Feb. 10, 2025
Webmaster’s Introduction: Operation Mind Control Researcher’s Edition (1994) by Walter Bowart is perhaps the most useful, complete and insightful work I have found on the history and applications of mind control. The following three timelines are included in his Appendix E, Part II. I reproduce them here because this book is extremely rare and some of the pdf versions of it available online are difficult to read. These timelines provide valuable context for when and how these technologies and operations have been rolled out on a mostly unsuspecting public.
Of course, all timelines are necessarily selective and can only give a snapshot of history. Thus, information included in the timelines below is considerably bolstered by information presented in 2 timelines I have already published that emphasize the enormous British contribution to mind control and the importance of UFO cults, among other factors:
From: Operation Mind Control Researcher’s Edition (1994) by Walter Bowart
1862- Wilhelm Wundt, father of modern, experimental psychology, offered the first course ever taught in scientific psychology at the University of Heidelberg (Germany). He is thought by some to have connections with the Illuminati (German secret society).
1883- Manic depression & insanity including dementia defined in Textbook in Psychiatry by Emil Kroeppel
1885- Hysteria treated by:
(1) surgical removal of overies/Paris
(2) surgical removal of clitoris/London
(3) cauterization of clitoris- Heidelberg
1889 -(Jan 24) First learned of Mafia’s existence in New Orleans
Black Hand Italians-Frankie Yale
White Hand Irish-Loven
Jewish Gangs
1890- Masturbation treated by means of circumcision. Jonathan Hutchinson of President Royal College of Surgeons
1892- Anton Pavlovich Chekhov: “Twelve thousand people are swindled a year, the whole (mental) hospital business is founded, just as it was twenty years ago, on theft, scandal, slander, nepotism, crude charlatanism, and the hospital is immoral institution, exceedingly harmful to the health of the inmates.”
1905- Masturbation in children treated cautery to the spine and genitals, Bernard Sachs, prominent NY psychiatrist, Treatise on Nervous Diseases of Children
1911- Eugene Blueler coins term schizophrenia.
1914- World War I begins
1918- Ernest Jones, pioneer British psychoanalyst, holds “true neurasthenia…will be found to depend or involuntary seminal emissions”.
1919- Underground of Mafia terrorizes, controls, gambling, sports, businesses, prostitution, ography, etc.
1920- Women’s Suffrage- 19th Amendment to Constitution enacted.
1920- Prohibition begins
1928- (Aug 27) Pact of Paris- Outlaws War
1929- (Oct 29) Crash of NYSE; beginning of Great Depression
1963- Peace will be determined as a precursor to economic disaster by The Report From Iron Mountain
1931- Marcetti (Godfather in America) killed
1931- Murder Incorporated (La Cosa Nostra) killer available to underworld
1933- Adolph Hitler becomes Chancellor of Germany
1933- Insulin Shock Treatment introduced into psychiatry; U. Cerietti & L. Bini of Rome (large doses of insulin to lower amount of sugar in his blood, thus producing a state of mental confusion and excitement). When used on schizophrenics kept patient in coma for as long as half an hour. Sugar is then administered and he quickly wakes up.
1933- Charles (Lucky) Luciano (New Godfather) made more money than 10 largest corporations in America
1933- Prohibition ends in America
1933- Prefrontal lobotomy introduced into psychiatry, Egas Monis of Lisbon, Portugal
1933- Louis Thomas McFadden, Pennsylvania Congressman, in a speech to the House of Representatives: “Mr. Speaker, there is no real persecution of Jews in Germany. ..but there has been a pretended persecution of them.”
1933- Electric Shock Treatment introduced into psychiatry. U. Cerletti A L. Bini of Rome, Italy.
1935- Hitler’s conversion of German masses to the Nazi faith was helped by meetings where rhythmic chanting, torchlight processions and arousals to states of hysteria suggestibility even before he rose to speak, so the Flagellants, who anticipated his anti-Semitic fury. In Mainz alone, twelve thousand Jews were killed or committed suicide. The arrival of a procession of Flagellants would often be the signal for a massacre.
1936- Social Security goes into effect – people were promised the SS# would be used for nothing other than SS identification.
