“I Want To Map Your Brain:” New Song by Webmaster

I Want to Map Your Brain

I Want To Map Your Brain (4:40)…. Dr. Eric T. Karlstrom

I Want To Map Your Brain

Track from “The Lifeline Project:”

Lifeline: Essential Insights & Healing Music For Illegally Targeted Citizens

Exposing and Defeating Organized Stalking, Electronic Torture, Mind Control, Illegal Human Experimentation, and Psychological Operations That Threaten Humanity

By Professor Eric T. Karlstrom, Ph.D. (September, 2020)

The Lifeline Project

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I Want To Map Your Brain (Lyrics by Eric Karlstrom)

Saturday night I was downtown
Working for my CIA
Sitting in a nest of neuroscientists-
From Yale, Harvard, MIT, UC Berkeley, Stanford, Georgetown, University of Chicago, University of Illinois, Columbia, Illinois Smartstate, ARGON-FERMI-LOS ALAMOS, and LIVERMORE NATIONAL LABORATORIES, LOCKHEED MARTIN, LEIDOS, SAIC, Raytheon, General Dynamics, Inc., etc. etc. etc.

When I overheard them say:

“We.. WE… are the key players on the most important battlefield ever, the battle for the complete control of minds of men, the now realizable goal to create bio-robotized humans and a completely psycho-civilized society through the use of electronic and neuroweapons. Thanks to our work and that of other pioneering psychologists, psychiatrists, cognitive researchers, neuroscientists, bio-physicists, engineers, etc., the neuroscience, neurotech, and neuroweapons industry has grown so that it now garners $175 billion/year in market share ……

We love the work we do for the CIA, DIA, DARPA, the corporate sector, and the National Security Racketeering Network. We get great professional satisfaction and financial rewards for remotely torturing and manipulating, poking and prodding human test subjects with our remote neural monitoring, supercomputer, and satellite technologies. In fact, we enjoy it so much, that, amongst ourselves, we often refer to it as “brain entertainment.” BUT the hours can be long and tedious. So we decided we need a theme song to keep up our morale, something we can sing that will lift our spirits as we sacrifice long hours that we could be spending on the golf course or otherwise enjoying ourselves…… So we came up with this…”

1) Oh yeah, we’ll tell you something
Allow us to explain
And we’ll tell you something
We wanna map your brain

We’re gonna map your brain
We’re gonna clone your brain

2) Through bio-telemetry
We see the thoughts inside your brain
Then we, electronically,
We control your brain

We’re gonna map your brain
We’re gonna steal your brain

When we control you we feel happy inside
It’s such a feeling that our slave

We can’t hide, We can’t hide, We can’t hide

3) Oh yeah, we’ve been planning something
Over a century
Now with our technology
We can control your brain,
Now we can steal your brain
Now we will take your brain and soul

You’re our puppet

Now we will pull the string and we’ll wink at you
You’re our puppet
And you’ll do funny things when we want you to
You’re our puppet
Hmmmmm Now you are ours to have and to hold
Loser, we’ve got full control of our puppet.

The Lifeline Project

The Lifeline project presents the “headlines” from the over 1400 posts on my ganstalkingmindcontrolcults.com website. The project ‘s 74 tracks and over 5 hours of musical-narrations and songs convey a comprehensive understanding of the vast, covert, black, government-sponsored, citizen trafficking, torture, and elimination program that I refer to as “G5” for “Global Government Gangstalking Genocide Gestapo.”

Narrations feature essential insights from a host of authors, scholars, scientists, and TIs (“targeted individuals”) on the topics of organized stalking, electronic torture, psychological warfare operations, directed energy and neuro weapons, hybrid warfare, and no-touch torture. Mellow and inspiring instrumentals on piano, guitar and banjo from my own CDs (see erickarlstrom.com) provide the backdrop and leavening.

It is my hope that many citizens will grasp this lifeline and utilize the essential information and inspiring music herein to better survive the diabolical global “Phoenix Program” that may constitute the greatest crime of the 20th and 21st centuries.

Websites maintained by Professor Eric Karlstrom:
