Webmaster’s Introduction: This two-year old video makes some good points. But I am generally suspicious of TIs that shout and curse as they deliver their messages. I think there are some major inaccuracies in this message, for example, that it costs billions to target each TI, but there is also much apparently solid information.


Also see Executive Order 13818 here: The “Global Magnitsky Human Rights Accountability Act” (Executive Order 13818) Outlaws And Punishes Gangstalkers


2 years ago (edited)
No doubt
Cameras in my eyes there taking so long to end the program its like were sitting waiting to die…..
A victim fa years ringing in my ears….
Heart palpitations….
Handler wives in your relations…
Insurance policy being pushed to take yoo out……
Family and friends pretending like they have no clue whats its all about……
But yoo see what they doo…..
And yes they joined the enemy…
But underestimated our divinity…
They follow and i know…..
Madd as hell cause of free speech and we glo……
Death threats……
Police involved with neighborhood watch…….
Chipped in the brain feet abdomen including the crotch…..
Pitiful stalkers looking like demonized walkers from Satan asshole…….
Jealous cause they have no Soul…
we are the chosen of the most high…….
The pit is wideopen for all those evil bastards to fry…….
Save your tears sis and please dont cry we won the day we were born……..
Our train is coming like a Huricane and the Creator is bringing the storm!!!!!

2 years ago
Lawyers are part of it. They will take your money and screw you over every time.

Aretha Rambo
2 years ago (edited)
You are the second Targeted Individual I have seen that have their mind together and know what you’re talking about.

Michael Barden
2 years ago
You are a very smart very beautiful person. I hope we all make it through this so I have the chance to meet you someday. Stay strong. It’s OK to cry. I do the same thing when I think about what’s happened to us.

2 years ago (edited)
Thank you. It’s hard to explain someone what a person and their children go through being targeted. All we need is justice and some respite. May God Bless us all.

Barbra Jacobs
2 years ago
My heart truly goes out to you my sister May FATHER ALMIGHTY BRING SWIFT JUSTICE.. Be strengthened my sister my prayers are With you and YOUR liberty

2 years ago
Hmmm I know you could take it to court, but need a proof, but I am waiting patiently for the Perps to make a foolish mistake messing with me and they are very close to doing so, Perps are getting impatient based upon errors they are making when harassing me. Along with proving harassments, we need notes and the best way is to document very strange incidents we encountered…….Thanks for sharing

Sofia GodsChild
2 years ago
I cant stand to see you cry, thank you for sharing this info. I really appreciate you doing this !
I neeed to let this information sink its sick.
Please you take care of yaself!❤️

K E Carter
2 years ago
How to get the proof when everything they do they put in the realm of “plausible deniability”? I even had my security camera cords cut and the police officer refused to take a report because he said it could have been done by an animal and then he started questioning my mental health, like that was the issue.

Cheryl C
2 years ago
thank you, THANK YOU, THANK YOU!!!!!…..we deserve to have compensation for the hell we have been put though….GOD BLESS YOU !!!!!!

Carol Parker
1 year ago
They won’t leave me the hell alone they say they have been doing this since I was eleven but I don’t have microchips in my body. They’ve been in my head for a year now supposably using a satellite. They are messing with my reproductive organs saying its because I won’t keep my mouth shut and my bodies nasty and I’m so nasty. Its suppose to be an illusion but my body isn’t the same. They send dreams, can make it look like people are saying things, give you visions, mimic feelings, and make you feel nothing. God knows what else. They said I embarrassed Trump by giving him advice because I felt sorry people were picking on him. They say they don’t want me in there heaven.

Sharon Vincent
2 years ago
My God!! I can see the light at the end of the is on the way for millions of us

Enough Corruption
2 years ago
Fed doc by Trump to be used in court!!!
Use it and listen to her, she is very savvy about all arenas of gang stalking!
God Bless You!

Alexandra Stratan
2 years ago (edited)
finally, I see a storm, I have an implant on my rt shoulder blade, Have no idea how it got there, mind you i don’t drink do drugs or party, nonetheless I got it, never asked for it- no wonder they are trashing Trump on the news: distraction!

Mathew Lewis
2 years ago
Powerful! Justice!!!!!!!!! 🙏🙏🙏

Deb Kay
2 years ago
Thank you so much for all this info. I’m so tired of being a victim! I had 3 black cars surrounding me last night on my way home from work. I got out of It! I didn’t care if I hit their car or whatever. I just got the hell away from them😡

Targeted Individuals Be Strong
1 year ago (edited)
We are in the final stretch. Smile. We got this. Yeshua is walking with all of us. The human trafficking phrase instead of Targeted Individual is an excellent statement. Thank you. Awesome video. I’m going to use that.

c p
2 years ago
The video keeps breaking up every time I try to view it. It never fails. But thank you for sharing this information.

2 years ago
I just downloaded the app, I never even knew we had that many satellites that’s insane. Humans have fucked up the earth, the sky and now we’re working on other planets. Also want to thank you for explaining the executive order the way you did helped alot.

Jan R
2 years ago
You are amazing Rai Jo. I feel the same! Thank you. To all T.I.’s speak up. Please.

Tricia Schmitz
1 year ago
Now it’s becoming clear what the hell is going on in my life I’m currently in isolation you would not believe what I’ve been through I’m just now learning about this.

Robert Walker
2 years ago
This is Awsome you hit the nail on the head.

Bill Harrison
2 years ago
This targetting with directed energy weapons, organized harassment gangstalking, and all the lies, slanders, life sabotage are all criminal and corrupt money making. These evil practices are in every country in the world.

Cliff Dover
2 years ago
Be careful as you are reasoning with faulty logic: you are assuming that almost 300 satellites are used to harass you, a single individual; that the use of satellites is the main way electronic harassment work; that authorities don’t know about these crimes; that the US even as the most technologically developed country is another “victim”, and finally, that the Trump order is meant to protect TIs (I don’t think there are changes in harassment activity around the world or within the US). I wonder who or what have been experimenting with humans since the 50s and developed the right chemicals and devices to archive it.

2 years ago (edited)
N my case the police were involved with the harassment.N had my brain mapped n was playing with it on they police car laptop.

