Militant Judaic Gangstalking

[MUST KNOW Jew psychotronic warfare] Militant Judaic Gangstalking

Cursed [be] he that smiteth his neighbour secretly. — Deuteronomy 27:24

And all the people shall say, Amen.

Militant Judaic Gangstalking

Militant Judaic Gangstalking aka Cellphone/Texting Coward Sociopath Flash Mobs

Some of the main purposes of this article is to bust some of the myths and disinfo about Chabad Lubovitch/Meir Kahane Militant Radicalized Judaic Gangstalkers – these people have absolutely nothing to do with “neighborhood watch…” Radicalized Militant Judaic Gangstalkers are the KKK of the new millennium, their white robes and burning crosses are cell phone texts and Mossad/NSA spy gear. Gangstalking myth is “they are not really a gang they are so loosely affiliated – like a KKK Grand Psyclops in Brentwood, California and his or her gangstalkers in yours or my neighborhood. If this is what is meant by “loose-affiliation”, then they are “loosely affiliated”.

Militant Judaic Gang Stalkers first chess-move is usually Morgellons infection (a man-made blood condition invented in Israel). There is no such thing as a covert infection with Morgellons, as the initial contact is like having several boxes of fishhooks dragged across the part the Militant Jew Gangstalkers decide to target. Morgellons to the back of the hands, Morgellons applied to sunglasses or put on a book or document handed to the intended victim.

Are we the Amalekites?

These are not “the Jews next door”, these are NSA/FBI/Homeland Security/Mossad sanctioned sociopaths and adherents to radicalized Chabad, JDL, Rabbi Meir Kahane and perverted, Satanic B’nai B’rith. Jew Gangstalkers come in various flavors, Rabbi Meir Kahane Gangstalkers, Chabad Gangstalkers, those who euthanize homeless Christians; others spy on people using laptops in real time (NSA/Mossad stalkers).

Tactics of Radical Militant Judaic Chabad Gangstalking include NSA/Mossad surveillance public harassment, Morgellons infections, stalking on roads, highways and during pedestrian travels. Radical Militant Judaic Chabad Gangstalking is a criminal phenomenon referring to a group of affiliated Israelis or Jews people who, in an organized and systematic manner, relentlessly invade all areas of an individual’s life on a continuing basis, as part of their “religion”. Some Jews are paid for performing Radical Militant Judaic Chabad Gangstalking activities against a nearby target. Militant Judaic Gangstalkers first are told a targeted individual is “anti-Semitic”.

One of the devices used most by militant Judaic Gangstalkers is your telephone (you are Lo-Jacked via your cell phone). The fact that these gangs exist with impunity proves the FBI, NSA, Homeland Security are complicit or turn a blind eye to the illegality of Judaic Gangstalkers. A Morgellons infection operation is bio-terrorism. Acts of Gangstalking fall under RICO laws and making terrorist threats, but the FBI and DHS fail to act. This failure is what is known as “our special relationship with the Jews”.

What is Gangstalking-Terrorist Watch List


“Saturday, 4 February 2012

America’s Forgotten Anti-Gangstalking Law: USC 18 Section 241

Many of Medawar’s fellow bloggers are calling for laws in the USA, Canada, Australia and the United Kingdom against “gangstalking” and “proxy stalking” which could both collectively be called organized stalking. And certainly in Canada and Australia, some legislative action is imperative. But it’s long been Medawar’s view that in the United Kingdom (both England and Scotland; unlike the Berlin Wall, Hadrian’s Wall has never fallen in the legal sense) all forms of organized stalking were breaking several laws already and the problem was recognition of that fact by the Director of Public Prosecutions and the Crown Prosecution Service and action by the police.

In the USA, there already is a highly specific law, under which it is pretty well impossible for any two or more persons to carry out a stalking campaign against a citizen, without conspiring to deny that citizen their legal and constitutional rights. Under USC18 section 241, this is an offense normally punishable by a fine and/or up to ten years imprisonment. But if the conspiracy leads to a loss of life, and the usual qualifications of premeditated murder are not specified (because murder is not a Federal offence and would be dealt with under county or state law if it had happened) then the penalty can be life imprisonment, or death.

So, if somebody is harassed and deprived of their legal and constitutional rights to the point where they commit suicide, or become ill and expire as some other consequence of the conspiracy to deny them their rights, then a capital crime has been committed. For example: if a conspiracy to harass a citizen restricted his ability to earn money to keep himself properly fed and housed and he were to die as a result of living rough, the conspirators have committed a capital crime, just as they would have done had they conspired to prevent him receiving proper medical treatment for an illness. Or, if they conspired to restrict his freedom of movement and he was unable to flee a natural disaster, they would have committed a capital crime that could be investigated by Federal Agents and tried in a Federal Court.

The possibility of life imprisonment or capital punishment also applies if the citizen is kidnapped, sexually assaulted, or there is an intent to sexually assault, or an attempt to kill.

These are extreme examples to demonstrate the circumstances in which organized stalking is a capital crime under US Federal Law. But not so extreme that there are no stalking groups currently risking such a charge. In fact, the threat and fact of sexual assault is pretty common.

In the less extreme case, whereby a citizen is not harried to his death, merely prevented from living the normal life of an American citizen, it is still a felony, punishable by a longer prison term than many burglaries, assaults and contraband offences. And nearly ALL stalking activity involving two or more persons acting together, commits this felony.

Even if a lone stalker enlists the help of another for a single part of his stalking campaign against a citizen, a conspiracy to deny that citizen his rights has probably taken place.

The relevant legal text is a lot shorter than this post and is reproduced, below.

If two or more persons conspire to injure, oppress, threaten, or intimidate any person in any State, Territory, Commonwealth, or District in the free exercise or enjoyment of any right or privilege secured to him by the Constitution or laws of the United States, or because of his having so exercised the same; If two or more persons go in disguise on the highway, or on the premises of another, with intent to prevent or hinder his free exercise or enjoyment of any right or privilege so secured – They shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than ten years, or both; and if death results from the acts committed in violation of this section or if such acts include kidnapping or an attempt to kidnap, aggravated sexual abuse or an attempt to commit aggravated sexual abuse, or an attempt to kill, they shall be fined under this title or imprisoned for any term of years or for life, or both, or may be sentenced to death.

The second paragraph makes it obvious that the Congress had the Ku Klux Klan very much in mind when drafting this law; anyone who thinks that they are stalking in a more noble cause, should think again: if you resort to the Klan’s methods, your cause is incapable of nobility and you fully deserve to be tarred with precisely the same brush. It is legally impossible to stalk in a good cause. This title is not an anti-racism law: it is a law against denying a citizen his constitutional and legal rights on any pretext whatsoever”.
Russian Television RT Interview/Charts On American Attitude Towards Judaics

The State of Michigan is the only state (so far) to add new laws to combat Gangstalking by Radicalized Judaics:

Michigan § 750.411u. Commission or Attempted Commission of Felony by Associate or Member of Gang Where Gang Membership or Association Provides Motive, Means or Opportunity to Commit Offense; Relation of Sentence Under Section and Sentence for Underlying Felony
Sec. 411u. (1) If a person who is an associate or a member of a gang commits a felony or attempts to commit a felony and the person’s association or membership in the gang provides the motive, means, or opportunity to commit the felony, the person is guilty of a felony punishable by imprisonment for not more than 20 years. As used in this section:

(a) “Gang” means an ongoing organization, association, or group of 5 or more people, other than a nonprofit organization, that identifies itself by all of the following:

(i) A unifying mark, manner, protocol, or method of expressing membership, including a common name, sign or symbol, means of recognition, geographical or territorial sites, or boundary or location.

