Deserie Foley
715 subscribers
A brief video from Dr. Robert Duncan on how the government puts voices in your head. my spiritual experiences and my experiences with nonconsensual human experimentation.
this presentation was at Camp Disclosure Aug 2020 in north Carolina.
Lee Jennifer Corlew Ayres
1 week ago (edited)
Hi, Deserie. Nice to see you. Really liked Mr. Duncan explaining a lot about the technology. Brought my mind to remembering how uninformed the public is.
Still watching…
Wow. I did not know how many experiences you had with the supernatural-type phenomenon. We have tons of orbs darting around over here, but I do not know if they are good or bad. My friend Holly thinks they are not good. I tried getting them to leave with spiritual warfare and got retaliated against, so I think she is right. I have seen other glowing gas on a photo though that might be good.
I think the only truth is through Jesus Christ. With Him we have all we need to fight the evil forces.
Thanks for sharing your experiences. It really is eye-opening.
Just Erin
23 minutes ago
I think those are plasma or something from energy weapons. It looks like and orb or a blob. I’ve seen them too. But because they appear on command then it means whoever is hitting you is answering your request
brandon hollingsworth
1 week ago
A lot of similarities for me, she’s the first to speak of seeing her arm in x-ray vision, it happened to me.
True Reality Disclosure
1 week ago
Amazing performance Deserie! That was wonderful and powerful! Thank you so much for opening up and sharing!
1 week ago
I have similar experiences, especially with a partner suicide
Johnny Bones
1 week ago
Great lecture , very informative
1 week ago
I’m a new subscriber. A big TI just sent me the link to your video. I watched it earlier today. I am asking permission please allow me to reload your video in it’s entirety and keeping the title the same and providing a link to your original video with your permission? I just watched another your other videos and I also suffer from similar electronic harassment.
Deserie Foley
1 week ago
You have my permission
1 week ago
@Deserie Foley Thank you.
Scott Savoy
1 week ago
Fantastic presentation
The Mechanic
1 week ago
Virginia beach gun shooting June 2019 11 people shot dead the gunman was a targeted individual but no one wants to talk about it .they also push people into suicide tortured every day 24/7 they become hopeless and it’s drives them crazy
Jennifer Collins
1 day ago
Do you have an email. Please email me at crypto truth seekers @Gmail. I’ve had an international radio show and I’ve had some of my own experiences down in Arizona that I would love to share with you when I lived down there in 2016 and 17. Talk about targeting my boyfriend also has been targeted. We would love to get some information and group contacts. I haven’t been able to see this on YouTube or on my radio platform because of fear of being liable or targeted more. I took down my original channel that had hundreds of videos and I had a big following the targeting was so bad I had a complete nervous break down. Would love to speak with you!
Deserie Foley
1 day ago
@Jennifer Collins my email is
1 week ago
Thanks Deserie.
Deserie Foley
1 week ago
You’re welcome!
The Mechanic
1 week ago
I subscribed
Deserie Foley
1 week ago
Thank you… I’m trying to expose this!!
The Mechanic
1 week ago
@Deserie Foley you are doing a great job
The Mechanic
1 week ago (edited)
Deserie Thank you for sharing your video I’m a targeted individual I’m tracked for 12 years by the Rockingham county sheriff’s department I broke up a prostitution ring run by the free masons I’m hit with direct energy weapon’s burning my eyes knocking my teeth out cooking my muscles and the worse is being electronically raped and I do get V2K but I hear no voices they play with my emotions They also burned up most of my electronics in my home I can’t stop them 4 alarm systems 19 cameras they are frequency jamming everything in my home I live in Virginia and I lost my shop foreman job and walked off my job with a gun to my head and fired two shots next to my head JMU James Madison university my work place FREE MASONS
Deserie Foley
1 week ago
I’m sorry this is happening to you.
Peter Simpson
1 week ago
Parallel construction and v2k
Rachel Benfield
1 week ago
As a victim of v2k since Ocr 2016 I hear them do a lot of the voice morphing, No touch torture. How do these dark programs go unnoticed? Rachel Benfield, formerly Information Technology Analyst from Redstone Arsenal Huntsville, Alabama. Targeted since 2015 to my knowledge.
brandon hollingsworth
1 week ago
Her saying at the end that they go after drug addicts, meth being the one she spoke of (I’m assuming) is due to the lack of sleep. Lack of sleep makes you vulnerable to this and it also uses sleep deprivation as part of their tactics.
Deserie Foley
1 week ago
Its not all drug addicts… they go after but it seems to be a really high number
brandon hollingsworth
1 week ago
@Deserie Foley They also go after highly intelligent people and do actually steal their ideas. Dr. Duncan confirmed this to me. I have been told by voices that they press me, antagonize me bc I am more creative that way, once again confirmed. I think that the program has switched it’s reasons bc it seems to unlock parts of the mind.
brandon hollingsworth
1 week ago
They said “He has learned more in 2 weeks than others in 3 years.”
brandon hollingsworth
1 week ago
Our minds seem only limited by the limitations we give it.
Deserie Foley
1 week ago
@brandon hollingsworth oh wow… I heard this too.
brandon hollingsworth
1 week ago
@Deserie Foley Very true, to the point that I actually saw an early version of the computer program…It included: Mind, Body, Soul, Spirit, 3rd Eye, Heart, and Gut (Intuition). I saw it as a memory, yet remember using it. There were sliders on each of the headers, I could slide them left or right to change the voices personality, with the 7 things i mentioned. Voice of Reason was a sub-category that worked on them, temporarily. They were more focused on me and my ideas than helping themselves.
