted within the Pale of Settlement how are they to blame for the uprisings in February of 1917 as caused from food shortages in Petrograd? Jews who were in exile in the many Russian colonies in Europe far away. Lenin weeks before February complained that Revolution would never come in his lifetime, yet for you–this was a fixed outcome.

Ignore 1917 on the ground and sweep up into 70 years of the Communist experiment. Reading history forward, as bad as reading history backwards.

It isn’t so much the revolution that is of interest to us, but the events preceding and following that should claim our attention. The Jews desperately wanted an upheaval to destroy Russia as it was, according to the plan for worldwide Communist control. This time, they planned much more carefully. It doesn’t seem widely-known, but Trotsky and several hundred Russian Jews who were expelled from Russia after the failed 1905 revolution, were all in the US receiving training for the next attempt, and they received literally many years of coaching. They were heavily financed by Jacob Schiff and Max Warburg, who spent more than $20 million on the training and the financing of the revolution itself. That would be about $750 million today, an enormous amount of money for the time.

Jews came to support the Provisional Government following the February Revolution and of their emancipation with the ending of the Pale of Settlement in March 1917. Jews were never represented by the Bolsheviks, they sided with the Mensheviks, Liberals and their own–the Jewish Labor Bund.

Early 1917, Trotsky is in New York receiving secret training of being a revolutionary? Okay let’s just ignore his past 20 years activities. Also, Trotsky was only in New York for 10 weeks. Schiff was training Trotsky in New York? You don’t know this Larry, but Jacob Schiff was 100 miles away in White Sulphur Springs, West Virginia. Perhaps they used Zoom?

No, not $750 million! The figure is upto $200 million corrected for inflation of the original sum amassed of $20 million secured by Kuhn Loeb & Co. and National City Bank in the United States. Warburg was in Germany, although he also funded with the Rockefeller’s the Russo-Japanese War of 1904-1905.

$20 million was to the Japanese, not for secret training of revolutionaries.

In March of 1917, Schiff and Warburg sent Lev Davidovich Bronstein, better known as “Trotsky” and his group of several hundred Jewish communists off to Russia, to foment a revolution. At the same time, some 90,000 Jewish exiles returned to Russia from all over the world to infiltrate the country and assist in the revolution, most changing their Jewish names to blend more easily into Russian society. You can see this was not a trivial undertaking, but one with extensive worldwide planning from a single source – that source being the City of London.

To now form the second revolution, even though Schiff was happy with the fall of Tsardom from the first revolution in February. OK. Remember, Schiff was 100 miles away in West Virginia during Trotsky’s short stay in New York, where he spent his time not in training–whatever that means, he was giving speeches against WW1, and radicalising the socialists to become Communists and to turn against the war.

90.000 exiles? To quote Ackerman author of Trotsky in New York, 1917 p. 194

–“At every rally, whether with Leon Trotsky or Morris Hillquit, they passed the hat to raise money for Russian émigrés wanting to return. One new group, calling itself the Executive Russian Committee, announced plans to raise $2 million to pay passage for as many as three hundred thousand exiles.”

Revolutionaries changed their name because they were revolutionaries in the underground, not because they were Jewish. I recall reading that Lenin used over 100 aliases–Soso, Koba or Stalin had many. It reduces attention away from the Okhrana, the Tsarist secret police (which were already within the Bolsheviks own ranking, another topic). Now in the City of London? To be continued.
• Troll: Trinity
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Irish Savant says:
September 19, 2022 at 1:55 pm GMT • 2.7 months ago   ↑

Two observations: Neither Vera Figner nor Beria were Jewish.

Ehrenberg, a demon in human form, was only weeks from execution by his erstwhile colleagues but sadly, for a variety of reasons, was spared.
• Replies: @geokat62, @Poupon Marx, @mocissepvis
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Irish Savant says:
September 19, 2022 at 2:03 pm GMT • 2.7 months ago   ↑
@Colin Wright

Indeed. Obviously too many goyim were checking out the ‘Early Life” sections.
• Replies: @Colin Wright
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Crush Limbraw says: • Website
September 19, 2022 at 2:03 pm GMT • 2.7 months ago • 200 Words   ↑

A Biblical perspective gives us the big picture – the common thread from Genesis to Revelation reveals the battle between good and evil. To get specific – “And I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed; it shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise his heel” (Gen. 3:15) - – the eventually chosen Israel of the Old Testament turns into a harlot and is divorced by God in 70 AD – that was predicted by Jesus in Matthew 24 and confirmed by His Apostle John in Revelation. Josephus wrote the history.
So what has been going on since? Simple – – Satan and his synagogue, acting almost invisibly, are carrying out the evil work. The destruction is mind boggling because we as human beings are easily fed and easily led……into our own destruction.
However, God ALWAYS has a remnant to pick up the pieces, but here’s the rub……it isn’t Churchianity…’s Christianity……they’re not the same. In fact, the order of business for Satan and his synagogue was to infiltrate and corrupt the church FIRST – mission accomplished. You can compare that subject at my library as well.
There’s more – – in essence it’s a war on Christ!
And Larry Romanoff details the history.
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soll says:
September 19, 2022 at 2:31 pm GMT • 2.7 months ago • 100 Words   ↑
@Arlene Johnson

The Soviets had signed their Non Aggression Pact with Japan in April 1941, following their border conflict that delayed Stalin’s response into Poland in 1939. It’s why the Japanese never helped Hitler feeling betrayed during this event that Hitler would sign his Non Aggression Pact in August with Stalin. In private though Hitler referred to the Japanese has little monkey’s and the Italian’s as a lazy people. Blonde like Hitler. Slim like Goring. Beautiful like Goebbels–the pure Ayrans, so-called Germany’s finest.

People forget that Hitler aligned with the supposed Jew-led USSR for their invasion of Poland and trade agreements. In Poland the Germans and Soviets had a open fire while Germany attempted to steal the oil fields agreed upon prior, away from Stalin. He kicked the Germans out and traded the same oil for German military tech. The housepainter never pictured such a move. The raging gambler vs the highly calculated.
• Replies: @John Wear, @JM
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Desert Fox says:
September 19, 2022 at 2:37 pm GMT • 2.7 months ago   ↑

Stalins jews were cold blooded killers and the zionists who control the ZUS are cut from the same cloth.
• Agree: Druid55
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mocissepvis says:
September 19, 2022 at 2:42 pm GMT • 2.7 months ago • 400 Words   ↑

I finally realized that “Larry Romanoff’s” mission here at UR is to discredit the truth of the full extent of Jewish crimes against humanity by mixing wildly and blatantly false “statements of fact” in with otherwise pure truth, most egregiously in his ridiculous labeling as “Jews” people who were/are no such thing. The first blatant (and curiously, unchallenged by any of the readership here) example of this was the laughable assertion in his previous article Jews an Revolution that Jean Jacques Rousseau was Jewish, a “fact” that somehow, miraculously, was overlooked during the nearly 300 years of historiography on the man’s life. Apparently Larry has access to some hidden troves of genealogical research or records that no one else in the western world has ever seen, yet he has decided it to be beneath him to share this source of groundbreaking information with his unwashed audience.

The second blatant example is the laughable assertion not only of Svetlana Alliluyeva, Stalin’s second wife, being Jewish, but of Lazar Kaganovich being her brother! This demonstrates Larry’s utter contempt not only for historical accuracy, but also for you, the readers.
Anyone with even a cursory knowledge of both Stalin AND Soviet history knows that Uncle Joe’s anti-semitism was almost as virulent as that of his rival, Onkel Adolf (when his eldest son, Yakov, married a Jewess, he very nearly had both sent to the Gulag). Indeed, Larry might even want to preemptively engage the services of an attorney, since Svetlana’s daughter, Chrese Evans, is still very much alive and might very well react negatively to his assertions about her parentage, however much she despises her grandaddy’s memory.

So just stop, Larry. Just stop before you back yourself into a corner you can’t escape from. The truth behind the filthy, subhuman deeds of the Khazars over the last thousand years of human history doesn’t need lies and unfounded assertions to make itself known – unless your mission is to discredit said truth on behalf these same Khazars, which is what your journalistic recklessness is doing here.

To the readership here: you’re being trolled, guys. Tell Larry to back up his idiotic assertions with CREDIBLE sources, RIGHT NOW, or tell him to go home. Until he does the former, consider everything he’s written so far here at UR on the subject of Khazarian crimes to be just works of historical fiction in the same vein as Henri Charriere’s Papillion.
• Troll: Druid55
• Replies: @Poupon Marx
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geokat62 says:
September 19, 2022 at 3:14 pm GMT • 2.7 months ago • 100 Words   ↑
@Irish Savant

Two observations: Neither Vera Figner nor Beria were Jewish.

Haven’t looked in depth into Beria yet, but based on this article posted on Jewish Women’s Archive website, the author of the article claims Figner as one of their own.

Excerpt from Anarchists, American Jewish women:

Jews participated actively in the Russian populist movement (Narodnaya Volya) and in assassination attempts against a succession of government officials and against the czar. Women anarchists like Vera Zasulich, Vera Figner, and Gesia Helfman provided role models for the young generation of Jewish women in the Russian Pale of Settlement who were receptive to secular and political involvement.

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Chris Moore says: • Website
September 19, 2022 at 3:19 pm GMT • 2.7 months ago • 300 Words   ↑

Because antisemites are useful idiots of Zionism and Judaism. Followers of Judaism are not semites btw. The solution is assimilation of Jewry.

((Jews)) have been murderous savages since killing their own Prophets and Christ. They still are. They don’t “assimilate.” They transform whoever tries to assimilate them into murderous savages.

Without antisemites, Jews would be forced to assimilate and their cabalist structures disarmed long ago. That is why Rotchilds and other monopolists fund both Zionism and antisemites like AH. Eliminate this class of monopolists, they are the source of Zionist power.

So you blame the ((Jews’)) harshest critics for the fact that they haven’t assimilated, and not the savage nature and character of the ((Jews)) themselves.

Would you have been in the “anti-Semite,” Synagogue of Satan, Christ-killing mob of ((Jews)) calling for his blood? I think, yes.

Yet you claim to opposed to the Rothschilds and the cabal. Assuming that’s true, how do you square savage ((Jewry’s)) millennia long murderousness, slave-dealing, vice-dealing, organized criminalism and failure to “assimilate” with your opposition to “anti-Semitism”?

To me, you sound like a doormat and a coward, but maybe you’ve have some master plan nobody knows about besides “assimilation.”

BTW, Hitler tried to assimilate Jewry and actually let a lot of ((Jews)) into the German ranks, and additionally collaborated with Zionists in directing them towards Palestine to thin their population in Germany. They thanked him by inciting WW2 from within Bolshevism and within Anglo-Imperialism, and then the Zionists piled on. So much for “assimilation.”

Again, what’s your Plan B?
• Replies: @John Johnson, @Slav
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TGD says:
September 19, 2022 at 3:22 pm GMT • 2.7 months ago   ↑

Curious: Does Larry Romanoff use the term гражданин or Господин in formal address?
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Truth Vigilante says:Show Comment
September 19, 2022 at 3:32 pm GMT • 2.7 months ago   ↑
• Thanks: JM
John Wear says:
September 19, 2022 at 3:34 pm GMT • 2.7 months ago   ↑

For a more objective and complete analysis of World War II history, I suggest you read my book Germany’s War. You can read it for free on this website at
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Flo says:
September 19, 2022 at 4:19 pm GMT • 2.7 months ago • 100 Words   ↑

Yes, Churchill knew who was who, and what they were doing. His earliest articles for The Illustrated London News etc. contain references to “Judeo-Bolsheviks,” noting in one article that some of their keenest leaders were “jewesses.” But he was an alcoholic and notorious spendthrift, at one point coming close to losing Chequers. A shadowy group of Jewish financiers calling themselves The Focus (or something like that) quietly stepped in to support him and the rest, as they say, is history.
• Replies: @Ed Case
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Old Brown Fool says:
September 19, 2022 at 4:22 pm GMT • 2.7 months ago   ↑
@Priss Factor

The Revolution of 1917 exterminated the entire Russian aristocracy; this later proved to be beneficial to the Russian working class, true, but then in the long run, almost every bloody war is beneficial to some portion of the defeated population. That does not absolve the charges of genocide.
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MA says:
September 19, 2022 at 4:37 pm GMT • 2.7 months ago   ↑

suggested reading “The World Order our secret rulers” A study in the hegemony of parasitism
By Eustace Mullins
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KenH says:
September 19, 2022 at 4:41 pm GMT • 2.7 months ago • 100 Words   ↑

Hitler and Germany were DEFENDING their people and nation from the same thing happening to them that happened in the (((Soviet Union.)))

And the fact that Hitler and the National Socialists succeeded in saving Germany and the German people and thwarting their plans for world domination, at least temporarily, still enrages the Jews to this very day.
• Replies: @Trinity
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Poupon Marx says:
September 19, 2022 at 4:45 pm GMT • 2.7 months ago • 100 Words   ↑

I disagree on the basis of quantity and quality. If Larry made some minor mistakes, but the accurate and valid points and assertions/opinions are true, then that to me-the pragmatist-is an over ride. I don’t know your background but mine was managing marine power plants of maximum scale-in all aspects, including maintenance, overhaul, and operation. We set a high bar, but to expect everything to be perfect all the time is unrealistic.

You’ll simple have to be more quantitative on big issues to have any effect here, I would say. Please stop with the trivialization.

Are you the kind of guy that makes a scene because the iced tea you ordered wasn’t cold enough?
• Replies: @mocissepvis
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inspector general says:
September 19, 2022 at 4:50 pm GMT • 2.7 months ago • 100 Words   ↑

There were Jews (guaranteed in its charter) on the board of the B of E from its founding in the late 1600’s–and their influence on funding and directing EIC was crucial to its development. It is irrelevant in the overall scheme of things that the Company may not have required Jewish input at its outset. Besides, in 1600, England was still over a century away from ousting France from India.
• Troll: Wizard of Oz
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Poupon Marx says:
September 19, 2022 at 4:50 pm GMT • 2.7 months ago   ↑
@Irish Savant

But then, I. R., we will never know if they were “reverse marronites”, will we? Perhaps in every other way, they were “Jewish”, except their DNA. Many non-Jews act more Jewish than a lot of Jews. Eh?
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Another Polish Perspective says:
September 19, 2022 at 4:52 pm GMT • 2.7 months ago • 100 Words   ↑

Yes, yes, but what about the Pharaoh…? Why didn’t he care when his subjects started to sell themselves into bondage…?! He certainly could have fired Joseph. And he wanted to keep Jews in Egypt despite they being troublesome…. very strange.

It is very strange that the pharaoh gets a pass here. Unlike Joseph, he wasn’t a foreigner in Egypt….
The story could have been about the stupid/careless pharaoh but is about the wily Joseph.
• Replies: @Thim, @Zumbuddi
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Anon[159] • Disclaimer says:
September 19, 2022 at 5:01 pm GMT • 2.7 months ago   ↑
@Larry Romanoff

Mr. Romanoff,

Admirer of your writing and intellect.

May I ask… were you born into The Tribe?

Have you exited Same?

God Bless
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Trinity says:
September 19, 2022 at 5:06 pm GMT • 2.7 months ago • 100 Words   ↑

Well Hitler tried to save the Germans and Germany but (((the good guys aka greatest generation ever))) raped millions of German women & girls, fire bombed German civilians, and thousands of German POW died in the Eisenhower Death Camps. Germans arguably suffered more than anyone else during WWII. The Germans certainly suffered more than anyone after the war.

We see today how the Jew thanks White Americans, White British, and the rest of the Whites who fought for (((his))) sorry ass.
• Agree: Hitmarck
• Replies: @DanFromCT
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soll says:
September 19, 2022 at 5:11 pm GMT • 2.7 months ago   ↑

Germany MUST Perish, is a great book! 5*****

The Stab in the Back is also great fiction. The Whites in Russia losing the Russian Civil War, 1918-1921 used it first!
• Replies: @Trinity
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mocissepvis says:
September 19, 2022 at 5:24 pm GMT • 2.7 months ago • 100 Words   ↑
@Poupon Marx

Larry’s “errors” here are NOT “trivial.” They are assertions of “facts” well known by anyone with even a passing knowledge of the topic at hand to be blatantly false, statements that put everything else he has to say in well-justified doubt.

If I were a mathematician claiming Einstein-grade talent and ability, would you take me seriously if I forcefully asserted that 2+2=5 and demanded that you just “take my word for it” rather than my offering you ACTUAL RELIABLE PROOF of my obviously outlandish claim? That’s what Larry is doing here with “historical facts” and why no one with any self-respect should be paying any attention to him other than for laughs. People like you probably thought Clifford Irving’s “mistakes” in his biography of Howard Hughes were “trivial” as well.
• Agree: Wizard of Oz
• Replies: @Anonymous
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mocissepvis says:
September 19, 2022 at 5:27 pm GMT • 2.7 months ago   ↑
@Irish Savant

Beria, no. Figner, definitely one of (((the tribe))).
• Replies: @Irish Savant
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Dumbo says:
September 19, 2022 at 5:31 pm GMT • 2.7 months ago   ↑

What is the source for Trotsky’s quote? I’ve heard it before, but wasn’t sure if it was real or not.
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Hitmarck says:
September 19, 2022 at 5:32 pm GMT • 2.7 months ago   ↑

This would mean he not only saved Germany, this means the French didnt deserve to not suffer from communism.
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Adûnâi says: • Website
September 19, 2022 at 5:32 pm GMT • 2.7 months ago • 300 Words   ↑
@Larry Romanoff

> ““Hitler and Germany were DEFENDING their people and nation from the same thing happening to them that happened in the (((Soviet Union.))) Off your knees, Germany, AND WAKE UP,””

The “same thing” in question – does it refer to sending the first man into space? To elevating an impoverished, confused, bled-to-death half-feudal nation to a nuclear Great Power status via the most amazing industrialisation effort in history? That daring industrialisation that protected the very Russian race from sure annihilation at the hands of the Europe united under Hitler?

I’m a simple man, I look at the facts. The Ukraine was gaining half a million people’s worth of natural change under Stalin. Even after the revisionist Khrushchev’s besmirching of his name, the Ukraine’s population kept increasing – until the fall of Communism. Since then, the Ukraine has been genocided by the same capitalist clique as the Aryans of America have been – having lost around 20 million people in 30 years (if you account for the recent 8 million emigrants). And yet, that is left out of the picture beset by the mythical “Holodomor”.

Germany was defending itself? From what? From prosperity, order and beauty? From the Socialist Realist style of painting and motion picture? From the 8-hour-long workday? From a system that for the longest time would preserve the Faustian spirit uplifting mankind from barbarism – until it crashed under the weight of cheap traitors, selling their homeland to the subversive foreigners in 1991?

This is the beauty we Aryans have been robbed of. This is something we once had, be it in Germany or in Bolshevik Russia, and it has been taken from us. What’s the use picking up fights between the cultures that knew how to raise children instead of multiplying homosexual rabble?

Everyone here in the Ukraine feels like they live in post-apocalyptic times. The USSR to us is akin to what the Roman Empire was to mediaeval Europe – a civilisation of giants inherited by pygmies.
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Bro43rd says:
September 19, 2022 at 5:34 pm GMT • 2.7 months ago   ↑

Perhaps rather than whining whenever someone challenges your claims you should provide evidence for your assertions.

Like you did. Physician heal thyself.
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Trinity says:
September 19, 2022 at 5:38 pm GMT • 2.7 months ago   ↑

Shat up, Heeb.
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CelestiaQuesta says:
September 19, 2022 at 5:44 pm GMT • 2.7 months ago • 100 Words   ↑

Mr. Romanoff, thank you for a history lesson hidden from history. The more we learn of those responsible for majority of chaos and wars, the better we become at identifying our real enemy.

It appears those same names have returned again to hunt us down. Many names are hidden or changed to protect criminals among us, they have prepared the global battlefield with every kind of land mine imaginable. All across the world humanity is being conditioned to except the greatest defeat by being enslaved, Genocide and forced to submit to black violence and GlobalHomo worshiping, where those who survive, withstand torture and suffering shall live in gulag hellholes under whips of modern day Bolsheviks.
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Larry Romanoff says: • Website
September 19, 2022 at 5:54 pm GMT • 2.7 months ago   ↑

Schiff and the Warburgs were German-American Jews. Role of the Venetian Oligarchy’ in modern times, haven’t noticed that the Warburgs were ‘of Venetian Jewish descent’

Thank you. Your statements are accurate, and the Venetian Jews are actually quite important to the overall hisstory.
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Phibbs says:
September 19, 2022 at 5:54 pm GMT • 2.7 months ago   ↑

I liked the article, but Beria — despite looking and acting like a Jew — was not a Jew.
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DanFromCT says:
September 19, 2022 at 5:57 pm GMT • 2.7 months ago • 100 Words   ↑

In the 1960s, my college course in world history included a required book on WW II explaining that one of the reasons for German disgust with the Jews was the latter’s predatory buying of the mortgages of German farms owned by German soldiers slain during WW I, throwing the widowed wives and children in the street.
• Replies: @Druid55, @werpor
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Irish Savant says:
September 19, 2022 at 6:06 pm GMT • 2.7 months ago   ↑

Beria definitely not but as I said earlier I understood she came from an old aristocratic Russian family which would almost rule her out of being Jewish.
• Replies: @nokangaroos
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DanFromCT says:
September 19, 2022 at 6:07 pm GMT • 2.7 months ago • 100 Words   ↑

As early as 1945, when Americans were still coming home in coffins from the battlefields of WW II and having died in large part in the tragically mistaken belief that European Jews needed saving, Arthur Miller’s novel, Focus, was published to rave reviews by America’s Jews. It’s a clinically paranoid, absurdly contrived, and self-pitying piece of literary garbage, but it’s success among the Jews was Miller’s nazification of white America, down to damning the unborn.
• Replies: @HeebHunter
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Tranceislife says:
September 19, 2022 at 6:21 pm GMT • 2.7 months ago • 100 Words   ↑

Not sure why but this article left me fuming with anger, that one race of people have caused so much damage across this world and nobody seems to know who this rats are – What is the point in having history books when they are just propaganda for this vermin who has killed and destroyed millions of innocent people and still struts about in the Western Hemisphere as the righteous – Thank god that they aren’t there in Asia and we are saved to a large extent from this parasite
• Agree: Irish Savant
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Larry Romanoff says: • Website
September 19, 2022 at 6:29 pm GMT • 2.7 months ago • 400 Words   ↑

The Jewish Misinformation Industry

There is an enormous industry in the world today that exists primarily to rewrite any history involving the Jews. I am guessing that the organisation of it resides in the City of London. It certainly is centered someplace, and the City would be the only logical location for something this comprehensive. The Jewish Hasbara trolls commenting here are trivial compared to the worldwide coordination of these efforts.

As one example, the word began finally leaking out that Holland’s Tulip Bubble was entirely a Jewish banker affair, what with the futures market in tulips and so many more complicated financial schemes. As soon as this began, a Jewish “historian” published a book claiming that the tulip bubble was nothing and that, after exhaustive research, she could find records of only 37 people (I believe that was her number) who went bankrupt during that time, and that they were all victims of “property speculation”, not the tulips.

An entire volume of enormous lies, everything fabricated, but the process is to get out in the public first with the version of history they want the Goyim to accept, and always with huge support from the Jewish media to certify their false version of events as the real history.

As another example, the truth began leaking out that the reason Easter Island was so heavily depopulated was that Jewish slave traders kidnapped virtually all the Islanders and sent them to the guano mines in Peru. As soon as this began, Jared Diamond from UCLA published a book promoting a false narrative that the Islanders had internal wars and killed themselves off. He was ridiculed by many academics because there was no factual basis to support his theory, but the purpose was to get this out into the public mind in the hope people would believe the first thing they read – a standard propaganda approach.

A third example is Julia Lowell’s widely-recommended and heavily-publicised, but nevertheless reprehensible, book on China’s opium century, ignoring the devastation, ignoring the fact that opium was entirely a Jewish business, and claming that the entire affair was really nothing – just “a tragic-comedy”.

We see this here as well. “Few of the Bolsheviks were actually Jews. Baruch financed only the first few months of the Revolution and his part was bloodless. Kill a German; kill another German; Kill, kill, was just “simple wartime propaganda” that everybody does. The Jewish Gulags actually “sustained the Russian economy”. The article is full of fake quotes. Waste of readers time. And so on.

There is one subset of Jews who lie like they breathe. And really, they give all Jews a bad name.
• Thanks: Truth Vigilante, Irish Savant
• Replies: @Druid55, @inspector general
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Thim says:
September 19, 2022 at 6:35 pm GMT • 2.7 months ago • 100 Words   ↑
@Another Polish Perspective

Pollack Perspective, there were no Jews in Egypt in the time of Joseph, as the Jews did not exist yet. And Joseph didn’t seem troublesome at all. He stored enough wheat to prevent starvation during the famine, whereas surrounding tribes and nations didn’t fare so well.

The people got their land back, in return for a 20% tax rate. Not that bad really. How much tax do you pay, less than 20% total?

The two situations are dissimilar. We have no Pharoah, and we have no Joseph. What we have had is Anthony Fauci, as the headman of a military/intelligence bioterror operation of enormous size. If we have had a kind of Pharoah, it is Fauci. The story should be about Fauci. He could have stopped it easily, but did the opposite.
• Replies: @Druid55
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Zachary Smith says:
September 19, 2022 at 6:40 pm GMT • 2.7 months ago • 700 Words   ↑
@Joe Levantine

your sources please.

This request was not an easy one to answer. One of the few original documents I have been able to find is this:

Partly this is because I don’t read German, and partly it’s because of a systematic coverup since WW2. After the war the Soviets instantly turned into enemies, and both the Germans and Japanese were let off much easier than they ought to have been.

So English language searches have been difficult, and even then the sources – like at the Wikis – tend to be in a foreign language. However:

Since most of the book doesn’t seem to be online, I’m going to quote from my copy of Bloodlands by Timothy Snyder.

Ruthlessness is not the same thing as efficience, and German planning was too bloodthirsty to be really practical. The Wehrmacht could not implement the Hunger Plan. The problem was not one of ethics or law. The troops had been relieved by Hitler from any duty to obey the laws of war towards civilians, and German soldiers did not hesitate to kill unarmed people. They behaved in the first days of the attack much as they had in Poland. By the second day of the invasion, German soldiers were using civilians as human shields. As in Poland, German soldiers often treated Soviet soldiers as partisans to be shot upon capture, and killed Soviet soldiers who were trying to surrender. Women in uniform, no rarity in the Red Army, were initially killed just because they were female.

Now if anybody supposes Snyder was some kind of Soviet apologist, consider this chapter from his book which does happen to be online.

During the march on Berlin, the Red Army followed a dreadfully simple procedure in the eastern lands of the Reich, the territories meant for Poland: its men raped German women and seized German men (and some women) for labor. The behavior continued as the soldiers reached the German lands that would remain in Germany, and finally Berlin. Red Army soldiers had also raped women in Poland, and in Hungary, and even in Yugoslavia, where a communist revolution would make the country a Soviet ally. Yugoslav communists complained to Stalin about the behavior of Soviet soldiers, who gave them a little lecture about soldiers and “fun.”

The scale of the rape increased once Soviet soldiers reached Germany itself. It is hard to be sure just why. The Soviet Union, though egalitarian in principle, did not instill respect for the female body in this most elemental sense. Aside and apart from their experience with Germans, Red Army soldiers were products of the Soviet system, and often of its most vicious institutions. About a million Gulag prisoners were released early so that they could fight on the front. All Soviet soldiers seemed frustrated by the utter senselessness of the German attack on their poor country. Every German worker’s house was finer than their own homes. Soldiers sometimes said that they attacked only “capitalists,” but from their perspective a simple German farmer was unthinkably rich. And yet despite their obviously higher standard of living the Germans had come to the Soviet Union, to rob and to kill. Soviet soldiers may have understood the rape of German women as a way to humiliate and dishonor German men.

One author – possibly Max Hastings – reported that Soviet officers who tried to halt the murders and rapes put themselves at risk of the Gulag.

This essay concentrates on the Jews/Jews/Jews, and overlooks the fact that Stalin was every bit as much a monster as Hitler. It’s just that he happened to be on “our” side at the time.
• Replies: @Joe Levantine, @Druid55
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Trinity says:
September 19, 2022 at 7:00 pm GMT • 2.7 months ago • 100 Words   ↑

(((They))) really amped up (((their))) shit after the war. Took it up another notch in the 1960s. I guess we can figure out (((who))) led The Swindle Whites Movement and the (((counterculture/hippie movement.))) Names like Hoffman, Rubin, Ginsburg, Steinem, etc. Noel “abolish Whiteness” Ignatiev. All the anti White caca comes from the same (((source.)))

Hey, America, you fought WITH EVIL, not against it in WWII.
• Thanks: anarchyst
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antibeast says:
September 19, 2022 at 7:02 pm GMT • 2.7 months ago • 400 Words   ↑

The East India Company (EIC) started trading in Bengal in 1633 from where its Indian colony began in 1757. Here’s a brief history of how the EIC came to monopolize the Bengal opium trade:

Within a few years of the conquest of Bengal (1757) the East India Company declared a monopoly over the opium produce of the territories it had subjugated. By 1799 it had imposed a system whereby production, processing and sale of the drug was strictly regulated by the Company. From the early 1790s the East India Company had introduced a policy under which all the opium produced in its territories in Gangetic eastern India was directly appropriated by the Company from the peasant producers. Opium was procured in the raw, semi-liquid, state from poppy cultivators and processed by the Company in its own establishments. Processing mainly involved desiccation, and then packing opium formed into large balls in wooden chests. The bulk of this opium was intended for export, mainly to China. The Company’s export opium (‘Bengal opium’) was auctioned at Calcutta to private dealers who then took the risk of smuggling the drug into China.

Mayer Amschel Rothschild was born in 1744 in Frankfurt where he later founded his family banking company — M A Rothschild und Söhne — in 1810 with his sons as his partners. Here’s a brief biography of how one of his sons — Nathan Mayer Rothschild — arrived in Britain in 1798 and established the London branch in 1809:

Nathan Mayer Rothschild (1777-1836) arrived in Britain in 1798. In 1799, he made his first home in Manchester, the centre of the English cotton trade, and set up a cloth wholesale business, part of his father’s attempt to extend the family’s trade in English printed textiles. Encouraged by his success, Nathan then moved to London to establish himself as a banker, establishing N M Rothschild at New Court, St Swithin’s Lane in the the City in 1809. By 1811 he had wound up the Manchester wholesale business to concentrate on banking from his base at New Court.

Note the timeline of the EIC’s Bengal opium trade which began after its conquest of Bengal in 1757 before the birth of Nathan Mayer Rothschild and the founding of N M Rothschild’s bank which was established in London in 1809. His father — Mayer Amschel Rothschild — was only 13 years old when the EIC colonized Bengal and started the Bengal opium trade in 1757.
• Replies: @Ron Unz, @MA, @JWalters, @Larry Romanoff
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RoboMoralFascist 1st says:
September 19, 2022 at 7:16 pm GMT • 2.7 months ago   ↑

I like the part where the FBI looked the other way for 25 years on Jeffrey Epstein. Are they going to name a street after him in Jerusalem?
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Ron Unz says:
September 19, 2022 at 7:19 pm GMT • 2.7 months ago • 100 Words   ↑

Note the timeline of the EIC’s Bengal opium trade which began after its conquest of Bengal in 1757 before the birth of Nathan Mayer Rothschild and the founding of N M Rothschild’s bank which was established in London in 1809. His father — Mayer Amschel Rothschild — was only 13 years old when the EIC colonized Bengal and started the Bengal opium trade in 1757.

Glancing over the contents of this article, I’d say that roughly one-third of the information seems correct, roughly one-third seems incorrect, and roughly one-third is difficult for me to decide one way or the other.

On several occasions, I’ve unsuccessfully suggested to Larry that his articles would be much stronger if he excluded the incorrect elements…
• Replies: @Larry Romanoff, @Wizard of Oz
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anonymous[129] • Disclaimer says:
September 19, 2022 at 7:41 pm GMT • 2.7 months ago   ↑

EXACTLY what the ZIOjewsNeocons are planning to stablish in USA..DOJ/AG will become Heinrick YAGODA..and there will be an elite jewish politburo UNITARY govt.//made up of DEM/GOP/Rinocrats a anti WHITE gentile christian American tyranny.
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Colin Wright says: • Website
September 19, 2022 at 7:41 pm GMT • 2.7 months ago   ↑
@Irish Savant

‘Indeed. Obviously too many goyim were checking out the ‘Early Life” sections.’

