Key Document 3: US Defense Science and Technology; Human Systems Roadmap Review (2018, ppt)

TIs: You may be interested to know the names of some the senior-most individuals involved in your targeting, torture, and your unwitting use as a nonconsensual test subject in various terminal experiments: Page 2 of this power point identifies this “Human Systems Community of Interest” as including the following members of the US Armed Forces (AF, Army, Navy, Marine Corps, DARPA, OSD) as well as the ADL (Advanced Distributive Learning) and :

Human Systems Community of Interest Active Membership

Dr. Todd Nelson (AF)
Dr. Marty Bink (Army)
Dr. Paul Chatelier (Navy) CAPT Sidney Fooshee
Ms. Karen Gregorczyk (Army)
Dr. Kelvin Oie (Army)
LCDR Pete Walker (Navy)
Ms. Cheryl Stewardson (Army)
Ms. Josephine Wojciechowski (Army) Dr. Ben Petro (OSD)


Dr. John Tangney (Navy)
Dr. Bindu Nair (OSD)
Mr. John Lockett (Acting) (Army) Dr. Kevin Geiss (AF)
Dr. Michelle Sams (Army)
Mr. Doug Tamilio (Army)
Dr. Patrick Mason (Navy)
Ms. Lisa Sanders (SOCOM)


Personalized Assessment, Education, and Training Dr. Glenn Gunzelmann (AF) Mr. Rodney Long (Army)
Dr. Kendy Vierling (USMC) Dr. Ray Perez (Navy)
CAPT Sidney Fooshee (OSD) Dr. Sae Schatz (ADL)
Dr. Marty Bink (Army)
Protection, Sustainment, and Warfighter Performance
Dr. Mike LaFiandra (Army) Dr. John Ramsay (Army) Dr. Peter Squire (Navy) Ms. Stephanie Miller (AF) Dr. Lloyd Tripp (AF)
Dr. John Schlager (AF)
Ms. Roxanne Constable (AF) Dr. Karl Van Orden (Navy)

Systems Interfaces and Cognitive Processes

Dr. Todd Nelson (AF)
Dr. Susan Hill (Army)
Dr. Micah Clark (Navy) Dr. Mark Derriso (AF)
Dr. Erica Johnson (AF)
Dr. Caroline Mahoney (Army) Dr. Jennifer Serres (AF)
Mr. Ed Davis
Dr. Tom McKenna

SICP (cont’d)

Dr. Liz Bowman (Army)
Dr. David Scribner (Army)
Dr. Rebecca Goolsby (Navy) Mr. Eric Hansen (AF)
Dr. Edward Palazzolo (Army) Dr. Lisa Troyer (Army)
Dr. Laurie Fenstermacher (AF) Dr. Adam Russell (DARPA)

Would it be presumptuous on our part to request that our names be included as unwitting and nonconsensual participants in the scientific and technological reports generated by this distinguished group?

Page 3 of the power point identifies the following goals for this august COI (Community of Interest):

Goals – to enhance mission effectiveness

• Integrated simulations for mission training and experimentation • Human-machine designs for mission effectiveness
• Assessment of (candidate) operator effectiveness
• Operating through battlespace stresses
• Mastering the PMESII* battle space (*Political, Military, Economic, Social, Infrastructure, & Information)

It is perhaps somewhat heartening to realize that, per page 4, the tortures we are undergoing (and the concomitant destruction of our lives) may help future warfighters by helping government-paid scientists:

1) Increase Understanding and Quantifying the Effects of Critical Stressors
2) Develop Critical Stressor Mitigation Strategies
3) Help improve Human-Machine Teaming (Intelligent, Adaptive Aiding and Human Information Interpretation & Influence)

Page 6, notably, outlines, “Human Systems COI S&T Focus Areas that Address Human-Machine Teaming”

1. Learning Machines
 Computational Models of Human Cognitive, Psychomotor, and Perceptual Capabilities
2. Human-Machine Collaboration
 Intuitive, Multi-sensory, Adaptive Interfaces
 Natural Language Interfaces
3. Assisted Human Operations
 Intelligent, Adaptive Aiding
4. Human-Machine Combat Teaming
 Trust Calibration and Transparency of System Autonomy
 Metrics of Mission Effectiveness at Individual and Unit Level
5. Autonomous Weapons
 Systems that can take action, when needed
 Architectures for Autonomous Agents and Synthetic Teammates

… and Experiments Using Realistic Mission Scenarios

(TIs: We are participants in these experiments!!!!! I hereby request co-authorship in the final reports.)

The research focuses on human-machine interfacing, brain-computer interaction, human-machine teaming, Human-Robot Interaction, Novel Human-Intelligent Agent Interaction, and Human Interaction with Adaptive Automation as per page 33.

Perhaps the researchers have already designated robot names for us? If not, I request R2-D2 unless it is already taken.

Page 40 seems to summarize the exciting possibilities that will be available to warfighters soon, based on our nonconsensual human sacrifice for science.

Conclusion: This roadmap may help many TIs understand where we are going, why we are going there, and who has hi-jacked our lives.