Deserie Foley
1 week ago
@brandon hollingsworth this is all very tricky I now interact with AI only when I’m trying to fall asleep or wake up in the morning. I am able to scroll the internet with my mind. It’s usually web pages regarding highly advanced technology. However, once I realized what I am doing. I completely wake up and lose the ability. I have no idea what’s happening.
brandon hollingsworth
1 week ago
@Deserie Foley I would like to contact you further, through email or whatever…what you have said is very interesting and spot on. I have plenty of stories to tell you. I want to know more and I think we can help each other as well as others.
Deserie Foley
1 week ago
@brandon hollingsworth I’m on Facebook under Deserie Foley or can be reached at
TraumaBased MindControl
1 week ago
So are there any people who came out of it? Because the girl said she is recovering, so I assume she has people around her who know what they are doing and who has been through … Do you have any more information about it?
Lee Jennifer Corlew Ayres
1 week ago
Targets can at least completely ignore parts of it like noise campaigns and gangstalking so the program stops attacking them so much. The other attacks need to be exposed, especially who is doing it. Israel.
TraumaBased MindControl
1 week ago
@Lee Jennifer Corlew Ayres show me evidence of israel involvement
Lee Jennifer Corlew Ayres
1 week ago
@TraumaBased MindControl Easy. Pay attention. The easiest way to know is tracing who controls Hollywood. They put all the clues about the technology in the movies. You can also trace editors. Check gatekeepers of the FBI. It is them blocking every single way to get help or truth out.
TraumaBased MindControl
1 week ago
@Lee Jennifer Corlew Ayres @Lee Jennifer Corlew Ayres Let’s deepen the question, I had the same situation as you today on the street, because in my life I happened to know a person who then became rich and famous, a true VIP. I’m sure you will have more detailed information. Tell me please!
TI Television
1 week ago
Not taken this in yet Deserie, but just wanted to point out that a lot more people have watched this on another channel that posted it with a picture of your lovely face and not one of potato head Duncan! lol
Deserie Foley
1 week ago
I don’t understand
Deserie Foley
1 week ago
Message me on Facebook
TI Television
1 week ago
@Deserie Foley I’ve been barred!
From FB that is.
TI Television
1 week ago
@Deserie Foley Watching the video now.
Deserie Foley
1 week ago
Wait somebody stole my video? Please provide the link
TI Television
1 week ago
@Deserie Foley
Now I’m going to bed, very late here and interesting story!
Targeted Individual in NZ. Autumn
1 week ago (edited)
@Deserie Foley Hello Deserie! I posted a comment to ask you for permission here but it seems like it was deleted. I’ve been following your channel and PACTS International since last year and I uploaded the videos on my channel to rise awareness. My intention was just that, to rise awareness about this crime. I apologise for the upload without your permission and if you want me to remove it, of course I will. My comment was about the permission and to thank you for sharing and helping us too. This is the link: Edge of Wonders: PACTS Hope you get this message. Thank you so much for helping targeted Ind. worldwide.
Deserie Foley
1 week ago
@Targeted Individual in NZ. Autumn I’m okay with it. Thank you
Targeted Individual in NZ. Autumn
1 week ago
@Deserie Foley THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!!!!!
Had it not been for Dr. Robert Duncan coming forward, as well as authoring, “Project Soul Catcher; The Secrets of Cybernetic Warfare.” I don’t know what might had become of me. Chased out of my home, family’s home, and home state landing far, far from home and running out of money, these monsters began attacked me from all angles (helicopters, planes, motorcycles, suvs, trucks, even a herse) with what DARPA insider’s call ‘the machine.’ Its artificial intelligence controlling others. You’d never known. As horrendous acts we’re committed against me, in between crawling the floor, Duncan’s book was a miracle lending me a level of understanding as to what exactly was going on and by whom. As I read each chapter, much of it was done to me. Original thoughts: aliens. The experiments are made horrendous so no one will believe us. It did include unknown neighbors, some elderly. I consider all targeted, like myself. The details of the targeting at that stage were so horrendous, I still won’t or can’t go into it. The things done to me was Orwellian. Horrid. Pure unaltered evil.
To your readers: Stay safe, yet aware. They’re are human devils operating in America and abroad who are testing horrendously Orwellian military-grade systems that are weaponized that include technologies, chemicals, and 4th generation weapons, all used on an unwitting, unsuspecting, unarmed, innocent public. These weapon testers are doing these acts in neighborhoods throughout America (and abroad). Its a hellish life placed upon you. You’ll never see it coming. Its called no touch torture and it is your worse nightmare. Its meant to destroy a human being slowly. They will ruin the victim’s life, destroying finances, body and mind. You’re family and friends and neighbors will be mind controlled to turn against you. They take pleasure torturing and have been doing so since WWII. Don’t think it can’t happen to you. I was not an activist when I fell victim to the human slime.
Read through Dr. Karlstrom’s 1400 articles. Bare it in mind. Share these finding’s far and wide. If it happened to him, myself, and countless others, it will probably happen to you. At some point, this system will be turned on the public.
I heard a former insider state these actors are referred to as ‘satans.’ I concur.
Thank you Eric for all these wonderful healing music. Its sorely needed.