(ii) An established leadership or command structure.

(iii) Defined membership criteria.

(b) “Gang member” or “member of a gang” means a person who belongs to a gang.

(2) A sentence imposed under this section is in addition to the sentence imposed for the conviction of the underlying felony or the attempt to commit the underlying felony and may be served consecutively with and preceding any term of imprisonment imposed for the conviction of the felony or attempt to commit the felony.

Michigan § 750.411v. Recruiting, Coercing, Etc., Another to Join, Participated In, or Assist Gang in Committing Felony; Threatening Another with Intent to Deter Assistance of or Punish or Retaliate Against Withdrawal from Gang; Relation Between Sentence Under Section and Sentence for Other Felonies or Attempts to Commit Felonies Arising Out of Same Transaction
Sec. 411v. (1) A person shall not cause, encourage, recruit, solicit, or coerce another to join, participate in, or assist a gang in committing a felony. A person who violates this subsection is guilty of a felony punishable by imprisonment for not more than 5 years or a fine of not more than $5,000.00, or both.

(2) A person shall not communicate, directly or indirectly, to another person a threat of injury or damage to the person or property of that person or to an associate or relative of that person with the intent to do either of the following:

(a) Deter the other person from assisting a gang member or associate of a gang to withdraw from the gang.

(b) Punish or retaliate against the other person for having withdrawn from a gang.

(3) A person who violates subsection (2) is guilty of a felony punishable for not more than 20 years or a fine of not more than $20,000.00, or both.

(4) A sentence imposed under this section is in addition to a sentence imposed for the conviction of another felony or attempt to commit a felony arising out of the same transaction and may be ordered to be served consecutively with and preceding a term of imprisonment imposed for the conviction of that felony or attempt to commit that felony.

(5) As used in this section:

(a) “Gang” means an ongoing organization, association, or group of 5 or more people, other than a nonprofit organization, that identifies itself by all of the following:

(i) A unifying mark, manner, protocol, or method of expressing membership, including a common name, sign or symbol, means of recognition, and geographical or territorial sites, or boundary or location.

(ii) An established leadership or command structure.

(iii) Defined membership criteria.

(b) “Gang member” means a person who belongs to a gang.

Gang Participation (view all states for this subject)

Michigan § 750.411u. Commission or Attempted Commission of Felony by Associate or Member of Gang Where Gang Membership or Association Provides Motive, Means or Opportunity to Commit Offense; Relation of Sentence Under Section and Sentence for Underlying Felony
Sec. 411u. (1) If a person who is an associate or a member of a gang commits a felony or attempts to commit a felony and the person’s association or membership in the gang provides the motive, means, or opportunity to commit the felony, the person is guilty of a felony punishable by imprisonment for not more than 20 years. As used in this section:

(a) “Gang” means an ongoing organization, association, or group of 5 or more people, other than a nonprofit organization, that identifies itself by all of the following:

(i) A unifying mark, manner, protocol, or method of expressing membership, including a common name, sign or symbol, means of recognition, geographical or territorial sites, or boundary or location.

(ii) An established leadership or command structure.

(iii) Defined membership criteria.

(b) “Gang member” or “member of a gang” means a person who belongs to a gang.

(2) A sentence imposed under this section is in addition to the sentence imposed for the conviction of the underlying felony or the attempt to commit the underlying felony and may be served consecutively with and preceding any term of imprisonment imposed for the conviction of the felony or attempt to commit the felony.

Gang Prevention (view all states for this subject)
Michigan § 432.212. Wagering Tax; Local Excise Taxes; State Casino Fund; Administration and Distribution of Taxes
(3) If the state imposes a wagering tax under Subsection (1) equal to 18% of adjusted gross receipts, money in the state casino gaming fund that is not from a tax imposed under Subsections (5) to (8) shall be allocated as follows:

(a) 55% to the city in which a casino is located for use in connection with the following:

(iv) Anti-gang and youth development programs.

Gang Recruitment, Threats, Intimidation (view all states for this subject)
Michigan § 750.411v. Recruiting, Coercing, Etc., Another to Join, Participated In, or Assist Gang in Committing Felony; Threatening Another with Intent to Deter Assistance of or Punish or Retaliate Against Withdrawal from Gang; Relation Between Sentence Under Section and Sentence for Other Felonies or Attempts to Commit Felonies Arising Out of Same Transaction
Sec. 411v. (1) A person shall not cause, encourage, recruit, solicit, or coerce another to join, participate in, or assist a gang in committing a felony. A person who violates this subsection is guilty of a felony punishable by imprisonment for not more than 5 years or a fine of not more than $5,000.00, or both.

(2) A person shall not communicate, directly or indirectly, to another person a threat of injury or damage to the person or property of that person or to an associate or relative of that person with the intent to do either of the following:

(a) Deter the other person from assisting a gang member or associate of a gang to withdraw from the gang.

(b) Punish or retaliate against the other person for having withdrawn from a gang.

(3) A person who violates subsection (2) is guilty of a felony punishable for not more than 20 years or a fine of not more than $20,000.00, or both.

(4) A sentence imposed under this section is in addition to a sentence imposed for the conviction of another felony or attempt to commit a felony arising out of the same transaction and may be ordered to be served consecutively with and preceding a term of imprisonment imposed for the conviction of that felony or attempt to commit that felony.

(5) As used in this section:

(a) “Gang” means an ongoing organization, association, or group of 5 or more people, other than a nonprofit organization, that identifies itself by all of the following:

(i) A unifying mark, manner, protocol, or method of expressing membership, including a common name, sign or symbol, means of recognition, and geographical or territorial sites, or boundary or location.

(ii) An established leadership or command structure.

(iii) Defined membership criteria.

(b) “Gang member” means a person who belongs to a gang.

Gang-Related Definitions (view all states for this subject)

Michigan § 750.411u. Commission or Attempted Commission of Felony by Associate or Member of Gang Where Gang Membership or Association Provides Motive, Means or Opportunity to Commit Offense; Relation of Sentence Under Section and Sentence for Underlying Felony
Sec. 411u. (1) If a person who is an associate or a member of a gang commits a felony or attempts to commit a felony and the person’s association or membership in the gang provides the motive, means, or opportunity to commit the felony, the person is guilty of a felony punishable by imprisonment for not more than 20 years. As used in this section:

(a) “Gang” means an ongoing organization, association, or group of 5 or more people, other than a nonprofit organization, that identifies itself by all of the following:

(i) A unifying mark, manner, protocol, or method of expressing membership, including a common name, sign or symbol, means of recognition, geographical or territorial sites, or boundary or location.

(ii) An established leadership or command structure.

(iii) Defined membership criteria.

(b) “Gang member” or “member of a gang” means a person who belongs to a gang.

