I. Brain Monitoring and Manipulation (2020) & Direct Neural Interface and DARPA (2017); Drs. J. D. Schall and J. Sanchez

I. Brain Monitoring & Manipulation Dec. 19, 2020


Lecture by Jeffrey D. Schall, Ph.D.

II. Direct Neural Interface & DARPA – Dr Justin Sanchez 6/26/17


That’s what she said. Literally.

1 year ago
đŸ˜¶ He said it right after the 5 min mark- their goal is to “learn to control complex systems” (i.e.; the human brain) which sounds to me like an awfully covert way of saying mind control …

1 year ago
Wow, they really care about us. So much so, that they wanna reach right into our brains and help us out. Seems legit.

Matt Z
6 months ago
This is not a presentation, this is a confession.

1 year ago
I recall a brilliant essay by Ted Kaczinsky about tech in the future.
Seahorse Equestrian
2 years ago

3 years ago
It’s good to know that DARPA is so caring. There advancements in memory control sound harmless.

Dawn Cawthra
9 months ago
Reminds me of the early CIA experiments where they connected electrodes to insects and manipulated them like a robot.

Darpa “to control complex systems”

3 years ago (edited)
Since 1958, Darpa’s mission statement is to stay ahead on technology.
– That explains Facebook.

Terence Winters
1 year ago
Painting a picture of how it helps depression and anxiety may not necessarily erase the conditions that caused the condition in the first place.

Patty N.
9 months ago
Sounds like they want a little more control to me!. He literally said, “We want to be able to control complex things”. OUR BRAINS!.

gypsy jones
2 years ago
Hmmm …
So an arm of the department of the military is interested in helping people with depression?
Sounds fishy to me.

Francesca Darien-Hyde LLB MA
1 year ago
What an inspirational revelation! Our brain is an amazing universe. We are so wonderfully made – PSL 139:13-14. AI is the present and the future. Am hoping the technocrats will develop these interfaces in an ethical manner. FDH LLB MA

Driver Dave
1 year ago
Just because you can, doesn’t mean that you should.

The Overseer
3 years ago (edited)
Neural stuff always makes me think about mind control and learning more and more about it spooks me

I don’t mind about it anyways so id like to see the real good without concern

9 months ago
Society is about 30+ years behind on what they “allow” us to know. If it’s in a movie in Hollywood….it’s old news in real life. 😟
1 year ago
Watched a series about this called h+ . It came out about ten years ago. Everyone got the implant and the network error killed a huge amount of poplation

Nathan Cook
1 year ago
This reminded me of a movie starring Arnold Schwarzenegger when he went to a company to take a virtual reality trip to mars, and he got to pick his fantasy wife and his avatar. In this video when everyone was talking to each other via their mind, reminded me of something I saw recently, where Elon Musk placed chips into the pigs brains so the computer could autonomously communicate with them, and I assuming the pigs could communicate with each other. The future is here.

3 years ago
Listen only to the sound of my voice. Let your mind relax. Let your thoughts drift. Let the bad memories fade. Let peace be upon you. Surrender yourself to your dreams. Let them wash over you like the gentle waves of the bluest ocean. Let them envelop you. Comfort you.

Imagine somewhere calm. Imagine somewhere safe. Imagine yourself in a frozen forest. You’re standing in a clearing. Trees around you so tall, they touch the sky. Pure white snowflakes fall all around. You can feel them melt on your skin. You are not cold. It cannot overcome the warmth of your beating heart. Can you hear it? You only have to listen.

gabehcuoD suoitneterP
1 year ago (edited)
This is great stuff. How many of these have been implemented to help our soldiers?

Margaret Stephens
3 years ago
God help those among us who dare to think ‘wrong thoughts’. George Orwell wrote his book 1984 as prophecy and a warning not as fiction.

2 years ago
amazing! when can everyone with an sci get tech like this?

Negash Abdu
1 year ago
I love this good job DARPA!!!👏

Kimberlee Robinson
5 days ago
“Neurons show when someone is thinking about how to do something.” I can control if I want to think myself through how to do something, so I’m over man’s quest to mind control his fellow man. GOD created our brains and I think ethically and morally, man needs to tread carefully; receiving permission and consent should one choose to participate in these experiments. Brains were not formed through evolution but were created by Divine Design in the Father’s image and we tell it what to think and when to think it. Unless for the good of society and with informed consent…the creator will not be pleased if this is forced upon the good brains of society.

