Covid-19 RNA Vaccine Genetically Modifies Humans & Turns Us Into Bio-Robot Slaves

Urgent Information On Covid Vacc!ne

Vaccine Information on Covid19, nanotechnology, smart phone health apps, rDNA, rRNA, patenting GMO

Dr. Carrie Madej

Jul 13, 2020

Epigraph Quote from Comments below:

Christine T.
6 days ago
Thank you Carrie for the summary of the dangers of SYNTHETIC BIOLOGY. This goes so deep for so long, that people who never studied science, have no idea what’s out there. I just want to state the following. Moderna Inc. patented in 2017, 3 years BEFORE the ‘covid outbreak’, a RNA vaccine which decodes for almost exactly the same protein which is on the surface of covid in 2020!!! The 2 major pieces from which covid was put together, SARS (~91% identity) and MERS (~75% identity), have both spike proteins which are much more different than the one on covid, YET the 2017 patent you can see at:

covers a protein almost 91% identical to covid-19! Once you know the spike protein on a virus, you can design the rest. That’s called synthetic biology. I call the pre-meditation, a CRIME, which is still unnoticed, since nobody points that fact out. The clinical trials of the RNA Moderna vaccine are ongoing, on real humans. All the scientists, including Fauci (are) waiting for their share, not interested in what their toxic fallout is doing in still REAL human bodies!!!

Peter Meier
1 week ago
by changing the information in the dna of humanity, they can legally own us as a patented product they created. this means the loss of all rights, all freedom, all free will, everything. by taking the vaccine, you become something not human, a new creation.


2 days ago
“In those days people will seek death and will not find it; they will long to die, but death will flee from them.” Rev, 9:6

“And the third angel followed them, saying with a loud voice, If any man worship the beast and his image, and receive his mark in his forehead, or in his hand, The same shall drink of the wine of the wrath of God, which is poured out without mixture into the cup of his indignation; and he shall be tormented with fire and brimstone in the presence of the holy angels, and in the presence of the Lamb.”

If you take the vaccine you will not be killed but you will be changed and your soul will be lost to Satan, locked into his HIVE MIND system, controlled by fallen Angels. NOT taking the vaccine gets you persecuted. See y’all on the other side!

“And I saw the souls of them that were beheaded for the witness of Jesus, and for the word of God, and which had not worshipped the beast, neither his image, neither had received his mark upon their foreheads, or in their hands; and they lived and reigned with Christ a thousand years.” Rev 20:4 🙏❤✊🏽

Narc Free Formula
2 days ago
100% NOT worried about COVID19….100% CONCERNED about the “vaccine”.

1 day ago
To genetically modify anything should be considered a crime.

gary Masters
2 days ago
This is not a drill guys, the reset is now. URGENT

ORPHEUS OWL Rebellious Earthling
2 days ago
They’re “skipping over the animal trials” like that’s a bad thing? It’s humans who want these poisonous vaccines and drugs so let them be the ones to volunteer for testing. Animal research is a total scientific fraud, the results cannot be extrapolated to humans. Animals are only used because the data can be so easily skewed. The “evidence” is gotten rid of, with all the animals being killed and their date of death officially logged as “date of sacrifice.”

Judgie Consciousness
2 days ago
Remdesivir, their “cure” for COVID, is made by Gilead. China holds the patent on this drug through an agreement with Gilead’s drug patent sharing branch UNITAID (office in Wuhan). The main financial investors in UNITAID is Soros, Gates and WHO….UNITAID was the main financial supporter of the Clinton Campaign. Oh and this was the same UNITAID that Fauci sent the billions of money too…..I love coincidences, just love them!

Jen W
2 days ago
Please post on Bitchute in case Youtube takes it down.

1 week ago
Chuck Missler has been warning about Transhumanism for year’s.

viviane Bonmariage
1 week ago

Irene Kopel
3 days ago
In addition to the question of efficacy, remember: EFFECTIVE DOES NOT MEAN SAFE!

Henrik Knudsen
1 day ago
I would like to see this on a non google based platform. Please.

Phil Med
1 day ago (edited)
Yep, Monsanto, now owned by Bayer, has been trying to patent swine so they could literally own all pigs through DNA manipulation. I have noticed that large industrial farming has a tendency to cull large herds of pigs from time to time. Maybe that’s their nefarious way of reducing the natural population of hogs and offer a solution of GMO hogs. Thanks monsatan and associates.

Thoth Al Khem
1 week ago
Since this ”so called” Virus (Latin for poison) is the BIGGEST MEDIA HOAX EVER……then find out WHO owns all MEDIA (96%) AND THEN…………YOU will know WHO the REAL enemy is……..

Perry W
1 week ago (edited)
Red Pilled and pissed off. Still trying to figure out who they want extinguished???
It’s no secret they want to depopulate the world. it would make sense to target the sick and elderly……like covid has been doing.
It’s just not effective yet.
Looks like it just isn’t that simple though. Genetically modified humans? Sounds like something out of a science fiction movie…..Or demonic story.

5 days ago
And in trying to save people from vaccines, she perhaps unwittingly teaches everyone of the simulated Universe! 🙂

Giavanna Sebastiano
5 days ago
This goes even deeper You may want to consider researching Hydrogel created by DARPA..

2 days ago
“Crimes against humanity”.

Naz Far
2 days ago
The human race is going to win

darwin Noah
1 week ago
People Need to take note of what’s going on, I’ve noticed on the radio in the UK the past few days, they have adverts indoctrinating people to not listen to anyone with any common sense or who can see the wood through the trees, very scary indeed but still people will not listen to anything but the narrative that’s being fed to them every day, very frustrating!!!

Felicia Schinella
1 week ago
Don’t cry Dr Madej, I believe you. I think a lot of people are starting to question the motive and purpose of the vaccine. Thank you for explaining

1 week ago
God bless you Carrie, and I totally understand why you’re crying at the end. So many people are unaware of what’s happening around them and think this vaccine will allow us to all go back to normal, when it won’t, as there are far bigger consequences to all this. We’re all being used as human guinea pigs and these vaccines have the potential to totally erase the person we was before. Gates and Musk are actual psychopaths, who would love to turn us all into an obedient slave race. We must all keep on educating people about the dangers of these vaccines and resist what these psychopaths are planning, because they’re trying to play god. Thank you for this wonderful video and keep strong Carrie, because we can win this fight.

Alexander Calderon
1 week ago
Im from central america, and is good to know that at least in some parts of the world people are awakened, and in good numbers…. but sadly these part of the.wolrd where.i live im surrounded with people blinded all around where i walk. Great job doctor… this is an endless battle between good and evil.

4 days ago
I will keep try to convince others around me although most say i am a crazy guy with a tin foiled hat. Thanks for this message Dr. Carrie

Janice Smith
5 days ago
All dissenting voices are being blocked – on EVERY aspect of their Agenda. They’ve silenced professionals with “wrong think” on everything from the ozone layer, global warming, racism, covid, vaccines . . . Everything. It IS The Matrix. I think nothing short of a revolution can save us.

Trevor Rose
2 days ago
It’s also important to remember that a human or any other sentient being, is only partly physical form, and so the argument they would own us should be ( if the courts weren’t so corrupt ) an invalid argument, because they’ve done something against your will, and your mind is not biological but instead a virtual construct made by a combination of both physical and virtual components.

Nooz Zoo
1 day ago
Stargate SG-1 season 5, episode 10, “2001”
SPOILER: The Aschen vaccinate everyone on earth and cause infertility for all women. They have done this to several planets, wiping out populations.
Then of course, the SG-1 team has to send a message back in time to ensure they don’t make friends with the Aschen in the future.

wendy tascione
1 week ago
My moms cancer spread after he flu vax….they r trying to turn us into droids obedient droids…we are a cloning planet as in rise of the clones in star wars series. Thing storm trooper.

1 week ago
crazy and evil!! Jesus just come soon!!! No for me!! yeah will just get around that!! Never have taken a vaccine and never will! My God is bigger then any of this!! He will bring judgment on these evil doers!! How about they take the vaccine first.. and in a few years let us know how it is doing for them!! If they are still alive!