(2) A sentence imposed under this section is in addition to the sentence imposed for the conviction of the underlying felony or the attempt to commit the underlying felony and may be served consecutively with and preceding any term of imprisonment imposed for the conviction of the felony or attempt to commit the felony.

Michigan § 750.411v. Recruiting, Coercing, Etc., Another to Join, Participated In, or Assist Gang in Committing Felony; Threatening Another with Intent to Deter Assistance of or Punish or Retaliate Against Withdrawal from Gang; Relation Between Sentence Under

Section and Sentence for Other Felonies or Attempts to Commit Felonies Arising Out of Same Transaction
Sec. 411v. (1) A person shall not cause, encourage, recruit, solicit, or coerce another to join, participate in, or assist a gang in committing a felony. A person who violates this subsection is guilty of a felony punishable by imprisonment for not more than 5 years or a fine of not more than $5,000.00, or both.

(2) A person shall not communicate, directly or indirectly, to another person a threat of injury or damage to the person or property of that person or to an associate or relative of that person with the intent to do either of the following:

(a) Deter the other person from assisting a gang member or associate of a gang to withdraw from the gang.

(b) Punish or retaliate against the other person for having withdrawn from a gang.

(3) A person who violates subsection (2) is guilty of a felony punishable for not more than 20 years or a fine of not more than $20,000.00, or both.

(4) A sentence imposed under this section is in addition to a sentence imposed for the conviction of another felony or attempt to commit a felony arising out of the same transaction and may be ordered to be served consecutively with and preceding a term of imprisonment imposed for the conviction of that felony or attempt to commit that felony.

(5) As used in this section:

(a) “Gang” means an ongoing organization, association, or group of 5 or more people, other than a nonprofit organization, that identifies itself by all of the following:

(i) A unifying mark, manner, protocol, or method of expressing membership, including a common name, sign or symbol, means of recognition, and geographical or territorial sites, or boundary or location.

(ii) An established leadership or command structure.

(iii) Defined membership criteria.

(b) “Gang member” means a person who belongs to a gang.

USC 18 Section 241 was and is a law passed to defang the Ku Klux Klan. All of its provisions pertain to gangstalkers. Perhaps the “March to Selma” to stop Radicalized Militant Judaic Gangstalkers is to post their info on the open Internet. One of the crimes committed by gang stalkers is boxing a targeted persons car in on the freeway while a member of their gang in a big rig truck pulls in to the victims lane with no signal or warning. The March to Selma is posting license plate numbers of Gangstalkers on the open Internet.

Silver Volvo Wagon, California license plate 4XFC300. Driver medium sized male, preppy appearance – Radicalized Militant Chabad Lubovitch Gangstalker, tries to kill people (Gentile Targets) on the freeway. “Loosely Affiliated” with: Gray Nissan Pathfinder, Ca. license number 5VJG509 Nissan Pathfinder Dark Gray, owner is possibly a Militant Judaic Gangstalker but could possibly be a pissed-off housewife with road rage. She drove the way the gangstalkers drove. The first one, the man is a dyed-in-the-wool-Jewish Supremacist Gangstalker – so is his other “loosely-affiliated” gang friend: Ca license number 5KRX926 Gentile-phobe Chabad-Mafia follower of Rabbi Kahane. Slightly under medium heigh male, extremely stock build, blotchy complexion, wears black sun visors by day to hide his face. Car looks to be the family wagon, BMW wagon, dark gray or blue gray very dark. This one has stalked me over and over from 12/20/2013 to 12/20/2014… Militant Radicalized Jewish Supremacist out to put the lowly Goyim in their place…

The females with babies… …text my location to the rest of her Chabad Lubovitch / Meir Kahane Klan – look at baby, look at me, grimace and follow my bumper from 24″ away at 55-60mph on the freeway. Grimace, tailgate, gangstalk with a baby about 12″ from a porringer side SUV airbag. TOther License plates that appear to belong to Gangstalkers: Black VW Ca. 6ZXE990 and Siver Toyota 4CUA433 – suspected Gangstalkers.

It is up to Law Enforcement, DoJ to stop sitting upon reports of Criminal Gangstalking and investigate. One cannot determine whether a gangstalker is a Judaic, a gang-banger mercenary gang-stalker or a PTA Gentile Mom hired to “punish anti-semitic Goy”. All of the above can be figured out dumping cellphone calls and texts and figuring out who pulls the strings. In the middle of my worst stalked day ever, a Policeman said to his partner, “I called a Lieutenant who was my old partner and asked him how high up this thing goes? He (Lieutenant) replied, ‘I was told this thing goes way up high’…”

If law enforcement simply looked at car accidents by Jew some of these guys must be averaging a fender-bender per month. To say, “there is nothing that can be done” equates this to 1920’s Ku Klux Klan. RICO laws apply to Militant Radicalized Judaic Gangstalkers. One of the problems is that those put on the tar and feather list (electronic surveillance, electronic harassment and gangstalking) are done so by the rich and powerful. But there should be no mistaking that electronic tar and feathers and being stalked on the freeway or having a female gangstalker nearly take your knees off with her car number are just more public lynchings with a twisted Mossad slant. The Jews are the new KKK and their Gentile Goyim targets the new lynched negroes. It may be covert and high tech, but it still has the fetid stench of racism…

What most or even all “Alternative (read that corrupt Judaic) News articles never ask is what is the Mossad’s end game? What does the NSA hope to accomplish by stalking, spying, feeding “neighborhood watch” Judaic Criminal Conspiracy members materiel? There is no pay-off, no goal state in mind; nothing but a growing conspireatorial process of Judaic Superiority as the “dissent” is crushed via gangstalking, e-CointelPro 2014. Will the punished rise out of the ground “cleansed” of real or imagined “Anti-Semitism”? It is too much like the McCarthy years and even more so too much like Salem to be of any redeeming social value. In both essence and reality, gangstalking is smut for sociopathic mental-pedophiles…

Dec. 25 Day to rejoice that 3 nails and a cross makes me forgiven in God’s eyes. Who held my hand, encouraged me to let go of Linda, raise my son… …start dating again with the notion that my next date would not be “the one” as I was damaged from the divorce/custody. My one friend(s), actually two: Jewish Gardener Eric Ross and Jewish University Lit Professor Paul. I bonded to both deeply, right up until they moved. I was close friends with George Shaw; Sassoon Firm Publicist, Philanthropist for 17 years. I swam in the pool with his children. George died in 1996. George was flaming gay and I’m straight; he was my closest friend of gay variety so far. I miss his intelligence, wit and humor. Shalom.

I’m not my Dad no matter how many times you insist I am. But gangstalkers believe in punishing for the sins of the father. My father was bigoted so punish me too… Happy Hannuka.

What is the annual budget of the NSA/Mossad U.S. and NATO countries operations via Black Ops? What is the cost of the U.S. Gangstalking program? What is the budget of U.S. Gangstalking programs Carnivore Cointelpro and Echelon per annum? The answer(s) are these are what Occupy would refer to as the 1%. For purposes of this article, we will call it the 3% or the 3%-5%…

It is highly probable that every homeless American could go back to work and have decent housing via 2.5% of the black ops budget – instead it makes the top 3%-5% wealthier yet… Bulldozing the homeless camps and inmate/homeless euthanasia have been selected as “how to have a healthy America society”. Law Enforcement has MRAP bomb proof HumVees and there is no shortage of diesel for bulldozing homeless camps and paying government officials salaries to make homelessness illegal. This cannot be blamed on Chabad nor on Gentile religions, as the guilt is too plentiful to heap merely on Gentiles or Judaics alone.