These days, it’s the first thing I go to.
• Replies: @Irish Savant
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Wokechoke says:
September 19, 2022 at 7:44 pm GMT • 2.7 months ago   ↑
@Irish Savant

It demystifies Hitler to have historians admit to this sort of hate fact.
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Wokechoke says:
September 19, 2022 at 8:02 pm GMT • 2.7 months ago   ↑

The Pale Riders
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HeebHunter says:
September 19, 2022 at 8:25 pm GMT • 2.7 months ago   ↑

You can’t just get fat from the spoils of your sins forever. God makes sure of that.

Nu-Germany is an allies created abomination and will go down with them.
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RoboMoralFascist 1st says:
September 19, 2022 at 8:38 pm GMT • 2.7 months ago   ↑

I like the part where the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) looked the other way for Bernie Madoff for years and then I wonder how much money Madoff was able to shovel to the Zionist slobs in Tel Aviv through Yeshiva University out of New York. Are they going to name a street after him in Jerusalem?
• Replies: @anarchyst
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Larry Romanoff says: • Website
September 19, 2022 at 9:10 pm GMT • 2.7 months ago • 100 Words   ↑
@Ron Unz

I noticed the highlighted comment on Rothschild and the British East India Company, but that topic is an irrelevant aside to the content of the article and in no way negates any of the essential points. In any case, the salient factor was that opium was entirely Jewish and not “British”. Beria’s ethnic background is disputed, but that is hardly the most consequential factor of the thesis, and I openly addressed the problems of such identification.

My articles are usually the most heavily-documented of all those published on this website, and I have no apologies to make for the content of this one.

I would respectfuly suggest that readers focus on the main issue, which is that the Russian Revolution was Jewish, not Russian, and I would draw their attention to the Epilogue.
• Agree: JWalters
• Replies: @John Wear, @S, @JWalters, @Anonymous
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Ronehjr says:
September 19, 2022 at 9:21 pm GMT • 2.7 months ago   ↑

Is it possible that WWIII is the only reliable way to defeat the Jewish empire?
• Replies: @Passing By
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Passing By says:
September 19, 2022 at 9:31 pm GMT • 2.7 months ago   ↑

There’s also the possibility of an uprising in the West against the Jews and their puppets. So yes, the only reliable way is WW3.
• Replies: @John Johnson
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John Johnson says:
September 19, 2022 at 9:36 pm GMT • 2.7 months ago • 400 Words   ↑

One of the crucial details history has suppressed is that Japan was not only being pushed into a war with Russia, but was given financing of $200 million by the European Rothschilds to purchase a wide array of arms and weapons conveniently supplied by Rothschild’s arms factories in Germany. Japan was literally armed to the teeth with the latest of everything – and all on credit.

If you are going to bother with historical revisionism then at least stay away from wars. Too many people here will call you on your bullshit.

Nicholas II lost the Russo-Japanese war because he was arrogant and wrote the enemy off as a bunch of primitive nips. He didn’t do his homework like the British who were well aware that the Japanese had designed their own advanced shells and that their guns outranged the Russians. The Japanese also were well ahead of the Russians when it came to night tactics. The Japanese had plenty of money and could buy British warships with Krupp guns on their own. They sure as hell didn’t need the Jews to become a military power. That was inevitable once their divided feudal period was over.

The Russians lost in a single battle (battle of Tsushima) because Nicholas was arrogant and lazy. That loss stunned the world and even today the Japanese take pride in defeating the Russians so decisively. It also factored into the decision to attack Pearl Harbor. Here is a good primer on the Russian loss:
ed them in a single battle.

Nicholas II didn’t learn his lesson and did the same thing in WW1. He arrogantly assumed he could just walk in and crush the Germans in Tannenberg. Russian tactics and equipment were completely outclassed. Very similar to Putin thinking he could just walk in and take Kiev. Must have been the Jews again DERP. Or maybe Putin didn’t spend 15 minutes reading about NLAWs and Javelins. It was well known that the Ukrainians had over 10k thousand of them and yet Putin thought he could just waltz in to Kiev and raise the Russian flag. 10,000 NLAWs and Javelins at least. That was public information. The common US 12 year old modern warfare player would know that is a stupid idea.
• Replies: @Truth Vigilante
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John Wear says:
September 19, 2022 at 10:07 pm GMT • 2.7 months ago   ↑
@Larry Romanoff

I agree with you that the Russian revolution was primarily Jewish. If you have an interest, I wrote an article similar to yours, which you can read on my website at
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Zumbuddi says:
September 19, 2022 at 10:13 pm GMT • 2.7 months ago   ↑
@Another Polish Perspective

Important perspective.

Perhaps pharaoh was in debt to Joseph & his tribesmen.

Or blackmailed- compromised.

Or threatened with death — his own or family.

You know, like US congress is today.

Compromised, cowardly dumb clucks.
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John Johnson says:
September 19, 2022 at 10:15 pm GMT • 2.7 months ago • 100 Words   ↑
@Chris Moore

BTW, Hitler tried to assimilate Jewry and actually let a lot of ((Jews)) into the German ranks, and additionally collaborated with Zionists in directing them towards Palestine to thin their population in Germany.

A half truth as usual….and that is being nice.

He basically allowed some half-Jews to stay in the military. A full Jew in the military was possible but extremely rare. Would most likely be a non-practicing Jew that served in WW1.

The Nuremberg Laws took away citizenship from full Jews. They couldn’t serve anywhere in government without special permission. Full Jews basically became stateless.
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anarchyst says:
September 19, 2022 at 10:16 pm GMT • 2.7 months ago   ↑
@RoboMoralFascist 1st

Madoff would still be committing his fraud today if he didn’t screw his own (((chosen))) people out of their shekels. There are thousands of (((chosen))) run financial frauds running around to this day.
• Replies: @JM
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John Johnson says:
September 19, 2022 at 10:19 pm GMT • 2.7 months ago • 100 Words   ↑
@Passing By

There’s also the possibility of an uprising in the West against the Jews and their puppets. So yes, the only reliable way is WW3.

What we should do is cheer on a loser dictator that locks in his own Jews out of fear of brain drain:

Yes Putin recently told his Jews that they can’t leave. There goes deluded Anglin type fantasies of “muh new Hitler” changing the world order.

Oh and Putin sells Israel their oil:


For every White woman that Putin blows into bits I’m sure the Jews around the world pee themselves.

When Putin conscripts even more Muslims to kill Christian Ukrainians I’m sure the Jews of NYC will magically feel the pain through the pure will of deluded Unz posters.
• Replies: @Passing By
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Slav says:
September 19, 2022 at 10:28 pm GMT • 2.7 months ago   ↑
@Chris Moore

If Hitler wanted assimilate Jewry why did he came up with the racial laws, all he achieved was turning even those already assimilated into fanatical Zionists. Hitler did for Zionism more than Rotchilds did.
• Troll: Trinity
• Replies: @nokangaroos
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orchardist says:
September 19, 2022 at 10:31 pm GMT • 2.7 months ago • 100 Words   ↑
@Joe Levantine

During Army Basic Training at Ft. Ord, California, in 1961/62, (this was during the height of the Cold War), we were constantly taught hate propaganda about Russia, Communism, and the Russian people at every opportunity the drill instructors could fit it in.

And while they did not expressly suggest “committing criminal behavior” against the then enemy if the opportunity arose, they surely did allude strongly to the position that it would be fully accepted – if engaged in.

Most recruits were too dumb to know the difference – so one can say with assurance, that the doctrine of committing criminal behavior was successfully and repeatedly taught.
• Thanks: Joe Levantine
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JWalters says:
September 19, 2022 at 11:02 pm GMT • 2.7 months ago • 200 Words   ↑
@Larry Romanoff

Thanks for that excellent analysis of how Zionist trolls operate. They pretend to be honest discussants to suck people into time-wasting dead ends. They will even throw a small punch at Israel to establish “credibility” before they launch a major effort to discredit someone who is a significant threat to their Zionist agenda.

Your article is just such a significant threat, packed with facts and clear conclusions. A real contribution, thank you.

When one contemplates the vast amount of suffering this Zionist cult has inflicted on humanity, when one considers the extremely devious methods by which it operates, and when one considers the archaic, barbaric beliefs which direct it, it clearly embodies the dregs of evil, and poses the gravest danger to humanity of our era.

Operating by
(1) bribery
(2) blackmail
(3) murder

it has taken control of
(1) our money supply
(2) our press
(3) our politicians.

The scope of this evil operation boggles the mind when one first encounters it. It is almost beyond belief. That’s why well-researched articles such as yours are so important.

For new UR readers, some supplementary reading on the Rothschild bank is at
War Profiteers and Israel’s Bank
• Agree: John Wear
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MA says:
September 19, 2022 at 11:05 pm GMT • 2.7 months ago • 300 Words   ↑

I think Larry’s main point is not writing about EIC in this article but makes a tangential reference ( Period from 1757 to dissolution of EIC spans more than 100 years). Before Rothschild’s came on scene to make some money there were other actors/ players who invested in EIC ,some were Jewish and some non-jewish. If you will you may start the story from granting charter of Bank of England under orders from William in 1694. ….
Early shareholders were a society of around 1300 person’s…..
” in the Bank of England a history Sir John Clapham notes that by 1721 a number of Spanish and portuguese jews had been buying stocks in BOE, Medina, two Da Costas,Fonseca,…..,Jacob,Moses and Jacob Abrabanel……” Refer:The word Order by Eustace Mullins

From there onwards Bank of England( BOE), because it could issue credits etc played a significant role and Rothschild’s played their role when they arrived on the scene in later part of 18th century.

My personal beef with Larry that just like other faith based groups or ethnic groups, jews also have transgressors ( lacking morality) and also have righteous people. Somehow or other they figure more prominently in historical epochs where nations suffering/ suffered a lot( But other players also had agency, intellect, free will so all the blame cannot be assigned to immoral jew).

If in closing I be allowed to quote from Al-Quran
” When His Lord tested Abraham, he passed the test, His Lord said ‘ I will make you the leader of the God Conscious’ . Abraham said ” What about my progeny?” Lord God said ” My Covenant does not extend to the wrong doers( الظالمین)”
al-Baqarah chapter 2
Then in other place ” And among them ( Children of Abraham) are righteous and among them are transgressors”
• Replies: @Colonel Dolma, @antibeast
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Passing By says:
September 19, 2022 at 11:28 pm GMT • 2.7 months ago • 100 Words   ↑
@John Johnson

OK. How many times do I have to tell you that I don’t give a shit for what you say? Everything you write is total crap and has no relation whatsoever with reality. I get that you peddle a narrative, I get that you follow an agenda and I don’t give a shit. I ignore you. Be a man, ignore me in return.
• Agree: JM
• Replies: @John Johnson
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Wizard of Oz says:
September 19, 2022 at 11:29 pm GMT • 2.7 months ago • 100 Words   ↑
@Ron Unz

I have said your publishing of LR was a disgrace but now I see it as more complicated. I was about to say that even the NYT managed to bring itself to sack the young black fabulist,Jason Blair, so why is LR using expensive newsprint on your site. OK you are having fun and still trying to work out if LR is Jayson Blair reincarnated.
BTW I see LR accused of what I found Eric Margolis guilty of, namely false quotes sourced only to Margolis. Interesting that the (false) quote that comes to mind was from Kaganovich! And that Margolis was Canadian… Hmm..
• Replies: @Ron Unz
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Ron Unz says:
September 20, 2022 at 12:00 am GMT • 2.7 months ago • 100 Words   ↑
@Wizard of Oz

I have said your publishing of LR was a disgrace but now I see it as more complicated.

Obviously, it’s a complex calculation, but I’d say that for all its many “glitches” this lengthy article is probably a little closer to historical reality than the corresponding story generally told in the pages of the New York Times.

And given your repeated efforts to promote the theory that both JFK and RFK were accidentally shot and killed by their own bodyguards, I hardly think you’re in a position to critique the historical analysis of anyone else.
• Agree: Truth Vigilante
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John Johnson says:
September 20, 2022 at 12:08 am GMT • 2.7 months ago • 100 Words   ↑
@Passing By

LOL so no retort whatsoever.

Why even reply? Just stick your fingers in your ears and repeat JEWS SOMEHOW LOSE.

Israel actually has a budget surplus thanks to cheap Russian oil.

Maybe Putin will do another trip to Israel. I posted the picture of him kissing the wall a couple times and yet Anglin types went back to an insane delusion of Putin in some worldwide war against Jews by shelling Christian Ukrainians.
• Replies: @Colonel Dolma, @Seraphim
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JM says:
September 20, 2022 at 12:23 am GMT • 2.7 months ago • 100 Words   ↑

The Japanese ‘didn’t help Hitler’ by invading Russia because they had chosen the Southern theatre (vs the Northern) as part of the Tanaka Memorial strategic Plan, which even if it were not authentic (and the Russians assessed it as being the genuine), would have mirrored the necessities as well as the obhvious imperial motivations implicit in that Plan. As it was, Japan was near to being over-extended fighting the European Empires in the South where they held down considerable US and empire forces which otherwise would have been diverted to the European and associated theatres.

Your other comments indicate that you have a dog in the fight.
• Replies: @Truth Vigilante, @Anonymous
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JWalters says:
September 20, 2022 at 12:30 am GMT • 2.7 months ago • 200 Words   ↑

Sorry I don’t have refs handy for the following recollections. But food for thought.

A rabbi from Amsterdam started negotiating with Cromwell in the mid 1600’s to allow Jews back into England. Gradually this was accomplished.

In the late 1690’s some Amsterdam bankers proposed a deal to William of Orange. They would finance a war to put William on the throne of England, and he would charter a bank to be owned by them, with himself as a shareholder. This bank would have the monopoly on creating money in England. If the government needed money, instead of creating it itself (as had been the practice for hundreds of years) it would borrow the money from this bank at interest. William agreed, became King, and the Bank of England was established.

My understanding is these Amsterdam bankers were significantly Jewish, and descended from old banking families in Venice.

These bankers would have brought their money into England investments (one of their arguments given for allowing Jews back in), including the British East India Company.

The Rothschild bank jumped to prominence in 1815 when it became a dominant shareholder in the Bank of England. It also became a major player in the British East India Company, and major part of the Jewish “cousinhood”.
Free to Cheat: “Jewish Emancipation” and the Anglo-Jewish Cousinhood
• Replies: @Franklin Ryckaert
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Lysias says:
September 20, 2022 at 12:48 am GMT • 2.7 months ago   ↑

I have never read that Beria was Jewish. What’s the evidence that he was?
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nadim says:
September 20, 2022 at 12:55 am GMT • 2.7 months ago • 200 Words   ↑

A Jewish mafia member, Lesley Stahl American journalist from ’60 minutes’ is questioning Iran President to see if he believes in the FAKE official holohoax story. when he did not repeat the official story, then he was accused of ‘holocaust denier’ by the Jewish mafia members including Deborah Lipstadt. The Jewish mafia members are coming from a criminal tribe who designed and staged 9/11 and killed 3000 American people, then killed millions of Muslims since 2001 to implement 7 countries in 5 years. are these criminals ever going to be held accountable for committing crimes against humanity?

Deborah Lipstadt the ‘judge’ wrote the following nonsense in her twitter account and no one hold this member of the tribe responsible for her propaganda lies. Is the world going to tolerate a liar?

Special Envoy Deborah Lipstadt
Iranian President Raisi’s call for “research” to determine whether the Holocaust happened is ludicrous and dangerous.
His statement is a form of Holocaust denial and a form of antisemitism.

• Thanks: John Wear
• LOL: Druid55
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JM says:
September 20, 2022 at 12:59 am GMT • 2.7 months ago   ↑

“…if he didn’t screw his own (((chosen))) people out of their shekels. ”

Did he? Or was this part of a tax fraud?
• Replies: @anarchyst
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Colonel Dolma says:
September 20, 2022 at 1:11 am GMT • 2.7 months ago • 200 Words   ↑

I would like to add the Armenian Genocide to the list… while the actuators were the turks and kurds worked up in a religious fatwah frenzy to kill the infidels… the architectural planning and systematic engineering were conceived and implemented by the Salonika Jew infested Young Turks. The zionists going back to Shabbathai Zevi(1666) had long envisioned a recapture of the holy land for the khazar fake jews. Those pesky industrious Armenians were in the way, so the sultan was removed, the committee of union and progress established and the orders given to remove all traces of Armenians from the Empire. This gives credence to the fact that Israel will not recognize the Genocide and has used all of her political clout in the US to assist Turkey(fellow donmeh kinsmen?) to prevent characterizing the events as genocide (recently accomplished) and further, Israel sells cargo loads of weapons to the azeri turks (Erdogan’s sock puppet) to finish the job with genocide 2.0……
• Replies: @MA
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Colonel Dolma says:
September 20, 2022 at 1:18 am GMT • 2.7 months ago • 100 Words   ↑
@John Johnson

Putin and his CSTO just screwed the Christian Armenians by not honoring the article to protect members when their borders are invaded. Chabbad Putin appears to be a real Turkphile… not extracting revenge for the assasination of his ambassador, the shooting down of his planes(both turk and azeri) and then machine gunning the pilots parachuting out; real crypto benchmarks ….he is also dramatically killing off his critics Beria style
• Replies: @John Johnson, @Seraphim
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anarchyst says:
September 20, 2022 at 1:26 am GMT • 2.7 months ago   ↑

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Colonel Dolma says:
September 20, 2022 at 1:26 am GMT • 2.7 months ago • 100 Words   ↑

friend… children of Abraham are those who believe and trust in God Almighty and now.. .His Christ…(Now to Abraham and his seed were the promises made. He saith not, And to seeds, as of many; but as of one, And to thy seed, which is Christ. (Galatians 3:16) nothing to do with bloodlines of Judeans (which dissipated after God wrought the destruction of Jerusalem in 70AD…the so-called jews of today are descendants of ruthless khazarian killers and have nothing to do with Abraham, God, Christ or righteousness. They certainly do not manifest God’s love,kindness, mercy, forgiveness and patience.
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Franklin Ryckaert says:
September 20, 2022 at 1:39 am GMT • 2.7 months ago • 300 Words   ↑

“…A rabbi from Amsterdam started negotiating with Cromwell in the mid 1600’s to allow Jews back into England. Gradually this was accomplished…”

Yes, that rabbi was MENASSE BEN ISRAEL, who tried to hoodwink Cromwell with the idea that the coming of the messiah could be sped up if the Jews would return to Israel from all places in the world. Since there were no Jews in England to return from, they had to be admitted first…


Here is a portrait of Menasse Ben Israel by Rembrandt:

“…My understanding is these Amsterdam bankers were significantly Jewish, and descended from old banking families in Venice…”

There was only one banker from the Netherlands involved: FRANCISCO LOPES SUASSO, who was of Portuguese-Jewish descent (not from Venice as far as I know):

“…A notable instance of the support of the house of Suasso to the Dutch stadtholders is the loan of two million guilders which Suasso made to William of Orange in 1688 in support of his invasion of England to claim the thrones of King James II…”


Francisco Lopes Suasso, though born in Amsterdam, lived and died in The Hague where he owned a house where now the Ministry of Finance is located, in one of the most expensive areas of the city.

Here is a portrait of the man:

In short, the Portuguese Jews from the Netherlands, who alreadey owned a considerable amount of stocks in the Dutch East Indies and the Dutch West Indies Companies and were dominant in the Dutch slave trade, now tried to infiltrate the British isles.
• Thanks: Maowasayali, nokangaroos, JWalters, Druid55
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Teddy-philippines says:
September 20, 2022 at 2:14 am GMT • 2.7 months ago • 400 Words   ↑

THANK YOU, Mr. ROMANOV…for this and all other articles detailing the true nature of perpetrators of the world’s great evils that infest countries and peoples.

My hope is that even my country and its people, philippines, will SOON realize and Firmly act on this most dangerous global pestilence…

I once lived in NYC (where many of my closest friends , colleagues , professors in music were russia…and NYC Being NYC, “jewish” ) , 36 yrs , before coming back to the philippines , which is colonized under the “western” paradigm — but i always suspected that BEHIND even that…is the “khazar jew” ….with its layers upon layers of deception.

I often wondered since my University days in Manila before ending up in USA…how my first professor 1970s, in music and piano…was a russian lady…from St Petersburg..who escaped the communist revolution and reign around WW 2 …passed through china..and became prominent concert soloist in Manila after WW2 ..then a highly revered professor in our University….by the time i became her “favorite” student in my turn….

i always wondered why she was “more christian” than even WE , “Traditional catholics”…wearing aher orthodox cross prominently, her home filled with russian icons..and was so STRICT with me ..not just in my lessons..but in how i comported myself…yet she always had such a motherly concern…

that wonderment stayed with my all my life…even to this very day…

i think i understand much better…and as a “last gift” to myself after 36 years in USA…before coming back to philippines…i visited first ST PETERSBURG…to experience WHERE and WHO she came from…

i experienced the 2 WEEKS of the deepest , warmest, sense of humanity ….i then told myself…a total stranger…”it is true, what i felt since long ago..from geography in childhood, reading translations” of great russian works fed by my own mother (who admired russian culture and history a lot, made me READ works by Chekhov…”war and peace” (we even went to the city just to watch on the big screen…Bondarchuk s “WAR and PEACE” ..SO i could appreciate “what russia is, teddy”….)…

even if only a little slice of it…i more fully understand why i always felt such great admiration for Russia….

and WHY she had to go through such horrific times…she REFUSES to bow in the presence of EVIL.
• Thanks: Irish Savant
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John Johnson says:
September 20, 2022 at 2:26 am GMT • 2.7 months ago • 100 Words   ↑
@Colonel Dolma

Putin and his CSTO just screwed the Christian Armenians by not honoring the article to protect members when their borders are invaded.

A shame indeed but Azerbaijan can smell a loser in trouble.

I am surprised that the Chechens haven’t gotten the itch to take out the mob boss Kadyrov that Putin left in charge.

Kadyrov is the guy that first claimed COVID was no big deal and then switched to shooting anyone that broke a state imposed quarantine.

This is really the time to strike. A second front and the end of his pet Muslim would make Putin go nanners.
• Troll: Druid55
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S says:
September 20, 2022 at 2:50 am GMT • 2.7 months ago • 600 Words   ↑
@Larry Romanoff

The world in 1848 had a virtual epidemic of attempted revolutions…1848 was a major point in world history..

…Moreover, these are the same people who today populate the City of London which is where the planning for all these atrocities has originated for centuries and continues still…These are the people who want a Third World War with Russia, China and Iran..

Hello, Mr Romanoff. I have a couple of books you may find of some interest which I’ve linked to below.

To give a bit of background, there was a man by the name of Theodore Poesche who had taken part in the failed 1848 revolution in Germany, ie he was a ’48er’. He would ultimately flee to London in 1850, where he would reside for about a year, before continuing on to the United States. Once in the United States, and in conjunction with a fellow German emigre named Charles Goepp, he would write and have published in 1853 a book entitled The New Rome; or, the United States of the World.

At the time, having been published by the major establishment book publisher G P Putnam (today’s Penguin), The New Rome was a widely distributed and reviewed book in the United States. [It’s companion booklet published in 1912, A Political Prophecy of the 48ers in America, also linked below, provides background information about The New Rome’s authors, and some analysis of the book’s contents.]

Today both The New Rome and A Political Prophecy are long forgotten, and it would not be incorrect to say that there is a near complete blackout of their very existance now in the United States. I only read about The New Rome when reading other mid-19th century journals which spoke of the book’s existance.

The New Rome tells a most peculiar tale about the United States and it’s relationship with the United Kingdom. It claims the 1776 Revolution was a planned false split between the US and UK, and that from the very beginning the separation was only ever intended to be ‘temporary’. And that, someday in the future, there will be a rapprochement between the US and UK, and a reunion will take place.

The future newly reunited US and UK will first move to conquer and take control of continental Europe’s center of power, identified as Germany, and in so doing the US/UK will unleash a ‘world’s war’ upon the Earth according to the authors.

After the US/UK has defeated Germany and consolidated it’s control over it, there will follow a great war between specifically the United States and Russia. According to this book, the US air force is to play the key role in the US victory over Russia and it’s armies.

The New Rome also alleges that the United States itself is the planned direct continuation of the British Empire.

There is much other commentary in The New Rome besides on a wide variety of subjects, and though a bit dry in places and having some arcane language, both books are well worth the few hours time necessary to read.

Provided you are not already aware of these book’s existance, I hope they can be of some assistance to your research.
• Thanks: Maowasayali, John Wear, René Fries
• Replies: @Larry Romanoff, @John Wear, @S, @S, @S
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Seraphim says:
September 20, 2022 at 2:59 am GMT • 2.7 months ago   ↑
@Colonel Dolma

Why would the Russians ‘help’ the Armenians when they flaunt their Russophobia and want to get out of their protection?
• Agree: Odyssey, Passing By
• Replies: @Colonel Dolma
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MA says:
September 20, 2022 at 3:21 am GMT • 2.7 months ago • 100 Words   ↑
@Colonel Dolma

I mentioned Abraham peace be upon him ,because the imposters use his name, you would have heard about ” Abraham accords” the name Jared Kushner and Israeli government using to coerce and cheat the Arab states. Also the christian Zionist who like to talk about the “God’s covenant with Abraham pbuh about land deed.”
Jamal Abdul Nasir ( Egyptian) made an observation ” The Juda-hites went away from the Holy land as brown( people of color) and came back 2000 years later as white!”
The DNA studies show may be upto 90% of those claiming to be juda-hites at present, actually are Khazars ! It is well known that most of the muslims and christians in Holly land ( present day Israel/ Palestine) are genetically Bani-Israel ( descendents fro Isaac to Jacob to tribes, peace be upon them all)
• Replies: @René Fries
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Robert Dolan says:
September 20, 2022 at 3:23 am GMT • 2.7 months ago • 100 Words   ↑

The thing that bothers me the most about organized jewry (aside from opening our borders) is that my father and both of my uncles fought in WWII, saw combat, and risked their lives to save the sorry ass jews who hate us and do everything they can to fuck up our country.

It’s hard to get a handle on the level of disloyalty the small hats exhibit. It’s hard to process this kind of backstabbing nastiness.

If organized jewry had any integrity whatsoever, they would spend eternity kissing our asses and trying to promote white well being……but they operate under an entirely different set of rules, a set of rules that does not include gratitude or loyalty.
• Agree: anarchyst, Inverness
• Replies: @RestiveUs
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soll says:
September 20, 2022 at 3:26 am GMT • 2.7 months ago • 600 Words   ↑


The 1917 Russian Revolution

Lenin was sent across Europe to Russia on the famous “sealed train” with an additional $5 million or $6 million in gold (about $175 million in today’s dollars). At the same time, Trotsky left New York aboard the S.S. Christiania with approximately 300 intensively-trained Jewish revolutionaries, with a huge hoard of gold in hand, their first port of call being Halifax, Nova Scotia. The Canadian government was aware of the plot and of the identities of those men, and arrested Trotsky and his people, and impounded their gold.

There was never any gold, Larry. These claims were charged against the Bolsheviks by the Provisional Government in July, 1917. The refutation to these old rumors are found in The Bolsheviks’ “German Gold” Revisited: An Inquiry into the 1917 Accusations by Semion Lyandres (1995) when those telegrams were first examined. Likewise Trotsky had no gold, the old claim was $10.000 cash, when checked by agents on the ship they found nothing. Another myth is that he was given a passport when he already had one. No gold was impounded Larry, they found nothing on Trotsky. You are making your own claims all throughout this piece.

Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn estimated that in total the Jewish regime in Russia managed to exterminate more than 60 million people, including victims of the forced Collectivisation, the starvations and famines, the purges, expulsions, banishments, executions, and mass deaths at Gulags. I believe he also said that “Industrial-scale murders like these are an essential part of [Jewish] communist theory.”

For accuracy, Solzhenitsyn never claimed the Soviet Union was a Jew-led regime, neither also were the Revolutions of 1905-1917. Solzhenitsyn’s claims of 66 million (up to 110 million) were casual estimates by alias Ivan A. Kurganov, who had included expected birth rates of Russia from 1918-1959 has being missing–therefore unborns were added into total deaths resulting from Communism. Kurganov’s methodology was criticized at the time when he published his report, Three Figures in the early 1970s. The quote is likely a fiction, same as the previously used You Must Understand… quote attributed to Solzhenitsyn made by David Duke.

Khazar Jewish Sympathy for the Victims

Trotsky said “We must turn Russia into a desert, populated by White negroes upon whom we shall impose a tyranny such as the most terrible Eastern despots never dreamt of. The only difference is that this will be a left-wing tyranny, not a right-wing tyranny. It will be a Red (Jewish) tyranny, and not a White one. We mean the word “red” literally, because we shall shed such floods of blood as will make all the human losses suffered in the capitalist wars pale by comparison. The biggest bankers across the ocean will work in the closest possible contact with us. If we win the revolution, we shall establish the power of Zionism upon the wreckage of the revolution’s funeral, and we shall become a power before which the whole world will sink to its knees. We shall know what real power is. By means of terror & bloodbaths, we shall reduce the Russian intelligentsia to a state of complete stupefaction & idiocy and to an animal existence.”

Lol, provide the source Larry to this alleged Trotsky quote–it reads like fiction. You have also used Robert Wilton’s hoax list of Jews in the USSR.
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MarylinM says:
September 20, 2022 at 3:51 am GMT • 2.7 months ago   ↑

To follow Mr. Romanoff’s logic one must conclude that all the famous “nationalists”: Jesus, Napoleon, Hitler, Gorbachev, Trump and Putin were used by the CommIntern as useful idiots. At the completion of their tasks, as we now know, they have been mercilessly expunged, except for Mr. Putin. For now.
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Jane Weir says:
September 20, 2022 at 3:52 am GMT • 2.7 months ago • 100 Words   ↑
@Priss Factor

Yuri Andropov, responsible for sending tanks into Budapest in 1956 and Prague in 1968, was Jewish, according to reports from his days as Soviet leader in the early 1980s.

Now, this is disputed here and here, but one should not simply say there have been NO Jews among Soviet/Russian leaders in recent decades.

USSR leader Andropov reportedly hid Jewish roots to advance in party

• Thanks: John Wear
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Che Guava says:
September 20, 2022 at 4:00 am GMT • 2.7 months ago • 100 Words   ↑
@Auntie Provocateur

Yes, Mr. Romanoff always manages to do a broad brush while including major errors.

selected Nagasaki as one of the targets for the atomic bomb.

is wrong.

The selected target was Kokura, on the other side of the island. The weather when the bomber arrived over Kokura didn’t allow a good view of the bombing, so the target was switched to Nagasaki, which had a pretty much clear sky and was easily within range.
• Thanks: Wizard of Oz
• Replies: @Larry Romanoff
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Change that Matters says:
September 20, 2022 at 4:04 am GMT • 2.7 months ago   ↑

And to think I wasted time during high school in the 1970s reading Leon Uris.
• Replies: @René Fries
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Larry Romanoff says: • Website
September 20, 2022 at 4:31 am GMT • 2.7 months ago   ↑

I was not aware of them, but have downloaded and will read them. Many thanks for taking the time to do this.
• Replies: @Seraphim, @S
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RestiveUs says:
September 20, 2022 at 4:56 am GMT • 2.7 months ago   ↑
@Robert Dolan

Collective psychopathy.
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Ed Case says:
September 20, 2022 at 5:24 am GMT • 2.7 months ago   ↑

Chequers is the PM [of the day]’s Country House.
Even Churchill couldn’t lose that.
His Country Estate was Chartwell, but for all of the stories about him being in hock to Jews, he had married into money [the Hozier family].
Were they Jews too?
• Replies: @Flo
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Truth Vigilante says:Show Comment
September 20, 2022 at 6:04 am GMT • 2.7 months ago • 100 Words   ↑
@John Johnson
• Replies: @whodat
René Fries says:
September 20, 2022 at 6:08 am GMT • 2.7 months ago   ↑
@Change that Matters

At least ONE information given in Exodus is correct, see
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Wizard of Oz says:
September 20, 2022 at 6:20 am GMT • 2.7 months ago   ↑
@Larry Romanoff

A pity you gave up on Google 20 years ago. It was what I searched in for 100 seconds to find this

In 1800, India’s population was at a modest 169 million.24 Nov 2020

• Replies: @Larry Romanoff
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antibeast says:
September 20, 2022 at 6:20 am GMT • 2.7 months ago • 900 Words   ↑

Larry made an explicit reference to the Rothschild’s alleged role in ‘creating and controlling’ the British EIC whose depredations in India include growing Bengal opium for export to China. Not only that, he claims that ‘Rothschild and his Jews killed at least 200 million people in India by execution and famine, with some estimations being much higher’ and that ‘Rothschild and Sassoon killed that least 100 million in China by slaughter and at least an additional 50 million by other means’, as indicated in my bold emphasis in the excerpts below:

the greatest criminal organisation in the history of the world was Rothschild’s British East India Company, followed closely by the Dutch East India Company, both of which were created and controlled by Jews. Rothschild and his Jews killed at last 200 million people in India by execution and famine, with some estimations being much higher. Similarly, the business of growing opium in India and forcing it onto China, were entirely Jewish enterprises – which our history books, thanks to Jewish publishers, blame on “the British”. Again, Rothschild and Sassoon killed that least 100 million in China by slaughter and at least an additional 50 million by other means.