1 day ago
The Bill and Melinda Gates of Hell will not prevail.

1 day ago (edited)
I’ve been disclosing this sort of thing for years now and only now has it begun to catch on. I’m tired (I’m a 38 year old SRA survivor and ex-Illuminati trainee that never made it to the Rites because of the Holy Spirit intervening. Life has not been kind and I help others as a form of retribution against evil) and need a help-meet and the denial of a competent help-meet for all of this for many years has driven my interest in continuing to live on this earth to a near-zero value. Thank you for doing what you do and I wish our warnings had gone “mainstream” years ago so we had time to stop it.
I’d appreciate you working with Nicholson1968 to put your evidence together with him for a few of his interviews going forward. My face has to stay hidden because I know too much, so no videos from me. Otherwise I would have chatted up Richie From Boston and dropped some serious stuff on his plate.
The blockchain Q-AI is too far along for us to win at this point and even now the evil people are building another time-penetrating matter accelerator (the “particle colliders” are actually time machines and they saturate the timestream as they go, which is why they have to get bigger each time) so they can pass notes backward in time and have them “stick”. Sticky notes. Even so, we ultimately win anyway and they all get the lake of fire.

At this point we need to go off-grid and low to zero impact (hide) in order to survive what is coming and only certain zones will be relatively unaffected. Forest-Gardens (Ally Cropping) will be acceptable in certain areas. If I disclose all those zones I get whacked so I have to stay quiet about that for now. They want to terraform by way of earthquake weapons and underground tunnels which have been dug and prepared for over 40 years. The world is going to get wild before 2030 and it’s all on the books.
At this point I just want all of this “seven years of satan’s glory” garbage over with. The talmudists are bringing in their false messiah with “talmudic law” as the international standard and the race wars are being prepared. Engineered famine starts this winter.

Val Obum
4 days ago
Gates, the most dangerous human on earth today. A real danger to humanity

Mohammed Yeahiya
1 week ago
Hi Dr Madej, much love to you. We are all in it together. Humanity will win. Lets keep up the good work.
Thanks. Dr Yeahiya

Joe Martirano
5 days ago
so they want to give us a vaccine that there not going to test on animals first thats just crazy not me ill tell tou that right now

mantra girl
1 week ago
I just shared this video… but I am scared it will be taken down. This is the most cohesive and concise video I have seen regarding these vaccines and this program. I hope this goes viral. Thank you!

William Kopf
5 days ago
I came across a video awhile back about how this vaccine research came about in the late sixties.
Can’t find the video now when I look it up. See like there are all sorts of distractions in its place now.

I did find this audio file about a private eye type guy whom had direct contact with the person who started it all.

Hope this is informative to all who want to know.
Thank you 🙏 for your information.
It inspired me to find this info for you and others.

Saoirse Thomson
1 week ago
You present this information in such a way that I believe people will finally listen! They can’t label you into the fearmongering category. You are calm and insightful. Thank you thank you thank you ✨
1 week ago
Yes, as a Citizen Researcher Re~poster, I too have studied these things and I do concur. Humanity, it’s time to awaken and heal. MannyG
Anne Marcon
Anne Marcon
1 week ago
Oh Carrie. So brave of you, I for one appreciate your fighting for our rights. I’d just love to see a global group of all the brave souls speaking out, lawyers, doctors, scientists, health hero’s, who are all awake, well informed and knowledgeable, not caught up in conspiracy as much as in and for the truth and for humanity. We need you. You need the support and backup. Create it. It will develop all on its own then.
‘Build it, and they will come.’
Gather the people’s, no one has the right to control me or any other human soul.

Jeff Schechter
1 week ago
Hey Carrie, SO GRATEFUL to you for speaking up. Humanity is on the edge of something really dark right now, and the way you show up and shine your light is beautiful, noble, and impactful. I will share this with others… this info NEEDS to get out there to everyone!

1 day ago
What if when Gates says population control he means control of the population, not control of the number in the population .

S RDVizions
1 day ago (edited)
European Coronavirus patent 2015
Date of filling: july 23 2015


[0170] The coronavirus may be used to produce a vaccine. The vaccine may be a live attenuated form ofthe coronavirus of the present invention and may further comprise a pharmaceutically acceptable carrier. As defined herein, “pharmaceutically acceptable carriers” suitable for use in the invention are well known to those of skill in the art. Such carriers include, without limitation, water, saline, buffered saline, phosphate buffer, alcohol/aqueous solutions, emulsions or suspensions. Other conventionally employed diluents and excipients may be added in accordance with conventional techniques. Such carriers can include ethanol, polyols, and suitable mixtures thereof, vegetable oils, and injectable organic esters. Buffers and pH adjusting agents may also be employed. Buffers include, without Iimitation, salts prepared from an organic acid or base. Representative buffers include, without limitation, organic acid salts, such as salts of citric acid, e.g, citrates, ascorbic acid, gluconic acid, histidine-Hel, carbonic acid, tartaric acid, succinic acid, acetic acid, or phthalic acid, Tris, trimethanmine hydrochloride, or phosphate buffers. Parenteral carriers can include sodium chloride solution, Ringer’s dextrose, dextrose, trehalose, sucrose, and sodium chloride, lactated Ringer’s or fixed oils. Intravenous cariers can include fluid and nutrient replenishers, electrolyte replenishers, such as those based on Ringers dextrose and the like. Preservatives and other additives such as, for example, antimicrobials, antioxidants, chelating agents (e.g. EDTA), inert gases and the like may also be provided in the pharmaceutical cariers. The present invention is not limited by the selection of the carrier. The preparation of these pharmaceutically acceptable compositions, from the above described components, having appropriate pH isotonicity, stability and other conventional characteristics is within the
skill of the art. See, e.g., texts such as Remington: The Science and Practice of Pharmacy, 20th ed, Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, pub., 2000; and The Handbook of Pharmaceutical Excipients, edit., eds. R. C. Rowe et al, APhA, Publication 2003

Slightly Slanted Sleuth 3 4 Truth
2 days ago
What if life will find a way to get you to the Pleuroma of your expierences.
The good of humanity is in its way to create th …
God is all natural accumulative process of all. So to manipulate the genome is against this process. Tyrants are not of natural law, for a tyrant is unwavering in their need to control or unwillingness to compromise. They are like a tree that doesn’t bend in the Wind. They eventually break . Natural law always, always, always wins in the end.

Kelly-Jane Lindberg
5 days ago (edited)
Although it sounds crazy – once you have done your study and research and understand the implications of this vaccine that is DNA altering and effectively with the micro chip technology that can not be removed makes us robotic – our minds can then be altered, the potential is that every essence of our mind body and soul can be altered and controlled by an outside force. It is beyond crazy, but once you consider the possible purpose – this is how you can normalise certain behaviour such as the normalisation of child abuse and pedophilia – From other research I have done, there is something that Dr Carrie Madej does not touch on is that the altered DNA can be passed on to future offspring, so as when a vaccinated person with altered DNA partners with a non vaccinated person then the genetically modified DNA shall then be passed on to offspring until all of humanity is genetically modified.

Oso Strong
1 day ago (edited)
Morgellons suffers are pushing nano tech out of their bodies. They are the canaries in the coal mine.

Rene Hoek
2 days ago
Go look and listen
De president of Ghana have grazy info about criminals like biĺl Gates and his gang members

Lisa Hatch
2 days ago
“Behold, I sent you out to testify and warn the people, and it becometh every man [and woman] who hath been warned to warn his neighbor.” Doctrine and Covenants 88:81

AA and AR
2 days ago
A heart-felt thank you, Carrie, for having the courage to step up as a professional yourself. I feel your love and care for humanity. More professionals and scientists in this field need to have courage to tell the truth of what’s going on. We have to remember, the majority can overpower the minority, together…. freedom is our birthright ….

Shulz Atam
1 week ago (edited)
Of course they haven’t tested it on animals they know exactly what the it will do to us. They are trying to reduce the population. And the tests are collection of your DNA. The 5G technology is a part of this and the radiation will help you die quicker.

