Are ILLINOIS SMARTSTATE BLOCKCHAIN and White House Programs Behind Organized Stalking/Targeting(?!) (emails to Dr. Eric T. Karlstrom; 11/1/18)

ILLINOIS SMARTSTATE BLOCKCHAIN and White House Progams Behind Organized Stalking/Targeting(?!) (emails to Dr. Eric T. Karlstrom on Nov. 1, 2018):

From: Miranda
To: Ramola D, Dr. M. Black, [email protected], Eric Karlstrom, Frank Allen, Ella Free, Midge Mathis, Derrick Robinson

1) Nov. 1, 2018: 8:22 pm: NSTC/The White House

Ms. These are the 6 committees responsible for all of our targeting. They’re using department agencies from the nuclear, aerospace, military, intelligence, technology, biomedical, research universities, department of energy and military labs, the Universities Research Association 90 universities. IT’S THE STATE OF ILLINOIS SMARTSTATE BLOCKCHAIN INITIATIVE LIST OF PARTNERS.

Please keep this message for me and I sent stuff to your emails




Attached Article: Office of Science and Technology Policy NSTC


The National Science and Technology Council (NSTC) was established by Executive Order on November 23, 1993. This Cabinet-level Council is the principal means within the Executive Branch to coordinate science and technology policy across the diverse entities that make up the Federal research and development enterprise. Chaired by the President, the membership of the NSTC is made up of the Vice President, Cabinet Secretaries and Agency Heads with significant science and technology responsibilities, and other White House officials. In practice, the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy oversees the NSTC’s ongoing activities.

A primary objective of the NSTC is establishing clear national goals for Federal science and technology investments in a broad array of areas spanning virtually all the mission areas of the Executive Branch. The Council prepares research and development strategies that are coordinated across Federal agencies aimed at accomplishing multiple national goals. The work of the NSTC is organized under six primary committees: S&T Enterprise, Environment, Homeland and National Security, Science, STEM Education, and Technology. Each of these committees oversees subcommittees and working groups focused on different aspects of science and technology and working to coordinate across the federal government.

To view NSTC documents and reports, click here.

For additional information concerning the work of the National Science and Technology Council please send an e-mail to: [email protected].

Committee on S&T Enterprise

The Committee on S&T Enterprise is a newly formed committee in response to the charge of the OMB-OSTP FY2019 R&D Budget Priorities memo to increase efficiency across Federal R&D efforts. Current focus areas include expanding technology transfer, improving Federal data management, strengthening contributions of Federal scientific collections to priority areas of national interest like infectious diseases, biosecurity, and food security, reducing administrative burdens on federally funded researchers, and modernizing research infrastructure to support our national innovation base.

Committee on Environment

The Committee on Environment coordinates interagency work related to polar research, earth observations, environmental quality and health, ocean sciences, and other areas. Current focus areas include improving ocean mapping, strengthening aging water infrastructure, integrating earth observation systems to represent both ocean and ice, and coordinating development of real-time exposure monitoring of contaminants.

Committee on Homeland and National Security

The Committee on Homeland and National Security coordinates interagency work related to chemical, biological, radiological, nuclear and explosives (CBRNE) defense, critical infrastructure security and resilience, cybersecurity, natural disaster preparedness, and other areas. Current focus areas include improving pandemic prediction and forecasting, minimizing the impacts of natural hazards and extreme weather, coordinating cybersecurity R&D to protect the Nation’s critical infrastructure including grid security, and advancing sensor and detection technologies to secure U.S. borders.

Committee on Science

The Committee on Science coordinates interagency work related to food and agricultural sciences, biological sciences, quantum information science, and physical sciences. Current focus areas include increasing U.S. aquaculture production and reducing the seafood trade deficit; coordinating fusion energy science research; cultivating a better understanding of low-dose radiation biology and applications of gene-editing; ensuring that the results of federally funded research are accessible to the public, industry, and scientific community in a useful form; and advancing quantum information science.

Committee on STEM Education

The Committee on STEM Education coordinates interagency investments in STEM education and develops the strategic plan that sets national goals for STEM education efforts across the Federal Government. Current focus areas include expanding school-business partnerships, work-based learning, and the skilled technical workforce.

Committee on Technology

The Committee on Technology coordinates interagency work related to advanced manufacturing and materials, autonomous and unmanned transportation, artificial intelligence (AI), nanotechnology, and biotechnology. Current focus areas include integrating drones into the national airspace, coordinating supersonic flight R&D, managing Federal AI research, advancing U.S. leadership in nanotechnology, and modernizing the Federal regulatory framework for biotechnology products.

2) Nov. 1, 2018: 8:20 pm The scheme revealed

MiRANDA: This was all a setup by the state of Illinois and the federal agencies from The Illinois Blockchain Initiative Partners list. This text was found from Phyllis Baxter, Gayle Stricklin, and others about a secretive project they wanted to keep the administrator out of the loop. The Illinois blockchain initiative list of partners under Governor Rauner, Mayor Rahm Emmanuel, the Whitehouse Office of Science and Technology- NATIONAL SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY COUNCIL (committee on science and technology, committee on environment, committee on homeland and national security, committee on science. Committee on Science, committee on technology), the University of Illinois (Chicago, Champaign Urbana, Springfield), the Department Of Energy Argonne National Laboratory and Fermilab National Accelerator Laboratory, the Department Of Energy Office Of Science, and the Universities Research Association which consist of 90 worldwide universities.

Non-consensual Human Experimentation Research Using the Federal Program called Targeted Individuals and Gangstalking, Psychological Operations, Political Warfare, and other gangstalking, mobbing, Warfare, psyops tactics on the subject for the research as they used on me since 2016-current.