Here are some facts on the British EIC and its 100-year rule in India (1757-1858):

The British East India Company was a private corporation formed in December 1600 to establish a British presence in the lucrative Indian spice trade, which until then had been monopolized by Spain and Portugal. The company eventually became an immensely powerful agent of British imperialism in South Asia and the de facto colonial ruler of large parts of India. Partly because of endemic corruption, the company was gradually deprived of its commercial monopoly and political control, and its Indian possessions were nationalized by the British crown in 1858. It was formally dissolved in 1874 by the East India Stock Dividend Redemption Act (1873).

1. In the 17th and 18th centuries, the East India Company relied on slave labor and trafficked in slaves from West and East Africa, especially Mozambique and Madagascar, transporting them to its holdings in India and Indonesia as well as to the island of St. Helena in the Atlantic Ocean. Although its slave traffic was small in comparison with transatlantic slave-trading enterprises such as the Royal African Company, the East India Company crucially relied on transfers of slaves with specialized skills and experience to manage its far-flung territories.

2. The East India Company controlled its own army, which by 1800 comprised some 200,000 soldiers, more than twice the membership of the British Army at that time. The company used its armed force to subdue Indian states and principalities with which it had initially entered into trading agreements, to enforce ruinous taxation, to carry out officially sanctioned looting, and to protect its economic exploitation of both skilled and unskilled Indian labor. The company’s army played a notorious role in the unsuccessful Indian Uprising (also called the Indian Mutiny) of 1857–58, in which Indian soldiers in the company’s employ led an armed revolt against their British officers that quickly gained popular support as a war for Indian independence. During more than a year of fighting, both sides committed atrocities, including massacres of civilians, though the company’s reprisals ultimately far outweighed the violence of the rebels. The rebellion brought about the effective abolishment of the East India Company in 1858.

3. Beginning in the early 19th century, the East India Company illegally sold opium to China to finance its purchases of Indian tea and other goods. Chinese opposition to that trade precipitated the First and Second Opium Wars (1839–42; 1856–60), in both of which British forces were victorious.

4. The company’s management was remarkably efficient and economical. During its first 20 years the East India Company was run from the home of its governor, Sir Thomas Smythe, and had a permanent staff of only six. In 1700 it operated with 35 permanent employees in its small London office. In 1785 it controlled a vast empire of millions of people with a permanent London staff of 159.

5. Following several years of misrule and a massive famine (1770) in Bengal, where the company had installed a puppet regime in 1757, the company’s land revenues fell precipitously, forcing it to appeal (1772) for an emergency loan of £1 million to avoid bankruptcy. Although the East India Company was bailed out by the British government, harsh criticism and investigations by parliamentary committees led to government oversight of its management (the Regulating Act of 1773) and later to government control of political policy in India (the India Act of 1784).

The Rothschilds were German Jews living in the Frankfurter Judengasse as the Jewish ghetto was called back then in the 17th and 18th centuries. By the time Nathan Rothschild moved to England to establish the London branch of their family bank in 1809, the British EIC had been ruling India for more than five decades, having been bailed out by the British government in 1772.

There is no reason to suspect that the Rothschilds would have invested their capital into the British EIC which faced bankruptcy as early as 1772. Instead, the Rothschilds would have preferred to invest their capital in the booming industries of the 19th century created by the Industrial Revolution such as cotton textile mills, steel mills, railroads, steam engines, among others. That’s like saying Goldman Sachs would prefer to invest their capital in the booming industries of the 21st century created by the Information Revolution such as e-commerce, Internet, electric vehicles, drones, AI, etc. instead of backing Mexican drug lords such as the Sinaloa Cartel which is the modern-day equivalent of the British EIC.
• Thanks: Wizard of Oz
• Replies: @MA
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Truth Vigilante says:Show Comment
September 20, 2022 at 6:23 am GMT • 2.7 months ago • 100 Words   ↑
Anonymous[233] • Disclaimer says:
September 20, 2022 at 6:30 am GMT • 2.7 months ago • 800 Words   ↑

FDR wanted a US-Japan war to prevent Japan moving North against his pet USSR. FDR’s government was full of Soviet agents and FDR loved Stalin, fawned over him. Stalin directed the CCP to have a Japanese-Nationalist Chinese war start in East Asia (Sian Incident, Marco Polo incident) so that the Japanese Empire would get stuck in the vast expanses of China. Remember, Chiang Kai Shek’s son was a hostage in the USSR. Once the Sino-Japanese war started, the USSR started massive mobilization for war and interference within Europe. Hitler foolishly trusted Stalin, thinking that the Stalin crowd were a different lot than the earlier ghastly Lenin Trotsky crowd (which was partially true) but Stalin wanted Europe because there was all the World’s industrial wealth at. Stalin being street smart knew that Third World countries are perpetual shitholes and drain on money, so he toned down anti-colonial movements until Khrushchev revived them. It was only much later that the Germans, Romanians and Hungarians realised that Stalin was building up for a sudden strike to take all of Central and Western Europe. Germany was stuck in a war with Britain and was dependent on Romanian oil. The USSR had already taken Moldova from Romania. A sudden strike on Romania would mean Germany would be doomed and all of Europe would be open for Sovietisation with only British power standing in the way (a lot of British elites were pro-Bolshevik anyway). That is why Hitler and five other nations (Romania, Finland, Hungary, Italy and Slovenia) had no option but to rush a sudden pre-emptive strike via Operation Barbarossa. 30000 Spaniards volunteered for Operation Barbarossa after what seeing the brutality the Communists were capable of. The most brutal of them lot were the Jewish members of the International brigade who enjoyed killing nuns and burning people in churches.
When the Axis forces entered the Soviet Union, they found a very weird arrangement running the country. Jews+Russians running non-Russian populations while Jews+non-Russians being the local elites of Russian populations. The logic was simple, when the local elite is alien to the local peasant population they were more likely to follow the diktats of Moscow.
But FDR was still scared of the possibility of the Japanese Empire suddenly attacking the USSR from the east and was desperately to have the Japanese locked in a war with the USA, so any chance of the Japanese moving against the Soviets when the Soviets were stuck in a fatal struggle with the European Axis forces, was eliminated.
Also remember that during the Russian Civil War in between the Reds and the Whites, the Japanese Army had occupied a large chunk of the Russian East, which after the end of the Civil War, they returned to Russia and moved out, so much for “Japanese plans to conquer the World”. And of all the forces supporting the Whites, the Japanese were the most genuine. The British Army in Russia could have destroyed the Petrograd Soviet in no time, but they like many Western armies were there to betray the White russian faction. Remember British Field Marshal Herbert Kitchener mysteriously died on his way to Russia as he would have destroyed the Reds. It was in Russia that the Japanese officers in conversation with White Russian officers came to know about the Freemasonic and Jewish conspiracy and soon after returning to Japan, these officers did a lot of research on these subjects and books on Freemasons became popular in Japan. Japan also realised the threat of Bolshevism, and they were seeing a lot of communist activity in China and hence their need for Manchuria/Manchukuo as a buffer zone. Also remember, FDR was a lawyer for various Chinese organizations during his youth, and they became minor parties in Communist China later. Anyway many political and strategic processes were put in place to prevent a Japanese interference in the Soviet Union when the Soviets Bolshevize the rest of Europe or when they were later stuck in a fatal war with the European Axis.
1] Stalin directing the CCP to get the Japanese Empire and Nationalist Chinese fight each other thus trapping the Japanese army in the vast expanses of China.
2] The non-aggression pact in between the Soviets and Japan, which the Soviets conveniently discontinued with American approval after the defeat of Germany and Soviet forces invaded the now severely weakened Japanese Empire in Asia.
3] FDR manoeuvring Japan into a war with the USA.
With the Japanese fighting the Chinese, Americans, British, Dutch etc… there was no way they would move against the Soviets in support of the European Axis. Indeed, the Japanese foolishly never expected the Soviets would discontinue the non-aggression pact (something which the Germans realised and thus made a pre-emptive strike), and the Japanese forces in Korea and Northern parts of China were extremely thin and undermanned at that point which easily folded to the suddenly invading Soviets.
• Replies: @geokat62, @Wizard of Oz, @JM
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Druid55 says:
September 20, 2022 at 6:55 am GMT • 2.7 months ago   ↑

They ( ) are the masters of assassinations and murder. What effin planet are you living on. Effin alcoholic
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meamjojo says:
September 20, 2022 at 7:15 am GMT • 2.7 months ago • 100 Words   ↑

Yagoda diligently implemented Stalin’s collectivization orders and is responsible for the deaths of at least 10 million people. His Jewish deputies established and managed the Gulag system.”

“My own view is different. I find it unacceptable that a person will be considered a member of the Jewish people when he does great things, but not considered part of our people when he does amazingly despicable things.”

Perhaps even more to the point, what about the savage and inhuman treatment the Jews in Israel inflict on the Palestinian people? When they shoot children in the head, bomb the UN school to utter destruction, destroy the American School in Gaza with white phosphor, and burn children alive, are they acting as Jews?

The lesson you should be learning is: DON’T MESS WITH THE JEWS!
• Replies: @Passing By
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Seraphim says:
September 20, 2022 at 7:33 am GMT • 2.7 months ago • 800 Words   ↑
@Larry Romanoff

Theodore Poesche has been discussed here some years ago. It makes interesting reading.
I will quote a few passages that one might find relevant.

”The Teutonic Race”.
The Anglo-Saxon empire, having received its legitimate organization, will be first brought into connection with that portion of the continent of Europe inhabited by tribes akin to itself. Germany.
This is the hearthstone of Europe, physically and morally ; all the burdens of Europe are poured into its lap, and it is constantly atoning by its sufferings for the sins of all the nations…
On the 29th of January, 1852, a congress of Germans at Philadelphia formed the “American Revolutionary League for Europe,” designed to assist in the veritable liberation of the European nations. At this congress the following resolution was presented:

” That in the opinion of the present congress, every people, upon throwing off the yoke of its tyrants, ought to demand admission into the league of states already free, that is, into the American Union ; so that these states may become the nucleus of the political organization of the human family, and the starting-point of the World’s Republic.” …
Few indeed would hesitate to exchange the present German constitution for the American, if the choice were offered. The idea of annexation has already been discussed in the German papers, and was received with warm approbation…
We see all the difficulties of the undertaking; we know that the liberties of Germany are to be arrayed, in the last resort, with the bayonets of Russia ; but we know, also, that liberty must be the ultimate issue, and that annexation is the way which leads to it. We are not in want of natural allies. The German press of this country now numbers 180 newspapers; unequalled in any other language except the English. It is not yet on a level with the present state of the German mind; but the reactive influence of that mind must soon be felt and seen. We have, besides, the millions of German emigrants here; and the millions of those unhappy at home and, more than all, we have the mighty American republic, growing every day in the appreciation of her powers and her task. The smaller countries surrounding Germany have as many points of contact with America as the centre country, and will be easilv induced to take sides for annexation”…
[The Jews] The day of their deliverance has come; the Messiah they had a right to expect, if such was the name of their principle. All the world are now Jews; every body makes money; and Rothschild is the “sixth great power,” at least co-ordinate with the other five. The Jews are no longer a peculiar people; and will soon cease to be a distinct one; not, however, until they have reaped the rewards of their former toils… They follow a truer instinct in settling in America to enjoy a genuine religious toleration, and an unfeigned equality. Liberty and commerce, the essence of their character, are
also the essence of Americanism. It is confidently asserted that the Jews contrive to get themselves smuggled out of the Russian Empire, for the purpose of emigrating to the American world. But liberty and commerce, which are the characteristics of Judaism and of Americanism, are also those of annexation: every Jew will hasten to claim the protection of the American flag for his operations over the world,and Rothschild will not shut his eyes to the only prospect of enabling the European states to liquidate the debts they owe him”…
That great uprising of all peoples, that world’s war which is for ever seen to hang, like the sword of Damocles, over the passing joys and troubles of the hour, will fall when the Anglo-Saxon empire shall lay its slow but unyielding grasp upon the countries of the Germanic confederation. Then will the mastery of Europe be the prize of the death-struggle between the Union and the Czar…
Thus the lines are drawn. The choirs are marshalled on each wing of the world’s stage, Russia leading the one, the United States the other. Yet the world is too small for both, and the contest must end in the downfall of the one and the victory of the other. Let those who will speculate on the permanent universality of subjection; the stakes are safe on the side of the universe of sovereigns. Russia has expended all her forces in making a formidable display on her Western border. The United States are already digging the trenches for an attack in the rear. Our commerce in the North Pacific is constantly increasing in extent. If, as is not improbable, the gold mines of Siberia are found to extend nearly or quite to its Eastern coast, an irruption of republicanism, more dangerous than the inroads of the Circassians, threatens that “brazen image with the feet of clay”.

So, the lines were drawn since 1848. One doesn’t need to appeal to ‘conspiracy theories’ or forged documents. Everything is said openly and in no uncertain terms.
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John Wear says:
September 20, 2022 at 8:36 am GMT • 2.7 months ago   ↑

I had never heard of the book The New Rome. It sounds interesting. I just ordered it from Thanks for letting me know about it.
• Replies: @S
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nokangaroos says:
September 20, 2022 at 8:37 am GMT • 2.7 months ago • 100 Words   ↑
@Irish Savant

In Russia the conventional widom was that the first goyische head of any
of the secret services was Iwan A. Serow 1954, former commander of the Soviet
version of Paperclip; I have no particular opinion on the aryanwashing of
Dzerzhinsky and Berija other than it is very recent and doesn´t affect the substance.
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nokangaroos says:
September 20, 2022 at 9:16 am GMT • 2.7 months ago • 200 Words   ↑

Read the preamble and the original text …
the Gesetz zum Schutze des deutschen Volkes und der deutschen Ehre
excluded Jews from positions “of public interest”, as there were:
– public service
– teaching
– media
Its stated purpose was to curb communist agitation (i.e. what the Good Sen.
from Wisconsin tried, but without the indignities, and it worked) and it
explicitly exempted Jewish frontline fighters (in WWI).
Hitler cooperated with the Zionists (as a matter of getting rid of them while getting
one over at the British Mandate) while Stalin persecuted the Hechaluz –
things are rarely black and white 😀
– The Wehrmacht sported 2 field marshals, 15 generals and at least 22 bearers of
the oak leaves who were technically Jews – and we are not talking no-names:
Adm. Rogge (captain of the raider Atlantis and last commander of the Kiel naval
base whom the Allies wanted to hang for executing two – German – looters after the
war was over) and Gen. Heinrici (last defender of Berlin)
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soll says:
September 20, 2022 at 10:13 am GMT • 2.7 months ago • 300 Words   ↑

I’ve been following some of his comments and it is evident that he takes every opportunity to defend the small hats – much like the Wizard of ZOG [aka Oz] does.
It is clear that he has a ‘Talmudic’ dog in this fight.

Also, the ‘Soll’ handle is likely how his pals refer to him at the masonic lodge – short for Solomon.

I am defending the Jews by not ranting about them 24/7.

I personally lost interest in all the conspiracy theories a decade ago, they are largely founded in myths and fabrications. Take the claim that the Rothschild’s took over the Bank of England following the 1815 Battle of Waterloo–alleged a private courtier on horseback rushed to London and informed Nathan of the news, then he spread misleading information of the outcome, caused a panic and stock market crash then he acquired the controlling shares or consols in the Bank of England, thus the Rothschild’s came to control the world etc. the usual 200 year old story. Every grand narrative eventually depends upon this single story being true.

The problem? There was never a stock market crash on the London Exchange in 1815 for such alleged outcomes to have taken place.

The conspiracy industry is filled with such examples, even in Larry’s piece there are fictional quotes and hoax lists. Everyone just keeps rewriting the same articles using the same supposed evidence. Look at your own history, still trying to solve 911. Except you have solved it, it was the Jews! Shadow chasing in the dark–the nameless Jews behind everything, supposedly.
• Thanks: meamjojo
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Joe Levantine says:
September 20, 2022 at 10:22 am GMT • 2.7 months ago • 700 Words   ↑
@Zachary Smith

Thanks for the links.

Even though I take any reference from Wikipedia with a grain of salt, seeing what is written about two respectable gentlemen, Paul Craig Roberts and Martin Armstrong, whose history and professional path I am well acquainted with, I would still deem the Wiki links to be in favour of the German’s sense of fair play.

First, if we consider the document about the German legal treatment of Poles and Jews, we can see that at least there is due process of law. Compare that with the treatment of American citizens of Japanese descent, who were mass incarcerated without prosecutorial process and we can see that autocratic Germany was more keen at adhering to basic rule of law than the self declared bastion of democracy that is the U.S.A.

Then, let us consider anecdotal evidence about which population stuck mostly to the legal rules of warfare. In his book “ Hitler’s War”, the revisionist historian David Irving recites how during a carpet bombing of a German village by Allied forces, a plane was hit by German ground defences and the young American pilot had to parachute to the ground where he was captured by the a Germans. The traumatised civilian population wanted no less than to lynch the pilot but they would have none of it for the military authority told them that they will adhere to the Geneva Convention.

There is a wide consensus that the rules of engagement on the Eastern Front were more brutal than those on the Western front. And it is fair to research why. Most people would jump to the conclusion that the Germans treated the people to the East as Untermensch, when the sad reality was that the leaders of the Soviet Union had little to no regard to their soldiers; for once the number of Soviet POWs reached beyond one million, the Germans sought a prisoner exchange on generous terms to relieve themselves of the burden of taking care of them, after having offered Stalin peace terms which were both ignored by Stalin. Stalin’s position was that any Soviet prisoner of war will be treated as a deserter or a traitor, which meant that the Soviet leadership was in total denial of the Geneva convention. Such extreme attitudes would turn any conflict into a nasty fanatical fight, and Hitler had no illusions about the difficulties that Germany would face on the Eastern Front for he plainly told his lieutenants that this war is against an ideological army which meant that winning is far more elusive than was the case against France.

On the other hand, the German soldier’s behaviour in France was exemplary by the acknowledgement of many old veterans and the population at large. The only factor that disturbed the easy coexistence between the French population and the German occupying troops were the French resistance forces that were mainly Communists and Jews.

To make a long story short, the worst war propaganda emanated from the Allied forces be it in totalitarian USSR or the Anglo American Zionist Empire, where the media was pretty much controlled by the same party that is in charge of our contemporary media corporations.

As for Snyder’s book, there are some truth gems in there but we have to caution that the writer seems to be a firm believer in the controversial Holocaust. I would rather recommend “Hellstorm” by Thomas Goodrich which exposes the reality that it was the Germans who were at the receiving end of the Holocaust.

Propaganda, the brainchild of Edward Bernays, is nothing more than a catalyst for false and irrational human behavior, which explains the difference between the treatment of German wounded war prisoners in Norway, where they were treated by Norwegian doctors and nurses, as opposed to Soviet troops taking the sick and dying and cutting their heads to make of them a Swastika ( shown at a war documentary) or committing the brutal murder of no less than fifteen thousand Polish officers at the forest of Katyn.
• Replies: @Seraphim, @John Johnson
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geokat62 says:
September 20, 2022 at 10:54 am GMT • 2.7 months ago   ↑

Thanks, Malla.
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René Fries says:
September 20, 2022 at 10:54 am GMT • 2.7 months ago   ↑

Problem is, Abraham (and Isaac and the rest of them) did not exist. He shares that “feature” not only with Muhammad but also with some others,
• Replies: @MA
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Michael Dito says: • Website
September 20, 2022 at 11:05 am GMT • 2.7 months ago • 100 Words   ↑

regarding the Russo-Japanese war: Larry, you left out one choice piece of information regarding the arming of Japan in preparation for the next big bloodletting.
Who built all the new, and most modern warships for the Japanese?
Another author has advised us that the new battleships, cruisers, etcetera, were built in English shipyards.

What do you know about those circumstances?

Warm regards,

Michael Dito, Hardin, KY, USA
• Replies: @nokangaroos
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Passing By says:
September 20, 2022 at 11:36 am GMT • 2.7 months ago   ↑

The Jew takes pride in behaviour that decent people consider loathsome.
• Replies: @meamjojo
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Wizard of Oz says:
September 20, 2022 at 11:43 am GMT • 2.7 months ago • 100 Words   ↑

So much to enjoy and learn from but spoiled by your reference to Kitchener as one who died on his way to Russia where he could have sorted out the Reds. One of the things I knew was that it was (5th) June 1916 when a mine sank the HMS Hampshire in the Orkneys and Kitchener drowned.
Still I found and enjoyed Jeremy Paxman’s 2014 FT article

The strange death of Lord Kitchener | Financial Times
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Wizard of Oz says:
September 20, 2022 at 11:54 am GMT • 2.7 months ago • 100 Words   ↑

So much to enjoy and learn from but spoiled by your reference to Kitchener as one who died on his way to Russia where he could have sorted out the Reds. One of the things I knew was that it was (5th) June 1916 when a mine sank the HMS Hampshire in the Orkneys and Kitchener drowned.
Still I found and enjoyed Jeremy Paxman’s 2014 FT article

The strange death of Lord Kitchener | Financial Times
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Seraphim says:
September 20, 2022 at 12:03 pm GMT • 2.7 months ago   ↑
@Joe Levantine

Can you be more specific about the peace terms ‘offered’ to Stalin?
BTW, Snyder’s ‘histories’ are a pile of anti-Russian BS.
• Replies: @Joe Levantine
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nokangaroos says:
September 20, 2022 at 2:24 pm GMT • 2.7 months ago • 300 Words   ↑
@Michael Dito

– Japan had made its début on the international stage with the Boxer Uprising,
and the coalition noted with some alarm they were so disciplined they did not loot.
Britain (and, to a lesser degree, the US) wished to humiliate Russia and keep
them from developing the Far East (the old “warm water harbor” problem) so they
built (on credit) Japan a fleet and trained them (the imperial army preferred
German instructors); Japan was, for the time being, content with occupying Korea
and poking China some, but “someone” duped the Czar (never the sharpest knife
in the drawer) into investing in a sawmill on the Yalu. Like the US now, Russia had
no reverse gear – besides, a merry little war promised to silence internal dissent.
– Japan started off with a surprise attack (of necessity), the decisive battle was
Hill 210 at Port Arthur (presaging all horrors of WWI, if only someone noticed),
Tsushima was but the execution of the already foregone;
at which point the (((City))) withdrew credit, and Japan stood naked: The
Japanese may forgive the rape of Cmdr. Perry and even Hiroshima, but never
the Treaty of Portsmouth and the Plaza Accord; Teddy got the Peace Nobel for
neutering the Yellow Peril, and the Japanese went back to the drawing board.
– The here operative part is Jacob Schiff had financed both the Japanese Navy
and the (((revolutzers))) but Russia was not (yet) broken enough so
in effect the City gave her time to quash the revolution of 1905 – Japan was the
bigger threat at the moment.
Hope this helps 😉
• Replies: @Wizard of Oz
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MA says:
September 20, 2022 at 2:31 pm GMT • 2.7 months ago   ↑
@René Fries

Thanks ;for each his/ her own understanding !
• Replies: @René Fries
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MA says:
September 20, 2022 at 2:32 pm GMT • 2.7 months ago   ↑

Thanks !
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Marcali says:
September 20, 2022 at 2:49 pm GMT • 2.7 months ago • 100 Words   ↑

A much bigger holocaust happened before the Holocaust:
The genocide and mass murder of the Soviet Communists (rolled):

The Civil War period till 1922: 3,284,000
The NEP period till 1928: 5,484,000
The collectivization period till 1935: 16,924,000
The Great Terror period till 1938: 21,269,000
Pre-World War II period till June 1941:26,373,000
World War II period till 1945: 39,426,000
Postwar and Stalin’s twilight till 1953: 55,039,000
Post-Stalin period till 1987: 61,911,000
(R. J. Rummel: Soviet Genocide and Mass Murder since 1917, Transaction Publisher, 1990.)
It can be seen for instance, that before Hitler got into power at all in 1933, the Bolsheviks had murdered or otherwise eliminated about 12,000,000 human beings.
And before the Holocaust could have happened at all, this previous holocaust was at 26,373,000 and counting rapidly.
• Replies: @meamjojo
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whodat says:
September 20, 2022 at 2:57 pm GMT • 2.7 months ago • 200 Words   ↑
@Truth Vigilante

I think Putin was misled by a close friend later fired in disgrace, that the Ukrainians around Kiev would welcome the Russians as liberators. The disgraced intel official had pocketed a lot of cash that was supposed to be used to grease the skids for pro Russian people in the vicinity of Kiev, but when the Russian columns reached Kiev, they out ran their logistic base which was supposed to be not a big deal due to local collaborators
which turned out to be a fiction promoted by the disgraced official. Lightening war, outrunning your logistic base, makes your penetration into what is called a salient, and when support runs out, the attacker is surrounded on three sides by enemy forces with insufficient reliable resupply. Plus the Russian Air arm did not get on their feet yet because they underestimated the danger an urgency since this was supposed to be a decapitation action. Maybe, making lemonade out of lemons, the action did tie up some Ukrainian forces for a while when the Donbas was the ultimate aim.
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Marcali says:
September 20, 2022 at 3:03 pm GMT • 2.7 months ago • 100 Words   ↑

One thing is certain. Stalin did not purge this Jewish general of his:

Crimean Front: „On 2 March, Mekhlis (the highest ranking Jew in the Red Army) launched his ’big music’ in a fiasco that proved to be the insane apogee of terror applied to military science. He banned the digging of trenches ’so that the offensive spirit of the soldiers would not be undermined’ and insisted that anyone who took ’elementary security measures’ was a ’panic monger’. All were ’mashed into a bloody porridge’.” There goes an army group of 250,000 men.
(Simon Sebag Montefiore: Stalin, the Court of the Red Tsar, Phoenix, 2003, p. 421.)
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Flo says:
September 20, 2022 at 3:24 pm GMT • 2.7 months ago   ↑
@Ed Case

Thanks for the correction! Yes, it was Chartwell that he risked losing.
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S says:
September 20, 2022 at 4:53 pm GMT • 2.7 months ago • 500 Words   ↑

A few excerpts below from the aforementioned New Rome book from 1853.

For those who may not be aware, the phrase ‘United States of the World’ is a Masonic term and concept used historically by both Capitalists and Communists to reference the planned for global super-state, the same world state, which both ideologies (if but somewhat unwittingly on the part of their adherants) have been working towards.

The establishment of the United States of [North] America in 1776 was merely the first installment.

‘Let her raise her banner of stars over land and sea, the token of perdition to the despots and redemption to the peoples, who may be convinced: In hoc signo vinces!’

‘The time is past for comparing man to the vermin on the leaf, of which each species can only infest its particular plant. History now advances with great strides, to hasten on the day when all the nations of the earth shall be one people, united in a single state.*’

‘No longer a circumscribed portion of lands, the new “orbis terrarum” shall encircle the globe; and as ancient Rome assembled all the gods of her empire in a single Pantheon, so shall the ideas of all nations be marshalled into unity.’

‘The signs of the times are clear and unmistakable, and “The New Rome” awakens to her task, and is resolved upon its execution. Let her raise her banner of stars** over land and sea, the token of perdition to the despots and redemption to the peoples, who may be convinced: In hoc signo vinces!’*** The New Rome; or, the United States of the World (1853) – pg 119

* ‘a single state’ – ie ‘The United States of the World’ aka ‘the New Rome’
** ‘banner of stars’ – The US flag.
*** ‘In hoc signo vinces’ – In this sign thou shalt conquer.

‘The world is too small for both.’

‘Thus the lines are drawn. The choirs are marshalled on each wing of the world’s stage, Russia leading the one, the United States the other. Yet the world is too small for both, and the contest must end in the downfall of the one and the victory of the other.’ The New Rome; or, the United States of the World (1853) – pg 109

‘American Air-privateers’

‘It [air power] will give us the victory over Russian continentalism…American air-privateers will be down upon the Russian garrisons — to use our own expressive slang — “like a parcel of bricks” The New Rome; or, the United States of the World – pg 156
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Joe Levantine says:
September 20, 2022 at 4:56 pm GMT • 2.7 months ago • 100 Words   ↑

I heard it in a documentary a long time ago, so unfortunately I cannot reference it. The story was that the Germans proposed to negotiate with Stalin a stop to the hostilities in return for guarantees of a large buffer zone, something rebuffed by Molotov before the hostilities, and access to vital resources including the Caucasus oil fields. It was stated that Hitler confided to his inner circle that Stalin should be able to continue his socialist experiment albeit on a smaller geographical area. Stalin’s answer was a categorical rejection.
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S says:
September 20, 2022 at 5:28 pm GMT • 2.7 months ago • 100 Words   ↑
@Larry Romanoff

You’re welcome. They are both incredibly obscure books, so much so, that I can just about guarantee that even the late night esoteric talk shows which talk about almost everything have not spoken of them.

Naturally, I think people should both be made aware they were published and of their contents.
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S says:
September 20, 2022 at 6:12 pm GMT • 2.7 months ago • 100 Words   ↑
@John Wear

No prob. The New Rome is generally unknown just about everywhere. And it is indeed interesting. [I’ve linked it below, along with its 1912 companion booklet, where they can both be read for free if a person wishes.]
• Thanks: John Wear, nokangaroos
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WhoaWaitaMinute says:
September 20, 2022 at 6:19 pm GMT • 2.7 months ago • 200 Words   ↑

In today’s largely agnostic world, including Jews and Goyem, I see a definite degree of comunism-a-philia, sometimes in folks I’d least expect – right here in the US. I am well aware of the indoctrination both education and the (((media))) have played. That’s just selling more advertising and making education a give away “profession.”

I see communism as a war against merit and a gimme to the “born loser.” It is always brought about by the power-hungry, i.e., a career politician. Conversely, I don’t think it’s so much genetic but rather a matter of “taste buds.” In certain societies the have nots, who are have nots for any reason, want to be haves and will welcome anything that will make them “haves” for free. The West is a fertile field for that as Europe is a living example and now, the US, too. Getting something for free will make any human’s nipples go erect and tingly and acquire the consistency of a pencil eraser. I don’t think it’s entirely religion-related, but, then again, I can’t get over Jews being chased all over the place like they’ve been since time immemorial – but that could well be a cultural thing not necessarily entailing an innate homicidal tendency or a taste for revolution. I know many goyem who belong to that bunch.
• Replies: @John Johnson
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meamjojo says:
September 20, 2022 at 6:56 pm GMT • 2.7 months ago   ↑
@Passing By

I assume you believe that you consider yourself one of those :decent” people? [lol]
• Replies: @Passing By
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meamjojo says:
September 20, 2022 at 6:59 pm GMT • 2.7 months ago   ↑

You forgot to add Genghis Khan and Alexander the Great, among many others….
• Replies: @Marcali
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Cloverleaf says:
September 20, 2022 at 7:24 pm GMT • 2.7 months ago   ↑
@Rev. Spooner

I can’t disagree with that.
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Che Guava says:
September 20, 2022 at 7:31 pm GMT • 2.7 months ago   ↑
@Larry Romanoff

How dare you

Wow, just wow, the Greta Thunberg of sloppy history.
• LOL: John Johnson
• Replies: @John Johnson
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Anonymous[394] • Disclaimer says:
September 20, 2022 at 7:59 pm GMT • 2.7 months ago   ↑

Now that the Indians and Chinese are egged on to piss on Jews for their nefarious opium trade, Jews are pissing in their collective tunics. LOL!
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John Johnson says:
September 20, 2022 at 8:51 pm GMT • 2.7 months ago • 100 Words   ↑
@Che Guava

Larry Romanoff depicts Marxism and Bolshevism as an entirely Jewish plot.