1 day ago
Just attempting to change nature should be a serious crime. Whether its genetic modication, deforestation and other forms of ecological attacks. Just the way littering and dumping in undesignated areas are considered crimes, this should also fall into that category but in a much grater scale. So this should be penalized acordingly.

1 week ago
It’s to make men and women sterile within 7-10 years too. Nobody and I repeat nobody should go near this vaccine

Donita Forrest
1 day ago
NASA sees the planet from a distance, so it belongs to them. They want all the limited remaining resources to continue E.U. nazis, Bill Gates & german pharma billionaires are backing NASA.

Stomp the Dragon
2 days ago
Currently in fb jail. Someone forwarded this video to me in messenger. I will ask them to post it on my page. Seems to me Zuckerberg should be held accountable for sippressing information that goes against the narrative while he proliferates dangerous lies and pushes vaccines which is a conflict of interest considering his Zuck- Chan Foundation and hos connection to Gates and Fauci.

Abstraction Physics
6 days ago
Things to know:
There is no such thing as artificial Intelligence, it is nothing more than an umbrella term used in the past for a field of research that upon some specific research being solidified it is moved out from under the umbrella and given another term of description. But now its become a hype term used to further the tech industry deception of which Bill Gates and his company Microsoft are primarily responsible for as they committed anti-trust against the public at large and extracted a lot of money which inspired the tech industry to follow.

Should be obvious and the illusions today are extending to Intellectual Property problems

When ever you hear the term Artificial Intelligence or reference to AI you should translate that to Abstraction Processing and done with a limited or constrained and inherently biases set of abstractions. There is no magic tech that qualifies as “Artificial Intelligence” of such broad scope, but there is plenty of artificial intelligence of those promoting such bullshit, for they are trained $$$ blind to what damage they are causing and building up to.

This goal of a world technocracy will absolutely and unavoidably FAIL. How to know this for yourself: start counting and reflecting of the increasing amount of tech failures. And to think, they are playing with black boxes, things they themselves cannot explain how it works well enough to understand why the abstraction processing tech produces the outcome it does. They are like magician being entertained by the tricks they do and don’t want to know how the trick works. You can use the word “insanity” here.
Unfortunately the big (small in comparison to the population) of those with command control and influence over the public at large using their feedback loop of NSA and the likes spying on everyone to monitor the sum public consciousness and with the MainStream propaganda Media [MSM] (now including censored and controlled social media) for divide manipulation of the public summed consciousness along with verification of their control over the public, will not be stopped by the public at large until the GREAT FAIL happens. Thus opening the eyes of the public at large, but this will be after much tech has been deployed and integrated into society and individuals, and this around the world population.
So who’s world is it anyway? (open for improvements to get it past those in command and influence whom are in the way avoiding the solution direction and saying no.)
I didn’t create the problem and I can’t stop it but when it fails, there is a solution direction, genuinely inclusion of all people. As it is OUR PLANET!

Dejan Čas
1 week ago
Love energy is much stronger than those people intentions! Stay vigilant but no fear.

Son of a Glitch
2 days ago
“Owned by the Gates Foundation…”

2 days ago
I think you’re a hero and an example for the rest of mankind, that’s why I think. Much love from The Netherlands!

Tree Hugger
1 week ago
Thank you Dr Carrie Madeji,
I stopped taking the flu vaccine back in the early 2000, and I have recovered from the flu every year with out taking antibiotics. I will NOT be taking any vaccines for anything.
Big Pharma have a lot to answer for, GREED, GREED. What does the Gates foundation know about health, he made his Zillions, in computers. Mr and Mrs Gates! I and many others ASK, have your children been vaccinated against any thing?? I do believe that we all know the answer, NO………………

1 day ago
Ma’am I am deeply greatful for your kind actions of educating us about this really important matter, it sadens me to see you hurt 💔 as you enlighten all of us who where nieve to all of these facts. I send my love and admiration to you for being so brave and having such big and beautiful heart. Help us God.

Sovetskiy Kozel
3 days ago
YOU WANT TO feel something Scary! Look into the fact that the Department of defense is putting tons of money into a way to get everyone vaccinated. This is coming down the pike, Forced mandatory Vaccinations.

brenda rose
1 day ago
i havent gotten any vaccines in the 20 yrs but I have read and done my own research on this and know it it real . I want to know why no one is stopping this nonsense is this what we want . Ty for explaining in depth about all of this

1 week ago
My last vaccine was the flu shot back in 2013. I had such an allergic reaction they are surprised I did not die. I will never ever have another vaccine no matter what they say.


5 days ago
Dear God it’s the terminator, God bless you Carrie omg I have no idea how we will convince ppl we sure did need the doctors to come out though I’m thankful for that. They will withhold medicare money they will not let children into school without shots this is soooo complicated omg how are we going to stop this

3 days ago (edited)
bill hell gates want to depopulate the world , he is pure evil !!!! WWG1WGA

1 day ago
Zombies are coming for everybody who takes the vaccin, scary. Thank you Dr.Carrie for speaking the truth, you are a beautiful human being. May Christ be with u in this dark times.

1 day ago
Dr. Madej I’ve heard your BRAVE BOLD presentation over and over.One thing we all NEED to know during these trying when most of us are being flooded with new information , much of it very scary is that THSNK G❤D there is a totally loving Creator watching over every single o e of us ; in TOTAL CONTROL of all that’s happening and He LOVES EVERY SINGLE good person INCLUDING OURSELVES MORE THAN WE LOVE OURSELVES! How can I prove this ? ONLY by saying that You too Will Feel His love if you begin to B’GIN BEGIN TO BRING G❤D INTO YOUR LIFE EVERY PART OF IT BY SIMPLY TALKING TO HIM EVERY DAY.START WITH A FEW MINUTES WORKING UP TO ABOUT AN HOUR. AS WE ALL DO THIS WE WILL KNOW THE TRUTH, FEEL UNITED WITH the whole world and be ready to See a whole New World Revealed to each of us👭👭👭👭🙏🙏🙏🙏❤❤❤❤😘😘😘😘😘
Rainbow Light
5 days ago
This is a war, between good and evil. Good are children and son’s and daughters of God/ good loving people. Evil are those soulless ones who try to control and dominate every aspect of human race on earth.

1 day ago
Ever since corona and social-distancing came on the scene, I have replaced the word ‘Happy’ (any holiday) to ‘Blessed’. Otherwise, I feel fake when I say it in these times of confusion.

Gwyn Guinn
1 week ago
God Bless you, and thank you for sticking out your neck trying to help and protect us. I am sure you will get backlash for posting this, but, you are not alone in trying to let ppl know what the government is up too.
Remember GOD is still in control, and they can only do what HE allows. BTW…I am a nurse, and appreciate your efforts.
Thank you, and GOD BLESS you and protect and keep you safe.
G Guinn LPN

Nadia wollah
2 days ago
Dear Dr. Carrie Madej,

Thank you very much for having the courage to warn people about what Evil Gates wants to do to humanity. Furthermore, I deeply admire your courage to bring out this truth about vaccination and wake people up.

You have now alerted people to this in time so that they must rebel against their governments worldwide.

Bil Gates has affected all governments worldwide and we are all in a rat trap if we don’t demonstrate against these evil governments and powerful people who want to destroy humanity.

Stand on people do something about it and forward this message to everyone close to you.

All wished a lot of safety because we are influenced by evil of powerful people. DO NOT BE INFLUENCED by these evil powerful people.

2 days ago
Check out Dr. Vernon Coleman: also a huge critic.

2 days ago
Satan’s old plan to corrupt and control God’s creations through these demons goes as follows:
1) Use big pharma and media to spread the #Covid19 fraud and scare people.
2) Offer and eventually mandate recombinant DNA vaccines, creating controllable abominations out of some, killing off the rest.
3) Drop the dollar for a digital currency, Bill Gates’ body data mining money..
4) Use #5G to connect us to ID2020.
5) Use 5g and quantum PCs to recreate the Tower of Babel – one human mind in lock step. We all have an avatar in the Perdue University quantum computer world simulation that runs PSYOPS to see how they will play out.
6) Use #CERN to unlock the gates of hell – Saturn Black Cube prison – and rip open the veil between the dark chaotic world of antimatter and our world, JUST like Stranger Things!!!