Look at what we have become, when “American” means turning a blind eye to population Euthanasia, beamed-energy weapons at the populace and Christian and Judeo Gangstalking. What and where is the brass ring? What is the long-term goal state, post World War I or II Germany here in the U.S.? From this vantage point all that is apparent is growing Fascism here in the “good” ‘ol USA…

How is it that the Jewish and Christian “society” of 2014 can afford torture and euthanasia for people who ended up 1-2 paychecks in the hole but cannot afford to feed, clothe or re-employ anyone at all? America no longer exists, God is not dead, America is dead. Anyone who perpetuates or looks the other way while Americans are gangstalked and euthanized should beware that they are not Americans. Those funding it are Bacon Bits.

An informal poll found that at least 2 out of 5 and possibly 3 out of 5 Americans know what gangstalking, organized harassment and targeted individuals really means. Numerous disinfo (aliens, space ships, ufo abduction) articles are hung all over the web – by the gangs themselves. A good number of people ask, “why would they spend their time stalking people”? The same question was asked about the KKK, the Neo-Nazis, the Anti-Defamation League and many other organization that seek to shut people up. Henry Ford had strike breakers, why would he do that?

Why did people in America tar and feather the abolitionists, why did they rob valuable time from their families to do such deeds? Why did the Stalinists kill millions of people, when there were so many better things to do? The behavior of the Zionists and their hardliner friends and hired mercenaries is not any different. When the Nazis came to power, they baited the Jews the same way America’s gangstalkers bait targeted individuals. Organized Harassers are a criminal subculture composed primarily of societies mental emotional and spiritual bottom feeders.

Israel, Jews, no criticism allowed – Texe Marrs


Do Americans Face a Red Terror?

March 11, 2014

When the Jews Were the Nazis
(and the Christians Were the Jews)

Speaking of Illuminati Jews, Winston Churchill wrote in 1920, “this world-wide conspiracy for the overthrow of civilization and for the reconstitution of society on the basis of arrested development, of envious malevolence, and impossible equality, has been steadily growing…now at last this band … have gripped the Russian people by the hair of their heads and have become practically the undisputed masters of that enormous empire.” Illustrated Sunday Herald February 8, 1920.

“Why are communism’s victims forced to sit in the back of the holocaust bus?”

by James Perloff (

The same Illuminati bankers responsible for the Bolshevik Revolution and the greatest mass murder in human history control the United States today.

Is America on the precipice of another “Red Terror”? There are some disturbing signs:

Empowered by the “Patriot” Act, the Homeland Security Department could become a Cheka, (secret police) and FEMA’s detention camps a gulag archipelago. Last year the Department made headlines by ordering 1.6 billion ammunition rounds – enough to kill every American five times.

Edward Snowden’s revelations of NSA spying on everybody.

Executive Order 13603 gives the President the power to take control of all national resources, public and private, and to impose martial law.
NDAA 2014 gives the military the power to indefinitely detain American citizens without charge and without trial.
To facilitate enslavement, the Bolsheviks outlawed gun ownership. Their war on the people became “machine guns against pitchforks.” Although Americans aren’t disarmed yet, the pressure to ban weapons has never been greater, as staged “lone gunman shooting sprees” have increased. In general, false flag terrorism like 9-11 and Boston point to a general contempt for the public.
We aren’t razing churches yet, but the media relentlessly demonize Christians while courts increasingly suppress religious expression.
The US military is trained to view Christians as extremists and terrorists.
Genocide is not overt, but the elites’ comments about population control reveal the agenda behind legalized abortion, HAARP, GMOs, and mandatory vaccination.
None of this should surprise us: the Rothschild-Illuminist-Masonic network that ruled in 1917 still rules in 2014.

(left, four Jewish Gulag commandants make masonic sign)


In 1992, the newspaper Literaturnaya Rossiya estimated that, including starvation and civil war, Soviet communism left 147 million dead. Even accepting the more moderate claim of Harvard University Press’s Black Book of Communism – that communism murdered “only” 100 million worldwide – what these numbers represent is beyond comprehension. Stalin reportedly said: “One death is a tragedy; a million is a statistic.”

By December 1917, the Bolsheviks established their instrument of terror, the Cheka (the KGB’s precursor). Lina writes: “Lists of those shot and otherwise executed were published in the Cheka’s weekly newspaper. In this way it can be proved that 1.7 million people were executed during the period 1918-19. A river of blood flowed through Russia. The Cheka had to employ body counters.” By contrast, under the czars, 467 people were executed between 1826 and 1904.
Trotsky declared: “We will reduce the Russian intelligentsia to a complete idiocy.” Lina writes: “1,695,604 people were executed from January 1921 to April 1922. Among these victims were bishops, professors, doctors, officers, policemen, gendarmes, lawyers, civil servants, journalists, writers, artists…” The Bolsheviks considered the intelligentsia the greatest threat to their dictatorship. This sheds light on the Marxist buzzword “proletariat.” The Illuminati knew nations are easier to enslave if only peasants and laborers remain. But even the proletariat wasn’t spared. The Cheka brutally suppressed hundreds of peasant uprisings and labor strikes, executing victims as “counter-revolutionaries.”
Satanic torture often accompanied killings. Many priests were crucified. Some victims had eyes put out, or limbs chopped off, or were otherwise mutilated, while the next victims were forced to watch.
Although Russia had been “the world’s granary,” over five million died of starvation during the famine of 1921-22 . This wasn’t “socialist inefficiency,” but genocide from grain confiscation. In the Holodomor, Stalin murdered 7 million Ukrainians, including 3 million children, by ordering all foodstuffs confiscated as punishment for resisting farm collectivization. Communist brigades went house to house, ripping down walls with axes searching for “hoarded” food.
In Soviet gulags (concentration camps) millions perished. Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn estimated that, just during Stalin’s “great purge” of 1937-38, two million died in gulags.

• The Bolsheviks meanwhile lived royally. Lenin, who occupied Grand Duke Sergei Alexandrov’s estate, placed 75 million francs in a Swiss bank account in 1920. Trotsky, who lived in a castle seized from Prince Felix Yusupov, had over $80 million in U.S. bank accounts. Top Cheka officials ate off gold plates. Communism was plunder masked by ideological slogans. Money and jewelry were stripped from homes at gunpoint.

Lenin and Trotsky repaid their bankster masters. Jyri Lina writes: “In October 1918, Jewish bankers in Berlin received 47 cases of gold from Russia, containing 3125 kilos of gold.” The Grand Orient de France refurbished its Paris Lodge with money Lenin sent in 1919. In New York, Kuhn, Loeb received, in the first half of 1921 alone, $102 million in Russian wealth.” (Under the Sign of the Scorpion, 278)

Bolsheviks were predominantly Jewish – unsurprising given the long linkage of cabalistic Jews to Freemasonry and revolution. I state this objectively, without anti-Semitism. I am half-Jewish; my paternal grandparents emigrated from Russia in 1904.

