David McGowan Links MKULTRA Mind Control, Cults, Serial Killers, 60’s “Counter-culture,” Drug Importation, Phoenix Program, Pedophilia/Child Trafficking, Staged Terror Events, Fake Moon Landing, DHS Police State: All Are CIA Psychological Warfare/Terrorism Against American Public

ETK note: Author David McGowan (“Weird Scenes From the Canyon” and “Programmed to Kill”) brilliantly puts the pieces together in these powerful and essential interviews.

Carrying Out These Dark and Mostly Covert Operations Are Actual Human Beings:

Relevant Epigraph Quote:

“… I was a very minor missionary, actually a heretic, but I toiled wholeheartedly in the vineyards because it was fun, fun, fun. Where else could a red-blooded American boy lie, kill, cheat, steal, rape and pillage with the sanction and bidding of the All-highest?”

Col. George Hunter White, who oversaw “Operation Midnight Climax” (1953-1964), an illegal LSD/prostitution/entrapment subproject of the CIA’s Top-Secret MKULTRA Mind Control Experimentation Program

I. Dave McGowan on Music, Serial Killers and Psychological Warfare

II. Vyzygoth Interviews Dave McGowan About His Book “Programmed to Kill” – February 2007

III. Sofia Smallstorm Interviews Dave McGowan (about “Weird Scenes Inside The Canyon”)

IV. Jeff Rense & Dave McGowan – 60s-70s Laurel Canyon Weirdness

V. Dave McGowan Laurel Canyon and Apollo moon landing hoax SOT radio 6/3/11:

VI. Late David McGowan interview: CIA roots of 60s Rock, Flower Power & Hippie movements (2014)

VII. Two Old Interviews with the Late Dave McGowan

VIII. Mark Devlin Interviews Dave McGowan #43


IX. Dave McGowan: Moon Landing Hoax; The Opperman Report