1936- Bugsy Siegel goes to California- extortion rackets controlled screen actors guild/Lucky Luciano convicted on prostitution charges.
1939- World War II began. First Gas Chambers built in mental hospitals/Germany- National Socialist’s euthanasia program begins on Hitler’s orders.
1940- Black jazz & singer, controlled by Mafia
1940- Mafia leaders are not able to be convicted for murder and extortion, etc., but were convicted on income tax evasion. (History of difficulty of gathering evidence when powerful underground corruption involved. Pattern continues today in the 90s).
1941- George H. Stevenson, President of American Psychiatric Association, declares that “This challenge (to prevent the occurrence of wars) comes to us because of the close relationship between the etiological factors as seen in the individual psychosis and the internal psychosis war.”
1941-(Dec 7) Pearl Harbor attacked.
1941- (Dec 8) US declares war on Japan
1941- (Dec 11) US declares war on Germany and Italy
1941- (Dec 11) Germany & Italy declare war on US
1941- the gassing of mental patients in Germany stops and systematic gassing of Jews in the East starts
(Note: Many question this narrative today).
1941- Mafia stole ration stamps- $1.0 million in one deal alone (this behavior continues to this day with the underground activity of selling ration stamps)
1942- Mafia sabotages Normandy- FBI investigated 760 leads • no sign of sabotage • nobody talked.. . Luciano convinced US Naval Intelligence needs Mafia in war as a result of 121 Merchant ships lost Navy got a wall of silence when tried to get informtion. Mob big in sabotage, espionage, terrorism. The Military Operations Underworld & Mafia married. Mussolmi cracked down on Mafia so American Mafia disliked Mussolini. Commander Hoffenden in charge of Operation Underworld May 12, 1942. Luciano transferred to a better prison because of his help with the war then the
people were willing to talk on the docks after a long silence. People had code names.
1941- Pavlov’s Conditioned Reflexes in Psychiatry helped to understand behavior patterns observed by
1942- Growing Spy Mania in America
1943- Initiated black market sold American Military Supplies
1943- (Oct 13) Italy declares war on Germany; Mussolini regime collapses called Operation
1943- Philadelphia Experiment – Camouflage development – Massive Flux Fields- The Eldridge vanished – sailors developed wrenching sickness- transdimensional phenomenon – reduced to laboratory animals.
Log Book of Eldridge Missing – (Used Unified Field Theory ) Traveling Magnetic Canopy • Fog Eldridge Hides under this and vanishes.’
1943- (July 26) Mussolini regime collapses – Operation Husky. Mafia helped Operation- Local men of respect helped Dons.
1943- (Oct 13) Italy declares war on Germany.
1944- 1956 Halcyon period (refers to period of peace and tranquility)
1945- Hiroshima (Atomic Bomb) End of World War II
1945- (Aug 9, A Bomb dropped on Nagasaki, Japan
1945- Albert Deutsch undertakes “…a journalistic survey of state mental hospitals.. .and rivaled the horrors of the Nazi concentration camps.”
1946- Brock Chisholm, Director of General Medical Services in the Army during World War II, and General Secretary of the United National World Health Organization: “With the other human sciences, psychiatry must now decide what is to be the immediate future of the human race. No one else can. This is the prime responsibility of Psychiatry.”
1946- Day after Christmas Mafia opened Flamingo Hotel in Las Vegas believing that the desert was a place to control gambling and walk on the right side of the law. $6.0m, $50 m over budget – closed down after one month. Re-opened in 1947.
1947- (June 20) Bugsy Siegel (Mafia Leader in California) assassinated! in Beverly Hills, CA
1947- National Securities Act (CIA) Note that there is a 20-year delay due to secrecy of this act in what can be discussed.
1947- Taft Hartley Labor Bill Passes
1947- Al Capone (Scarface) died of Syphilis
1948- The Nuremberg Code was implemented as a result of judgment in U.S. v. Karl Brandt, Trials of War Criminals Before the Nuremberg Military Tribunals. Experimentation on humans should have ended.
1950- Korea War (Referred to at the time as a Police Action).