• In Les Derniers Jours des Romanofs (1920), Robert Wilton, The Times’s Russian correspondent, named each person in the Bolshevik government.

(left, Illuminati Jew and Presidential candidate in 2008, John Kerry giving the communist clenched fist salute.)

The tally:

Bolshevik Party Central Committee: of 12 members, 9 were Jews.
Council of People’s Commissars: 22 members, 17 Jews.
Central Executive Committee: 61 members, 41 Jews.
Extraordinary Commission of Moscow: 36 members, 23 Jews.
In 1922, the Morning Post listed all 545 civil servants in the Soviet administration; 477 were Jews, 30 were ethnic Russians. “Russian” Revolution was a misnomer.
Leon Trotsky (real name Lev Bronstein) was a Ukrainian Jew. He introduced the cabalistic five-pointed star as the Red Army’s symbol. In New York, Trotsky belonged to B’nai B’rith – the Jewish Masonic order – as did his financial angel, Jacob Schiff. Juri Lina has unearthed evidence that Schiff ordered the murder of the Czar and royal family.
Under Lenin, anti-Semitism became a capital offense. The Bolsheviks destroyed 60,000 churches; many became latrines or museums of atheism. Yet Russia’s synagogues went untouched.
Jews dominated the Cheka. Lina lists 15 Jewish gulag commandants (Under the Sign of the Scorpion, p. 310). The Cheka targeted classes and ethnicities: the “bourgeoisie”; “kulaks” (landowning farmers); and Cossacks, whom the Central Committee declared “must be exterminated and physically disposed of, down to the last man.” They tried to eradicate Russian culture, renaming Petrograd and Tsaritsyn after the revolution’s psychopaths. In Ukraine, the Bolsheviks seized traditional national costumes. Obliterating nationalism is a precursor to the Illuminati world order.
Despite claims that Jewish dominance ended under Stalin, in 1937 17 of 27 Presidium members were still Jewish, and 115 of 133 Council of People’s Commissars. Stalin did turn against the Zionists in 1949, heavily persecuting Jews during 1952, after which he was poisoned.
From Hungary’s Bela Kun, to Germany’s Rosa Luxemburg, to America’s Rosenbergs (atomic spies), to Karl Marx himself, Jews were undeniably disproportionate among communists. This observation is not meant to stigmatize Jews. But why are communism’s victims forced to sit in the back of the holocaust bus?

Why are we constantly reminded of Kristallnacht, but never the Bolsheviks’ destroying 60,000 churches and murdering over 300,000 priests?

Why was historian David Irving imprisoned for challenging the Shoah’s official version (“hate crime”), whereas New York Times correspondent Walter Duranty denied the Ukrainian Holocaust and received a Pulitzer Prize?

Why are no Ukrainian Anne Franks honored in films? They are all God’s children. The answer to these questions point to the already stated fact: the
political descendants of the people responsible for these atrocities, control the world today.

We need to hope for the best but be prepared for the worst.

James Perloff is author of Truth Is a Lonely Warrior an expose of the satanic drive for a new world order.

Related- Steve Plocker – Stalin’s Jews “We mustn’t forget that some of greatest murderers of modern times were Jewish.”
———– Texe Marrs – Communism and the Jews
———— Hitler Survivor Tells Americans to Buy Guns

First Comment by Ron D

It is a fact that Fusion Centers are hot beds for organizing Gestapo-like Actions against Targeted US Citizen’s. This has been reported in the alternative media and talk show radio hosts like Alex Jone’s goes on tirades in regards to the Nazi World Order. DHS is gunning up, putting together a threat assessment against every individual who see’s the government as tyrannically out of control.




More definitive proof of Fusion Center Gestapo Infiltration and False Flags to set up and knock down American Citizen’s.. These people are involved in Criminal Activities.

Active Duty Military working a Fusion Center Infiltrates Group for False Flag operation.

Obama’s newly appointed Regulatory Czar, Cass Sunstein believes in the Machiavelli Tactics of Targeting and Infiltration

Fusion Centers running Cartel Gang Stalking rings which target individuals and have been known to use transdermal chemical battery to cause non lethal pain and suffering that cannot be diagnosed by doctors.


– See more at:


Tag Archives: Judaism

Apr 11 2013

Pounding the Holocaust Drum

The following was written by Henry Makow April 7, 2013


Aggressors always pretend to be innocent victims, and pretend the real victims are the aggressors. The holocaust perpetuates this meme. It convinces the real victims, the goyim, that they are “bullies” if they resist the real aggressors, the Illuminati’s Jewish and Masonic fronts.

By Henry Makow, Ph.D.

Monday April 8 is Holocaust Day. Ever wonder why Organized Jewry keeps pounding this drum?

They don’t give a hoot about the holocaust or its victims. A recent survey of “holocaust survivors” in Israel shows that more than half live in poverty and think Israel is neglecting them. No surprise here. Zionists collaborated with the Nazis and sabotaged efforts to save Jewish lives.

(above. John Kerry, an Illuminati Jew, pays tribute. US leaders serve the NWO)

The Illuminati designed the holocaust to justify the creation of Israel. Holocaust commemoration gives Organized Jewry moral and political immunity to complete the Illuminati agenda, a world police state.

The holocaust meme equates anyone who opposes the fascist New World Order with a “bully,” a bigot, a Nazi mass murderer and a “hater.”

In the eyes of the goyim, it gives Jews a moral sanctity as the world’s preeminent victims. At the same time, it reminds Jews they can be victimized again unless they obey their Zionist leaders. You know it’s a psy-op because it totally ignores the 60 million non-Jews who perished in WW2.

I am a Jew. My grandparents all died in the holocaust. My parents barely escaped by posing as Gentiles. Nevertheless, I can only make sense of history in the following way:

There is a Cabalist sect within Judaism who are Satanists (the Illuminati), who control the world from behind the scenes using financial leverage and Freemasonry. Their agenda is to enslave the human race, mentally if not physically. They use many Jews to advance this agenda and the holocaust gives these Jews immunity. They masquerade as Jews themselves but in fact they intermarry with generational satanists of different races.
Much of what “anti-Semites” sayis true.That these people have been completely marginalized is a measure of the success of the NWO. Cabala Judaism, which is the real Judaism today, seeks to usurp the role of God and enslave mankind. It’s always been us Jews versus them.
Most Jews are not aware of this agenda and heatedly deny it exists. Their position is analogous to average citizens who support causes over which they have no understanding or control. For example, American taxpayers support the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan but had little say in their inception. Nevertheless, Jews should know their leadership has been waging a secret war against humanity from time immemorial and are close to victory. They have achieved this success at substantial cost to ordinary Jews, who doubtlessly also will be blamed for the NWO.
This secret war against humanity is the reason for Anti-Semitism. Organized Jewry has always attempted to undermine their host nations and religions and to take control. Throughout the feudal age, Organized Jewry aligned with the aristocracy to impoverish the masses. We are witnessing a neo feudalism. The Jewish masses were also impoverished and tyrannized by their religious and political leaders. Thus it was easy to manipulate them with specious appeals such as “Communism.”
As in the West today, Organized Jewry has always taken a stranglehold over government, business and the mass media and used them to thwart and brainwash the indigenous populations. Of course they couldn’t have succeeded without installing “our leaders,” the traitor class of Gentile Freemasons.

