GangStalking IS Community-Oriented Policing (Video)

GangStalking IS Community Oriented Policing

Webmaster Comment:

All I can say is that the kind of society that would carry out this program on such a wide scale as we are seeing today is so totally bankrupt, criminalized, weaponized, and satanized that it has to be in its death throes.

Such as society cannot continue to exist and certainly does not deserve to continue to exist for long…. Alas, I’m afraid that was probably part of the idea all along. And the architects of the “program” always intended to destroy our nations.

The people (or entities) that are trying to steal our lives, our brains, and our souls are like the entities in the movie, “They Live.” These predatory psychopaths strip mining the planet of everything of value to them. Then they probably intend to go strip mine somewhere else, I guess. It’s their way of life…. They are parasites. We are the host.

So why not defund the police? They have been so corrupted that they are criminals now. And for the same reason, why should civilians continue to fund our own governments and military forces? So they can continue to torture and murder civilians who speak truth? Our leaders, sociopaths and psychopaths all, are rotten to the core, I’m afraid.

Lord Jesus Christ, please come soon. And let your angels bundle and burn these human devils.

3 years ago
gang stalkers are criminals trying to destroy honest people because they are jealous and homicidal psychopaths

Ms. D.
2 years ago
They lie about why they flag us… we are God’s chosen his army and watchers on earth. They don’t want us to spread the good news from God around. They are Satan’s robots.

Cathy Meadows
1 year ago
If some target was breaking the law they’d arrest him or her. No target is breaking the law, and very very few have ever committed a felony. It’s contracted harassment done out of fear, greed, jealousy, vengeance, or / and insecurities so deep you can throw a refrigerator into it and you’d never hear it hit bottom.

Donald Knowles
2 years ago
Dude , the targeted individuals need to join forces

joshua generation
3 years ago
Freemasons say there not a criminal organization. This really shows us that Freemasonry is a organized crime and false religion. The gang stalking program is to stop the real potential leaders to be oppressed and rejected by the community. The reason being is that the 400 years of slavery is over. And the people are waking up. Wake up and stay prayed up people its almost over

humblesoul58 Kim Byrd
2 years ago
It’s not policing. It is unquestionably abuse of the highest order. It is perversion that surpasses even biblical accounts of Rome and Athens. It is not and will never be historically documented as “policing”. It is an embarrassment to our nation.

Mrs Garcia
2 years ago
This is my life exactly help

David Gamble
2 years ago
When you are persecuted for the TRUTH your reward in heaven is great.

2 years ago
This guy has it right. Unbelievable. Well do done.

3 years ago
These are gang stalking snitches. gang stalking is illegal contrary TO U.S.C. TITLE 18 SECTION 241, considered treason and punishable by death as conspiracy against rights.

The Gnostic Truth
2 years ago
These are the systems of manipulation which are pretended to be justified in advance and those who are “notified” are adjusted to develop their tactics so as to lead to entrapment, while pretending it is for the purpose of protecting the community. But, notice that the community happily joins in, and degrades itself in the process. I condemn it and the world and its societies which birthed it, as unworthy of existence. They are simply continuing the work of their enslavers, and extending it to attack anyone who will not submit to programs of mass deception (eg whistleblowers, et al). Those societies who have enabled this, must trust that there is no salvation for them. They are guilty of the EXACT CRIME of those who slew Christ. It is the SAME process, to bury the truth under the duplicity of a cowardly mob. DOOMED.

september luketz
2 years ago
They are trying to make us out to be violent because they are torturing us when we try to fight back

marcaroni and cheese
3 years ago
wow this is real and sick

2 years ago

Camo Chingas
2 years ago
They figure if they cant take basic rights away enough to make a person commit suicide. They could always frame you. Anything to discredit a person.

Fred Last
2 years ago
Ironically your government is often citing human rights abuses in other countries.

No freedom censored
2 years ago
This strategy is a method of setting up a police state. (A horrible way to live). We must let people know so they will know not to participate.

tyler heyblom
3 years ago
one of the best video’s about gangstalking and electronic harassment. we need more T.I.s like you that can put this info out there in a credible manner!

3 years ago
Gangstalkers are hired by corporations, governments even neighborhood watch programs. It took me along time before I realized what was happening. It has been going on for years. I am sorry to see others going through this though do admit I am glad I am not alone. The courage you younger ones have is inspirational! Unfortunately I speculate things are going to get worse. I can’t believe how non TI”s who could actually help expose the terror we are going through know our gov. incorporated Stasi and Nazi scientist into our gov. after WII yet can’t believe their techniques didn’t come with them. Ti’s need to stick together. I have only recently started to come out about my ordeal. I have years of footage. It is overwhelming to try to go through it and post videos but I am working on it. I have posted two examples of strange happenings happened right out my window. The worst is when family become gangstalkers.

themosthigh God
2 years ago
DO NOT allow them to bring you into the spiritual and mental hell that they are locked into and can’t get out of. Avoid any contact with them as best as possible. This is why they crowd around you to absorb your life energy cause they have none. Know that thete BEAST system is endong amd they are scrambling to keep it afloat.

Fan Gee
2 years ago
They do things to cause you to argue are fight back .then they tape what you do than call you crazy .but they are the crazy ones doing this sick act

Muckmuck Thageneral
3 years ago
The file on us goes well beyond the area we live in.

The Imaginary Gallery
2 years ago
I don’t recall voting for such terrorism or seeing permission granted to do these things in our Constitution or Bill of Rights. Sounds totally illegal.

Kyle W
2 years ago
I’ve been gangstalked by the government ever since they killed my father who was a very popular conspiracy theorist and had a huge following on YouTube and Facebook. His youtube channel and Facebook were completely erased a week before he “Died”. They wont release his autopsy records to me let alone his belongings he left behind.

L, L Williams
2 years ago
This is what’s going on with my life right now

Irene Stamelos
2 years ago
things do have a way of coming out they will pay the price

3 years ago
This t.i. is hot

Heather Honey
2 years ago
Listen Up People, there’s only one way out. // Dear Heavenly Father, Father of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and Israel. All of us TIs come to You in the name of Yeshua. We rebuke all these stalkers, perps, & handlers and all of the like. We block, cast down, send back all their curses of stalking, slanders, hatred and send it back to each and everyone of them involved in deliberately and gainfully destroying innocent people. We send this back to each of them 7000 fold in the name of Yeshua. Furthermore Father, have them to feed their need off one another of their gang. So they keep too busi to bother any TI. As a Loving Father, please Bless all TIs with peace, love & reverse all curses upon us all. Fill us with the Holy Spirit to chase away oppressive demons. Thank You Father, You are a great God, our only God. An Awesome God. AMEN

Maria John
2 years ago
But if God be For Me Who can be Against Me. Thank You Lord Jesus!

Brandon Peniuk
2 years ago
I think the way GOD would see this is as simple murder. Thou shall not kill! It is a commandment at best. Anyone pushing people to the brink like suicide will be judged at hand. Thanks, warrior!

Cynthia Powers
3 years ago
sounds like what Scientology does when people try to leave.

Colonel E-laine
2 years ago
Gang stalking sounds like the shadow gov aka illuminati!
Where MOST people are in on it spying on innocent individuals.

Marc Berard
2 years ago
This is my life 100% for the last 5 years. 24/7

ocean of timeless ecstasy
2 years ago
nobody has any values! most people have a price, it’s sad I thought better of the people before I noticed the harassment myself…. love , harmony we are all humans who deserve to have rights and If the community has a problem then speak with the person or God for his help them!!!!

Mary Jane
2 years ago (edited)
I’ve been having these same thing’s happen to me.. I used to think they where a mixture of low life’s, nosey parkers, or people who had nothing better to do.. But I can’t go ANYWHERE,, without some weirdo bothering me.. I don’t mind friendly small talk,, but I DO MIND when it’s one of the same group of people, & their not being friendly.. Just watching what i do.. It’s obnoxious..

AR-15totle Aka A.R-15
2 years ago
Might as well move to Alaska and create a small community of TI’s where we could shut ourselves from the outside world live in peace Without police it’s like the walking dead but the zombies are gang stalkers

Susen Fogg
2 years ago
I’m 21 years old and feel absolutely devistated. I’m so confused and don’t know how to process all of this. All I know is Jesus Christ is in control. I know that after I got out of Kaballah and had a relationship with a Mason it got out of control. I pray Jesus protects me. I have no problem being homeless or being a gypsy. But I’m sad this exists. I’m sad I’m in it all. And I’m sad I know to much about the Devils playground. HE and all His followers will get what he deserves.

Ein Cond
2 years ago (edited)
@11:00: It is a means of pushing the target into a condition that will allow for a, “pre-crime,” arrest (instituationalization), not unlike the concept of the film Minority Report. This is openly acknowledged policy in Communist Cuba, where people are prosecuted for the likelihood they will commit a crime in the future. Here, the totalitarian forces within the US have a far more clever method. They dress up, “pre-crime,” prosecution as a form of healthcare, so even progressive, alternative, non-mainstream citizens, people who would not ordinarily go along with this kind of denial of civil rights (for example, Amendments I, IV, V, VI, VIII), are unlikely to regard the process for what it is. They call it getting people, “the help that they need.”

On the up-side, mental health laws could easily be employed against gangstalkers.

Gangstalking is without doubt a form of sociopathy, and clear evidence that a perpetrator lacks the ability to empathize with others and lacks a sense of conscience. It may be the case that institutionalization could be an effective method of prohibiting predatory people from inflicting psychological disturbance on others, effectively dragging others down into the mental health nightmare gangstalkers are living out.

Regenia Mc
2 years ago (edited)
I have hundreds of people stalking me. I believe I am being stalked because a dirty cop covered up my son murder. I wrote to governors and senators about the problem. Nothing happen about the cover up of my son murder but the FBI had stacks of complaints on him from stopping people on I-95 taking their money. He was a bad chief of police and had the young men selling his drugs. He was force to retire when he was breaking the law so now he is trying to destroy my life. God see it all.

tyler heyblom
3 years ago
thanks james for the info keep it up!! exopse these cowards!!!

Shaelah Sherman
2 years ago (edited)
Community cop assisted predatory stalking that’s the acronym I should be what the acronym for one of the organization stands for again a lot of smoke a lot of mirrors A lot of smear camping and broke broken and mundane MFS to participate this world is a sicker place than people think it is.

Geo B
2 years ago
Orwell’s 1984 is here

Jeanne Marie Bizeau
2 years ago
Little do the ones (Perpetrators) know taking part can and will become victims themselves. They’re expendable when their job is done they will be the target. They did..verbal assault … perpetrators don’t be stupid.. you threaten my life.. threaten to burn down my home. Stalking order….

Olivier Jean
3 years ago
My name is Elizabeth Jean. This happened to me. I now think I’m suffering from C-PTSD. I haven’t had any luck finding an attorney even though they are clearly stealing my things. It’s horrible. Thanks for making this.

deb dodson
3 years ago
They do break and enter and breach the ‘no touch’ rule because I woke up with a huge scratch on my gum.8-10 times with a swollen gum around last December and January.Research oil pulling with the use of sulphur rich foods..Oh and those as#holes owe me a jimmy tire and bearings for driving my truck through mudholes while I was trying to rest at night.If I take it all the way back 4 tires,2 radiators,a timing belt,repair for subfloors for pouring water in my vent pipe on my home,1 engine from a pinhole poked in a radiator eventually causing a blown head gasket(still got 400000+ miles out of that car),the locksmith making keys unauthorized and leaving a voicemail,and crop dusting on jobsites causing a chemical burn under my nostril along with an overloaded lymph on the left side of my neck 4-5 times over a period of years.Acv and probiotics are your friend..Creator is your first friend.I’ve cursed those b÷stards for 6 months for stabbing me in my gum and knocking my clothes rack down in my closet while I was trying to rest.They threw food in my yard with crap in it and my dogs ate it.Those b@$tards even sat in a junk car in the yard.I believe a few of them were from your state;keep them there.I have no reason to fabricate anything but I do have a problem with taxpayers money being given to people for free cars,satellite,cash,gas,food,and board for harassing or allowing the harassment of decent people..There are kids and elderly out here and if y’all s.o.b.’s don’t straighten your little punk a@@es up;you’ll be fertilizer.I’ve had 3 family members in the hospital in the last three months..They are alright now and so am I thanks to alkalized diets and knowledge..Y’all are some sick puppies is all I got to say..Stick to eating your d@mn honey buns and being bought for a dollar;stay out of these decent people’s houses and yards..

Steve Henchliffe
2 years ago
I would love to talk to you about my gang stalking experience and it’s still going on after six years it started in 2011. This is so sick there are some things in your blog that are true I can not send a email because it’s sensored some people are looking at 15 years for the biggest conspiracy of all times

2 years ago
Every so often, starting to happen more often, I get stuck in the house. My internal system makes me feel like i shouldnt go out in public. I dont leave the house for weeks. Sometimes months. Its very weird. I love being social, but all of a sudden im anti social. I dont understand it.

2 years ago (edited)
Ok!!! I get it, now leave me alone. I’m totally disconnected, dissociated from the human race now. It’s been almost twenty years now.😣 Even real demonic spirits are getting in on this “targeting individuals.” I’ve actually seen shadow people.🤤 This stuff is no joke, it’s real.😐 Keep your faith in God. You may have pissed someone off someone, you are human, we all make mistakes, including the stalkers. That is what makes what they’re doing so hypothetical.😣

Tired Old man
2 years ago (edited)
i was stalked for the better part of a year. my ex wife ended up as a total religious extremist. she got it in her mind that since i owned numerous guns and refused to join her church that i must be engaging in some kind of illicit drug trafficing or dealing.non of which was true.
i grew up on an indian reservation and when we split up i returned there. now literally everyone on the reservation knew me since i was a toddler.
the road i lived on was not busy at all ever.if five cars went by in a day it was alot. i noticed that suddenly there was like a back and forth parade of different vehicles going by the house.
after a few days one of the elders who had known me all my life and knew i didnt go in for all that illegal drug crap came by the house and he told me that he had been approached by a few different people who tried to warn him about me and to not associate with me and to inform the rest of the people that i was doing all kinds of shit.
well they stalkers hit thier first roadblock there.
next up was that my very best and trusted friend who also is an electronics nerd.
got with me and we put in place how to fight back without any contact with thm.
first i owned a peterbilt with an end dump. he showed me to sweep my truck for gps locaters. damned if he wasnt right on. from there we removed the locaters and placed them on my other truck that went out of state.
the cb in my truck we replaced with a unit that was am,upper and lower side and fm with fequncy counter. also a 1400 watt linear amplifier and modulation amplifier..
it seemed most had little ear pieces in. so not only could i intercept some of thier chatter but if all power was turned up and whistle loud in the mike you saw people jump and grab thier ears. i still had a number of them following me driving through three counties.when hauling dirt or sand you wet it down so it wont blow.i stopped wetting it and bought bottles of cheap soda put a hole in the shift boot and going down the road where i knew they were i poured soda down the funnel it stuck to the cars and towards after noon the cars caked with sand were my stalkers.
this went on for a year. i guess they gave up as it all stopped as quick as it started.
i almosted missed them when they were seemed boring after was alot more things i made those poor bastards go through.
they couldnt get near my house as i owned three tibetian mnountain dogs and a one got near without my knowing it.
across from my property was a long uphill road that led up a hillside i noticed a truck was parking up top looking down. there was a metal gate across the entrance. while hes up top i got my portable welder and chained the gate shut and welded it shut. im sure he tripped out a bit but five or six hours later someone showed up to help

targeted in Maryland
2 years ago
Ive been blacklisted for awhile now its not that bad if you like your peace and quite.blessings

Iron Wrath 444 – Doomsday Yoga
2 years ago
The drug loving, getting high crowds and partyer crowds have their gangstalkers too…they tell their drug daddy who wants to control everything, so this is done in the sub-cultures of societies as well.