1950- Between 1950 and 1974 when the United States Federal Government (CIA) sponsored research on medical torture of victims through Behavior modification, United States Government consulted with, hired and worked closely with top Psychiatrists in America who were contributors to methods of extracting and methods of eradicating memories from individuals’ brains. These were done on subjects who were not aware that they were being medically tortured or manipulated for the purpose of mind control. A great number of Universities participated in these studies. Some have made public apologies.
One of the these organizations was the Society for the Study of Human Ecology. Others were panels and groups with the military. Hospitals and universities in the United States that participated can be found in the books referenced under mind control. Survivors that began to emerge from the mental healh system in late 1970s detail the abuses used for medical research. These victims are part of a programmed group of slaves being used in the underground for pornography, drug trafficking, prostitution, and assassinations.
1951- (Oct 9) WWII formally concluded by USA and Germany
1952- Puerto Rico first independent commonwealth.
1952- First H bomb, Eniwetok Atoll
1952- Tranquilizing drugs introduced into psychiatric practice, new chemical method for controlling patients in mental hospitals. Belief that the use of these pharmacologic agents lends support to the belief that psychiatric disorders are medical diseases curable by specific drugs.
1954- U.S. Secretary of Defense announces Special Committee to study how prisoners of war could be trained to resist brainwashing.
1955- Egas Moniz awarded Nobel Prize for Physiology for treatment of Schizophrenia by prefrontal lobotomy (ice picks were used).
1955- CIA spychiatrist, Dr. Louis Jolyon West, An Evaluation of Sub-coma Insulin Therapy, American Journal of Psychiatry
1955- (August) U.S. Secretary of Defense receives report from Special committee studying brainwashing.
1956- H Bomb Bikini Island.
1957- Modern Psychiatry is given a card of admission to aid in classifying those who should be held criminally responsible and those who should be treated as psychologically or emotionally disordered. The Durham Charter is a bill of rights for psychiatry.
1957- U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia declares that “if …(the defendant) has a mental illness hospitalization would serve the dual purpose of giving him the treatment required for his illness and keeping him confined until it would be safe to release him.”
1957- Society for Investigation of Human Ecology approved Dr. Ewen Cameron proposal. Cameron sent by APA to Nuremberg to evaluate Nazi, Hermann Hess.
1957- Wilhelm Reich dies in prison. He was placed into prison the year before after the FDA tried on many occasions to shut down his operation of collecting “Orgone Energy”. Dr. Cameron who was himself doing medical torture treatment initiated the investigation on Reich. Dr. Cameron was then the President of the American Psychiatric Association. Reich’s experiments were of interest to the government and may have threatened “national security.”
1958- (Jan 31) The first U.S. space satellite is launched by army at Cape Canaveral.
1958- Satellite “Vanguard I” is launched by U.S. Navy
1958- “Explorer II” is launched by U.S. Army
1958- “Nautilus” & “Skate” 1959- U.S. Navy launches Vanguard weather satellite.
1958- Edward Hunter testifies before the House Committee on Un-American Activities on communist weapon of brainwashing. (See Chapter 3)
1959- Jupiter Missile (with Able and Baker monkeys) launched.
1961- John F. Kennedy begins office as US President
1961- U.S. Peace Corps begins to serve underdeveloped countries
1961- Iron Mountain Project
1961- Constitutional Rights of the Mentally ill
1961- “Bay of Pigs” – CIA/Mafia connections
1962- President Kennedy announces Soviet Union has military bases in Cuba.
1962- Supreme Court declares narcotic addiction a disease.
1962- U.S. Supreme Court rules recitation of prayers in public schools is unconstitutional.
1962- U.S. establishes Military Assistance Command in South Vietnam
1963 – Iron Mountain Project starts (Harry S Truman Center for Advanced Peace) Hudson Group, Rand Corporation & others. Noteworthy is their interest that movies can promulgate theories.
ET then a series of Nightmare movies started around 1978- also …the draft could be defended as a control device over unsettling elements of society.
1963- President John F. Kennedy requests a new type of facility to return mental health care to the mainstream of American Medicine. Community Mental Health begins.
