1870- Wilhelm Wundt, father of modern psychology
1883- Manic depression & insanity including dementia defined in Textbook in Psychiatry by Emil Kroeppel
1885- Hysteria treated by:
( 1 ) surgical removal of overy/Paris
(2) surgical removal of clitoris/London
(3) cauterization of clitoris- Heidelberg
1889 -(Jan 24) First learned of Mafia’s existence in New Orleans
Black Hand Italians-Frankie Yale
White Hand Irish-Loven
Jewish Gangs
1890- Masturbation treated by means of circumcision. Jonathan Hutchinson
of President Royal College of Surgeons
1892- Anton Pavlovich Chekhov: “Twelve thousand people are swindled a year, the whole (mental) hospital business is founded, just as it was twenty years ago, on theft, scandal, slander, nepotism, crude charlatanism, and the hospital is immoral institution, exceedingly harmful to the health of the inmates.”
1905- Masturbation in children treated cautery to the spine and genitals, Bernard Sachs, prominent NY psychiatrist, Treatise on Nervous Diseases of Children
1911- Eugene Blueler coins term schizophrenia.
1914- World War I begins
1918- Ernest Jone, pioneer British psychoanalyst, holds “true neurasthenia…will be found to depend or involuntary seminal emissions.
1919- Underground of Mafia terrorizes, controls, “bung, sports, businesses, prostitution, ography, etc.
1920- Women’s Suffrage- 19th Amendment to Constitution enacted.
1920- Prohibition begins
1928- (Aug 27) Pact of Paris-Outlaws War
1929- (Oct 29) Crash of NYSE; beginning of Great Depression
1963- Peace will be determined as a precursor to economic disaster by The Report From Iron Mountain
1931- Marcetti (Godfather m America) killed
1931- Murder Incorporated (La Cosa Nostra) killer available to underworld
1933- Adolph Hitler becomes Chancellor of Germany
1933- Insulin Shock Treatment introduced into psychiatry; U. Cerietti & L. Bini of Rome (large dotes of insulin to lower amount of sugar in his blood, thus producing a state of mental confusion and excitement). When used on schizophrenics kept patient in coma for as long as half an hour. Sugar is then administered and he quickly wakes up.
1933- Charles (Lucky) Luciano (New Godfather) made more money than 10 largest corporations in America
1933- Prohibition ends in America
1933- Prefrontal lobotomy introduced into psychiatry, Egas Monis of Lisbon, Portugal
1933- Louis Thomas McFadden, Pennsylvania Congressman, in a speech to the House of Representatives: “Mr. Speaker, there is no real persecution of Jews m Germany. ..but there has been a pretended persecution of them.”
1933- Electric Shock Treatment introduced into psychiatry. U. Cerletti A L. Bini of Rome, Italy.
1935- Hitler’s conversion of German masses to the Nazi faith was helped by meetings where rhythmic chanting, torchlight processions and arousals to states of hysteria suggestibility even before be rose to speak, so the Flagellants, who anticipated his anti-Semitic fury In Maimz alone, twelve thousand Jews were killed or committed suicide. The arrival of a procession of Flagellants would often be the signal for a massacre* 8
1936- Social Security goes into effect – people were promised the SS# would be used for nothing other than SS identification
1936 – Bugsy Siegel goes to California- extortion rackets controlled screen actors guild/Luciano convicted on prostitution charges.
1939- World War II began. First Gas Chambers built in mental hospitals/Germany- National Socialist’s euthanasia program begins on Hitler’s orders
1940- Black jazz & soger, controlled by Mafia
1940- Mafia leaden are not able to be convicted for murder and extortion, etc., but were convicted on income tax evasion. (History of difficulty of gathering evidence when powerful underground corruption involved. Pattern continues today m the 90a.