Attached Documents:

Smarter and Future-Ready Illinois Continues to Execute on Its Digital Transformation Strategy: Update

Sponsored by: The State of Illinois
Ruthbea Yesner Clarke
August 2017


In late 2015, the state of Illinois made public its intention to be the first Smarter State — an initiative that formed part of its strategic plan of digital transformation (DX). This plan was captured in the white paper “Introducing the Smart State: Illinois Leads the Wa,” published by IDC in collaboration with the Illinois Department of Innovation & Technology (DoIT) in February 2016. This IDC white paper captures the progress that the state has made over the past year as it executes its mission to be the first Smarter State.

The Smarter State Defines Digital Transformation

A Smarter State is a state with a vision, plan, and execution road map to enact the digital transformation of government by investing in 3rd Platform information and communication technology (ICT) and the necessary large-scale changes in leadership, information management, workforce development, operations, and customer experience. 3rd Platform ICT includes mobile technologies, big data and analytics, and cloud services as the foundation for a set of innovation accelerators, such as the Internet of Things (IoT), blockchain, cognitive computing, augmented reality, robotics, and next-generation security, that enable the development of new work processes, services, and products. Recent survey results show that the top DX priorities of organizations are focused on user experience and engagement, realizing the value of information, and running digital offerings at scale (see Figure 1).


Top 3 Goals of DX Initiative

Q. What are the top 3 goals of your digital transformation initiative?

Customer Transformation: 66% “Improve Our Customer’s Experiences”
Information Transformation: 48% “Create A Competitive Advantage In Our Current Business”
Operating Model Transformation: 41% “Create New Business Models”

n = 302

Source: IDC has summarized the mission of the Smarter State as “outcomes-based digital transformation.” That is, the purpose of DX is to meet explicit social, financial, and environmental outcomes. These outcomes can be generally categorized into five strategic priorities that rely more and more on technology to be successful (see Figure 2).


Smarter State Strategic Priorities

Outcomes-Based Urban Digital Transformation

Economic development and civic engagement – Sustainable urban planning and administration – Data-driven public safety – Resilient energy and infrastructure – Intelligent transportation

Achieving more specific goals within these priorities, such as getting ready for autonomous and electric vehicles or managing resources like water or electricity, requires significant changes in work processes, cross-departmental and cross-jurisdictional data sharing, and the regional development of a workforce that has the expertise and training to deal with the fast pace of ongoing disruption in technology and business models. The state of Illinois is tackling these DX challenges at two levels — at the higher level of operations and information transformation and at the agency level by applying new service delivery best practices to specific strategic initiatives.

Introducing Smarter and Future-Ready Illinois

The genesis of the Illinois Smarter State initiative was driven by Illinois’ score in the bottom quartile of the 2014 Digital States Survey. Under the leadership of Governor Bruce Rauner, Hardik Bhatt, chief digital officer (CDO) and secretary of the Illinois DoIT, developed a comprehensive strategy to improve the state’s performance in a condensed four-year time period. This plan had three core priorities to drive DX:

1. Smart IT: Improving the business of IT by merging 38 silos into one, running IT like a business and building enterprise cybersecurity
2. Digital government: Enhancing the business of the state by improving customer services, creating data-driven value, building enterprise efficiency, and enabling innovation
3. Creating a Smarter State: Expanding the use of Smart Cities solutions, guidelines, and principles to build the first Smarter State (This includes using Smart Cities solutions, enabling a Smart Cities economy, and acting as a platform to help all cities within the state become smarter.)

Continuous, Focused Effort

Since 2015, Illinois has been focused on action. As such, it was important that the Smarter State concept was not just a buzzword but translated into real transformation. Illinois took concerted steps toward that goal:

▪ The Smarter State concept and vision were initially shaped by a body of private sector advisors that Illinois assembled in fall 2015. Bhatt, who has extensive global experience in IoT and Smart Cities, worked with the governor to bring together international leaders to form the Smarter Illinois Advisory Board.

▪ In February 2016, IDC worked with the state of Illinois to pioneer the concept of a Smarter State through the first-ever published white paper on this subject.

▪ Illinois convened 200 thought leaders and practitioners from industry, academia, the public sector, and research organizations in April 2016 for a visioning workshop. While this day-and-a-half workshop focused on public safety and transportation, the overall objective was to build the vision of a Smarter State with input from a broad spectrum of leaders.

▪ Marian Cook, chief strategy and policy officer of the DoIT, built an IoT center of excellence (ICE). The ICE brought together 11 agency CIOs and IoT agency leaders along with policy and information security leaders. This team ensures that the execution of Smarter State projects stays in line with the concept and vision.

▪ In December 2016, Illinois organized a two-day workshop facilitated by the Smart Cities Council to create an executable road map for Smarter Illinois. This resulted in a clear road map, with nine key initiatives divided among three strategic areas.

In 2017, Illinois has continued making progress, culminating in an expert roundtable organized by the National Governors Association (NGA) in August 2017. In the past 30 months, Illinois has learned a lot from its peer states. Through the NGA, Illinois plans to give back and share its Smarter State model with other states in the union.

Nine Initiatives for a Smarter Illinois

As part of its Smarter State priorities, Illinois identified nine key initiatives distributed among three strategic areas. As per standard operating procedure, all of the initiatives are scheduled in 75-day implementation sprints for fast innovation, deliverables, and iteration. The three strategic areas are:

▪ Smarter technology
▪ Smarter business and regulations
▪ Leading the nation while building the workforce of the future

Smarter Technology

1. Built environment and the IoT: Deliver a set of quick wins that demonstrate the value of sensors and the IoT to transform front-line services and infrastructure.

▪ Statewide smart streetlighting: A statewide smart streetlighting RFP was published in January 2017. The Illinois DoIT has the authority to enter into statewide joint procurement contracts. Every government entity within Illinois can reference statewide procurement to purchase through these contracts at the state rate. The smart streetlighting contract is designed to bring down the barrier to entry in this space for small and medium-sized municipalities within Illinois. Vendor responses are being evaluated, and an award will be announced soon.