World War Two, including Jewish persecution and mass murder was instigated by the Illuminati bankers to destroy the best of the goyim, discredit race and nation, and coerce Jews to support the establishment of Israel. The real holocaust was 60 million, not six.
Aggressors always pretend to be victims. The holocaust perpetuates this meme. It convinces the real victims, the goyim, that they are the “bullies” if they resist the real aggressors, the Illuminati’s Jewish and Masonic fronts. For example, anyone who opposes gay marriage, something only one in 500 gays even want, is considered a “bully.” The Illuminati and their agents are redefining the definition of marriage for 98% of the population, who are the real victims. The whole point of marriage is procreation, to provide for mothers and children securely. Males don’t have babies.
(Left. Sam Katz standing in front of Winnipeg’s Illuminati logo)

In Winnipeg, where I live, Gordon Warren is speaking publicly against the corrupt practices of Mayor Sam Katz and his Jewish confreres. He traces Katz’s behavior to the Talmud which preaches hatred against Gentiles. He calls the Talmud “the Katz Doctrine.” For example, according to the Talmud.1) God is never angry about the Jews, just about the Non-Jews.
2) Jews may steal from Non-Jews.
3) Jews always have to try to deceive Non-Jews.
4) Jews may lie to Non-Jews. Jews may use lies (subterfuges) to circumvent a Gentile.
5) Every Jew is allowed to use lies and perjury to bring a Non-Jew to ruin.

The Jews are suing Warren and calling him a “bully.” Let’s see, Gordon, 46, (below, left) an unemployed theology graduate, is a “bully.” Katz, a millionaire and his millionaire Masonic buddies, who control the city are “poor innocent victims.” The victim is the bully and the bully is the victim. Warren addresses the charge of “bullying.”

“You seem to have the attitude that directly confronting a corrupt City Hall administration which has funneled millions of taxpayers’ dollars into the pockets of their business associates is a form of bullying. I would beg to differ.

While I have dedicated the last 7 years of my life to working with the ethically challenged members in our community, I have never once raised a hand to them in anger or voiced a word of hate. I have merely pointed out their behavioural excesses and deficits and have endeavored to make the necessary corrections. This is what a well-educated and experienced caregiver does.

Correction isn’t bullying; it’s an act of love by someone who cares. I love Winnipeg and the people in it. This is my home and I will continue to use my education and experience to work with the ethically challenged people who frequent City Hall until the corruption has been removed and those responsible acknowledge their misbehavior, make amends for their misdeeds, and get the rehabilitation that they need.

It is my sincere hope that as people gain a better understanding of who I am, what I am doing and why, others will come forward to become ‘caregivers’ for the ethically challenged and make Winnipeg a better place to live.”

(l. Winnipeg developer, Sandy Shindleman)

8. Magnify this to millennial size and we have stupid Christian Zionists convincing the world the Muslims have been victimizing Jews and want to destroy poor little Israel. As an example, see “Israel: The Little Country that Could.” Muslims have always lived in peace with ordinary Jews. The Illuminati Jews are nearly always the aggressors. They are behind Western Imperialism. Now, they are picking off every country in the Arab world and installing their puppets: Iraq, Tunisia, Egypt, Libya, Syria.

The charge of “Anti-Semitism” is a scam. Anti-Semitism is a sign that a society still has a pulse, and can recognize the enemy within. Organized Jewry (and Freemasonry) are a Trojan Horse for that enemy, the Illuminati bankers. Society has been brainwashed to cower, like Pavlov’s dog, at the “anti Semite” charge. Jews wield it like a exorcist brandishes a cross. Keep the evil “haters” at bay! Yet privately they admit it is “a trick we use” to control the stupid goyim.
Some day Christian Zionists, Freemasons and Liberals will be put into FEMA concentration camps. The Illuminati do this to people they no longer need. There, they’ll meet patriots who will say, “We told you so.It was the Jews all along. There really was a Jewish Conspiracy.”

The Liberals will reply, “Yes, but we still have that warm fuzzy feeling of being politically correct. It’s great being brainwashed. We’ll savor this sanctimonious sensation until we face the firing squad. You patriots are bullies and bigots. We learned that by celebrating Jewish victim hood every year. It doesn’t matter that these FEMA camps are run by Illuminati Jews just like the Gulags in the USSR. You patriot prisoners are the real bullies.”


Mankind is being inducted into a satanic cult, Cabala Judaism. This is behind “humanism,” “secularism,” “atheism” and “modernism.” Humanity is being trained to serve the Illuminati and their god Lucifer. The goal is to dynamite the four legs of human identity (the nation-state, religion, family and race) in order to re-engineer humanity. This is behind “feminism”, “gay rights,” “sexual liberation,” “multiculturalism,” and the explosion of porn, obscenity and the occult in the media. 9-11 was a false flag used to erect a police state. Sandy Hook was a pretext to remove guns. If it weren’t for guns, the US would be a police state today.

Security Roll Player Employment

AKA U.S. Government Gangstalking

AKA Targeted Individuals

By Tracy Turner

Most articles fail to do a search of who, which includes results from numerous headhunter and academic (job) entities.

These corporations come up as “most linked entities” on under “military role players (Gangstalking) jobs:

The Sears HoldingsThe Sears Holdings
Oak Grove Technology
2015 Simply Hired
Hilton Worldwide
Northrop Grumman
US Army

Does the list provides the “who” as in “who is doing soft-kill torture training and who is eating up federal funding to torture Americans?

Which of these entities have violated the “cruel and unusual punishment” section of the U.S. (non-existent) Constitution?:

Lockheed Martin Military Role Players Jobs in Fort Hood, Texas | Monster (61)
San Diego Military Officer Role Player Jobs | (61)
Northglenn Military Role Players Jobs | (60)
Top Linked Entities

The Sears Holdings
UnitedHealth Group
Mission Command Trai..
Sears Holdings
Joint Readiness Trai..
Bristol Bay Native
The Defense Aero Sea..
The Operations Group
The Navy

There is a who that most articles leave out. Who burns federal tax money to tortutre U.S. Citizens on U.S. soil? This virus is spreading world-wide…

Some local Southern California businesses that allow (promote) soft-kill torture on their properties: Ralphs (Kroeger), Trader Joes, Von’s Supermarkets and O’Reily Auto. This is the answer to (thwarting) free speech under our “beloved” flag. Someone explain to me how Gangstalking soft kill and the American flag go together.

Military Role Players = Gangstalkers = Torture via Tax Dollars
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The Illuminati Jews have their ducks lined up. They control Obama, the government, cartels and media. They control the DHS. They are training the DHS and US army to believe Christians and Patriots are “extremists” i.e. the “bullies.” All they need now is an economic crisis or another false flag to pinch the guns and start rounding up dissidents.

Deuteronomy 27:24: Cursed [be] he that smiteth his neighbour secretly. And all the people shall say, Amen.