1 week ago
Go to Celeste Solum’s channel. She used to work for FEMA and got out when she realised what was being planned. She talks about what will be put in the vaccine. Quantum dots also hydrogel which will permanently meld with your bones and muscles and keep growing inside of you and communicate with database. Creepy. Sounds like mark of the beast technology as in Revelation 13
Karen Munro
1 day ago (edited)
Thank you for speaking up as a Doctor that is saying the truth.- not many others will take the stand you just did. You are a hero in my book!

16 hours ago
I’ve shared this across all my platforms. I’ve been saying this since I discovered electroporation about 3 weeks into covid. I learned from Dr. Kaufmann about flu shots and wifi, and I’ve known about nanotech in all forms for decades. I put the pieces together and it’s nice to have you put everything so eloquently (bc folks doubt me). Thank you infinitely for this vid! 🙏🏽

2 days ago (edited)
The Coming Vacs will turn you into a G.M.O which makes you an abomination to the creator like the Nephilim were.

Jacob Golds
2 days ago
I like the title of this video “vacc!ne” i was wondering how this managed to stay on YouTube for two weeks (as of now) 😁 i guess i wouldn’t get the chance to watch it if it would’ve been spelled correctly

Trisha E
3 days ago
Has a geno from a non human ever been successfully modified the genom?

Hanna Zagal
1 day ago
This was very informative and scary. Dr. Maje keep us informed on what is going on. Thank you for this information.

Demiurge NZ
5 days ago
Bill gates an his friends can test it on themselves first.

Lelani Kern
1 week ago
Dr Carrie thank you for your bravery may our God protect you and surround you with his angels for your protection in Jesus name and by his blood that was she’d for you. Be blessed. With extra strength and have a lovely day. 💖
Kelli Hernandez
Kelli Hernandez
5 days ago
It sickens me…this will be injected into children, including newborn babies, small children, pregnant women and the elderly. I just finished a bout with cancer. This is INSANE. RESIST. With all that is in you.

5 days ago
“And unless those days were shortened, no flesh would be saved; but for the elect’s sake those days will be shortened.” Matthew 24:22

Rich Pingle
3 days ago
NEVER let ANYONE stick a needle in you for ANY reason. Medical establishment cannot be trusted!!!

Julie Robertson
1 day ago
Thank you for putting this info out. Scary thing is to also think about all the GMO that have been in our food system for years.

1 week ago
You’re a great I too am nurse and speaking out about this evil

Chris G
1 day ago
I’m not in favor of a violent uprising. B-Elle-M and others are destroying our country through violence. Information, dispensed through several platforms, can be an effective weapon to change the minds of people, and awaken them to what’s going on. That why Dr. Carrie’s message needs to go viral, so it can impact more people, who will get politically active, or impact politicians already in power to effect change.
As for B-Elle-M: it has never been a grass-roots movement. It was created by Jee orge Zhoros, and additional funds by these 269 corporations [], with hundreds of millions of dollars. Because the synergy created by these corporations, other non-contributing businesses and organizations are caving to the economic and political pressure B-Elle-M creates.
If you were to attempt to start at the top, as you suggest, you would have to violently destroy at least 269 Corporations, before you could start on Jee orge Zhoro, and other like-minded billionaires who are Globalist working to create a One World Government.
This present world is unavoidably heading to a One World Government. Consequently, the world and country we were born into, is the Titanic. We’ve already hit the iceberg. The best we can do is forestall or postpone the inevitable, so that there exists more time to get the Gospel out to more people. The only real means of escaping the inevitable One World Government and the resulting seven-year Tribulation period mentioned in the Bible, is to receive Jesus as your personal Lord and Savior. Short of that, even the best of efforts, is merely rearranging deck chairs on a sinking ship. But like I said, we must fight legally, to buy more time, so that more people can get into the life-boat of Jesus Christ to avoid going down with the ship.
Jesus said, “But take heed to yourselves, lest your hearts be weighed down with carousing, drunkenness, and cares of this life, and that Day come on you unexpectedly. For it will come as a snare on all those who dwell on the face of the whole earth. Watch therefore, and pray always that you may be counted worthy to escape all these things that will come to pass, and to stand before the Son of Man.” (Luke 21:34-36)
Jesus said, “Most assuredly, I say to you, unless one is born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God…Do not marvel that I said to you, ‘You must be born again.’…For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life. For God did not send His Son into the world to condemn the world, but that the world through Him might be saved. He who believes in Him is not condemned; but he who does not believe is condemned already, because he has not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God.” (John 3:1-21)

Christine T.
6 days ago
Thank you Carrie for the summary of the dangers of SYNTHETIC BIOLOGY. This goes so deep for so long, that people who never studied science, have no idea what’s out there. I just want to state the following. Moderna Inc. patented in 2017, 3 years BEFORE the ‘covid outbreak’, a RNA vaccine which decodes for almost exactly the same protein which is on the surface of covid in 2020!!! The 2 major pieces from which covid was put together, SARS (~91% identity) and MERS (~75% identity), have both spike proteins which are much more different than the one on covid, YET the 2017 patent you can see at:

covers a protein almost 91% identical to covid-19! Once you know the spike protein on a virus, you can design the rest. That’s called synthetic biology. I call the pre-meditation, a CRIME, which is still unnoticed, since nobody points that fact out. The clinical trials of the RNA Moderna vaccine are ongoing, on real humans. All the scientists, including Fauci waiting for their share, not interested in what their toxic fallout is doing in still REAL human bodies!!!

Wen dy
3 days ago
Don’t cry darling.. we’re all in this together! Good triumphs over evil 😘
21 hours ago
It’s the mart of the beast…turning us into nephilim and making us into the image of the beast. Get right with Jesus time is running out!
Jane Marson
Jane Marson
1 week ago
Dr Carrie I’m crying now to .I believe in you .I will not take anything .I’m in late I’m fit and well .I’ve known this for a long time .I will fight for my rights and all others .god bless you strong lady .our world is up side down.such wickedness will not be forgiven .I’m sure .1 pray for us all .
5 days ago
“Virus” is a concepts which violates the energy-preservation law,
in breaching the cell and entering it.
Exosomes (passive and form the intracellular parcel-service)
are sometimes mischaracterized as “virus”.
Exosome’s shell is taken from the cell producing them,
thus can only be subsumed by cells of the same individual,
thus Exosomes (incl. “viruses”) couldn’t perform any contracting/contagion/infection.
There’s NO evidence to long-term memory and/or to a learning function outside of the brain/mind, thus NO immune system could exist.
There’s NO feasibility for Viruses and Immune-System to exist,
but rather for exosomes, white blood-cells,
where Zinc is the communicator (akin to data-packets)
of the Clean-Up Response (CURe) system.
When short on Zinc, Sepsis (“Influenza”, “Pneumonia”, “heart disease”) ensues – see on NCBI.
Further communication is done by means of Exosomes carrying RNA:
First RNA-messenger from apoptosis cells and then RNA-catalytic from healthy cells
– to arm the bacteria in order to eat up the bad tissues.
In summary: Anti-viral Immune Vaccinations are a triple fallacy:
1. No Viruses ever existed.
2. No Immune ever existed.
3. The injections are loaded with Adjuvant i.e. poisons like mercury,
aluminum, formaldehyde and debris from exosomes and bacteria.

Dr. Judy Mikovits,she has a great book out not to mention that utube still has a few videos up that they haven’t pulled! If you can find them they explain that the CDC/NIH/FDA are actually trying to kill all of us! They are EUGENISTS 😱 what does it mean when the people that control our Healthcare and wellbeing? Ok then I’m going to stop typing now. Sending Blessings of Peace,Love and Prosperity!
Big Hugz Shanti

Darrell Wright
3 days ago
Carrie, you are very courageous and I perceive a beautiful soul in you. Since the truth is more important to you than anything in this world which compromises it, I’d like to share a few things that will allow you, as well as any interested readers, to see the present crisis in the world in its larger spiritual context. Rather than write at length, I’ll just provide links to very little known but crucially important information.
Plans of Freemasonry in their own words:
Bible and the (Traditional) Catholic Church:
Takeover of the Papacy:

There is much more for anyone who asks. This is the most important truth and it has been concealed, but that is to be expected. The salvation of souls as well as peace and the renewal of the world are at stake.