Irene Stamelos
2 years ago
the fdny was at td bank this afternoon again I saw them gang stalking the place again I hope they live this video is true.

Matthew Logan
2 years ago
I know know it’s a program I thought it was just losers it seems to be very welthy people in with authority

Seyoum Belay
2 years ago
I am realy upsetting with what is going on victims by gangstalkers. I am monitored 24/7. They have no any evidence to torched and harrased me. I am innocent person who strugle against criminals, but these people have enogh resource to buy false information fabricated and use them as information agents linking with goverment officials. false information has a big market to the buyers and sellers. Innocent people are victimized for their unwitting what is going on them. criminals have big power on goverment. Instead of investigating the real root cause of the case on both sides, government only takes priority and cooperative with the gangstalkers. One innocent persons is punished while hundreds of criminals are free from their criminal activity. It is a big lose for government and the people living in the country. This is unhealthy and treat for a country practicing encouraging gangstalkers and demoralizing innocent genuine, and clean people.

Maria John
2 years ago
Righteousness Exalts a Nation, But Sin is a Reproach(Disgrace) to Any people.(Any Nation any person)

11 11
2 years ago
If you are a T.I. you are followed by predator style drones… they will be at a distance.. sometimes glowing white.. but if they can see you, you can see them.. also be aware the drones that also go high and follow you that look like stars, but flicker… some are drones. Pay attention.. also how they get you with energy weapons… a lot of infrasound.. they use thermal and can see in your home with a WiFi pulse from another drone. Looooook up.. let’s get rid of these surveillance drones

Pika Bew
3 years ago
Outstanding video, keep up the great work soldier!

Apache Turtle Island
2 years ago
Deuteronomy 27:24. Smiteth — That is, killeth. This includes murder under the colour of the law, which is of all others the greatest affront to God. Cursed therefore is he that any way contributes to accuse, or convict, or condemn an innocent person.

Giovani Ghost
2 years ago
I think this is due to targeted individuals souls actually being very valuable to the unholy creatures of our plane for our loyalty to what we feel religion should be and not what the clergys have made popular. thus meaning they are looking for a way to take our soul. It is as if we are on a supernatural radar and they track our movements of our soul/body with it. The thing about gangstalking when you are a victim is all unholy societys around you are aware who the targeted individuals are theyll be quick to acuse you or denounce you for any of your interests or behavior as if theres something wrong with you or as if it is not a norm. Often a targeted individual might have had a friend who was involved with these gangstalking organizations or even family member at worst. Remember those involved with gangstalking (the perps) will always try to prove you wrong or disregard your any opinion its always done indierctly as if it was not intentional. It just suprises me how many people may be employed by these gangstalking programs, i for one understand thats its all in part to create a divide amongst all citizens. Succesfull gangstalking only leads to succesfull human trafficking and blood harvesting! vampires! are reall folks. Si resso’

Mark Mathews
2 years ago
13:00 they’re just passing by to say hi. LOL these people are such Goobers. Just do good and be right with God and laugh in their faces because they are petty in their attempts.

Linda Wheatley
2 years ago (edited)
You have described what has been and continues to be done to me. All because I spoke up .

2 years ago (edited)
This what they are doing too me too now, break me down, taking away all my support I have none and am native American
That’s me am TI. Where can I get this information from that you’re reading from

3 years ago (edited)

2 years ago
This is happening to me 🙁
I learned so much thanks for this video
Knowledge is Power!!!!

Sylvia Simpson
2 years ago
Lots of these bastards are sitting at home on the dole – full of envy – which is the basis of Communism – just fomenting misery.

arck angjell
2 years ago
i have been flagged and am a victim of gang stalking because of my exwife .
john bergamini
john bergamini
2 years ago
Having been gangstalked for at least 16 years that I am aware of, I have noticed that the perps in the C.O.P.s program often are also heroin users. This makes me think the criminal spooks in the (probably) Federal gangstalking program are “motivating” their troops with addiction. No one talks about the war in Afganistan and the US complicity in poppy production or what they are doing in this illegal drug trade.

I think the criminal spooks in the federal government coordinate their gangstalking program with opiods.
Irene Stamelos
Irene Stamelos
2 years ago
yes someone please get rid of them I caught one thi s morning my privacy is gone. we’re on earth did they get to learn how to flagged your name down the snitches and spy wonderful.
3 years ago
Well Done!!! Absolutely true . Now I pray for them (the stalkers) because they are the very first victims they are remotely controlled soulless humanoid. Secondly I learn a lot because of them they opened thee unopened door for me .
2Corinthians 4: 8We are hard pressed on every side, but not crushed; perplexed, but not in despair; 9persecuted, but not abandoned; struck down, but not destroyed.10We always carry around in our body the death of YAHAWASHI, so that the life of YAHAWASHI may also be revealed in our body. 11For we who are alive are always being given over to death for YAHAWASHI ‘ sake, so that his life may also be revealed in our mortal body.

Trey’s Production Mill
2 years ago
James how you holding up brother ??

Pieter Huylenbroeck
3 years ago
good job James; really good elaborated. Hope to see more videos from you!

2 years ago
Well this is why America is going nowhere

Ryan Smith
2 years ago
Thank u for the knowledge dude. This is exactly what I feel I’m going threw. God Bless 🙏

2 years ago
100% 13 years for me
Ein Cond
Ein Cond
2 years ago
Last comment: First, really good video. One word of caution, or at least something to consider. Don’t underestimate the capacity of private individuals to engage in, and make use of technological means that are necessary components of Gangstalking. Also, don’t underestimate the potential for this kind of behavior to serve as a false flag, or a political recruitment tool. We now have extremely wealthy individuals in our nation, and lots of people out there like to play games. Even expensive games. Some people may simply have just enough funds to satiate their desire to inflict torture on others, in a manner that would be difficult to prove and prosecute. Its a challenge, the same as a video game is a challenge. There may also be crossover between private groups whose members also hold positions in the government, and who may engage in corrupt use of their position. But ultimately, this is an issue that requires upstanding members of government be involved in putting a stop to Gangstalking. Some mental health professionals estimate that as many as 10% of the population has tendencies towards sociopathy. We can start by increasing the awareness of this dangerous mental health disorder, and acknowledging the tendencies people who have it tend to act upon. It explains a lot of the components that make up Gangstalking that simply don’t seem to make sense to people not targeted. When the response is, “why would anyone do something like that?” Or, “but what would someone get out of Gangstalking that really makes any sense considering the amount of effort they’d have to put into doing something like that,” we have to acknowledge that it may be the satiation of some desire that is based upon a severe and highly dangerous psychological disorder. The reward satiates a desire that is in itself insane and nonsensical, and we need to find ways to encourage skeptics to understand that it is more the fulfillment of an obsessive neurosis than something the rest of us can understand.

The ability for targeted individuals to communicate this kind of behavior around the world could play a major role in stomping out those who needlessly create conflict, promote suffering and inflict torment on others because of their inability to take pleasure in the happiness of others. I say stomp out intentionally, because their actions need to be recognized for the severity with which they are inflicted, and as a completely unnecessary source of disruption and anger in people who do not need to mistreat others to live a full life, who are held back from the contributing of a full, productive, and positive life by people who themselves do not contribute a full, productive, and positive life. They do nothing for other people, and create the same condition in the lives of their targets.

Again, great job on this video.
Bee Classy
Bee Classy
2 years ago
I just thought of another simple tactic a TI can do when the perp(s) approach them in public, grab your cell phone and start talking loud enough so they can hear you, and start describing the outfits they’re wearing, and their gender, approximate age, hair color, etc., and use the word “crazy” here and there in your phone conversation to “nobody or anybody” (the perp will never know who you’re talking to), but that should work wonders on scaring them off and make them feel like they’re being watched while they’re stalking you. Keep in mind that they are being watched, we’re all under surveillance, especially in public places. Good luck, keep safe, and God bless!
joshua generation
joshua generation
2 years ago
YO james its jazz. havent seen any new post everything good
Bee Classy
Bee Classy
2 years ago
Just wanted to add a few comments: First, James Harken, awesome video! The world needs ppl like you to illuminate them on this extremely disturbing topic, especially the ones who haven’t yet been targeted. I think it is up to each generation to make the world a better place for the next generation as opposed to fighting over world power and destroying the whole planet in the meantime. Second, this “gang stalking” issue needs to be introduced as a mandatory course into the school system, especially in the U.S. As of now I think they only hand out pamphlets on “bullying” if that. Third, I think you should make a video strictly for targeted individuals (if you haven’t already) where you enlist some practical, nonviolent measures they can take against these evil criminals a/k/a perpetrators/gang stalkers, keeping in mind that most TIs may not have sufficient funding to invest in surveillance equipment or endlessly changing their locks, etc. I believe it is our sole duty to help the weak if we are the strong. Thank you for posting this great video… if I ever met you irl, we would definitely be true friends. Peace!
greaterisheinyouthen then
greaterisheinyouthen then
3 years ago (edited)
Most of them are scorn unattractive people needing a reason to hate…their jealousy and bitterness is beyond reason and will land them right in hell. No winners in this game they play , at least not or their end. The laughing part is they try HARD to lock me out of everything good including love…but I’m am so FINE , they can’t do it…I get LOVE ANYWAY…
2 years ago
Very good report! Thank you. Question: how can I find out the flagsor markers attached to my file.
2 years ago
At 13:51 reminds me of Trayvon Martin and George Zimmerman. If Trayvon wasn’t killed, he’d be targeted right now. Which is worse?
Vinay R
Vinay R
2 years ago
thank u so much.. more than the info I get support n strength knowing that there are ppl like me going through same bloody shit.. thank u so much brother.. I jus hope god saves us all from this one day.. keep faith.. never give up..!
Maxwell Hahn
Maxwell Hahn
2 years ago
Finally found you!
Sally Taylor
Sally Taylor
2 years ago
I HATE my life and being targeted.
L, L Williams
L, L Williams
2 years ago
I have an idea we should start are own security business to protect from gang stalking.
deb dodson
deb dodson
3 years ago
A retired military vet informed me that I would be watched while I thought no one was watching after I was arrested for domestially violating a 10 year convicted felon from a maximum security pen that was on probation after he stole a set of keys to everything I own..He happened to be my older brother and it was thrown out of court.They used the keys to get in my house and watched my routine until they attacked in the night.Last June 2016 I got a call from a guy who was a deputy who got my # from my aunt trying to get me to hang out with him..He said fine “they” will be coming in your house at night whispering in your ear.5 months later in December 2016 I had to rearrange my furniture and install cams.I call b.s.The police are watching a cult,so what.I’m not a member of either group;I did not give birth to either of them so I shouldn’t need to tell them to play in the yard..No,don’t play in the yard;go play on I65 on foot and not in my vehicles I had to work and pay for.
Mikey Da Goblin
Mikey Da Goblin
2 years ago
My father is affiliated with masons he was a t.i. when I met him now I’m a t.i. and he is one of my perps
2 years ago
It’s so interesting to observe. T.I’s must be conscious of themselves and not the Stalkers. It isn’t worth it. The harrassment can be extensive. Keep The Most High in your thoughts and Jesus in your hearts. I certainly do. Thanks for this very informative video my friend…..
Tracy Hiatt
Tracy Hiatt
2 years ago
Make another video .!
Irene Stamelos
Irene Stamelos
2 years ago
there’s always going to be that one gang stalkers that will interfere with our lives I saw three this .morning.
Joshua Morris
Joshua Morris
3 years ago
exactly what I been going through this makes allot since
Kelly Sutton
Kelly Sutton
2 years ago
I believe this because everywhere I go someone from work seems to show up
C L Van Horne
C L Van Horne
3 years ago
I will add that I have been calling for a couple or a few trustworthy decent whom love GOD also provide proofs of their dedication also additionally lend a helping hand for shared bread rest security futures…Helping one another. No such thing or thang anymore seems…

There R fish berries garden woodheaters none taking cheap decent intelligent company.
All too informed to know anything all too busy to live all to dedicated to msm to hear their-own hearts.
Paul Davey
Paul Davey
3 years ago
Eight year olds; the new #HitlerYouth #BrownShirts..

I shared on twitter!
Righteous Indignation
Righteous Indignation
3 years ago
Thanks for this upload. Needs to be made into a multi-part PSA. Would you link what you were reading from? Thanks. Good hunting.
3 years ago (edited)
No joke.. Stuff like this happened to me . Never again! House with a fence and a Tosa Inu . Changed my life.
sheila lozano
sheila lozano
1 year ago
We live in a sick demonic world the people that do this are evil anybody that thinks normally could never do this to any innocent person so they will be judged one day.
Kim Masterson
Kim Masterson
3 years ago
Right on James. Thank you again for all your videos. ,you look really good. I’m happy to see it. Please be careful. Your videos are getting more informative each time you post a video. Take extra care.
Princess Warrior
Princess Warrior
2 years ago (edited)
This video needs to go viral.
Please people make this video go viral.
This happens in Olympia, Washington state to many many people.
It happened to me.