But he also backs China even though that would mean that modern China is really just an homage to being fooled by a Jewish plot.

Their entire existence is connected to the Han falling for Marxism even though it had clearly failed economically before WW2 was over. The Chinese revolution was post-WW2 which means they ignored everything from Russia and that included very specific economic failures that were well documented and not denied by Marxists. By the end of WW2 the USSR was in fact transitioning to Mafia Gas Station State and not a worker’s paradise.

So he gloats over modern China even though his own rationale dictates that they are a country of suckers that were fooled by a Jewish trick, right Larry? And without the excuse of the Russians as never having seen it applied in the real world?
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John Johnson says:
September 20, 2022 at 8:59 pm GMT • 2.7 months ago • 100 Words   ↑
@Joe Levantine

Then, let us consider anecdotal evidence about which population stuck mostly to the legal rules of warfare.

(Proceeds to tell anecdotal story about pilot from Western front)

The Western and Eastern fronts had entirely different rules for the treatment of prisoners.

Hitler described the Eastern Front as a war of annihilation and issued the Commissar order which was a license for German soldiers to kill with impunity.

German soldiers could kill any soldier or civilian and just claim he was a Commie or partisan. No investigation would take place.

Early in the war the Germans starved most their Soviet prisoners to death. They planned on wiping out most of the Slavic population through the hunger plan.

It wasn’t some fabrication or just an idea. The Siege of Leningrad made it clear that Hitler was serious about killing Slavs by the millions.
• Replies: @John Wear
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John Wear says:
September 20, 2022 at 10:07 pm GMT • 2.7 months ago   ↑
@John Johnson

I address most of the issues in your comment number 204 in Chapter Ten of my book Germany’s War. You can read this chapter on this website at
• Replies: @John Johnson
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Passing By says:
September 20, 2022 at 10:15 pm GMT • 2.7 months ago   ↑

Well, contrary to you, I definitely think that mass murder and genocide aren’t things to be proud of.
• Replies: @meamjojo
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S says:
September 20, 2022 at 10:44 pm GMT • 2.7 months ago • 300 Words   ↑

The world in 1848 had a virtual epidemic of attempted revolutions…1848 was a major point in world history..

Yes, and there are strong indications that certain people did know ahead of time, if they were not themselves potentially personally involved in the actual foreplanning of these revolutions.

A little over a year prior to the 1848 revolutions, the lead story of the front page of the Nov 21, 1846 edition of The Spectator of London (excerpted and linked below) reported a pervading sense by many that the powerful British Foreign Secretary and future PM, Lord Palmerston, was at the center of ‘a dark intrigue’ which was at work, and that the whole of Europe was set to explode.

The article then outlines what more or less would actually happen during the 1848 revolutions. [Even earlier still, in 1844, another future British PM by the name of Benjamin Disaeli would also indicate foreknowledge and potential personal involvement in the foreplanning of the 1848 revolutions in his novel Coningsby.

‘A dark intrigue is seen in every region.’


‘The most striking occurrence of the week is not an event, but some writing, highly Palmerstonian in its savour. According to this characteristic effusion, all Europe is about to be in commotion. A dark intrigue is seen in every region, with France at the bottom of it all’…’You would think there was going to be instant war—in Italy, in Schleswig, in Switzerland, in Poland—everywhere.’ The Spectator – Nov 21, 1846
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tinkerer says:
September 20, 2022 at 10:45 pm GMT • 2.7 months ago   ↑

the most creative decade in all of modern history 1933-1945..under, you guessed it, Hitler.
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JWalters says:
September 20, 2022 at 10:46 pm GMT • 2.7 months ago   ↑
@Larry Romanoff

I fully agree. I’ve suspected R.U. occasionally says something designed to cloud the credibility of the site for security purposes.
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Larry Romanoff says: • Website
September 20, 2022 at 11:48 pm GMT • 2.7 months ago • 400 Words   ↑
@Che Guava

This historical revisionism on the parts of a few readers is becoming tiresome, so much gleeful stupidity proclaiming “Ha ha, I checked Wikipedia and you’re wrong. LOL LOL LOL.” People who have never done research but find a Western source, almost inevitably written by the perpetrators, and suddenly “know” everything.

Many will admit the Western media lie about almost everything of historical or political consequence, yet these illiterati are so eager to “score points” that they use these same flawed media as “irrefutable proof” of a position they want to take. It is possible to find articles on the internet that will support almost any view you choose to hold.

I have written before that 90%, or even 95%, of everything that we know, or that we think we know, or that we believe, about history is wrong. The world’s entire historical record is mostly a wasteland of rubbish, with events buried, crucial details omitted, and the most blatant lies being told, yet the same gleeful stupidity draws from this as gospel truth whenever it suits the purpose.

There were many targets proposed for the atomic bombs. The first was Kyoto, selected because it was the cultural heart of Japan and its utter destruction by an atomic bomb “would create a wound that would never heal”. This was the same reason that Dresden was fire-bombed – because it was the cultural heart of Germany, and the same reason the Jews ordered the destruction of the Summer Palace in Beijing – it was also the cultural heart of China and its destruction would also create a wound that would never heal. These were “punishments” by the Jews, like it or not.

Stimson did try to remove Kyoto from the list, but they tried anyway. My sources were firm that it was Kyoto, not Kokura, that was covered with a heavy layer of cloud that forced the bombers to their secondary target of Hiroshima. These sources very credibly claimed that Nagasaki was the prime secondary target – selected by Baruch, as was the first. So far as I can tell, all of this has been almost irreversibly clouded by attempts to decouple the Jews’ role in the target selection. Here is one article from the BBC, documenting part of this but also mis-stating half of the facts; yet one more tainted version:

The man who saved Kyoto from the atomic bomb
• Agree: Irish Savant, Truth Vigilante
• Thanks: JWalters, Trinity, John Wear, Odyssey
• Replies: @Che Guava, @Pierre de Craon
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Larry Romanoff says: • Website
September 21, 2022 at 12:11 am GMT • 2.7 months ago • 400 Words   ↑

An Addendum on the Historical Record

Not only are historical truths twisted and/or fabricated, but events themselves are often simply buried so that few are aware they occurred. Even population statistics are massively manipulated to bury the truth. Here is one example from an earlier article on Japan. Few seem aware that the US carried on a nearly year-long campaign of fire-bombing Japanese cities prior to the end of the war, nearly 100 cities being massively fire-bombed.

Japan – Ending a War and Saving Lives?

“US-supplied population statistics suggest the death toll from all this incendiary bombing was virtually nil, Japan’s pre-war population listed at 73 million and post-war at 72 million. (Oct 1940 – 73.000 million; Oct 1945 – 71.999 Million). Wikipedia is one source of these nonsense statistics, but there are many others. In any case, we need only think. In addition to the usual casualties of war, a full year of intense fire-bombing of almost 100 cities, with destruction rates averaging 50%, then topped off with the intense fire-bombing of Shitamachi (population 750,000) and two atomic bombs, will produce casualties greater in number than zero.”

I had to locate and comb through the original Japanese statistics, pre-war and post-war, city by city, to try to learn the truth of this. From this, the population differential between the two above dates produces a reduction in total population (in these cities) of almost 50%, from about 19,750,000 to 10,500,000, which is what would be expected and which indicates around ten million deaths.

Do you understand what that means? “Someone” completely reworked Japan’s gross population statistics, and that would have been done only to bury the evidence of the US fire-bombings. But our gleefully-stupid historian-commenters will rush to Wikipedia and “prove” that Japan suffered no deaths during WWII.

Most of the real truth of our world’s history is buried so deeply it’s almost impossible to find. This is so true that, for a single topic, it is often necessary to locate and sort through perhaps 50 sources (articles, media reports, documents) to learn what has been buried, what has been twisted, and deduce the most likely course of events. Further, the ethnicity of the authors needs to be determined in every case. And Wikipedia badly needs an assisted suicide.

This is especially necessary for all historical crimes, including those of the British East India Company, all revolutions, India, China, the wars on Japan and Germany, all slave-trading, “democracy”, and much more.
• Thanks: Trinity
• Troll: Che Guava
• Replies: @Joe Levantine, @Che Guava, @Che Guava
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John Johnson says:
September 21, 2022 at 12:30 am GMT • 2.7 months ago • 200 Words   ↑
@John Wear

I address most of the issues in your comment number 204 in Chapter Ten of my book Germany’s War. You can read this chapter on this website at

Ridiculous. Saying “Go read my book” is not a response and an avoidance of my points.

Did the Commissar order exist or not?

Did Hitler order that Leningrad be starved? Are the pictures of dead children that starved all fake?

Did Hitler make this quote or not:
Petersburg — the poisonous nest from which, for so long, Asiatic venom has spewed forth into the Baltic — must vanish from the earth’s surface. The city is already cut off. It only remains for us to bomb and bombard it, destroy its sources of water and power and then deny the population everything it needs to survive.

– Adolf Hitler

What exactly do you take issue with? The assertion that Germany starved huge numbers of Red Army soldiers? What are you suggesting? He starved Leningrad but the Red Army POWs were all sunning in Crimea or something?
• Replies: @John Wear
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Rubicon says:
September 21, 2022 at 12:44 am GMT • 2.7 months ago • 300 Words   ↑

We often wonder about adults who harbor intense dislikes and express rabid emotions towards a person, or a group of persons.

Often times, there is something in their past, perhaps their childhood that has fomented such a visceral hatred.

We have a friend who is a banker in Europe who expresses extreme fear and loathing towards societies, clubs, who in the past & present have— so says the banker — tried and continues to try and destroy Catholicism in Rome; the very seat of the Roman Curia.
Yes, he offers a multitude of incidents from the past/present to prove his point.

But if you read a good deal of West European history, it reveals a far more convoluted history of a pull and tug between the Catholic Hierarchy and the political power of kings used against The Church.

Fast forward several centuries to today, we know the immense power of The Vatican Bank and the high ranking cardinals in Rome. They are deeply tied to Western Capitalism.

We asked our friend, “Well, why don’t you ask your Catholic friend about the immense thievery that goes on in the Vatican Bank and the cardinals?”

“Oh,” the friend says, ” If we asked him, he assuredly would fully support the Vatican Bank & Cardinals.”

What that tells us is this banker in Europe has either a very strong belief system, or he has been heavily influenced by others who have perpetrated their aversions upon his thinking.

We propose that Larry Romanoff may fit somewhere within that spectrum.
• Agree: Che Guava
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nadim says:
September 21, 2022 at 12:44 am GMT • 2.7 months ago • 200 Words   ↑



Conference of Presidents Applauds Lufthansa Adoption of IHRA Antisemitism Definition
SEP 16TH, 2022
New York, NY – Dianne Lob, Chair, and William Daroff, CEO, of the Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations, issued the following statement:

“We commend Lufthansa for formally adopting the IHRA working definition of antisemitism, including all of its examples, and for standing firmly against antisemitism, discrimination, and racism of all kinds.

“Lufthansa is the first airline to adopt the definition, joining 37 nations, including the United States and German government, as well as hundreds of companies, academic institutions, local governments, NGOs, and other entities in their support of the most authoritative and internationally accepted definition of antisemitism. Defining antisemitism is an essential step to effectively combating it.

“Lufthansa Group’s plans to integrate the guidance of the IHRA definition into their EMPLOYEES TRAINING and applying it to standard company operations is commendable.

Please BOYCOTT Lufthansa, a zionist petty servant. They can lick until drop dead.
DON’T FLY with Jewish mafia servant Lufthansa, drop Lufthansa, smash Lufthansa
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Anonymous[466] • Disclaimer says:
September 21, 2022 at 1:07 am GMT • 2.7 months ago • 300 Words   ↑

How does a tiny minority of agitators pull off some of the greatest heists, conjobs, thefts, revolutions, and murders in the history of the world and rewrite it to make it look like the inverse? How do they do it again and again? It seems to be so, but I can’t understand how it’s allowed to be so by rational agents who know history and have memory.

How much money do they have and where do they get it? If they have as much as the past suggests, the sum of their wealth could be in the realm of the fantastical and the equivalent of half a dozen European nation states.

If they are as wealthy as they seemingly could be, how do they manage to hold on to it? Where do they store it? Why don’t state actors confiscate it; rivals steal it? If they are being protected by Gentiles, who and why? Wealth is vulnerable without a military; who is their military and why are they being protected?

Is there something about society and economics that we fundamentally misunderstand? Is it easier to disrupt society than we commonly think? Is the cohesiveness of the “European man” and “Christian man”, the “West”, more mythical than real? Are Jews actually just one of many actors on the Western stage? Is the “white majority” a myth? Are Jews really 2%? Or maybe 5-10%, and concentrated in big cities and capitals? Maybe “Jewishness” is a much bigger tent than we’re told? Secular Jews, 1/2 Jews, 1/4 Jews, married to a Jew or related to one… how many Jews are there if we include them all?

Is there something in the European mind that naturally abets extremism, anarchy, fanciful storytelling, and revolutionary ideas? A “unique” conglomeration of worldviews, beliefs, ambitions, resentments and fears forms the Jewish mind, but whether it’s Communism or Objectivism, the Western audience seems to fall for it every time. It’s one extreme cockamamie ideology after another, with each one declaring the Messianic promise of “final truth”.
• Replies: @Anonymous, @Merijn, @Truth Vigilante
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John Johnson says:
September 21, 2022 at 1:11 am GMT • 2.7 months ago • 300 Words   ↑

I don’t think it’s entirely religion-related, but, then again, I can’t get over Jews being chased all over the place like they’ve been since time immemorial – but that could well be a cultural thing not necessarily entailing an innate homicidal tendency or a taste for revolution. I know many goyem who belong to that bunch.

The Jewish/Communist link isn’t through religion.

The Jewish Bolsheviks were uniformly atheist.

Jews view themselves as both a race and religion. You can be an atheist and a Jew. It is harder to convert than be accepted as a Jewish atheist.

In fact the Orthodox Jews at the time were quite embarrassed by the link as were anti-Communist Jews that had fought in WW1. Interestingly it was Jew that almost killed Lenin in response to the Bolsheviks banning all parties.

With that said I certainly don’t put the whole revolution on the Jews. Nicholas II could have put an end to Lenin numerous times. Then there was the devious move by Germany to escort Lenin and encourage the revolution to get Russia out of the war. Most importantly the Russian people submitted to Communism more than any other Slavic group. They never really fought back once the Reds had taken over. Ukrainian Cossacks were some of the strongest rebels. Russians seem to be serf like people that submit to a ruler. The Communists in Germany tried the same move and the militia shot the Communist in charge and tossed her in a river. Auf wiedersehen!
• Thanks: Wizard of Oz
• Replies: @WhoaWaitaMinute
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Slav says:
September 21, 2022 at 1:21 am GMT • 2.7 months ago   ↑

Are the Jews in Ivanhoe novel historical inaccuracy?
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John Wear says:
September 21, 2022 at 2:39 am GMT • 2.7 months ago • 1,700 Words   ↑
@John Johnson

You ask: “Did the Commissar order exist or not?”

My response: Yes. On June 6, 1941, before the invasion of the Soviet Union, Hitler gave the Commissar Order to execute the political commissars captured with Soviet units. In the language of Hitler’s Commissar Order, the Soviet commissars were the “originators of the barbaric, Asiatic fighting methods” that the enemy practiced. Denied combat status by the terms of this order, the commissars were to either be shot by the troops or turned over to the SS to suffer the same fate. Thus, the commissars were ordered liquidated not because of any crime they had committed, but because of their function in the Soviet political system.

You ask: “Did Hitler order that Leningrad be starved? Are the pictures of dead children that starved all fake?”

Many hundreds of thousands of people starved at Leningrad. The siege of Leningrad, which lasted from August 1941 to January 1944, is the best known example of starvation in the Soviet Union during the war. It developed because the Soviets refused to withdraw from Leningrad to more defensible lines, and because Hitler refused to permit an all-ought onslaught of the city. The resulting military stalemate gradually reduced Leningrad’s civilian population by starvation, bombing, cold and disease. Estimates of the dead in Leningrad range from half a million to a million people. Their deaths were caused by the lack of concern of both Stalin and Hitler to the plight of Leningrad’s innocent civilians.

You ask: “Did Hitler make this quote or not:
Petersburg — the poisonous nest from which, for so long, Asiatic venom has spewed forth into the Baltic — must vanish from the earth’s surface. The city is already cut off. It only remains for us to bomb and bombard it, destroy its sources of water and power and then deny the population everything it needs to survive.”

My response: I don’t know if Hitler made this quote or not. What is your source for this quote?

You ask: “What exactly do you take issue with?”

My response: I take issue with the following statements you made in comment number 204:

1. “German soldiers could kill any soldier or civilian and just claim he was a Commie or partisan. No investigation would take place.”

2. “Early in the war the Germans starved most their Soviet prisoners to death. They planned on wiping out most of the Slavic population through the hunger plan.”

In regard to your second statement, the following points are relevant:

The Soviet Union was not a party to The Hague Conventions. Nor was the Soviet Union a signatory of the Geneva Convention of 1929, which defined more precisely the conditions to be accorded to prisoners of war (POWs). Germany nevertheless approached the ICRC immediately after war broke out with the Soviet Union to attempt to regulate the conditions of prisoners on both sides. The ICRC contacted Soviet ambassadors in London and Sweden, but the Soviet leaders in Moscow refused to cooperate. Germany also sent lists of their Russian prisoners to the Soviet government until September 1941. The German government eventually stopped sending these lists in response to the Soviet Union’s refusal to reciprocate.

Over the winter Germany made further efforts to establish relations with the Soviets in an attempt to introduce the provisions of The Hague and Geneva Conventions concerning POWs. Germany was rebuffed again. Hitler himself made an appeal to Stalin for prisoners’ postal services and urged Red Cross inspection of the camps. Stalin responded: “There are no Russian prisoners of war. The Russian soldier fights on till death. If he chooses to become a prisoner, he is automatically excluded from the Russian community. We are not interested in a postal service only for Germans.”

British historian Robert Conquest confirms that Stalin adamantly refused to cooperate with repeated German attempts to reach mutual agreement on the treatment of POWs by Germany and the Soviet Union. Conquest writes:

“When the Germans approached the Soviets, through Sweden, to negotiate observance of the provisions of the Geneva Convention on prisoners of war, Stalin refused. The Soviet soldiers in German hands were thus unprotected even in theory. Millions of them died in captivity, through malnutrition or maltreatment. If Stalin had adhered to the convention (to which the USSR had not been a party) would the Germans have behaved better? To judge by their treatment of other “Slav submen” POWs (like the Poles, even surrendering after the Warsaw Rising), the answer seems to be yes. (Stalin’s own behavior to [Polish] prisoners captured by the Red Army had already been demonstrated at Katyn and elsewhere. German prisoners captured by the Soviets over the next few years were mainly sent to forced labor camps.)”

The ICRC soon became aware of the Soviet government’s callous abandonment of Soviet soldiers who fell into German hands. In August 1941, Hitler permitted a Red Cross delegation to visit the German camp for Soviet POWs at Hammerstadt. As a result of this visit, the Red Cross requested that the Soviet government send food parcels to the Soviet POWs. The Soviet government adamantly refused. It replied that sending food in this situation and under fascist control was the same as making presents to the enemy.

In February 1942, the ICRC told Molotov that Great Britain had given permission for the Soviet Union to buy food for captured Soviet prisoners in her African colonies. Also, the Canadian Red Cross was offering a gift of 500 vials of vitamins, and Germany had agreed to collective consignments of food for POWs. The Red Cross reported: “All these offers and communications from the ICRC to the Soviet authorities remained unanswered, either directly or indirectly.” All other appeals by the ICRC and parallel negotiations undertaken by neutral or friendly nations met with no better response.

The Soviet refusals to accept aid came as a surprise to the Red Cross. The Red Cross had not read Order No. 270, which was published by Stalin on August 16, 1941. This order states in regard to captured Soviet POWs:

“If…instead of organizing resistance to the enemy, some Red Army men prefer to surrender, they shall be destroyed by all possible means, both ground-based and from the air, whereas the families of the Red Army men who have been taken prisoner shall be deprived of the state allowance and relief.

The commanders and political officers…who surrender to the enemy shall be considered malicious deserters, whose families are liable to be arrested [the same] as the families of deserters who have violated the oath and betrayed their Motherland.”

Order No. 270 reveals Stalin’s great hatred for Soviet soldiers captured by German forces. It also reveals the danger to innocent children and relatives of Soviet POWs. Hundreds of thousands of Russian women and children were murdered simply because their father or son had been taken prisoner. Given Stalin’s attitude, the German leaders resolved to treat Soviet prisoners no better than the Soviet leaders were treating captured German prisoners.

The result was disastrous for surrendered Russian soldiers in German camps. Captured Red Army soldiers had to endure long marches from the field of battle to the camps. Prisoners who were wounded, sick, or exhausted were sometimes shot on the spot. When Soviet prisoners were transported by train, the Germans usually used open freight cars with no protection from the weather. The camps also often provided no shelter from the elements, and the food ration was typically below survival levels. As a result, Russian POWs died in large numbers in German camps. Many Russian survivors of the German camps described them as “pure hell.”

The death of millions of Russian POWs in German captivity constitutes one of the major war crimes of the Second World War. However, much of the blame for the terrible fate of these Soviet soldiers was due to the inflexibly cruel policies of Josef Stalin. A major portion of the Soviet POWs who died from hunger could have been saved had Stalin not called them traitors and denied them the right to live. By preventing the ICRC from distributing food to the Soviet POWs in German captivity, Stalin needlessly caused the death of a large percentage of these Soviet POWs.

A Red Army sergeant who was captured by the Germans when his unconscious body was dug out from the ruins of Odessa later joined Gen. Andrei Vlasov’s Russian Liberation Army. The sergeant bitterly complained of the Soviet Union’s betrayal of its POWs:

“Tell me, why did the Soviet Government forsake us? Why did it forsake millions of prisoners? We saw prisoners of all nationalities, and they were taken care of. Through the Red Cross they received parcels and letters from home; only the Russians received nothing. In Kassel I saw American Negro prisoners, and they shared their cakes and chocolates with us. Then why didn’t the Soviet Government, which we considered our own, send us at least some plain hard tack?… Hadn’t we fought? Hadn’t we defended the Government? Hadn’t we fought for our country? If Stalin refused to have anything to do with us, we didn’t want to have anything to do with Stalin!”

Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn also complained of the shameful betrayal of Soviet soldiers by the Russian Motherland. Solzhenitsyn wrote:

“The first time she betrayed them was on the battlefield, through ineptitude…The second time they were heartlessly betrayed by the Motherland was when she abandoned them to die in captivity. And the third time they were unscrupulously betrayed was when, with motherly love, she coaxed them to return home, with such phrases as “The Motherland has forgiven you! The Motherland calls you!” and snared them the moment they reached the frontiers. It would appear that during the one thousand one hundred years of Russia’s existence as a state there have been, ah, how many foul and terrible deeds! But among them was there ever so multimillioned foul a deed as this: to betray one’s own soldiers and proclaim them traitors?”

I can furnish source references for the above statements upon your request.
• Agree: René Fries
• Thanks: nokangaroos, Wizard of Oz, Pheasant
• Replies: @John Johnson
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Seraphim says:
September 21, 2022 at 4:08 am GMT • 2.7 months ago   ↑
@John Johnson

Zelenski and his gang of Chavodniks are ‘Christian Ukrainians’! This is ‘chutzpah’, impudence.
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Larry Romanoff says: • Website
September 21, 2022 at 4:26 am GMT • 2.7 months ago • 600 Words   ↑
@Wizard of Oz

“A pity you gave up on Google 20 years ago. It was what I searched in for 100 seconds to find this. In 1800, India’s population was at a modest 169 million.”

Manipulating Population Statistics

Refer to my comment #211 about how the population statistics for Japan had clearly been manipulated to eliminate any evidence of the fire-bombing campaigns. There is no good reason to believe India was any different. The statistics we find most commonly today are these (I have rounded off the numbers; the effect is trivial):

India 170 million
China 300 million

India 370 million
Pakistan 85 million
China 550 million

India’s population is listed as only about half that of China in 1800, but nearly 85% in 1950. And if you look at the chart, India shows a straight-line progression from 1800 to nearly 1950, the date of the partition. And that’s nonsense. But none of these prior numbers are even pretended to be accurate figures. They are “Historical Estimates” only, based on the UN’s “medium variant scenario”. In other words, they are meant to form part of the “standard narrative”.

There is no question the British East India Company committed enormous atrocities in India, resulting in enormous loss of life. All we have to do is think. If we were the BEIC and didn’t want the facts of this to become widely-known, the easiest thing for us to do is to understate India’s prior population figures, which is very easy to do since no one outside India would know, and perhaps few inside India. The media, the authors, the book publishers copy and promulgate this information and it quickly becomes part of the historical record. Since accurate numbers never existed, no one can seriously challenge this. Then, we simply omit the atrocities from the history books, and that’s the end.

It is pointless to dismiss this as fictitious because precisely this has been done many times before. It was done not only with Japan but with Indonesia, the Philippines, Hong Kong, Vietnam, with many countries, the deaths inflicted by the “West” grossly underestimated, the population figures adjusted, and the history books rewritten. This is a template. Challenges to the numbers are dismissed out of hand: for Vietnam, deaths are dismissed because “Vietnamese statistics are notoriously unreliable”. Nothing more to see here. It has always been this way.

In reality, there is no way to know the true population of India in 1800 or in prior years. My death estimates were taken from the records of the individual episodes of slaughters, and the existing records of the famines inflicted, so far as they are known, and these produce results very much at odds with the UN’s “historical estimates” of population. From these other records, it is very easy to make a credible conclusion that India’s population prior to 1800 may have been larger than that of China.

You seem to be one of those people who think historical research means running to Google and Wikipedia and saying “Ha. You’re wrong. I’m right. LOL LOL LOL.” Does it not occur to you that if “the correct answer” is so obviously and so quickly available to you that it would also be obvious and available to those who actually do research? Surely you can’t be so dim as to be unaware that both Google and Wikipedia produce only that which reflects the current standard narrative.

“A pity you gave up on Google 20 years ago. It was what I searched in for 100 seconds to find this.” Yeah. My compliments.
• Thanks: Joe Levantine, Passing By, John Wear, JWalters
• LOL: Wizard of Oz
• Replies: @René Fries, @Wizard of Oz
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JM says:
September 21, 2022 at 5:10 am GMT • 2.7 months ago   ↑

Now that’s a mouthful.
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Joe Levantine says:
September 21, 2022 at 5:13 am GMT • 2.7 months ago • 200 Words   ↑
@Larry Romanoff

Thank you for pointing out the obvious that many commenters on this site seem to be oblivious to, dipping into the nonsensical stories of Google and Wikipedia.

One of the most blatant and outrageous lies I heard a couple of years ago on a Western media outlet, commemorating Ash Wednesday aka the fire bombing of Dresden, was that the number of victims were around 25,000. Imagine that a city like Dresden, whose population was swollen by refugees to exceed one million, suffering the hellish fire bombing for three consecutive days and nights and losing only this low number of victims.

If and when the West will be brought down to reason on the heels of a massive military defeat, the first task of the victors should be to establish a full time effort to address the lies of the heydays of the West during their colonial period and the big wars.
• Agree: John Wear, Passing By, Irish Savant
• Replies: @Larry Romanoff
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René Fries says:
September 21, 2022 at 6:41 am GMT • 2.7 months ago • 100 Words   ↑

for each his/ her own understanding !

For religious matters, of course. Problem is, are scientific debates to be stifled by non-ad-hoc considerations?

The question of the existence of Jesus, Muhammad, Zoroaster, Lao Tse, Abraham (and the Patriarchs), Moses and Buddha is a HISTORIC (that’s to say, a SCIENTIFIC) one and must be treated in a scientific manner, i.e. considering each and every evidence available (or not available, as the case may be).

Jesus being the only one that really did exist – according to scientific, NOT religious criteria – it would perhaps be advisable that each should school his/her SCIENTIFIC understanding as well as (hitherto) his/her RELIGIOUS understanding.
• Replies: @MA
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René Fries says:
September 21, 2022 at 6:49 am GMT • 2.7 months ago   ↑
@Larry Romanoff

There is no question the British East India Company committed enormous atrocities in India

same for the Congo under Léopold II, see
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Anonymous[206] • Disclaimer says:
September 21, 2022 at 6:52 am GMT • 2.7 months ago • 200 Words   ↑

If I were a mathematician claiming Einstein-grade talent and ability, would you take me seriously if I forcefully asserted that 2+2=5 and demanded that you just “take my word for it” rather than my offering you ACTUAL RELIABLE PROOF of my obviously outlandish claim? That’s what Larry is doing here with “historical facts” and why no one with any self-respect should be paying any attention to him other than for laughs. People like you probably thought Clifford Irving’s “mistakes” in his biography of Howard Hughes were “trivial” as well.

The above marks a descent into pilpul — change the subject of argument to things that cannot be decided by facts, make the assertions emotional, and smear the person with whom you are arguing. You not only lose the argument, you validate Romanoff’s point.

Romanoff suffers from the error of attributing superhuman abilities to Jewish conspirators, but his basic assertions (Jews killed many people horribly) are well documented. We’re seeing something similar in the US with the public schools, with Jewish support and apparently initiative, trying to castrate as many children as possible.
• Agree: Passing By
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Wizard of Oz says:
September 21, 2022 at 8:34 am GMT • 2.7 months ago   ↑

Do you think Pig Iron Bob knew all that and would have accepted your account?
• Replies: @nokangaroos
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Wizard of Oz says:
September 21, 2022 at 8:49 am GMT • 2.7 months ago • 100 Words   ↑
@Larry Romanoff

My accidental typing 100 seconds for 10 seconds reminds me to congratulate you on your insouciant flourishing of magnificent but incredible round sums. You would do well as one of the typically innumerate politicians of most countries – Chi. Yourna being one of the few likely exceptions (although its recent demographics .akes one wonder).

You seem to think you have found people who do credible research. Your attempts to build on that leaves me in serious doubt.
• Replies: @JWalters
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Ann Nonny Mouse says: • Website
September 21, 2022 at 10:00 am GMT • 2.7 months ago   ↑
@Larry Romanoff

Hate Speech. Criminal?
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Che Guava says:
September 21, 2022 at 12:16 pm GMT • 2.7 months ago • 100 Words   ↑
@Larry Romanoff

Thanks for the reply, but you are conflating different events and times to make a non-refutation that you would know is pure nonsense. Specifically, conflating two atomic bombs (Little Boy and Fat Man) into one to confuse things.

I have read in many sources, that although a faction wanted Kyoto to be hit, it had been removed from the target list well before Enola Gay took off.

Enola Gay never passed over Kyoto.

Bockscar did, however make at least a couple of passes over Kokura, its primary target, before turning to the west and going to Nagasaki.

Truly, your reply on this and the many other nonsensical errors in this and other of your articles make me wonder what your game really is.

My knowledge is from written sources, not WP.
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Bukowski says:
September 21, 2022 at 12:30 pm GMT • 2.7 months ago   ↑

Jews have assassinated people who blaspheme against holocaustianity. Francois Duprat was a French holocaust revisionist who was killed by a bomb in 1978. There have also been many other attempts on the lives of holocaust revisionists and also beatings, acid attacks and arson.
• Agree: John Wear
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soll says:
September 21, 2022 at 12:57 pm GMT • 2.7 months ago • 600 Words   ↑

The Jewish Revolutionists

The Georgian, Ioseb Besarionis dze Jughashvili (aka. Joseph Vissarionovich Stalin), may have been little more than a front, the real power behind the throne emanating from the City of London and masterminded by Jacob Schiff and Max Warburg. Some historians agree that Stalin was a mere figurehead, that it was Lazar Kaganovich (the Jewish head of the CHEKA, and the brother of Stalin’s Jewish wife) who was really in charge. More than a few historians appear to accept the thesis that it was all the Jews in important positions under Stalin, who actually made the decisions and determined the policies..

