Mass Murder, Targeted Individuals, and Gang-Stalking: Exploring the Connection

Mass Murder, Targeted Individuals, and Gang-Stalking: Exploring the Connection

Article · December 2017 with 2,939 Reads 

DOI: 10.1089/vio.2017.0022
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Christine Sarteschi
14.6Chatham University


People across the world refer to themselves as “targeted individuals” (TIs) and claim to be the victim of gang-stalking. The New York Times conservatively estimates that there are at least 10,000 people claiming to be victims of gang-stalking. Their perpetrators are typically perceived to be powerful government or law enforcement officials, who are seeking to destroy the life of the TI (Sheridan and James 2016). In retaliation, some have committed extreme violence. This article documents some of those cases and reviews the limited informational base of gang-stalking. These cases suggest that more research is needed to understand this unexplored belief system.

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