I was going to a community college called South Puget Sound Community College and constantly harassed.
The perpetrator was mostly one of the instructors who had raped me years before and would go to every instructor and what tell or do whatever to make that person be hostile towards me. Other students were promised and some given jobs for harassing me and making out false reports against me. I had gone to an adviser and told her that the guy had raped me at my door years ago, I had not ever dated the guy. She said I couldn’t do anything about it because the statute of limitation for rape was passed, like she was acting happy something bad happened to me. She subsequently changed departments. Other students were harassed and dropped out of the program rather then to stand up. So many lies and false accusations were said about me and when I got the Frontier Bank scholarship based on academic merit and financial need, some students who were part of the bullying and harassing made up lies to get me suspended, since people were too afraid to stick up for me because they did not want to be targeted to be bullied and harassed, my scholarship was stolen from me and so I never finished the last of the program that I was hoping to get a job. I have not been able to go back to college and have been harassed ever since in Olympia, WA. Ya, the instructor who had raped me years before was saying that he was a PH.D. When I had asked him where he had gotten his Ph.D. from he said that he did not have one. So then the college started to call all their instructors professors which is indicative of how they are. I got a file of all the false reports just all the names of the perpetrators and bullies were blacked out so there wasn’t anything I could do to begin to defend myself. So more victimization. What a shitty school.

People there are so afraid of being targeted themselves by the gangstalking mentality of the area that they would rather become part of the problem then have the courage to stand up.

So ya, a lot of what your video describes is what does go on as a practice in Olympia, WA.

I have not been able to get a job since every time I got hired, the next day when I would come in to work they would say sorry we hired someone else. So I have pretty much given up on pretty much everything and just existing the best I can in the anal orifice of the Pacific Northwest because I do not have the money to leave and almost most of my time is dealing with things that people have do on ya a daily basis to harass me.

Even the churches are leaded by the biggest cowards and kiss butt people that Christ must be ashamed that they even call their places churches.

I have personally experienced many of the things you have described. Yep, totally they will say and do everything they can to totally destroy a person and go to anyone to ruin any chances of anything good happening. Probably the best thing that could happen is the day I do leave and get far away from these type people is the big 9.2 earthquake happens and swallows up all the gangstalkers just like happened in the old testament because I do not think there is much hope for these type of people to change. And church just seems to make them worse.

Your video says it exactly like it is. It needs to go viral so the people who are good will stand up and do something.

And my computer was doing fine until I tried to post this comment ….hmm.
Miss Kinninigan
Miss Kinninigan
2 years ago (edited)
The ignorant participating don’t realize in the beginning that their actions aid in providing the negative suffering frequency that the sick evil creepies feed off of. And that it will all turn back in them in time.
The guy at the end is saying many misleading things, he does not know true history.
Donald Knowles
Donald Knowles
2 years ago
The MK Ultra program if maintained or more importantly expanded will assist with making the NWO a reality
2 years ago
happering to me all of it, I even shown the tactics by page what they do abd before I shown the paper and shop I used to go too I was banned from for no reason never went back and live next door to it
Paul Davey
Paul Davey
3 years ago
Can’t find you on instagram.
2 years ago
This is very good…well done… Covers it all.
Clyde Jones
Clyde Jones
2 years ago
It’s actually called one to one surveillance. Sometimes, one on one surveillance. And yes it’s community oriented. And yes the cops are involved. Or, what I like to call, p.i.g.’s (people in government)
mitchell donner
mitchell donner
2 years ago
James Harkin is right the only difference with me is 14 years I’ve been going through this no job and no girlfriend and family members have been alienated
3 years ago (edited)
As always, thanks James Harken for your excellent videos.

Fair warning and message to the ones who are doing this:

You all know you are all on your last leg, All of you are getting desperate because why? Humanity is winning, and we are going to make it, and we will starve every single of those earth betrayers out of this world, and now your stuck, as no one will accept you in this universe, once you betrayed your own race(Earth race), no other race in this universe will take you in, absolutely not.

In the coming years, it will be game over for them, no need to worry james, they are ALL going down, world is now waking up from an way overdue coma, and god bless for it.

Keep fighting James, Always stand strong, Never back down from anyone, Never to retreat, never to surrender, doesn’t matter who it is or an astral entity,etc,etc.
1 year ago
To all who partake in this evil my God is waiting for you on the other side and I will be with him dragging you to the lake of fire are you ready for hell?
Irene Stamelos
Irene Stamelos
2 years ago
possible gang stalker walking his dog passed my house inbred middle of the street and it was a neighbor he walked shirt distance the one walking your dog I saw you.
Len Rom
Len Rom
2 years ago
Good job cant say anymore this has NAILED IT I’m in Denver du area and experiencing all of the above ..they are Getting bold I live on Clarkson and the perps live on my block at Clarkson and evens
2 years ago
2 years ago
Extremely well investigated and expressed. Thank you for helping us. Helping targets understand what is happening to us and to express the same gang stalking events that we all appear to be subjected to 24/7, truly helps and makes us see that we are not alone, there are literally thousands of others who are experiencing the exact same covert and overt situations.
No reply
No reply
1 year ago (edited)
Dude exactly… this is the most clear description of what they are doing to me…Exactly…
Michael Roloff
Michael Roloff
1 year ago
I love my gang stalkers :)))
Donna Taliercio
Donna Taliercio
2 years ago
your great! OLD TI .🤔
1 year ago (edited)
Couple things this video needs corrections on. The whole idea that this is all part of some Jewish scheme is incorrect. It’s just .gov manipulation to make people think that it’s the Jews doing this. This is basically what Hitler and the Nazi party did during the 1930’s that ultimately got WW2 going.

Also there are no electronic weapons being used on people. That’s just bullshit, again for manipulative purposes BY the government to try and convince people who may have certain body pains or ailments think it’s the government doing it to them when in reality it’s probably some minor or maybe even serious medical condition.

EDIT: Initially i said there aren’t torture devices but I need to rephrase. I don’t believe there are electronic torture devices that deliver BS electric shock or ways of causing direct pain, but they do use other types of torture devices. Like flooding your home with the smell of cigarette smoke knowing that you’re not a smoker. Or causing devices to make noises that are constant and doesn’t stop for anywhere up to 24+ hours. Somehow their smoke torture devices are able to target very specific area’s of your home. You could easily just take 3 steps away from a given area and the smell just disappears. That kind of technology is pretty insane.
Tiffany Page
Tiffany Page
1 year ago
Thank you for your comment, I have personally been targeted by neighbors civillian spies and snitches one time they hired me for a job so I would be SURVEILLANCED all day. The goal is isolation and ultimately induced psychological breakdown and dissolutional of familiar and social support. Unfortunately many of the perps are induced and hypervilligilant because of lies, jealousy or believed upon wrongdoings. They literally are dead souless pawns.
Liza Carlile
Liza Carlile
2 years ago
thanks so much for the concise and accurate description of the past 13 years of my life. I will give this link to the people I care for
josh pine
josh pine
3 years ago
apathy deception and greed are the pathway to hell
Matthew Logan
Matthew Logan
2 years ago
It’s crazy it like they can see though walls dude I took a shower in my boxers they know what color they were I’ll eat some food they know what I ate they do describe things in your life only you should know how would they know this Shit thermals
Anna Martina Barrett
Anna Martina Barrett
2 years ago
I would love for u to see pictures .. I have been tortured for months I have evidence and the police won’t help my eyes stay blurry my ears ring and my feet and body feels like it’s being stung 24/7 All because I made a person of power mad !! Every where I live it happens .. they sent a lady here to ask me if I was gonna kill myself or hurt anyone .. I’m being tortured and she ask me that .. I tried to commit suicide and it made them worse .. my dad passed and they Tormented me so bad I couldn’t sit down .. friends are not friends I’ve met people so nice overly nice but now I know all the ways they work ..
linda from ga
linda from ga
1 year ago
The Watts were gang stalked for sure. Surprise surprise, Chris W didn’t keep with the script. He was supposed to kill himself after they killed his family
Mr Pookie
Mr Pookie
1 year ago (edited)
Where does the messages come from?
Who decides who gets the messages and who doesn’t…
what file are you in?
How come I never received a message about anyone…?
Cassie Johnson
Cassie Johnson
2 years ago
Great video. Thank you for the education on what’s happening. All these years I never new what was going on behind the scenes. And nobody said a word. Curupt and sick World .
YoUrMoMsAbItCh 1
YoUrMoMsAbItCh 1
1 year ago
The citizen informant damn I’m good 😂😆
Kelly Sutton
Kelly Sutton
2 years ago
I seriously need to get a watch with a video recorder and prove this
Dystopia Jones
Dystopia Jones
2 years ago
It’s unpleasant but gang stalking will end soon. Being targeted in Brynawr pa.
Online Xistence
Online Xistence
3 years ago
Miller/Gary, In.
ryan ribeiro
ryan ribeiro
3 years ago
Hmmmm…..I’ll show them my full power !!!
live oak
live oak
2 years ago
thank you for all your work. it is so good seeing TIs uniting, helping each other, and getting a movement together to get this abuse stopped. Corrupt elements in our deep state want to mass deploy these programs.
yæshi ccc.thewhiterabbit
yæshi ccc.thewhiterabbit
2 months ago
“The Mask” by The Fugees, 1996(?)
[Intro: Wyclef Jean]
Have you ever worn the mask, yeah
One-two one-two

[Chorus: Wyclef Jean, Lauryn Hill & Both]
M to the A to the S to the K
Put the mask upon the face just to make the next day
Feds be hawking me, jokers be stalking me
I walk the streets and camouflage my identity
My posse in the Brooklyn wear the mask
My crew in the Jersey wear the mask
Stick up kids doing boogie woogie wear the mask
Yeah everybody wear the mask but how long will it last

[Verse 1: Wyclef Jean]
I used to work at Burger King. A king taking orders
Punching my clock. Now I’m wanted by the manager
Souping me up saying “You’re a good worker,”
“How would you like a quarter raise, move up the register”
“Large in charge, but cha gotta be my spy
Come back and tell me who’s baggin my fries
Getting high on company time.”
Hell no sirree, wrong M.C
Why should I be a spy, when you spying me
And you see whatcha thought ya saw but never seen
Ya missed ya last move, Checkmate! Crown me King
Pulled my 22 pistol whipped him in his face
Hired now I’m fired, sold bud now I’m wired
Eyes pitch red but da beat bop my head
Hit the streets for relief, I bumped into the Feds
I got kidnapped they took me to D.C
Had me working underground building missiles for World War III

[Chorus: Wyclef Jean, Lauryn Hill & Both]
M to the A to the S to the K
Put the mask ‘pon me face just to make the next day
Brothers be gaming, Ladies be claiming
I walk the streets and camouflage my identity
My posse Uptown wear the mask
My crew in the Queens wear the mask
Stick up kids with the Tommy Hill wear the mask
Yeah everybody wear the mask but how long will it last

[Verse 2: Lauryn Hill]
I thought he was the wonder, and I was stunned by his lips
Taking sips of an Amaretto sour with a twist
Shook my hips to the bass line, this joker grabbed my waistline
Putting pressure on my spine trying to get L-Boog to wind
I backed up off him then caught him with five finger to his face
I had to put him in his place
This kids invading my space
But then I recognized the smile, but I couldn’t place the style
So many fronts in his mouth, I thought he was the Golden Child
Then it hit me that’s Tariq from off the street around my Grams
I haven’t seen him since fifteen, when he got booked for doing scams
I tried to walk away but he wouldn’t let me leave
He ran up quick behind me asking, “Yo what happened to my nigga Steve?”
Steve was like this kid I went with back in Grammar School
I chuckled knucklehead I seen him yesterday he’s cool
He’s busted, “so who you checking for now?”
Probably some intellectual
I kept the conversation straight and he kept trying to make it sexual
Then his old lady tried to play me waved her hands up in my face
Yo I told her check your man ’cause bitch you acting out of place
[Chorus: Wyclef Jean, Lauryn Hill & Both]
M to the A to the S to the K
Put the mask up on the face just to make the next day
Brothers be frontin’, then they be runnin’
I walk the streets and camouflage my identity
My posse in the Bronx wear the mask
My crew on the Isle wear the mask
Stick up kids rolling in the Omni wear the mask
Yeah everybody wear the mask but how long will it last

[Verse 3: Praz]
3 A.M. in the morning on the Boulevard
I’m still at large engaged with my entourage
Me and Godfather and a 67 Dodge
I stepped out the note to post up my guard
Searching for my car that was stolen from Scotland Yard
My first instinct was to check the chop shop garage
As I rung the bell someone tapped me on my back
I turned around to look it was a rookie in a mask
He said, “I got a itchin’ on my trigger
Don’t move nigga I’m taking you for murder.”
See cops got two faces like two laces on my Reeboks
My knees knock as I step back for a clearer shot
Well did you shoot him? Naw kid I didn’t have the balls
That’s when I realized I’m pumpin’ too much Biggie Smalls
[Chorus: Wyclef Jean, Lauryn Hill & Both]
M to the A to the S to the K
Put the mask up on the face just to make the next day
Brothers be beefin’, cops be thiefin’
Brothers be scheming, they should be teaming
Jokers be smoking, and staying broken
Bitches be teasing, there money skeezin’
Niggas be creeping, baby mothers be weeping
I walk the streets and camouflage my identity
My posse in the 80 wear the mask
My crew in Jamaica wear the mask
Stick up kids bumping Fu-gee-La wear the mask
Yeah everybody wear the mask but how long will it last
I said
M to the A to the S to the K

