The New World Order Is Linked with World Zionism and Western Central Banking Cartel (Alexis and Dankof, 2017)

The New World Order Is Linked with World Zionism and Western Central Banking Cartel

Jonas E. Alexis –
September 24, 2017, Veterans Today

…by Jonas E. Alexis and Mark Dankof

The New World Order Is Linked with World Zionism and Western Central Banking Cartel

Mark Dankof is the former 36th District Chairman of the Republican Party in King County/Seattle. He was an elected delegate to Texas State Republican Conventions in 1994 and 1996 and entered the United States Senate race in Delaware in 2000 as the nominated candidate of the Constitution Party against Democratic candidate Thomas Carper and Republican incumbent William Roth.

Jonas E. Alexis: The Ayatollah Khomeini did not hesitate to call America the “Great Satan” in 1979. He said that “international Zionism is using the United States to plunder the oppressed people of the world.”

Khomeini articulated the term the “Great Satan” largely because he himself witnessed what “international Zionism” was doing to several countries in the Middle East and the West. We must keep in mind that the Anglo-American coup in Iran took place in 1953,[1] and it seemed to have vindicated what Khomeini was saying. In fact, “international Zionism” has a history of plundering “the oppressed people of the world.”[2]

“There is no crime America will not commit in order to maintain its political, economic, cultural, and military domination of those parts of the world where it predominates,” Khomeini said.[3] “By means of its hidden and treacherous agents [i.e., the Neoconservatives and other warmongers], it sucks the blood of the defenseless people as if it alone, together with its satellites, had the right to live in this world. Iran has tried to sever all its relations with this Great Satan and it is for this reason that it now finds wars imposed upon it.”[4]

This uncomfortable but true statement is still relevant today. The Zionist system, Khomeini argued, wants to be everywhere. It wants to wrap around the face of every single country and suck its blood. If you still think that this is no longer accurate, then think again. J. J. Goldberg of the Jewish Daily Forward has just published an article entitled, “A Major Jewish Philanthropist Just Published A Plan To Ethnically Cleanse Palestinians.” Goldberg writes,

“A far-right faction within Israel’s Likud-led governing coalition has endorsed a plan for Israel to annex the entire West Bank and encourage the Palestinian residents to immigrate to neighboring Arab countries. The plan would allow Palestinians who voluntarily gave up all ‘national aspirations’ to remain, granting them limited municipal self-government, but without Israeli citizenship or Knesset voting rights.”[5]

Goldberg comments:

“Make no mistake about this — this plan amounts to a none-too-subtle form of ethnic cleansing. It presents Palestinians with an untenable choice: Leave your home or be stripped of basic civil rights, perhaps forever.

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“Despite (or because of) its draconian nature, the plan was adopted unanimously at a September 12 convention of the National Union-Tekuma party, which holds two Knesset seats as the junior partner in the religious-nationalist Jewish Home bloc. National Union leader Uri Ariel serves as minister of agriculture in Benjamin Netanyahu’s Cabinet. The party’s other Knesset member, Bezalel Smotrich, is the author of the annexation plan.”[6]

Benjamin Netanyahu obviously agrees with that plan, otherwise he would have rejected it completely. He has recently said elsewhere: “We are here to stay forever. There will be no more uprooting of settlements in the land of Israel. This is the inheritance of our ancestors. This is our land.”[7]

Will the Zionist media ever discuss this diabolical plan any time soon so that America will know Israel’s true color? Will they ask the Israeli regime to refrain from implementing that plan? Or will they keep the American people docile and call critics anti-Semites for challenging that plan?

Khomeini turned out to be a prophet. He was right on target. But he was not against decent Americans who were being manipulated by the Zionist system which always favors Israel above international law and reason. John Adams rightly said that “We have no Constitution which functions in the absence of a moral people.”