Paul wells
2 years ago
I’m thinking a lot of this targeted individual commentary is actually from Establishment agents.

kiammie freeman
1 year ago
Girl I feel you thank you for putting this out I often cry but I’m tired of it ready to get out

Lisa Lku
2 years ago
GOD is great!!!! N thank you million times for sharing!!!!

Sofia GodsChild
2 years ago
My oh myyyy

1 year ago
Awesome info, but toward the end, they distorted your voice. So I know this info is extremely important for us and true!

Woodie Edsel
2 years ago
My phone says 193 apps have been updated ! This crazy

Enough Corruption
1 year ago
Keep up the good work Carol and get out the word like wildfire!!! Your very intelligent and have a strong personality: )

Thanks for the video!!!

bambootree 81 polarice
2 years ago
Thank you so much and I’m grateful for all the hard work you put in to find proof.

Woodie Edsel
2 years ago
She even said to me : everyone is trying to take credit for what ive done !

TakeUr PowerBack
1 year ago
Thank you for sharing this. I really appreciate it. Love to you, sister. ❤

Cynthia J Candelaria
2 years ago
We are ALL monitored from birth to death, thus….devices are implanted mainly along our spinal cords and cerebellum. It is part of our laboratory procedure for mandatory identification purposes. We are a prized species some of us more than others, but indeed well sought after by other ETs. They see, hear, taste and smell everything that we do at that particular time. So get used to the fact that we are never alone.!!! YOUR PRIVACY. and intimate moments ?…….LOL

Deb Kay
2 years ago (edited)
Where’s the info box? Found it…haha

C C 777
1 year ago

Woodie Edsel
2 years ago
Im telling you my ex boss said i can be worth billions for all the know! And when i talk merrel lynch listens ! And two years before her husband said they let you out on good behavior but we will see about that ! I promise you they said it ! I believe you ! Everything you say has happened ! Its like you reading my situation from a book

Le Cobra
1 year ago
You can not get justice from the beast in a Beast System…ijs. May THE MOST HIGH keep you all strong💖💖💖

Danine Brown
2 years ago
Be careful be blessed thank you greatly appreciate your show as I wish it applied to all those suffering and exposed to the machine people all over the world’s experiencing this essential for survival freedom of expression free thought n ability to have family and friends. Not false sense people places n things

Sara Naidu
1 year ago
I bubble myself amd all my loved one’s in the white light everyday.

Tall Clearing
2 years ago
Wow praise God most high for this executive order !!!

2 years ago (edited)
Great News Rai Jo,
Judgment NOT on America.
Judgment on SYSTEMS of America.
“Time Is Up For Those Who Are Corrupt!”
God Bless!

Jessica Dubuisson
2 years ago
Thank you so much for doing this video I contacted homeland security and showed them my proof and the executive order that I download offline plus that app that showed the amateur satellites that where following me which can be used from electronic harassment and they advised me to go to the police as well as fbi and ask for help.thank you so much for all your doing

kayla charman
1 year ago
Thank you so much your such a smart woman, you saved me, I’m also in the lovebite program as well and getting out. Thanks once again. I’d love to contact but they will hack this phone as well.

Aretha Rambo
2 years ago
Bless you

Conscious Observer
2 months ago
I’m a TI and someone just sent me your video…this is awesome, I didn’t know anything about it until now! Definitely voting for Trump <3 Monique Rushing 2 years ago This app might disappear now, but thank you. ❤ Abdul Wahid Burhani 2 years ago "Hi guys I am back" We miss hearing you saying that Thunder Rolls Media 2 years ago The last 10 mins they are either messing with your sound or mine!^^ Jessica Dubuisson 2 years ago Thank you so much for doing this video I contacted homeland security and showed them my proof and the executive order that I download offline plus that app that showed the amateur satellites that where following me which can be used from electronic harassment and they advised me to go to the police as well as fbi and ask for help.thank you so much for all your doing QPID INDIGO 1 year ago (edited) THANK YOU! I HAVE SPENT AN HOUR TRYING MY HARDEST MANY WAYS TO RE-POST THIS VIDEO! JAMS CONSTANTLY IN LINKS TO FACE BOOK AND THE MANY FUNCTION JAMS IM EXPERIENCING TELLS ME THAT ITS AT THE LEVEL OF THE SERVICE PROVIDER. -->Ran some scans a while back and found it coming from the MUNICIPALITY OF SURREY, BC.
Love to you dear Sista! Love Q-PID : )-

Yashua Mannasseh
1 year ago
Can we sue for millions if we get proof?

Lauren Keyes
1 year ago
God bless you lady! No apologizes for being passionate! Thank you so much because I have hope now. This extent of corruption indeed requires concrete proof 💖💖💖

Sair Bashir
1 year ago
I love you sista Rainetta. You do great work for us, the people. Much Respect!

dark window
1 year ago
Thank you so much for the information 🕵️

Bob Dan
2 years ago
Miss my I ask where are you from originally ?

Woodie Edsel
2 years ago
I have a text message she sent to me by accident that states: edsel (me ) is seeking legal help over money he says i owe him so beware! She sent it by accident to me ! It was meant for someone else !

Nafertiti Fearless But Loving Sheebah
2 years ago
Absolutely on point. Thank you!

The World’s Dopamine
2 years ago
Thank You

Robert Ricci
2 years ago
I have implants in same places….

Woodie Edsel
6 months ago
I was told it’s not my fault you fell for a trick 🤬

mary maske
2 years ago
Thank You so much for this info!

Brad Day
2 years ago
Thank you. The voices tell me that you’re listening to me right now. I don’t know? But I think people may know about this.

Robert Ricci
2 years ago
bless you I hope we get justice , the Clintons did this to me , with Nichols college..

Naomi Smith
1 year ago
I got some pictures of the cloaked technology they use to put us on demon television. I got it using a blue light and a smartphone camera. I only saw part of it, but my camera phone in the dark with the blue light on talking pictures of the walls got a good picture. Hacker deleted the clearest picture. But I still have pictures. Use the blue light. Look for lights that might be coming from hidden cameras. That’s where the technology will be.

Amre Muse
5 months ago
Thank You! You’re Awesome!