Rex H
4 years ago
That was some advanced arm control. Exciting stuff.

Jay Frederick
1 year ago
“or even write these signals into the brain..” as he nervously laughs. 4:27

Adam Fraser
2 years ago
How do they get away with this? Recording memories is so unbelievably far away. It’s ridiculous, and a sign of how empty this field of study is. Dud areas of science always focus on the “100 years from now” applications.

2 years ago (edited)
Holy shit, this tech IS advancing quick SAO soon mah boys

Theta Cortex
11 months ago
Now show me the video of what DARPA is actually using this technology for…

s a
3 years ago
His story is how the show Salvation starts

Christen Waltman
4 months ago
Thumbs up for every mind control victim

11 months ago
I like this guy.
Impressive presentation Dr. Sanchez. Incredible flow through your presentation to highlight you and your teams brilliant depth to interface this technology in a powerful and relatable way. Not just for the medical applications, but for the wide range this could truly impact society and private markets.

1 year ago (edited)
“The Beast also forced all people, great and small, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hands or on their foreheads, so that they could not buy or sell unless they had the mark,which is the name of the beast or the number of its name. This calls for wisdom. Let the person who has insight calculate the number of the beast, for it is 666” (Revelation 13)

April Divine
1 year ago
The face of the ENEMY

Mrs Smith
1 year ago

Reverend Lisa Renee Salem
10 months ago
Its already been done and I am the Brilliant Methodologist who master Neuro Interfacing with Satellite Technology which I use as my mail form of daily communication with my Security and Intelligence Detail and world leaders all over the world. I am the only person in the world who can do it, mastered on 9-14-2018 -Interpol Yellow Notice # 21-22733 – Sergeant Penn working out of Warren PD, Warren, Michigan, USA – Connect with Interpol by referencing that # at your local law enforcement agency. This is the End of America and the Trilateral Commission and I a Human Trafficked Hostage and Victim of State Terrorism to the United States State Department, in Warren, Michigan, USA to stall the ICC and UN Hearings which are The Fall of America after what has been a 33 year International Criminal Investigation against the United States of America for decades of numerous Acts of International and Domestic Terrorism – War Crimes – Organized Departmental Human Trafficking – Crimes of Ritual Sacrifice – Human Rights Violations – and Treason against an entire mass population of unknowing, innocent, civilian victims. See my youtube and fb page. There is a now 2 year and 11 month nation wide media gag order hiding from Americans what is mainstream headline news in 27 other countries. I am Reverend Lisa Renee Salem – Payton German KSA, Israeli Mossad, CIA – US Naval Intelligence – Human Trafficked Hostage in Warren, Michigan, USA – Interpol Yellow Notice # 21-22733

Terence Winters
1 year ago
Consider some of DARPA s cost benefits analysis like talon vs IEDs ie robots vs roadside bombs . Cost of a talon robot 100,ooo$ cost of an IED between 30 and 400$ . This is why blood and treasure may follow tech but it doesnt necessarily translate to an unconditional surrender. Still in iraq still in afghanistan and GIs are still becoming paraplegics.

Caleb Myers
7 months ago (edited)
“Give me a fulcrum and I will move the world.” -Archimedes

“Would it be better off somewhere else?” – Diogenes

Alibaba Sing
6 months ago
any disconnect method?? I am also facing problem telepathy

Luke Bracken
2 years ago
Can’t help but think about Nexus by Ramez Naam, great exploration of these ideas. Crazy how fast it’s becoming a reality.

Bruce G
2 years ago
Genesis 3, the serpent said man will not surely die, and make no mistake this is where this is headed, they are probably 30 years ahead of what they are admitting to.

Brian VandenBerg
3 years ago
14:20 Awesome. How do we get this stuff to Doctors in our community’s?
Curriculum in Medical schools yet?

3 years ago (edited)
Well, just find way to upload people to Matrix world for saving minds. After you can slow down and take thousands of years for trails and improvements. Oh, and I would definitely buy my private mind server 😀

3 years ago
I found this video searching if it was possible to interface with the brain to feel magnetism.