1963- President John F. Kennedy announces USSR has military bases in Cuba. (sic. this occurred in 1961)
1963- (Aug 28) Mass Civil Rights Rally in Washington, DC
1963- (Nov. 22) President John F. Assassinated
1964- (July 2) President Lyndon Johnson signs Civil Rights Bill.
1965- Communist China explodes second A bomb.
1965- Pope Paul visits US.
1965- U.S. Rocket Ranger 1 followed by Ranger 9
1965- First commercial satellites launched from Cape Kennedy.
1. Economic, a) A comprehensive social-welfare program, directed toward maximum improvement of general conditions of human life, b) A giant open-end space research program, aimed at unreachable targets, c) A permanent, ritualized, ultra-elaborate disarmament inspection system, and variants of such a system.
2. Political, a) An omnipresent, virtually omnipotent international police force, b) An established and recognized extraterrestrial menace, c) Massive global environmental pollution d) Fictitious alternate enemies [emphasis added.]
3. Sociological, Control Function, a) Programs generally derived from the Peace Corps model, b) A modem sophisticated form of slavery.
4. Motivational function, a) Intensified environmental pollution, b) New religions or other mythologies, c) Socially oriented blood games, d) Combination forms.
5. Cultural. No replacement institution offered. Scientific. The secondary requirements of the space research, social welfare, and/or eugenics programs.
1966- (Jan 17) H-Bomb Ion over Spain in U.S. Air Collision- recovered in Palomares
1966- Freedom of Information Act – requiring record* of U.S. Government agencies be made available to the public.
1966- Lyndon Johnson …”the Alcoholic suffers from a disease”
1966- (Aug.) Iron Mountain Project on the possibility and desirability of peace finished.
1966- (Oct 6) LSD declared illegal
1967- Siuh Tsung-hwa, communist China’s foremost neuropcychiatrist: “neurosis and psychoses do not exist here, not even paranoia”
1967- Suicide is seen by Psychiatry as manifestation of emotional illness
1967- American Psychiatric Association declares “restraints may be imposed from within by pharmacological means by locking the door of a ward.”
1967- George Stevenson, former President of the American Psychiatric Association, asserts that.. “war behavior results basically from emotional disturbance.”
1968- (April 4) Nobel laureate Dr. Martin Luther King assassinated by James Earl Ray aka Eric Starve Cult. Evidence: FBI attempts to discredit King.
1968- (June 5) Senator Robert Kennedy assassinated by Sirhan B. Sirhan.
1969- 1977- Kohlberg began to look at method of moral reasoning
1969- William Jennings Brian, M.D. psychiatrist for Sirhan B. Sirhan. California Stale Medical Examiners found Dr. Brian guilty of “unprofessional conduct involving four cases of sexual molestation of female patients,” he was given 5 years of probation.
1967- Dr. Louis Jolyon West Dissociative Reaction; Comprehensive Textbook of Psychiatry
1970- Presidential commission on pornography proposed that sexually explicit material (pornography) was not only harmless but perhaps probably had therapeutic relief value for society. (Public bombarded with information on Vietnam, student protests. Paris Peace Talks, Hijacking, Inflation and “Woodstock”. Opened door for legitimacy of pornography and Criminal trafficking of Pornography.
1970- Chinese Triads- (Chinese Mafia) in the U.S.
1971- Attica prison outbreak.
1971- (Nov 12) Nixon announces be will withdraw 45,000 more U.S. troops from Vietnam by Jan. 1972.
1972- Angela Davis accused of murder, kidnapping & conspiracy, is acquitted by all white jury in San Jose.
1972- Death Penalty ruled unconstitutional by US Supreme Court
1972- William Kelley, Special Agent assigned by the FBI to investigate the Mafia’s interstate transportation of pornography. Kelley states: “Even though obscenity in the U.S. was illegal in practically every state in the U.S., organized crime put millions of dollars into the distribution of obscenity and pornography across the country. Organized crime put millions of dollars into the original creation & production of obscenity distribution throughout the United States. Best example was “Deep Throat” made in Miami, Florida – cost $25,000 made in excess of $50.0 million profit. The tidal wave of pornography brought images of violence to women & children. The victims of these movies began to emerge in the mental health field along with children reporting ritual abuse in the early 1980s. Reports of movies depicting gang rape, explicit oral sex, urination & defecation, nudity, bestiality with women and
children. Parents exploited their children by forcing them to participate in underground pornography and sexual exploitation. The President of Focus and the Family reports the movies depicted gang rape, explicit oral sex, urination & defecation, nudity, bestiality with women and children. Parents exploited their children by forcing them to participate in underground pornography and sexual exploitations.