1941- George H. Stevenson, President of American Psychiatric Association, declares that “This challenge (to prevent the occurrence of wars) comes to us because of the close relationship between the eooJogica] factors as
1941-(Dec7) 1941- (Dec 8) US 1941- (Dec 11) US Italy
1941- (Dec 1 1) Germany & Italy
USin Germany of Jews in the
1941- Mafia stole ration stamps -$ 1.0 million m one deal alone (this behavior continues to this dav with •dergr
1942- Mafia sabotages Normandy- FBI investigated 760 leads • no sign of sabotage • nobody talked.. .Luciano convinced US Naval Intelligence Deeds Mafia in war as a result of 121 Merchant ships lost Navy got a wall of silence when tried to get mformanon. Mob big in sabotage, espionage, terrorism. The Military Oper ati ons Underwork) & Mafia married. Mussolmi cracked down on Mafia so America Mafia disliked Mussolini. Command’ Hoffendeo in charge of Operation Underworld May 12, 1942 Luciano transferred to a h prison because of his help with the war 1
i to talk on the docks after a after a
194 1- Pavlov’s Conditioned Reflexes in Psychiatry helped to understand behavior patterns observed by
1943- (Oct 13) Italy declares war on Germany; Mussolini regime collapses called Operation
1943- Philadelphia Experiment – Camouflage vetopment – Mauve Flux Fields The Eldridge
vanished – tailors developed wrenching i
rransdimensional phenomenon >
reduced to laboratory animals.
Log Book of Eldridge Missing – (Used Unified Field Theory ) Traveling Magnetic Canopy • Fog Eldridge Hides under this and ‘
1943- (Jury 26) Mussolini Operation Husky. Mafia helped men of respect helped Dons.
1943- (Oct 13) Italy declares war c
1944- 1956 Halcyon period (refers to period of
1945- Hiroshima (Atomic Bomb) End of World Warn
1945- (Aug 9>A Bomb dropped on Nagasaki. Japan
1945- Albert Deutsch undertakes “…a journalistic mrvey of state mental hospitals.. .and rivaled tbe horrors of tbe Nazi concentration camps.”
1946- Brock Chisnotm, Director of General Medical Services in the Army during World War II, and General Secretary of the United
|| National World Health Organization: -With the •st human sciences, psychiatry must now decide at is to be the immediate future of tbe human
: else <
And this is the prune
1946- Day after Christmas Mafia opened 1 Hotel in Las Vegas believing that the desert was a place to control fpmMiwg and walk n the right side of the law. $6.0 m $5.0 1
1947- (June 20) Bugsy Siegel (Mafia Leader in California) assassinator! in Beverly Hills, CA
1947- National Securities Act (CIA) Note that there is a 20 year delay due to secrecy of this act in what can be <
1947- Taft Hartley Labor Bill Passes
1947- Al Capoae (Scarfaoe) died of Syphilis
1948- Tbe Nuremberg Code was implemented as a result of judgment in U.S. v. Karl Brandt, Trials of War Criminals Before the Nurenbcrg Military Tribunals
1940- Freud found that affectless memories, memories without any release of emotion, were almost useless, meaning that unless a doctor could get his patients to relive the emotions originally associated with a repressed experience that had caused a neurosis, the mere fact of his remembering the e xp eiience would not constitute a cure. Sadler defined "abreaction " as a "process of reviving the memory of a repressed unpleasant experience and
and action the emotion to it, thereby relieving the personality of its
to integrate the that most psychopathology is intrapsychic conflict of the
1940- Drugs used to make patient relive episode of war and then he would have subsequent collapse. Individuals were given "front-line sedation" using same general rule applied to human subjects who had temporarily broken down under battle and bombing stress.
194 1- Pavlov's "Experimental Neurosis" published in T
I as a precursor to
1920- McDougall gave criticism to Morton Pnnce and speculated that his involvement with Miss Beauchamp which included long and intimate dealings and frequent use of hypnosis may have molded the course of the development of her disorder (This claim will emerge agam 70 years later m 1991 through the FMS society.)
1920- Conspicuous absence of any theoretical explanations and i
1920- William]
abreaction was often a far more efficient means of curing a war neurotic than simple suggestion under hypnosis. "Suggestion removes the symptoms, but abreaction removes the cause of the symptoms by producing fully adequate re-association." 66
1926- The "monad" hypothesis introduced by McDougall (1926) added significant support to the argument for the inherent multiplicity of the self. The rote of conflict in weakening the individual's ancgntv aliowed the -subordinate selves' to gam
1920- Behsviorists Domination for next SO
2. The environment molds ocbavior
3. Explanations of behavior based on
Believed that a stimulus that signals some other develop the ability to evoke strong
1926- James Cameron, M.D one of the I
at John Hoptmi Hospital m BtJum^Ma^iaDd He used illicit methods of behavior modification m research sponsored by project MKULTRA sponsored by the CIA • Dr. Cameron held the following trues over the period oft conrhictnd experiments on humans:
President of Canadian Psychiatric