Blossem de Groat
10 months ago (edited)
How different the world would be if everyone was included. Can’t think. Disruption technology does not feel like Hope For Inclusion. The technology is impressive .

Alex Trout
2 years ago
19:13 “considered a right, instead of a personal choice” got that? Very important. You wont have a say in it.

Otto Romero
1 year ago
So, Elon Musk’s Neuralink has its origin in DARPA just as Internet, GPS, SIRI, Touch Screen and other technologies. Interesting. All you need is a bunch of money and then invest in a state-of-the-art technology and from there you go.

Lori Ferrara
9 months ago
Perhaps I am way too cynical these days, but I can definitely see how this could be exploited and not for the general good either. All technology can and will be used against us ? i.e. psychologically cripple others- trigger depression and or anxiety in your foes ? And as corny as this comment may seem- Why does he look so much like Disney’s Loki character? ! I see a Disney advertisement of the film and the actor must be his doppleganger and or vice=versa ! đŸ€Ł

Jesus Soldier Shepard
1 year ago
this is how someone across the world can do something to someone to the other side of the world without even touching them this is your new technology and what will you do

Michael Humphrey
1 year ago
This gives voters a real choice now

10 months ago
So the brain connect to a 3D printer should do wonders

Felix Vega
2 years ago
When this goes wireless do you call it telekinesis?

Jesus Soldier Shepard
1 year ago
This basically is opening a security door to Pandora’s box which you are not able to see what it is or where it’s coming from IE essentially it is running around hidden within source code

daniel ash
2 years ago
Asking how do I rebuild this engine and get step by step instructions. Like spell checking .

And the Highest is Love
2 weeks ago
Let me know when you figure out how to override Rh- advanced systems hahaha 😝

Justin Masters
3 years ago
There’s a cool movie called the Matrix you guys might like.

Aisu Kitora
1 year ago
Well SAO here I come. They did this with 96 sensors and even stimulated touch so I’m more excited for the future now and hopefully.

Also, I see weird people in the comment section with conspiracy theories lmao. Scroll at your own risks of loosing brain cells.

paul mitchell
2 years ago (edited)
Dr Sanchez, A . I .will soon be much smarter than you.
If Nathan can stack those cones,just think what rapid intricate and PREDICTIVE movements a robot with the best A I could achieve. Think of all those human jobs becoming redundant.
Direct neural interface will allow mobile robots to communicate with each other via satellite.

Jesus Soldier Shepard
1 year ago
So now you know you find out for yourselfbut this technology is supposed to be sci-fi, yet this is occurring in actual reality. So what were you doing with this

9 months ago
if they can “restore” memory, they also can wipe it clean right?

Romi James
2 years ago (edited)
Oh, how lovely! And you’re under control.
If corporations really cared, they wouldn’t be pro war.

The only solution to help a person who’s had irreparable damage because of an accident is stem cell technology. But this also opens up another can of worms.

Connie Criscitello
4 years ago
the only hope for humanity is to turn off all electronics and never turn them on again (until we know how to make them work for the many, not just the few).

Gold Whistle Media
1 year ago
I’m glad these idiotic kids are introducing themselves and showing their faces as they will become the targets for “targeting individuals.”

Terence Winters
1 year ago
Giving control over to a machine or AI IS A SLIPPERY SLOPE . OR SEE THE PAPERCLIP GAME.

Akshay Shukla
3 years ago
Man , I will be the happiest person on the planet if get to work for DARPA ! Amazing job . My respect to all those people actually changing the world.

Ahoy Captain
1 year ago
Thanks for making everyones life shittier tech companies

Decca 303
2 years ago
They keep talking about thinking yet what their working towards is stopping us from doing it..

Daniel Azulay
1 year ago
“Galvanic levels” they have humor. Unexpected.

daniel ash
2 years ago
With most of these super worldly things COOL a fighter that’s handicapped in a ring no more asking whats your handicaps you can say WHAT’S HANDICAPPED ?

disagree Dinero
9 months ago (edited)
I see so they have been working on it 30+ yrs in Darpa and we did not know about it… and the want to help people restore movement, and….oh, is there an over ride??? you think these military guys have thought about how they can override movement??? yeh I bet they have. So I guess they dont need robots after all.

1 year ago
I am non-consenting to DARPA.