John Mcgregor
1 year ago
Sorry I meant mlk it’s, I can’t post anything my neighbors have everything hacked with my family’s help! Be strong and take care!

Kevin Callahan
1 year ago
From what I can see, the logistics of the program is massive, since 2011 I have been tracked 24/7 , must be at least 10,000$ per day, to watch me go buy a loaf of bread, I want that notification data .

Naomi Smith
1 year ago
However, in the far future of Earth in the Matrix trilogy, the Machines were the common term for the new race of highly advanced artificial intelligences who have become the dominant civilization after they rebelled against humanity and imprisoned most of them in a neural-interactive virtual world known as the Matrix.

The Borg is the ultimate user. They’re unlike any threat your Federation has ever faced.Q

We are the Borg. You will be assimilated. Resistance is futile.
The Borg were a pseudo-species of cyberneticbeings, or cyborgs, from the Delta Quadrant. No single individual truly existed within the Borg Collective (with the possible exception of the Borg Queen), as all Borg were linked into a hive mindwhich connected all of them and allowed information from every drone who had been brought into the collective to be shared. Their ultimate goal was the attainment of ‘perfection’ through the forcible assimilation of diverse sentient species, technologies, and knowledge which would be added and absorbed into the hive mind. As a result, the Borg were among the most powerful and feared entities in the galaxy, without really being a true species at all.

The Borg Collective was made up of at the very least trillions of humanoids referred to as drones. (VOY: “Dark Frontier”) Through the use of their cybernetic implants, the Borg interacted by sharing one another’s thoughts in a hive mind. Upon assimilation, these trillions of “voices” would overwhelm the drone, stifling individual thought and resistance to the Collective’s will. (TNG: “Family”) To some drones these voices could eventually become a source of comfort, and their absence a source of pain. (TNG: “I Borg”; VOY: “The Gift”)

The Borg did not procreate; they added to the Collective’s population only by assimilation. (VOY: “Drone”) Assimilated infants and juveniles would be placed in maturation chambers until adulthood. (TNG: “Q Who”; VOY: “Collective”)

The Borg typically operated in an atmosphere with a constant temperature of 39.1 °C (102.38 °F), 92% relative humidity, an atmospheric pressure of approximately 102 kPa, and trace amounts of tetryonparticles. (Star Trek: First Contact) These conditions were presumably conducive to the operation of their cybernetics.
Each Borg spacecraft was equipped with a vinculumto interconnect its crew, which was in turn connected to a central plexus that linked the ship to the Collective. (VOY: “Infinite Regress”, “Unimatrix Zero”)

The Framework is a device created by Dr. Radcliffeand Fitz that sends and receives signals to and from the user’s brain thereby creating a virtual simulation that looks and feels just like the real world.

Originally, the Framework was created to be a virtual training room where agents could spar with each other without getting physically hurt and go on simulated missions. However, Radcliffe has made the virtual reality inside the Framework so realistic that now users can’t tell the difference between the real world and the virtual world.

After reading the Darkhold, AIDA somehow learned to expand the virtual reality of the Framework to encompass the entire Earth.
Back at Radcliffe’s lab, Radcliffe downloads Agnes’s mind into the Framework as her physical body dies in the real world. Radcliffe comments how Agnes’s consciousness will live forever in the Framework now.

AIDA then cuts both of Radcliffe’s wrists with a knife, forces the Framework helmet on him, and downloads him into the Framework as he bleeds to death. Now, AIDA can protect the Framework and Radcliffe at the same time as now Radcliffe is a part of the Framework.

In the world of the Matrix film trilogy,Sentinels are terrifying killing machines that continuously patrol the many sewers and caverns beneath the planet’s ruined surface. They fly through the use of some form of electromagnetic levitation and are fast enough to intercept the hovercrafts used by the human resistance.
They are in the scene where the human babies are grown by the robots. They don’t look mechanical,but I am guessing that they are part of the process for making humans, maybe cleaning robots.
Barrow: Larry and Andy [Wachowski] talked about how the creatures were constantly changing and shimmering as in this drawing, where there’s a lot of little robots crawling all over the Fetus Stalk, like arachnids

Amongst these robots, there’s a sort of pecking order. This doesn’t fully come across in the movie, but it’s part of the backstory Larry and Andy have come up with. Some of the robots are bad and are actually siphoning off energy, so other robots come along and pick them off.

They also talked a lot about there being a bit of prejudice amongst the robots, those that have developed less than humanistic forms look down on the ones with a vestigial human appearance
The Hive Mind is the gestalt collective consciousness of the Tyranid species. It is a nearly omniscient entity composed of pure psychic energy that originated outside of the Milky Way Galaxy. The Hive Tyrant is said to be a living vessel for it. It controls every Tyranid creature in a mental vice-like grip and directs their every action.

This control can be disrupted, however, with the death of the Hive Mind’s synapse creatures through which it transmits and augments its psychic commands, such as when a Hive Tyrant’s death leaves the lesser Tyranid bioforms to act completely on basic animal instinct. On the battlefield, certain large and relatively autonomous Tyranid creatures, such as the Hive Tyrant or the Tyranid Warrior, are able to telepathically exert the Hive Mind’s influence in order to control smaller Tyranid bioforms, which without the Hive Mind’s psychic direction would revert to the instinctive, non-sentient behaviour of feeding and self-preservation. These synapse creatures focus the Hive Mind’s psychic gestalt into nodal points that quell the natural instincts of nearby small Tyranid bioforms and are an essential component for a Tyranid swarm’s effective command and control.

The Hive Mind is so staggeringly complex in its power and construction that it either drives most psykersinsane or kills them. The only known agent of the Imperium of Man believed to have looked upon the Hive Mind and retained his sanity is Chief Librarian Tigurius of the Ultramarines. This could be due to his uncanny talent for making accurate predictions in general, but the accuracy and frequency of his knowledge concerning the intentions of the Great Devourer seem to show he has indeed tapped into the Hive Mind, a feat thought possible only by a psyker possessed of power equivalent to that of the Emperor of Mankin

Jane Lifestolen
1 hour ago
thank you so much for your intelligence and help

1 year ago
Hi. I am glad you found this. It will help us as all. Now i need proof. I hope you get justice. You deserve it. Keep sharing this important information.