Window above from:

Dr. Duke on Jewish Supremacy (Goy Racism)

Related or unrelated, totally depending on how you define “hate”. Those who preach “cultural diversity” can make films like Australia with Nicole Kidman but cannot make films about stopping yellow sand mining anywhere. “Culturual Diversity” means Chabad must marry Chabad and the rest of the planet can choke on Big Nuke and Depleted Uranium Bombs:

May 16, 2014: Tubas Sand uranium mine to be developed as interim standalone project (Namibia) (48) More than 120 people converged on the doorstep of The Global Uranium Conference, throwing dyed yellow sand (46) In the 1980′s people from the Western Desert marched down St Georges Terrace in the thousands against uranium mining on their lands and we are proud to say we’ve never had a uranium mine in WA (43)

Uranium Mining, Native Resistance, and the Greener Path › Articles › Feature › The World As We Know It


Jan 23, 2009 – They chose the yellow dust of corn pollen, and were instructed to leave the other yellow powder … All told, more than three thousand Navajos worked in uranium mines, often walking home in ore-covered clothes. … Aboriginal people did not even get the right to vote until 1967. …. November/December 2014 …

Kado Muir | Tumblr


I am walking on foot with white people and lots of Aboriginal people. … They must not mine this poisonous yellow sand. … We’ve got to leave that uranium sleeping in the ground. …. are proud to announce that we will be having an exhibition of our artworks at the Goldfields Art Centre Gallery from 30 Sept to 9 Oct 2014.

Zionist/Likudist Unholy “Jihad” Declared against Ray Dequenne

by rAY dEQUENNe Thursday, Jun. 09, 2005 at 2:45 PM
[email protected]

Gang Stalked/Terrorized by Likudists/Zionists in Pittsburgh Region Activist, Lecturer, Actor, Filmmaker Ray Duquesne is being criminally targeted and threatened with harm by fanatic, terrorist Likudists and Zionists in the Pittsburgh Region and East Coast. The police and FBI refuse to help, and have been documented to be involved in the harassment and terror campaign. Fire, ambulence and other city worker recruited as well “to send the message” and silence Ray.

*** Gang Stalking is also known as Group or multi-stalking. Its victims are known as Multiple Stalker Victims. It was used by the NAZI GERMANY GOVERNMENT, called then JEW BAITING. Its now being used in the USA according to the internet, most notoriously by fanatic, extremist Likudists/Zionists, who should know and act better, in order to silence and destroy their opposition.

“Gang stalking” got it’s modern day start with the Ku Klux Klan, and has been perfected over intervening decades by groups who believe they have the right to enforce their particular rules on the rest of us. Gang stalking has developed into an extremely well designed set of harassment methods which can totally destroy the lives of gang stalking targets, while appearing to those around the target as simply the “normal breaks” of life.

More than that, people around the gang stalking target simply can’t believe that anyone would harass someone, often for years, and often for life, where the target isn’t a “special person”. “Special person” meaning, a known criminal, a member of government intelligence, someone with connections to organized crime, or someone who is famous. The average citizen just doesn’t accept that an ordinary person can become the target of around the clock crime and harassment for no visible reason.

But lack of understanding as to why gang stalking happens does not mean it’s not happening. In 2001, gang stalking researcher David Lawson wrote a book titled “Terrorist Stalking in America” by David Lawson, describing some of the day to day operations of networked stalking gangs in the United States and Canada

The book “Terrorist Stalking in America” places the blame for gang stalking on what the author calls “extremist groups”. We who are in the current day gang stalking target community have, from time to time, seen evidence that local “extremist groups” appear to be normal, “upright” model citizens, and are responsible for at least some of our torture.

Photographed, Followed and terrorized

Here are some photos of some Zionist/Likudist agents following, gang stalking and videotaping me at a Palestinian Solidarity Conference at Duke University where i handed out some Ralph Nader material during october 2004. they only took photos and video of me, NOT THE PALESTINIANS OR THE JEWISH PROTESTORS!!!!

when i came up to them to take another picture, they turned the camera away from me so as not to look so obvious at their activity, but i still caight them in the first photo!!!!! look at the mean look the guy is giving me!!!!!!!!

More harassment and Gang Stalking

here is the photos of some of our harassers who threaten and terrorize us.

here is a black fellow who follows us around. the police refuse to help us. As a matter of fact, they ALLOW IT TO HAPPEN. As a matter of fact, they often help the perps stalk and terrorize us. A Coalition of criminals with badges and criminals without badges, being used to silence activists.

here is his license number rsc 7766. here he is following my girlfriend as she runs away.
here is a jewish woman who was part of a larger gang of stalkers on this day who is affiliated with the ADL.

here is a closeup.

here is the vehicle she drove with Pennsylvania license number. Use your photo image software to enlarge license plate.

gang-stalking is a terrorist activity that is an adl specialty. we have become used to it over the last 2 years of terror by the adl against us.

all for political activity that i did on behalf of ralph nader, palestinians, peace loving jews and others.

These creatures have even entered illegally numerous times into my home, apartments and placed illegal covert mini wireless cameras in me and my girlfriend’s bathroom and bedroom and have hundreds of hours of us crapping, pissing, having sex, etc etc!!!! They go around showing this to huge numbers of fellow Likudists/Zionists in the Jewish community, as well as criminals, police, fire and ambulence workers, city workers, and use it as a recruiting tool to get these types to participate in gang stalking us.

GANG STALKING: According to the internet, many innocent civillians are being stalked and tracked 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, primarily in the USA, Uk, and Canada, and other North America places, and Europe too. It is basically described as a mob, locals from all backgrouds and vocations, including some in the police and fire departments, who use MOVING VEHICULAR AND FOOT SURVIELLANCE to secretly harass, threaten, and sometimes attempt a KILL using “hitmen” truck drivers. Some government officials are rumored to be involved because the federal government offers no help either – according to many cases found on the internet.


here are some other victims/activists who are gangstalked around the country:

Firemen as Big Brother, Continued : LA IMC
Domestic Terrorist Cults Exposed on LA Streets : LA IMC
Targets Aquired: LA Gangs/rogue Intel groups EXPOSED, BABY…
Santa Barbara IMC: Suddenly, It Has A Name: “Gang Stalking”
Gang Stalking : Utah IMC
New Hampshire IMC: newswire/2010 – Gang Stalking

gang (ga[ng]): A group of criminals or hoodlums who band together for mutual protection and profit.

stalk (stôk): To follow or observe (a person) persistently, especially out of obsession or derangement.

gang stalking: A group of criminals or hoodlums who band together for mutual protection and profit to follow or observe (a person) persistently, especially out of obsession or derangement. Also known as ’cause stalking’ or ‘vengeance stalking’.

Gang stalking involves the use of multiple individuals to stalk, harass and taunt a victim, as well as to vandalize personal property. According to victims, this takes place for many years. It appears that once a person is targeted, they are often targeted for life. This topic is covered in the following book review of David Lawson’s book: Terrorist Stalking in America.

Techniques of psychological warfare are used against the target in a methodical and well orchestrated attack that often leaves the target a victim of ridicule among his friends and family because this occurrence is so hard to believe. However, it does occur, and the number of targets are increasing to the point that they can network with one another and find out that the same tactics are used everywhere. These tactics, also used in ritual abuse, are intended to weaken the target to the point of physical and psychological collapse.

