How intelligence agencies destabilise a target country Suzie Dawson, Sept. 17, 2019

How intelligence agencies destabilise a target country Suzie Dawson, Sept. 17, 2019


Autumn Targeted Individual in NZ
1 year ago
Thank you very much Russia for helping Suzi and her children, they do need your protection!!!!!

Mizaan Adela AKALena
1 year ago
Im so happy and relieved for you and your children safety and Sanity during asylum . Congratulations dear Suze and your teams quest against 5EYES corruption and targeting innocent citizens. ⚖️👍

cat whatever
1 year ago
Your bravery is inspiring. I am hoping that Russia will come through for you. I’d suggest coming to Ireland but our govt is a chambermaid to the Big Dogs.

1 year ago
Thank you for the good fight
We who are left at home NZ are praying for everything to be brought into the light
Expose it all!
God bless you!

1 year ago
When “threat to national security” becomes an arbitrary term, then the agencies tasked with protecting national security become arbitrary agencies, and their powers become arbitrary powers. Therein lie great dangers but also the seeds of their downfall when the public wakes up to the ruse.

Tipene Mokaraka-Hiriwa
1 year ago
Good on ya girl.. Love Russia and loving what you do for the benefit of all sane humans.. Kia Kaha Suzie..

Vera Renella
1 year ago
Yes yes<3 Very happy for you and your family.Thank you Russia and all who has assisted.Stay well Suzi. Robyn Adams 1 year ago That’s awesome news Suzie. I’m so happy for you. Russia and Vladimir are lucky to have you over yonder. Hopefully one day you will be able to travel this earth again freely alongside Julian, Edward, Chelsea and all the other truth tellers. Peace be with you Suzie 🙏✌🏽 Autumn Targeted Individual in NZ 1 year ago I'm very happy for you dear Suzi, congrats!!!! Shirle Vick 1 year ago Congratulations. hoodiewoman louisiana 1 year ago This is one time I am glad to say “Russiarussiarussia!” Hooray for Russia; hooray for Journalism; hooray for sanctuary! Thank you, Russia, for sheltering Suzie and her family. Thank you, Russia, for showing intelligence and patience with a psychotic ruling elite in America. Dr Lilliana Corredor 1 year ago Great news 👍👏👏👏❤❤❤ How are your kids? Can they go to school or are they home-schooled? I send my love to all of you - from Australia ❤ Steven Fosbrook 1 year ago OMG! I really hope so much this works out!!!!! Burnya Bro 1 year ago Good news! Jeanne Jackson 1 year ago suzie can you point me to where the video is from sunday where you display the charts that fully explain the set up( graham is at the beginning of it. or has it been taken down I wonder? KingoftheCatnap 1 year ago Congratulations, Suzi! One down... Aurinkohirvi 1 year ago Very nice! Zeina Farah 1 year ago Happy for you. Hope you get the Asylum and that Russia will accept to protect you from the 5 Eyes Persecution! gerald kelly 1 year ago Great Peter Simon 1 year ago You'r can contact me in Saint Petersburg of Russia, if you'r want to.