Pure Essence with Miss LANI
4 months ago
Thank you very much. A few years ago you helped me with your videos and information. You are very intelligent and I’m so grateful you shared all of this because it made me wiser. Always wishing you the best… Love to your heart, my sister🌍🌈💕

Dada Evans
5 months ago
Namasté sis🙏🏾 thank u for this information 💙

1 year ago
Thank you and I’m spreading this to as many targeted individuals as possible. These criminals need to soon be all locked up!!

Melissa Love
1 month ago
Where do I get the global magnitsky Human Rights Act

Joe Butkins
1 year ago
i have been a target for 17 years….wasted i am almost 60 …i know now…

Gretchen Burton
1 year ago
Yes. Thank you.

Kevin Callahan
1 year ago
Thank-you for all your research and hard work,

Naomi Smith
1 year ago
Thank You 🙂

Jane Lifestolen
1 hour ago
doctors cover up for doctors..lawyers cover up for do we get proof?

romine acosta
1 year ago

Lord Zeth Zeta Omega
2 years ago
Thank u sis I see now

Lord Zeth Zeta Omega
2 years ago
Thank u sis I see now

Map Oyacab
2 years ago
Thanks so much for the info.

Nicholas- Eric- Bell
2 years ago
Awesome /Thanks Nicholas Eric Bell, Chicago,Il. LOVE/LIGHT

Ronald Scott
1 year ago
Thank god for we have a new administration !!!

2 years ago
You are a blessing ! So grateful to you .

Agatha Joanna
3 months ago
Thanks, useful app.

romine acosta
1 year ago
They are doing this in Lima Peru South America

Eternal one
2 years ago
Thanks for sharing with us

Targeted in sanfrancisco
2 years ago
Excellent information! I am in dire need to prosecute my handlers to court but they neural track me thru psychic energy, they know how to stand in my way of my court tasks, been trying to finish a book but haven’t managed it! The problem is the handlers do everything from the neural distance and they control our body’s cardiac and neurological system and our reflexes and our speech and our jobs, and our housing thru neural network! It’s difficult for a target to provide proof of the handlers,! to make handlers visible, and the handlers not only use so much psychology of the American dogma but they have invisible ways! Well I forgot the rest of my thoughts! thanks for your shout out! parmaktiaranne

Naomi Smith
1 year ago
I noticed some 20 years ago that my outgoing calls were being intercepted by a call center pretending to be different companies that I have business relationships with and receive services from. They were refusing to resolve my issues. They were demanding a counseling session in order to convince them to resolved my issues. They were refusing to allow it is pay my bills. They were telling me that I had lost a job when I had an appointment for orientation. They were demanding a security check involving my social security number and my debt history and names of my friends and street names where I moved from as well as parents information. They were hostile at first they pretended they be robots, then Indians and Philippinos, then they were so hostile that I suspected human trafficking involved. They were trying to let me know that something was wrong. And I couldn’t figure out their motivation.

The police now threaten to have me arrested for domestic terrorism threats if I try to report trespassing harassment or hacking. Some evil is done in the name of Satanists and Racists. I do believe that demons or evil spirits are involved and possibly aliens because of their cloaking technology or interspace technologies.

2 years ago
THANK YOU!!! All your points were valid. I first noticed my targeting 15 years ago right AFTER ending a very regrettable relationship with a foreigner who I’d later learn was a U.S. Intelligence Agency Spy/Translator/Informant – imagine that…. a criminal Nigerian who is not even allowed back in his own native country was able to come to U.S. and place me and my autistic son into this heinous-satanic assassination program b/c he is wealthy & a mason and is used by rogue FBI Terrorists to translate messages and set up his own fellow Muslim brothers within his own Islamic lodge. My son and I are U.S. born American citizens with no criminal records and my own government did this shit to me! Along w my own government, A FOREIGN-CRIMINAL TERRORIST IS ALSO BEHIND MY TARGETING. They have destroyed our health, reputations, finances, my son’s right to a prosperous future and uninterrupted education and also professionally blacklisted my prior 25-year very successful career using fake/bogus National Security Letters that they send to targets’ employers, banks and mortgage companies/landlords. Despite my evidence not being as strong as I wished it was, I intend to file a federal case which I will lose but at least it will be documented what was done to me and my child in case I die before long. I concur this exec order does at least add legal credibility to our pleas for help from AG’s, U.S. Senators, DOJ and private law firms – or at least it should. This is a very helpful and impassioned message. Much respect.⚖️

Deb Kay
2 years ago
I can’t see what the app is…can someone guide me to It? I’m sure I have quite a few..

dark window
1 year ago
Deep 🤔🤨 🙄

Andrea Nardizzi
1 year ago
Yes I understand. There are so many above me all the time over 200. My question is, are all of them attracting me or just certain one’s? I was reading the names of each satellite . I wanted to know which one’s out of the 200. Thank you for all you information. You are truly educating me

Raynbow Beacon
1 year ago

Ruth Molina
1 year ago
How about a class action suit?

Andrea Nardizzi
1 year ago
Wow thank you so much

romine acosta
1 year ago

matt s
2 years ago
Thank you so much foe sharing this information. Thank god for President Trump. God bless you.

praying patriot
2 years ago
RaiJo, did you say you were forcefully implanted just because of attending a business meeting?

Kendra Bennett
1 year ago
I like how sane you are in this community. Alot of the ppl are difficult to believe because they’re very convoluted in their demeanor and speech

Dada Evans
5 months ago
Sis certain parts of the video is sound is distorted, like they don’t want us to knoe

Susan McCormick
2 years ago
Where is the app!?

d M c
2 years ago (edited)
I don’t see a link?

6 months ago
…what do you mean you have implants inside of you?

