Whistleblowers on Remote Neural Monitoring, Neuro Weapons, Directed Energy Weapons, Mind Control (2019 video)

Whistleblowers on Remote Neural Monitoring, Neuro Weapons, Directed Energy Weapons, Mind Control (2019 Video)


Whistleblowers on Remote Neural Monitoring, Neuro Weapons, Directed Energy Weapons, Mind Control… The Brain is the 21st Century Battlefield.

In this video…

William Binney, Ex-NSA Technical Director
Dr. James Giordano, DAPRA neurologist, Weapons Expert
Jacob Appelbaum, Occupy Wallstreet Protestor
Barry Trower, Ex-MI5 Microwave Scientist
Edward Snowden, Ex-NSA Analyst
Nick Begich, Mind Control Science Researcher and Educator
Dr. John Hall, Practicing Physician

Original video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tAPI6…

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1 year ago
I’m going on 10 years of being targeted…..and i look like I’ve aged 20-25 years from all the DEWs

Terry Hanks
11 months ago
God is in full control he probably created the devil for his amusement praise the creator of everything there is

8 months ago
That makes me too think why I am aging so fast, inspite of all the exercise & self care. Your statement helped.

itsjust me
1 year ago
I listened to a vid.”Logical Annie” she’s tied up a group that just seems to fit. “the Oct event”+
“Conovirus+MilitaryGames”+ Olympics2012?+5G. I don’t know who your reaches, or what your interest are as it’s my first time here. You seemed like people who, even if you weren’t interested, you’d know someone who would be. First 2 videos will blow your mind I think. The last 2 go over 5G in UK maybe? I found it fastening what she’s put together, it just connects some lg.stories into something the elites would do. Our warning of their pending take down. I’m not affiliated in any way on her video’s, she doesn’t know that I’ve been asking folks to watch these. It just is that important. I’m not a video maker. I just wonder utube because their’s just so much to learn about. Please just look, if zero else, look at #1+2. I think this video and it’s in my list to spread around. Gotta do all we can before they start censoring the cartoons. If you don’t think her theory couldn’t work, no harm. theyre not long.but to the point. Thank you for sharing your info with we on the listening, viewing side. Blessings, πŸ•―πŸ™ πŸ€— V.

007 007
1 year ago
That’s exactly what there doing.We are already at war. Just imagine coming back from the bathroom and the bullets are flying by boots on the ground you see people going down all around you yes that’s what’s happening right now we are at War they tell us on the news everyday all the time constantly they’re letting you know it says it in the Bible that they must let you know what they’re going to do first God said so that’s what they’re doing and they tell us and movies all the time I’m the only one awake in my family everyone in my family thinks I’m crazy. somehow I’m the only one that sees all of this going on meanwhile I feel that my family he’s no longer who they used to be they’re mean and distant in separated is if the devil has already taken them over we all need to pray we all need to pray for our God almighty because this is it I truly believe it I don’t care what it sounds like when I hear and watch videos like I did yesterday of a man in Greenville a pastor standing in his parking lot being told he had no rights and they could stop him that tells me God is on his way at least he’ll be here soon I just don’t know what else to do I try to tell people some people receive it and some people don’t but I’m puzzled I just can’t get over the fact that even smart people with common sense literally believe that this virus can hurt you now OK I know there’s a flu virus but like have you seen the videos where people are not allowed to be on the beach unless they run onto the beach in their tennis shoes or run onto the beach down into the water doing some kind of swimming exercise nonsense well think about it is that not the most ridiculous thing you ever heard or what. there’s a guy that comes on different channels he’s from high impact Flix he has a lot of good material she had a video the other day showing the nurses laughing and hooting and hollering happy as can be taking selfies everybody standing around posing for pictures when’s supposedly you know we’re not supposed to even be near each other we’re supposed to be practicing social distance and they were like all over each other as if it was all a big joke the really would no one knows or understands yet is all these nurses are getting paid big bucks being put up in the nicest hotels it says it on the signs in the videos even Orwell something or will it just saw a video a few minutes ago that’s another movie you need to watch it that’s exactly what they’re doing to us now we just don’t realize it people don’t recognize that we’re at War because you don’t see guns you don’t see bullets or hear bullets all these smart people have been brainwashed by this stupid phone it’s not like they didn’t tell us and they let the conspiracy tinfoil wearing hat people tell us tell you because they have to let us know but nobody believes it. this is not a joke this is real on my life I swear to you this is weird real they even said how the black people would fall first from poor neighborhoods because obviously some of those people at the top are prejudiced it’s just disgusting I don’t know what to even this is so hard to even get my brain around but I’ve been watching this for years trying to tell my friends and family 4 years it has damaged the relationship I have with my daughters and my friends and family but see there is one difference between me and them I don’t watch regular TV and they do. Wait there’s two differences I’m always paranoid of my phone so I always leave my phone behind out in the car somewhere far away from me. I I was thinking to myself it seems like everyone is under a spell there’s just no way they’re not seeing and realizing what’s really going on but fear is how you control people. there’s no fighting in the government now there’s no mass shootings in schools they are making it illegal 2 go to church there you go that is a big one here’s another big one food is going bad farmers are being forced off their land there will be no crops come winter Please do not believe me check this out for yourself never just believe anyone that’s what all of America has done and we are sitting ducks waiting for the slaughter the ones that are strong and Hearty they will be the slaves the rest will be dead and none of them will see it coming. Deborah Tavares stop the crime. Net, Crow 777 radio, Chemtrails in the sky okay that’s not a channel I’m just saying and nobody in the media talks about that they’ve been tearing down our immune systems with the Chemtrails in the sky. I’m going to stop now just got carried away now go spread this as much as you can and ask God for sight that’s what I did and it was like somebody turned on the light..Hopefully you are waking up now cuz you are about ready to experience the end of your life if we can’t wake people up Millions will die America was sold a long time ago all of our rights are gone people gave them up for the stinking Coronavirus those people don’t deserve any rights. good luck to your fellow American may we all Stand United because social distance apart we will fall