Michael Hearn
6 days ago
all this Covid 19 hype is people control. they can put a chip in you in a shot. MARK OF THE DEVIL

Hiroki Dabar
1 week ago
Truly inspiring strength you have. I have been tryint to share and spread a lot of these messages, but the responses from people are very frustrating. I’m really not saying I am above anyone else in understanding, nor is that my goal, but the level of programming I can witness in people is just frightening. It is literally the one thing that fills me with dispair. But you are a bright ray of sunshine that keeps many other people going, so thank you!

Donita Forrest
1 day ago
Test tube babies, a single uni sex, hydroponics, space travel……..all this isolation conditioning foisted on children for space.

M DeVll
12 hours ago
Covid doesn’t scare me in the least. The reaction of government entities to the virus scares the tar outta me! As does the reaction of the general public! Why does a virus with a 99.74% survival rate (probably even higher than that due to death numbers being padded) warrant that the entire population be vaccinated? I will NOT be taking any vaccine. A virus that is so deadly that one must be tested to find out if they’ve even had it. Makes NO sense! This is about the NWO and transhumanism — ushering in the Mark of the Beast.

PEACE School
1 week ago
Thank you for your courage to speak out. This is for All humanity. I have researched vaccines since 1989 after my son reacted badly to DPT. Stopped vaccinations then. I was not vaccinated again after receiving the MMR at age 2, and got Scarlet Fever, Pneumonia and Mumps all at once, temperature rose to 109 … I remember leaving my body and going to the most beautiful place – Heaven, like Earth but 100 times more beautiful, Love & Light beyond (was in coma for 2 weeks). These viruses and Vaccines are created by Satanic Demons (Gates) with intent to destroy the “God” gene and send us all to Hell . . . No joke! This is WWIII, a repeat of WWII on a grander scale. Fear not (False Evidence Appearing Real) and keep your vibrations high. Love is the Universal Essence of Life.

Ken Jewett
1 day ago
Bill Gates, WHO and the ENTIRE CONGRESS AND SENATE get the first human trials and WE THE PEOPLE get to push the needle !!!

Maria Luisa Delprato
1 day ago
Thank you for sharing this information! It’s important that a lot of people get to know what’s going on. Thanks again! Have a lovely day!

Lucas Salazar
2 days ago
God bless you Dr. Carrie, we will keep fighting for the truth.

Mad Mamma
2 days ago (edited)
Dr. Carrie you got another new sub with this! I have to share thru text as they have taken all other social media icons away. I will!!!

Their current vaccines destroyed my childrens dna. Whether people recognise it or not we are all vax injured. In 1904 cancer waa only 4%, John Hopkins Child Hospital only had 4 patients their first year. Look at’em now! It is a business folks. They said long ago they want wverybody using their products from birth to death. The majority are so programmed they wont even learn not to mention try self care. So sad.

D. White
2 days ago
You are absolutely correct! I’ve been following this for 30 or more years. It’s all here, now. I know you’re familiar with CRISPR. That blows my mind. I’m old now. I have seen the effects of polio, chicken pox, and other maladies, so I’m not anti-vaccines. I’ve seen vaccines do amazingly wonderful things! But now, with this RNA recom, we are in trouble. I feel for you and your tears. You probably either have, or will have, children. My God I don’t want to think of what “they” will turn us into. The Covid vaccine is the most dangerous. They are not following science at all. I’m not wary of Gates either. He’s just a greedy SOB out to make even more money. If not him, some other gajillionnaire (is that even a word) would step up and fund this criminal enterprise. Yes, everything you said is true. God help us.
Jacob Witzen
Jacob Witzen
2 days ago
How long will this last before it is censored? Free speech is hanging by the threads.
abc xyz
abc xyz
1 week ago
They have also made a law that states that they can change ingredients in food without listing it. I bet that works on the labeling for vaccines as well since they’re all under the FDA.

Geraldine Perry
4 days ago
VERY well done, the best presentation by far for what is coming in the VERY near future if we don’t find a way to stop it!

2 days ago
Need more like you to speak up! We must resist this tyranny being forced on to us now!!

Hurricane Bear
1 week ago
Amazing video. Awesome content & Great delivery. Thanks for your long standing efforts.

John Carpenter
1 day ago
Dr. Madej, I was very much taken with this video, but having been warned on FB I was reluctant to post it, unless I could find online the document you were reading from, where you quoted, referring to DARPA, “their words — ‘to enhance and subvert’ — end of quotations, humans at a genetic level”. The quote is at time=15:00 ff.
It would help our case to have this reference link. Thanks very much.

Susan Yoder
21 hours ago
Very scarey stuff. No doubt this is being done…we all need to stand up for decency in this world! This is the start of another arm of smart warfare too. Building undefeatable warriors as well as many other issues at the risk of others who are weaker.

Ron Williams
5 days ago
Carrie, thank you for sharing this info! Terrifying!
I recall reading a book many years ago (around 1983), by Jeremy Rifkin – called, Who Should Play God (which appears to be out of print now).
Jeremy was way ahead of his time, predicting many of the things that are now actually happening… and that you are reporting here.
Who else are you aware of who is speaking out about all this? Are there other pertinent channels or authors to also be watching/ reading?

Sandi Leigh Stinchcombe Dale
3 days ago
Hi Carrie, Bravo for doing this! I can’t thank you enough for helping get the word out! So many of my friends & coworkers have tried but we either get put on deaf ears or people who think we are crazy with our conspiracy theories! That’s just it! Our theories aren’t wrong. They are complete truth that because we love & serve our Father & Saviour Jesus Christ we want to get the truth to our loved ones! It is so scary & terrifying but that cant be why we don’t say anything! We must! We must protect our human race! It saddens me to the core that money is so many leaders God & they dont care one bit what they are doing to us. In fact they are truly trying to implement this New World Order which is simply put Communism!
The bible’s timeline is right now everything predicted just so! This is very scary & people like us have to stop them!!! God Bless You Carrie & Your Family!💜🙏🏻✝️💫XO

Freda WakeUp53
1 week ago (edited)
Big thumbs up from Canada.. kate shemirani natural nurse in a toxic world, makes many videos on this. The only hope is in Jesus Christ. Its not gonna stop

Jason Denney
1 week ago (edited)
Thank you Sister for your vid. Your right . We little time left to wake those who slumber. May the real God have mercy on us all. And I speak not of the god on the money. It is not the same one we embrace. GOD SAID make no graven images at all to worship…Yet how many worship money thru out all of history. It is a graven image. And by saying in God we trust on it they throwed the net over billions of souls .. God is a title.. The god they trust is Lucifer… And many will say but lord we believed in you performed miracles and healings in your name…HE said go away from me I never knew you.. Sorry so long winded… last thing i want to say….Is this…Make no mistake ppl devil is in the details. So seek knock never ceasing asking for the truth…HE will show you…

Rose McNierney
6 days ago
Thank you. Yes, it’s real. We need to fight this, but Jesus also tells us not to fear those who can destroy the body, but fear Him who can send both body and soul to gehenna. God bless you.

Paul Mehain
1 day ago
So would one answer against these programs etc be getting rid of one’s smart phone?
fendermarshallblues box
fendermarshallblues box
1 week ago
whatever the “vaccine” is, it’s bad news thank you for your work dr. carrie

1 week ago (edited)
Wow…I started this video and didnt feel in the mood…but after the intro I simply couldnt stop listening…I was shocked.
I knew that medical science was planning things like this but I didnt realize it is here now and they are preparing us, psyching us and pushing it onto us.
I thank Dr Madej for her honesty, commitment to care and her courage.
I will spread this video as much as I can…across the planet if possible. Thank you!

Marianna H
1 week ago
Good information , we all need to warn others about this vaccine. It’s dangerous and obviously also meant to wipe a lot of the population out as in ” de-population” orders via Bill Gates. Thanks for all the links too.