Here Adams was essentially arguing that morality, which is another word for practical reason, is the ground upon which political and national discourse ought to be based. If you take away practical reason, then you are invariably embracing chaos in the political landscape. Aristotle, as we pointed out in a previous article, saw almost the same thing and even called practical reason “practical wisdom.” Edmund Burke understood that as well, and this was one reason why Kant himself articulated the categorical imperative.

The categorical imperative states in plain language: “Act only according to that maxim whereby you can, at the same time, will that it should become a universal law.” Kant was inexorably borrowing from a man who said that we ought to “do to others what you would have them do to you.” Kant knew this very well, and he conceived the point that his ideas here were not really new. But it was Kant who put serious metaphysics back into the West, when it was abandoned by people like David Hume. Darwin took practical reason away from its intellectual and political matrix and substituted, well, “survival of the fittest.” This is why he said quite explicitly in his Descent of Man:

“We build asylums for the imbecile, the maimed, and the sick; we institute poor-laws; and our medical men exert their utmost skill to save the life of every one to the last moment…Thus the weak members of civilised societies propagate their kind. No one who has attended to the breeding of domestic animals will doubt that this must be highly injurious to the race of man.”

According to Darwin, civilized socities cannot allow “the imbecile” and the “maimed” to survive. They ought to be eliminated. Again, there is no way to universalize this Darwinian principle at all. Darwin himself knew that his theory here led to moral and intellectual suicide. In fact, one can say that ever since he propounded that risible theory, his intellectual children have been living in blatant contradiction. Even to this very day, no one has ever been able to use Darwin in order to attack Zionism. It is logically impossible.


The practical application of the categorical imperative is quite profound: there is no way to universalize ethnic cleansing precisely because it is against the moral order. In fact, no country on earth–not even Israel–can universalize that wicked principle.

Another words, if another country applies this ethnic cleansing system to Israel, then the Jewish community would immediately and rightly cries out, “Anti-Semitism.” Then why is Israel continuing to wipe out the Palestinians under the false pretense of self-defense? Why did Gilad Sharon, son of Israel’s Prime Minister Ariel Sharon, have to say things like “We need to flatten entire neighborhoods in Gaza. Flatten all of Gaza“?Is it possible to universalize that principle?

Let’s do some thought experiment here: Suppose some neo-Nazi declares that “The West needs to flatten entire neighborhoods in Israel. Flatten all of Israel.” Wouldn’t it be anti-Semitic? Doesn’t Netanyahu lie to the West and declare virtually every week that Iran seeks to annihilate Israel? Doesn’t he think that this is dangerous? Why, then, is the Israeli regime applying that same principle in Gaza?

This is one reason why we are categorically against the principles upon which the Israeli regime is based. This is why anti-Israeli reactions are quite ubiquitous in many quarters in the West and the Middle East. In fact, every reasonable person ought to resent any country that seeks ethnic cleansing because it is existentially unlivable, intellectually repugnant, and morally worthless.

This was another reason why Khomeini was against “international Zionism.” Proponents of that system have no intention of abiding by practical reason in the political universe. As E. Michael Jones puts it, “Khomeini was referring to Iraq, which had already launched a full-scale attack on Iran, as the proxy of America and Israel.”[8]

In any event, Khomeini’s prophecy has come back with a vengeance. The Neocons, who are representatives of “The Great Satan,” destroyed Iraq in 2003, destroyed Afghanistan, destroyed Libya, intended to destroy Syria, and are currently beating the war drum against North Korea.

Putin conflicted the Neocon game when he intervened in Syria. They have never been able to forgive him for that unpardonable sin. They are still attacking Russia using Hollywood celebrities and pawns like Morgan Freeman.

What is your take on the Second Letter of the Supreme Leader of Iran to Western Youth, Mark Dankof? You’ve written a piece on this issue. Flesh those ideas out for us here.

Mark Dankof: It is my profound privilege to be asked to respond officially and on the record to the Second Letter of the Supreme Leader of Iran to Western Youth, entitled “Today, Terrorism is Our Common Enemy.”