▪ Smart transportation: The Illinois State Toll Highway Authority rebuilt a long stretch of Interstate 90 connecting O’Hare International Airport with Elgin Township. Enough power and fiber are laid out for decades of technology improvement. Sensors in the roadway and displays above it have prepared the roadway for automated vehicles. Tollway maintenance trucks have also been equipped to capture data off the roadway, and this data is shared with the Federal Highway Administration.

▪ Other projects under consideration are:

▪ Smart buildings
▪ Smart fleet management
▪ Smart and connected public safety

2. Mobile and data-driven government: In the past 18 months, Illinois has improved its ability to provide mobile interactions with customers from a meager 3% of interactions to over 30%. With a unified mobile framework and container, Illinois FIRST, the state continues to become a mobile-accessible government. With 23 agencies on the enterprise data-sharing agreement, customer data is available to understand the needs of the customer and provide better services.

3. Converging technologies (disruptive technologies): Illinois continues to look ahead and prepare for disruptive technologies such as artificial intelligence, blockchain, and self-driving vehicles. For example, the Illinois Blockchain Initiative has convened six departments and one county to design the supporting policies, guidelines, standards, technical code, and use cases that are key for safe and effective blockchain implementation. The initiative is also focused on creating an ecosystem of active members to foster innovation as well as educate the community. Ultimately, the team wants to stand up proofs of concept that demonstrate value and solve pain points.

Smarter Business and Regulations

Technology is only one-third of the solution in becoming a Smarter State. Regulations can make or break the effort:

4. Streamlined business platform: A springboard to do business with and in the state, and with its cities, has been designed by Illinois Institute of Technology’s Institute of Design with the Department of Commerce & Economic Opportunity. The design thinking behind this puts the customer (i.e., the business) in the center of the equation.

5. Vertical integration platform: The Department of Corrections is partnering with an Illinois county and the Illinois Criminal Justice Information Authority (ICJIA) to design a cross-jurisdictional data-sharing platform for criminal justice. Vertical, cross-jurisdictional data sharing is as important as horizontal data sharing across state agencies.

6. Smarter policy and regulations:

▪ Statewide master contracts: This includes building a statewide public procurement platform for Smarter State/City solutions with a master contracts framework.

▪ Prequalified vendor pool: Many technology ideas aren’t implemented, or are significantly delayed, because of cumbersome government procurement processes. The Illinois DoIT brought more than 70 technology vendors together in a prequalified pool that will now allow state agencies to start consulting projects within 6–8 weeks as opposed to 6–18 months.

▪ Cutting the red tape: The Illinois Competitiveness Council is working on a “cutting the red tape” initiative to take down unnecessary policy and rule barriers, fostering economic development.

▪ Autonomous vehicle policy: The Illinois Department of Transportation has partnered with nine other midwestern states to build policies for level 5 automated vehicles, including platooning of commercial trucks.

Leading the Nation While Building the Workforce of the Future

7. Smarter workforce: Illinois is pursuing a variety of methods to create a smarter and more future-ready workforce. Illinois partnered with the private sector (GE, Rockwell Automation, Cisco) and academia (MIT Sloan School of Management, Pearson) to design curricula for analytics, cybersecurity, and IoT to build a next-generation workforce. A Smarter State partnership between the DoIT and the University of Illinois will continue to leverage the skills of, and build skills for, the next-generation workforce.

8. Smarter State model replication: Working through the NGA, in collaboration with other states, Illinois aspires to develop a replicable Smarter State model. Illinois also has a memorandum of understanding (MOU) with the Indian state of Telangana to share best practices and lessons learned for Smart Cities/States. Illinois looks to leverage Telangana’s Smart Cities efforts to allow Illinois’ businesses to harness opportunities in India.

9. Creating a future-ready Illinois: Illinois has tremendous assets in its national labs, a strong corporate base, a strong higher education base, high productivity and a highly educated workforce, and a strategic location. At the same time, the upcoming wave of newer technologies (e.g., artificial intelligence, augmented reality/virtual reality, machine learning, blockchain) is poised to disrupt the current economy. In partnership with the World Economic Forum and McKinsey, Illinois is looking to leverage this wave to its competitive advantage by enabling faster automation while retooling its workforce for digital economy jobs.

Early Wins and Progress

There is no shortage of news in the update on Illinois’ Smarter State plans. As IDC tracks the state’s progress, the most important news is the rapid, large, and notable achievements. One clear example is that the state improved its ranking in the 2016 Digital States Survey, moving from the bottom quarter to the top third in 18 months.

The success is based on a clearly articulated strategy, as discussed previously, and targeted projects to march toward longer-term goals. This has included developing a Smarter State team dedicated to strategy implementation. This strategy has also been framed in statewide, national, and international contexts; the state has looked not just inward to its own operations but also to strategic partnerships leveraging relationships and expertise with American and overseas organizations.

Internally, the office has focused on service delivery best practices. Of the many early successes, a few examples to highlight include:

▪ Consolidated 38 agency IT organizations into one
▪ Performed ahead of identified goals to increase the percentage of mobile-enabled citizen interactions
▪ Established the state’s first CISO and enterprise cybersecurity strategy and secured close to 6 billion PII records
▪ Created the state’s first enterprise systems performance management, strategic communications, and new employee orientation functions
▪ Developed enterprise strategies and action plans for GIS, Internet of Things, mobile, cloud, analytics, workflow automation, content management, cybersecurity, and fraud reduction
▪ Established a task force to review and improve policies and regulations that inhibited technology adoption

These best practices have translated into concrete performance improvements as well. For example, the state has turned around its broadband network from losing money to cost neutral, and the network is on a trajectory toward profitability.