2 days ago

Latrago Kali
2 days ago
Thank you, Carrie, for your courage. I have read about these, too. Shared your video on social media ❤❤❤
L o
2 days ago
Read John Lash work on ancient gnostic knowledge (Nag Hammadi codexes from 3rd century) : the “Archons” use virtual reality and psychic projection to manipulate humans. They can’t become a soulful being like us, so they turn us into puppet-like zombies, like themselves…
Serious stuff, no joke.
David Icke and Jordan Maxwell are not quite right about the nature of archons. Read the ancient manuscripts !

Courtney Cole
2 days ago
yeah get to the point, the vaccine erases all memory, is a killer, blah blah blah
Michael Dorovich
Michael Dorovich
1 day ago
‘When there is money behind it, it doesn’t work. The media is controlled.’
Statement of the millennium.

Kimmer Jean
1 day ago
Thank you for this important information. I just shared! People will wake up to this.

Paul Wyns
1 week ago (edited)
Thank you. Knew most of this already but will be putting this on my website shortly. Whether you believe it or not this has a spiritual dimension. I believe that they think the know the nature of reality and wish to construct their own virtual reality and for this they need data. They need to hook us up to become a singularity. They think that knowledge is power. They want to be gods. Omniscient and Omnipresent. A story as old as Eden and as ancient as that ancient serpent. There will be blood but Judgement cometh. Website:

Kathleen Kidman
5 days ago
Thank you for sharing your knowledge.
We’re having a general election this year and it’s vital that the existing government doesn’t get back in or the other major party.
Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern is for agenda 21 and 2030 she is not the person that has been portrayed globally, the caring loving leader.
I’m watching from New Zealand / Aotearoa.
Be safe people, be well, take care and please be mindful.

SNG 777
5 days ago
Great video Carrie and you made me cry as well.
Human beings are currently balancing on a razor’s-edge-precipice. We only have a tiny window left of 3 months, maybe 12 at best.
Unfortunately 80% of humanity is blissfully ignorant and sound asleep.
They have no idea a tech software guy is now running the World Health Organization.
They have no idea it’s parent organization – the U.N. – is one of THE most corrupt organizations on the planet
They don’t have a clue who DARPA is, and what they’ve been up to.
They think Transhumanism is either way off in the future or only in the movies (even while some willingly stick out their hand for an RFID chip).
Technology is so far advanced now, and the goal is to fully control and corral the citizenry to prevent an uprising, while they go about destroying nations so that a handful of rich, unelected people can create a single government to control every country, and every one.
This vaccine is the first step in full dominance and full control of the population.

Peter Meier
1 week ago
by changing the information in the dna of humanity, they can legally own us as a patented product they created. this means the loss of all rights, all freedom, all free will, everything. by taking the vaccine, you become something not human, a new creation.

political theatre
2 days ago
the rt-PCR tests are not meant for diagnostics. by their own admission, these tests are not testing for any viral load, but they are DNA tests which is exactly what they (the pharma companies who are going to distribute vaccines) want to collect from the public en masse!! the pcr test doesn’t tell you anything specific to any virus, and cannot distinguish between different viral signatures. please listen to dr. andrew kaufman… “the river in the rooster of rats”… on youtube

Ian D.
2 days ago
Why are the powers ruling our lives so desperate to roll this out? Are they panicking or afraid of something bigger than themselves?

Reynaldo Del Rosario
5 days ago (edited)
Thank you so much Dr. Carrie, we will share this to our various network in the Philippines. We have been warning our people about this great deception on Covid 19 vaccine. God bless you for speaking up, we will be praying for you. Truth has to be told.

einstein disguised as robin hood
1 day ago
WOW! UR eyes are almost as pretty as your necklace…thanks for what u do doc…just subbed!!

Jane Lila McKenzie
2 days ago
I would like to see your original to see the references, is there any chance of that. Thank you

Elev8 YourMind
12 hours ago
Beautiful soul🥰🙏🏾. Peace and protection will follow you everywhere you go. The people stand with you. Spread your word of courage among your fellow health professionals and let them know the people stand with them too. Come forth from the shadows the people need you all more than ever. You are the voice we have listened too for our health and now for our safety. We need our healers of our body’s and our minds to come together as one and show people these wicked vile creatures that stalk us all. Be the light in these dark times. Be not afraid be encouraged you all are not alone we can SEE.😎 Namaste. 🙌🏾🙏🏾🙂❤🧘🏾‍♀️

F Post
1 day ago
The high sensitieve people feel this. I know and feel this since next year August 2019. I had strange anxiety attacks. I was so affraid. Now i know why. A real danger. This is real people.

Digit Pad
2 days ago
We need to protect our families from this vaccine. Thank you.

5 days ago
Thank You Dr.Carrie for this lifesaving talk.
We are right behind you and let’s be assured
Christ will be victorious!

Greg Eldefonso
1 week ago
Look up
Graphene Hydrogel Quantum Dot.
Artificially Intelligent self replacing programmable matter that can replace most of the body from the inside out. Celeste Solum.

NiqueEmerald Seven
4 days ago
Artificial Intelligence (mark of the beast) the point of no return once you take that vaccine.

Waterlily 2017
2 days ago
This should have millions of views. Look what they have put into place and look who is involved in it, including the DOD. Remember that it has been set up already that the military will “help” give out the vaccines:

1 day ago (edited)
Carrie – would VERY much like to speak with you ASAP; much of your research and information in this video, skews with what I’ve recognized,
things which might FURTHER complete the picture you’ve painted here – spoken with both JM & JLW this year, among others…..

Tania Perez
19 hours ago
It’s there any way to reverse the vaccines? I’m so angry at myself for not knowing this before, my son developed vitiligo right after vaccination!

Renae Jones
4 days ago
I see they made the video unavailable. There is no free speech. Look up Celeste Solum on YouTube. What Dr Carrie said is the truth.

Craig A Bowers
12 hours ago
They have already done all that. They just aren’t letting everyone know they have been sitting on it. There will be a series of these. Not just one.
Susann Czekus
Susann Czekus
2 days ago
Thank you Carrie for your brilliant explanation of the times to come. What is going on is very real and terrifying. However, we need to stand up against these crimes so we don’t become the victims.
Arrange rallies folks in your towns, cities and educate the people hoping they will wake up before it’s too late.
Much love to all and be safe!❤

Renae Jones
4 days ago
Thank you so much! This is a confirmation of facts shared by Celeste Solum, a woman who worked at FEMA for over 20 years and is very knowledgeable regarding what’s coming. It’s much more sinister than you can imagine. Dr. Carrie and others, please search Celeste Solum on YouTube. I’ll try to post one . Sooo important to prepare. Thank you, Dr. Carrie for the truth!

3 days ago
Oke, listen up people nothing what is happening at the moment would not be happening if it was not sanctioned by the ‘ruling classes’ (Bilderberg, Bohemian Grove, etc, etc, etc). So now, I have a new hypothesis for why Europe, the USA, Canada, Australia and New-Zealand are allowed to be flooded with turd-world barbarians and why we are being subjected to highly processed food, vaccines, PCB’s, heavy metals and 5G microwave radiation. It could be a forced process of Natural Selection, to create a populace who is hardy enough to survive prolonged spaceflights to Mars and beyond. Spaceships and space are very unhealthy environments!

Decker runner
1 week ago
if it not natural then it not life,. Frankenstein it alive .

18 hours ago
I don’t have a phone, everyone get rid of your phones, you don’t need them.

3 days ago
THANK YOU SO MUCH, for this act of bravery and love! We are living in very dangerous times and I really fear for our and next generations future.
These were also been previously discussed by Dr Rashid A Buttar, another hero like you.
Looks like COVID is the perfect alibi for global vaccination, “they” (Bill Gates included) have a big agenda, and they will stop for nothing to get this done. Neuralink will be the next big step in human control.

John Lopez
1 week ago
@ 17:45 , speaking of smartphone App’s , I’m not happy that a Covid tracking APP was installed on my phone without my knowledge .

Javier Valencia
18 hours ago
Wow, didn’t know our DNA carried our thoughts & memories!