This message is one of the two most important articles I have read in 2015. The other is the reprint of Russia Insider of a 1999 French Figaro interview with Russian human rights activist and scholar, Alexander Zinoviev (1922-2006). The reprint is entitled, “The End of Communism Meant the End of Democracy in the West.” The original French Figaro piece was known as “The West and Russia-A Controlled Catastrophe.”

I urge everyone to read the Zinoviev interview. Despite the fact that he is considered along with Solzhenitsyn and Sakharov to be one of the three most significant Russian thinkers and human rights activists in the 20th century, I must confess that I had never heard of him before.

This may be less an indictment of me than it is of a decadent and incompetent Western media, which is more concerned with covering the National Football League, the World Series, and American Idol than it is anything with eternal or transcendent value.

In this regard, one can only thank God for the phenomenon of Alternative Media via the Internet, and outlets like Press TV, Tasnim News Agency, Russia Today, and Russia Insider, for giving those who so desire in the West the chance to encounter individuals and thought of significance rather than the simian offerings of Hollywood, Fox Sports, and the major American news networks.

A quick perusal of the Zinoviev interview will reveal how closely its contents from 16 years ago dovetail with those of the recent letter(s) of the Iranian Supreme Leader to Western Youth. Here we see references to “Democratic Totalitarianism,” the “Supra-Society,” “Supra-National Structures and the Disappearance of Pluralism,” all in the service of a “World Government” which has its foundation in “The Barbarity of Globalization [which] manifests itself in many diverse, unacceptable ways.”

Zinoviev noted in 1999 that he was witnessing the “unprecedented dissemination of the cult of violence, sex, and money” as the means of destroying cultures, communities, religions, and families through a toxic synthesis of totalitarian financial control and “omnipotent military power.”

To this I would add two additional evil ingredients: first, the targeted goal of an induced sexual decadence and perversion to produce youthful generations of passivity, spiritual erosion, and indifference to the transcendent values of the ages.

Secondly, one must add the technological revolutions of my lifetime which have made the introduction of domestic police states in the service of Globalism based on the “unprecedented dissemination of the cult of violence, sex, and money” a present and ongoing development.

This is especially true in the United States, as I have chronicled in an essay I hope every young Iranian will read. I have largely despaired of American youth heeding my warning. The essay is entitled, “America, the Beautiful: Why We’re Finished.”

I am convinced that my thoughts on these matters as an American in an adversarial relationship with the ideological totalitarianism of the Globalist/Zionist/New World Order elite running the American government, central banking cartel, media, and culture, completely intersect with those expressed by Alexander Zinoviev as a Russian 16 years ago, and those of the Supreme Leader of Iran in his Second Letter to Western Youth.

Ayatollah Khamenei is both prophetic in tone, and impeccably accurate in content when he addresses Western youth with his hopes and fears. He wants them to understand that terrorism is the common enemy of all those who are decent people and men and women of good will.

This includes the Supreme Leader of Iran and the vast percentage of the Iranian people who have suffered the same vilification directed at Vladimir Putin and the people of Russia, and President Assad and the people of Syria in recent months, by the propaganda machine serving the New World Order and its Globalist/Zionist masters in the West generally and my country specifically.

I note that this is the same vilification being directed against peaceful American dissenters who have risked their families, professions, and livelihoods to publicly oppose the agenda and methodologies of those who have hijacked the United States and stolen it from its decent and largely defenseless people in my lifetime.

The treasures in the letter of the Supreme Leader of Iran are especially powerful when read in tandem with the earlier testimony of Alexander Zinoviev to the Russian people and the world. Each word and each sentence of Ayatollah Khamenei in this manuscript is saturated with power, meaning, love, and prophetic testimony and warning.

The Supreme Leader reminds us of what all Americans, including the Republican and Democratic Party Presidential nominees, need to hear. His letter to American youth underscores that there are 1 1/2 billion Muslims on the earth, that the Islamic world has been the key victim of terror and brutality in terms of their territories, the quantitative amount of terror that has been inflicted in these territories, and for the longest period of time in question.