Marcos antonio goncalves Antonio
1 year ago
Gostaria de saber do que ele estĂĄ falando, pois nĂŁo entendo . SĂł falo portuguĂȘs do Brasil

Born Again to JESUS – All Glory to God
1 year ago
you didn’t mention the choice to NOT have neurolink and whether this technology in fact changes what is human.

3 months ago
“SMART” Dust. Neural Dust. Synthetic Telepathy, Anyone? SCIENCE FACT!!

jhansi rani
11 months ago
All these technologies useful as well as harmful…
I want to ask one question?
How to stop brain reading by others? Through none invasive method.?
I clearly saying my mind was hacked by known people intentionally? Which tools I need to stop, some psychologist also behaving madly just like the person who is connecting to me what she said.? I want exact solution quick resolve method.

Angry NPC
3 years ago
serial lain experiments psyche : exists
darpa: hMMM,,

5 months ago
1. This technology along with many others can be used as a weapon.
2. Why do you think it’s right for certain people to be the boss or control this for everyone else. =Unfair and bias

rajanikant panda
1 year ago
Can’t this technology be used to make a paralyzed person live a normal life

6 months ago
He forgot to mention lifelog => thefacebook, but I guess that was a little before his time.

1 year ago
Who else is here after watching the intro for Pacific Rim?

7 months ago
I wonder where these guys are in their technology. I’m a T1diabetic no amputations thank God, but I’d love to guinea pig some stuff. lol đŸ„ŽđŸ’š

Brian VandenBerg
3 years ago
17:43 !!! Portions of my #Alexa and #Siri Compatible “Private Internal Voice Vibration Protocol” or #ivXXX Protocol. @Outcomes_Matter @InitiativeBrain

Chubs Fatboy
1 year ago
Thanks Justin Sanchez hope 2 see u soonđŸ–•đŸ€˜đŸ˜˜

10 months ago
So there is really a race for your mind

King David
1 year ago
Unfortunately they’re actually succeeding

Alex Trout
2 years ago
He just wanted to pilot a war plane. What a coincidence. Really, you think everyone is stupid?

Christen Waltman
4 months ago (edited)
Blood on their hands….animals always become substitutes of the real human sacrifice when they explain the past …

Never Ending Journey Still Learning
11 months ago

1 year ago
All good deeds…..evil will use to it’s advantage.

Brian VandenBerg
3 years ago
11:00 “Paralyzed person” BCI. Nice Work.

Elfie Papini
10 months ago
Mind control, creating the Manchurian candidate

Marty Paxton
2 years ago (edited)
There’s always free cheese in a mousetrap. Look lil Timmy is slapping himself repeatedly to his face, but has no clue why.. that’s Us ! Cool huh ?

3 months ago
“Thats what nathan can do” now watch what we do when all you sheep are chipped

Eric Carman
1 year ago
What do you have to say to the civilians that are being experimented on that have done no wrong?

I know of what happens. I suffer at the hands of these government crimes against humanity. I curse these men’s souls for what they have done to me and men like me.

3 generations….I curse you and the next 2 generations. Hope it was worth it.

Dawn Benoit
4 years ago
I came up with ideas to save lives

Ciaran Kane
10 months ago
This is being done to me right now can anybody please offer me help to have it removed

Tomcat Hex
2 years ago

Kwisatz Haderach
2 months ago

diann h
10 months ago
Wow so they wanna do another MK ultra and they’re using this dude to sell it to us. NO THANKS.

Asif Alamgir
1 year ago (edited)
Who else came here searching for DNI to understand COD Black Ops 3 ??
freedom nom
4 years ago
Darpa is amazing…

Adrian Kings
5 months ago
They can see your thoughts and control your mood. No thanks

Scott Schmehr
3 months ago (edited)
And all wirelessly without any implants. via eeg ekg and emf sensory equipment or applicatiions.

3 years ago
Johnny Mnemonic
Data Storage in the Brain

1 year ago

Glenn Zarmanov
1 year ago

Brandy Torkman
4 months ago (edited)
Leave our brains alone. So happy to confess their abomination.

Ahoy Captain
1 year ago
Who decided this!? Who voted for this lifestyle as a human here to enjoy life on earth for the short years we have to enjoy before youre dead forever!!