The reasons why a person is initially targeted can vary. Sometimes the person may be a political activist. Others may have been in the wrong place at the wrong time. Corporations apparently have even been known to hire these stalking groups to silence people who were once in their employ. Many times these stalking gangs may be lied to about the target, thinking that perhaps the person is a deviant who needs to be driven out of town. The reasons are only limited to the imagination. In some cases, according to Lawson, the person has done nothing wrong but is used as a practice target or as an example to others in the group to show what will happen to them if they ‘defect’. This serves to keep the members of these stalking groups tied to the group through intense fear of becoming a target. It is such a terrifying prospect because the gang members are intimately aware that the lives of the targets are utterly destroyed.

Many people ask, “Why would anyone engage in this kind of activity?”. The psychology behind it is at least, in part, that it is a form of revenge. It may be that physically harming a person is considered too extreme or too risky by the perpetrators. In fact, psychological harm may be a far more effective form of revenge. It can destroy a person’s life while leaving little or no evidence to incriminate the perpetrators.

There are added reasons that this goes on, for not every participant in the harassment will know why a person has been targeted, nor will the vast majority have any personal stake in harassing the victim. Clearly from the expressions on the faces of the perpetrators who come face-to-face with their targets, there is a vicious kind of pleasure that they derive from bullying their victim. They like the feeling of being “in control”. Like any form of abusive or controlling behavior, this is an addiction that needs to be fed, so victims can remain targets for their entire lives. If they did not, then the numbers of fresh victims needed to fill the perpetrator’s addictions would potentially attract too much attention. None-the-less, the numbers of targeted individuals is increasing. Such is the nature of the bottomless pit within them that thirsts, evermore, for greater and greater thrills. To the perpetrators, their targets are merely their prey, in a game that never ends. But make no mistake, whatever the reasoning behind it, this is a hate crime.


The types of activities which take place are often subtle, and sometimes cannot be distinguished from normal everyday things that go wrong. In the case of a target, however, there are certain behaviors that are not normal or everyday in nature. It is the anomalous activities that let a target know they are being stalked. It is a psychological reign of terror intended to make a victim look crazy and intended to keep him or her in a constant state of anxiety and stress as to “what will happen next”.

add your comments

Workplace Mobbing / Gang Stalking / Canada
by Gerry Duffett Saturday, Oct. 08, 2005 at 3:48 PM
[email protected] 416-612-5689

Jan 11 2005

To Whom It May Concern.

Wow what an experience. I was employed at Gal Power Systems in Mississauga to work on diesel generator systems. I was working on a pair of 16 v 92 Detroit diesel generator sets at 4160 volt at a facility called the South West Regional Centre in Chatham Ontario.
I was requested by the project manager Moe Gallick of the Ontario Realty Corporation to supply and install some fuel system components at an Ontario Provincial Police transmitter tower close by. When I went there to do the work I saw that this was an old abandoned
site no longer in use. I was let into the building and began work. As I was working I noticed the building had a an unusual amount of rat poison or toxic chemicals distributed inside the building. No breathing equipment or protective clothing were supplied by either my employer Gal Power Systems, The Ontario Realty Corporation or the Ontario Provincial Police. Mr Gallick did not spend very much time in the building. I did not complete the work. Shortly after this I had to seek medical attention within the Ministry
of Health and was off work for close to a year. This was a deliberate act.

I almost died. This act of incompetence was the end of a series of poisonings that started a couple of years earlier when I was working at Harper Detroit Diesel on a project at Mississauga Hydro , probably continued when I was hired by Thomson Technology in British Columbia and almost ended in my death at Gal Power Systems. Talk about bad politics or a toxic work place. That’s kind of the ultimate. Some people say there is no corruption here in Canada. The harassment in my workplaces to date with snide and off colour comments about my mental health are unbelievable and intolerable. There is much more to the story.

Gerry Duffett
14-4218 Lawrence Ave E Box 218
Scarborough Ontario
Canada M1E4X9

Pager # 416-612-5689

[email protected]
[email protected]

Jan 11 2004

To Whom It Might Concern.

Here is a copy of a letter I sent to the Toronto Sun newspaper about an article that was published.This incident that happened to me is an odd health and safety issue. Here is a situation where a union might have made a difference. I will be sending more letters to various groups in the up coming year.

Hi Mr Margolis.

I found your article about Edwin P. Wilson all too frightening and hits me personally way too close to home. I was working at Harper Detroit Diesel in Toronto and one of my co workers or somebody in my customer base or the competition started poisoning my food over a period of months. I almost died. I had worked in the diesel generator industry for twenty two years as a field service technician at a variety of dealers and distributors based mostly out of the Toronto area. In this position I worked in and around all types of generator set applications such as apartment buildings, schools, retail stores, hospitals, marine units, data centres, airports, telephone switching centres, or just about anywhere you would find a generator set.This position also took me into a lot of high security buildings or buildings that you don’t need to know exist. Some of the customers I have dealt with include Metropolitan Toronto Police, the Ontario Provincial Police, the R.C.M.P., Bell Canada, Transport Canada, Navigation Canada, Public Works Canada, Department of National Defence, the Ontario Realty Corporation, Nexacor Realty, AT&T, Cantel, C.I.D.A., External Affairs, and many, many more. I did quite a bit of work on high security micro wave and fibre optics communication links all around North America. This is where this poisoning comes from. One person I worked 15 yrs with on these systems, who I had not seen in 4 yrs, called me at home one night in the middle of this series of poisonings, who I didn’t even know had my home phone number and asked “aren’t you dead yet”. I wound up on the West Coast of Canada standing in a parking lot with what were suppose to be Chinese Nationals from F.E.T.A.C. being photographed by the R.C.M.P. as part of a smear campaign.The worst part of all of this is Gerry Duffett almost died, thats me. The next worst part of all of this, is this is my tax dollars paying these freaks. I wonder how many times a day this goes on. I still don’t know who poisoned me. I was off work for almost one year. I can now 5 yrs later barely hold a full time job. The harassment in my work place is unbelievable as far as off colour and snide comments about my mental health. There is much more to the story. My pager # is 416-612-5689.

Thank you.

Gerry Duffett.
14-4218 Lawrence Ave E Box 218
Scarborough Ontario
Canada M1E4X9
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]

P.S. Just in the last couple of years a new fibre optics system was installed in Ontario to link all the power generation stations to one central control centre code named Ledcor. Don’t tell anybody you know that, somebody might try to kill you.

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filed under: chemical weapons, CIA, civil liberties, Colorado, conspiracy theory, Cults, electronic harassment, Firefighters, gang stalking, gang stalking rehabs, gang stalking zionism, indy media, jihadists, Masons, mental health, New World Order, Political activism, psychosis, ray duquenne, San Diego, Science Fiction, Secret Police, Secret weapons, Skull and Bones, social psychology, spy technology, UFOs, Uncategorized — gems news & views @ 5:47 pm organized harassment gangstalking targeted individual jews illuminati holocaust world control agenda million state communism grandparents israel masters lies non-jews last russian heads mass media immunity jewish satanists race freemasonry human bolshevik responsible revolution government murder bankers people political fact military role players sociopath jews satan worshipping jews

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