Stalin dedicated his life and daily activities to running the USSR for 30 years, as a puppet? Lazar Kaganovich, or Iron Lazar was not head of the Cheka or Tcheka, Larry, he headed transport and industry not the secret police. Stalin had 2, not 3 wives, Alexander Svanidze (she died in Baku during 1907 from tuberculosis), and Nadezhda Alliluyeva (who had shot herself in 1932). It was rumoured he had a mistress with his house lady, mostly promoted by Simon Sebag Montefiore–although his works on Stalin contain much fiction. Stephen Kotkin and Ronald Suny are more creditable for Stalin scholarship. Montefiore is pop history who was lucky in 1999 to write the first biography using Stalin’s private archives. Stalin was not married to Rosa Kaganovich, even Montefiore dismisses this propaganda being pushed by the Germans.

–“After Nadya’s death, there was a rumour that Stalin fell in love with and married Lazar Kaganovich’s sister, Rosa, his niece (also named Rosa) or his daughter Maya. This was repeated and widely believed… There were two Rosa Kaganoviches: Lazar’s sister Rosa died young in 1924 while his niece Rosa lived in Rostov and then moved to Moscow where she still lives. It is possible that they met Stalin but they did not marry him.”

– Stalin, The Court of the Red Tsar, pp. 236-237

By 1904, Schiff and the Rothschilds stopped loans to Russia, Schiff, Warburg and then the Rockefeller’s secured loans to Takahashi Korekiyo, head of the Bank of Japan and Minister of Finance, which financed the Russo-Japanese War, 1904-1905 (I have not checked what the Rothschilds of Paris response was in this, if any). By February 1917 following Tsar Nicholas II’s abdication their objective was completed. Loans were reinstated to supporting the new Provisional Government which lasted 8 months before collapsing in October that allowed Lenin’s rise. Schiff then ended his relations with Russia and died in 1920.

It should be noted that, while Jews were only a minuscule percentage of Russia’s population, between 80% and 90% of all Russian revolutionaries were Jews and, in some segments like the Gulags and the CHEKA, Jewish participation was effectively 100%. Jews absolutely dominated the entire Bolshevik regime after the 1917 Red October Revolution.

Jews in 1917 was supporting the Provisional Government, they welcomed being emancipated in March of 1917 which ended the Pale of Settlement. In 1917, Jews represented 2% of Russia’s population with near 3 million. In the 1926 Soviet Census this figure dropped to over half a million, According to this same 1926 census Jews also had the lowest birth-rates in Russia. As for revolutionaries in exile in the many Russian colonies of Europe where they had existed 30 years before 1917 in London, Paris and Geneva–Jews were more so represented by the Mensheviks, SRs, and the Jewish Labor Bund factions than the Bolsheviks. I have seen an argument stated multiple times in works such as, Soviet Jewry during the Lenin-Stalin period by Alfred A. Greenbaum, how prominent Bolshevik Jews could not speak Yiddish. They were so far removed to their Jewish backgrounds.

The Freemasons were in the Provisional Government, led by Alexander Kerensky–himself a mason, not that these phantom labels mean anything.
• Replies: @Che Guava, @Seraphim
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Che Guava says:
September 21, 2022 at 3:25 pm GMT • 2.6 months ago • 100 Words   ↑
@Larry Romanoff

But our gleefully-stupid historian-commenters will rush to Wikipedia and “prove” that Japan suffered no deaths during WWII.

That is such an idiotic thing to say, it just further demonstrates that you, Mr. Romanoff, are just playing some strange propaganda game.

I also do not believe that you did such a detailed town-by-town analysis.

It is easy to see that your comment here is just a lame attempt to rebut my earlier reply to your false claim of ‘ten million dead’.

As I said in my earlier reply, even ultra-nationalists never put the total figure, including combatants, at much above two million. I am painfully aware of the Tokyo fire-bombings, others, the atomic bombings.

Your claim of 70 to 90 million dead in the Taiping rebellion in China is also blatant nonsense.
• Thanks: Wizard of Oz
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John Johnson says:
September 21, 2022 at 3:55 pm GMT • 2.6 months ago • 400 Words   ↑
@John Wear

Denied combat status by the terms of this order, the commissars were to either be shot by the troops or turned over to the SS to suffer the same fate. Thus, the commissars were ordered liquidated not because of any crime they had committed, but because of their function in the Soviet political system.

You’re not addressing the entire order. Here is an excerpt:

In this battle mercy or considerations of international law is false. They are a danger to our own safety and to the rapid pacification of the conquered territories.

So no mercy or consideration of international law and yet you were just trying to claim that Germany tried following the laws in regard to POWs.

In judging the question “guilty or not guilty”, the personal impression of the attitude and bearing of the commissar should as a matter of principle count for more than the facts of the case which it may not be possible to prove.

How is that not a license to kill POWs? The soldier can simply decide that a POW is a commissar.

Does killing POWs for political reasons violate the Geneva convention that you claimed Hitler tried to follow?

Many hundreds of thousands of people starved at Leningrad. The siege of Leningrad, which lasted from August 1941 to January 1944, is the best known example of starvation in the Soviet Union during the war. It developed because the Soviets refused to withdraw from Leningrad to more defensible lines, and because Hitler refused to permit an all-ought onslaught of the city.

Are you suggesting that it was not the intent of Hitler to starve Leningrad?

This was a direct order to Army Group North:

After the defeat of Soviet Russia there can be no interest in the continued existence of this large urban center. […] Following the city’s encirclement, requests for surrender negotiations shall be denied, since the problem of relocating and feeding the population cannot and should not be solved by us. In this war for our very existence, we can have no interest in maintaining even a part of this very large urban population

Don’t try to bury with a wall of text. Tell us if that order existed or not.

Are you also going to deny the hunger plan?
• Replies: @Anon, @John Wear
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Che Guava says:
September 21, 2022 at 4:01 pm GMT • 2.6 months ago • 100 Words   ↑

A complete version doesn’t seem to exist, but Bukharin’s How it all Began is interesting. At times, it is like Dostoevsky’s The Posessed, or whichever title one prefers.

It is boring and a shame that Stalin had the most interesting parts of the book destroyed, but funny that he couldn’t, out of human affection, destroy the whole.
• Replies: @soll
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Irish Savant says:
September 21, 2022 at 4:08 pm GMT • 2.6 months ago   ↑
@Colin Wright

Yes but the Jewish connection is being edited out in many cases, especially where the subject has an unsavoury reputation. However “his/her parents left Germany in the 1930s” is always a good indicator!
• Agree: Colin Wright
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Anon[217] • Disclaimer says:
September 21, 2022 at 4:46 pm GMT • 2.6 months ago   ↑
@John Johnson

Thank you for speaking the truth to this pathetic quisling. John Wear is not so much a liar as a moron. He reads history with big blinders on both eyes.

The larger point however is that both sides felt justified in what they were doing. The Nazis may have had good reasons to mass execute the Jews because they didn’t want to take the time to sort them out. And the Jews and their supporters were equally justified in deeming the Nazis as a lethal murderous enemy. This was exactly the scenario in the Purim story where both the Jews and the Hamanites had governmental sanction to kill each other.

And thanks to God the best side won in both cases. Amen
• Replies: @Anon, @geokat62
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Anon[217] • Disclaimer says:
September 21, 2022 at 4:54 pm GMT • 2.6 months ago   ↑

One of the most inspiring and beautiful photos I’ve ever seen!
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MA says:
September 21, 2022 at 5:05 pm GMT • 2.6 months ago   ↑
@René Fries

suggested reading ( most humbly and respectfully)

Dr. Maurice Bucaille(author)
The Bible, the Qu’ran and Science: The Holy Scriptures Examined in the Light of Modern Knowledge
• Replies: @René Fries
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Larry Romanoff says: • Website
September 21, 2022 at 5:18 pm GMT • 2.6 months ago • 100 Words   ↑
@Joe Levantine

“the fire bombing of Dresden, was that the number of victims were around 25,000.”

You’re right about Dresden. One of the facts omitted from the standard narrative was that the towns around Dresden were bombed first, to drive people out of those locations. Next, the roads and railroads leading from those towns were also destroyed, except for those leading to Dresden. From the record, it appears diabolically certain that the entire area population was being herded and driven to Dresden where they could all be exterminated in one swoop. Unimaginable.

The record also states that hospital convoys were bombed and strafed, as were long strings of refugees. I have one report that contains enough detail to be very credible that they even bombed and strafed all the animals in the Dresden zoo.
• Replies: @Che Guava
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Anonymous[132] • Disclaimer says:
September 21, 2022 at 6:03 pm GMT • 2.6 months ago   ↑
@Larry Romanoff

If you want readers to concentrate on the main issue then perhaps you should stop putting in extraneous detail which is incorrect. That would also have the benefit of shortening your essay quite considerably
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soll says:
September 21, 2022 at 6:17 pm GMT • 2.6 months ago • 100 Words   ↑
@Che Guava

A complete version of which book?

Stalin did a hatchet job on much of the early history and aftermath of the October Revolution. If you watch the Sergey Eisenstein’s film, October this was overseen and edited by Stalin, he removed Trotsky from the whole outcome of the revolution. The popular storming on the White Place was also a piece of fiction–it never happened in such a way. 300 people at most.

Similar in, Makers of the Russian Revolution by Georges Haupt, Jean-Jacques Marie (1974)–just for the biographies of the old Bolsheviks who were either killed, erased and forgotten to be published for the first time.

People know about edited pictures, and ignore the rewriting. Hitler did the same in Mein Kampf–he created a whole fictional history of how he came into viewing the Jews and his time in The List Regiment and of his WW1 experience as shown by Thomas Weber, in Hitler’s First War (2010).
• Troll: Che Guava
• Replies: @soll
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John Wear says:
September 21, 2022 at 6:25 pm GMT • 2.6 months ago • 800 Words   ↑
@John Johnson

You quote from the Commissar Order: “In this battle mercy or considerations of international law is false. They are a danger to our own safety and to the rapid pacification of the conquered territories.”

You then write: “So no mercy or consideration of international law and yet you were just trying to claim that Germany tried following the laws in regard to POWs.”

My response: Hitler is referring to the Soviet commissars in your quote. He is not referring to the ordinary Soviet POW.

Germany tried to get Josef Stalin to have the International Red Cross (ICRC) help them feed their Soviet POWs. Stalin adamantly refused all help from the ICRC. Since Germany did not have enough food to both feed their troops and their captured Soviet POWs, Hitler chose to feed his troops and let several million Soviet POWs starve to death.

You ask: “How is that not a license to kill POWs? The soldier can simply decide that a POW is a commissar.”

My response: Since you seem to like Wikipedia, I will quote some more provisions of the Commissar Order from

“Political commissars as agents of the enemy troops are recognizable from their special badge—a red star with a golden woven hammer and sickle on the sleeves…. They are to be separated from the prisoners of war immediately, i.e. already on the battlefield. This is necessary, in order to remove from them any possibility of influencing the captured soldiers. These commissars are not to be recognized as soldiers; the protection due to prisoners of war under international law does not apply to them. When they have been separated, they are to be finished off.”

So, the Commisar Order here is saying that political commissars should be selected and killed only if they have a special badge–one with a red star with a golden woven hammers and sickle on the sleeves.

The Commissar Order then states: “Political commissars who have not made themselves guilty of any enemy action nor are suspected of such should be left unmolested for the time being. It will only be possible after further penetration of the country to decide whether remaining functionaries may be left in place or are to be handed over to the Sonderkommando. The aim should be for the latter to carry out the assessment.”

So, the order is saying that political commissars who have not made themselves guilty of any enemy action nor are suspected of such should be left unmolested and later handed over to the Sonderkommando to carry out their assessment.

The Commissar order finally states: “In judging the question “guilty or not guilty”, the personal impression of the attitude and bearing of the commissar should as a matter of principle count for more than the facts of the case which it may not be possible to prove.”

My response: This indicates some subjectiveness in determining if a person is a Soviet commissar. However, I do not agree with you that this is simply a license to kill Soviet POWs. It should be noted that some German generals such as Eric von Manstein totally ignored Hitler’s Commissar Order.

You ask: “Are you also going to deny the hunger plan?”

My response: Your Wikipedia link states: “The lack of capacity of the Russian railways, the inadequacy of road transport and the shortages of fuel, meant that the German Army would have to feed itself by living off the land in the territories they conquered in the western regions of the Soviet Union.”

I agree with this assessment. The Germans could not get enough food to their troops, so they lived off of the Soviet land.

By the winter of 1941-1942, the German army was fighting on an ever lengthening front with supply lines stretching up to 1,000 miles over mostly unpaved roads. The German supply troops could not get enough food through to the men at the front. Underfed and weakened by exhaustion and malnourishment, the German troops soon contracted typhus and other diseases. The National Socialist leadership determined that occupied Russian territories must be made to release their food stocks with no regard for the consequences of the indigenous population. It was now German policy that the Russian civilian population should starve before the German troops.

It is important that we keep historical perspective here. Hitler’s invasion of the Soviet Union on June 22, 1941 was made for preemptive reasons. It was not made for Lebensraum or any other malicious reason. If Hitler had not invaded the Soviet Union when he did, the Soviet Union would have conquered all of Europe. I recommend that you read The Chief Culprit by Viktor Suvorov for more information.

You write: Don’t try to bury with a wall of text. Tell us if that order existed or not.”

My response: I am not familiar with this order to Army Group North. Please tell me where I can locate it and I will be glad to look it up.
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soll says:
September 21, 2022 at 6:26 pm GMT • 2.6 months ago   ↑

*Winter Palace

This site needs longer editing options.
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Larry Romanoff says: • Website
September 21, 2022 at 7:00 pm GMT • 2.6 months ago • 500 Words   ↑

I’m sorry I didn’t see this post earlier. I’d been too busy with other things.

This is a typical Jewish Hasbara post. Flood the airwaves with many irrelevant facts (real or fabricated) to smoke up the room so badly that no one can see anything. Conflate unrelated items and connect dots that shouldn’t be connected.

There is so much smoke here that it is almost not worth the time to dissect the thesis, and that’s the purpose and a standard Jewish tactic – confuse the issue so badly that everyone throws up their hands and abandons the topic.

First, the tales of opium being established in China so early – by others than Rothschild and Sassoon – are another Jewish fiction meant for a Western audience. And who are the people promoting these tales? Names like Ebrey, Greenberg, and similar. It is the Chinese who know what happened; where are the Chinese references? Why are we using only Jewish sources?

We are told, “Opium was procured in the raw, semi-liquid, state . . . and processed by the Company . . . Processing mainly involved desiccation, and then packing . . . into large balls in wooden chests.” Well, how nice. Who cares how the opium was processed? That is hardly the issue here, but the detail is supposed to lend an air of credibility to the poster, suggesting extreme knowledge.

Then we have the little treatise about Mayer Amschel Rothschild: “Note the timeline of the EIC’s Bengal opium trade which began . . . before the birth of Nathan Mayer Rothschild . . .” This apparently is an attempt to “prove” Nathan Rothschild – and, by extension, all Rothschilds – could not have been involved in the opium trade.

Well, who cares about Nathan Rothschild, the banker? Nobody said he was dealing opium in India. But the Rothschilds were there from the beginning. The first member of the family who was known to use the name “Rothschild” was Izaak Elchanan Rothschild, born in 1577, the name derived from the German “Red Shield” above his door, so the stories tell us. Why don’t we begin with him, and trace the Rothschilds to the opium?

The most accurate historical record I can find tells us that Sassoon ben Saleh (1750-1830), the father of David Sassoon (born 1792), was the treasurer to the Pasha of Baghdad who was caught in an enormous financial fraud where he’d been looting the treasury, and was lucky to have escaped with his life. The Jewish version is that he left Baghdad because of “anti-Semitism”. The family fled to Bombay where Sassoon met up with one of the Rothschilds, and that was where the opium trade to China began. I recall nothing about Nathan Mayer Rothshild in any of this, and I made no assertions concerning this man.

This entire post is just misleading and irrelevant smoke. Charming that it was highlighted.
• Replies: @jamal, @antibeast
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S says:
September 21, 2022 at 7:26 pm GMT • 2.6 months ago • 2,000 Words   ↑

The 1853 book, The New Rome, claims that the US and UK had engaged in a planned false split under cover of the 1776 American Revolution. If so, I’m going to explore here why such a thing could of occurred.

Before going further, none of this is intended to impugn upon the sincerity of belief, courage, or, heroism, of either the American revolutionary or British crown forces, who fought in North America during the time of the American Revolution.
• Thanks: Another Polish Perspective
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Max Better says:
September 21, 2022 at 7:52 pm GMT • 2.6 months ago   ↑

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Max Better says:
September 21, 2022 at 8:02 pm GMT • 2.6 months ago   ↑

Ultimate Jewish formula for success: “You are ba-
sically allowed everything – except to get caught!”
• Agree: John Wear, nokangaroos
• Replies: @René Fries
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nokangaroos says:
September 21, 2022 at 8:32 pm GMT • 2.6 months ago • 100 Words   ↑
@Wizard of Oz

I had to look up up Bob, but none of this is a state secret
(it´s just not usually framed that way); by 1936 the Usual Suspects had already
firmly decided on war with Japan, but Ward opposed the export because it
threatened his beloved Soviet Union.
Bref, any Aussie worried about being invaded are just flattering themselves.
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geokat62 says:
September 21, 2022 at 10:03 pm GMT • 2.6 months ago   ↑

John Wear is not so much a liar as a moron.

Fran, is that you?
• LOL: John Wear, Truth Vigilante
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Anonymous[372] • Disclaimer says:
September 21, 2022 at 10:52 pm GMT • 2.6 months ago • 500 Words   ↑

Can someone thoughtful try to address some of this? Or is it a mystery beyond human comprehension? Or maybe it’s a question so silly that it’s not worth addressing? I’m really curious.

I’m particularly interested in how much money the cabal possibly have at their disposable, how they obtain/obtained it, where they stash it, and why it isn’t/hasn’t been confiscated by Gentile authorities.

While discussing and recognizing Jewish history and behavior are good, I think it’s also important to get to the bottom of it all. First things first.

But for whatever reason, it seems no one cares or don’t have the answers. Everyone just accepts that Jews have endless money and use it to bribe the Goyim and finance conspiracies. They throw their hands up like helpless victims. But I don’t think that’s a sufficient answer..

• Replies: @JWalters
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jamal says:
September 21, 2022 at 11:08 pm GMT • 2.6 months ago • 400 Words   ↑
@Larry Romanoff

[First, the tales of opium being established in China so early – by others than Rothschild and Sassoon – are another Jewish fiction meant for a Western audience.]

You are right. The opium trade as a lucrative trade was established by the Sassoon family, a member of the Jewish mafia, Rothschild family,

in 1829, The Sassoon family left Iraq for Iran to settle in Bushehr which was an important commercial port to sent goods to other places in the region. In 1833 after five years in Iran, the Sassoon family settled in Mumbi.
In 1832, with the capital of the Rothschild and other British Jewish royal families and their Anglo-Scottish partners established a Company in the port of Canton and became the “giant” of the world opium trade.
The Sassoon family, in the 1830s establishing the Sassoon financial empire. Until then, Indian opium was monopolized by the British, and Turkish opium was monopolized by Americans. The Sassoon family, in collaboration with the rulers of India, made Iran their sphere of activity.
The Sassoon, in collaboration with their agent in Persia, Hossein Sepahsalar, began their opium activity in 1870s. With the rise of Hossein Sepahsalar power, the widespread cultivation of opium began in Iran and because British made the opium a lucrative trade, then many countries in the world came into competition to collect profits from opium. Thus, the people in the position of power kept the best land to cultivate opium instead of crops to raise CASH to pay for the imparted goods. This policy let to food shortages and famine which let to many deaths in India, China, Iran and Afghanistan led by British influence in Opium trade.
Chinese were self sufficient in many areas, had to accept British dictate since they did not have many WMD that could destroy the enemy. The British empire would not give silver to Chinese, but Opium. Then, forced TREATIES on Chinese’s throat, Britain FORCED China into slavery, demanding millions of pounds for damages, and keeping Chinese land, Hong Kong, to be used for the British interest, all through illegal treaties.
The growing and sale of Indian opium was a British Government monopoly, which poured a golden stream of profits into the British Treasury. The Chinese Government, fully realizing the degenerative qualities of this drug, bitterly protested. It attempted to bar its importation, sale and use.The British ignored the BAN, whereupon the Chinese Government, in desperation, seized large quantities of British opium stored in Canton warehouses. Promptly Britain’s Royal Navy went into action to protect Sassoon family’s opium trade.
• Thanks: JWalters
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Seraphim says:
September 21, 2022 at 11:22 pm GMT • 2.6 months ago • 500 Words   ↑

Don’t you know who is Simon Johnatan Sebag Montefiore? There is no secret, it’s all in the Wikipedia:
“His father was psychotherapist Stephen Eric Sebag Montefiore (1926–2014), a great-grandson of the banker Sir Joseph Sebag-Montefiore (1822-1903), the nephew and heir of the wealthy philanthropist Sir Moses Montefiore*, considered by some “the most important Jew of the 19th century”. Simon’s mother was Phyllis April Jaffé, (1927–2019) from the Lithuanian branch of the Jaffe family**. Her parents fled the Russian Empire at the beginning of the 20th century”.

*Sir Moses Haim Montefiore, 1st Baronet, FRS (24 October 1784 – 28 July 1885) was a British financier and banker, activist, philanthropist and Sheriff of London…
From retirement until the day he died, Montefiore devoted himself to philanthropy, particularly alleviating the distress of Jews abroad. He went to the sultan of the Ottoman Empire in 1840 to liberate from prison ten Syrian Jews of Damascus arrested after a blood libel; to Rome in 1858 to try to free Jewish youth Edgardo Mortara, who had been seized by the Catholic Church after allegedly being baptised by a Catholic servant; to Russia in 1846 (where he was received by the Tsar) and 1872; to Morocco in 1864, and to Romania in 1867. These missions made him a folk hero of near mythological proportions among the oppressed Jews of Eastern Europe, North Africa, and the Levant. Montefiore received a baronetcy in 1846 in recognition of his services to humanitarian causes on behalf of the Jewish people”…
He of course was related to the Rothschilds.

**The Jaffe family (Hebrew: יפה) is an Ashkenazi Jewish Rabbinic family originally from Dampierre, France. The family descends from the 12th century Tosafist, Elhanan Jaffe of Dampierre (died 1184). Members of the family have produced numerous famous Rabbis, Court Jews, Talmudic scholars, Scientists, businessmen, academics and politicians, with members in Germany, Bohemia, Austria, Lithuania, Poland, Russia, Great Britain, Italy, Canada, Israel and the United States…
The modern progenitor of the family, Moses Jaffe of Bologna (d. 1480) was a Polish rabbi who was forced to live in Italy, where he served as the Av Beit Din of several communities. He and his wife Margolioth had a son, Abraham Jaffe of Bohemia (d. 1535), who established the Bohemian branch of the family. Abraham Jaffe’s son Eliezer Jaffe of Hořovice (b. 1455), was a prominent Bohemian rabbi who fathered Joseph Jaffe of Prague (d. 1510) and Moses Jaffe of Kraków (d. 1520). Joseph Jaffe of Prague was the grandfather of the posek Mordecai Jaffe of Prague (1530–1612), and Moses Jaffe of Kraków was the grandfather of the halakhist Joel Sirkis-Jaffe of Kraków (1561–1640). The descendants of Joel Sirkis-Jaffe of Kraków served prominent and important rabbinic positions all over Poland and Ukraine. His son-in-law was David HaLevi Segal, and among Joel Sirkis-Jaffe’s descendants is the prominent Ukrainian rabbi Betzalel HaLevi of Zhovkva (1710–1802), who was the maternal grandfather of the Hasidic master, Simcha Bunim of Peshischa (1765–1827)…
• Thanks: Larry Romanoff, René Fries
• Replies: @soll, @Irish Savant
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JWalters says:
September 21, 2022 at 11:43 pm GMT • 2.6 months ago   ↑
@Wizard of Oz

You seem to think you can camouflage lies with fancy verbiage.
• Replies: @Wizard of Oz
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Merijn says:
September 22, 2022 at 12:35 am GMT • 2.6 months ago • 500 Words   ↑

I think there are several things that make this whole manipulation business much easier than people tend to think.

Not all bad stuff is done by them ofcourse. But if you infiltrate the economics departments and instill in your students a cultish adherence to economic principles you know to be false, it’s only a matter of time before the nation crashes it’s own economy while you make a nice profit. If you infiltrate the social sciences and instill in the students a cultish belief that in-group preference is evil, it’s only a matter of time before society disintegrates. If you use high status people to make virtuous behaviour seem boring and sinful behaviour seem “cool”, it’s only a matter of time before people become weak and ineffective. If you become a person who decides what gets on the news, you can make sure a whole country never learns anything useful about the world, which will make it do stupid things.

So basically if you convince people that bad things are good, and that false things are true, you can sit back and watch them destroy themselves.

Also, it’s a matter of finding the right pressure points. Sure, if you want to destroy a company you can try to lead it and find a way to run it into the ground. Much easier would be to join a hiring committee with a few friends and only hire selfish idiots. Or join a hiring committee and only hire your friends. Or people you have dirt on, or that owe you something.

And maybe most importantly. As we say in the Netherlands: “The way the innkeep is, is how he trusts his guests.” I think the main reason Jews keep getting away with what they do is that methodically dismantling the society of people you asked to be a part of is just a really really really weird thing to do. So weird that you might have to literally tell them and give them examples before the idea even fits in their head.

I like to imagine that when the last Aryan’s neck is under the boot of his Jewish conqueror, and the Jew proudly explains what he and his chosen people have plotting all this time. The Aryan just goes: “So what you’re saying is, that while we were just minding our own business, you guys have been trying very very hard to defeat us for over two thousand years?? Really?!?” And then the last Aryan just dies laughing.

And after his glorious moment of victory, that his people have been dreaming of for centuries. The Jew just kinda stands there. The sound of crickets in the background. And all of a sudden he looks a bit confused, and small, and lonely.
• Thanks: Irish Savant
• Replies: @Trinity, @René Fries, @Anonymous
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Trinity says:
September 22, 2022 at 1:25 am GMT • 2.6 months ago • 100 Words   ↑

If the Jew is left alone in a world full of non whites, I think ((( he))) will feel very small but (((he))) won’t be lonely. Jews are nothing more than funny looking “white people” to non whites. I think the Jew will face a great deal of difficulty peddling ” the chosen” narrative to non whites the way (((he))) did Whitey. Most non whites have no love for Jews.
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Anon001 says:
September 22, 2022 at 2:04 am GMT • 2.6 months ago • 100 Words   ↑

And, in spite of having no Google-related programs or apps on my computers, I am still warned of more than 500 attempts every month by Google attempting to track my online movements.

Have you figured it out? If so, what was it? It could be a driver for some device or a browser add-on/extension. E.g. here’s Wacom tablet driver sending usage data to Google [1].

Also, how do you check whether anything on your machine is “phoning” home? Google has so many domains to track stats and whatnot, so I guess there must be a list. Just asking for my education.

[1] Wacom Explains Why Its Tablet Driver Sends Data to Google Analytics (Update) | Tom’s Hardware
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meamjojo says:
September 22, 2022 at 3:08 am GMT • 2.6 months ago   ↑
@Passing By

Depends on who is being killed.
• Replies: @Passing By
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soll says:
September 22, 2022 at 5:12 am GMT • 2.6 months ago • 200 Words   ↑

Don’t you know who is Simon Johnatan Sebag Montefiore? There is no secret, it’s all in the Wikipedia:

I am aware Simon is Jewish and that his family is old banking. If you ever listened to an interview with him, he tells you himself–hardly top secret information. This thinking is illogical, instead of debating you would rather outright dismiss by castigating, he is Jewish! The discussion ends believing that you have somehow established an argument.

No one used to think in such ways, this populist rhetoric was started by the Blonde like Hitler, Slim like Goring, and Beautiful like Goebbels’ types, the pure Aryans–supposedly Germany’s finest. Hit and run.

Hitler was not complaining when his mentor Hugo Gutmann, a Jew awarded him his incredibly rare 1 of only 5 million issued Iron Cross medals. He wore it proudly–though he avoided the 20th anniversary event in 1934 to honour those who died, so not to be around his List Regiment who knew of his fictional accounts and experience of being in WW1.
• Replies: @Seraphim
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JWalters says:
September 22, 2022 at 6:56 am GMT • 2.6 months ago   ↑

The following article addresses some of the questions you are asking, and may be a good start. It also contains many links to further material.
War Profiteers and Israel’s Bank

Hope this is helpful.
• Replies: @Anonymous
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René Fries says:
September 22, 2022 at 7:03 am GMT • 2.6 months ago • 400 Words   ↑

The books (10 of them up to now, I have them all, > 7000 pages in total) presented at the German site Inârah not only have one but dozens of authors from different horizons, some of whom are/were Muslims. On the other hand, I read “Dr. Maurice Bucaille is a man of great knowledge in the field of science and medicine. His story of how he came to Islam is truly inspiring and remarkable”, and also, that the text was published in 1976.

Inârah, on the other hand, published its first book in 2007/2008. At that time of course, I already had read quite a lot about Islam (Blachère, Cusanus, Corbin, Arnaldez, Grousset, Kalisky, Kepel and Goldziher readily come to my mind, but there were others). As far as I can judge (my specialization was Germanic + History) the Inârah texts well fit into Blachère and Goldziher particularly, whilst greatly deepening/broadening the historical spectrum hitherto available and also (perhaps above all) the philological text analyse.

The only excuse for Bucaille is that in 1976 indeed, “anachronisms and ahistorical romantic notions held even by many contemporary academics” ( were prevalent still – “prevalent”, yes, but by no means universal, as Goldziher already knew before 1920 that “…die weitaus gröβte Anzahl der Hadits waren totale Fälschungen aus dem späten zweiten und dem dritten Moslem-Jahrhundert. Dies bedeutete selbstverständlich, ‘dass die äuβerst detaillierten Isnads auf denen sie beruhten, vollständig freierfunden waren’ / most hadits by far were total falsifications originating from the late second and the third Muslim century. This of course meant ‘that the utterly detailed isnads upon which they rested, were pure inventions entirely’.” (Die dunklen Anfänge, Schiler Verlag, Berlin 2007, pp 215-229).

Since the Inârah series are purely scientific, the notion of “respect” (with regard to someone’s beliefs) is not at its place here. “Respekt ist für Inârah eine Haltung gegenüber Menschen und nicht gegenüber Gedankengebäuden – eine Kategorie, in die auch Religionen und Ideologien fallen / respect is for Inârah an attitude against people and not against mental constructions, a category into which religions and ideologies also fall”, Die Entstehung einer Weltreligion VI, Verlag Schiler & Mücke, Berlin und Tübingen 2021, p. 22.
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René Fries says:
September 22, 2022 at 7:17 am GMT • 2.6 months ago   ↑

As we say in the Netherlan ds: “The way the innkeep is, is how he trusts his guests.”

Het zou mij interesseren, het origineel-citaat te lezen. Dank bij voorbaat.
• Replies: @Merijn
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antibeast says:
September 22, 2022 at 7:28 am GMT • 2.6 months ago • 1,100 Words   ↑
@Larry Romanoff

The British in Bengal were not the only organizers of the Indian opium trade with China as the Portuguese from Goa were also participants in the export of Malwa opium to China, as described in the excerpts below:

The Malwa plateau (located in the western districts of present-day Madhya Pradesh, and south-eastern Rajasthan), also produced (and continues to produce) large quantities of opium. In the colonial period, the Malwa region was entirely under numerous princely states (subject to ‘indirect rule’), so that the Company had no direct control over the production of the drug or its wholesale trade. Private Indian and European traders, initially Indo-Portuguese traders from Goa, pioneered the export of the opium produce of Malwa – “Malwa opium” – to China. Sea-borne exports of Malwa opium commenced in the last quarter of the eighteenth century. From 1803 onwards the Company imposed restrictions on the export of opium from the West Coast so as to prevent Malwa opium from competing with the Company’s opium in the China market. This was a goal that the Company was unable to attain due to rampant smuggling of the drug through the Gujarat coast. The export trade in Malwa opium continued to expand in the early decades of the nineteenth century. The Company was then forced to give up its objective of having a market exclusively for Bengal opium. Instead, it attempted to establish a monopoly over Malwa opium as well by trying to procure the entire produce of the region, and auctioning it on the pattern of the Bengal opium auctions. Malwa opium auctions commenced in 1821 and were held at Bombay. The auctions were discontinued after 1830 since the Company was unable to emerge as the sole supplier of the Malwa drug. From 1831 onwards, private traders, both British and Indian, were allowed to export opium via Bombay on the payment of a moderate duty.