[Spoken Outro]
Eric Perez
Eric Perez
2 years ago
You hit the nail on the head this is ongoing in my neighborhood!
Jean Pizzo
Jean Pizzo
2 years ago
I have known for about 9 months that I’m a ti. I realize now that I was being slandered for a couple years before. My family has even been forced against. Running out of hope.
Russell Hawkins
Russell Hawkins
2 years ago (edited)
Yep. You got it spot on Bro’. This is Exactly what I have experienced. Being a bodyguard I’m trained in counter surveillance so became aware, over months, of certain abnormal patterns repeating themselves, I then caught two surveillance operators in Sainsbury’s supermarket, on two different occasions and another two operating as a team, parked ridiculously for the area and standing out like balls on a bulldog (fracking amateurs), upon looking over the vehicle the muppet inside dropped something…. then his ‘chum turned up for the extraction, and all he could say was “No” repeatedly….. my harassment it is being sprayed with sterile bugs of various types, and having things fired into my body which leave three dots in a triangular form. I realised it was a psyop and that it’s their job to enforce harsh reactions to stimulus.
“Primary goal is to drive the target to suicide….”
Once this is realised, it is far easier to rationalise the situation through. The South African journalist, Nina Allchurch, has been part of my targeting. She’s such a Witch.
The everyday stimulus for me is cell phones being pointed with a white dust sprayed on me. The dust is fine enough that it is seen by me but not by someone two feet away…… And yes, the goal is to make one appear nuts to untrained eyes who cannot see the targeting taking place.
I bear true, honest witness that this is 100% true, as is what the narrator is stating in the above video.
Happiness Eternally
Happiness Eternally
1 year ago
James I’m going through this right now, help.
2 years ago
Directed Energy Weapons radiation are used nearby in the Targeted Individual’s neighborhood. They torture, maim and even kill with those so called, ‘non-lethal weapons’. The DEWs perps are protected by rogue law enforcement. They also use Remote Neural Monitoring to control one’s entire neural system. They can make you go to the toilet, cough, sneeze, feel pain in any area of your body, mimic any illness, etc.., but most of all, they can literally read minds. Synthetic Telepathy. Dr. John Hall on You Tube can provide plenty of info on this. It’s real and it’s patented. I will get tortured for writing this. They’ve induced blood clots to both my mom and myself. Murderers and satanists all of them from top to bottom on the pyramid scam. It’s a huge money maker for all of them. Organized Stalking aka Human Trafficking aka Mafia.
3 years ago
My targeting began on December 2016 because for some stupid reason, I felt like I had to open my mouth against the “J” people. At a young age I was poisoned with a certain pharmaceutical drug and it destroyed my life… so I went on the web, found out the “J” people” were behind it, then I just kind of went crazy, talking shit about them. Anyways, I probably should have just stfu and everything would have been ok. They’re hitting me with DEWs 24/7 non-stop. I can’t eat or sleep like I used to. They mutilated my mind with their weapons… my life is destroyed and finished. Sorry to hear that this is happening to you as well.
D3Finitely DiFf3r3nt
D3Finitely DiFf3r3nt
1 year ago
I’ve been gangstalked for over 25 years…..I’m just sick of it all. Some of my stalkers actually seem ok but I know why they’re around me or following me and it’s not because they’re going to the same place. Because of this gangstalking tactic I’m living in a nursing home where they also stalk me. When I leave out of my room someone else is leaving out of their rooms also. The mimick everything about me….my clothes, things I like, things I buy, things I say etc. It just never stops. Even the kind of people I’m attracted to are set around me. Where does it stop.smh
Hammer Hammey
Hammer Hammey
2 years ago
It’s cointelpro.
Affliction of A Christian
Affliction of A Christian
3 years ago
this is right on thankyou
2 years ago
They sensitized me to all petroleum products, like food additives, soaps, laundry detergent and sulfites by microwaving my dental fillings while I was in a state of greif (caused by an infiltrator) while I was working at night with cleaning chemicals and living by a sulfite pulp mill. Now I’m isolated and I’ve caught and been observing my apparently FAKE boyfriend of like 8 yrs using neural linguistic programming on me. I’m sooooo pissed right now! (And mindfricked) He’s been using touch based NLP to keep me in a state of ??? sick ???Sensitization can lead to life threatening illness, not just anxiety. The original infiltrator asked me if I’d ever heard of morgellons. Took me two years to figure who he really was when the biosensors bore their way out my arms and by then I was already with this guy. I’m so PISSED! I want to throw my fake boyfriend out but he’s severed my business ties and taken over everything I once was able to do independently. These bastards are EVIL.
gary cobiak
gary cobiak
4 months ago (edited)
To all the perps out there. Youve sold your soul to the god of this world. Hope youve enjoyed your little securtiy in this life, that is a vapor. Gods wrath is so strong and your all gonna burn in hell. Pray to God he takes away your sins that uts not too late.
linda from ga
linda from ga
1 year ago
You’re naming everybody and every occupation as gang stalkers. Misinformation is ” gang stalking” too
2 years ago
Do you know if edifying others has another YouTube channel to sub to? I just subbed to your channel and want to tell you great job friend!!!! Thanks…….
Irene Stamelos
Irene Stamelos
2 years ago
good luck be safe .
Mabus Iambus
Mabus Iambus
3 years ago
Revelation 3:9
Pasty Klines
Pasty Klines
1 year ago
At 20 seconds.. yeeeees! Right on time.
4 months ago
This is the most evil thing that has happened to me in my life and I want justice.
God’s Angel’s North
God’s Angel’s North
1 year ago
I just smashed one of his cameras too.
James Anderson
James Anderson
2 years ago
we need to file a class action lawsuit together if possible against this program all in same Court a large number of people who are Targets
Lucy Meltsmyheart
Lucy Meltsmyheart
1 year ago
This is very true and I’m glad it’s being exposed.but as long as you’re doing right just ignore it.Have an impeccable attitude.I have been going through this for years and I want to know why me.
Dαυgнтєя σf тнє Eclιρѕє
Dαυgнтєя σf тнє Eclιρѕє
4 months ago
13:00 How strange.
1 year ago
tageted individual
tageted individual
1 year ago
my psychiater gave permission to kill me legaly.
Here in the netherlands people are aware.
But when they do somthing about it they die or are being ruined.
The Prinsess who is possesing my body v2k is Beatrix von Lippe biesterfeld.
She also gave lessons at school as jufvrouw de ma.
Sometimes she is visiting me when i am awake and she asked my dad if everything is ok with the illuminati.
If i dont take actions to make it safe to sleep the come in my house and inject me with god knows what.
After researching i concluded that my body is a battery and that it is poluted with nano bactery.
Nowing that i realize why i am feeling sick almost trough all my life.
My skin feels like leather doctors being threatend and no body can do anything about the dutch royals taking innocent lives.
I am 38 realizing i am going to be fatal injected to death.
I am not scared to die nor will i force myself to be something of they.
I never worship Beatrix or Satan i reather die.
Causing me and my family living with acceptation i am going to die.
Sad but true.
I love my family even if they lie because they are forced.
Remember to Love youre nearest people and do not distance them.
Because you have to think it over and realize FORCED!
Do not hate and speak out love in what kind of way.
Do not harm anyone.
God bless
Chinedu Akunne
Chinedu Akunne
2 years ago
Have you ever thought about joining citizen Corp or the rest of these stalkers to really learn about these operations?
Ein Cond
Ein Cond
2 years ago
“Instilling a sense of community,” sounds a lot like setting up an exclusive, members-only, group-think value system.
1 year ago
this guy followed me to work while I was walking every day like he knew my schedule. I got his tag. accidentally went by his job and saw his car and matched the tags. they matched. when he left work I went in and asked his name as if he was a bff. they told me his name. I told my siblings. they laughed as if I were a dope.
20 years later I look up the guy online and find his car his home and same name. then I look his facebook and hes connected to my siblings. on facebook. all it takes is patience. and a little investigating. I proved that I was not only not crazy, I proved that my siblings were behind it all
God Good
God Good
2 years ago
This exactly what they are doing to me and my family The used neighbors against us to harass us.
Maria John
Maria John
2 years ago
Very True what you are saying
10 months ago
This has been happening to me for the past 3 years that I’ve noticed and we need to continue to speak out and wake people up to the reality of this!!
linda from ga
linda from ga
1 year ago
Cure: electronic countermeasures , sleep, eat , enjoy life. Pray for intervention to God. Pray for help to fight evil forces
Bird Topaz
Bird Topaz
2 years ago
***This is an EXCELLENT video!!!*** I’m pleasantly surprised at the detail, accuracy, and raw intelliegence with which your presentation is put together. I’m a T.I. and need to frankly step up my game in the manufacture of videos for fellow T.I.s and the general public. THANK YOU!
The Gnostic Truth
The Gnostic Truth
2 years ago
Some will “do X” while stalking (or as I call it, Fifthin’, conducting fifth column operations disguised as something good for the community), some are so into this process that it is their “main thing” (sometimes with an official office). The rest all just “fifth” while they “do X”. It’s a big, ugly, filthy, dirty and evil family and they are an expression of their masters and overlords, whom they know exist and are evil, but they kid themselves to go along to get along (while thinking they are “good people”). Utterly autocannabalistic behavior, and a SURE sign of the accelerated END of their world.
Mina Omrani
Mina Omrani
1 year ago (edited)
This is terrorism … it should come to an end now!
targeted in Maryland
targeted in Maryland
2 years ago (edited)
I’m targeted and I want off.if they want to talk with me they can call me like a person should.Blessings. I’m no threat at all I just want to see my kids go to school and do better then I call me and take me off.almost all my neighbors have gotten new work done.if they wanted me to not talk all they had to do is leave me alone and i would of gone back to just watching videos not making them or commenting on them.
D3Finitely DiFf3r3nt
D3Finitely DiFf3r3nt
1 year ago
When are target moves to a new area the stalkers are nice at first, then they switch up on the target and then do things to try to run the target out of town.
Day Dreamer
Day Dreamer
3 years ago
Thanks for video.. I cannot read any more, so video helps. Yes, that’s what I’m living now .. watching how they are killing me slowly. In democratic republic in EU with all human rights garanteed by Constitution …
Marla Phillips
Marla Phillips
1 year ago
You speak very well young man. Thank you. Be Blessed. M.
2 years ago
thank you for posting this.
1 year ago
once you realize you live in a system you become the virus 🙂 society does what is right, “cult”ure does what it’s told~!!!
Jarett Warner
Jarett Warner
8 months ago
You have so much good information my friend. A lot of the info you have in this video is very true and useful, but there are some aspects that you are missing. The one handed communication is actually what is part of what’s called gang stalking patterns they use to communicate to establish that the perps are working for the same handler(s). The perps actually will follow directions sometimes from the handlers through voice to skull (all perps hear voice to skull). There’s no one actually hacking/monitoring your computer that are part of this program. The people who run these programs are just average citizens that are stuck in basic jobs and are jealous of a lot of the people they target. These programs are also used to exploit women, so that they can be potential rape victims. One method used is to label every girl the targeted individual knows as a potential victim of their system, so they all go around using gangstalking patterns on eachother, so that handlers can easily establish communication with them so that they can eventually threaten their lives and rape them. Also, you’re not really flagged through social media, the perps are helping the handler(s) use voice to skull on you 24/7 so that everywhere you go people can feel agitated towards you and they will repeat the rumors they hear through voice to skull to help target you more. I have seen handlers stage direct (when they didn’t know I was looking) and they will essentially put their perps in place and tell them what to say when they have practiced enough gangstalking patterns with each other and are ready to slander the TI. I’ve also caught a handler using voice to skull (they have illegal access to cell phone towers).
Travis Utkin
Travis Utkin
1 year ago
Thanks for doing this video man,truest words ive heard on the internet!
Paul Brown
Paul Brown
3 months ago
Yeh it’s happening to me also but it’s a product of demonic entiities rather than what he says
Nancy Nancy
Nancy Nancy
2 years ago
It is a RACIST program, in my experience,
Irene Stamelos
Irene Stamelos
2 years ago
3 gangstalkers otwo on klondike avenue one at siloh street he must have been there at 5;00 tow black crs were parked at the corner of the block black and the other had beam ligjts on very high good thing i checked out my window just to make sure, two black cars 3 ganagstalkers tonight.
1 year ago
Thank you for putting together such a well rounded explanation of the subject
Jon LeDeux
Jon LeDeux
1 year ago
This is the most accurate accounting of gang stalking that I have seen
Mandy Trosclair
Mandy Trosclair
1 year ago
This is completely correct & accurate information. Thank you for sharing.
Anthony White
Anthony White
2 years ago
it cute, u can stalk me anytime😎
Tariku TI
Tariku TI
1 year ago
This is what is happening me to me . Forced to leave my back home where I considered as crazy ,pedophile and Satanis.
i am being humiliated, harassed ,bullied more than what happen in USA except the electronic harassment/touching.

I am almost being neutralized ,so that they will have my life insurance after my death .
Kevin Haggerty
Kevin Haggerty
2 years ago (edited)
Almost like they were expecting a big fire where nobody’s going to call 911 and no survivors! I guess to prove this who was future forecasting a super drought! It’s hard to tell now if they were future forecasting are causing a super drought!
3 weeks ago
I can help with identifying their medical and the girls involved and some of the guys I can break down what he is exposing.

I was one of their captives from approx 2001 to 2011 and they still stalking and involved in HR to fire me. it is organized it is criminal and it is deranged.

I can sort out the dynamics of the network. she going to sell him out to go back to Mitchell Robinson RIR263.


DCF, Indian, “real” italian, Britney Torres attacking military bases as a randome girl he met or enlistment to gain access to the base and target military personnel human trafficking again???

They also think you are another person somewhere else in another life and so they are targeting you instead of going after the person they think he is swiss or navy or European heritage to royality something idk.,……he is telling y’all serial killer Intel of mas murders and stuff happening nationally to get an uprise of terrorism.

So they go after the least dangerouse as a “paperwork message” I guess??? It’s something deranged they doing.

Also you can file a police report on them and federal complaint of document fraud which is a felony.

Send it to your attorney general asap.