Even more to the point, Ayatollah Khamenei underscores that this is no accident, but that “This violence has been supported by certain great powers, through various methods and effective means.” The world understands exactly what is being referred to here: The United States, driven by Zionist actors and interests, has joined Israel, the Western Central Bankers, its Saudi Arabian petrodollar allies, the GCC, and Turkey, in developing, bankrolling, importing, and providing the military and logistical support for ISIS, and all of the related Wahhabic/Takfiri extremist organizations operating in Syria, Iraq, Libya, and elsewhere.

Now that President Putin has committed the Russian military to supporting the legitimate government of Syria, he and his country are now being targeted by the same diabolical forces, and for the identical reasons. The illegitimate sponsorship of the coup d’état in Kiev, Ukraine in February of 2014 illustrates this, as does the recent shoot down of the Russian SU-24 in Syrian airspace by the Erdogan regime in Turkey, a NATO ally doing between 1.5 and 3 million dollars of clandestine black market oil transactions a day with ISIS and its oil stolen from Syria and Iraq, oil subsequently brokered to the Zionist (regime) among other entities. It is evil.

It is also duplicitous, as the Supreme Leader says. His definition of duplicity should be contemplated by American youth and Americans generally, all being deceived on a daily basis by the forces who control their government and their establishment news media. Ayatollah Khamenei notes that those with the highest developed skills in the art of duplicity are “hiding long term goals and adorning malevolent objectives.”

The objective is World Government, as Alexander Zinoviev told us in 1999. We may speak of this in terms of what is known as the New World Order. This New World Order is inextricably linked with World Zionism and a Western Central Banking monopoly and cartel. It employs six (6) methodologies to destroy everything in the path of the Beast.

These are the utilization of financial totalitarianism and blackmail, the regular deployment of military aggression, the employment of global technical means of Orwellian surveillance, the dissemination of false information via Zionist-owned Media Conglomerates, the training and financing of terrorist organizations to destabilize nation-states and their infrastructures, and last but certainly not least, the subversion, trivialization, and ultimately the destruction of independent cultures and their adherents.[9]

In the case of cultural and moral subversion, I wish to provide what I believe is a useful clarification of Ayatollah Khamenei’s understandable remark on “the imposition of Western culture” upon the Islamic people generally and upon the Iranian people specifically.

The fact is that the attempted imposition of the present Western culture upon the Islamic peoples and Russia is the same process that destroyed the older Christian culture in Europe and the older Christian culture and Constitutional tradition in the United States in the 20th century. It is a culture almost exclusively driven by Zionist and Jewish political and cultural agents and forces.[10]

The Vice President of the United States, Joe Biden, acknowledged this to the Jerusalem Post when he spoke glowingly of the disproportionate Jewish role in the final victory of the LGBT (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgendered) movement in America on June 26th, 2015, when the Supreme Court of the United States imparted its final legal legitimization of homosexual and lesbian marriages in America.[11]

This mirrors the provably disproportionate Jewish and Zionist roles in bringing American mainstream culture into full Culturally Marxist compliance with the latter’s wholesale acceptance and militant promotion of abortion-on-demand, pornography, and the hyper-sexualization of American movies and television along with every form of sexual perversion at odds with the older Christian culture of the West.[12]

Every young person in America, Iran, and elsewhere, needs to research the Frankfurt School and its Institute of Social Research. It will lead anyone who searches to the truth, not only in regard to the forces behind these evil transformations, but the agenda’s endgame, which is not simply financial profit for evil, but the targeted development of entire populations and societies who become progressively more decadent, more passive, less morally and intellectually acute.[13]

This renders them incapable of identifying what is happening around them, and incapable of resisting World Government, Zionism, and the New World Order. In the West, resistance may no longer be possible. I personally believe that the revival of Orthodox Culture in Putin’s Russia and the spiritual strength of mainstream Islamic peoples, represents the best and only hope to destroy the Beast globally and replace it with the revival of traditional nation-states, cultures, traditional family structures, morality, and spirituality.