The introduction of Malwa opium into the China market created a crisis for the Company as it could no longer hope to be the exclusive supplier of Indian opium. Further, the abolition of the East India Company’s monopoly of trade with China led to an increase in the number private traders operating in the South China Sea from 1834 onwards. Most of these private traders were attracted by the lucrative opium smuggling enterprise centred on Canton. Among the private British firms in China engaged in opium smuggling the two most prominent were Jardine & Matheson and Dent & Co. By the 1820s a substantial portion of the drug sent out from Calcutta and Bombay was consigned to them. Of the two Jardine & Matheson, the bigger of the two firms, pushed its business more aggressively.

After 1834 there was a sizeable rise in the number of opium chests shipped from India to China. According to figures worked out by Michael Greenberg, the leading historian of the crucial formative phase of the colonial opium venture in China and of the role played by the drug in unleashing the Opium War, exports of Bengal and Malwa opium roughly doubled between 1834/5 and 1838/39, from 21,885 chests to 40,200 chests.

A massive expansion of the market for the drug in China could accommodate both ‘brands’ of opium. Such an objective could only be achieved by forcing the Chinese imperial authorities to remove restrictions on the opium trade. Seen from this perspective the First Opium War was the initial culmination of a chain of events set in motion by the emergence of Malwa opium as a rival to Bengal opium.

Indian traders in western India had demonstrated great ingenuity and resourcefulness in evading the Company’s restrictions on the export of Malwa opium by developing a clandestine route for carrying the drug from producing areas to the West Coast for onward shipment to China. The route completely avoided British-administered territories. The main alternative route proceeded from northern Malwa to Pali in Rajasthan; from Pali across the Great Indian Desert to the port of Karachi on the Sind coast; from Karachi by sea to Portuguese Daman. It is pertinent that Daman is located very close to Bombay. The Portuguese imposed no restrictions on the transit of opium through Daman; in fact duties levied on opium imported into and exported from Daman were a source of revenue for the enclave. In official British records the label ‘Daman opium’ soon became a synonym for smuggled Malwa opium.

The smuggling route remained active till the end of the 1830s and was eventually abandoned after the First Opium War. The Opium War coincided with another event, namely the conquest of Sind by the British. The annexation of Sind in 1843 blocked the route from Rajasthan to Karachi. A reinterpretation of the evidence on the conquest of Sind suggests that ‘some correlation existed between British opium policy on the one hand and the decision to annex Sind’. With the military occupation of Karachi by British troops in 1839, prior to the annexation of the kingdom, opium supplies to Daman dried up. The early 1840s marked the end of the historically crucial first phase – the smuggling phase – of the Malwa opium enterprise.

The British nationals who became the principal actors in the Indian opium trade with China were Jardine, Matheson, Dent, etc. after the EIC lost its monopoly on the India-China trade. The Sassoons got involved in the Indian opium trade only after the First Opium War as Iraqi Jews who had settled in Bombay in the 1830s. By the time of the Second Opium War, the Indian opium trade with China which was legalized in its aftermath had been going on for more than a century since the EIC colonized Bengal in 1757.

I don’t see how the Rothschilds who were German Jews could have been involved in the Indian opium trade with China. They were not British nationals except for Nathan Rothschild who became the leading banker in London by underwriting the Napoleonic Wars in Europe as well as the Industrial Revolutions in England and America during the 19th century. Even the Americans such as Astor, Delano, Russel, Cushing, Perkins, etc were not allowed to participate in the Indian opium trade but had to organize their own Turkish opium trade with China. And guess which bank was founded to finance the Indian opium trade with China? HSBC. Here’s a news article about HSBC’s illicit involvement in money laundering for Mexican drug cartels:

As far as history goes, the opium trade is very British to this day.
• Replies: @Larry Romanoff
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Passing By says:
September 22, 2022 at 7:31 am GMT • 2.6 months ago   ↑

No, it depends on whether you are a sociopath or aren’t. Obviously, you are. But then, you are Jewish. Sociopathy and Jewishness are sort of intrinsically linked.
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Wizard of Oz says:
September 22, 2022 at 8:25 am GMT • 2.6 months ago   ↑

What lies?
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Seraphim says:
September 22, 2022 at 10:01 am GMT • 2.6 months ago   ↑

This is one of the tricks of sophistry: diverting the discussion from the essential to the accidental. It is actually the essence of sophistry: ‘ignoratio elenchi’, avoiding addressing the issue in question, ”missing the point”.
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Truth Vigilante says:Show Comment
September 22, 2022 at 11:02 am GMT • 2.6 months ago • 500 Words   ↑
• Agree: John Wear, Irish Savant
• Replies: @H. L. M, @Anonymous, @René Fries
Marcali says:
September 22, 2022 at 2:19 pm GMT • 2.6 months ago   ↑

To what? To the list of planners of world communism?
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Showmethegoods says:
September 22, 2022 at 3:27 pm GMT • 2.6 months ago • 300 Words   ↑

Hopefully I am not too late for a response, but for me, this article has a problem: a couple of your serious claims lack any source and you quickly glance over them as if they are common knowledge. Not only that, but searching for any information regarding these claims (using not terribly censored search engines) provides nothing at all to support the claims. This diminishes your credibility as well as the impact of the article. I have read some of your other articles and have been pleased to find thorough sourcing (I don’t have the time for a thorough examination, but a quick search provides credibility to your claims) and, as such, I find these articles informative and vital to the pursuit of true history. Perhaps you have sourced these claims in other articles and thus don’t feel inclined to source them again, but it is vital to the truth, and your credibility as a truth seeker, to be well sourced in serious claims such as these.

Furthermore, I am aware the argument you are making, in part, is that much of true history has been erased, hidden or manipulated but still, these specific claims represent such a major action that is should be impossible to hide, exactly like the claim that the Bolshevik revolution and following death and destruction of Russians and their nation was a jewish creation and implementation – although an attempt was/is made to hide this fact, it fails under scrutiny because the event was such a major action that it became impossible to completely erase or hide.

The specific claims are the expulsions of jews from Japan beginning with Nagasaki in 1926 and then later the entirety of Japan. And then you allude to Castro’s expulsion of jews from Cuba.

If there are any sources on these claims then please provide them.

Thank you
• Replies: @MarylinM, @Larry Romanoff
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S says:
September 22, 2022 at 3:57 pm GMT • 2.6 months ago • 500 Words   ↑

You can see this was not a trivial undertaking, but one with extensive worldwide planning from a single source – that source being the City of London.

Fun facts regarding the City of London and London:

London was where the defacto Capitalist Manifesto, Adam Smith’s Wealth of Nations, was first published in 1776. The publisher was a ‘Freeman’ of the City of London.

The Communist Manifesto was first published in the City of London in 1848. Of course, London was home to Karl Marx for much of his life.

• Agree: werpor
• Thanks: Larry Romanoff
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Larry Romanoff says: • Website
September 22, 2022 at 4:03 pm GMT • 2.6 months ago • 200 Words   ↑

“As far as history goes, the opium trade is very British to this day.”

You found one article that whitewashes the Jews out of the opium picture, and present this as the only real truth while ignoring hundreds of other documents that state otherwise. Your knowlege is shallow to non-existent, but you pretend to lecture me on a subject I’ve studied for 20 years, and with access to the Chinese and Indian records. I won’t bother to further acknowledge any of your posts, but I will continue to draw readers’ attention to your falsifications.

For the benefit of readers, the Jewish encyclopedias (1905 is one good example) state that Rothschild grew the opium in India and that Sassoon sold it exclusively in China; further that opium was “entirely a Jewish business” and that Sassoon refused to permit anyone else to participate in it; that he hired all his sons to manage the various components of it. And so on.

This ‘antibeast’ is merely one more Jewish Hasbara troll, doing his job faithfully by lying.

Also, HSBC was always a Jewish bank, created to launder drug money – an activity it still specialises in today. David Sassoon was the first Chairman of the Board. I have copies of the original documents.
• Thanks: Truth Vigilante
• Replies: @antibeast, @jamali
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antibeast says:
September 22, 2022 at 5:47 pm GMT • 2.6 months ago • 100 Words   ↑
@Larry Romanoff

I don’t deny that there were Mizrahim such as the Sassoons who participated in and profited immensely from the Indian opium trade which was a cosmopolitan affair involving lots of different nationalities, including British, Indian Parsis, Portuguese, Mizrahim, etc. But I don’t see the relationship between the Mizrahim in Bombay and the Rothschilds in London. By the time of the Opium Wars, England had become the richest country in the world after nearly a century of the Industrial Revolution while British India had become one of the poorest which needed the revenues from the Indian opium trade. Here’s a story of an Indian Parsi — Jamsetjee Jejeebhoy — who became the main supplier of Malwa opium to Jardine Matheson which was the biggest trader of Indian opium based in HK:

I still stand by my statement in my last post: the opium trade is as British as English Tea. That was true back then as it is today.
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jamali says:
September 22, 2022 at 9:29 pm GMT • 2.6 months ago • 800 Words   ↑
@Larry Romanoff

{{Also, HSBC was always a Jewish bank, created to launder drug money – an activity it still specialises in today. David Sassoon was the first Chairman of the Board.}}

You are absolutely right. First, I got familiar with this Jewish family, Sassoon, in the business of ‘Opium Trade’ through Abdullah Shahbazi, who writes in Persian. He was doing research in zionism and the role of the rich families, Jewish, in imperialist policy in other countries, especially Iran. He believes, these policies were shaped by Jewish influence, sometimes against the interest of the host country. Regarding the Sassoon family’s influence in Iran, he writes:

{{Sassoon’s trading house in Bombay, headed by Dawood bin Saleh, who was now called David Sassoon, turned into a huge financial-commercial empire a little later, and with the help of the extensive network of Baghdadi Jews, it took a first-class role in the trade of the East, and its importance reached the point that Historians of the Saxons as the ” Rothschild of the East “. The most important field of activity of this network was opium trade and the ports of Mumbai, Shanghai, Hong Kong and Bushehr were considered the main centers of their activity. The members of the Sassoon family had a very close relationship with the English royal family and Edward VII himself, from his time as crown prince, and were considered among his closest friends.
The most important investment of the Sassoons in Iran was the establishment of the Imperial Bank of Iran and England in 1889 AD, which we are familiar with with its extremely destructive effect on Iran’s economy. This claim is true and even Geoffrey Jones, the official historian of the Royal Bank, confirms it. he writes:
“In the years 1870-1890, most of Iran’s gold reserves were taken out of the country and only silver remained, the world value of silver also decreased due to the discovery of huge silver reserves in Nevada and other factors, and as a result, the value of Iran’s currency suddenly fell in the 1890s. »
The years 1870-1890, which is mentioned by Jones, is the era that begins with the widespread cultivation of opium in Iran and ends with the establishment of the Shahi Bank.
It is believed that the Shahi Bank was a government bank and a mere executor of the British government’s policies in Iran. IT IS NOT SO. This bank, in close connection with the British colonial system, was a private bank similar to the Hong Kong and Shanghai Bank (HSBC) , whose main share in its capital was with the Saxons. Companies such as Walpole- Grinwell and Henry Schroeder also participated in Bank Shahi. These two companies are also from the complexes related to Jewish tycoons. In the Walpole-Grinwell Company, Sir Henry Drummond Wolff, the famous agent of concluding colonial contracts with Iran during the Nasser period, was a beneficiary because although he was a Jew from his father’s side (Joseph Wolff), he belonged to the Walpole family from his mother’s side. Henry Schroeder’s company is also, until today, one of the important joint investment centers of Jewish tycoons and the British royal family and their partners. Shahi Bank was later merged into the HSBC complex . HSBC , which today is one of the largest banking complexes in the world, was established by global opium merchants in the ports of Shanghai and Hong Kong and is still known as an important capital center of the same families. In establishing HSBC In 1865, Sassoons and other Baghdadi Jews played an important role. They were among the founders of the aforementioned bank, and for many years Arthur Sassoon and one of the members of the Ezqal family were among the main members of its board of directors. In addition, the establishment of the Royal Bank of England and Iran was a great service by the Sassoons to the colonial goals of Britain and, according to Anthony Elfrey, for this reason, shortly after the establishment of the above bank, in 1890, Sir Albert (Abdullah) Sassoon, the son of David Sassoon, received the title of baronet. and was nicknamed “Baronet Kensington Gore”.
During the 1299 coup in Iran, Sir Philip Sassoon was Lloyd George’s private secretary and close friend. He belonged to the Rothschild family of France from his mother’s side, he was Sassoon from his father’s side and was the main heir of the Sassoon family, and thus, he was considered the main owner of the Royal Bank of England and Iran. }}

People can read this article using google “translate to English” using right click.
• Thanks: Maowasayali, Larry Romanoff, antibeast, Another Polish Perspective
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MarylinM says:
September 22, 2022 at 10:15 pm GMT • 2.6 months ago • 200 Words   ↑

The assertions you are making in your response fail under even a mild scrutiny, ( insert here any insertion, in whole, or in part, that may seem entirely irrelevant to the subject of this sentence) , as evidenced by any peer reviewed divagation reasonably related to other refernced materials herein not included. Not only that, but searching for any information regarding these claims (using not terribly censored search engines) , that I might, or might not, (I don’t have the time for a thorough examination, but a quick search provides credibility to your claims) I am aware the argument you are making, in part, is that much of true history has been erased, hidden or manipulated but still, these specific claims represent such a major action that is should be impossible to hide (whether intentionally or not), or obfuscate the nonsensical logic of contrapunctual negations of any and all positations, including each sentence you committed, severally and in plurality, thereby proposed.

Thank you for a rare opportunity to re-dress your logic.

This is strictly a community service. I am neither connected, nor related to Mr. Romanoff
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Larry Romanoff says: • Website
September 22, 2022 at 10:47 pm GMT • 2.6 months ago • 200 Words   ↑

“. . . it is vital to the truth, and your credibility as a truth seeker, to be well sourced in serious claims . . . The specific claims are the expulsions of jews from Japan beginning with Nagasaki in 1926 and then later the entirety of Japan. And then you allude to Castro’s expulsion of jews from Cuba. If there are any sources on these claims then please provide them.”

No, I don’t think so. I will keep my sources to myself until I’m ready to publish on the topic. Nice try, though.

Another Jewish Hasbara troll. This post #168 was, from my experience, not made by an individual, but from an organisation wanting to know my sources. I am sometimes asked for references, which is usually a one – sentence request, “Do you have a link for that?”

This one is thoughtfully and professionally prepared, – “vital to my credibility” to be “well-sourced”, etc. Nice try.

It often occurs that I uncover things I’m not supposed to know, and there are people who want to know where I’m getting my information. Most of these are sent to my email address. I have dozens, and they aren’t difficult to identify.
• Replies: @Showmethegoods
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Irish Savant says:
September 22, 2022 at 10:49 pm GMT • 2.6 months ago   ↑

A ‘Jewish philanthropist’ is someone whose funds benefit only other Jews or else undermine the host population by supporting ‘reform’ in areas like family law and immigration.
• Agree: Truth Vigilante
• Replies: @Franklin Ryckaert
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Druid55 says:
September 23, 2022 at 2:38 am GMT • 2.6 months ago   ↑

Typical behaviour by these chosen internationalist financier amorals
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Katharine Otto says:
September 23, 2022 at 2:39 am GMT • 2.6 months ago   ↑

Wow! What a story! Opens my eyes to a lot of unrecorded history.
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René Fries says:
September 23, 2022 at 6:30 am GMT • 2.6 months ago • 100 Words   ↑
@Max Better

“(…) except to get caught”

caught by whom? not by those, anyway, who aren’t able to see reality as it is. As my father once pointed out, by mid-1940 Stalin had invaded as many sovereign countries as Hitler (seven), with barely a whisper about it being raised by the American government, let alone others.
• Agree: John Wear
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Druid55 says:
September 23, 2022 at 7:59 am GMT • 2.6 months ago   ↑
@Larry Romanoff

Learned things I didn’t know. Thanks
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Druid55 says:
September 23, 2022 at 8:01 am GMT • 2.6 months ago   ↑

Good attack on Fauci by Rand Paul in last couple of days. The Fauch is evil, immoral scum
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Druid55 says:
September 23, 2022 at 8:06 am GMT • 2.6 months ago   ↑
@Zachary Smith

Either Kaganovich or another highly placed soviet jew passed an order that soldiers were to rape and terrorise germans
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Showmethegoods says:
September 23, 2022 at 9:34 am GMT • 2.6 months ago • 600 Words   ↑
@Larry Romanoff

In regard to my comment about your credibility, if I offended you, then I apologize because that was not my intention. I was not trying to attack or question your credibility, rather the opposite, and I believe it’s an important point so I will try to articulate myself better:

I assume that you spend the energy to write these articles because you receive some type of return, perhaps it’s financial or perhaps it’s simply to stoke your ego. I prefer to think, and maybe this makes me naive, that you spend the energy to write these articles mainly because you want to share the knowledge you have discovered with others in an attempt to help usher in a higher tide that lifts all boats; a noble cause. I am on this website in pursuit of this knowledge that (I am assuming) you are here to share. I am far from whatever it is you are accusing me of being and I am also not on this site to bicker with strangers. I am simply here in pursuit of the truth. I am just a man who is trying to learn how the world really works so I can navigate it more efficiently for my family, and for me, that starts with learning true history, because once you realize that things are far from what we are led to believe, you realize that you cannot trust anything at face value; it becomes imperative to scrutinize the credibility of every source of information. Personally, your articles have recently become one of my sources of information, which is my reasoning for not simply accepting these majorly contrarian claims (that lack any sources) at face value.

As for my reasoning in mentioning your credibility, that was an attempt to caution you as a writer. As I said in my initial comment, I have read some of your other articles where you make other major contrarian claims that I initially met with serious skepticism but after further scrutinization where I follow your sources and do some of my own research, it’s appears legitimate or at the very least believable, which is a long winded way to say I have found you to be credible, but crucially, I found you to be credible because you provided sources. So, I was trying to convey that when you make these major contrarian claims without providing sources, it diminishes your credibility, and that is a shame, especially, as you said, if you have the sources to share anyway. To be perfectly clear, I am not saying your credibility is now shot because you didn’t provide sources in regard to this one section of one article, it’s about the mission of lifting all boats as a whole. It’s about another reader who is not as far along in their pursuit of the truth, and thus perhaps, when you make these claims without sources, they might deem you lack credibility and thus they write you off as another crazy conspiracy theorist or worse, anti-semite, and ultimately deprive themselves of the truth.

I hope that made sense. Next time I will spare us all the time and just ask: ‘Do you have a link for Japan expelling jews? Do you have a link for Cuba expelling jews?

Thank you
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Franklin Ryckaert says:
September 23, 2022 at 9:51 am GMT • 2.6 months ago   ↑
@Irish Savant

A Jewish “philanthropist” is a kind of tribal Robin Hood: robbing from Gentiles and distributing to Jews. That is “virtue” in their book.
• Agree: Passing By
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Marcali says:
September 23, 2022 at 10:39 am GMT • 2.6 months ago   ↑

Beria’s mother, Tekle was a Jewish women of the Karaim tribe.
(Commissar, The Life and Death of Lavrenty Pavlovich Beria by Thaddeus Wittlin)
• Agree: Larry Romanoff
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Marcali says:
September 23, 2022 at 10:42 am GMT • 2.6 months ago   ↑

Except Jesus Christ for one.
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Che Guava says:
September 23, 2022 at 3:01 pm GMT • 2.6 months ago • 100 Words   ↑
@Larry Romanoff

Your comment is another example of your short-sighted propaganda. 25,000 in the Dresden fire-bombing?

Dark RoFL at that. At least closer to an order of magnitude more.

25,000 has nothing to do with reality, just a figure that Zionists and their sympathizers plucked from their collective arseholes to minimize the reality.

The killing of zoo animals and people by strafing are also well-attested, so you throw that in to lend a little veracity to your lie.

Your game is pretty clear, you are just a disinfo artist at heart, but not very good at it.

Le May’s Tokyo attacks were sure the worst. OTOH, your imaginative overstatements of death figures here, and systematic understatements of the same in Germany should give any lucid reader a clue that you are as real as a three-dollar blll.
• Replies: @Larry Romanoff
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Billy A says:
September 23, 2022 at 3:27 pm GMT • 2.6 months ago   ↑

Who carried out these pograms?
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Anonymous[422] • Disclaimer says:
September 23, 2022 at 3:41 pm GMT • 2.6 months ago • 100 Words   ↑
@Larry Romanoff

The contrived famines alone had an enormous death toll, and the slaughters were huge.

Mass death via famines were a common phenomenon in India before the British Empire, and it was actually the British who took steps to end famines. Incidents of famines reduced for the first time in recorded India history in late British India, post 1900 AD.

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Che Guava says:
September 23, 2022 at 3:50 pm GMT • 2.6 months ago • 100 Words   ↑
@Larry Romanoff

I would add, many people had (and now fewer have) rural connections, and as the war was lost, many had moved into the countryside.

In Tokyo, the main death toll from Le May’s fire bombings was among working and similar class people in Tokyo for many generations.

The wealthy, and those with rural connections had, if not serving in the military, in many cases, been allowed to leave the city.

Sensible people in the military, police, and secret police knew that the war had been lost, so they allowed it.

Interestingly, part of govt. prep. for a major earthquake or volcanic eruption now involves the assumption that people in much the same areas will be most affected, and no measures are taken to help. Not funny, but true.
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H. L. M says:
September 23, 2022 at 4:40 pm GMT • 2.6 months ago   ↑

Dear Larry,

I salute you for writing this fantastic article.

I hereby take back every criticism I ever leveled against you.
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Larry Romanoff says: • Website
September 23, 2022 at 7:51 pm GMT • 2.6 months ago • 200 Words   ↑
@Che Guava

“Your comment is another example of your short-sighted propaganda. 25,000 in the Dresden fire-bombing? Dark RoFL at that. At least closer to an order of magnitude more.”

You might want to think of this as a reading comprehension test for Americans. The 25,000 figure was not mine, nor did I agree to it. If you bother to read the actual posts, that figure was stated as fraudulent by another reader and he then proceeded to prove it wrong. Neither he nor I stated that 25,000 was accurate. In fact, my estimate, as I have consistently stated in other articles, is about one million deaths in Dresden.

My figures of deaths from US fire-bombing of Tokyo and the other cities are taken directly from the actual census figures of those cities for those years. There was no guesswork involved. Your accusations are uninformed nonsense.

The US fatality figure often quoted for Tokyo is 35,000, but Shitamachi had a population of 750,000 and the fire-bombings were so intense and rapid that it was unlikely anyone escaped. Moreover, the bombed area spread far beyond Shitamachi. All indications are that the death toll was at least one million there alone.

I covered all of this in much detail, with references, in a prior article. Perhaps you could read it and learn something before making these nonsense comments.

Japan – Ending a War and Saving Lives?
• Replies: @JWalters, @Che Guava
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H. L. M says:
September 23, 2022 at 9:06 pm GMT • 2.6 months ago   ↑
@Truth Vigilante

You give “Most of Jewery” a pass on the crimes of fellow tribe members—-as they stand mute and stand to benefit from jew control?
• Agree: Pheasant
• Replies: @Truth Vigilante
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Anonymous[181] • Disclaimer says:
September 24, 2022 at 4:02 am GMT • 2.6 months ago • 700 Words   ↑

If most of the new money created in the American and British economies has become immediate property of the Rothschild bank, including indirectly through corporate linkages, for over 100 years in America and over 200 years in Britain, it’s easy to see how the stupendous resulting wealth could easily afford to buy all the major media and politicians… It becomes easy to see how all political candidates who oppose its agenda could be defeated by overwhelming money and press coverage in the primaries, before the main election even takes place. It becomes easy to see how authors could be hired to write articles and books that perpetuate the cover-up.

Does any one seriously suppose that a great war could be undertaken by any European State, or a great State loan subscribed, if the house of Rothschild and its connections set their face against it?”

As noted above, the Rothschild empire bought the editorial policies of the major news companies in the early 1900’s, with money and threats. They captured the FBI in the Hoover era with blackmail. They captured the CIA in the post-WWII era.

Thank you.

However, I find these things just more of the same: Annotations and records of Jewish moral crimes, which are helpful and elucidating, but not satisfying and explanatory as to how they maintain power.

It’s one thing for a man to be robbed. Anyone can be robbed. Anyone can be fooled. Once. Maybe twice or 3 times. But how do they do it again and again and again and again?

If I am robbed by a hooligan, I might let it go. But if he robs me again and again and does violence to my family, and it’s the same hooligan, I’m collecting my friends, buying a shotgun, and going hunting. And that’ll be the end of it.

The West’s relationship with Jews is not new. Pundits, philosophers and political leaders have wrote about the Jew for hundreds of years. Jews have been lending money for centuries, exploiting farmers and peasants. Henry Ford warned about the Jew. And yet here we still are.

So the Rothschild family have a lot of money and control the FED and JP Morgan. So what? It’s just money. We have the numbers. We have the people. We have the muscle. We have the guns. Having money is one thing. Keeping it is another.

Someone is protecting the Rothschilds and the elite Jews. Those someones are white Gentiles. (I think) Jews can’t protect themselves. They have accomplices. Those accomplices are us. (I believe)

I suspect there’s something sick (and cowardly) in European society that allows this to go on for centuries. And today, we’re looking at another world war. Another Jewish war. Western capitals and foreign policy are completely dominated by Jewish interests. And we can’t talk about this in mainstream society because of (Jewish) censorship and taboos.

I don’t believe Jews should be banished (not at first), but the “Judaic cult” must be reformed. No more double standard. No more lying. No more tribalism. No more “Jewish people”. No more “cosmopolitanism”. No more meddling in politics. No more “playing money”. Jews must come out of the medieval age, reject the Talmud, and join the civilized world of human beings. They must be forced to “assimilate” or go away.

And Gentiles must have the courage to make it so notwithstanding the bribes, blackmails and threats. For once, the European man must stand together as one people (not as individuals seeking one’s short-term self-interest) and do what’s good for all and patrimony.

The article lists a number of “counterattacks”, including the abolition of the FED, reform of the media, and Israel. But I don’t think that is it (although helpful). The real answer, in my view, is patriotism, nativism, and ethno-nationalism. No, not white nationalism either. Jews are also white (or white passing). Being white requires nothing and demands nothing from you. White is not an ethic or moral. Whiteness will not solve the Jewish dilemma.
• Replies: @JWalters, @geokat62
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dewi says:
September 24, 2022 at 4:19 am GMT • 2.6 months ago • 200 Words   ↑

Thank you Mr. Romanoff for this important article. What do you think about Putin always blaming the ‘Nazi’s’, building an ‘AMAZING New Russian Memorial Orthodox Christian Cathedral for Military (with an emphasis on Stalin, Lenin and winning WWII)? This ‘Nazi’ bloody game being played out in Ukraine…instigated and financed by jews as in WWII…a spin of lies at the behest of complete hatred for A. Hitler, National Socialist, Christianity as a whole…given that the Nazi epithet was invented by a jew. I believe this whole sordid lie about to explode into WWIII will be from lies upon lies while the ignorant go to their death. I am currently reading
…in which (like more info I have gleaned in your article) has broadened the scope of more truth especially concerning the US. Recently another left attack on broke America is a PBS documentary by Ken Burns
…that directly invokes reparations from America! The only way this will stop is for every Christian believer to repent for all wars and the lies they were built on because it’s going to take an act of God to destroy this evil 1. Call it out as you a many others have and 2. Repent and stop following their lawless orders. Why doesn’t Putin, being a Christian, desire the truth? This is a paradox to me. God Bless
• Replies: @dewi
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Anonymous[181] • Disclaimer says:
September 24, 2022 at 4:23 am GMT • 2.6 months ago • 400 Words   ↑
@Truth Vigilante

This cartel of bankers already has financial wherewithal that is MULTIPLES OF U.S GDP.
In addition to that, seeing as they own or control the major western central banks (eg: U.S Federal Reserve, Bank of England, ECB etc), they can [and already have] conjure(d) up tens of trillions with a key stroke that they can dole out to themselves and their Zio cronies.
They own the entirety of the western MSM, own the U.S Congress and the Executive (no matter who is elected President seeing as they control both parties), they own every western politician of note, they control the western Health Bureaucracies and academia and they control the ENTIRETY of the western financial system (through ownership of the IMF, BIS, SWIFT etc).

Thank you.

But all this is meaningless without Gentile collaboration and accomplices. Or am I naive? Can Jews with their money do it without Gentile help? I can’t see how that is possible.

Jews may “own” things on paper, but how do they “control” it if not without Gentile consent?

Jews dominate the press and academia, but who “lets” them dominate it?

Jews have the gold, but who “allows” them to “keep” it?

Blacks complain that they are oppressed by the white man. And in some respects, they have a point. They are a minority in a majority country with access to fewer resources. They lack numbers and the money. But even then, my view is that they whine too much and fail to exercise agency. No matter what the white man does or thinks of them, blacks have agency and it is on them to assert their collective will. No one makes them have children out of wedlock. No one forces them to commit crimes out of proportion. No one compels them to play basketball and ignore the library. That’s on them. And until they realize that, they will always be “victims” of circumstances and history.

So Jews have the money and the white man is a victim of the wealthy Jew? So the white man is whining like the black man. It’s over for him until the Jew “decides” to change his behavior. And why should he reform his behavior? What will compel him?

In contrast to the black man, the white man has the greater numbers. The black man has not given the white man permission to discriminate against him, but the white man gives the Jew permission to discriminate against him. And in his own country. The country he built. The civilization he made.

The Jew can do nothing without Gentile permission and collaboration.

What am I missing here?
• Replies: @Truth Vigilante, @MarylinM
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dewi says:
September 24, 2022 at 4:30 am GMT • 2.6 months ago   ↑

Here’s what is needed by every person of every state and country to stop this engineered famine, war and death we are facing right now. This is the power that will end this nightmare.
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René Fries says:
September 24, 2022 at 6:53 am GMT • 2.6 months ago   ↑
@Truth Vigilante

they own every western politician of note

“(…) Soros and his paid-off (243 EU Ministers took his money) thugs of Brussels -”
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JWalters says:
September 24, 2022 at 8:17 am GMT • 2.6 months ago • 400 Words   ↑

Thanks for your thoughtful response. I fully agree with all the points your raise. I think the basic answer to how they continue to get away with the crimes is they hire the Gentile cowards and kill the courageous.

I’ve come to the conclusion that many people in the establishment live in a state of fearful coerced collaboration. They know they must self-censor or they will surely lose their job, and possibly their career. And if they try to inform the public too successfully they risk assassination. In short, we are ruled by a Reign of Terror.

It is no coincidence that the Zionists introduced the modern era of terrorism in the Middle East.
Terrorism: How the Israeli state was won

Terrorism: How the Israeli state was won

You are right that many people have written about this problem, the facts have been assembled, and the case has been made. It seems to me the next step is to make that information common knowledge. Then it will overwhelm the public discourse, and even the Reign of Terror will not be able to silence it.

I think the First Amendment will play a key role in this. It is a hard barrier for their censorship agenda to overcome. A Texas case involving crusading documentary maker Abby Martin ruled against Israel’s Texas law which required state contractors to pledge not to support any boycott of Israel. This requirement, lobbied into Texas law by Israel (along with similar laws in 30+ states), was ruled an unconstitutional violation of Abby Martin’s First Amendment right to freedom of speech.
Update: Abby Martin’s Lawsuit Over Israel Loyalty Oath Mandate in US

Abby’s website –
The Empire Files

On another information front, the crimes of the Zionist bankers’ pet project of Israel are coming under constant and increasing information and legal assaults. For example, at this well-done, Jewish-run website.