1973- “Stockholm Syndrome” – Hostages develop affection for their captors.
1973- Watergate begins-Nixon takes responsibility bugging April 30th.
1973- (May 17) Senator Sam Ervin begins televised proceeding of Watergate affair.
1973- Nixon states White House already bugged by Kennedy & Johnson.
1974- Patricia Hearst kidnapped by terrorist Symbionese Liberation Army.
1974- Assassin kills Mrs. Alberta King, mother of late Dr. King, during a church service in Atlanta.
1974- Privacy Act requires federal agencies to provide individuals with any information in their files relating to them and to amend incorrect records.
1974- Squeeky Fromme (Manson family member) attempts to assassinate President Gerald Ford.
1977- William Jennings Brian dies prematurely of heart attack after his name was raised with Candy Jones.
1977- First execution in 10 years Utah.
1979- Three Mile Island accident -movie “Silkwood”
1980- Child Abuse Reporting Laws influenced by book Sybil
1980- DSM-III Include* • new Diagnostic category of Atypical Dissociative Disorder which includes individuals who have been subjected to periods of prolonged and intense coercive persuasion (brainwaahing, thought reform and indoctrination while the captive of terrorists or cultists).
1980- Reagan/Bush gain (Republican) control of the Senate for the first time in 26 years.
1981- Hinckley (programmed assassin?) attempts assassination of President Regan 3/31/81. CIA pspychitarist, Dr. Martin Orne denies his multiplicity (multiple personality) in television interview. Hinkley died of
leukemia while incarcerated.
1981- Mehnet Ali Agcen shoots Pope John Paul I in St. Peter’s Square.
1980- Lt Col. Michael Aquino, Top Secret clearance in the Defease Intelligence Agency’s Psychological Warfare Division (Psyops). Lt. Col. a professed Neo-Nazi and founder of Temple of Set. Charges of child sexual abuse at Presidio Day Care in San Francisco.
1982- President Ronald Reagan signed executive order increasing the amount of security-classified material to be released under the 1966 Freedom of Information Act
1986- (Jan 28) Space Shuttle “Challenger” explodes with teacher aboard.
1986- (April 26) Chernoble incident, Ukraine.
1986- (Sept 11) Stock prices fall biggest drop since 1929
1986- Iran Contra affair – North/Poindexter
1987- Rudolph Hess commits suicide in prison.
1987- (October 19) biggest stock market collapse since 1901.
1987- Reagan/Gorbachev treaty to eliminate nuclear forces in Europe
1987- 77»e UFO That Can’t be Explained UFO sighting by JAL Flight 1628 over Alaska Nov. 17,
1987- Reagar/Gorbacbev treaty to eliminate nuclear forces in Europe
1987- U.S. Supreme Court ruled criminal defendants may testify about details they recalled under hypnosis.
1987- US Backlash begins patterns to discredit those reporting child abuse.
1987- Nash, Lynn, Stanley & Carlson showed that neurosis does not screen out sensory information altogether. Eventually the information gets to the nervous system and persists long enough to exert some influence on behavior even if the hypnotized person said they deny they heard or saw anything.
1987- Pentagon & Cache – Tim Weiner’s investigation into Black Programs of the Pentagon and their implications for our economy and discussion of exotic techniques.
1988- (Feb. 11) 3,280 detainees from re-education camps released in Vietnam.
1988- Raids carried out in Pentagon.
1988- Code of Federal Regulations Title 14, Sec. 1211 – “seizure and detention of anyone who comes into contact with any form of extraterrestrial artifact or thing, or other form of life* and without benefit of bearing on a probable cause.