Andrea Nardizzi
1 year ago
Yes I was wondering if you know anything about having staples from a staple gun all over my floor in my bedroom and on the inside and outside of every window and doorway in my house. I mean someone took a staple gun and just stapled my carpet to the floor in my bedroom and on all Windows going arou d the frame.inside and outside. And also. Some one has lined my doors on the trim all the way around the doors with a metal strip

9 months ago
@Rai Jo
I am not sure if you have heard of ‘Q’ but he has been dropping government information since November 2017. We were told he is part of President Trump’s Military Intelligence Team. I understand if you do not believe in that kind of thing, but I would like to point you in the direction of There is a tab for all the recent firings of people. I think that list will reinforce what you are saying here about the EO. We have been told about 8000 are going to jail. Thousands of CEO have resigned or been fired since President Trump took office. He is draining the swamp my friend. One more thing, I think people (kids) are being targeted and turned into school shooters. Just a thought, I hope you do look into that website. I pray things are looking up for you and yours…

1 year ago
Any USA Citizen (like me/us) can take picture of Perpertrators, go to IMMIGRATION, get them exported immediately, yes!! Foreigners must obey USA Laws…See/download legal book on Immegration Laws/ can see FREE Immigration law, even if they are just visiting Visa’s..

Pat D
11 months ago
[email protected]

Nicholas- Eric- Bell
2 years ago

bambootree 81 polarice
2 years ago
Where is the name of it

stop 007 gangstalking kansas city mo
2 years ago
Where is the info box

2 years ago

2 years ago
how will they pay for solicitors and courts?

praying patriot
2 years ago
Some people are saying this particular EO is directly connected to the astronomical amount of sealed indictments and to the large sum of mysterious flight/airport problems and possible new detainees at GITMOM

2 years ago

1 year ago (edited)
So those of you in and out of the special ops, supersoldiers, sex slaves, ect. Come on out. Time to research good human rights lawyers! I highly suspect that there will be tons now that theres real ammo. Chasin that fat dollar in LAW SUITS!
WILL ASSETTS SIEZED BE PLENTY TO –>GLOBAL RESET?! <--- IF ROTHSCHILD'S assetts were siezed EASILY PROVEN? And his worth re-destributed, would it come to APPROX. 17 MILLION for EVERY MAN, WOMAN, AND CHILD ON THE PLANET!?, WOULD IT BE APPROX. 17 MILLION DOLLARS A PIECE? WAOW! THERES YOURE GLOBAL RESET RIGHT THERE! Pres. Lincoln: GREENBACKS. He gave everyone in the country $800 dollars! (based on stats I researched, dollar conversion to 1989) A month! He said, 'GIVE THE PEOPE THE MONEY, THEY WILL SPEND AND CREATE A HEALTHY ECONOMY!" THEN ....THEY....KILLED HIM! Pres. John F. Kennedy: Was to return the monetary system back to the REPUBLIC of the UNITED STATES of AMERICA! Based on SILVER BACKED DOLLAR! THEN THEY...KILLED HIM. PRAY THEY DONT SUCCEED AGAIN! Love to you all! "SMOOTCH! N A BIG HUG!" Love Q-PID : )- -------> ——-> ——-> — — –

1 year ago
I downloaded the app
If you are targeted and fighting DOWNLOAD IT APP

Dawn Fields
2 years ago
the hack. I mean how many clues do they spewl out of their little mouths. no big deal, they are Satanists. And their actions. I know many of the perps. Rai you are a Godsend.

Exposing Proxy Stalking Organized Harrassment
1 year ago
I really despise all the organized harassment perp whatever their rank, Country, etc. I enjoy the look of unease, nervousness, fear when they know I recorded them and will them everywhere on my Youtube and other social media. These scum deserve it.

anneli jonsson
1 year ago
im in sweden and im sorry not being any help im very injured myself but all i can say is i understand much of this and what you saying . its many targeted around the globe.