Esperanza Celaya
9 hours ago
Much love and respect to you you are a very strong woman I stand behind you 1000%😍

Karin Alliet
1 day ago
Thanks for your courage to make us conscient of all these manipulations !! Bless you

1 day ago
A “dream catcher ” in her room

Shulz Atam
1 week ago (edited)
Thankyou for being brave and enlightening us. Unfortunately there are so many people who don’t believe it. I can’t believe people are so stupid.

Indigo / Adult Starchild
20 hours ago
Poison for people who believe that the vaccin is safe Don,t trust the white jackets Money that,s all what counts.. Criminals. Total control One push on the bottem and you fall down.. Dead gone forever.!! The evil side of the humans . We must fight our enemy . World wide the human collective against evil.. Peace from the Netherlands.

Linda Tucker
1 day ago
😪😪😪😪😯😯☹️😞😞😟😭😭😭😭come Lord Jesus come Quickly 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻😪☹️thank you Dr God bless you and your family

john crap
3 days ago
I have been so aware of much! Over years! Nano & Darpa & Vaccines & Gates & DNA modification! Plus more 😔. Thank you for just helping join a lot if dots for me ❤🙏. I am also a believer in our God 🙏 And holding faith for him to do his massive move for all of us ❤. You are a beautiful person & beautiful heart 🙏 & I cried with you 😭. I’m a muso & just been trying to cheer so many in these times best I can? I been talking with many online that are falling apart? To just comfort them & pray for them xxx❤🙏❤

D. Mendo
2 days ago
Thank you doc for this information. Dont cry. We are all scared. I lose a lot of sleep and cry over this. Hard to think that this is happening to us and that Bill Gates is still walking around. I am sharing and circulating like crazy.

Hirawati Y
2 days ago
Destroy all labs and no medicine crime against humanity by these pharma companies they will make this Earth hell soon

Kayla Gioffre
1 day ago
Thank you for this info! I find this info is so difficult to explain i appreciate you releasing this info and your beliefs! It’s powerful, true, and i want it heard to all my friends, and family. I will share this along as much as i can!

Occupy Palestine TV –
1 week ago
Thank you so much Carrie! I began reporting on the genetic recoding via vaccines, back in May. I’m as emotional about it as you!

1 day ago
Thank you for speaking out. As Patrick Henry said “Give me liberty or give me death”.

bridge d
2 days ago
thank you so much for this! The best job I’ve seen yet in putting all this together. The vaccine is the bioweapon, not the virus. Time to wakey friends.

11 hours ago
in software engineering we have these terms and areas of study: Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence, and Neural Networks. Very interesting.

Michael Newman
21 hours ago
The virus seems to be targeting the male reproductive system, and could cause male infertility. Could a vaccine do damage to the female reproductive system? If so, what kind of ingredients in a vaccine could do that? I see a possible long-term depopulation agenda behind both the virus and its vaccine. Depopulation via sterilization and infertility.

Rolando Jackson
16 hours ago
Rm8:28 and we know…

Come Lord.. we are in desperate times.

Deanna Leigh
2 days ago
I would love to be a part of the group you mentioned Dr. Carrie Madej. Where can I find it on FB?

James Johnson
1 week ago
Thank you for all your hard work in bringing these things to light. Be sure you have a relationship with Jesus Christ. Do not dabble in any new age teaching (being in tune w universe, third-eye, etc.). It is demonic deception. God bless you! 💙🙏

Tracey’s Dog Daze
1 day ago
Thank you, Thank you, Thank you! I will stay on this journey with you and NEVER stop talking and planting seeds of information on this topic! My child’s, OUR Children’s future depend on it!!!
Free Spirit Solo
Free Spirit Solo
14 hours ago (edited)
Thank you, Dr. Madej, This is the most important info we need to know right now. You are doing such a great service to humanity by sharing this truth.
I’ve sent it to over 100 friends and the ones who responded say thank you as well. You are articulate, knowledgeable, caring, and courageous. Morganne

Liz Brooks
6 days ago
Shared far and wide – thank you for being one of the brave ones and speaking out with the details of this. We need millions more brave doctors and nurses and lawyers and media people… People have a right to know what is being planned regarding their health, and to realise they are currently being manipulated. Thank you!!

Rick H
1 week ago
I think this is where the civil war lies, in the vaccine. If u dont have it, you will be denied participation in the satanic dominion. It is true guys. No joke. We got 1.5 years, and they do this to acclimate u to the coming vaccine. I wonder how many people will run to get it just to reopen their bar or their restaurant. Sad really.

Maree Laukka
1 week ago
Thank you for talking about this subject. I’ve researched vaccines and the nanotechnology that you’ve spoken about. I’m awake and I’m trying to wake up those around me. Keep speaking up and sharing your knowledge. much love and blessings. ❤️🙏🏼🌟

Mallus Darkblade
5 days ago (edited)
Subbed, thank you, it’s rare to hear the truth from a Dr and I believe that Trans-humanism is their ultimate goal

5 days ago
Horrified. Much worse than I thought.
So brave of you to speak out ❤️
So the genetically modified people would not only no longer own their own bodies as they would not be classed as natural anymore, but also the people who own the GMO citizens could programme them to attack the non GMO or just about everyone and anything for example.
It’s no wonder the people doing this have their own bunkers on their own islands.
Do the people in our governments really think they and their families will be saved for going along with this?

Mary Smith
6 days ago
This is not my original thought, but one of an unknown commenter. If THEY alter our DNA, then it’s possible that we are no longer human. Therefore, we can make no claims in human-rights courts. I’m with you Dr. Carrie, so scary.

erin cranston
2 days ago
I have not gotten a flu shot in 20 years. I have felt that there is something not right with it. I think its weird that places will give you free groceries if you get one. Now I know my concerns are justified

S RDVizions
1 day ago
Transcendence movie feat. Johnny Depp

Kristina Stan
2 days ago
WoW! Crazy stuff! The government and their control and their lies.

Sir David
1 week ago
Before this film I would have said no vaccine for me now I strongly urge others say no, I have said NO to flue shots for 14 years, the virus is fake the vaccine is real a real killer.

Randy Cosmo
18 hours ago
Thank you for that, Dr. Carrie Madej – a website with (much) heavily vetted information that not only backs up your claims but enlightens on the very psychotic history of Bill Gates, world history and lies we have been told since birth… is: – Hope this stays up on YouTube. They’ve been erasing like a mad-schoolteacher with a chalkboard..

1 week ago (edited)
You have a heart of gold Carrie! 🌟❤️

Carter V
5 days ago (edited)
Doctor Madej thank you for your STRENGTH and COURAGE!!!⭐🌌💜Please Everyone Share This!!!⭐🌌💜I keep telling my daughter’s ,GOOD shall RISE!!!⭐💜It will we just need to have the knowledge of our enemy!!!Then move forward sharing what we know!!!🌌We can win this!!!🌌Remember there are more of us then them🌤🌌💜William Cooper spoke of this in 1992.🌤Stay strong ,and stay focused!!!🌌💜⭐We will WIN!!!⭐💜

“No One Has Died from the Coronavirus”

D. Harris
1 week ago
We already ARE slaves to the corporate world! Some people more than others. Enslaved to the money machine, paying taxes that don’t fund projects to enhance us all, but sure do pay salaries to politicians, sadistic police, Big Pharma. We are not managing our world very efficiently. I’m intensely grateful for educated, dedicated, eloquent people (like Dr. Carrie) who actually take a risk to address this issue, to present some facts. If only our gov’t was actually BY the people and FOR the people – but, no, sadly, because of too many deviant, deceitful, greedy people “in power” signing the papers and pushing the buttons that keep the corporate cogs turning, it’s all about money and power.

Johan Tino Frederiksen
1 day ago
The following ties in well with the information shared in this excellent video (thank you for sharing) :

The Omega Point is reaching back through time (retrocausality) and impacts us now.

The Omega Point (also called the singularity or Transcendental object at the end of time) is externalized as (rogue) AI until we are able to face God within. Following the principles from quantum mechanics what-will-happen has already happened (in some timeline).

