Bombshell Letter Reveals “Disinformation Governance Board” Was Intended To Target American Dissidents

Webmaster Comment: Yes, as the subtitle states: The American Stasi Hates You.

OK, I admit it. I mainly add this post to my website because of the excellent rendering of the head of Department of Homeland Security, Alejandro Mayorkas, complete with large, black eyes. Yes, we are ruled by devils.

Bombshell Letter Reveals “Disinformation Governance Board” Was Intended To Target American Dissidents

3 days ago
Good Job keeping your composure discussing these topics. I can see you want to explode

3 days ago
Steaming heap of Mayorkass. More Dogma Crap Sammiches anyone?
Sorry, I can’t eat them (allergies). Ministry of Truth live and well, operating underground. Miss Information and Heap-o-Mayorkass still heading it up.
Yes, arrest Mayorkass and his side kick, Miss Information! Treason squared, cubed, on steroids.

4 days ago
Just wait! It will get better. Klaus Schwab will likely be taken out and these people like Mayorkas, Garland, and Biden’s pawns will be prosecuted!!! The American people will demand it!