I reported the Intel to get him help as he is telling you IN THE MOMENT THE TRUTH. HE IS NOT LYING.
Irene Stamelos
Irene Stamelos
1 year ago
Well I bumped into the devil himself this morning.
Tina Kay Heim – Douglas
Tina Kay Heim – Douglas
1 year ago
Great job!!! Very informative and described me to a “T” thank you
Heart of a Raven
Heart of a Raven
1 year ago
Daddie Redd
Daddie Redd
1 year ago
Single handedly the greatest detailed video for TIs EVER bro!!! This knowledge has given me POWER over these lame brains!!!!!!💪💪💪💪
Brittney Pearson
Brittney Pearson
1 year ago
This is happening to me and I have no clue what to do about it. I’ve been so stupid not documenting it! UG!
Joe Rodriguez
Joe Rodriguez
1 year ago
Thank you for the knowledge brother.
Angela Chapman
Angela Chapman
1 year ago
Keep up the good work Mr Harken. And, Thank You.
michelle Hinds
michelle Hinds
2 years ago
You tell it like it really is.
Irene Stamelos
Irene Stamelos
1 year ago
And yes they send me a cult sometimes they know where ism sitting on those buses.
Butch Rutledge
Butch Rutledge
8 months ago
I’ve been living in Lancaster SC and for the past 4 years I’ve been tortured and sexually harrassed and molested by the Lancaster County Detention Center in my own home and at the detention center.Captain Larry Deason and the cheif of police Barry Faile are the overseer’s of this unamerican program. I’m currently being voice to skulled and now they are beginning the community shunning labeling me a child molester and danger to society.My family has suffered and I’ve been tortured and sexually assaulted for years,even when I go to the bathroom they talk shit.Be careful in Lancaster SC because captain Larry Deason and Barry Faile will do the unimaginable to you . Corruption lives in Lancaster SC.
Irene Stamelos
Irene Stamelos
2 years ago
wow now if the chinese are partipants in street theater concidense or whta i went to pick a perscription at cvs stoe i went shopping juts look on a peacefull sunday and guess what there was a chinses man blwoinghis nose and couphg as soon as we passed buy him he had grey keys on him even when he went to pay he was still cpupghing the loud harrassment coupgh the chinses man i cant beleve, but cvs does have video cameras he was in the back isleof 2.
perps get out of my borough stay outof my life and go flagge someon else nam down and leave us alone i dont want to mention my place where i live.
Irene Stamelos
Irene Stamelos
1 year ago
There is rulers still about me there saying I am not a nice oerson. And I overheard the entire conversation.
What’s Out There
What’s Out There
8 months ago
This was very informative for a new ti. Thanks,)
Stanley Pasquale
Stanley Pasquale
1 year ago
This is what we call the beasts system, understand the beasts are here and where here the whole time bring your self up it’s time to Rise now!
Ger Loke
Ger Loke
1 year ago
Long time gang members. They got the peace time and the desire to take pretty ladies off the street or fight good looking happy go lucky boys. Gang members don’t stop being gang members. They just grow old and look like us. And infect our society.
Trey’s Production Mill
Trey’s Production Mill
2 years ago (edited)
James my first video above bra.. Would love some feed back. Love you brother..
Progressive Libertarian Viewer
Progressive Libertarian Viewer
1 year ago
These occult groups use military grade technology and mind altering drugs to assist in their effort to drive otherwise brave and free citizens into crazy and defenceless lifelong victims.
A Witness VS The Devils Whore House
A Witness VS The Devils Whore House
1 year ago (edited)
Very good illustration on the journey of a target 🎯 perps always have something to say or do to box the mind (targets think outside the box)
Every Thing But
Every Thing But
2 years ago
Thank you for speaking the truth
3 years ago
Great video !
2 years ago
This is really debilitating trust me
Cola T
Cola T
2 years ago
Your video is on point!! great psychological trauma!! How can people NOT see that?? And how do they get gang stalkers to really believe that the target has NO idea? I am TOTALLY innocent of anything warranting this stalking. I would LOVE to get this exposed. This is happening to me and it is a HUGE crime! Any references for lawyers or anyone who can assist. Im in Lithonia, GA. They’re methods are evil and people have no idea of what theyre supporting. I’ve told people about organized stalking but this OPERATION is so skilled at what it does, I haven’t gotten anyone to believe me. I think people are now going along with it because it may b hard to believe that ONE person may actually be right, where thousands are WRONG….for going along with it. These people make this appear harmless, which makes the target feel helpless. I WANT to see this in court so people can SEE themselves the evil in this program!!!
Anzoo sun
Anzoo sun
2 years ago
They drug food and torture it wasnt easy to survive all .. and i Hope that we all Will survive+
Yolo Walters
Yolo Walters
1 year ago
They doing it to me. Because I’m not in minority where I live at. So I got target on my back. I think it usually somebody really jealous of victim. Feel need destroy person life by slander and asking other people’s to watch this one particular person. Usually in local police doing that. They can ask other to join thinking they doing good deed. When it not. It can be very frustrating. For some reason victim stuck out like nail. Getting attention from gang stalkers. Mainly jealousy behind it. Yes police do that. Only corrupted one or naive one. All have do is slander your name, they will actually surveillance to you. It depend where you live, and who is jealous of whom had connection with local police.
Gregory Jackson
Gregory Jackson
1 year ago
Theyre gang stalking me in massachusetts. Im being targeted by everyone i know. Even my x boyfriend. Theyve made me completely homless less ive been living in a car. Everyone im mext to or know is doing it to me. I have no where to go. They wont let me get a job and they’re slandering my name
Chiqua Shrelark
Chiqua Shrelark
1 year ago
I got punched in the stomach at the court house he purposely did it and reckoned sorry but i know he meant it.
Gertha Louis
Gertha Louis
1 year ago
# Stop selling your souls for bubble gum and pocket change and a Wal-Mart gift card
Kevin Haggerty
Kevin Haggerty
2 years ago (edited)
All of this started after 9/11 I do Believe we are being invaded with mine control! I have poison being put into my coffee beans and I can’t file a report to RCMP tells me most likely electronic invasion!
etsehiwot adinew
etsehiwot adinew
1 year ago
thank you . you sweep our tears . God bless you.
Leigh Goodwin, MBA
Leigh Goodwin, MBA
3 years ago
Good video. Very clear presentation.
Irene Stamelos
Irene Stamelos
1 year ago
Ok the weirsd thing happened to me this morning I was walking down merrymount street this where the gangstaljing takes place a black car drove down makes turn on the corner of silogj street throws something out if his car it looked like a paper plate where I go they do birthday celebrations when I walked down there it was still on the floor I still conti to do what I have to do and half who are mixed up are cops they blacklist you to see spy on you it’s newspringville. Merrymount street
Pamela Powell
Pamela Powell
2 years ago
This was the last peice of puzzel I needed an you express just what I gone though
AyeP Weakly
AyeP Weakly
2 years ago (edited)
I believe you! I’d like to know wtf pays and or orchestrate all this BS?
Jerrt Rice
Jerrt Rice
1 year ago
They love to diagnose someone because this takes away any wrong doing on their part.. this program is from jealous envious people in high places,basically you are AI incompatible and as such you must be eliminated in their minds
1 year ago
Around the turn of the century, I was informed by my ‘family’ that I was targeted. Shortly thereafter, I was poisoned(in an effort to break my resistance and make me dependant on them), and an attempt was made to implant a RFID into my left shoulder. I call it an attempt because I got it out, later. These people are the religious wicked; seventh-day adventist; They had the notion that they could do this because of the quiet creation of the Federation of Churches, around the same time. This is a co-op of churches who think they’re entitled to enforce THEIR Christian principals. But they do it at a grass-roots level, because it’s hard to prove there. Example: I had an auto policy with American Family; one afternoon I get a call from them informing me that they were not going to renew my policy. I asked,”why!” The caller replied,” well, we’re American Family and you’re not one of those”.
blogger none
blogger none
1 year ago
I know this been happening to me
Dope Beats
Dope Beats
1 year ago (edited)
The murder was the government self

they miss using technology against humans they dont like here in Netherlands do the same on people
1 year ago
Hey James anyway I could get in contact with you directly?
2 years ago
if share red-pills without a VPN you are in trouble.
Yolo Walters
Yolo Walters
9 months ago
Sometime it one of the neighbors that had delusional thoughts about particular neighbor. Will ask some of them to keep tabs on you. Like example when you come home from somewhere see one neighbor sit outside on front son see you they sudden they leave. ,ost time they don’t even live in that house. It sad. My neighbors like that. They do not watch out for nobody just own neighbors rather focus on. All because they had delusional thoughts. I hate where i live. Because I know they few of them is paranoid about me, one time clean yard on front house saw one neighbor kept checking his front gate make sure it llock. Other time other neighbor was looking inside his window to see if I took anything, all I was doing cleaning my front yard. They sure paranoid about me. It’s sad . I even walk for t their house slowly just spite them. Cuz know they paranoid about me lol.
God Good
God Good
2 years ago
Thank you Youtube for your Notifications.
Please keep yourselves pure and stay away from any sins :Homosexuality, pedopilia, bestiality, fornication, idolatry and…
Auguste Comte
Auguste Comte
1 year ago
I am going through this exact same issues
Bob Brown
Bob Brown
2 years ago
Well done
Lee Thomas
Lee Thomas
2 years ago
can we talk??
Irene Stamelos
Irene Stamelos
2 years ago
yes very true I trapped again I mean flagged this mor I thi K this police wo man knows everyone where I go for my ged clAss OK it her of curse thank-you all have a wonderful day.
Irene Stamelos
Irene Stamelos
1 year ago
This is never going to be cleared.
Kimberly Barnett
Kimberly Barnett
1 year ago
Thank you! I don’t trust my own husband!
Chuck World
Chuck World
2 years ago
If you add being hypnotized and or mind-controlled where you can’t see the stalkers the perks then that’s a real bad life I can’t see them anywhere I go they come and go from here at my home and I can’t see them but I know they are there
Irene Stamelos
Irene Stamelos
2 years ago
the bus driver on the s61 told me you saw what happned you heard the drill he was racist shovest bip they are part of the police dep i got very hurt that morning why they shoud targteda tarrget all the crack dealera thta live at the other side of the island see the idiots are scared to go there.
Donna Taliercio
Donna Taliercio
2 years ago
James, I apologize for name, Look up ur birth cert. worth money, when its accrued its done. then ppl can take life insurance out on u in other countries. FBI investigates as well. u cannot care what ppl think at all.
Mrs Garcia
Mrs Garcia
2 years ago
Mines been voices threatening harm to my kid and me being arrested but it’s been weeks with nothing physical happening just voices
Greg Austin
Greg Austin
1 year ago
I moved from Tn to Huntsville Al, to try to at least alleviate it. However it’s even worst here. Apparently they use retired veterans becuz I’m constantly surrounded by those license plates.. since here I’ve came out of home depot to my car door ajar my gas door open,and the truck next to me was open. Then at Wal-Mart my door handle had stuff wiped on it I seen 2 people in a truck one in a car they jump in the car and leave a door open on the truck ,so I’m thinking it’s them that wiped my handle I pull to the truck and no one is in it, then I realize they are trying to set me up! They are heavy at Wal-Marts and krogers and homedepots.
1 year ago
Wow. Last year, the squirrels refused to come into my yard to gather Walnuts from my Walnut tree. I was also in a bad mood during that time. I put my concerns on Facebook and lo & behold, the squirrels came back and my mood got better. Now I know WHY.!!! Thanks !!!
Tina marie
Tina marie
2 years ago
I am followed daily I have my own lil perp that befriends me.they contact any and every1 a t.i. has contact w .then the smear campaign..survielliance her24/7 and they will record anything u say or do to be used against u. lies all told secretly..w/o the t.i. s knowledge …but I got so good at seeing the bullshit.i can call it b4 it happens..
1 year ago
Oh and by the way I just have to say THIS why the hell would any agency etc stalk some of you people. Some of the people I’ve seen here are exactly high functioning. Your isolated because no one believe your looney ideas. Your choice.
1 month ago
Dont forget “honey-pots”- staged relationships and friendships. Informants befriending the target.
Grant Bennett333
Grant Bennett333
3 years ago (edited)
Yes Great information, very comprehensive. But there is an occultist dimension to this no touch torture. Very difficult to describe in prosaic terms

Command and control Mechanisms implemented via smartphone. Make no mistake about G S. it is pure evil

Only a T. I.knows just how diabolical this : state sponsored terrorism can be. Unlimited resources are issued to the G. S
It’s overwhelming, it can’t be stopped because it won’t be admitted by Authorities,. plausible deniability if you will
Community based Policing was being implemented 20 Yrs ago in N S W. Australia,. essentially deputizing community members. That means you will be. Set Up,. Entrapment or agent provocateur. You are deconstructed, isolated and destroyed
Don’t expect any help from the Authorities for they are your enemies.

What to do???????¿. What to do???????????????