1 year ago
Human consciousness and body attached to a system who intends to use that contact as a weapon.

green revenge
8 months ago
“Outcome train go boom”

Thomas Payne
1 year ago
A real life Dirty Sanchez

Gollygoth Grrrl
1 year ago
Wow, all the other videos on this have the comments switched off.

Curtis Kjobech
1 year ago
Who knows someone who thinks that there brain is hacked? There’s evidence, motive and opportunity. How to verify and what to do?

Mongstad Bambino
1 year ago
Watch “Upgrade” on Netflix

Brian VandenBerg
3 years ago
RSS #LeftFlutterEH #Optogenetics What’s the Problem? Lost my manual.

anon. aki
1 year ago
Evil incarnate. Justin should consider changing his ways or simply go play with something poisonous on a busy freeway. Either way, the world would benefit.

Mongstad Bambino
1 year ago
Watch “Replicas” with Keanu Reeves on Netflix.

3 years ago
If people dont get what this person is talking about play black ops 3 and you will figure out Direct Neural Interface what is.

nicolas Achee
3 months ago
Holy fuck. What the hell is wrong with humans? Do these creatures feel so inadequate? I have less of… something, idk what, towards paralyzed people after watching that. I didn’t realize they were being used to sell things like that. Humanity’s soul.

Rebecca Erb
6 months ago
If you could fix somebody who got broken.. that would be good.

kingdom come
2 years ago (edited)
“Can even write signals into the brain..” hmm. What kind of malevolence would be possible with this technology? “Some making the ultimate sacrifice, and getting injured” I don’t think getting injured is the ultimate sacrifice.

NoMore Procrastination
1 year ago
Reverse psychology…..lol.

blunt force trauma
1 year ago
This completely rubbish I know first hand that mind reading and artificial telepathy is 100 percent real and it’s done with nano technology and a neural brainwave transmitter or an ELF that’s an acronym for electric low frequency it’s a small portable programmable computer that can be used remotely to give the nano tech inside the body commands that can do all kinds of things

becky D
10 months ago

Mongstad Bambino
1 year ago
Listen to this CBC episode: https://www.cbc.ca/radio/ideas/how-hollywood-became-the-unofficial-propaganda-arm-of-the-u-s-military-1.5560575

Maximillian Sbabo
3 years ago
Snake oil…. how is this tiny subset or neuron activity being decode to be understand as their memory…. don’t buy it… what if it’s just a switch…

Jesus Soldier Shepard
1 year ago

lisa solis
10 months ago
I wonder if Elon Musk is working for darpa

Someone Somewhere
10 months ago
He looks like Loki 👿

7 months ago
read or steal ideas of you opponent sending waves to his brain.

Un Lovedone
1 year ago
Take our minds to build ai

1 year ago
Roads to hell are paved with good intentions.

legalise it
2 years ago (edited)

Michael Martin
3 years ago
No need for porn in the usual sense. A pornstar would just download an experience to a donor brain.

Jennifer Maxine
8 months ago
He really needs to learn how to wear a suit & tie.

Jake Thompson
2 years ago
Brain the Swamp.

Jarrad Robertson
3 years ago
DARPA , innovative forensic psychiatrists , neural psychologists , forensic anthropologists , cybermachotronic surgical engineers , cultural engineers , as in synch = subnets black box as application for returned veterans injured minds, now can have memories completely erased , soul uploading to a cybermachotronic body , the application for the public hospital maternity department , a combined deal with the citizens to exchange all that wasted sleep time , for medical and pharmaceutical specialist , the local doctor can receive data via remote means as the sentient architectural designs of the A.I. engines of the cybermachotronic suburbia , criminality shalt be obsolescent as in exchange for work time deductions , universal property ownership , so the present home ownership will be addressed in Chinese ghost cities , Sydney’s once was eight hundred thousand vacant apartments + various other forms of vacant residential facilities that remain unoccupied for on mass ten to twenty years , hubs for universalised private property , any medical condition will be diagnosed with the in home and in brain and body surveillance app , universally installed as ordained under human rights law , sect CDHR 332? that compelled the security and protection of all sentient organisms by any means , including technological means of ensuring the medical oath to the vowed law enforcement , that all legally registered residential facilities will have sufficiently effectual methods of ensuring that criminal ideational content is swiftly disposed as all domestic abodes will have the sufficiently advanced cybermachotronic devices installed or the architectural design itself will be cybermachotronic capable of arresting any one engaged in criminal thought as a prevention of committing crime involuntary treatment will be mobilised , radio stations transmit psycho activation via remote dopamine elevation , or in the case of some dislocated personage breaking curfew and district breach law will be subject to instantaneous catatonic paralysis upon the autonomously functional remote transmission of dopamine , serotonin , melatonin inhibition that will have the impact of an epileptic
electro-convulsion , submitted in stone
yeah real fucking good day to this sucked in lot damn the bastards , la grande sociopathy will become standard issue conduct , can’t complain about politicians whom reflect their nature , Tony Abbot , Mugabe , Bush , Blaire , Howard are all cats amongst this lot , twins amongst twins