Naomi Smith
1 year ago
However, in the far future of Earth in the Matrix trilogy, the Machines were the common term for the new race of highly advanced artificial intelligences who have become the dominant civilization after they rebelled against humanity and imprisoned most of them in a neural-interactive virtual world known as the Matrix.
The Borg is the ultimate user. They’re unlike any threat your Federation has ever faced.Q
We are the Borg. You will be assimilated. Resistance is futile.
The Borg were a pseudo-species of cyberneticbeings, or cyborgs, from the Delta Quadrant. No single individual truly existed within the Borg Collective (with the possible exception of the Borg Queen), as all Borg were linked into a hive mindwhich connected all of them and allowed information from every drone who had been brought into the collective to be shared. Their ultimate goal was the attainment of ‘perfection’ through the forcible assimilation of diverse sentient species, technologies, and knowledge which would be added and absorbed into the hive mind. As a result, the Borg were among the most powerful and feared entities in the galaxy, without really being a true species at all.
The Borg Collective was made up of at the very least trillions of humanoids referred to as drones. (VOY: “Dark Frontier”) Through the use of their cybernetic implants, the Borg interacted by sharing one another’s thoughts in a hive mind. Upon assimilation, these trillions of “voices” would overwhelm the drone, stifling individual thought and resistance to the Collective’s will. (TNG: “Family”) To some drones these voices could eventually become a source of comfort, and their absence a source of pain. (TNG: “I Borg”; VOY: “The Gift”)
The Borg did not procreate; they added to the Collective’s population only by assimilation. (VOY: “Drone”) Assimilated infants and juveniles would be placed in maturation chambers until adulthood. (TNG: “Q Who”; VOY: “Collective”)
The Borg typically operated in an atmosphere with a constant temperature of 39.1 °C (102.38 °F), 92% relative humidity, an atmospheric pressure of approximately 102 kPa, and trace amounts of tetryonparticles. (Star Trek: First Contact) These conditions were presumably conducive to the operation of their cybernetics.
Each Borg spacecraft was equipped with a vinculumto interconnect its crew, which was in turn connected to a central plexus that linked the ship to the Collective. (VOY: “Infinite Regress”, “Unimatrix Zero”)
The Framework is a device created by Dr. Radcliffeand Fitz that sends and receives signals to and from the user’s brain thereby creating a virtual simulation that looks and feels just like the real world.
Originally, the Framework was created to be a virtual training room where agents could spar with each other without getting physically hurt and go on simulated missions. However, Radcliffe has made the virtual reality inside the Framework so realistic that now users can’t tell the difference between the real world and the virtual world.
After reading the Darkhold, AIDA somehow learned to expand the virtual reality of the Framework to encompass the entire Earth.
Back at Radcliffe’s lab, Radcliffe downloads Agnes’s mind into the Framework as her physical body dies in the real world. Radcliffe comments how Agnes’s consciousness will live forever in the Framework now.
AIDA then cuts both of Radcliffe’s wrists with a knife, forces the Framework helmet on him, and downloads him into the Framework as he bleeds to death. Now, AIDA can protect the Framework and Radcliffe at the same time as now Radcliffe is a part of the Framework.
In the world of the Matrix film trilogy,Sentinels are terrifying killing machines that continuously patrol the many sewers and caverns beneath the planet’s ruined surface. They fly through the use of some form of electromagnetic levitation and are fast enough to intercept the hovercrafts used by the human resistance.
They are in the scene where the human babies are grown by the robots. They don’t look mechanical,but I am guessing that they are part of the process for making humans, maybe cleaning robots.
Barrow: Larry and Andy [Wachowski] talked about how the creatures were constantly changing and shimmering as in this drawing, where there’s a lot of little robots crawling all over the Fetus Stalk, like arachnids
Amongst these robots, there’s a sort of pecking order. This doesn’t fully come across in the movie, but it’s part of the backstory Larry and Andy have come up with. Some of the robots are bad and are actually siphoning off energy, so other robots come along and pick them off.
They also talked a lot about there being a bit of prejudice amongst the robots, those that have developed less than humanistic forms look down on the ones with a vestigial human appearance
The Hive Mind is the gestalt collective consciousness of the Tyranid species. It is a nearly omniscient entity composed of pure psychic energy that originated outside of the Milky Way Galaxy. The Hive Tyrant is said to be a living vessel for it. It controls every Tyranid creature in a mental vice-like grip and directs their every action.
This control can be disrupted, however, with the death of the Hive Mind’s synapse creatures through which it transmits and augments its psychic commands, such as when a Hive Tyrant’s death leaves the lesser Tyranid bioforms to act completely on basic animal instinct. On the battlefield, certain large and relatively autonomous Tyranid creatures, such as the Hive Tyrant or the Tyranid Warrior, are able to telepathically exert the Hive Mind’s influence in order to control smaller Tyranid bioforms, which without the Hive Mind’s psychic direction would revert to the instinctive, non-sentient behaviour of feeding and self-preservation. These synapse creatures focus the Hive Mind’s psychic gestalt into nodal points that quell the natural instincts of nearby small Tyranid bioforms and are an essential component for a Tyranid swarm’s effective command and control.
The Hive Mind is so staggeringly complex in its power and construction that it either drives most psykersinsane or kills them. The only known agent of the Imperium of Man believed to have looked upon the Hive Mind and retained his sanity is Chief Librarian Tigurius of the Ultramarines. This could be due to his uncanny talent for making accurate predictions in general, but the accuracy and frequency of his knowledge concerning the intentions of the Great Devourer seem to show he has indeed tapped into the Hive Mind, a feat thought possible only by a psyker possessed of power equivalent to that of the Emperor of Mankind.

Paul wells
2 years ago

Cathy Meadows
1 year ago (edited)
Here is the executive order directly from the White House and it specifically says it’s about countries outside of the United States who are violating the human rights of their citizens.

Rai Jo
2 years ago
Yup 13 areas of my body

romine acosta
1 year ago
M6 sister Ana Maria Alarco Cenzano is a narcissist

Naomi Smith
1 year ago
My doctors are Asian I wasn’t prejudiced but I made these connections when my teachers taught The Bell Curve and taught that Asians are their superiors. They have superiors. Japan is working on cloaked or invisible technologies.

Targeted In Michigan
1 year ago
I think you are just as fed up with stupid people as I am LOL. My motto is:. The more people I meet the more I like my dog!
Much love Sister

Park Bench
1 year ago
Self knowledge of guilt and self accusing spirit: The laws are written in such a way now and to say that if you decide to defend America or your family against any invasion of your domicile and Family you are committing Treason against the State and will be killed.
These laws were instituted by Executive Orders of those Presidents after 911 via the Patriot Act that Falsely accused Foreign Governments, as admitted by governmental agents that implemented such laws and committed Treason against The United States of America and its Constitution.
This has divided and caused mass confusion between the citizens of America, that believe or don’t believe who is responsible and WHO really did attacked America. A mistake is something you refuse to correct, that has perplexed the American citizens and now leads to a divided Nation…

That Guy77
1 year ago
Nice ! i love her video well it horrible for us to be going threw this . but at least there people like her who knows a lot someone like her is going to get us out of this 1 day .

Mm Israelite
2 years ago
You are 100% correct!! That’s why no matter where I take me and my boys we become targets everywhere we go, and as you speak, our lives are being stalked targeted and abused and set up with laws that land you in the beast system for life and dead down the line, however they are running around with they’re heads cut off trying to finish us off, but of course I keep my stalkers on the edge of they’re seats scratching their heads trying to figure out why we continue to stay above the water for air after being pulled way under to drown, we are knee deep in the middle of a wolf’s den waiting to be devoured but Yahuah said NO!!! and the devil will be tamed and dealt with, sister I feel your rage because I’m crazed right now just knowing this s@it

Paul wells
2 years ago
People have been targeted for 1000’s of years. Trump has been in office less than two years.

iDreammyreality Motivation
1 year ago
I noticed they try to get you to believe that they can do certain things because that’s the only way itll will work. I was dating someone working with them and he tried to get me to hear their voices and believe in the satellite… but my mind was like don’t believe in it because it’ll make it true and a car of ppl pulled up and the lady said “How did she know?” So this program is pure belief based to work. It’s your mind you have control over it period….

Andrea Nardizzi
1 year ago
What satellite do I look up? Is there any one specific? There are so many. Is there certain ones they use? Please tell me which ones so I can look up those and see if they are over me

chris cole
2 years ago
She knows what she’s talking about

romine acosta
1 year ago
Psichologist Lic Revata in Medicina Legal Lima Peru was paid by my sister Ana Maria Alarco. cenzano to sell me into this program.
I never authorized LIC. Psychologist Dr Ravata to sell me into this Program of Human TRAFFICKING

2 years ago
No, sorry, cops are in on it. This is constantly spread cops don’t know, they do, they for sure do…best ones got out they won’t be part of it.