333. Truth
1 year ago
I’ve been target practice my whole life.
1 year ago
God bless you man.keep it up
Elle T.
Elle T.
2 years ago
Reminds me of grade school
Heart of a Raven
Heart of a Raven
6 months ago
Your best and most informative video to date James. I’m gonna download and keep for future reference as we know YT is fading
YoUrMoMsAbItCh 1
YoUrMoMsAbItCh 1
1 year ago
Here’s y’all briefing
Ed DaMonsta
Ed DaMonsta
1 year ago
They ain’t breaking me middle finger to the law
So they know voodoo Europe Shock
So they know voodoo Europe Shock
1 year ago
Guard your soul from the members of the free masons so they could start Looking towards their own famalies for souls .
I notice they are looking outside in other people family for souls to pay the devil for what he gives them.
Glad more people have an idea of what’s going on . It’s organised harassment.
Fan Gee
Fan Gee
1 year ago
They overcrowed your work place ,.they all carry bookbag and cellphones
2 years ago
Your eyebrows are pretty.
Sweet Treats Targeted in RenoTahoe, NV
Sweet Treats Targeted in RenoTahoe, NV
1 year ago
Hi James, Excellent information- Thank you!!!
1 year ago
Yeah they trew dirt on my car and pooped my tire after I I fixed it
Linda Michaels
Linda Michaels
2 years ago
Your videos of you speaking, the part where it is just you speaking, are the parts of the videos that people I need help from will listen to. When you add clips to the end, that is when those who are possible sympathizers tune out. Your own truth and knowledge stands strong as it is on its own. I want to share your videos with everyone because I am a targeted individual and I know they will listen to you but as soon as the clips at the end play, they will toss all of the information out. Please, please don’t add the clips at the end but please, please use them in separate videos. Please help me in this so I can get the help I need from those I need it from.
Every Thing But
Every Thing But
2 years ago
God bless you
Bee Classy
Bee Classy
2 years ago
Great!!!! How would you fight back these community stalkers? Oh, I know, start mirroring what they do to you, and start using your middle finger… a lot.
Chris B
Chris B
1 year ago
Please someone tell me how to get out of this program please help me I’m begging someone.
Andrew Rutland
Andrew Rutland
1 year ago
It’s happening to me right now
Cody3232 Cody3232
Cody3232 Cody3232
1 year ago
Try the Jehovah’s Witnesses I really think that yall would get along. Have a good day
1 year ago
Your video just gave a name to the abuse I’ve been living for years now. And actually validates everything I wanted my children to understand and they couldn’t because of how covert this abuse is. Thank you.
Harry Cordell
Harry Cordell
1 year ago
Looks like you know the story.Thankyou
Dystopia Mane
Dystopia Mane
1 year ago
They’re scared to gangstalk me now because I’m 500% aware of everything that’s happening. Bring the chaotic magic near me and watch the inferno grow.
Planos de Saúde São Bernardo
Planos de Saúde São Bernardo
1 year ago
Targeted Individuals Diadema SP Piraporinha vila Nova Conquista nucleo habitacional ex favela da Coca TRAVESSA ETCD Ronaldo Lacerda
The Gnostic Truth
The Gnostic Truth
2 years ago
(to the speaker at the end of the video) There is nothing “Gnostic” about this evil process. Please understand that you don’t know what Gnosticism is.
Elvira Arriaga
Elvira Arriaga
1 year ago
Even if a person like myself watches random videos on Youtube and would that make me a chosen target smear individual? Well Thanks for Your helpful Video along with comment section ❤
10 months ago
👏 Great video .
Joep Willemsen
Joep Willemsen
1 year ago
Great info!
1 year ago
Fountain of Youth program stage two.
Gertha Louis
Gertha Louis
1 year ago
I hope you realy are a TI alot of perps pretend to be Ti’ s you know like being in the Twilight zone😉
yæshi ccc.thewhiterabbit
yæshi ccc.thewhiterabbit
2 months ago
U may be flagged by your midwife when disclosing information to MIDWIVES . Fw’d to Social Services. They build a case and take your baby away. BE AWARE.
1 month ago (edited)
so legit!
1 year ago
They do all this to me.
Michelle Jones
Michelle Jones
1 year ago
Irene Stamelos
Irene Stamelos
1 year ago
Me enemy of the state.
James Latimer
James Latimer
11 months ago (edited)
I get hit with ENERGY WEAPONS after I get hit I TOUCH SOME THING AND I GET ELECTRIC SHOCKS AFTER TOUCHING ANY THING METAL OR NOT ALL MY FAMILY ARE GONE , NOW I GET HIT EVERY NIGHT IN MY OWN HOUSE OR EVEN IN CAR I know what a 33degree mason knows about every thing this is why they attack me ,, know one talks to me no more and come to think about it No one talks to April fools day people ,,,!!
michael night
michael night
3 weeks ago
Where are you James? It seems the battle lines are drawn and us without family or friends can bare no more. I hope you are safe.. I am not
Randy Frushour Stand Skeleton
Randy Frushour Stand Skeleton
2 years ago
I never stood up to or harassed back gangstalkars until they left me no choice. Because an initial fbi agent hated my looks and how I stood up to police corruption they never stopped my name forwarding to notification Listings so being in a unfamiliar town where my Dr is I am forced to return home where the whole community knows me that I am upstanding. We’ll see if the heavy and long arm of the federal hacks have any effect on my own turf. As it is I effectually intimidate their footsoldiers here away from home so when I get home it should be more probable I can stand my ground without pissing off the stores managers. Hey Pontiac is my home so we’re neighbors.
Jimella Miles
Jimella Miles
1 year ago
I had people harassing me today wearing shirts that said out law and rebel and religious for life all with in an hour those 3 people were walking back in forth in front me I took a picture of one he kept staring and I pulled out my Fone and snapped pictures of him and made him uncomfortable and he left
Irene Stamelos
Irene Stamelos
1 year ago
I went to the place where I go I had to ask them for a health care proxy . It seemed everyday I don’t have time this is the torchurd I get through cummuting.
Trey’s Production Mill
Trey’s Production Mill
1 year ago
Hey my dude… How you doing..
YoUrMoMsAbItCh 1
YoUrMoMsAbItCh 1
1 year ago
They got caught up so to reduce charge snitch lol wow
British Comedy Bronco Rothschild Triple Agent
British Comedy Bronco Rothschild Triple Agent
2 years ago
Yes, they steal money from us, to harm us…
Red Siren
Red Siren
1 year ago
So what happens if I put a hole through everybody’s head in my apartment building… ?
Latrice Browner
Latrice Browner
2 years ago
1 year ago
On point. This is a systematic control by freaks. This describes my life to a T. But I am woke. I realised this was going on for years. I must be special that they have targeted me.
Irene Stamelos
Irene Stamelos
2 years ago
ah that comi
Clyde Jones
Clyde Jones
2 years ago
Adam, john, Don and Roy of Hankey farms auto in Pittsburgh pa all participated in what is known as gangstalking or organized harrassment.
Michael Henkel
Michael Henkel
1 month ago
I feel like this shit is happening to ,me what can a person do to stop this activity.
Al Shields
Al Shields
1 year ago
Thanks for your insight in this matter.
Betty Burkeq
Betty Burkeq
1 year ago
What does convert means.This happening to me. I have been implanted with RFID
2 years ago
Here in Howard Co Maryland
1 year ago
THE MOVIE …”hanna” AND THE SERIES “cheaters” are perfect examples of how gangstalkers get around
Araceli DURAN
Araceli DURAN
2 months ago
County of Santa Clara Community members who are employees are intimidating me 24/7 5years already
Irene Stamelos
Irene Stamelos
1 year ago
I cought one down at the 14 train station the same lady one passenger yelled at her.
Irene Stamelos
Irene Stamelos
2 years ago
now what the fbi made a rule not to talk anyone on fb
Fan Gee
Fan Gee
1 year ago
They pull out there weapons on trains ,buses ,to try and hurt you they pile in these areas just to hurt you ganging up on the target
Them they sit back like they not doing a thing
That Guy77
That Guy77
1 year ago
you know half of this is Witch Craft pit against the other half of us. so it get spiritual as the other half are being Electrically attack .
1 year ago
I have experienced much of the symptoms of being a T.I. Pretty much constantly my entire life, although I’d never heard of the term til last year. ESPECIALLY from friends and family members. But also just everyday people. As a relatively recent set of examples: the apartment complex I live in now, there’s been perpetual sabotage somehow of my computer throughout my schooling for months on end, to the point of having to replace pretty much every single part no matter how new, just to get it running again. Also, wanton cruelty by the only family in the area but not all the time, at certain times, and with the same sort of disconnection from their other actions that Manchurian candidate would have. Also, I can’t put my finger on it but I know I have seen at least some of the neighbors who are outside and social around the building before now. Also, some of them are definite instigators.
Carmen Rivera
Carmen Rivera
2 years ago
Thanks for posting this video
G Gar
G Gar
1 year ago
Situational Awareness jamming these individuals taking them to the loop! The Mad Circle The Public The Masses Re-Stalking these individuals who are conducting in these shenanigans a reverse gang stalk communities are more in tight then these groups will ever be in any local community or communities there not gonna fall for whatever these secret groups have to say let the people of the United States have lost all trust in our government and the government is doing everything to really show the proof the people don’t. Believe what the media has to say because of all the controversy and the covert strategies and tactics the same thought process is being utilized back towards those individuals trying to drive someone to become defensive and reactive my fear in all this is when it’s gone to far and they’ve done it to more than the amount they expected and the locals start to become more aggressive and start talking matters in to there own hands covertly discreetly like it’s been happening as we speak the crazy part in all this is Re-Stalking the individuals that initially started this are now going to be victims of what they created
Irene Stamelos
Irene Stamelos
1 year ago
The gangstaljing continus the qasi gov usually parked at the fire hydrant one on Travis and green on none avenue I am probably not of of surviillance.
1 year ago
nice , im making organic portal videos too
Andy Mick
Andy Mick
1 year ago
linda from ga
linda from ga
1 year ago
20 to 75 hrts
Irene Stamelos
Irene Stamelos
2 years ago
it was the fbi cointelpro prgram started 2013/2014 apparently i have this freind of who has ties with the name of mentioning but this gets better the fbi ciontelpro prgram was gtracing me falloweding em around me around 24/7 they hiring people left and right they were on buses trains they knew my trians this is adangerous fbi training and part lw infocement the fbi waked me at 3;00 in the morning they grey and siver cars are law infocemnet agnet just imagine what would have happned if i nothave been paying attention to my surroundings .
dam the fbi my freind that i have hes works for differnt division i have his pictures on my facebook page cover hes angry on what they did to me cointelpro fbi who started this progrma it was in 1971.
Irene Stamelos
Irene Stamelos
1 year ago
It how it had began even in tottenville they attacked me it was a stalking survulliance.
Nelia Carreiro
Nelia Carreiro
1 year ago
we need to start a resistance. I have gone thru this for the last nine years
Kelly Sutton
Kelly Sutton
2 years ago
My work place is like a prison every since I spoke out against things that were wrong at work I’ve been harassed in the workplace and away
1 year ago
thanks james my life was torn apart because of gang stalkers and illuminati affiliates and branch off gangs…
I feel better knowing some one is warning people (fu badford!)
Delon Baber
Delon Baber
10 months ago
Thank you
Anti NWO /Illuminati
Anti NWO /Illuminati
2 years ago
My name is kevin uglis i have been gang stalked by the macomb county sheriffs department and there free mason friends.I tried to move to California and it just followed me everywhere I go they are there they have caused me to lose my jobs. My brother jason sullivan even turned on me to help them I know they offered him money to try and set me up. They now have houses on both sides of me and now using electronic energy weapons against me as my health has suddenly been effected after they have moved machines into the houses. This all started because the macomb county sheriffs tried to set me up on drug charges coming into my place of employment trying to get me to sell them medical marijuana.and I confronted them with this that I know what they are doing his name was Lawrence zelke he called himself z man. He is part of a group called rhe sheriff’s enforcement taskforce. I know they have been following me these people wont even look me in my face they avoid eye contact at all cost and tell my neighbors that im a child molester and or heavy drug user. They are pathetic and have no life if all they do is follow me around everywhere waiting for me to go somewhere trying to set me up on false charges to arrest me and ultimately kill me and make it either look like suicide or natural death. I am not scared or botherd by this as I know jesus is with me and gives me the power to just ignore these truly mentally ill individuals who have no feeling of remorse for what they do and I know whatever happens to me I will see them cast into the lake of fire for there evil ways on earth. God bless all that deal with this and know you are not crazy and dont fear them start taking action greet them with kindness and video record them use their own tactics against them. Amen.
1 year ago
Stay strong you are going to heaven.
klank rank
klank rank
1 year ago
You know its illegal for civilians to do this to other civilians gather information on them build a case an get paid while putting them behind bars
Day Williams
Day Williams
2 years ago
Hope you are safe and alright James. Haven’t seen any videos by you for a while. Thank you for your truth.
Alex Hall
Alex Hall
2 years ago
Spiritual Balance & Expansion
Spiritual Balance & Expansion
1 year ago
They do what they do for a reaction. Don’t react, respond.
2 years ago
LRAD = Long Range Active Denial
2 years ago
I could give you complete. Fact based. Information with addresses phone numbers. Everything .
I’ve been conducting an investigation after I was approached by an individual who knew my skill set which many will never know.
I’ve already sold the information so after the sale the buyer said release it . It’s been released on 30 secret sites this won’t go unpunished the facilitators will burn harder than any looking tactic could ever harm anyone
Mike Waggoner
Mike Waggoner
1 year ago
You are a very astute young man. Excellent reporting friend , thank you
My Version Meine Version
My Version Meine Version
3 years ago
Yes.. Communtyism is what I call it (Community Stalking), Communityism, Grouping.. an early form of Collectivism for the whole. The Group shall hunt the ones not participating.. that weakens the individual and strengthens the group. So the participants of the group gain confidence whilst the individual looses it. That is at least the plan. Great job!
liz nitu
liz nitu
1 year ago
They experiment on TIs in Lathrop,CA. The reason I know is because I was experimented on 2014…..
Some Person
Some Person
2 years ago
The most targeted man in America go to hypno alpha male skills!!!
Irene Stamelos
Irene Stamelos
1 year ago
Yea the s syop I have one.
YoUrMoMsAbItCh 1
YoUrMoMsAbItCh 1
1 year ago
These mfers now some lol
J. Serpent sir
J. Serpent sir
1 year ago
This is True !!!!
Long Nguyen
Long Nguyen
1 year ago (edited)
i like your video bro.thanks for your video.
Irene Stamelos
Irene Stamelos
1 year ago
I deactivate all of social networks sites.
Thtz Don
Thtz Don
3 years ago
can those targeted people get removed from the list
1 year ago
They need the crazy card to come true to discredit the witness…They will tell lies to have you arrested. This is evil..I love my country and state ..Do Jews have no rights?
So they know voodoo Europe Shock
So they know voodoo Europe Shock
1 year ago (edited)
The devil wants your soul it’s called soul targeting . They have a target for souls
They now look in your eyes to see if you are a zombie .
If you not it continue its
Soul buying its worth billions in money. It’s high science and witchcraft against you
Either good soul vs devil
Or devil’s vs devil’s
Nothing more nothing less .
Sacrifice a lamb or something
1 year ago
how do I get a copy of what you are reading?
Catherine H.
Catherine H.
1 year ago
So spot on with what’s happened to me at school, work, a few apartment complexes, friends & my own family. The funny thing is that I didn’t realize I was being gang stalked until around 5 years after I truly think it started now that I reflect back on it. The irony is that I felt so beat down when I suspected it intuitively but wrote it off as silly because I hadn’t yet come across YouTube videos and books talking about this program & technology. But now that I’ve faced this issue & embraced that this has happened to me & explains most of the betrayal from different avenues, now I just feel strong, peaceful & informed. I feel like now the joke’s on “them” the people who have gang stalked me & whoever initiated this absurdity 🤣. Great coverage, thanks for the wonderful work bro.
Fan Gee
Fan Gee
1 year ago
How do I get the trackers removed from my body ? No matter where I hide my upstairs neighbors can find me and torture me with their machines and remote divces
1 year ago (edited)
Flagged scape goats for a targeted community cohesion (control via disinformation) then of being simply racist purge motive and indoctrination of targeted community
Bullshit Stomper
Bullshit Stomper
2 years ago
Stay strong bro. Some of that script you read comes from a TI in Australia
Gena Davies
Gena Davies
2 years ago
Why don’t you video your own footage of gang stalking?
Charlie Jeans
Charlie Jeans
2 years ago
The Catholic Church started this. They separate families to get the widow to donate the house to the church.
Today why wait ? The systematic abuse and early dearh caused by gang stalking.
For your parents house !
Fathers are in peril.
The marriage system is taking out many families early.
Slicharoni Loot
Slicharoni Loot
1 year ago
So true, they lost they are scared Jesus in Jehovah,see’s everything
1 year ago
I think it’s discrimination and genocide. Sir we could be related I am also in Michigan. If you got out of this help me
Iaman Empoweredone
Iaman Empoweredone
2 years ago
There are a huge number of apps devoted to community watch group organizations on the app store
hola nwo
hola nwo
10 months ago
the community notifications at first were public or you had to be of one group? how is now? How can you be part of the community?
1 year ago
The way you describe it, it is so eerily reminiscent of the #MeToo Movement..something founded upon a supposedly sound premise, as that kind of harassment abuse that is purported does tend to happen a lot in Hollywood, but then immediately actually turned to not only defending the real abusers but targeting both anyone who knew about them or anyone who “it was decided” by whatever metric they decided on (whiteness? maleness? success in combination with both?) for absolute destruction.
Carol V
Carol V
1 year ago
Is a red dot sticker on or in the mailbox a sign you’re on a list?
Irene Stamelos
Irene Stamelos
1 year ago
a few on travis avenue tons on richmon police purust they do have milatary weapons in there cars
2 years ago
What are you reading from?
Irene Stamelos
Irene Stamelos
1 year ago
Ok the gov did bug my house phone what they did was they used my number which starts with 948 they did use heavy contractets.
Sh P
Sh P
3 hours ago
excellent, but did you know they have rfid and medical monitoring and actually sell the target on an international neural network? We have been in this non consenting program for 4 generations. I have over 23 non consenting chips
Jan Bogacki
Jan Bogacki
1 year ago
You just saved my life brother.
targeted in Maryland
targeted in Maryland
1 year ago (edited)
I’ve heard the noise .So has my daughter.My doctor knows i’m not a mean or late wife used to hit me i always had to have the police stop her .4 times she had court.i’ve always been there for my kids.
James Latimer
James Latimer
11 months ago
Every thing you say is 100% rite has made me extremely ill and got hooked on heroin and at rehab they give me very bad headaches and my rite ear hurts and vibrates and been painfull FOR many years can’t take it No MORE, ,,
Archie Stewart Jr.
Archie Stewart Jr.
1 year ago
Finally a decent answer. Could church organization be involved? Just wondering for personal reasons
Ein Cond
Ein Cond
2 years ago
Shouting the same phrase at the targeted individual, over and over. Day by day, hour by hour.
Irene Stamelos
Irene Stamelos
1 year ago
Ok a silver car dropped his son of this morning in frontvif my the car had nyvwindow they use my neighbors hydrant there was a sticker in the side of the far that said ny indeed discriminate against and betrayed and I am from my American citizen the sin had glasses on gangstalkers drop the shit.
Gertha Louis
Gertha Louis
1 year ago
# End Gangstalking foreal
Karl Millard
Karl Millard
2 years ago
I feel I have been targeted.. How do I fix it How do I get away how can I get free… I’m at my tipping point
2 years ago
Attention : G-14851 : If you a reading this then you know I’m talking about you. This message is designated to be read for your eyes only. Currently there is a 2.4GHz TX/RX node that was implanted in the lower temporal lobe. I can’t tell you when this happened but you must take action now. Local anesthetic and a 1/8 Drill 8.5mm will damage it, total removal will be impossible. They will continue to monitor you through this month. Next message will be in 72 hours on your nexted liked video.