Mapuana Kupuna
1 year ago
Excellent!! Mahalo nui loa & Many Blessings!

Nexx Level
1 year ago
This is what I’ve been going through for a very long time 😞

1 year ago
Love ya Nexx! Stay strong and God bless. xoxo

Chris Brown
1 year ago
Ive spent my time in the green room too. My brother finally took the bite and got us out. This is real, this is happening. You are not alone.

MK UltraBiz
1 year ago
Chris Brown your brother joined them?

Chris Brown
1 year ago
@MK UltraBiz Actually the talk from the family is, he just got confirmed for COV19. I might have to go buy a tie and black suit. Havent talked to him in 4 years. The way i undertake it is, he is in north Texas setting “shop” for some higher ups. Could just be a “pie route” but, my money is on movements happening in the bubble. Just a thought.

Monica Hatch
1 year ago
Paraphrased”When you see these things happening leave, leave everthing, dont go back in your homes for nothing” Yahushua Matthew 24. Boy I think he has a point.

1 year ago
Interesting… And where do you go after you leave your home?

Kat Pea
1 year ago
That verse is talking to Israel, when they see the abomination of desolation they are to leave immediately and not go back in their homes to get anything. The verse also goes on to say woe to pregnant women and nursing mother’s and pray this doesn’t happen in the winter or on the Sabbath (everything is closed; transportation etc). But God’s word has many layers and even when he speaks specifically to a certain group his words can benefit other people and different situations!

Monica Hatch
1 year ago
@SLEEPING BEAUTY isreal, if you rightly divide and research etomology of words ‘ in context’, is a ‘state of being’. I just had a thought about ‘sanctuary cities’ and self sustaining communities. Idk

1 year ago
Powerful. Aloha Sleeping Beauty and mahalo nui loa (thank-you very much) for your post/video. It was first recognized/identified here in the islands back in 1999-2001. We, our people, are no exception or have immunity.

Amie Brodersen
7 months ago
What’s interesting is how many of these informative videos I see, and no action to stop my targeting or anyone else’s.

7 months ago
Yes, I agree. It’s beyond disturbing to know how overwhelming the surveillance and censorship is, and then to realize that it’s not to protect the people. It’s obvious that the intelligence community is very aware of these crimes on the people and they’ve done nothing to stop them. There’s really nothing intelligent about them. Makes me wonder, who’s the bigger criminal… those committing the crimes, or those that are paid to prevent crime, but won’t do their job?

Swedish Bulldog
1 year ago
She’s a beauty.

8 months ago

nursejewl28 B
1 year ago
They may be above the law, BUT not above GOD! No man on earth will even be our savior- no modern armor will protect you like the shield of God …!,,

Empowered PPBUK
8 months ago (edited)
Thanks Sleeping, well put together information. My medical data has indeed been changed from depressed, through targeting, which any human would be, to delusional. This has been used to discredited my very real experience. My only complaint would be the music. This is a bad enough situation and pure fact without horror film genre music is more effective. Horror music creates more negativity which as targets we do not need. The info speaks for itself.

In cog nito
1 year ago
B Bu but wait – we are told our issues are “climate change”? NOT

1 year ago
I’ve heard so many people say that the chemtrails are used to create electromagnetic fields for electromagnetic weapons, remote neural monitoring and mind control.