1988- Office of Technology Assessment of the U.S. Congress published a special report titled, Criminal Justice; New Technologies and the Constitution. Addresses the delicate balance between national interest and individual rights.
1989- Rash of lawsuits begin against Mental Health Field figures bringing Mental Health Field to its knees
1990- Federal Government establishes programs for victims of Political Torture Victims Defines them as victims not mental patients. American family defined family violence and children treated within mental health system.
1990- American Psychiatric Association Condemns USSR for psychiatric abuses + check on dates, etc.
1991- Middie East Crisis – Massive oil well fires (300+) UN Invades
1993- “New Clinical Syndrome” US Military show signs of iliness related to Persian Gulf War
1994- US delay in ratification of UN CONVENTION ON THE RIGHTS OF THE CHILD. The Convention provides the legal underpinnings to the goals of the World Summit for Children, held in 1990. It emphasizes the central role of the family in the development of children and guarantees in law minimum rights for children such as equal treatment, regardless of gender, or race or cultural background; expression of opinions and freedom of thought, freedom from violence, hazardous employment, exploitation, abduction for sale, and free and compulsory primary education. It recognizes the special vulnerability of children as individuals with needs that evolve with age and maturity.
1994- President of the APA gives statement to NY Times after DSM-IV is published. Indicates studies are being done with better controls.
1994- Mental Health treatment ignored in master plan for Medical Treatment.
1994-Republicans win back control of the Senate and House of Representatives
1785- Mesmer, F.A. Report of Dr. Benjamin Franklin and other commissions charged by the King of France with the examination of animal magnetism, as now practiced at Paris.
1817- Mitchell, S.L. A double consciousness, or a duality of person in the same person.
1836- Mary Reynolds case was first theoretical case showing relationship between MPD and dissociation (dissociation then described as sleep-walking, somnambulism, nightmares, automatic writing, etc.). Hypothesized in The Philasophy of Sleep by R. Macneish. Found a primary state and a secondary state.
1880- Shutcliff & Jones (1962) reported MPD as a distinct state of consciousness. Anatomical speculation of Azam (1887) psychological proposals of Janet. (Associationists view – mind/body dualism)
1985- Becker, Robert D & Selden, Bary p 317 et sec,. The Body Electric: Electromagnensm and the Foundation of Life explains how intelligence uses audible voices m their operations
1986- Barkworth, T. Duplex Personality: An essay on the analogy between hypnotic phenomena and certain experiences of the normal consciousness; Proceedings of the Society for Psychical Research.
1986- Tyler. P.E . paper Artificial Electromagnetic Fields- presented at workshop conducted by the Air University Center for Aerospace Doctrine, Research & Education (CADRE) on March 1984. A proposal for funding of terminal experiments on slave labor (winch had already begun m February 1976 ) in paper by Harlan E Girarc presented «: the Annual Meeting of the Canadian Association for
1889- Pierre Janet focuses on dissociation of traumatic memories/Charcot focuses on generations attention on psychological effects of overwhelming experiences.
1890- Alternating personality or changes in personality viewed by William James as direct result of changes in memory. James was attracted by Janet’s findings and his writings ultimately bolstered the associationist viewpoint.
1890- Alfred Binet On Double Consciousness (treatise on dissociation).
1890- Richet first to describe a “hidden observer”.
1891- Hodgson, R. A case of double consciousness; Proceedings of the Society for Psychical Research
1895- Freud & Bruer Studies In Hysteria (all women described had dissociative disorders and most were sexuaily abused). Freud felt the women were suffering as adults from child sexual abuse. He repudiated the seduction theory a few years after publication because it would be awkward for Freud to state publicly that his patients had been sexually abused as children, when many of the abusive fathers were in his social circle. Later be wrote “return to the repressed”.
1895- Mason, R.O. Hypnotism and Double Personality Journal of the American Medical Association.
1896- Alfred Binet Alterations in Personality noted that experimental alters can be produced in high hypnotizable subjects noting that these transient alter personalities were incomplete analogues of full MPD – he viewed the doubling of consciousness as a common clinical mechanism underlying a variety of psychiatric disorders including somatization, conversion and dissociative disorders.