So it looks to me like the facts are coming out on several fronts. I estimate the mainstream dam will break first in the Senate. Of everybody in the government and the press, Senators potentially have the most independence. I think a small band could go public together. That would give cover for some members of the press and additional Members of Congress to discuss the matter. That would start the public discussion snowballing.

So tactically, I’d say inform as many people as thoroughly and compellingly as feasible (such as with the primer article you read), and push on selected Senators to break the silence. But it’s hard to predict. Perhaps Joe Rogan will trigger it.
• Replies: @Anonymous
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JWalters says:
September 24, 2022 at 8:27 am GMT • 2.6 months ago   ↑
@Larry Romanoff

Thanks for this excellent reply. A debate between an actual scholar and a deluded wannabe scholar is like a one-on-one hoops contest between an NBA center and a one-legged amateur.
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Truth Vigilante says:Show Comment
September 24, 2022 at 9:50 am GMT • 2.6 months ago • 300 Words   ↑
@H. L. M
• Agree: John Wear
• Replies: @H. L. M, @JWalters, @Anonymous
inspector general says:
September 24, 2022 at 10:48 am GMT • 2.6 months ago   ↑
@Larry Romanoff

Wow–not surprising, really, but good to have specific instances spelled out.
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Truth Vigilante says:Show Comment
September 24, 2022 at 12:09 pm GMT • 2.6 months ago • 300 Words   ↑
• Replies: @anarchyst
soll says:
September 24, 2022 at 1:17 pm GMT • 2.6 months ago • 1,100 Words   ↑


Stalin’s Jews

Lazar Kaganovich was a close associate of Joseph Stalin and the brother of Stalin’s wife.

Close associate yes, brother of Stalin’s wife no. Stalin only had two wives Larry–never was he married to any Kaganovich, this propaganda was promoted by the Germans, an example from 1941:

–“Kaganovich, sole confidante and most intimate advisor, agent, and father-in-law of Stalin…”

Stephen Kotkin, in Stalin, Vol. 2, Waiting for Hitler, 1929-1941

–“Still other rumors had Stalin marrying Kaganovich’s sister Rosa (no such person existed).” p. 111 “Kaganovich had a sister named Rachel; she died in 1926; he had a niece named Rosa (born 1919)” p. 937

…Kaganovich was the Jewish head of the CHEKA and famous for his purges of those who opposed Jewish control of the country, having ordered the deaths of millions. Kaganovich openly boasted of personal responsibility for killing at least twenty million people.

Lazar Kaganovich was not head of the Cheka, his role was transport and industry not state security. When did Lazar “Kaganovich openly boasted of personal responsibility for killing at least twenty million people.”? The source cited does not reference any quote. I own E. A. Rees’ Iron Lazar, yet to have read it though–but this alleged admission obviously sounds bogus.

It was Kaganovich also who presided over the total destruction of Christian churches and clergy…

How was Kaganovich allegedly leading opposition against the Churches? His role was construction and heavy industry. Once rose through the 1920s, he became the People’s Commissar of Railway (1935), Heavy Industry (1937), Fuel Industry (1939), and Petroleum Industry (1939). Lazar had more to be dealing with. Below is an essay summary entitled, “Conflict with the Church” by Professor James Von Geldern on the Orthodox Church falling along with the abdication of Tsar Nicholas II by the February Revolution–a year before Lenin after the October Revolution had even issued any decrees on the Church and State.

“The Russian Orthodox Church had a long history of collaboration with the tsars and hostility to the political left. The Bolsheviks, as atheist materialists, judged religion to be the ‘opium of the people’ of Marx’s famous formulation. Although they were relentless in their enmity toward religion, it is important to remember that the conflict between church and state began with the February Revolution, and arose when the church defended the unfair privileges it had enjoyed under the Romanovs. The conservative Orthodox hierarchy misread the tenor of the times. In June 1917, they demanded reinstatement of the primacy of Orthodoxy in the Russian state, ignoring the fact that Russia was a multinational secular state. Soon the church suffered two more serious blows. The first was the forced transfer of parochial schools to the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Education. The second was the Law on Freedom of Conscience. Together the legislation ended the official monopoly of the Orthodox church, and undermined its ability to force its faith upon the population.

One of the great ironies of history is the election of the Patriarch of the Russian Orthodox Church, a dignity rescinded by Peter the Great, in the week leading up to the October Revolution. Though church liberals objected to the institution as non-democratic, the new Patriarch Tikhon was inaugurated on November 21, 1917. He immediately rallied resistance to the Bolsheviks when they continued the policies of the Provisional Government. Early acts passed by the Bolsheviks transferred church schools to the Commissariat of Education, and reaffirmed the freedom of conscience. Relations quickly grew bitter. On January 29, 1918, the People’s Commissariat of War declared all property of military church units subject to confiscation by non-church units, should the soldiers of the unit so desire. This minor act was perceived as an attack on all church property. Faced with legal state expropriations, impromptu seizures carried out in the name of the state, and seizures by peasants in the midst of rural turmoil, the church instructed parish clergy to resist expropriation by non-violent means. Measures included excommunication (hardly a threat to the Bolsheviks) and the use of the pulpit to condemn revolutionary laws. The Bolsheviks saw such sermons as ‘hostile propaganda,’ preached to an already wary peasantry.

The conflict escalated in February with the law separating church and state. Though similar to legislation debated under the Provisional Government, the Bolshevik law went much further. Education was fully secularized, and the church monopoly on civil ceremonies was abolished. Among the gravest measures was the nationalization of church property, and the denial of church rights to act as a juridical person. The assault was directed at the legal authority of the church, but it was directed also at the church monopoly on ceremonial life. The Bolsheviks adopted of the Gregorian calendar used by the western nations, replacing the outdated Julian calendar favored by the church. Church holidays no longer had state sanction, and the Bolsheviks began introducing a long list of their own revolutionary holidays, including May Day, Paris Commune Day (later revoked), and the anniversary of the Revolution (November 7, new style). Like the French revolutionaries they so admired, the Bolsheviks invented a new set of rituals for their holidays and ceremonies. It was clear that church-state relations were permanently abysmal by February, when the new Patriarch Tikhon pronounced an anathema on the Bolsheviks, not only condemning their souls to damnation, but forbidding the faithful from any concourse with them.”

Conflict with the Church

Execution of Separation of Church and State

…[Kaganovich], the man famous for standing atop the rubble of a Russian church and proclaiming, “Mother Russia has been cast down! We have torn away her skirts!”

Another unverified quote–made popular by The New York Times, of Sept 26, 1995. Its validity was even raised in the Oct 7, issue.

In the 1930s, Kaganovich was surprisingly the only Jew in the Politburo.

— “To the Editor:

Your Sept. 26 front-page article describes rebuilding of the Cathedral of Christ the Savior in Moscow, destroyed on Stalin’s order in 1931. You quote one of Stalin’s henchmen, Lazar Kaganovich, a Jew, who supposedly said over the rubble: “Mother Russia is cast down. We have ripped away her skirts.”

Stephen R. De Angelis (letter, Sept. 29) cites this quotation as if Mr. Kaganovich actually said it and it was recorded at the time. The problem is that this is a very inflammatory quote, which might well have been invented by anti-Semites in Russia, who traditionally blame the Jews for the crimes of the Communist regime. This is not to say that Mr. Kaganovich did not utter these words. He might have said it. Stalin himself could have said it. Any of his comrades in arms, among whom Mr. Kaganovich was the only surviving Jew, could have said it…”
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anarchyst says:
September 24, 2022 at 3:46 pm GMT • 2.5 months ago • 200 Words   ↑
@Truth Vigilante

Your statement:

Take the Covid Psyop for example. I NEVER wore a mask for ONE SECOND in my country (I’m Australian), and we had mask mandates for all indoor venues like shopping centres, public transport etc, nor did I abide by any lockdowns or travel curfews.
(It goes without saying that I never took the experimental mRNA gene therapies that masquerade as vaccines and which have caused untold mortality and injury in the interim).

…mirrors my experiences and reaction to the covid plandemic exactly.

I too have never worn a mask, respected social distancing or any of the other unconstitutional (USA) mandates imposed on the public.

In the case of social distancing and “one-way” aisles in stores, I purposely did not social distance and walked the “wrong way” down the aisles.

Those who criticized my non-mask-wearing were either told to “f#ck off” and mind their own business or worse. In many cases, a scowl on my face was enough to deter them from pushing the mask “mandate”. This also applied to store personnel who attempted to enforce mask-wearing.

I am waiting for covid 2.0 where I can hone my skills…in non-compliance.

Best regards,
• Thanks: Truth Vigilante
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H. L. M says:
September 24, 2022 at 3:55 pm GMT • 2.5 months ago   ↑
@Truth Vigilante

Thank you for your reply.

Perhaps what you say is true.

But blood is thicker than water. And I’m not hopeful that 2000 years of jewish malfeasance and plotting can be magically swept away, and that we can “win over” the tribe.
• Replies: @JWalters
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Che Guava says:
September 24, 2022 at 6:13 pm GMT • 2.5 months ago • 100 Words   ↑
@Larry Romanoff

My comment is, by definition, not nonsense.

However, there you go again, saying over a million in Dresden, when you have just made the zioclaim of 25,000.

Over a millon as speficic to that attack is incorrect, hundreds of thousands, and not more than three or four, is correct. Likely between two and three, certainly not ‘25,000’.
• Replies: @Che Guava, @soll
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Che Guava says:
September 24, 2022 at 6:25 pm GMT • 2.5 months ago   ↑
@Che Guava

I meant to say ‘one and two’, but the software prevented my correction.
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Merijn says:
September 24, 2022 at 6:50 pm GMT • 2.5 months ago   ↑
@René Fries

• Thanks: René Fries
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soll says:
September 24, 2022 at 6:59 pm GMT • 2.5 months ago   ↑
@Che Guava

25.000 is the official figure produced by the Germans themselves, the supreme noble ones of all in the known Universe. Dresden is overrated.

“zioclaim”! ROFL. You sound like “Dr.” David Duke… the zio’s!
• Troll: Che Guava
• Replies: @Che Guava
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Anonymous[350] • Disclaimer says:
September 24, 2022 at 9:13 pm GMT • 2.5 months ago • 300 Words   ↑

So basically if you convince people that bad things are good, and that false things are true, you can sit back and watch them destroy themselves.
I think the main reason Jews keep getting away with what they do is that methodically dismantling the society of people you asked to be a part of is just a really really really weird thing to do.


This is an appeal to the stupid Gentile and his naivete. But Gentiles aren’t stupid. We have lots of smart people. Why do Gentiles believe in things that aren’t true? Why do they embrace things that are factually false or morally abhorrent?

Yes, it’s really “weird” what the Jew does, but it’s not our first meetup. We’re not like naive Chinese or foreign natives. We are familiar with the Jewish species. We know all about how it operates. It wasn’t for nothing that they were expelled over a hundred times.

So why do we let them infiltrate economics, academia and government? What are we confused about this time around that the past 1000 years haven’t taught us?

I think Kevin MacDonald argues that whites are too moral, individualistic and altruistic, and it is what makes the white man vulnerable to Jewish predation. But that’s silly on the face of it, I think, if you make even a cursory glance of Western history and its wars, conflicts and greed. It’s also an admission of defeat and surrender.

I think there’s something else going on. I don’t know what for sure. But it’s not because whites are too moral and altruistic. And it’s also not because whites are naive and stupid. Whites are smart, cunning and self interested. They’re also greedy and selfish as anyone can be. But for whatever reason, they let the Jew walk all over them and spit on their churches, history, and cultural patrimony.
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JWalters says:
September 24, 2022 at 11:07 pm GMT • 2.5 months ago   ↑
@Truth Vigilante

Thanks for the thorough analysis and clear explanation of this issue. I hope you save it so you can re-use it when this issue comes up again, which it almost surely will.
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S says:
September 24, 2022 at 11:21 pm GMT • 2.5 months ago • 200 Words   ↑

Excerpt from the 1853 book The New Rome in regards to the Jewish people and the United States:

‘It is confidently asserted that the Jews contrive to get themselves smuggled out of the Russian Empire, for the purpose of emigrating to the American world.’

‘Liberty and commerce, the essence of their [Jewish] character, are also the essence of Americanism. It is confidently asserted that the Jews contrive to get themselves smuggled out of the Russian Empire, for the purpose of emigrating to the American world.’

‘But liberty and commerce, which are the characteristics of Judaism and of Americanism, are also those of annexation: every Jew will hasten to claim the protection of the American flag for his operations over the world, and Rothschild will not shut his eyes to the only prospect of enabling the European states to liquidate the debts they owe him.’ The New Rome; or, the United States of the World (1853) – pg 105
• Replies: @soll
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JWalters says:
September 24, 2022 at 11:31 pm GMT • 2.5 months ago • 100 Words   ↑
@H. L. M

Thanks in good part to the internet, “the times they are a’changin”. Here’s an article by a Jewish therapist at a Jewish-run anti-Zionist website.
It’s time for American Jews to recognize they have been duped

It’s time for American Jews to recognize they have been duped

And here’s a Jewish-run, anti-imperialist, website.
The Grayzone

Zelensky and NATO plan to transform post-war Ukraine into ‘a big Israel’

Being Jewish themselves, these Jewish anti-Zionists have more credibility in the Jewish community, better understand the dynamics of the cult, and are immune from accusations of anti-Semitism.

So we don’t want to throw such valuable allies out with the bathwater. It’s worth paying a bit of extra attention to see the difference between the hard-core Zionists and the anti-Zionists working to liberate the broader Jewish community from the cult.
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Anonymous[350] • Disclaimer says:
September 25, 2022 at 12:03 am GMT • 2.5 months ago • 600 Words   ↑

I think the basic answer to how they continue to get away with the crimes is they hire the Gentile cowards and kill the courageous.

I’m starting to suspect that maybe the “West” and its parts, like the UK, America, France, Germany, are not as “unified” in part or collectively as I personally believed. The “West” is really not like other ethno-states like China, Korea and Japan. There is no real sense of the “ethno” at all. (Maybe Russia is one of the last few patriotic European ethno states standing, although it is also multiracial.) The UK is a conglomeration of English, Scotts, Irish, etc. America is a hodge-podge of European and other immigrants. Germany tried to become an ethno state, but they were beaten down.

Maybe America was a land of partisan interests, competing groups, disparate identities, from the beginning and for most of its history. Earlier, the Irish were once the other, Italians were the other. Catholics were the other. Jews were just one of many others, although perhaps “more other” than the others. Still, they were just one of many European groups competing for success and gain in America as they did in Europe.

Over time, European groups (somewhat/more or less) assimilated. Catholics and Protestants became Christians. Italians and Germans became Americans. Even Jews and Christians made the attempt to find common ground in the so-called “Judeo-Christian” alliance. (Though it’s a common ground that just put the Jew first) “White” became an identity that partially united disparate European peoples that often fought and competed ruthlessly. But it was a loose federation. Very loose. There was still no strong ethnos.

Nevertheless, in some form, most believed that brotherhood was a virtue, patriotism is honorable, and the common good was a primary good. There was a universal ethic underlying most Americans and Europeans notwithstanding the tribal in-fighting grounded in Christian morality and the European Enlightenment. Except one. The Jew. And it is in this loose federation that the Jew takes advantage and exploits. It forms alliances with one against the other. It curry favors from the powerful. It chooses to remain an outsider while acting like an insider, using the rule of law to avoid discrimination, democratic institutions to serve as its proxy police/military, universal ethics to appeal to equality, and the benefit of Christian moral grace to gain compassion/forgiveness, but itself playing by a mischievous Talmudic double standard and an in-group objective that does not redound to the universal good, the nation’s good, or the community’s long term good.

And why should it work for anyone’s good but itself? It sees itself as the permanent outsider (happily so), having no obligation to a fair moral code, and adhering to rules that only it can defend, justified by a medieval religious tradition hundreds of years old, and implicitly protected by rabbis in almost every traditional synagogue. If their religious leaders say it’s okay to cheat the Gentile, how can it be wrong?

In their universe it’s not wrong. And the Gentile allows this happen because it is fragmented. There is no unifying ethnos except being “white”, which the Jew also passes for. The hoi polloi are too weak to do anything about it. And the Gentile oligarchs are getting too rich to want to do anything about it. Rich and powerful whites can’t relate to poor and peasant whites because there is no ethnos.

The West is divided and conquered.
• Replies: @JWalters
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Anonymous[350] • Disclaimer says:
September 25, 2022 at 12:33 am GMT • 2.5 months ago • 200 Words   ↑
@Truth Vigilante

You’re exactly right to be raising that point. It’s extremely disappointing that a greater proportion of Jewry isn’t up in arms and highlighting the behaviour of that subset amongst them that is giving them all a bad name.
It’s important that we win over this large subset of Jewry and get them on our side, that we make it clear that it is only that small sliver of obscenely rich Jews

Is the problem really just the “subset”? Or the ground from which they arise?

I think the “subset” is a symptom of the “ground”, just as black crime and delinquency are symptoms of the “ground” (black culture).

Neo-Marxists believe that if you provide money, elite university degrees and good jobs for blacks, the underlying cultural dysfunctions will disappear. But is that really so?

You can’t fix the subset until you fix the ground. The ground in “Jewry” is the Jewish Talmudic worldview and the “revolutionary spirit”. Many rich and poor Jews share this moral view. Being a poor Jew doesn’t mean you’re okay. It just means you’re too poor to make trouble.
• Agree: geokat62
• Thanks: Truth Vigilante, Pheasant
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JWalters says:
September 25, 2022 at 12:58 am GMT • 2.5 months ago   ↑

“by a mischievous Talmudic double standard” … “The West is divided and conquered.”

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Hector Lives says:
September 25, 2022 at 7:38 am GMT • 2.5 months ago • 900 Words   ↑

Jews are responsible for the worst human atrocities in all of recorded history. They are the world’s preeminent mass-murderers, operating, today, a global criminal syndicate involved in human and organ trafficking, prostitution, espionage, assassination, narcotics, and extortion on a scale heretofore unseen.

•Early in the 5th century, Jews were expelled from Alexandria, Egypt for the mass-murder of Christians. (See John, Bishop of Nikiu’s, Chronicle and Socrates Scholasticus’, Historia Ecclesiastica)

•It was Jews who massacred 60,000 Christians in Jerusalem in 614 AD. They’d have killed more had the Persians not stopped them. Today, that’s called genocide. Others, including two the greatest Jewish scholars of the 19th century, Salomom Munk and Heinrich Graetz, report 90,000 were killed. Among the contemporary accounts of the massacre that have been preserved are those of the Armenian bishop Sebeos and the Palestinian monk Antiochus Strategos of Mar Saba.

•It is not difficult to suppose that the propensity of Jews for murder on a grand scale would have meant the deaths of many more Gentiles had nations and monarchs across Europe not expelled them on more than one hundred occasions between the Christian Genocide in Jerusalem (see above) and World War II. Just beyond the Continent, however, Jewish leverage was growing. International Jewish influence and criminal enterprise increased rapidly under the auspices of the British Empire, and during the Victorian Era (1837-1901) in particular.

•It was the French Revolution (1789) that first emancipated Europe’s Jews. Thereafter, only Tsarist Russia and the Germanic states continued to expel them. The Jewish solution for Tsarist Russia would be a bloody revolution and the execution of the Russian royal family. The solution for the Germans was World War II.

•Dönmeh Jews were chiefly responsible for the Armenian Genocide. Leaders of the Young Turks movement were Jews.

•It was the Jews Rosa Luxemburg, Kurt Eisner, Eugen Levine, Ernst Toller, and others, who, supported by Moscow, instigated a bloody revolt in a weakened Germany after World War I.

•While Luxemburg and her associates were busy creating havoc in Germany, Bela Kun (Aaron Kohn) and his Jewish cohorts were committing The Red Terror in Hungary. No less than the director of the Soviet secret police called Bela Kun a “lunatic.” In 1920, Bela Kun and his mass-murdering companion, Rosalia Zemlyachka, committed genocide in Crimea.

•Rosalia Zemlyatchka was a Jewish Russian revolutionary and Soviet politician. She worked with two other Jewish serial killers: Bela Kun and Boris Feldman. The Russian author Ivan S. Shmelev wrote that at least 120,000 people were murdered by them in the Crimea. Their mass-murdering sprees were Russian state secrets until 1990.

•It was the Jew Lazar Kaganovich who presided over the more than 2.5 million deaths called the Holodomor in Ukraine.

•Nobel Prize-winning author and historian Alexander Solzhenitsyn wrote that Jews ran the Soviet gulags where 66 million Russians perished from 1917 to 1953. (Solzhenitsyn’s source for the 66 mln figure was a friend at Leningrad University, Ivan Alekseevich Kurganov, an economist and statistics professor with access to Soviet archives.) The late Professor R. J. Rummel, a highly regarded political scientist who studied war and violence throughout his career, reported a very similar figure. Rummel’s 1994 tome, Death by Government: Genocide and Mass Murder Since 1900 is now in its 5th printing.

•A Jewish fellow named Genrikh Yagoda became head of the Soviet secret police (NKVD). Yagoda and his deputies established and managed the gulag prison system. It was Yagoda who murdered one of the great figures of world literature, Maxim Gorky. Sever Plocker, one of the best columnists in the Isreali press, wrote in 2006 that Yagoda was the greatest Jewish murderer of the twentieth century. Yagoda, wrote Plocker, is responsible for the deaths of at least 10 million people.

• The Chabad house at Oxford University, in their Oxford Jewish Personalities, claim Frederick Lindemann, 1st Viscount Cherwell. Lindemann was Winston Churchill’s scientific adviser. It was Lindemann who urged the terror-bombing of German civilians.

•Dutch Schultz, Bugsy Siegel, Lepke Buchalter, Longy Zwillman, Abe “Kid Twist” Reles, Mendy Weiss, Meyer Lansky, The Purple Gang – all Jewish gangsters and mass-murderers.

•Jews continue to this very day with their blood lust in Palestine.

•The original Middle East terrorists were Jews: Irgun, Stern Gang, Haganah, all mass-murdering terror organizations.

•Who is responsible for the death and devastation in the recent Iraq War? Are they not also Jews? Go to Google, type in pnac jewish and see the results. How many innocents suffered and perished in Iraq?

•Who are the main players in the conflict in Ukraine? Both the current and previous presidents of the country, Zelensky and Poroshenko, are Jews. Voladymyr Groysman is a Jew. Ihor Kolomoisky is a Jew. Plus many more, like Boris Filatov and Hennadiy Bogolyubov. The American and British instigators of the Kiev coup in 2014 are all Jews: Victoria Nuland, Ed Miliband and George Soros. In 2014, it is said that George Soros ruled Ukraine. President Trump’s special envoy to Ukraine, Kurt Volker, is also a Jew.

The situation today is more complicated than it was when the Jews opened the gates of Toledo to Islamic invaders in the 8th century, or when the Jews opened the gates of Constantinople to the invading Ottoman Turks. The Jews who opened the gates of America in 1965 with the Hart-Celler Act have leveraged themselves such political status that they are treated as friendlies, even after they’ve betrayed us.
• Thanks: geokat62, John Wear
• Replies: @soll
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soll says:
September 25, 2022 at 11:31 am GMT • 2.5 months ago • 200 Words   ↑

— Excerpt from the 1853 book The New Rome in regards to the Jewish people and the United States:

‘It is confidently asserted that the Jews contrive to get themselves smuggled out of the Russian Empire, for the purpose of emigrating to the American world.’

Exiles from Russia by the early 1830s onwords did not try to establish themselves in America, instead they were confined to London and Paris which established the exact Russian colonies that birthed the exile and revolutionary movements before many later returned in April 1917.

see, Utopia’s Discontents: Russian Émigrés and the Quest for Freedom, 1830s-1930s by Faith Hollis (2021).

The case of Karl Marx and Engels is an example of this, in 1850 both had wanted to leave London and move to the United States, yet neither of them could afford it. Such exiles were likewise in the same position.

From what I have read, America only increased in interest during the 1860s California gold rush–a false hope that ironically resulted in the first insane asylums being established to deal with all those waking up to the American dream. Russian exiles in the mid 1800s stayed in Europe.

I recall 2 million Jews left Russia. Although this came much later than 1850 following the Russian pogroms and into the early 1900s when America absorbed their Jewish exports from within the Pale.
• Replies: @S
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Cinu says:
September 25, 2022 at 12:01 pm GMT • 2.5 months ago   ↑
@Priss Factor

“(In more meritocratic US, Jews rose to the top and toppled the Wasps.)”

Tinyhat success is mostly a function of their ill-gotten wealth, coupled with ruthless nepotism and exploitation of the general fairness of Christian nations.
• Agree: werpor
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S says:
September 25, 2022 at 12:29 pm GMT • 2.5 months ago • 100 Words   ↑

‘It is confidently asserted that the Jews contrive to get themselves smuggled out of the Russian Empire, for the purpose of emigrating to the American world.’

Exiles from Russia by the early 1830s onwords did not try to establish themselves in America, instead they were confined to London and Paris which established the exact Russian colonies that birthed the exile and revolutionary movements before many later returned in April 1917…

..The case of Karl Marx and Engels is an example of this, in 1850 both had wanted to leave London and move to the United States, yet neither of them could afford it. Such exiles were likewise in the same position.

Interesting. Theodore Poesche, one of The New Rome’s two authors, had spent about a year in London during 1850. Perhaps it was there he had heard such rumors.
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geokat62 says:
September 25, 2022 at 12:58 pm GMT • 2.5 months ago   ↑

The real answer, in my view, is patriotism, nativism, and ethno-nationalism. No, not white nationalism either.

How will ethno-nationalism work in European-derived countries (America, Canada, Australia and New Zealand), if white nationalism is to be rejected?
• Replies: @Anonymous
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soll says:
September 25, 2022 at 1:42 pm GMT • 2.5 months ago • 1,500 Words   ↑
@Hector Lives

Nobel Prize-winning author and historian Alexander Solzhenitsyn wrote that Jews ran the Soviet gulags where 66 million Russians perished from 1917 to 1953. (Solzhenitsyn’s source for the 66 mln figure was a friend at Leningrad University, Ivan Alekseevich Kurganov, an economist and statistics professor with access to Soviet archives.)

Hector lies about alias Ivan A. Kurganov.

Kurganov’s estimates as Solzhenitsyn himself told you were indirect estimates, they was not based on any secret government files as falsely claimed by “Dr.” David Duke who put these words into Solzhenitsyn’s mouth. 66 million was not the total, 110 million was. These 66 million Russian Christians killed by Communism memes’ need updating.

Kurganov was evacuated out of Russia in 1943, he moved to Germany and continued his anti Bolshevik campaign (a former officer in the White Army during the Civil War, 1918-1921) before he changed his name from Ivan A. Koshkin to Kurganov and moved to America in 1950. His report. Three Figures was published in the early 1970s then picked up in Samizdat and by Solzhenitsyn. Kurganov’s methodology was to estimate the growth rates in Russia’s population birth from 1918-1959, he claimed Russia should be at 300 million total, therefore there are missing 110 million unborns killed by Communism!
• Replies: @soll, @geokat62, @Hector Lives, @Marcali
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soll says:
September 25, 2022 at 2:01 pm GMT • 2.5 months ago   ↑

*Ideologically, not “logically” re: Solzhenitsyn driven by pushing 110 million killed supposedly by Communism.
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geokat62 says:
September 25, 2022 at 2:04 pm GMT • 2.5 months ago   ↑

… yet Solzhenitsyn driven logically appears to have stayed fixed to this same propaganda.

So, what do you contend is a more realistic estimate of the number of Russians killed by communism?
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MarylinM says:
September 25, 2022 at 2:20 pm GMT • 2.5 months ago   ↑

The Jew can do nothing without Gentile permission and collaboration.
What am I missing here?

Nothing lasts forever, as in “Pride goes before destruction, and a haughty spirit before a fall”.
• Replies: @Anonymous
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Hector Lives says:
September 25, 2022 at 3:03 pm GMT • 2.5 months ago   ↑

“…. they was not based on any secret government files ….”

lol You’re not even literate.
• Replies: @soll
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soll says:
September 25, 2022 at 4:36 pm GMT • 2.5 months ago • 300 Words   ↑
@Hector Lives

“…. they was not based on any secret government files ….”

lol You’re not even literate.

“Dr.” David Duke invented the claim that Kurganov’s figures were based on “secret government files” in his ridiculous book. The Secret Behind Communism (2013) p. 51

“Solzhenitsyn in his opus, “The Gulag Archipelago”, used the research of a Soviet statistician who had access to secret government files, I. A. Kurganov, to estimate that between 1918 and 1959, at least 66 million died at the hands of the Communist rulers of Russia.”

Solzhenitsyn never claimed such nonsense in either, The Gulag Archipelago, Letter to the Soviet Leaders or Warning to the West. He always stated they were indirect estimates, Duke added “secret government files” to bolster up his appeals–just like yourself…

claiming that:

“Solzhenitsyn’s source for the 66 mln figure was a friend at Leningrad University, Ivan Alekseevich Kurganov, an economist and statistics professor with access to Soviet archives.)”

Kurganov was out of the Soviet Union by 1943, 30 years before he published his 3 page report, Three Figures in the early 1970s.

Kurganov had access to nothing other than a pen.

— Letter to the Soviet Leaders, 1975:

“In addition to the toll of two world wars, we have lost, as a result of civil strife and tumult alone–as a result of internal political and economic “class” extermination alone–66 (sixty-six) million people!!! That is the calculation of a former Leningrad professor of statistics, I. A. Kurganov, and you can have it brought to you whenever you wish. I am no trained statistician, I cannot undertake to verify it; and anyway all statistics are kept secret in our country, and this is an indirect calculation. But it’s true: a hundred million are no more (exactly 1 hundred, just as Dostoyevsky prophesied!)…”

The Case of Professor Kurganov. Who Came Up with 110 Million Victims of Stalin?
• Replies: @Hector Lives
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Marcali says:
September 25, 2022 at 4:41 pm GMT • 2.5 months ago • 100 Words   ↑

„Bolshevism cannot escape responsibility for the establishment of a dictatorship instilled with hatred for the individual. As a result of its criminal actions, more than sixty million people were exterminated. Bolshevism, as a species and forerunner of fascism, made itself the principal force in the genocide of its own people.”
(Alexander N. Yakovlev: a Century of Violence in Soviet Russia, Yale University Press, 2002, p.237.)
• Replies: @soll, @soll
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soll says:
September 25, 2022 at 7:49 pm GMT • 2.5 months ago • 100 Words   ↑

Thanks, I can’t seem to locate a PDF scan so I’ll probably order a copy.

I have noticed on Google books that Yakovlev spends much time castigating the Bolsheviks for practically every outcome. He blames Lenin personally responsible for up to 10 million deaths just from the Civil War, 1918-1921 seems quite hastily and quite ridiculous. He then blames Stalin on p. 16 personally responsible for almost 30 million deaths for being unprepared for Germany’s invasion of the USSR…

How is this supposed to be unbiased? p. 32 he blames Stalin for 60-70 million deaths, claims Stalin didn’t have time for them, and after Stalin departed to hell to report to the devil. Lol. Also blames Lenin for the Soviet famine of 1921-1922 and the 5 million died.

The theme continues.
• Replies: @Marcali
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soll says:
September 25, 2022 at 9:32 pm GMT • 2.5 months ago • 200 Words   ↑

It’s interesting that Yakovlev’s book is published by Yale University Press, yet not included as part of their Annals of Communism Series. I get the feeling that Jonathan Brent did this out of respect for who Yakovlev was, but as it was largely a tirade motivated by his own religiously charged dogma he decided it was not of the standards to include in their series.

For those unaware, the Annals of Communism series was founded in 1992 by Jonathan Brent on behalf of a personal grant secured to Yale in 1991 by George Soros that opened the Soviet archives to Western scholars, Yale first then came Harvard etc.–the annals is the most comprehensive series on Communism published in the West.

