Aug 24, 2016
Webmaster comment: Given his background and training as a Naval officer with a specialty in Control Systems Engineering and Electronic Warfare, it is a distinct possibility that David Voigts is “on assignment” with the Navy to this day. I.e., he may be a military spy/infiltrator who has been planted within the so-called “TI community” to gather information, monitor genuine TIs, and help control the narrative. This is how controlled opposition works. “All warfare is based on deception,” as Sun Tzu observed.
No one in his right mind would volunteer to be a guinea pig in this “cognitive warfare” (CW)/Targeted Individual program to be tortured and have their lives destroyed. Whether or not Voits is a genuine TI, there are certainly many, many “fake TIs” within the so-called TI community who fulfill a variety of functions within the larger operation.
Ladies and gentlemen of America and the world, the US military is certainly not your friend or your protector; it is amongst your greatest enemies, as evidenced by Operations 9/11 and Warp Speed, which amongst many others, were direct attacks on the people of the world by the US military.
Dr. Robert Duncan, an ex-CIA neuroscientist, who wrote two of the five books that Voigts recommends in this video, stated:
“The most profound crime a government can do to an individual is peer into their minds without consent. The intelligence agencies have become a virus, a cancer, on all of humanity. We have been trying to concentrate evil as humans understand it to create weaponry that attacks the information systems of the brain and body….
Michael Win of the Air Force said, “We have to use it (this neuroweapons system) on our own citizens before we will use it on the battlefield.” That’s the way they think. He got fired for that comment… Every time the military gets a bigger budget, like after 9/11, you have more targets come on line, and they all have the same date when they came on line.”
Dr. Robert Duncan, ex-CIA neuroscientist, author of “Project Soul Catcher: Secrets of Cyber and Cybernetic Warfare Revealed” (2010) (From: CIA/DoD Brain Scientists Explain U.S. Govt’s Secret, No-Touch Torture Experimentation-Murder-Genocide Of Innocent, Nonconsenting American and World Citizens (Targeted Individuals))
Show Notes:
Former Navy Officer David Voigts Walks Across Country To Raise Awareness Of Non Consensual Human Military Experimentation Of Targeted Individual Victims Of The Crime Known As Organized Stalking And Technological Harassment.
Former U.S. Navy officer and graduate of U.S. Naval Academy David Voigts stopped Monday in Olney during a walk from Delaware to California along the American Discovery Trail to raise awareness for a growing group of victims including men, women, and children being assaulted with electronic weapons.
He started the journey in May and plans to take several months to complete the journey, educating the community while carrying a portable backlit billboard capable of scrolling text.
According to a press release, Voigts has a degree in Control Systems Engineering and served in Electronic Warfare and Nuclear Billets. He became aware of ongoing illegal non-consensual human experimentation projects studying human-machine interface, the release stated, adding that “these illegal and unethical projects use non-consenting victims referred to as ‘Targeted Individuals’ to conduct various psychological and physical experiments with the use of electronic warfare weapons that essentially torture the victim psychologically and physically.
“This important social issue affects hundreds of thousands of individuals in America. As these weapons are often used covertly, many victims of this electronic harassment including men, women, and children, may not know they are targeted and are not able to recognize many of the symptoms. Raising social awareness and increasing support on this critical civil rights issue is essential to ending these crimes against humanity.
“During his service Voigts heard a holocaust survivor present her story, then appealed to the group that if they ever saw anything like that happen again to take action against it. This left an impression on Voigts as he discovered the horrific details of this human experimentation program with electronic weapons.”
The release calls Voigts “a true American hero.” Voigts stated, “I intentionally got myself drafted into the program to help me understand it better so I could help shut it down.”
Davids Facebook page at / timeline , and a website at https://targetedindividualinformation….
Original Source Links…
7 years ago
I am (a ti) from IRELAND but have donated $100 to David ,the way I see it if this is exposed in America it will stop everywhere. SO COME ON AMERICA, come on David.
7 years ago (edited)
Wow. Why isnt this guy on TV? He’s a real hero. Have you contacted Jesse Ventura? Thank you for truly defending freedom. The world needs more people like you. Thank you for giving me hope on a particularlly hard day in the life of a T.I.
7 years ago
Keep exposing this gangstalking crime
7 years ago
Thank you so much I have been a targeted individual for over 13 years now.
7 years ago
I am a victim of this crime.
7 years ago
God bless this man
7 years ago
This makes complete sense. We need to STop This
7 years ago
thanks for bringing this to the attention of the country . I have been a targeted individual for at least ten years . I wish I could walk with him but like most T I people my life has been ruined .
7 years ago
My nervous system is a reck from this vicious cycle of organized stalking ”
7 years ago
this is real
7 years ago
Maybe the roots of all this mind control : The Montauk project/Camp hero, the Philadelphia experiment ….
7 years ago
t.i. from St. Louis, Mo. here
7 years ago
Where is he now?
7 years ago
RFID chips aren’t needed. Their using a Biometric Repository (database) for targeting Individuals which is similar to Human GPS.
7 years ago
What is the name of the Human Exp Testing a Human Machine Interface Weapon?
Do you think Targeted Justice is controlled opposition and their lawsuit is fake? They don’t ever talk about the Satanic/Occult aspect of the program or Freemasons, who I believe control this program from the top and in the local communities. I’ve looked into Richard Lighthouse and a lot of his writings including time travel seem nonsensical. Also, he went to Stanford and allegedly worked for NASA (pretty much all freemasons), seems like a CIA Asset.
Thank you for posting this. You are an angel. I have just recently been asked by Targeted Justice to p;rovide a video link and/or proof. Being blind this is no easy task. So thanks again.