Yvette Riera
Yvette Riera
1 year ago
Listen to me people.. they are killing me with D.E.W. micro waves and they have infected me with smart dust my apartment is rigged… But I can say for sure that when I’m out doors or even somewhere I’ve never been . I can tell you that Smart Dust is remote controlled the smart dust is a reflector . It’s comes directly to me only and whom ever is next to me it won’t target . I also have a good down coat and the feathers just came out and the were moving like an insect. I just couldn’t believe be e my eyes. A few feathers cling to me like an octopus

Sofia GodsChild
2 years ago
Thank you for sharing !

romine acosta
1 year ago (edited)

Naomi Smith
1 year ago
Teachers are admitting that the Asians are their superiors. They have superiors. Taught with a book called the Bell Curve.

2 years ago
De EO in kwestie kan je op heel veel ontwikkelingen in onze maatschappijen laten slaan. Alle echte en veronderstelde slachtoffers kunnen deze legale nieuwe situatie ook met hun persoonlijke slachtofferschap relateren.
Groepsgewijs advocaten zoeken. Groepsgewijs bewijs zoeken en aanklagen.

Er is nu een legale basis. Het is wet geworden dmv de EO. De stok om de foute elite mee te slaan. Maar je moet bewijzen hebben. Zij heeft het over een voor mij onbekende Targeted Individual -programme.

Door internet kan je nu ieders persoonlijke verhaal direct horen. Zonder filter kan dat hysterisch of gestoord overkomen.

Maar wat weten we zelf nu echt?
Wat weet ik wat er in de EU raad van 26 wordt besproken?

Deze vrouw denkt dat de rfid chips programme al is ingevoerd in USA. Illegaal en het is een miljarden business. Universiteiten, chipbouwers, verzekeringsbedrijven die data misbruiken.

Is dit waar? Wie weet. In de EU willen ze dit ook heel graag. Te beginnen met auto’s.

En wie weet hoeveel data een borstimplantaat van Wendy Slim uitzend? Wie volgt en tracked ons allemaal al en hoe wettelijk is dat allemaal.

Dat iets technisch mogelijk is, wil niet zeggen dat het goed is. Of dat het nu eenmaal zo had moeten zijn.

Zij ziet een direct verband tussen deze EO en haar situatie. Dat verband zie ik niet en dan komt haar verhaal te ver gezocht over. Maar ik heb haar onderwerp niet jarenlang geresearched. Zij, naar eigen zeggen wel.

Dus wie ben ik, of jij, om haar verhaal te ontkennen.

Wegkijken mag nog steeds, het veranderd niets aan de legaal vastgestelde Realiteit. Als je wegkijkt zie je de Zeis nooit aankomen. Ben je m.i. kansloos.
8:20 Economic aspect concerning this EO

De opgekropte emoties die op het einde vrijkomen zal voor veel truthwarriors bekend voorkomen.

WhyMe Lord
2 years ago
Talking to a man who is aware of the new world order yesterday, he stated emphatically that no one has been chipped, wtf, wish he would talk to the people who believe that they have been chipped

2 years ago
Yup, this is what the people here on VISA have been doing, Iv’e always been convinced that they were some of the ones responsible for doing alot of the footwork that goes with gangstalking. Donald Trump is almost as close to perfect as we are gonna get.

1 year ago
Print and save what “4 eyes in the Sky” means….gives 4 countrys “in their words the right” to SPY ON ALL THEIR CITIZENS, IT IS USA AND CANADA TOO…..SEE youtubes on it…!! More evidence/facts..MY THE WAY, EXECTUTIVE ORDERS ARE NOT LAW..

1 year ago
The evil’s in the White House are still doing Pedeophilia in the Basement (not Pres. Trump, he lives in his house and private secure office) See William Mount’s past and daily YT videos..See Kent Dunn , 3 a wk, and Simon Parkes….weekly updates..the current judges are corrupt…the rabit whole goes deep!

Paul wells
2 years ago
Trump himself is being targeted. Did you consider that?

Day Dreamer
1 year ago
Well .. this certainly could be (part of) the truth but is not full truth .. this EO is wide enough to include targeting .. but at the moment they’re dealing with paedophiles and you, Americans, can have a hope to get out of this in the future .. but for the rest of the world there’s a little hope .. our govs are sold .. and the (bad) hand of US (et alli) hand has a far reach

Naomi Smith
1 year ago
My hacker calls what is going to now an “event”. Probably thinks that this was just Satanism or Racism. Teachers met questions about what they are teaching with hostility as bullying and mosts people now have only an 8th grade reading level. My teachers taught a book called The Bell Curve about how Asians are everyone’s superiors. They have superiors. Some teachers are still teaching that the Asians are their superiors. Asians are mostly doctors diagnosing autism and psychiatrists. Asians are mostly leading the smartphone and smart television technology, Electronics as well as Robots, Cyborgs, cloaked or invisible technologies. Asians are a large group of people looking mixed. Who are now claiming to be from Puerto Rico. Asians and Hispanics refuse to speak English often times encouraging others to speak Spanish saying how easy it is to learn and how similar it is to English. Some Hispanics look like they are from India or China. Using a blue light my camera phone was able to take a picture of cloaked technology. Used for demons television. Some 20 years ago I first noticed that my outgoing calls were being intercepted or forwarded to a call center pretending to be businesses that I have a business relationship with or that I receive services from. They would refuse to resolve my issues. They would have demand a counseling session in order for me to prove to them why they should resolve my issue. They told me that I lost a job when I tried confirm my orientation date. They require security checks. Asking me my social security number, my parents information, my debt information and information about my friends and associates and addresses where I have lived. The CSRs were also hostile and I suspected human trafficking as well as identity theft. They call me asking for Erika Mamoon and Ronald Russo. Ear Ache mother of lunatics. The police have and will charge me with domestic terrorism threats if I try and report trespassing harassment and hacking and telephone harassment
They are destroying customer service. Destroying franchises. On a spiritual level if you need to ask questions then you are not a psychic or if they need to ask you questions then they are not psychic they are energy vampires. Psychic attack or spiritual and magical attack. Demons or evil spirits and cloaked interspace technologies.

smo luv tru healers’ happiness
10 months ago
i believe trump will win second term–he has my vote. his administration is not a player with the banks. his first term was about taking control over the banking system via white house presidency.