There are also interesting developments around procurement to bring more innovation into the process and provide more education to government employees. As described previously, this has included creating a state procurement platform enabling small towns to purchase “smart technologies” at state volume discounts. The first rollout of this type of cooperative purchasing was tested in smart streetlighting. The state also launched its first innovation center. In this context, the state has worked to showcase state entrepreneurs to state agencies to expose employees to new technology and to help drive job creation with state government purchases. Here, too, we see interesting work in collaborating with the private sector to bring in its expertise, including two gubernatorial advisory boards of the state’s largest employers and smart technology providers for advice on digital transformation, plus a smaller council of large corporation innovation executives for advice on becoming an innovative organization.

Key Partnerships

Illinois, via the Department of Innovation & Technology, has made significant progress in working with national and international organizations. The state is working with the NGA to share lessons learned and processes with an eight-state cohort around how to promote technology adoption nationally. Internationally, the state of Illinois was selected for a World Economic Forum partnership to develop and test emerging global technology governance frameworks. And the state has signed an MOU with the Indian state of Telangana to share best practices and policies for smart technology adoption and use.

Next Steps for the Future

While there is a lot of activity, four next steps are worth noting because they provide opportunities for municipalities within the state, and other states, to work with Illinois to advance the Smarter State agenda:

1. Replicating Smarter States with other states through the NGA
2. Working with the Smarter Illinois Advisory Board and the dedicated Smarter Illinois leadership team on the governance and structure to implement strategy
3. Implementing more statewide purchasing possibilities
4. Focusing on projects that save money, reduce overall budget, and manage the risk of trying innovative, new projects

This last point works in conjunction with the other three points because working with other states and the advisory board reduces risk, while focusing on DX use cases with potential statewide purchasing offers savings for both the state and municipalities. Figure 3 demonstrates the potential cost and time impact of key use cases.


Cost and Time Impact of Key Smart City Use Cases

Networked LED Streetlighting 50-60% reductions in operations and energy costs, six-year ROI
Connected Trash Bins 40-80% cost reductions
Smart Parking Daily vehicle miles traveled reduced by 30-40%, 30% emission reductions
Smart Buildings 20% energy consumption reductions
Smart Water 15-40% clean water loss, 65% of utilities cite lack of business case for investment

1Restoring Detroit’s Street Lighting System, U.S. Department of Energy, September 2015; The Business Case for Smart Street Lights, Silver Spring Networks 2;; 3; 4;; 5Water 20/20: Bringing Smart Water Networks Into Focus, Sensus; 04/documents/epa816f13002.pdf; International Water Association ( leakage-levels-still-high/); Philly:; Cincinnati: Source: IDC, 2017


Illinois, the first state with a vision and road map as a “Smarter State,” has made significant progress to scale Smart Cities technologies statewide, working with all levels of Illinois governmental entities as well as other national and international partners. This has been done during a time of budgetary turmoil within the state, but with the full support of the governor’s office to move ahead on the nine-initiative road map. The progress that Illinois has made shows that rapid changes can indeed be made at the state level, mirroring what we see happening at the city level. A key takeaway for IDC is that Smarter States can be a reality and have a significant impact on agency-level projects, service delivery, state municipalities, and the broader goals of economic and workforce development. Other states and state associations should take note and join the state of Illinois. For example, the National Association of State Chief Information Officers (NASCIO) could work with Illinois and the World Economic Forum on governance frameworks, and other states could speed up their own strategic agendas, learning best practices from Illinois.

True digital transformation is happening in Illinois, and the state invites government and business leaders, cities, academics, and innovators in public services, ICT, and infrastructure to join its journey as Illinois transforms itself into a Smarter State.

2017 Federal IT Top Ranking IDC

Lockheed Martin
Northrop Grumman Systems
Leidos (subsidiary of Lockheed Martin)
Battelle Memorial Institute
Dyncorps International
L-3 National Security Solutions (Now Part of CACI)
General Dynamics
Harris Corporation


3) Nov. 1, 2018: 6:53 pm. Hess links led me to the sources of our targeting. Everything is under the Whitehouse national science and technology council

About Fermilab

Leadership and Organization

Fermilab is managed by Fermi Research Alliance LLC for the U.S. Department of Energy Office of Science. FRA is a partnership of the University of Chicago and Universities Research Association Inc., a consortium of 89 research universities.

The Fermilab Directorate provides the leadership necessary to support and advance the laboratory’s scientific mission. This includes setting lab policy and program direction and ensuring support and funding for Fermilab. The Directorate ensures and oversees compliance with applicable DOE contract requirements, regulations, and laws and establishes and maintains excellent relationships with Fermilab stakeholders.

Fermilab’s senior management is headed by a team of chiefs. Each chief serves a dual role, having line management and budget authority to resources and organizations within the lab while also serving as a spokesperson for Fermilab and a senior advisor to the laboratory director.
The Fermilab directorate is advised by a number of committees and councils.

View the Fermilab organizational chart.
Read bios of Fermilab’s directors and senior leaders.

Fermilab’s director is Nigel Lockyer. Access our division, section and center pages below.