Barns – Bangs – Boxer – Bowls
Christian Hernández
Christian Hernández
1 year ago (edited)
Irving TX police department
Grand prairie TX
Arlington TX

They been doing that towards me and my family over a false accusation of an ex gf of mine . they knew she was lying her teeth out and the fact her family abuse her verbally and physically but they choose to start their nonsense out . I applied at a few jobs just to find out someone had flagged me and even some of the managers were kind to let me know about it . plenty of innocent individuals rights been taken advantage of.
What happened to those few good men that stood up against the tyranny. How we going to trust the future of our children with this type of individuals at hand .
The Crying Gypsy
The Crying Gypsy
2 years ago
James Harken, I can’t thank you enough for standing up for us TIs, and bravely confronting this evil program. But it saddens me to read the comments and see how easily people will dismiss all the suffering we’ve endured as “mental illness”. They ignore the fact that their precious government actually has the patents to technology such as what we experience. It’s right there on the web….long lists of wicked and evil technology for remote neurole monitoring, v2k, and just for one example look up patent # US3951134A…it’s called apparatus for remotely monitoring and altering brain waves!!! There’s literally tons more that will make you seriously start to question our governments motives. But instead of actually doing research, these goons will troll videos like this and make a mockery of our legitimate suffering. My father was targeted as well and shot himself in the head a few years ago to end his suffering. So the only thing I got to say to you pricks who think this is merely some kind of mass delusion…thank God we don’t survive off you believing us. You should be ashamed of yourselves because people are being killed daily due to this and all you are doing is helping fuel it. I pray daily for all TIs, may God surround you and protect you. God bless and as always, stay safe out there. Much love
tony turtle
tony turtle
2 years ago
i put a hex on them ,do you believe in vudu like i du ?
2 years ago
I am a Targeted Individual and have seen every nationality in on the scheme. White, black, hispanic, asian, etc. The vehicles can be from luxury to extremely raggedy. SUV’s, pickup trucks, etc. They are posted/parked everywhere. The Foot Patrols are usually dropped off along the routes they you’re likely to drive or walk.
James Caldwell
James Caldwell
1 year ago
Maria John
Maria John
1 year ago
Very True The vile prowl on every side when the wicked… are encouraging and supporting them.
Jeanne Taurus
Jeanne Taurus
2 years ago (edited)
My X husband and sisters wanted Revenge for their mentality ill ideas. Legal? No! Illegal as hell and the perpetrators can be shot by the victim for attempted murder if they have a weapon. Self defense. The weapon is usually on their rooftop. Other weapons-hidden in their yards, garages, home, cars, backpacks,..These are very sick individuals. Revenge for a dead son. And..Revenge for being stupid, Revenge for telling the truth and showing pictures on Facebook. They didn’t bargain for Facebook or me being a activist.. Hard core activist with millions of people behind me Globally.
Men and women..Activist ready to go to war. We are the Generals of this movement…
Shawn Womack
Shawn Womack
1 year ago
@James Harken How do people know me in other cities that I travel to and I have never met them before? It seems like that everywhere I go outside of my community or out of state, I am met with the same symptoms of gang stalking that I receive in my own community or state that I reside in. I can travel out of state and receive the same type of harassment.
J So
J So
1 year ago
Can anyone recommend a live stream app besides YouTube?
Dweller on the Threshold
Dweller on the Threshold
1 year ago
There’s just one thing I want to understand, if everyone is made aware of the target, wouldn’t you think one fucking person would warn somebody !? I’ve only just discovered this term after experiencing this for the past 10 years- only when I visit certain neighborhoods. Literally followed by what most be dozens of cars all around town- I’ve tried to lose them and this has resulted in literal car chases more than a few times. But I have to tell you- I’m no one important, never have been, I can only assume I’ve been deemed suspicious. A few times I’ve been in stores and be phone will ring and it’s very evident that the caller is inquiring about ME. Such a relief to feel validated..
Tiffany Page
Tiffany Page
1 year ago
Other inappropriate and godless grotesquely hideous crimes to entail 24 SURVEILLANCE. I have been harassed at work people threatening me with hand gestures. Gang stalked electronically phone wifi also I was harrassed by my father, my mother in law physically attacked me. Community watch my neighbors by this program have unlawfully used my electronic data and used online.
First they harm you then they try to isolate you. The primary goal is to try to promote usuall behavioral issues psychological breakdown trauma. My husband beat me watched his mother beat me and then said i made it up.
After this it was suggested that I see a psychiatrist the most ungodly promote this
My advice is protect yourself by arming yourself cameras guns and also a tower reverse communication device used by detectives and police also will reverse track these individuals and target them.
Woodrow Wilson
Woodrow Wilson
1 year ago
I’m a gangstalker and it pays good
Irene Stamelos
Irene Stamelos
2 years ago
my nnamegot flagged this morning some lady was standing outside my program again with white shoes and yes using the mind control she was looking at her phone I saw her and I scared her this when I got my programs this happening. so far so good.
Jena Emerald
Jena Emerald
1 year ago
I’m flagged
Kari Dufano
Kari Dufano
1 year ago
How do you find out your on this list and if you’ve been flagged. It seems almost anyone can get their hands on it if they know where, how, why and what.
Nadege jacquet
Nadege jacquet
2 years ago
Do you know that it’s also demonic by nature.
Angie Glenn
Angie Glenn
1 year ago
Far from Community Policing i have 1 speeding ticket in my life. REPENT REPENT REPENT! GET BEHIND ME SATAN!
Spiritual Balance & Expansion
Spiritual Balance & Expansion
1 year ago (edited)
Has anyone seen this hand signal or a list of names? We create our own realities we can blend in or we can stand out. Society reflects what you project. Social media doesn’t help this phenomenon. Sometimes people put their ever little thought out their for the whole world to see. Hence they put their own name on the blacklist. When i grew up we had clicks (groups of people who stuck together). This group avoided that group some groups could gel and others couldn’t. Most of us grew out of it.
First off quit venting not everything is worth venting.
Leave something of your life a mystery. Less said is less heard.
Most times its better to listen than talk. If your so called enemies have nothing to feed off your life will be much more peaceful.
Stop introducing your enemies to each other. They don’t know you until you make the connection for them.
Choose your battles not everything you disagree with worth debating.
Cherish the people who do care about you.
And never entertain paranoia its a very destructive emotion.
Remember this too shall pass.
Trust me I’ve felt this way before. But i let go of all that. I still have people who mess with me but they’ve thinned out considerably. As a matter of fact none are the same as before they’re mostly randoms. And when they do i let them have the spotlight. Because i know if they’re making me uncomfortable they’re making someone else uncomfortable. Their karma awaits them. Study the “Tao te ching “by Lao Tzu. Very enlightening.
Good luck friends.
Trey’s Production Mill
Trey’s Production Mill
2 years ago
Sent u a friend request.
1 year ago
Vatican new name is Psychia-TREE we conned the world!
GC Durnin
GC Durnin
11 months ago (edited)
im not particularly concerned by these fools but Id sure like to know exactly WHAT is being said about me. Im completely isolated now so its unlikely ANYONE is going to tell me. Any idea as to how to ferret out my particular smear?

problem is that now ive been surrounded by scumbags and no longer am miss goody two shoes. (like calling ppl scumbags.)

your vids are great. thank you for talking to us.
Tiffany Page
Tiffany Page
1 year ago
This is totally true my town WOODBRIDGE NJ has been using this for years they employ electronic HARRASMENT you have to understand most people are hateful jealous usually the perps believe they are helping the community but they never investigate why, they try to aggravate you to commit crimes, by use of gaslighting, oh and the psychological abuse is viral many of them are fake christians and groups of brainwashed individuals who belong to cults. I have been living with this for years by the Iselin JEHOVAH witness in WOODBRIDGE NJ
CanndyDrive Gaming
CanndyDrive Gaming
1 year ago
Is still illegal because
Those so call spy
Is hiding if it was a law
Then there would do
This in the open and it
Is only don where the so
Call group is around is all fake
And it’s so easy to see
Heather Honey
Heather Honey
2 years ago
Freemasonry run the lottery. There’s the money
M2. T1
M2. T1
2 years ago
targeted in Maryland
targeted in Maryland
1 year ago
Larry Cohen
Larry Cohen
2 years ago
The Jesuit order of Rome. Lc
marc cirrincione
marc cirrincione
1 year ago
michelle Hinds
michelle Hinds
2 years ago
All true for me
Victor Bort
Victor Bort
1 year ago
God bless you 😇
1 year ago
I was the victim of some form of this. I rejected the advances of a politically tied in woman who had me blackballed at my job. I left to work for the government. I think she found it out because from the time I started I was subjected to more scrutiny and different standards than the rest of the employees. I once was called to my supervisors office because I left work to go eat lunch at Wendy’s when the director, the manager, and my direct supervisor and all the other employees went as well. I was the only one who was busted and we had employees who left everyday to get their lunch. One guy drove home everyday! Yet, to me it was forbidden. I had to write a memo of apology for doing what everyone else did as common practice. The good news is that I worked through it…or she may have died. I don’t know. I can only hope. I am now the supervisor and I haven’t had anything I’d consider suspicious happen in a number of years…but it took a decade of watching my back, documenting where I was all the time, and working until I was one of the most respected and trusted employees in the department. The thing these people don’t realize is that life tends to bring us back around again. She may have totally got her kicks and forgot about me. If she’d forgot about me when I left and she won, she’d been much better off. When you win, win gracefully. When you set out to ruin someone, realize you’re putting yourself in jeopardy too. None of us are untouchable.
James Latimer
James Latimer
1 year ago
Only to TRUTHERs are being picked on
Ticker Beetom
Ticker Beetom
1 year ago
How do u get help to stop this
Tiffany Page
Tiffany Page
1 year ago
They do this to me all the time I live in Woodbridge NJ. This is the way they oppress. I personally was targeted by a religious group and because I looked at unusual content on line. They also pay off your spouses and try to set you up to go to parties. Electronically tap your phone wifi. Community watch and pay off people to hate you
1 year ago
We aren’t letting them get out of this corruption. We will get revenge in court..
Susan Janana
Susan Janana
2 years ago
I’m a TI and was sexually harassed…I was told by strangers who provoked me that I needed “help” however they were antagonizing me…showing up at my house without my consent…coming onto my property…and I freaked out…I don’t see how my freaking out over illegal entry onto my property details ME as having an issue..My town is not affluent therefore the people most likely do not have their degrees – possible HS diplomas but non-educated . I applied for a name change bc I was harassed so badly but the sexual assault is what threw me over the edge…Where do I go??? I do not know who to turn to when this is all happening with the consent of police…I am so confused why an educated and kind (IMO) person was targeted by these uneducated people…is it because I do not fit in? Was it my old company who listened in on convos via my Smartphone? is it HAM radio? My other dog seized and died and my other dog has had seizures d/t what I believe was radio frequency issues (I have an RF detector)… I’m only 44…I’m attractive and educated…Why are they provoking me to being violent??? They are the ones coming to MY door. I don’t seek them out..they are sick….uneducated…and people I PAID with MY TAX DOLLARS….why are they humiliating me…Help is appreciated…
YoUrMoMsAbItCh 1
YoUrMoMsAbItCh 1
1 year ago
They do this to vets that how they infiltrated thru military
Jennifer Pauk
Jennifer Pauk
1 year ago
Who gets these folfers
Lady Grace
Lady Grace
1 year ago
I love karma, the only real justice there is.
WhyMe Lord
WhyMe Lord
1 year ago
Irene Stamelos
Irene Stamelos
1 year ago
Flagged Notification.
Shawn Bechard
Shawn Bechard
1 year ago
I just experienced an online attack about two weeks ago on Nerdrotics youtube channel. He does live stream and the comments that were coming in seemed odd and were attacking someone in the comment section. I then started to see they were attacking my comments, yet indirectly. I tried to reach out to a couple of famous people, but these guys seem to have reached out before me. It is like everywhere I go for help, the people involved know my steps before I take them. Now here in Canada Justin Trudeau put a gag order on anyone speaking up about mk ultra. Also the same media company made an article one year later saying that people who believe in gang stalking are now considered a terrorist threat.
Jennifer Pauk
Jennifer Pauk
1 year ago
Shawn Bechard
Shawn Bechard
2 years ago
Gangstalking is many things, including exploiting the TI. They just work hand in hand with corrupt authority.
Sky 4
Sky 4
2 years ago (edited)
so are there stalkers stalking my stalkers?LOL did they get tired of stalking big foot?
Bae Violet
Bae Violet
1 year ago
Does anybody know what happened to this guy?
Terri Nutting
Terri Nutting
1 year ago
Criminals run the programs and the innocent people are the victims…
2 years ago
Keepn it Real
Keepn it Real
1 year ago
When you search the Truth learn how to handle it if you don’t GS going handle you look like you need mental Hospital RTALK
the last
the last
1 year ago
Can stalkers be your friends or family or just coworkers or strangers?
Simon Moore
Simon Moore
2 years ago
gangstalking is DEMONIC HARASSMENT through WITCHCRAFT. To beat if you have to operate in SPiRITUAL WARFARE, like an EXoRCISM.
The evil spirits inside the people are controlling them tp behave in these ways. Think about it. Its cheaper and easier to eliminate people, if that was their goal there is nothing stopping them doing that, besides God almighty. You have been turned over to the tormentors until you repent and turn yo God the father and Jesus and take up your spiritual authority in spiritual warfare. This is my testimony.
Black Jesus
Black Jesus
1 year ago
How is breaking into the home of a innocent person making the neighborhood safe ? This is criminal ativity. And then robbing the home of a law abiding citizen, which is criminal works. Doing evil to good people don’t protect ANY neighborhood, but brings into the neighborhood satanic and demonic negative energy. The Bible warns anyone changing Good for bad, and saying that to do good is to do bad will be judge by GOD for working for Satan, and doing evil, and very sinful ativity. That’s what I see is what these satanic community’s are doing. They Target the good people, and we all no that they are innocent people, but the wicked ones accuse them of being evil so they can attack them using people in that neighborhood who will believe anything they are told without question because they are stupid, and dumb.
Mark Sweeney
Mark Sweeney
1 year ago
Riley O
Riley O
1 year ago
The whole surveillance campaign is summed up by what George Bush said back in 07 when a deal with Iran got nixed. “Money trumps Peace” America in a nutshell!
Irene Stamelos
Irene Stamelos
1 year ago
What had exactly happened to us was they took pictures of my two satelight dishes that I have and this is how the two sycotronic attacks happened they stole our indenties including family members and the gangstalkers know where I shop what public transportation I use where I go so ism really consisted a target individual cummutte hacking cell phone monitoring someone’s heard my friends conversations the both of us talking I am going back to a flip phone so this how my gangstalking story began.
Rev Cannamother
Rev Cannamother
2 years ago
Where did you go?
YoUrMoMsAbItCh 1
YoUrMoMsAbItCh 1
1 year ago
Use these tactics
Riley O
Riley O
1 year ago
They also us lookalikes. Ppl have tried to pass off as ppl i really knew. Family and all. They made sure I wouldnt recogize it by disorienting me with there energy weapon. Beware of this. This is how the get you to alienate your family members.
1 year ago (edited)
with Negative times there is abuse of giving some false hope distraction communities world wide via electronic means of disinformation distraction. these horrific acts use divide and conqeur tactics of informant coerced recruitment resulting in FEARDOM paranoia of coercive manipulation. recruitment of citizens.
Penciu Emilian
Penciu Emilian
1 year ago
Fac trafic cu droguri: în România Gangstalking new mafia.
DoloABro Crank
DoloABro Crank
6 months ago