Yakovlev’s rantings are somewhat humourous, still though his claims are unfounded. How is Lenin responsible for the deaths in the Civil War, into War communism and the resulting Soviet famine of 1921-1922? How is a country invaded morally responsible for deaths resulting afterwards, as claimed by Yakovlev’s 30 million alone on Stalin. The highest death tolls for example in the Gulag also came with Hitler’s invasion in 1941, Stalin is responsible for those as well? I see no value in ordering this book having read the pages on Google book previews.
• Replies: @Marcali
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Anonymous[372] • Disclaimer says:
September 26, 2022 at 12:22 am GMT • 2.5 months ago • 200 Words   ↑

Nothing lasts forever

True. Nothing lasts forever. Jewish hubris often ends in a fiery splash. But it’s time to end the unhealthy cycle of psychopathic embrace and breakup. No more of that. The world, in particular white Gentiles, must make demands of the Jew that they become a normal people. That means true assimilation, putting down roots, and embracing brotherhood of fellow men, in particular your countrymen. It means rejection of the Talmudic way. It means that if you are a secular Jew, you are not a Jew. Jewishness is a religion, not a biological inheritance. And that religion must be reformed and the crazy parts excised from the Talmud. Those parts must be acknowledged and condemned. Judaism in its current form is like a dangerous cult.

Or go away to Israel and STAY THERE. (Sorry, Palestinians. I really am. But it’s not realistic to tell Jews to go to the moon.) Do not meddle elsewhere. No dual citizenship for you. No citizenship at all for traitors and fakers. We only want the loyal and true.
• Replies: @Priss Factor, @MarylinM
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Priss Factor says: • Website
September 26, 2022 at 1:20 am GMT • 2.5 months ago • 100 Words   ↑

True. Nothing lasts forever. Jewish hubris often ends in a fiery splash. But it’s time to end the unhealthy cycle of psychopathic embrace and breakup.

This is why Jewish Power pushes Diversity in the West. It is strength for Jews to play divide-and-rule.

So, even if various groups end up hating Jews, Jews can always play one side against the other.

The only real game-changer would be if whites favored Palestinians, but whites are wheak whummies. Weak and dumb.
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Anonymous[372] • Disclaimer says:
September 26, 2022 at 1:21 am GMT • 2.5 months ago • 600 Words   ↑

How will ethno-nationalism work in European-derived countries (America, Canada, Australia and New Zealand), if white nationalism is to be rejected?

So you want to have a nation that is primarily for tall and pale skinned people. You want to have an immigration policy that prefers tall and pale skinned folks. But how is this morally consistent with our traditional values, Christian values, or any other cultural, philosophical, or religious values? I don’t think it is. Many Jews are also tall and pale skinned. So it wouldn’t work anyways. The 2 percenters will eventually take over operating as they are wont to operate: pretending to be one of you, but acting in their tribal interests on the sly.

I think we ought to revisit the traditional, simple and obvious that protects culture, civilization AND RACE from outsiders, traitors and invaders: love of home, hearth, community, the patrimony of our ancestors, and loyalty to one another. These are principles that are moral, congruous and noble. If you explain it to an Indian, he gets it immediately. You share it with the Japanese, and he wonders why you have to explain. Isn’t it obvious? Everyone gets it. Except us.

Jews seem to be allergic to nationalism and nativism because they are a rootless, cosmopolitan people. They prefer open borders, fragmented societies, heterogeneous communities, and atomized people with weak bonds to one another. They like it when people act in their (unenlightened) self interest because most people’s self interests are short-sighted, stupid, and narcissistic. Self interest (with no rails and guidelines) and acting as (hyper) individuals (with no obligations and responsibilities) are good for them. And sadly, it’s also promoted by a lot of Gentiles, eg, Jordan Peterson. He also seems to be averse to any kind of group identification. (No surprise, he shares Shapiro’s bed)

The desire to protect native communities (ie, our Western-based communities in America, Australia, Canada, Europe) and our culture (as it has been bequeathed to us over the centuries) is moral and good and can be rationally defended. Protecting native cultures is philosophically sound, whether you believe in traditionalism, modernism, post-modernism or post-post-modernism. (And the world outside the Western world will back us) The rules apply equally to small tribes in the Amazon as they do to big sprawling cities in America. No one has a right to impose themselves (culturally or numerically) on anyone without their consent. By default, there is no consent.

Based on these fundamental arguments and values, we can rationally and morally make the case for little or no immigration, protecting domestic jobs, refusing (imposed) multiculturalism, renouncing foreign interventionism, and repudiating irrational alliances (with Israel). And rejecting the irrational, we can then act in every possible rational way with the view to maximizing social harmony, peace, our collective safety, our children’s well being, and national (long term) good. This protects civilization. This is how you preserve the race.

Nativism and nationalism also mean that being part of the club comes with conditions. Citizenship papers give you certain legal rights but that’s a cheap formality. You are expected to behave yourself and share moral values common to the best of us. No exceptions. No special cutouts because you’re a Jew. We don’t care that you’re just 2%. We don’t care that you’re disappearing. You should assimilate. And Judaism is only a religion (and not a very good one).

Nativism is sovereignty, human rights, and self-determination. Nativism is good for whites, indigenous peoples, blacks, and (legal) immigrants. It’s good for everyone who believes in having a country because you can’t have a country any other way. It’s not good for globalists, grifters and carpetbaggers.
• Replies: @geokat62, @Priss Factor
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dewi says:
September 26, 2022 at 1:21 am GMT • 2.5 months ago   ↑

• Thanks: Maowasayali
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geokat62 says:
September 26, 2022 at 1:56 am GMT • 2.5 months ago • 100 Words   ↑

Nativism is sovereignty, human rights, and self-determination.

Based on what you’ve written, it appears that homeland you envision under the precepts of what you call “nativism” are not very different from the homeland I envision under the precepts of ethno-nationalism.

If nativism leads to sovereignty, human rights, and self-determination and protects native Western-based communities and our Western-based culture, bequeathed to us by our ancestors, then call me a “nativist.”
• Replies: @Anonymous
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Major Rage says:
September 26, 2022 at 4:41 am GMT • 2.5 months ago • 200 Words   ↑

Please excuse my nitpicking but, it’s difficult to accept Mr. Romanoff’s thesis when he relies upon “historical” facts and allegations that cannot be easily verified. For example, he refers to Lazar Kaganovich who was a prominent Soviet functionary as being the head of the CHEKA (the original incarnation of the Soviet Secret Police). That is just plain wrong. Mr. Kaganovich’s resume shows no such connection to the Secret Police (under any acronym). Undoubtedly, Kaganovich had dealings with men such as Felix Dzerzhinsky, Menzhinsky, and Yagoda – but he never occupied a position of leadership within the security police apparatus – ergo, he was not head of the CHEKA. When mistakes of such magnitude are published it calls into question the author’s competence and/or integrity. Whereas there IS a case to be made for ethnic Jewish responsibility and culpability for criminal excesses following the success of the Revolution, Romanoff has not established such by his inexpert research.
• Agree: Wizard of Oz
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Priss Factor says: • Website
September 26, 2022 at 4:45 am GMT • 2.5 months ago • 100 Words   ↑

So you want to have a nation that is primarily for tall and pale skinned people. You want to have an immigration policy that prefers tall and pale skinned folks.

I think he’s saying, if there’s a homeland for a certain people, they deserve to keep it.

So, if tall pale-skinned people have a homeland, they have every right to keep it.

Just like dark short people have a right to keep their own land.
• Replies: @Anonymous
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Anonymous12890 says:
September 26, 2022 at 9:35 am GMT • 2.5 months ago • 200 Words   ↑

Solzhenitsyn has a famous and wonderful quote:

“But if I were asked today to formulate as concisely as possible the main cause of the ruinous Revolution that swallowed up some sixty million of our people, I could not put it more accurately than to repeat: Men have forgotten God; that’s why all this has happened.”

He did not say 60 million were murdered but rather “swallowed up”. This phrase means to be “engulfed in” or “under the control of” or “stuck in the confines of a repressing system; lacking freedom”

For the record Trotsky was financed by Schiff. The Bolsheviks and Whites were financed by Rockefeller and JPMorgan and some other less known figures.

The Mensheviks had a higher proportion of Jews compared to the Bolsheviks. Both of them overrepresented by Jews nonetheless.

I wish fellow Right wingers would read the actual books and ignore misquotes or memes on the internet. It will raise your credibility.
• Agree: Wizard of Oz
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Marcali says:
September 26, 2022 at 12:10 pm GMT • 2.5 months ago • 100 Words   ↑

In truth there cannot be bias. From five years up.

The six years ruled by Lenin in Russia caused a protracted civil war, famines and several attempts to ignite revolutions abroad, a declared Red Terror and several colonial wars to re-gather the peoples and countries who took mistakenly seriously his declaration for free secessions.
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Marcali says:
September 26, 2022 at 12:18 pm GMT • 2.5 months ago • 200 Words   ↑

And of course Lenin is responsible for deaths well before he assumed the throne of Red Czardom by giving instructions from abroad.

“The foremost historian of Russian terrorism, Anna Geifman, notes that early in the 20th century, the entire society was convulsed with terrorism. Between 1905 and 1907, 4,500 government officials and 2,180 private individuals were killed, as well as others being wounded. Between January 1908 and May 1910, authorities recorded just fewer than 20,000 terrorist acts (and they must have missed ones in remote areas). According to Geifman, murder became more common than traffic accidents.
She notes that among the Russian Empire’s 136 million people, only 5 percent were Jews, but Jews constituted about 50 percent of the membership of revolutionary parties. In 1903, Chaim Weizmann explained to Theodor Herzl: “It is a fearful spectacle . . . to observe the major part of our youth—and no one would describe them as the worst part—offering themselves for sacrifice as though seized by a fever.”
• Thanks: Wizard of Oz
• Replies: @soll, @MarylinM
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Hector Lives says:
September 26, 2022 at 12:23 pm GMT • 2.5 months ago • 100 Words   ↑

[Dr. David Duke invented the claim that Kurganov’s figures were based on “secret government files” in his ridiculous book. The Secret Behind Communism (2013) p. 51]

That may have been what Duke said. I don’t know. But there’s is nothing about “secret files.” A goverenment library is what it is. Like the National Personnel records Center in St, Louis. The Soviet archives were opened to historians in 1990. That’s where British historian Antony Beevor was researching the war on the Eastern Front in WWII. So terrible were the battles, that Beevor had an emotional breakdown from what he found.
• Replies: @soll
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Anonymous[481] • Disclaimer says:
September 26, 2022 at 11:46 pm GMT • 2.5 months ago • 200 Words   ↑
@Priss Factor

I think he’s saying, if there’s a homeland for a certain people, they deserve to keep it.
So, if tall pale-skinned people have a homeland, they have every right to keep it.

Yes, I agree. It should be the universal right from the Amazon tribe to the modern industrialized state that native people posess the inalienable sovereign right to protect their communities and way of life from imposed demographic invasion without their consent. And by default, there is no consent. By default, demographic invasion is always immoral. By default, rapid demographic change is always destabilizing and violent.

But if you reduce what you are to “tall and pale-skinned people”, you will end up with tall and pale-skinned Jews and other tall and pale-skinned riff-raffs. It won’t protect what you truly want to protect, ie, your people, your community, your traditions, your way of life.

In America, I think talking about “native rights” is more effective than demanding “white rights”. White is important, but being white is not what gives whites their rights. It’s their connection to the land and country going back to the early settlers. Whites are effectively native to America (just below Native Americans) and all native people have rights to protect their communities from demographic assault.
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Anonymous[481] • Disclaimer says:
September 27, 2022 at 12:07 am GMT • 2.5 months ago • 100 Words   ↑

White nationalism doesn’t work. Like the 1/6 protests, it’s used by the opposition to demonize whites and distort the issue. It’s used by Jews to reinforce the argument that a white majority is dangerous.

They Scare Me

They Scare Me

It’s weaponized by blacks to prove white discrimination, hate and racism are real.

White nationalism plays into the left’s identity politics, and in that game, blacks, homosexuals and Jews always win.

White nationalism is really an appeal to protecting one’s homeland from unjust and destabiolizing demographic/cultural change.

So why not just fight for that? The world would be on our side. Say it’s for the children and community safety, and white suburban women will jump on board.
• Agree: S
• Replies: @geokat62
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MarylinM says:
September 27, 2022 at 12:25 am GMT • 2.5 months ago   ↑

The world, in particular white Gentiles, must make demands of the Jew that they become a normal people. It means rejection of the Talmudic way.

You want to be Jesus, son? Go ahead, knock yourself out.
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soll says:
September 27, 2022 at 1:12 am GMT • 2.5 months ago • 100 Words   ↑

I am aware of Geifman with having an interest in Revolutionary Russia, what is the purpose of your copy-paste here? I don’t see it.

And of course Lenin is responsible for deaths well before he assumed the throne of Red Czardom by giving instructions from abroad.

You seem to think Revolutionary Russia started with Lenin and the Bolsheviks? I don’t know what you are attempting to imply here being that you have not made an argument. The majority of the murders against government officials (300 on average each month) came after the collapse of the Narodnaya Volya of the late 1870s, from the SRs.

Lenin left Russia in 1905 and did not return until April of 1917, he was out of the Russian Empire for over a decade. You think he was in exile with his wife, mother and two sisters carrying out in his spare time assassinations?
• Replies: @Marcali
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soll says:
September 27, 2022 at 1:44 am GMT • 2.5 months ago • 200 Words   ↑
@Hector Lives

That may have been what Duke said. I don’t know. But there’s is nothing about “secret files.” A goverenment library is what it is. Like the National Personnel records Center in St, Louis. The Soviet archives were opened to historians in 1990.

As mentioned throughout this page, Kurganov was out of Russia by 1943 when he moved to Germany and continued his anti-Bolshevik campaign has originally started during his short time as a officer in the White Army in their Civil War, 1918-1921–he became a Professor of Economics in 1934, and in comparison to the regular Soviet citizens was very wealthy under Stalin. Still, he entered America in 1950 changed his name from Ivan. A Kurganov and continued his propaganda campaign.

He claimed by his figures, 320 million should be in Russia by 1959, yet was 110 million less–therefore 110 million are missing so they have been killed by Communism. His own methodology was at fault–its why his numbers and report have reminded ignored even while his papers are held at the Hoover Institution. When originally published they were described as pieces of pseudoscience. 44 million just for Soviets killed in WW2, over the past 2 decades it’s been accepted 26-27 million.

As mentioned above, the Soviet archives were opened in 1991 secured to Yale through a personal grant made by George Soros that established in 1992 by Jonathan Brent their Annals of Communism series.
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geokat62 says:
September 27, 2022 at 2:40 am GMT • 2.5 months ago • 100 Words   ↑

White nationalism is really an appeal to protecting one’s homeland from unjust and destabiolizing demographic/cultural change.

So why not just fight for that? The world would be on our side. Say it’s for the children and community safety, and white suburban women will jump on board.

I agree. We need to craft our messaging for a variety of target markets. It can’t be one size fits all.
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MarylinM says:
September 27, 2022 at 3:27 am GMT • 2.5 months ago • 100 Words   ↑

Chaim Weizmann explained to Theodor Herzl: “It is a fearful spectacle . . . to observe the major part of our youth- …-offering themselves for sacrifice as though seized by a fever.”

Finally someone hit the correct note: ” feverish sacrifice”, as in senseless, wasteful loss of energy and ultimately life – all for something that does not even exist: an idea. Big attaboy, and many thanks!

To learn what schizophrenia is see the “Legend” motion picture on Netflix. It is based on Real Life of identical twins, gangsters in 1960 London. The violence and gore are however not the main objective there, but rather a rich canvas on which to paint a powerful psychological study of Mr. Jekyll and Mr.Hyde, if this time around living in two separate bodies. This should be force fed to children at every bar mitzvah.
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Marcali says:
September 27, 2022 at 3:17 pm GMT • 2.4 months ago • 100 Words   ↑

Lenin was directing the socialist revolution from abroad by way of instructions:

“Due to political repression under Tsar Nicholas II, it was necessary to publish Iskra in exile and smuggle it into Russia.[1] Initially, it was managed by Vladimir Lenin, moving as he moved.

Iskra’s motto was “Из искры возгорится пламя” (“From a spark a fire will flare up”) — a line from the reply Alexander Odoevsky wrote to the poem by Alexander Pushkin addressed to the anti-tsar Decembrists imprisoned in Siberia. The editorial line championed the battle for political freedom as well as the cause of socialist revolution.[1]” (Wiki)

Don’t blame me for not understanding the issue. I was a member of the captive audience of my communist schools, so I am bound to know what I was taught and experinced first hand.
• Replies: @Maowasayali
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Maowasayali says:
September 27, 2022 at 9:24 pm GMT • 2.4 months ago • 400 Words   ↑

Iskra’s motto was “Из искры возгорится пламя” (“From a spark a fire will flare up”) — a line from the reply Alexander Odoevsky wrote to the poem by Alexander Pushkin addressed to the anti-tsar Decembrists imprisoned in Siberia. The editorial line championed the battle for political freedom as well as the cause of socialist revolution.[1]” (Wiki)

Thanks for helping me connect the Kosher dots….

Chairman Mao made a similar statement in a letter dated February 5, 1930: “A Spark Can Start A Prairie Fire.”

That line was made very popular during the Cultural Revolution from 1966-1976. I am referring to the agitprop-cum-opera, The East is Red (1965).

Was Mao a plagiarist? I seriously doubt Mao the country bumpkin was even remotely aware of Russian history and the Decemberists. Everything that Mao wrote was probably written for him by his intellectual superiors. 

If you do a search for “Decemberists” the first item that comes up is from Wikipedia and it refers to an American Indie Rock band. Wikipedia tells us the band was named after the Decembrist revolt, an 1825 insurrection in Imperial Russia. Colin Meloy, the founder of the band, “has stated that the name is also meant to invoke the ‘drama and melancholy’ of the month of December.”

I don’t think Meloy is Jewish; but he doesn’t have to be for the Jews to use him as a tool for their propaganda and number games. A perfect example is the pop star Prince and the number four (4); I was able to ‘reverse engineer’ (i.e., decode their gematria) and show how it was used by the Zionists in their Cultural Revolution in China. 

To reiterate, whenever I see a number or numbers associated with a major event, like 911 or COVID-19, or dates and months (December) associated with a revolution, my Jewdar goes berserk and red lights flash as they are doing right now as I write.


The major staple food in China is rice not wheat; and waterlogged rice paddies rather than prairies fill the expanse of China. But, of course, the metaphor would not work for rice paddies. It’s very difficult to start a wild fire in a waterlogged rice paddy. Like Communism itself, the metaphor and rhetoric of revolution was imported from Russia by alien Jews.  
• Replies: @geokat62, @S
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geokat62 says:
September 27, 2022 at 10:32 pm GMT • 2.4 months ago   ↑

Everything that Mao wrote was probably written for him by his intellectual superiors.

Say hello to Sidney Rittenberg, A Jew in Mao’s China

A Jew in Mao’s China

• Thanks: Maowasayali
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S says:
September 28, 2022 at 12:29 am GMT • 2.4 months ago • 200 Words   ↑

Chairman Mao made a similar statement in a letter dated February 5, 1930: “A Spark Can Start A Prairie Fire.”

That line was made very popular during the Cultural Revolution from 1966-1976. I am referring to the agitprop-cum-opera, The East is Red (1965).

So, the Mao ‘Prairie Fire’ quote is the origin of both the title of the 1974 Weather Underground book Prairie Fire: The Politics of Revolutionary Anti-imperialism and the name of ‘The Prairie Fire Organizing Committee’, the latter which evolved from the Weather Undergrou

The Prairie Fire Organizing Committee is an American extreme left organization whose members advocate the revolutionary overthrow of the current capitalist system as the “only solution to classism, imperialism, racism, sexism, and homophobia.” It evolved from the now-defunct terrorist organization Weather Underground.

In 1974, the book Prairie Fire: The Politics of Revolutionary Anti-imperialism was created as an ideological statement by various members of the underground group Weather Underground…The book’s preparation was a 12-month process, written collaboratively and adopted as the collective statement of the Weather Underground.
• Replies: @Maowasayali
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Maowasayali says:
September 28, 2022 at 3:08 am GMT • 2.4 months ago • 100 Words   ↑


I wasn’t aware that Bill Ayers, the founder of the Weather Underground had modelled his terrorist organization after Mao’s Red Guards.

This isn’t conclusive, but it certainly lends credibility to my argument that the American Civil Rights Movement and subsequent “counterculture” mirrored what was going on in China.

Actually, I’m pretty certain that all the unrest we saw during the late 1960s around the world (Cf. “Protests of 1968”) were all orchestrated by the usual suspects in London–the Cultural Revolution in China being their most savage and bloody.
• Replies: @S
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S says:
September 28, 2022 at 5:44 pm GMT • 2.4 months ago • 400 Words   ↑

Actually, I’m pretty certain that all the unrest we saw during the late 1960s around the world (Cf. “Protests of 1968”) were all orchestrated by the usual suspects in London–the Cultural Revolution in China being their most savage and bloody.

And, thank you for your research regarding Mao and Lenin. It’s quite interesting.

Unbeknownst to most, it’s a documented fact that the defacto Capitalist Manifesto, Adam Smith’s Wealth of Nations and Marx’s Communist Manifesto were both first published in London, in each instance there being a tie in with the City of London, in 1776 and 1848 respectively.

So, from the late 18th century beginnings of this manufactured and broadly controlled (crimethink, I know) global Capitalist vs Communist dialectic, London has arguably been behind it.

As for 1968, it was clearly a very important year globally in terms of ‘Marxist cultural revolution’, whether it be in China, or, a drugged up West.

• Thanks: Maowasayali
• Replies: @Maowasayali, @anarchyst
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Maowasayali says:
September 28, 2022 at 6:42 pm GMT • 2.4 months ago   ↑

If nothing else, the Planet of the Apes movie franchise indoctrinated us for the arrival of… wait for it… Monkeypox!
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S says:
September 29, 2022 at 4:42 am GMT • 2.4 months ago   ↑

If nothing else, the Planet of the Apes movie franchise indoctrinated us for the arrival of… wait for it… Monkeypox!

LOL! That’s a good one. 😀
• Replies: @Maowasayali
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Che Guava says:
September 29, 2022 at 6:10 pm GMT • 2.4 months ago   ↑

I can only say that I judged the meaning of ‘soll’ correctly.
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anarchyst says:
September 29, 2022 at 10:35 pm GMT • 2.4 months ago • 300 Words   ↑

“Behind every negro, there is a jew”.
• Replies: @S
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S says:
September 30, 2022 at 12:36 am GMT • 2.4 months ago • 200 Words   ↑

Our slavery corrupted elites have poorly led us. They and their hangers on should have been overthrown long-ago.

• Agree: anarchyst
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Maowasayali says:
September 30, 2022 at 12:44 am GMT • 2.4 months ago • 400 Words   ↑

You wrote:

Sure, they almost certainly have done stuff like that. If you’ve ever read any of Edward Bernay’s writings regarding advertising, it’s kind of disturbing, as it come off more like unethical brainwashing rather than a ‘contest of ideas’, and some of the ideas he was writing about are almost a hundred years old now. A more healthy society would outlaw (and police against) such ‘advertising’.

Connecting the Kosher dots…. Edward Bernays and the Jewish origins of the Civil Rights Movement and Communism and, in particular, the Cultural Revolution in China.
• Thanks: geokat62
• Replies: @S
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S says:
September 30, 2022 at 3:28 am GMT • 2.4 months ago • 200 Words   ↑

Guess who first made the “raised fist” the de facto symbol of rebellion and revolution in the 20th century?

Here’s a clue:

In addition to giving us the raised fist symbol of rebellion aka the “Black Power” salute

Generically the clenched fist goes back as far as the French Revolution of 1848 with it’s Red (ie Communist) Republicanism. Do you happen to have the source handy for the specific Black power salute connection with Bernay’s?

• Replies: @Maowasayali
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Maowasayali says:
October 1, 2022 at 12:06 am GMT • 2.3 months ago • 200 Words   ↑

In the months leading up to the 1968 Summer Olympic Games in Mexico, there was a high-profile campaign by African-Americans to boycott it. The man who was at the center of the campaign was a young 24-year old named Harry Edwards. His only big achievement in life at the time was being a former basketball star in college. (Sarcasm). Edwards looked the part of the Black Panther militant and had an imposing presence at 6 foot 8 inches tall. That metric sticks out because I know the Zionists love number games. 

From out of nowhere, the 6’8″ Edwards became a national media celebrity in the year 1968. He quickly disappeared back into obscurity after 1968 and his biography, from what little I can find on the internet, reads like a deep-state cutout. 

Were the Black Panthers controlled opposition–the American version of ISIS back in the 1960s? My guess is yes. 

Mao was many things to many people, but he was no anti-Semite nor was he the brains behind the Cultural Revolution in China. As you and I have shown, the cultural revolution was worldwide–exported to China rather than imported from China–and the symbols used (raised fist) were first used by the Freemasons during the French Revolution. 

BTW, it was not an accident that the biggest collector of Honoré Daumier’s art was Armand Hammer, founder of Communist Party USA and nicknamed “Lenin’s chosen capitalist” and “Soviet Fixer”.

Cf. Armand Hammer: Soviet ‘fixer’ from Lenin to the present, by Scott Thompson, Executive Intelligence Review, Vol. 12, No. 35, Sept. 6, 1985.
• Thanks: S
• Replies: @S
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S says:
October 1, 2022 at 8:56 am GMT • 2.3 months ago • 400 Words   ↑

Mao was many things to many people, but he was no anti-Semite nor was he the brains behind the Cultural Revolution in China. As you and I have shown, the cultural revolution was worldwide–exported to China rather than imported from China–and the symbols used (raised fist) were first used by the Freemasons during the French Revolution.

Information is controlled, and, or, suppressed, ie the open historic record in regards to the close ties between London, the City of London, and both Capitalism and Communism’s origins.

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Pierre de Craon says:
October 2, 2022 at 6:29 pm GMT • 2.3 months ago • 200 Words   ↑
@Larry Romanoff

This comment is only marginally on topic, but apropos

I checked Wikipedia and you’re wrong …

unless what one is checking is just a World Series score, may I suggest that it is well worth one’s time to look at the material on the Talk tab attached to every Wikipedia page. One frequently finds there the most astonishing admissions of pro-Jewish and anti-Christian bias, even hatred, especially in the context of one “editor” telling another that an edit he has made is invalid because it’s ipso facto anti-Semitic or stems from an “unreliable” source (i.e., not the New York Times or the Journal of the American Historical Association) or—this is my favorite—that the Jewishness of a person the article refers to is “simply irrelevant to the subject of the article.”

As I have noted elsewhere, the late Bradley Smith, the founder of CODOH, commented in that site’s now-deleted blog that “Wikipedia is the first place to go if you want it quick, do not want much, and there are no ethical or moral issues involved” (11/2009). The good man, I need hardly add, was being far too generous!
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werpor says:
October 5, 2022 at 4:57 pm GMT • 2.2 months ago • 700 Words   ↑

This was done in Great Britain as well. My dead Grandfathers assets were seized leaving my Grandmother and children impoverished. …And they were Jewish! One of their sons, my father, was with the British Expeditionary Force in Palestine in 1936. …Enforcing the Balfour Resolution keeping peace between the Jews and Arabs. My father never identified as Jewish. He used to say though “…minorities rule.”

My father spoke German although he was born in England. He was in the Mediterranean “theatre” from 1936 until he was captured on the island of Leros by German paratroopers and sent to a prisoner of war camp near Munich. He was on Malta during the entire siege. He was in Africa with the Eighth Army fighting Rommel. He escorted captured German soldiers to various compounds.

He was a quick study. He volunteered, joining the Long Range Desert Group; among their tasks was to observe enemy activity behind enemy lines in the deserts of North Africa and disrupt German supply lines. After a few attempts he escaped the prison camp and made his way back to England in 1946.

He used to say orders were often contradictory. He had to produce some of the “usual bumf” so he knew something of its sources. He produced PR for the Royal Canadian Air Force after joining up and emigrating from England in 1954.

He understood wars were a racket. He used to laugh out loud when something was reported on TV or in the newspapers as other than the truth and say to my mother “the same old bumf.” His entire “career” was spent doing PR. In the 1950 he attended at the Army Information School at Fort Slocum, N.Y. Americans and allied, were trained in applied journalism, oral communication, radio/TV broadcasting, public and world affairs, and photography.

He was disgusted when the Canadian Armed Forces were unified February 1, 1968 and so he retired. While in the RCAF various Cold War initiatives were promulgated which amplified for him that Canada was a satrapy. The cancellation of the Avro Arrow, the Bomarc missile crisis, the building of the the Distant Early Warning Line all took place during his years with the Canadian Air Force. And as is said among advertisers — and much much more. At the centre of contention was whether or not to arm the Bomarc missiles with nuclear tips and the same for the CF-104 fighters deployed in Europe in 1962.

Understandably the role played by the PR guys was to make the acceptance of nuclear armed ordinance acceptable to the public. The contention brought down the Conservative Diefenbaker government in 1963.

My mother worked for Air Material Command from 1955 until she retired in 1980. She was assigned to collate data and input data into the computers at Canadian Forces Base Rockcliffe. My father and mother were assigned Top Secret Designations during their tenures.

All of which is to say though that husbands and wives cannot avoid responding to the “news” as reported and of course talking about it. I was a fairly precocious seven year old in 1955, heard many things until I left home in 1970. My conclusion? The public knows very little and understands nothing.

Wars, weapons manufacturing, ideology, PR, vested interests, propaganda, money, vicious aggression, greed, lying, betrayal, misinformation, politics, greed, ambition, and plain ordinary ignorance are human nature. Curbing our lower natures is possible for a few individuals but most people are simply caught up in the turmoil of our basest instincts. Rome was beset by the same debasement as one is witnesses to today. It is in the nature of human affairs that most are completely asleep, and the few whom are more or less awake are barely tolerated. They tell the truth and like Cassandra, fated to utter true prophecies, are never believed.

No doubt he understood that ultimately all things become their opposites — as seems to be happening at the moment. It is though always happening. At some point people get tired of peace and then the dogs of war are unleashed. Then men, women and children die gruesome deaths. Few can imagine it might be them turned into an explosion of guts, shit, splintered bones, and torn flesh. “The worst thing is to discover to what extent one has been betrayed.” Said my father from time to time, when I was old enough to ask questions. “Nothing hurts more than betrayal.”
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Colonel Dolma says:
October 7, 2022 at 1:33 am GMT • 2.1 months ago • 100 Words   ↑

Armenians do not have Russophobia…. they need help from Christendom… sadly there is no effective Christendom (it certainly isn’t coming from the zio-anglo west)…Chabbad Putin as champion of Christendom is as much a joke as Trump is champion of Christendom… both zio stooges? How ironic that the only apparent help is coming from Iran (Shi muslim) and India (Hindu). Israhell, the so called holocaust victims won’t even acknowledge the Armenian genocide and supports Turkey’s denial with their power in the west. With regards to why Christendom should help Armenia…. well to a Christian that would be because we are in a war on this earth ……good vs. evil….. believers of God vs believer slaves of satan …..understand now? ps. Armenia was instrumental in “helping” during the Crusades and was the first nation to adapt Christianity…. though 70 years of atheist (jew) communism
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WhoaWaitaMinute says:
October 8, 2022 at 2:31 am GMT • 2.1 months ago   ↑
@John Johnson

Not so much race,but culture. All the Jews I know identify as white.
• Replies: @geokat62
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geokat62 says:
October 8, 2022 at 10:50 am GMT • 2.1 months ago   ↑

All the Jews I know identify as white.

LOL… sure they do.

Ask them to explain this for you…

I’m not white I’m Jewish

[Play Video]

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Pheasant says:
October 12, 2022 at 11:24 pm GMT • 1.9 months ago   ↑

‘Lavrentiy Beria, certainly Stalin’s most powerful and vicious Jewish Lieutenant’

Ostensibly he was not Jewish.

The writer includes ‘facts’ with no footnotes.
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Pheasant says:
October 12, 2022 at 11:46 pm GMT • 1.9 months ago   ↑

‘Grigori Zinoviev’ real name Apelfbaum.

Stalin didnt speak yiddish.

For goodness sakes
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Truthor says:
October 13, 2022 at 8:51 pm GMT • 1.9 months ago   ↑

As this article is apropos to Stalin’s Jews I will post the link again:
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idiotbuster says:
December 8, 2022 at 7:05 pm GMT • 1.3 days ago • 100 Words   ↑

Beria was not a Jew at all. He was a Georgian, like Stalin.
There is no validity to the “Khazar” theory. It is 95% bunk, the little truth it had was washed away by history. No Khazars existed anywhere for 1000 years.
You need to keep your comments based on facts or else you discredit yourself.
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