• Accelerator Division
• Applied Physics and Superconducting Technology Division
• Center for Particle Astrophysics
• CMS Center
• Core Computing Division
• Environment, Safety, Health and Quality
• Facilities Engineering Services Section
• Finance Section
• Internal Audit
• Illinois Accelerator Research Center
• Long-Baseline Neutrino Facility
• Neutrino Division
• Office of Campus Strategy and Readiness
• Office of Communication
• Office of Education and Public Outreach
• Office of General Counsel
• Office of Integrated Planning and Performance Management
• Office of Partnerships and Technology Transfer
• Office of Program Planning
• Office of Project Support Services
• Particle Physics Division
• Scientific Computing Division
• Workforce Development and Resources Section


4) Nov. 1, 2018: 6:04 pm: This links the Whole Setup

AT&T 1:02 am

City Tech Partners
Civic, Academic,
Become a Partner

City Government Partners

Chicago Transit Authority (CTA)
City of Chicago
City of Chicago Department of Building
City of Chicago Department of Fleets and Facilities
City of Chicago Department of Streets and Sanitation
City of Chicago Department of Water Management
City of Chicago Mayor’s Office
City of Chicago Office of Emergency Management and Communication
City of Chicago Office of Sustainability
Metropolitan Water Reclamation District of Greater Chicago (MWRD)

U.S. Government Partners

US Department of Defense
Consolidated Nuclear Security, LLC
Kentucky Cabinet for Economic Development
Civic, Progress, and Non-Profit Government
Become a Partner
Industry Partners

Industry Partners

Industry Tier 1:

Lockheed Martin Corporation
Siemens PLM Software

Industry Tier 2:

Deere and Company
Illinois Tool Works (ITW)
Stanley Black & Decker

Industry Tier 2.5

Bain & Company
General Electric (GE)
Northrop Grumman
Raytheon Company

Industry Tier 3

3D Systems
3rd Dimension
ACCU Solve Group
ACE Clearwater
Action Engineering
Advanced Dimensional Management LLC
Advanced Engineering Solutions, Inc
AE Machines
Alta Via Consulting
AMI Global
Amper Technologies
Anark Corporation
Applied Automatic Technologies
Applied Optimization Inc.
APX Labs, Inc.
ARC Advisory Group
Arconic Power and Propulsion
Arc Precision
Aris Technology
Aruthur D. Little Inc.
Arysen Corporation
Astronautics Corporation of America
Atlas Tool Worls
Ausco, Inc.
Deloitee Consulting
Design Interactive Inc.
Design Mill
Devbridge Group, LLC
Dimensional Control Systems
DiMonte Group
DMR International
DP Technology Corp
Dynamic Motion Control
Ekta Flow LLC
Electric Imp
Erwin Junker Machinery, Inc.
ESI North America
Eural USA
Factory Physics
Factory Right, LLC
Feralloy Corporation
Festo Automation Group
FelxLink Systems Inc (Coesia)
Fraight Inc.
Fujitsu Network Communications
Future Way Designs
Genesis Systems Group LLC
Global Data Sciences
Godwin Global
Green Dynamics
Grote Industries
Hallsten Innovations
Halock Security Labs
Hapco Inc.
Harbec, Inc.
HL Precision Manufacturing, Inc.
Hyla soft
Identify 3D
Imprimis, Inc.
Industrial Measurement Systems
Industrial Network Systems
Integris Group LLC
Integrity Technology Solutions
International TechneGroup
iSynergy Inc
ITRI International Inc.
Janeiro Digital
Kent Displays
L&J Omnico AGV
Lexmark International
LMI Lonsberry Engineering
Machine Metrics Inc.
Manpower Group Public Sector Inc.
Mantel Technologies
Manufacturing Laboratories
Manufacturing Systems Insights, Inc.
Marshall, Gerstein & Borun
Materials Data Management, Inc.
Mazak Corporation
Mechdyne Corporation
Mercury Maine

Civic, Academic, Non-Profit Tier 4:

Alabama Technology Network
Alliance for Industry & Manufacturing
American Foundry Society (AFS)
American Gear Manufactures Association (AGMA)
AR for Enterprise Alliance (AREA)
Association for Manufacturing Technology (AMT)
Bethel New Life
Chicago Cook Workforce Partnership
Dimensional Metrology Standards Consortium, Inc.
Diverse Manufacturing Supply Chain Alliance
Edison Welding Institute, Inc. (EWI)
Fabricator and Manufacturers Association
Gateway Technical College
George Mason University
Golden Corridor Advanced Manufacturing Partnership
Heartland Science and Technology Group
Illinois Manufacturing Excellence Center
IPC International
Lawrence Technological University
Manufacturing Renaissance
Metorpoloitan State University of Denver
MTConnect Institute
NCMS (National Center for Manufacturing Sciences)
North American Die Casting Association (NADCA)
Quad Cities Chamber
Quad City Manufacturing Laboratory
Rocky Mountain Technology Alliance, Inc.
Science Olympiad
SME (formerly Society for Machine Automation and Control)
The US Mexico Foundation for Science
University of Alabama-Huntsville (UAH)
University of New Hampshire
Visionary Center for Sustainable Communities
World Business Chicago (WBC)

Civic, Academic & Non-Profit Partners

Center for Neighborhood Technology (CNT)
Chicago Metropolitan Agency for Planning (CMAP)
Clean Energy Trust
EVL (Electronic Visualization Laboratory)
Illinois Applied Research Institute (ARI)
Illinois Institute of Technology (IIT)
Illinois Science & Technology Coalition
Institute for Sustainability and Energy at Northwestern (ISEN)
MacArthur Foundation
Metropolitan Planning Council
Northwestern University Argonne National Laboratory Institute of Science and Engineering (NAISE)
Northwestern University
Northwestern University Materials Research Center
Robert W. Galvin Center for Electricity Innovation
Sprague Institute
The University of Illinois at Chicago (UIC)
World Business Chicago

University Of Illinois. Feeling National Research Laboratory. Argonne National Research Laboratory. Universities Research Association. US OFFICE OF DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY. UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO.

