The United Nations Begins its Investigation into “Cybertorture!” (March 10, 2020)

The United Nations Begins its Investigation into “Cybertorture!”

Tuesday, March 10, 2020

Greetings, everyone.

Incredible news! Some thought they would never live to see the day that someone would investigate our claims, however that day has arrived and an investigation into our issues is now underway by the United Nations!

I’ve just now received the above news from Liliana DeLucca-Connor who has been in constant contact with Magnus Olsson as he represented the TI community recently in Geneva, Switzerland for the most recent session of the United Nations Human Rights Council, which began on the 24th of February and runs through March 20.

Magnus who has recently met privately with the UN Rapporteur on Torture, Nils Melzer, is in constant consultation with him as Mr. Melzer’s team of lawyers and investigators begin their work of investigating organized stalking and electronic harassment – now termed “cybertorture.”

“Cyber” is in reference to ‘cybernetics’ which studies the interconnection between computers and living organisms, hence the term, ‘cybertorture,’ which fits perfectly and efficiently with all that is happening to members of our community in my opinion.

Magnus has suffered horribly himself with life-threatening attacks on many occasions for years due to the abuse of remote torture technologies,and is now in the process of assembling a team of consultants from the United States and elsewhere as he shuttles information to the UN Rapporteur and his investigators to assist them in their work.

Liliana DeLucca-Connor who was a key player in bringing all this together plans to join us this Saturday at our Saturday Night Podcast to discuss the latest developments and answer your questions as the UN investigation begins.

The article that Magnus wrote for Swedish publications explains further and is translated for your review in the section below.


GUEST: Liliana DeLucca-Connor

Saturday, March 14, 2020

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More Freedom for Many in 2020!

UN starts investigation to ban cyber torture

Magnus Olsson, Geneva, Switzerland
8 March, 2020

UN Human Rights Council (HRC) Special Rapporteur on torture revealed during the 43rd HRC that Cyber technology is not only used for internet and 5G. It is also used to target individuals remotely – through intimidation and harassment.

On the 28th of February in Geneva, Professor Nils Melzer, UN Special Rapporteur on Torture and other Cruel Inhuman Degrading Treatment and Punishment, has officially confirmed that cyber torture exists and investigation is now underway on how to tackle it legally.

Electromagnetic radiation, radar, and surveillance technology are used to transfer sounds and thoughts into people’s brain. UN started their investigation after receiving thousands of testimonies from so-called “targeted individuals” (TIs).

Professor Nils Melzer is an expert in international law and since 2016 he holds the Human Rights Chair at the Geneva Academy of International Humanitarian Law and Human Rights. His team has found evidence that Cyber technology is used to inflict severe mental and physical sufferings.

“Judges think that physical torture is more serious than cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment,” he told the Guardian on 21 February. “Torture is simply the deliberate instrumentalization of pain and suffering.” These psychological torture methods are often used “to circumvent the ban on torture because they don’t leave any visible marks”. (1)

Cyber psychological systems like cognitive radio are used to interrupt human perceptions and memory. They can also be used to spy on people violating personal integrity which could lead to corruption and slavery in society. Cyber torture is also called no-touch torture or brain-machine interface.

One way to handle this situation is to regulate new technologies and use AI control mechanisms by independent and impartial investigators. The evidence gathered could then be used to convict criminals easier and quicker in the future.

Professor Meltzer and his team are now underway to create an international legal framework covering cyber technologies that can cause torture which previously was hard to prove. In the future it may be necessary to establish ***Radio Frequency Spectrum police*** in order to protect humanity from cyber terrorism. Nils Meltzer also revealed to me personally that the HRC will release several reports on this subject soon in the future.

Owen Bowcott, ‘UN warns of rise of ‘cybertorture’ to bypass physical ban’ (The Guardian, March 2020) accessed 6 March 2020

2 Replies to “The United Nations Begins its Investigation into “Cybertorture!” (March 10, 2020)”

  1. Dear Erick,
    I cannot thank you nor praise you enough for this incredible piece of information. I do communicate with Liliana and sometimes Magnus. I myself have been brutally tortured (even more so now as I write these words of sincere appreciation to you) for the past 21 years. This Behemoth of Orwellian proportions is ‘Evil Incarnate’, pure and simple. I can barely walk 99% of the time due to the attacks on my, bones, nerves, tendons, muscles etc. Please feel free to contact me in the future. Ed Nizolek TI 21 years NYC 212 222 6986 I have your well-worn book underneath my coffee table.

  2. I have been a victim of this stalking torture harrrassing me 24 7 and it has been a ex boyfriend and his friends. They do things that normally a schizophrenic might claim in order to confuse law enforcement.of all levels. I’m kissed I was set up because my ex was involved in every.kind of con artist drug dealing identity theft making etc. It turned out he was bisexual with another member of his harassment guys. He pays homeless people he’s helping people. He also said he was going to make this a franchise! It’s stole my passport.and drivers license and made an illegal copy of a key to He paid some his harassment idiots to move in behind help.. . He tortured animals as a kid and watched exploding. varmint videos and laughed like it was a cartoon
    He never settled down and moves every 3 years. Last.I heard he had raped one of his friends ex wife. They use elf burning and made my hair fall out in2 days calling it a helmet. When I first heard him everyone thought I was having a mental problem. And I was hospitalized. I learned than just to find out how he was doing it so I been studying rfid dust neural dust smart dust and nanotechnology along with nano cellulose. He even put this powder in my makeup base. My hair will have barcodes in it.. He is mad at me and wants to embarrass me. He turned in his drug dealer friends and got off.but blamed it on me. I swear to any one I did not know he was a dealer. He told me he was flipping houses. He gave me a business card that said Edison investments. Friends of his say he’s worse and that meth has really messed up his brain and his paranoid. He and his friends make death threats and.say I.m going to die soon . I had acute.liver failure.without ever having any liver problems ever..Im not alcoholic or drug addict. They have vandalized my house.put this dust.on my dogs my dogs legs shake They laugh. He covered a Persian cat with the dust.and it killed him. I didn’t know what the dust was until.I found out about this stupid rfid.neural powder and neuron I’m am livid that police want to discount me. He’s a criminal. He calls himself The men’s club Doug Cowling Eric Eiland Eric Eilander Rene Eilander. And The.mens club. He’s a topless club addict
    .I woke up after he left one night to him standing over me and covering my mouth telling me to go to sleep. The use the.holographs or holographics..There is a white sticky build up of something.on the top of my head. Behind my ears were barcodes under a pink skin color putty paste. It was also black lines that came from behind my wars across my eyes. This is an extreme cause of illegal use of stalking using terroristic weapons. They have managed to access my cell phone landline and claim that it makes it look.loke I’m calling them They created a xbox1 account in my name using the player name touchetcomet56 and my name. He created it on my laptop. Plus other documents. They use the dark web and are prurient in deep web. The ads where they can make a person look like they are having a conversation that never happens. I learned about that on the Netflix show The Blacklist. Law enforcement FBI via or whoever better stop being ignorant to gang stalking because these criminals are finding out they can commit this crime and spend.less time in prison . Drug dealers have retired and started this as a career to commit.idenoty fraud by making individuals not be able to concentrate on there lives . They steal money each month from the same people. They use any.kind of small cameras they put in your house to get passwords and watch u leave then come.back and really.the smart dust nano technology..Theses people are narcissist psychopaths con artist rapist animal cruelty is not a problem for them. You sick bastards just wait till judgement day

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