I will recommend several articles that greatly illumine what has happened in the United States and the West in the destruction of their older cultural and spiritual traditions. This illumination is critical in saving young people worldwide from cultural, moral, spiritual, and eternal death. It is my hope that both American and Iranian youth will read these posts and contemplate the deeper meaning and implications of their individual and collective witness.

See the essay of my friend, Iben Thranholm, in Russia Today entitled, “Russia and the West Have Swapped Spiritual and Cultural Roles.” Another critical read for both American and Iranian youth comes to us in Brenton Sanderson’s “Jenji Kohan and the Jewish Hyper-Sexualization of Western Culture” for the Occidental Observer. Take an additional look at the essay of Rod Dreher in Time Magazine published as “Orthodox Christians Must Now Learn to Live as Exiles in Our Own Country.”

I cannot prevent or reverse the success of the New World Order in the United States and Western Europe. It is my profound hope and prayer that my painful and ongoing encounters with the haunting tragedy of my personal experiences in my own country in the last half a century, might save millions of other souls in other countries and cultures whose own futures presently stand on the edge of the precipice.

In the final analysis, the prophetic warning and witness of the Supreme Leader of Iran, Ayatollah Khamenei, may well ultimately be judged as one of the most significant proclamations of the 21st century, especially in tandem with the voice of Alexander Zinoviev 16 years ago. The six (6) methodologies of the New World Order I have chronicled in my own humble witness today to young people everywhere, summarize the nature of the threat presented to every man, woman, and child on this planet.

So to the young of Iran, Syria, Russia, and every other culture and nation-state on Planet Earth, I conclude by saying this. Be informed. Be sober. Be vigilant. Have divinely imparted discernment. Be revitalized. And be ready to do battle at every level with every fiber of your beings in the defeat of the Beast and his New World Order.

I believe this is the best understanding of the Second Letter of the Supreme Leader of Iran to Western Youth.

[1] See Stephen Kinzer, All the Shah’s Men: An American Coup and the Roots of Middle East Terror (Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons, 2003 and 2008); Ervand Abrahamian, The Coup: 1953, the CIA, and the Roots of Modern U.S.-Iranian Relations (New York: The New Press, 2015); Christopher de Bellaigue, Patriot of Persia: Muhammad Mossadegh and a Tragic Anglo-American Coup (New York: Harper Perennial, 2012).

[2] See for example Nick Cullather, Secret History: The CIA’s Classified Account of Its Operations in Guatemala 1952-1954 (Stanford: Stanford University Press, 1999); Rebecca Gordon, Mainstreaming Torture: Ethical Approaches in the Post-9/11 United States (New York: Oxford University Press, 2014); David Talbot, The Devil’s Chessboard: Allen Dulles, the CIA, and the Rise of America’s Secret Government (New York: Harper Perennial, 2015); Mike Lofgren, The Deep State: The Fall of the Constitution and the Rise of a Shadow Government (New York: Penguin, 2016); Douglas Valentine, The CIA as Organized Crime: How Illegal Operations Corrupt America and the World (Atlanta: Clarity Press, 2017).

[3] Quoted in E. Michael Jones, “The Great Satan and Me: Reflections on Iran and Postmodernism’s Faustian Pact,” Culture Wars, July/August, 2015.

[4] Ibid.

[5] J. J. Goldberg, “A Major Jewish Philanthropist Just Published A Plan To Ethnically Cleanse Palestinians,” Forward, September 18, 2017.

[6] Ibid.

[7] Quoted in Geoffrey Aronson, “Israel, White House Abandon Pretense of Peace Process,” American Conservative, September 12, 2017.

[8] Jones, “The Great Satan and Me: Reflections on Iran and Postmodernism’s Faustian Pact,” Culture Wars, July/August, 2015.

[9] For a historical study on these issues, see E. Michael Jones, The Jewish Revolutionary Spirit and Its Impact on World History (South Bend: Fidelity Press, 2008).