1 month ago
Nivea Sanchez
Nivea Sanchez
1 year ago
Thank you so much honey for giving us the knowledge and our shield against this unfair war. Its a miracle that am still living today I have suffered since i was 5 years old. . I have gained some knowledge throughout these years. To all the victims of this type o abuse please please keep your head up. Don’t let anything break you down. Or even your relationship. When you are in public get your earphones and listen to music or meditate. Smile and see your life as funny because they do so much to try to break you and in doin this it will hurt so much less. They use numbers as well and Lisence plates I have been seeing 38/83//838/383
Have Faith Patience and Initiative. Listen to this
Where Is the Love?
Stanley Pasquale
Stanley Pasquale
1 year ago
Are there men and beasts,yes they are they are scared because it’s i
Great Topic
Great Topic
3 years ago (edited)
Minnesota Off Grid
Minnesota Off Grid
2 years ago
The stasis in east germany.
Araceli DURAN
Araceli DURAN
1 month ago
Any of you had dental done and covered in white enamel on molar, if so possible rdif microchip gps and global positioning system locates you possible a transmitter across the street by cable lines ..chip wont be seen if enamel tooth by xray is covered need to remove it or any injections the chip is small rice size ..
1 year ago
Good Job, James.
That T-1000 Show
That T-1000 Show
1 year ago
Ericus Maximus
Ericus Maximus
2 years ago
This subject itself, is mental warfare.
Bernie 😀
Bernie 😀
1 year ago
If i’m targeted, (i know i am) beware gentlemen, i got Jesus Christ on my side…Oops! just there, i already make it difficult for you, anf it is ME! in the end, that will judge you, meanwhile enjoy your cheap time and i’ll see you. (;
Mr Tibbs
Mr Tibbs
1 year ago
I can prove it. Actual evidence from the source. On Netflix there is a Black Lives Matter documentary. On it the leader was community stalked. The police told how they targeted her. She flew to a state she’d never been to and a cop already knew her by nickname and told again how her specific targeting was nationally (at least) circulated.
2 years ago
Nice Work
Jean Saben
Jean Saben
1 year ago
it is pure evil
Sylvia Simpson
Sylvia Simpson
2 years ago
They got warnings too.
Black Jesus
Black Jesus
1 year ago
When you say that these creatures harras to get people ” in line “. What your really saying is that these creatures are OPPRESSING whoever is being targeted. Because that’s what they are doing they are basically trying to OPPRESS the target.
Michele Hensler
Michele Hensler
2 years ago
The video that is about community organization is the best description i have heard. The criminal element has involved themselves by committing sexual assult and recording it in an mp. They make money off my notoriety. The police wont help and the provincial government agencies work against me.
Irene Stamelos
Irene Stamelos
2 years ago
now i understand what the ddiscloser was but my coworkers at the progrma i go to her freind was stuck up that one of the 123 question he iam glad my adad i drove down at tottenville night everyone
eidetic 2015
eidetic 2015
1 month ago
It appears you are a Subject Matter Expert on this horrendous activity of Gang Stalking. First question: How and why and by whom is a Target/Victim selected? Second question: I need a credible source to corroborate my belief that I have been targeted for some time. Would you be willing to communicate with me via email? Thank you!
1 year ago
Trey’s Production Mill
Trey’s Production Mill
2 years ago

Create Peace
Create Peace
8 months ago

Terri Sue
Terri Sue
11 months ago
You are very smart for as young as you are
michael night
michael night
4 weeks ago
I have been a ti for the last twenty years but only came to find out what a ti was 3 months ago. I’ve just had my apt destroyed by a fire that was started the same day as my corrupt LL was warned that the city would file against him if he didn’t reinstall my services. I’ve been chased from the city of Ottawa Ontario Canada, once already. I have 15 days then i have to go on the run again. I’ve all the surveillance and illegal activities that both city servants and local businesses have participated in against me. Yet no one will hear my story.. I’ve faced my darkest fears for the good of us all and yet I can go no further. This will be a waist of pertinent proof of what we all suffer. From the ltb to the corrupted courts that are trying to put me in prison. I’ve no criminal history and have been a human rights advocate since the age of 11.
Spearspj Spears
Spearspj Spears
1 year ago
Send me a follow on Instagram royalhousedavid
Riley O
Riley O
10 months ago
Its almost the same as Chinas Social Credit program.
Jamie Lamb
Jamie Lamb
1 year ago
Are you still around?
October Rast
October Rast
2 years ago

2 years ago
I am an American from Los Angeles this program is being used illegally on me in Hamburg Germany.
fat man skinny woman
fat man skinny woman
2 years ago
Why does this video look so produced though….
Araceli DURAN
Araceli DURAN
4 days ago
I been dealing with this since 2016 , sjpd not taking me seriously or Santa Clara county numerous 19 complains torture, wifi hacked, civil rights violated my daughter now experiencing emotional schock trauma Shame on district 6!!
Samuel Fey
Samuel Fey
3 years ago
ive been a TI since i left school
2 years ago
Google my name sherlita Bennett. This is when it all began with the gangstalking
Kavi Jackson
Kavi Jackson
2 years ago (edited)
Trust me for example in my case I’m at an abandoned house, yet and still before I was at the abandoned house I never would have gone to an abandoned house. This guy from Guatemala who is a heavy drinker alcoholic to the core would literally howl at the moon and do whatever he wanted all night long and all day long coming to and from the home. Never was he bothered and when I say never never ever was this guy bothered I moved in with him for about two weeks all of a sudden he starts bothering me for cigarettes no problem; but I notice every time I give him a cigarette he comes back for another one he keeps doing this and keeps me up all night I’m trying to sleep I tell him I don’t want to be bothered anymore! I give him a pack of cigarettes just leave me alone he still bothers me I tell him literally I’ll beat you up I will crush you all this other stuff he never leaves me alone! When I actually asked him about gang stalking all of a sudden not even a week later he falls asleep in the middle of the street and gets arrested by the police. Everybody is showing me a video of him getting arrested and deported now that I am here by myself not in the home but just around it all of a sudden I get all this attention and all of the people are actually putting police near me and blocking my Wi-Fi and creeping around me and even though I’ve been here for months finally I see a lady who says she’s taking pictures of the house she sneaks up on me. No vehicle whatsoever and she is able to talk to me and talk to me about angels and all this other stuff trust me but what they don’t know is that the actual truth and nature of my case and accusations I get tired of this because it’s straight up b*******, but they will not stop and they do not care! Trust me if you are targeted individual it doesn’t matter how strong you are mentally or physically they will do everything they can on a daily basis to break you down!
lisa Ceda
lisa Ceda
2 years ago (edited)
Gangstalking, hmmmm… sounds like Hilary Clinton, go figure. I “know” I was targeted. At my work places and they followed me around but because of my Godly discernment i spotted em out with in the first seconds of being introduced to them. Lol, I made sure to make friends with them and it bothered them that I “knew” their game. It was very obvious and I didn’t even know about this information you gave until I heard it just now. I knew it was Satanist just didn’t know it was a known thing. My JESUS sustained and sustains me ✊👊💪☝❤
Lucian Evans
Lucian Evans
10 months ago
Where are you James, need more vids
espouse de SACRECOEUR
espouse de SACRECOEUR
3 years ago
Very good and informative video on gangstalking, but the freemasons are jews, not jesuits.
Everything Truth
Everything Truth
1 year ago

Name Blocked
Name Blocked
1 year ago
Its mass murder.
Ahada Arie
Ahada Arie
1 year ago
why I refuse to go into a Walmart… so many perps waiting around that store.
Fairy Lady
Fairy Lady
2 years ago
Odd form of “community policing”: trying to steal my wallet, trying to start a fight, trying to run me off the road, stomping on my flowers, sending me porn, dressing and acting like hookers…you sure they ain’ t satanists?
T j V
T j V
2 years ago
The only way to beat it is to ignore it but it takes great strength. They will stop if you ignore it. The problem is you take far to much notice of other people.
Rick Campbell
Rick Campbell
2 years ago (edited)
Joseph McCarthy was James Forrestal’s protege:
Both were gang stalked by Jews.
Sincere Maverick
Sincere Maverick
1 year ago
If you’re married to a black man, I wouldn’t be surprised if someone close to you placed you on the list.
6 months ago
James knows
God’s TruThor Backup Channel
God’s TruThor Backup Channel
1 year ago
Advanced MicroDevices
Advanced MicroDevices
2 years ago
If that info gets sent out to people, like you say in the beginning of this video, that would be defamation of character, which is an offense you can sue for.

2 Replies to “GangStalking IS Community-Oriented Policing (Video)”

  1. I think it’s wrong to blame organized harassment exclusively on one ethnic group or religion. I think the reality is that churches and temples provide an expedient “set” to orchestrate stalking, surveillance and slander campaigns. It is really unfortunate…

    I had an ex who was stalked at her places of worship to the point she stopped going to both of the churches. At least one or two fake members of a committee a Quaker meeting and a reverend apparently participated. I’m not trying to discredit these churches. What I think happened to her is that her religious establishments were infiltrated by money-grubbing cowards working for a corrupt element in an agency like the FBI or DHS. It is a modern cointelpro. My ex was briefly a member of a 9/11 truth meetup. She was a newspaper reporter before this, so she could have been on a list. But when she got interested in 9/11, that’s when the stalking started full-force.

    Another thing I’d like to mention. During the stalking, rather unlikely coincidental things happened. Some of her documents were hacked. She had experienced child abuse. She’d written an unpublished (but copyrighted) series of chapters about it. She went to writing workshops sometimes. Then in 2020, a woman author published a (I think it might be called “grimcore”) fantasy novel with uncanny “coincidental” plot ideas and names of characters that were the same or very similar to my ex’s book. One of this woman’s character had the same basic role and the same name. My ex said she didn’t care about it after reading the atrocious reviews of that author’s book, which was not particularly redeeming, anyway.

    I don’t know what really happened there. But this took place in the middle of the worst of her stalking. She was hacked and her phone conversations had been stalked.

    You could imagine a morally-cheap author with a husband/wife, family or friends who perpetrate stalking and surveillance. They might be willing to steal someone’s accounts of their real child abuse to exploit them in their fiction… it makes me wonder. This “writer” seemed to churn out a large volume of material with little effort. She also got movie deals. This is just a thought. It does look as though something like this might have happened to my ex, though.

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