In cog nito
1 year ago
It is reported that Soros is giving 1 Billion to educate the public about climate change and its importance. Submit? $ laundry? eugenics? not good.

1 year ago
Oh come on Barry Trower was never MI5 he was in the navy

Jason Gooden
1 year ago
Evil AF

Gene Laratonda
1 year ago
What is the source of this video please?

Jewels. T.i.
1 year ago
How do you disrupt Remote neural monitoring ??? Dr John hall says if you listen to binaural beats ? Is there a certain frequency to messed up there technology specially remotely neural monitoring and V2k can anybody give a good video website or book.

Eliot Montalvo
1 year ago
I’m still looking this stuff has to stop funny thing is I know who is doing this to me
8 months ago
@Eliot Montalvo Lucky you. πŸ”₯❀

Eliot Montalvo
8 months ago
Yeah over here in South Texas they put people on gang trials also they use it for their own benefit to just spy on people so it’s the Latin Kings here in Alice Texas

10 months ago
Good point to think about. I think they work with set of people who have below characteristics: 1) They feel, they chose these ppl so they will react quickly to sensations 2) They search/read a lot, they chose these ppl to verify they are going in some direction & their efforts are not futile 3) They remain alone, they chose these people becoz, normally in a group, ppl tend to forgo sensations as small as the ones they like to induce 4) They use mobile phones/Internet a lot, so they can be found at one place for their equipments to work more precisely 5) They think a lot or write a lot, so it becomes easier to validate the results of these experiments. 6) They are different from the rest, so they can be easily gangstalked against. Many ppl would be happy to stalk that person for so and so reasons.
I have arrived at the conclusion, that expressing opinions can be a dangerous thing. Unless u are busy making money, being a social media star, or any other star, you will be targetted. The more you read, the more you will be targetted. In other words, dont forget – reading is not to be done if you are not making money from it. Money is the lowest common denominator, whereever you look. I only wish, love could be so powerful. But sadly it is not. What a tragic world we are living in. Shakespeare in Satellite – new reality of our times.

Edward Jowett
1 year ago
Nobody knows what happens to you when you leave this World, say of old age etc. so they are in for a shock, they will leave and they will not be let off

8 months ago
Probably, they know. They might know what really happens after death. They dont want to reveal that secret.

1 year ago
Est ce normal qu’il n y aie pas l option sous titres??

Joseph Wade Paulson
1 year ago
all the comments are disappearing 2019

rachel macaskill
10 months ago
Elon Musk Starlink and Neurolink
Deb Anda
Deb Anda
1 year ago
Nazi Nightmare

Mk StoneA
1 year ago

2 months ago
Now i understand why RasTafarians are not allowed to participate in politics. As soon as we would pick a side, we would be hated by the other party, and become targets. Innocence is the best defense. If our mind is peaceful, we can keep our neutrality above all technical devices. Good Video, very realistic. In my town is 5G and 6G. I dont like it, but what can i do? I must live with it. The people want Smart-phones and fast Internet. They dont care how i feel. I am not targeted, just suffering from electro-sensibility. But those waves do not change my character, they just make me unable to move physically. That is my bad luck, others are not affected, because their brain-waves are not sensitive to 5G and 6G. And those that are sensitive to 5G, 6G, and 7G in space might think, somebody do this to them on purpose like in the woodpecker-actions. Maybe a change of house to another area with less waves in the air, can bring a solution to their sufferings. I believe, there is a small group that are really targeted, for reasons i do not know, but i also see too less knowledge in people, that are ready to point fingers on somebody, just because the militairy is creating strong forcefields above us, when they triangle their position above us in the air with the 6G-net. Things like that can cause bad dreams, because those waves are strong and powerful. We need more knowledge about those new technics, to understand which effect they have on us. Thanks for the information! Greetings from Holland!

Khilafah Baqiyah saadedeenaustrali
1 year ago
Such tech does not work on mujahideen

Chris Brown
1 year ago
Thats why they are being slaughtered. Dont want those bloodlines to spread.

Khilafah Baqiyah saadedeenaustrali
1 year ago
@Chris Brown Islam is not a race (checkmate) πŸ™‚

Arcadian Muzique
1 year ago
@Khilafah Baqiyah saadedeenaustrali Mujahideen are not Muslim. lol

paul pasternak
1 year ago

Khilafah Baqiyah saadedeenaustrali
1 year ago
@paul pasternak we have 2 many clips to prove the claim and don’t need your approval

Khilafah Baqiyah saadedeenaustrali
1 year ago
@Arcadian Muzique looool you must be eating bacon …eating bacon has harmful effects on the brain as its scientifically proven

paul pasternak
1 year ago
@Khilafah Baqiyah saadedeenaustrali show me

Khilafah Baqiyah saadedeenaustrali
1 year ago
@paul pasternak you will be payed a visit by your gov if you join our networks the same way many of us have..however to catch a glimpse take a look at flames of war which has few scenes

Missy K
1 year ago
The question is why?