5) Nov. 1, 2018, 5:51 pm: YOU ALL REALLY NEED TO LOOK AT THE UNIVERSITIES RESEARCH ASSOCIATION OF 90 UNIVERSITIES SINCE 1967. All of your universities are here Member Universities – Universities Research Association

Member Universities

• Arizona State University
• University of Arizona
• California Institute of Technology
• University of California-Berkeley
• University of California-Davis
• University of California-Irvine
• University of California-Los Angeles
• University of California-Riverside
• University of California-San Diego
• University of California-Santa Barbara
• Stanford University
• Colorado State University
• University of Colorado-Boulder
• Yale University
• Florida State University
• University of Florida
• Georgia Institute of Technology
• University of Chicago
• Illinois Institute of Technology
• University of Illinois at Chicago
• University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
• Northern Illinois University
• Northwestern University
• Indiana University
• University of Notre Dame
• Purdue University
• Iowa State University
• University of Iowa
• Kansas State University
• University of Kentucky
• Louisiana State University
• Tulane University
• Johns Hopkins University
• University of Maryland, College Park
• Boston University
• Harvard University
• Massachusetts Institute of Technology
• Northeastern University
• Tufts University
• Michigan State University
• University of Michigan
• Wayne State University
• University of Minnesota
• University of Mississippi
• Washington University in St. Louis
• University of Nebraska-Lincoln
New Jersey
• Princeton University
• Rutgers University
New Mexico
• New Mexico State University
• University of New Mexico
New York
• University at Buffalo
• Columbia University
• Cornell University
• University of Rochester
• Rockefeller University
• Stony Brook University
• Syracuse University
North Carolina
• Duke University
• University of North Carolina – Chapel Hill
• Case Western Reserve University
• Ohio State University
• University of Oklahoma
• University of Oregon
• Carnegie Mellon University
• Pennsylvania State University
• University of Pennsylvania
• University of Pittsburgh
Rhode Island
• Brown University
South Carolina
• University of South Carolina
• University of Tennessee
• Vanderbilt University
• University of Houston
• University of North Texas
• Rice University
• Southern Methodist University
• Texas A&M University
• Texas Tech University
• University of Texas-Arlington
• University of Texas-Austin
• University of Texas-Dallas
• Virginia Tech
• University of Virginia
• College of William and Mary
• University of Washington
• University of Wisconsin-Madison
• McGill University
• University of Toronto
• University of Pisa
• Waseda University
United Kingdom
• University College London
• University of Liverpool
• University of Manchester

Miranda Statement:

THESE 5 are involved in my targeting as a result of the partnership between the state of Illinois and the federal list of partners on The Illinois SmartState Blockchain Initiative list. I as a state of Illinois employee at the Kankakee County FCRC HUB at 255 N. Schuyler became a Nonconsensual research project for these Illinois SmartState Blockchain Initiative Military and Federal Contractors. THESE 90 RESEARCH ORIENTED UNIVERSITIES FROM THE UNITED STATES, CANADA, JAPAN, ITALY, and the UNITED KINGDOM. FOUNDED IN 1965 FOR MANAGEMENT AND OPERATIONS OF RESEARCH FACILITIES IN NATIONAL INTEREST. THE UNIVERSITIES ARE DIVIDED INTO 7 REGIONAL GROUPS WITH A SYSTEM OF ROTATING REGIONAL REPRESENTATION BY A LARGE BOARD OF TRUSTEES THE LIST IS THE 90 UNIVERSITIES MENTIONED ON THE ILLINOIS SMARTSTATE BLOCKCHAIN INITIATIVE PARTNERS OF UNIVERSITIES


6) Nov. 1, 2018: 4:59 pm: Universities, national laboratories join forces to push Chicago into lead on quantum technology

Universities, national laboratories join forces to push Chicago into lead on quantum technology

Mapping the human brain with Bobby Kasthuri

Miranda Statement: Mr. Ridings, can you please keep this for me.

The Illinois SmartState Blockchain Initiative was brought to Illinois by Governor Rauner and Mayor Rahm Emmanuel. All of the attacks that occurred against me are called Targeted Individuals which is a federal attack program used on whistleblowers. It is being used by federal government and state departments on Innocent Citizens for big data super computers, AI, quantum physics and technology, brain research, behavioral modification research programs on behalf of the department of energy, department of defense/DARPA, national science foundation, NASA, national institute for science and technology, technology and universities institutions. The targeted individuals program uses psychological operations/psychiatry and criminal justice to destroy a person livelihoods for the research purposes to get the subject incarcerated , institutionalized, lose employment, social relationships, financial loss, to isolate the subject. This is being used on so many people all over using deceptive psyops and psychological reprisal, Government, Military, Nuclear, Technology (Military and Technology institutions grades), Aerospace state of Illinois violated me and my human rights for research between the University Of Illinois (Champaign Urbana, Chicago, Springfield). The University of Chicago provides management oversight for Argonne and Fermilab. The combined resources of the four institutions create a powerful hub of more than 100 scientists and engineers—among the world’s largest collaborative teams for quantum research. The university of Illinois does research in Aeronamics, nuclear, and defense national security with the Fermi laboratory on behalf of the above federal Agencies taken from the Illinois SmartState Blockchain Initiative Partners List I provided you before.


7) Nov. 1, 2018, 7:52 am New FOIA request To and Reply Received From Department of Education

I am sending a copy of my FOIA responses as backup. Can you all save them for me

Thank you.

Begin forwarded message:
FOIA REQUEST US Department of Education


This is a request under the Freedom of Information Act (5 U.S.C. §552). I request that a copy of the following records be provided to me, any and all electronic documents, written documents, contracts, research documents, emails, phone logs, research logs, phone recordings, surveillance logs and videos, any academia research universities or institutions conducting research on behalf of the US Department of Education, US Department of Healthcare and Human Services with any Federal Joint Collaboration of the National Science Foundation and any academia research institution (University of Illinois, MIT, Stanford Research, Berkeley, University of San Francisco, Georgia Tech, University of Michigan, Wayne State, Northwestern Illinois University, Columbia University whom are conducting research on behalf of the FAA, Air Force, Military, National Science Foundation and DOD Military (Air Force, Marines, Navy, Army, National Guard),

National Geo Intelligence Office, the CIA and the Department of Defense and its Military, the Department of National Intelligence Agency, regarding any list which my name, address, emails, phone number, workplace is identified on the list, any Behavior Modification Research list of subjects and MK Ultra Research being conducted by the Joint Collaboration of the US Department of Education Research Universities, National Intelligence Office, the Department of Defense, the Central Intelligence Agency, and the Department of Justice, Department Intelligence Agency, any of the Federal Intelligence Departments and any of the academia institutions conducting research on behalf of the US Department of Healthcare and Family Services, FAA, NSF, DIA, NGI, DOD, CIA, NGO and DOJ.

