Ana L. Toledo, TI Statement and Evidence of Targeting in Puerto Rico

July 17, 2022:

Good evening,

With my deepest respect and trust that you can bring to the world’s attention the physical slavery and torture I have been submitted to within an American Territory, I humbly ask that you take a look at the statement attached.

My name is Ana Toledo, a BIPOC woman in Puerto Rico fighting for her life. Erin Brockovich was my inspiration but John Grisham never fathomed the dark side of taking that path.

I sued Big Pharma and the local water utility in an environmental justice case. Since then, my perpetraitors added dozens of adversaries during the 22 years I’ve been a targeted individual.

Despite the horrendous things they have done to me, I only discovered it last year. They threw the kitchen sink at me.

Please read my statement and help me save my life. They are intent on ending it. Bringing my tragic case to the public attention is the only means I believe I can save my live. Please help me.


Ana L. Toledo

Ana Toledo Targeted Individual Statement