Khilafah Baqiyah saadedeenaustrali
1 year ago
@Missy K https://www.google.com/amp/s/youngmuslimah99.wordpress.com/2015/07/20/nothing-happens-without-the-permission-of-allah-s-w-t-%25F0%259F%2592%2595%25F0%259F%2598%258A/amp/

10 months ago
Good point to think about. I think they work with set of people who have below characteristics: 1) They feel, they chose these ppl so they will react quickly to sensations 2) They search/read a lot, they chose these ppl to verify they are going in some direction & their efforts are not futile 3) They remain alone, they chose these people becoz, normally in a group, ppl tend to forgo sensations as small as the ones they like to induce 4) They use mobile phones/Internet a lot, so they can be found at one place for their equipments to work more precisely 5) They think a lot or write a lot, so it becomes easier to validate the results of these experiments. 6) They are different from the rest, so they can be easily gangstalked against. Many ppl would be happy to stalk that person for so and so reasons.
I have arrived at the conclusion, that expressing opinions can be a dangerous thing. Unless u are busy making money, being a social media star, or any other star, you will be targetted. The more you read, the more you will be targetted. In other words, dont forget – reading is not to be done if you are not making money from it. Money is the lowest common denominator, whereever you look. I only wish, love could be so powerful. But sadly it is not. What a tragic world we are living in. Shakespeare in Satellite – new reality of our times.

Khilafah Baqiyah saadedeenaustrali
10 months ago
@aha the lone wolf does what needs to be done inorder to achieve the pleasure of the uncreated creator and nothing will bother /distract the wolf as he is way too focus in his prey and locked in on it

10 months ago
@Khilafah Baqiyah saadedeenaustrali pleasure of uncreated creator? That sounds very deep concept..can u pls explain what is that?

Khilafah Baqiyah saadedeenaustrali
10 months ago
@aha it’s a creator whom is uncreated. We are also creators however we are created

10 months ago
@Khilafah Baqiyah saadedeenaustrali Thats very deep. Thanks. 😎

Khilafah Baqiyah saadedeenaustrali
10 months ago
@aha ✌✌

Shelly Swedberg
1 year ago
They are not getting away with this, Jesus is going to get them all he has already started

Khilafah Baqiyah saadedeenaustrali
1 year ago
Jesus carnt do anything without the permission of the father.

Khilafah Baqiyah saadedeenaustrali
1 year ago

Lance Burke
1 year ago
Father is not in control, for he rescinded controll to the Fallen One’s! Until HIS return, which will be soon. For if I not return and retake MY controll, for the sake of the Rightous, Nothing be saved except the Elitest!!
Yes, seems Everything is on target for the Second Coming of the Lord, very soon!!

Khilafah Baqiyah saadedeenaustrali
1 year ago
@Lance Burke if the father is not in control then this father is limited due to the fact God is in complete control

Lance Burke
1 year ago
@Khilafah Baqiyah saadedeenaustrali not my info, read Bible, for this is where info comes from. A complete understanding, not ever, but as can be understood by every individual upon reading and understanding is only more understanding given.

Edward macintosh
1 year ago
Isiah 26 😁

Edward macintosh
1 year ago
Elijah stood and made them pick who they worship
People chose baal people chose yahweh
Baal statues are and have been erected in most places
Baal the belief of child sacrifice
Open your eyes people there is stuff which are being covered up
God works wonders no coincidence how trumps at power

Knowone ever ever ever believed trump would be president
Like god said he will make a leader of the basest man

Khilafah Baqiyah saadedeenaustrali
1 year ago
@Edward macintosh Trump is a Jew zionts shill lol the Jews hate the true messiah and love the false messiah and are preparing for his return

Edward macintosh
1 year ago
Yes i know
The jews are looking for a saviour
Think of the logic here when this happens jerusalem is theyre the people will be at peace in theyre land the temple will be rebuilt there has even been notions that the dead sea scrolls are missing imformation u can only imagine what could be placed in them if this happens the jews will accept anything that theyre saviour will tell them they will go ahead build theyre temple but then whatever is stated to do thats when it kicks off
At this present moment whatever seems impossible is going to be made possible people not real8sing this
This is gods hand bringing this all about but still knowone is going to be greatful for the most high they will still be thankful of man gods anger will blow from this

The birth pains of a woman in labour the contractions are becoming stronger stronger and stronger