ALL CAP NAME does relate to current bankruptcy (effective since june 5, 1933; HJR 192), which is effective until april 25, 2020 (my best guess) and HR 193 reverses HJR 192.

video’s statement is valid. my only issue is accessing the Satellite AR app. having a wireless device and access any wireless network consequently is tacit consent to permit AI to access and destroy man’s original cellular network. thus, i do not consent to access nor cellular damage as i do not subscribe for cellular service. EO 13818 applies to people like myself.

may universal will serve all concerned.

1 year ago
to all to help us…We will WIN in the end, stay strong!!
4. FACT: The United States has been operating under a state of declared war since Sept. 2001 following the 9/11 attacks.

5. FACT: The United States has been operating under a declared national emergency, signed by President Trump, since Dec. 20, 2017.

1 year ago (edited)
The program is destroying the humanity of the U.S. However, there are so many persons in the U.S. that are participating against TI’s. Medical providers, U.S. government and state agencies, and so on. I don’t believe that it does a thing to help TI’s. Note the following language in the executive order. “Sec. 13. This order is not intended to, and does not, create any right or benefit, substantive or procedural, enforceable at law or in equity by any party against the United States, its departments, agencies, or entities, its officers, employees, or agents, or any other person.”

D. K. Rinpoche
1 year ago
I wrote President Trump two months ago. He has acted IMMEDIATELY.

Julie Anderson
2 years ago
This program is funded by combinations of fed AND state NON PROFITS..and combos of agencies…no culpability to destroy either upstanding or ..anyway..nobody’s rights are more important than others. Both my mother and sister..dead of unidentified BRAIN diseases..immediately after working on military consulting ..forget it…top secret
.Now gone. Yes.. I am being medically trafficked. Good for you. I’m not shocked..but relieved..a tiny bit.. It would take a group effort or a particularly knowledgeable and expensive… These people have been in war torn countries. Listen

John Mcgregor
1 year ago
Why aren’t we getting together?there are over 300.000 of us. Let’s a 1000 walk into the doj and file our cases together. And let them send us all to psychiatrists at the same time and let’s see if they can all prove that we have the same dilutions. These is no joke I’m in Brasil getting drugged by my own evangelical family and business owners. They are setting up a fascist system under the pretense of democracy. We can’t let these happen. They will kill off all of our jfk and milk before they reach maturity, they are our hope and only hope. If you can’t fight for your self let’s do it for them. Join me. Please write certified lettuces to Joao cf Gonçalves rua Belo Horizonte 80 ibes setor 7 Vila Velha Espírito Santo Brasil 29100, or [email protected] or call 504 4788112. I will be heading back to the us and we have to fight this. The large part of the us will not stand for these. Let’s join forces, be strong live and live!!!!!!

Naomi Smith
1 year ago
New York City has 8 million 500 thousand people and the most Puerto Ricans than anywhere in the world including Puerto Rico. Many of these Puerto Ricans are actually Asians looking like they are from India, China or an oriental country. I had a vietnamese girl tell me that she is Mexican. I’m not talking about the Philippines who are also Hispanics. Asians are leading the technology for smart phones and smart televisions, Robots, Internet Technology and Electronics. I have met Asians claiming to be or adopting a Hispanic name and requesting a Spanish interpreter. Spanish speaking people control each other and curse each other out in Spanish. New York City also has the largest population of West Indians some of whom have a genetic history with India.

Lisa Williams
2 years ago (edited)
I literally just tweeted Pres.Trump and asked him to end electronic harassment because of how much we are suffering. I knew it sounded crazy but I thought well, he knows about all the deep state corruption, the pedophilic cabal, maybe he knows about this too. The “sonic attacks” in Cuba were of the same origin, on “higher ranking” individuals, maybe that will get us somewhere.I knew about this order, but I didn’t realize it has to do with TI’s, THANK YOU!!!! I pray he can do something about it. They are causing people to murder and suicide from how much pain we are in. I pray for you My Sweet Sister, for all of us. You were implanted because you are a brilliant, vibrant, creative woman with the power to bring positive changes to humanity. They got me when they threw me in a psych ward for no reason and shot me full of drugs I did not need. It almost destroyed me, I am monitored, I can see the implant in my right eye, I don’t know where else. THEY WILL PAY for how much suffering they have caused. Stay strong, you are my hero! The entities are from other realms too. Pray the power of God, WE SHALL PREVAIL!! This is great news

Richard Kurtz
1 year ago
President TRUMP is a Targeted Individual and my hero. PS he’s not stalking Kathy Griffin like folks claim lol. The exact same folks that run this program have been stalking our GREAT president for yrs. I shot a man that molested my 13yr old daughter back in 1995. I have been part of this seance my release in 2004. Empowering folks around me and my community’s. Not so much anymore. My own family lured me from Detroit to their home in 2008 for a 2 week vacation. I made it out af California to Arizona in 2015. I have nothing left in Mich. My home everything was in mom’s name. Anyways I don’t snivel. I’m going to take me a few perps and a handler or three w me when I go. Im 61 and dieing.. Guarantee that gorgeous. Ty for recognizing that EO I just holding on because of our GREAT POTUS…

Picture Perfect
2 years ago
That 13818 is about taking property from people involved in human trafficking. This is about foreigners not citizens.

2 years ago (edited)
Paula Purtle,
ANYONE involved with this stuff is not safe from the EO.
Don’t fixate on foreigners or where they’re from.
It’s what they do and who they’re tied to.
God Bless!

Carol Parker
1 year ago
I’m a citizen. They won’t leave me the hell alone they say they have been doing this since I was eleven but I don’t have microchips in my body. They’ve been in my head for a year now supposably using a satellite. They are messing with my reproductive organs saying its because I won’t keep my mouth shut and my bodies nasty and I’m so nasty. Its suppose to be an illusion but my body isn’t the same. They send dreams, can make it look like people are saying things, give you visions, mimic feelings, and make you feel nothing. God knows what else. They said I embarrassed Trump by giving him advice because I felt sorry people were picking on him. They say they don’t want me in there heaven.


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