I am requesting this FOIA due to a joint partnership between my employer, the State of Illinois and the Department of Defense which began in FY 2016 for the Illinois State Partnership which includes the Department of Defense, Military, Military Contractors, Military Research Laboratories and Universities, Military funded Biomedical institutions, and Military funded Technological Institutions whom are conducting research for the defense, military, intelligence, nuclear, aerospace, FAA and science federal agencies.

In order to help you determine my status for the purpose of assessing fees, you should know that I am a private individual doing personal research.

Should fees be incurred above US Department of Education and Educational Research Universities minimum billing threshold of $30, I am willing to pay fees “not to exceed $30.”


FOIA Request 32591
The following list contains the entire submission, and is formatted for ease of viewing and printing.
Contact information
First name
Last name
Mailing Address
Postal Code
Phone Company/Organization Email
Request ID Confirmation
32591 32066

Dear DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION FOIA OFFICE: This is a request under the Freedom of Information Act (5 U.S.C. §552). I request that a copy of the following records be provided to me, any and all electronic documents, written documents, contracts, research documents, emails, phone logs, research logs, phone recordings, surveillance logs and videos, any academia research universities or institutions conducting research on behalf of the US Department of Education, US Department of Healthcare and Human Services with any Federal Joint Collaboration of the National Science Foundation and any academia research institution (University of Illinois, MIT, Stanford Research, Berkeley, University of San Francisco, Georgia Tech, University of Michigan, Wayne State, Northwestern Illinois University, Columbia University whom are conducting research on behalf of the FAA, Air Force, Military, National Science Foundation and DOD Military (Air Force, Marines, Navy, Army, National Guard), National Geo Intelligence Office, the CIA and the Department of Defense and its Military, the Department of National Intelligence Agency, regarding any list which my name, address, emails, phone number, workplace is identified on the list, any Behavior Modification Research list of subjects and MK Ultra Research being conducted by the Joint Collaboration of the US Department of Education Research Universities, National Intelligence Office, the Department of Defense, the Central Intelligence Agency, and the Department of Justice, Department Intelligence Agency, any of the Federal Intelligence Departments and any of the academia institutions conducting research on behalf of the US Department of Healthcare and Family Services, FAA, NSF, DIA, NGI, DOD, CIA, NGO and DOJ. I am requesting this FOIA due to a joint partnership between my employer, the State of Illinois and the Department of Defense which began in FY 2016 for the Illinois State Partnership which includes the Department of Defense, Military, Military Contractors, Military Research Laboratories and Universities, Military funded Biomedical institutions, and Military funded Technological Institutions whom are conducting research for the defense, military, intelligence, nuclear, aerospace, FAA and science federal agencies. In order to help you determine my status for the purpose of assessing fees, you should know that I am a private individual doing personal research. Should fees be incurred above US Department of Education and Educational Research Universities minimum billing threshold of $30, I am willing to pay fees “not to exceed $30.” Sincerely, Eloise Adams 362 Stratford Court, Bourbonnais, Illinois, 60914 (815) 450-0096 [email protected]
Supporting documentation
Additional Information
Request category ID
other Fee waiver yes

I am requesting this FOIA due to a joint partnership between my employer, the State of Illinois and the Department of Defense which began in FY 2016 for the Illinois State Partnership which includes the Department of Defense, Military, Military Contractors, Military Research Laboratories and Universities, Military funded Biomedical institutions, and Military funded Technological Institutions whom are conducting research for the defense, military, intelligence, nuclear, aerospace, FAA and science federal agencies. In order to help you determine my status for the purpose of assessing fees, you should know that I am a private individual doing personal research. Should fees be incurred above US Department of Education minimum billing threshold of $30, I am willing to pay fees “not to exceed $30.”

Expedited processing
Expedited Processing no

From: ED FOIA Manager
Date: November 1, 2018 at 4:27:00 AM CDT
Cc: ED FOIA Manager
Subject: FW: New FOIA request received for Department of Education
Good Morning,

I am forwarding the email below which we originally sent on 10/30/18 and recently came back undeliverable due to an error in the email address on your original request form Please provide us a response to the email below no later than 11/08/2018. Thank you.


From: ED FOIA Manager
Sent: Tuesday, October 30, 2018 7:51 AM
Cc: ED FOIA Manager
Subject: FW: New FOIA request received for Department of Education

Good Morning,

You have reached the US Department of Education’s FOIA Service Center. This office and email is strictly reserved for the submission of Freedom of Information Act requests. Please clarify what information you are seeking in order to proceed with the processing of you request. I look forward to a response from you no later than 11/06/2018. Thank you.

ED FOIA Manager

From: [email protected] [mailto:[email protected]]
Sent: Saturday, October 27, 2018 4:20 PM
To: ED FOIA Manager
Subject: New FOIA request received for Department of Education


A new FOIA request was submitted to your agency component:
The following list contains the entire submission, and is formatted for ease of viewing and printing.