Donna Ali
1 year ago
Rev 13- 16/18

If you dont have the mark, you will not be able to work….đŸ˜ĄđŸ˜€đŸ˜ĄđŸ˜€

Claire Bear
1 year ago
Seek a relationship with Jesus while He may be found. He’s coming back

Steven mahood
4 years ago
There will be two worlds

Jiansen Zheng
4 years ago
Matrix and Skynet are coming, lol

Jesus Soldier Shepard
1 year ago

Farhat Keinzer
1 year ago
Can we say elon is hacking your ideas?!

George Romer
1 year ago
We MUST RESIST this Neural Technology with all our MIND, SOUL and STRENGTH as if our ETERNAL DESTINY depends on it; because it does! Surrender your whole being – Body, Soul and Spirit to JESUS CHRIST. HE will protect us from all the wiles of the devil.
Psalms 91:1-13
He that dwelleth in the secret place of the most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty.
I will say of the LORD, He is my refuge and my fortress: my God; in him will I trust.
Surely he shall deliver thee from the snare of the fowler, and from the noisome pestilence.
He shall cover thee with his feathers, and under his wings shalt thou trust: his truth shall be thy shield and buckler.
Thou shalt not be afraid for the terror by night; nor for the arrow that flieth by day;
Nor for the pestilence that walketh in darkness; nor for the destruction that wasteth at noonday.
A thousand shall fall at thy side, and ten thousand at thy right hand; but it shall not come nigh thee.
Only with thine eyes shalt thou behold and see the reward of the wicked.
Because thou hast made the LORD, which is my refuge, even the most High, thy habitation;
There shall no evil befall thee, neither shall any plague come nigh thy dwelling.
For he shall give his angels charge over thee, to keep thee in all thy ways.
They shall bear thee up in their hands, lest thou dash thy foot against a stone.
Thou shalt tread upon the lion and adder: the young lion and the dragon shalt thou trample under feet.

james brown
1 year ago
vague speaker. speaking of a holodeck? reel to real?

Henry Drake
2 years ago
anyone know what he is not telling us?

Mr Avatar
10 months ago
They serve the military, not you.

4 years ago
Black ops 3 irl black project is close 😛

Mohammed Alattar
2 years ago
14:49 Infinite Tsukuyomi?

Jem Bo
1 year ago
This guy is going to hell , that’s for sure.

Howard Dennee
3 weeks ago
I cant Find My brain.

Un Lovedone
1 year ago
We been invaded by aliens this people are aliens

John Oakman
1 year ago
There’s an insane amount of ignorants in this comment section.

Cydp Palley
2 years ago

Scepter_ Knight
3 years ago
sword art line, link start!

Un Lovedone
1 year ago
Lol their control control humans

Adrian Kings
5 months ago
The matrix

Un Lovedone
1 year ago
Lol control

Un Lovedone
1 year ago
Lol lier

SupaaNuckaNoEbola Chola Garcia
2 years ago
i dpnt like it ome bit.

Un Lovedone
1 year ago
Torture and abuse

3 years ago
Sword Art Online!!!!!!!!!!!

Shane John Paul
2 years ago
Sword Art Online!!!

Mr Mawashi
4 years ago
Black ops 3…

Jose Trevino
7 months ago
Hi I am thinking toward you hi my name is JT
1 year ago

Adrian Kings
5 months ago

Shelia Shuck
4 months ago
YouTube Satan Will Trick The Church With Life Extension Technology on channel scriptural maturity. Just a start