There is quite a bit of “interference” in this video…especially the last half. Ferrite magnets can’t take care of all the audio problems. Just most of them.
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Lookoutfa Charlie

Elbert Quiros
6 months ago
Ephesians 6:12

Ulfhed Tyrsson
1 year ago
Definitely drove me to seclusion. I don’t have or want anything to do with anything or anyone. Seems like everyone is that way now. Nearly all social structure is gone. No one has any will to have any societal contact.

Montney [Mon-ta-knee]
2 years ago
I get the pealing skin around my mouth. I also get the blue and red fibers. No energy lack of motivation

2 years ago (edited)
Lookoutfa Charlie, you mention we need to talk about electronic targeting in the context of covid. I absolutely agree and have been thinking about this for a couple months now. I believe this is it. i believe this is what is happening.

Apple Bag
2 years ago
its ok to name the J_W

Candi Jones
2 years ago
Should we cut the gray hair
Lookoutfa Charlie

Candi Jones
2 years ago
My hair turned gray and I knew it was implants… I burned em and it smelled like plastic and some don’t burn

Candi Jones
2 years ago
Candi Jones
Candi Jones
2 years ago
Prayers for you I’ve searched up and down for results…. Last week I downloaded a Russian browser because they tell you what your county won’t…. Well it introduced me to you I have ordered all the items suggested to remove biofilm. But I want a one on one I’ll pay

2 years ago
Yes, playing the good cop bad cop all day and night and sleep deprivation, tortured if I want to go to sleep, tortured to wake up…..if they wake me up early, I now just pray

Lookoutfa Charlie
2 years ago
I’ve decided to show my subscriber count publicly (which I never did before) to show the subscriber count vs. views ratio. Something is clearly being messed with.

Dawn Marie
2 years ago
Lookoutfa Charlie…
Is your gmail the same???
Want to share something with you.
Lookoutfa Charlie

2 years ago
Earliest public admission in film “ Afghanistan Banana Stand”

Sylvanie William
2 years ago
Hard to say what way is more sinister. At least being a prisoner you understand that torture and brainwashing is a possibility. We get the updated version that records any and every feeling that one goes through in life and can be mimicked at any given time. Like the way a past love’s voice made you feel or the pain of a broken finger. Experience all the while living in what’s supposed to be your home or place of peace and comfort. The onLy feeling of privacy I get is from driving my truck with dark ass back and side windows with my entire windshield tinted. I realize it’s not blocking any of the harassment (v2k) but it keeps the ground players guessing who is with me and what we are doing.

2 years ago (edited)
We are being hard wired with self replicating nano bots. The vaccine is a part of that agenda. Do you know Tony P in Canada? I’ve been heavily targeted for quite some time.

orgone generator
2 years ago
In 2002, my targeting began. This Navy roommate I had used to work at gitmo. He was a radar tech. I was wondering about the connection. Thanks Charlie.
Lookoutfa Charlie

Matthew Logan
2 years ago
Ya they try to do that reverse psychology shit to me that the reason I go with what I do i don’t listen to then and common sense shout tell a person that they know your rebelling against them so they do that reverse psychology bullshit to me

Iaman Empoweredone
2 years ago
I only get V2K when I’m right in between sleeping and waking. I’m either just falling asleep or just waking up. I still have the directed dreams. If I’m getting V2K during wakefulness then I am not consciously aware of it. But I have had quite a few experiences of knowing my brain is connected to someone else’s brain in visual site. It’s a weird feeling. The person I’m connected to acts as if they are as surprised as I am.
Lookoutfa Charlie

Iaman Empoweredone
2 years ago
This is good. Thank you for the research you are doing. I have been experiencing a lot of this for over 9 years now. The GS portion abruptly stopped in the last eight weeks. I’ll have some resources soon and will certainly contribute to you to develop the website. Great idea. Thank you for not turning off the comments on this.

Branden Griffith
2 years ago
Thank you my brother thank you. Im not sure if someone answered about the voice god episode. The edge of wonder has an episode about that. The military has used it many times. Thanks for all your work. I would love to spend a day or three with you. I’m working on some stuff myself I want in the fight against these evil Nazi’s.

Kelly Cahoon
2 years ago
Thank you for this video. This is the first time I’ve heard my story verbatim. Degredation is the main component in this nightmare. The bathroom is the biggest one for me. They have threatened to kill my family and me repeatedly for years. I’m going on year number six. I’m at my wit’s end and it’s so exhausting and a very hopeless feeling. They’ve never given me more than a couple minutes of no voices. I tell them to fuck themselves constantly and I pay the consequences every time but I refuse to be nice to them after what they’ve done to me. They tell me their police officers and deputies. They’ve tortured me in mental hospitals, jail cells, solitary confinement, my mom’s funeral, gynocology apt.,courtrooms, and now I realize that the problem wasn’t me. I would’ve never gone to mental hospitals and jail but I kept defying them and cut my nose off to spite my face repeatedly. Now I also realize to stay as calm as possible even though it’s damn near impossible, my addrenaline goes up and down all day. There’s so many things that I tried to explain to people and now I don’t even bother because I can’t expect people who haven’t gone through this to understand. It sounds insane but I have to pretend that the v2k doesn’t exist so I can maintain my couple of relationships I have left. They’ve tried to give me multiple personality disorder,and I don’t have that but they’ve ba toll on me to say the least.

Dawn Marie
2 years ago
I am definitely open for helping fund a site.

Mischievous M
2 years ago
Also check out Brandnewtube it alows you to copy your vids from youtube directly to that platform

Mischievous M
2 years ago
Charlie you should check out the anti nano barrel i made it deactivates the nano
Lookoutfa Charlie

Dawn Marie
2 years ago
So Excited❗️Have been waiting for a new video…Made my day.❗️
Lookoutfa Charlie

2 years ago
Ohh yea btw the video u did a lond time ago about the targets n our eyes, I believe was 💯 % accurate I think they also use retinal projectors mounted on micro drones to project whatever they want into ur eyes n it all looks completely real… Just my opinion
Lookoutfa Charlie

Saturn Osa
2 years ago
I’m @ first few minutes. What’s price tag of something like this? Yeah, let’s get it done. I’ll contribute $
Lookoutfa Charlie

2 years ago
Upload in YouTube. Then at some point tell viewers that the link for Brand New Tube. Which is completely UNCENSORED.
Lookoutfa Charlie

2 years ago
How much do u need , n where’s the link ? Also been T.I for a few years but the last 6 months I’ve had something going on w my nose…. Idk sounds weird ik but I’m damn near 50 yrs old n never had anything like this … In the tip of my nose like something implanted or fungas growing in the tip… Idk just wondering if anyone else has been through this