Contact information
First name Miranda
Last name
Mailing Address
Postal Code
Country United States
Company/Organization PERSONAL

Request ID 32591
Confirmation ID 32066
Request description Dear DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION FOIA OFFICE: This is a request under the Freedom of Information Act (5 U.S.C. §552). I request that a copy of the following records be provided to me, any and all electronic documents, written documents, contracts, research documents, emails, phone logs, research logs, phone recordings, surveillance logs and videos, any academia research universities or institutions conducting research on behalf of the US Department of Education, US Department of Healthcare and Human Services with any Federal Joint Collaboration of the National Science Foundation and any academia research institution (University of Illinois, MIT, Stanford Research, Berkeley, University of San Francisco, Georgia Tech, University of Michigan, Wayne State, Northwestern Illinois University, Columbia University whom are conducting research on behalf of the FAA, Air Force, Military, National Science Foundation and DOD Military (Air Force, Marines, Navy, Army, National Guard), National Geo Intelligence Office, the CIA and the Department of Defense and its Military, the Department of National Intelligence Agency, regarding any list which my name, address, emails, phone number, workplace is identified on the list, any Behavior Modification Research list of subjects and MK Ultra Research being conducted by the Joint Collaboration of the US Department of Education Research Universities, National Intelligence Office, the Department of Defense, the Central Intelligence Agency, and the Department of Justice, Department Intelligence Agency, any of the Federal Intelligence Departments and any of the academia institutions conducting research on behalf of the US Department of Healthcare and Family Services, FAA, NSF, DIA, NGI, DOD, CIA, NGO and DOJ. I am requesting this FOIA due to a joint partnership between my employer, the State of Illinois and the Department of Defense which began in FY 2016 for the Illinois State Partnership which includes the Department of Defense, Military, Military Contractors, Military Research Laboratories and Universities, Military funded Biomedical institutions, and Military funded Technological Institutions whom are conducting research for the defense, military, intelligence, nuclear, aerospace, FAA and science federal agencies. In order to help you determine my status for the purpose of assessing fees, you should know that I am a private individual doing personal research. Should fees be incurred above US Department of Education and Educational Research Universities minimum billing threshold of $30, I am willing to pay fees “not to exceed $30.” Sincerely, Eloise Adams 362 Stratford Court, Bourbonnais, Illinois, 60914 (815) 450-0096 [email protected]

Supporting documentation

Request category ID other
Fee waiver yes
Explanation I am requesting this FOIA due to a joint partnership between my employer, the State of Illinois and the Department of Defense which began in FY 2016 for the Illinois State Partnership which includes the Department of Defense, Military, Military Contractors, Military Research Laboratories and Universities, Military funded Biomedical institutions, and Military funded Technological Institutions whom are conducting research for the defense, military, intelligence, nuclear, aerospace, FAA and science federal agencies. In order to help you determine my status for the purpose of assessing fees, you should know that I am a private individual doing personal research. Should fees be incurred above US Department of Education minimum billing threshold of $30, I am willing to pay fees “not to exceed $30.”
Willing to pay 30.00

Expedited processing
Expedited Processing no

The following table contains the entire submission, and is formatted for ease of copy/pasting into a spreadsheet.
request_id confirmation_id address_city address_country address_line1 address_state_province address_zip_postal_code attachments_supporting_documentation company_organization email expedited_processing fee_amount_willing fee_waiver fee_waiver_explanation name_first name_last phone_number request_category request_description
no 30.00 yes I am requesting this FOIA due to a joint partnership between my employer, the State of Illinois and the Department of Defense which began in FY 2016 for the Illinois State Partnership which includes the Department of Defense, Military, Military Contractors, Military Research Laboratories and Universities, Military funded Biomedical institutions, and Military funded Technological Institutions whom are conducting research for the defense, military, intelligence, nuclear, aerospace, FAA and science federal agencies. In order to help you determine my status for the purpose of assessing fees, you should know that I am a private individual doing personal research. Should fees be incurred above US Department of Education minimum billing threshold of $30, I am willing to pay fees “not to exceed $30.” ELOISE ADAMS 8154500096 other Dear DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION FOIA OFFICE: This is a request under the Freedom of Information Act (5 U.S.C. §552). I request that a copy of the following records be provided to me, any and all electronic documents, written documents, contracts, research documents, emails, phone logs, research logs, phone recordings, surveillance logs and videos, any academia research universities or institutions conducting research on behalf of the US Department of Education, US Department of Healthcare and Human Services with any Federal Joint Collaboration of the National Science Foundation and any academia research institution (University of Illinois, MIT, Stanford Research, Berkeley, University of San Francisco, Georgia Tech, University of Michigan, Wayne State, Northwestern Illinois University, Columbia University whom are conducting research on behalf of the FAA, Air Force, Military, National Science Foundation and DOD Military (Air Force, Marines, Navy, Army, National Guard), National Geo Intelligence Office, the CIA and the Department of Defense and its Military, the Department of National Intelligence Agency, regarding any list which my name, address, emails, phone number, workplace is identified on the list, any Behavior Modification Research list of subjects and MK Ultra Research being conducted by the Joint Collaboration of the US Department of Education Research Universities, National Intelligence Office, the Department of Defense, the Central Intelligence Agency, and the Department of Justice, Department Intelligence Agency, any of the Federal Intelligence Departments and any of the academia institutions conducting research on behalf of the US Department of Healthcare and Family Services, FAA, NSF, DIA, NGI, DOD, CIA, NGO and DOJ. I am requesting this FOIA due to a joint partnership between my employer, the State of Illinois and the Department of Defense which began in FY 2016 for the Illinois State Partnership which includes the Department of Defense, Military, Military Contractors, Military Research Laboratories and Universities, Military funded Biomedical institutions, and Military funded Technological Institutions whom are conducting research for the defense, military, intelligence, nuclear, aerospace, FAA and science federal agencies. In order to help you determine my status for the purpose of assessing fees, you should know that I am a private individual doing personal research. Should fees be incurred above US Department of Education and Educational Research Universities minimum billing threshold of $30, I am willing to pay fees “not to exceed $30.” Sincerely, Miranda