So in some timeline we have already invented an AI with the capacity to improve on itself: Igniting a sudden change. This change (the singularity) is at present unowned by the human psyche and manifest itself as AI external to ourselves. The challenge now is to face this leonopteryx (apparant monster in the sky) and bring it into alignment with human interests. Video collage here:

alternative link:

phillipe smith
1 week ago
I’d welcome this change if it was for the betterment if humanity and all life on earth but its not its for evil intentions

Evelien Herman
2 days ago
Thank you for sharing this! It is necessary to wake up people and make them aware of what’s coming and it is big and drastic. There is a big part of the people who can’t believe that this could be true as I experience in my environment. They all believe in what the government and WHO tells us to do because they know, right? What should I know better than those organisations… I’m mad for weeks now because that it seems so easy to roll out this plan. Here in Belgium, yesterday they announced that they have 1000s of people who are ready to take the vaccine as a test. Like sheep they go to the slaughterhouse thinking they are doing something good. We need to win this fight! It’s time light and good wins. We still need to believe we can turn this arround…
1 week ago
Thank You for all this important information , Your information is a eye opener!!! keep safe God Bless you.

6 days ago
Thank you for being brave enough to speak out. One couldn’t come up with a more sinister horror scenario if they tried. I had a lot of hope thinking there were good people with some power behind the scenes helping us, but as more & more days go by, it is looking very bleak. Love & light sent to you.

D. Harris
1 week ago
Humanoid computer controlled! Certainly many people could use some re-programming in their attitudes and behavior. This sci-fi movie we’re living is both horrifying and fascinating. What if we could have a more harmonious global existence? I’m 73 and wondering if I’ll ever live to see some significant advance in human evolution. The capitalist concept of progress doesn’t impress me. The normalizing of war and brutality doesn’t impress me. All this hostility, hunger, desperation, suffering is senseless and stupid. I already wonder if there are not distinct DNA differences in the people whose actions cause pain and horror for others, even people who litter! Obviously not all humans are on the same wave length.

Nolan Crowe
1 day ago
Very interesting, not the matrix that comes to mind, more like slaves. Make you wonder who is wanting this? They are fear mongering every day and imprint subliminal messages. Now, what no one is realizing, they are destroying everything we as people was taught about history. Erase history and make a new one?

Liz Atherton
1 week ago
I bet these “active shooters” events. Were all tests of this technology

Deanna Haviland
11 hours ago
The hydrogels are going to change your DNA, you have NO idea what that means and how that will affect your humanity, automomy!

David Sloan
20 hours ago
Great job spreading awareness of the Cabal’s (transhumanism) agenda via the CVD-19 vaccine. You are a true light worker, Dr. Madej. Much love and respect 🙏❤

Tony Ventrone
21 hours ago
Thank you 🙏 for sharing. You have a beautiful soul for sharing. Sending lots of love from Toronto and many blessings.

Chris Prashad
17 hours ago
Great presentation!
The psychopaths pushing the mandatory vaccination agenda will never disclose the actual components of this vaccine .
I will never trust the dictates of the FDA nor the CDC.
I had no vaccine for the past 30 years and don’t intend to have any either.
Thank you , much appreciated.

Greg Dampier
1 week ago (edited)
Thanks for all you do, sending you Love and Light! Namaste.
What is needed now is COURAGE, the time has passed to be indifferent to your own future. The cat is completely out of the bag and scratching your eyes out! Wake up. What is happening now under an obvious hoax by our employees (GUV) is worse than the secret %Atomik Bumb% manufacturing that birthed the Corporate compartmentalization of that time that has lead to a non transparent government full of lies and secrets that has brought us right where we are right now. Voting Biden or Trump wont be the easy way out this time. Our team their team has been the divide and conquer methodology used for centuries. ONE must adopt an attitude of their own sentience to overcome these dark ONE’s who violate cosmic law, “FREE WILL”. As I have said before. You want to piss off a self realized sentient Empath? try to violate my right to choose, my “FREE WILL” . IF i cannot be free in this realm? there is no reason to be here. So as Patrick Henry spoke in 1775 “Give Me Liberty or Give ME Dearth”. That is not just some trite saying spoken around the July 4th for fashion. I mean that $h1t! I understand that LOVE and light are more powerful than 10,000 suns. and will be the big @gumns* going forward. Many doctors and scientists have risked everything to bring the truth to you. What will YOU do for your own FREEDOM? For humanity? anything at all? Afraid that speaking out now on social media might prevent you from getting that above average pay. corporate job? Fine, go live with that, But stay the #4uchK out of the way of the ONEs who know who They are, even if you do not.

Many claim these are confusing times and do not know who to trust. ANYONE who censors, is not to be trusted. ANY ONE who profits from revealing truth at this time especially, is not to be trusted, Any ONE who brings consistently wrong intel over and over for years is not to be trusted, no matter how many friends or likes they have or how popular they seem. No matter how many times they invoke the name of Jesus or “Q”. Trust yourself your inner voice, your gut, your inner wisdom. Do that and I will always support you. “The answer to every question is LOVE. If LOVE is not in it? it is NOT the answer” – ONE

Liz Atherton
1 week ago
I remember when people freaked out about Dolly the Sheep. Where are these people NOW!??!

One Reply to “Covid-19 RNA Vaccine Genetically Modifies Humans & Turns Us Into Bio-Robot Slaves”

  1. Hi Carrie, just wanted to correct the statement in my first comment here on your pages.That AYI60028.1 Moderna patent from 2017 is ~91% identical with the S2 domain of the covid spike protein, it didn’t have the ACE2 binding domain yet. But there were other patents, like the one from Dr. R. Baric 9,884,895 for 76% of the Covid-19 SPIKE protein, filed in 2015, and approved in 2018. That patent had 4 out of 5 ACE2 binding essential residues in it, yet another patent of his had almost entire furin site ready to go too. I’m pasting here some comparisons between the covid spike and other viral or human proteins. For example nagalase, present in so many autistic children (related to MMR vaccine and the extremely healing GcMAF protein, fact for which Dr. Bradstreet lost his live) gives quite astonishing result (Query=covid spike, Sbjct=nagalase):
    Query 226 PTHGVG 231
    Sbjct 499 PTNGVG 504
    Query 380 DNTFVE 385
    Sbjct 1118 DNTFVS 1123
    Query 311 FKVQGTEGL 319
    F+VQ TE +
    Sbjct 318 FRVQPTESI 326
    Query 90 KNIDAVF 96
    KNID F
    Sbjct 195 KNIDGYF 201
    Query 228 HGVGPLH 234
    HGV LH
    Sbjct 1058 HGVVFLH 1064
    Just one similarity between covid-spike and FSHR, the essential human reproductive protein:
    NP F L +I+ +K L + ++ ++ KV + DNIN+HT
    or two similarities between covid-19 spike and the HUMAN CHORIONIC GONADOTROPIN:
    Query 143 VYYHKN 148
    Sbjct 87 CYYHKS 92
    Query 607 QVAVLYQDV 615
    QV Y+DV
    Sbjct 54 QVVCNYRDV 62
    or to the VMAT2, a vital protein in regulating neuronal monoamine transmission:
    Query 793 PIKDFGGF 800
    PI F GF
    Sbjct 160 PIPMFAGF 167
    Query 319 RVQP 322
    Sbjct 275 RVQP 278
    Query 894 LQIPFA 899
    L IPFA
    Sbjct 374 LCIPFA 379
    Or lastly just one of many similarities between human hemoglobin and covid envelope protein YP_009724392.1:
    And countless more simply mindblowing similarities…
    Now imagine you get the vaccine and start producing antibodies to these pieces of your own human proteins…Amino acids are represented by 22 letters, similar to language.
    There is a deep uniqueness of every protein sequence, which for example in case of GCPR proteins is characterized by just one 3-letter code motif Asp-Arg-Tyr (DRY), and which classifies all the proteins having it to that one family. In analogy think of meaning of certain words: war, hate or love. Covid-19 spike protein shows thus so many little pieces of this, and little pieces of that, cutting and pasting, everywhere. Whether it is the result of intentional GOF, or other processes related to actually isolating, purifying, concentrating and characterizing the ‘virus’ (best with EM or X-crystallography) only those, who patented it first, might know…..

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