[10] Jewish intellectuals and academics are implicitly saying the same thing. See for example Yuri Slezkine, The Jewish Century (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2004).

[11] “US VP Biden lauds Jewish drive for gay rights,” Jerusalem Post, May 22, 2013; see also Rachel Weiner, “Biden: Jewish leaders helped gay marriage succeed,” Washington Post, May 22, 2013.

[12] See for example Josh Lambert, Unclean Lips: Obscenity, Jews, and American Culture (New York: New York University Press, 2014); Nathan Abrams, The New Jew in Film: Exploring Jewishness and Judaism in Contemporary Cinema (Piscataway, NJ: Rutgers University Press, 2012); Jay A. Gertsman, Bookleggers and Smuthounds: The Trade in Erotica, 1920-1940 (Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 2002).

[13] See Thomas Wheatland, The Frankfurt School in Exile (Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 2009). Lars Rensmann of the University of Groningen in the Netherlands has recently come out with a fraudulent study arguing that the Frankfurt School was reacting to anti-Semitism in places like Germany. Lars Rensmann, The Politics of Unreason: The Frankfurt School and the Origins of Modern Antisemitism (Albany: State University of New York Press, 2017). Totally incoherent. Albert S. Lindermann would have almost certainly had issues with this thesis. Albert S. Lindermann, Esau’s Tears: Modern Anti-Semitism and the Rise of the Jews (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1997). Jewish behavior, not hatred of Jews, is the fundamental cause of anti-Jewish reactions.
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Jonas E. Alexis
Jonas E. Alexis has degrees in mathematics and philosophy. He studied education at the graduate level. His main interests include U.S. foreign policy, history of Israel/Palestine conflict, and the history of ideas. He is the author of the new book Zionism vs. the West: How Talmudic Ideology is Undermining Western Culture. He teaches mathematics in South Korea.
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Chris Paul September 25, 2017 at 9:39 pm

Sorry Jonas, you are thirty years to late and the man who helped organise and stoke the 1980s Iraq/Iran conflict told me “there is no basis for morality in rational thought” – and according to Positive Rationalism and British Empirical Philosophy he was right.
Khalid Talaat September 25, 2017 at 5:32 pm

duardo… I appreciate where you are coming from and especially living in God. For those who have tasted its tranquility, there is no going back. What I meant with the pendulum swing is Humanity’s sloth fighting evil for the last three thousand years is about to change.
Khalid Talaat September 26, 2017 at 4:38 am

No need for apologies Eduardo. I wonder why my first post was deleted? No bad language in it.
Trakkath September 25, 2017 at 3:36 am

Just search for New York Times articel from October 6th,1940 “New World Order pledged to the Jews” and see it for yourself.
My other post has vanished which was linked to this article.
almostvoid September 25, 2017 at 2:26 am

divine insight? strewth. going back to the middle ages in europe not to be confused with andelusia.
religion from orthodox russia? it was that that brought about world war one given moscow thought itself as the third temple to the world. before the zionists came along. given how the world has failed the new world order will bury the stupidity of nation-states-myopia. that little revolution was confirmed, the new freedom through first rock n’ roll then the great british invasion of the mersey beat and the rest is truly irrelevant history except the uniting power of great independent music. globally uniting local decadence
more sex more drugs. more kultur. it worked in weimar berlin and can work everywhere now
before the stupidity
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wjabbe September 24, 2017 at 5:17 am

Every American should imagine waking up tomorrow morning and as they open the front door of their home, there stands international unindicted war criminal Netanyahu standing there with his 40 armed body guards with loaded rifles pointed at the occupants, aided by DHS security thugs behind them, saying, “Benjamin Netanyahu obviously agrees with that plan, otherwise he would have rejected it completely. He has recently said elsewhere: “We are here to stay forever. There will be no more uprooting of settlements in the land of Israel. This is the inheritance of our ancestors. This is our land.”[7]”. How would you like this American fools? Do something. The arrogant, insolent, conceited criminals in Israel must be taught a hard lesson in bullying.
read more …

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