20th Century- Psychological & Biological become divergent paths in medicine/Janet focuses on integrative approach/Freud dominates on analytic approach
1901- Mayer, E.E. A case of localized amnesia Journal of the American Medical Association.
1904- Wilson, A. A case of multiple personality disorder. Proceedings of the Society for Psychical Research
1905- William James Principles of Psychology discussed plurality of selves, MPD.
1905- Sidis & Goodhart Multiple Personality with dedication to William Sides.
1905- Morton Prince The Dissociation of a Personality
1906- Conflicting drives observed by Morton Prince to be a potent etiological factor in the development of the disorder. He noted that Miss Beauchamp had oppositional and frequently malevolent behavior exhibited by one “self” to the other.
1906- Wilson A. A case of disjointed personality after influenza Medical Press.
1906- Gordon A. A double ego. American Journal of Medical Science.
1907- McDougals W. The case of Salty Beauchamp.
1908- Sidis, B. Psychopethological Researches: Studies in Mental Dissesiation
1908- Goodhart, S.P. Multiple personality and the subconscious. American Journal of Clinical Medicine.
1910- MPD research begins to decline.
1910. Edward Tichner came to Cornell University (1892); Started structuralism (studied nature of mental experiences), ignored dissociation, his theory flopped.
1912- Hart, B. A case of double personality. Journal of Mental Science.
1913-1917- Hyalop, J.H. Comments on Doris Fisher case of MPD.
1914- McWalter, J.C. A case of double personality Medical Times.
1916- Stone, C.W. Dual Personality Ohio State Medical Journal
1919- Ladd, G.T. A case of multiple personality. Yale Review
1920- McDougall gave criticism to Morton Prince disorder and speculated that his involvement with Miss Beauchamp which included long and intimate dealings and frequent use of hypnosis may have molded the course of the development of this disorder. (This claim will emerge again 70 years later in 1991 through the FMS society.)
1920- Conspicuous absence of any theoretical explanations and routine reporting of cases.
1920- William Brown suggested that emotional abreaction was often a far more efficient means of curing a war neurotic than simple suggestion under hypoosis. “Suggestion removes the symptoms, but abreaction removes the cause of the symptoms by producing fully adequate re-association.” 66
1926- The “monad” hypothesis introduced by McDougall (1926) added significant support to the argument for the inherent multiplicity of the self. The role of conflict in weakening the individual’s integrity allowed the “subordinate” selves to gain control.
1935- Psychogenic Loss of Personal Identity commented on by Ables and Schilder based on study of 63 patients with amnesia at Bellevue Hospital. He concluded that amnesia was a self-punishment of suicidal wish and a flight from a disappointing love object. This view contributed to a popularized idea in the late 30s and early 1940s that MPD symbolized attempted escape from unresolved conflict.
1935- Pierre Janet founded cognitive psychology
1940- Freud found that affectless memories, memories without any release of emotion, were almost useless; meaning that unless a doctor could get his patients to relive the emotions originally associated with a repressed experience that had caused a neurosis, the mere fact of his remembering the experience would not constitute a cure. Sadler defined “abreaction” as a “process of reviving the memory of a repressed unpleasant experience and expressing in speech and action the emotions related to it, thereby relieving the personality of its influence.
1941- Kardiner attempted to integrate the psychoanalytic tenet that most psychopathology is the result of a childhood intrapsychic conflict between unintegrated understanding of the emotional, cognitive and biological effects of human traumatization.
1947- Conflict-oriented theories and associationist view reported to be interrelated by Gardner Murphy. He asserted that associations are not functionally bound by memory alone, but also and more importantly, by tension systems. This led him to believe that conflict of values is the clue to the unity or disunity of the person. Predisposing factors towards dissociation were reported by Murphy to be a conflict between severely morbid superego, exaggerating the normally existing super-ego-id conflicts. The super-ego was believed by him to effect a regression back to a period of early childhood, prior to the establishment of an identity.
1963- Shutcliff and Jones restated that MPD is a state of a person trying to escape from the anxieties produced by a harsh superego as an extension of normal behavior. They felt that during the altered state of consciousness the person “acts out” his forbidden id urges. This altered state of consciousness they believed had delusional characteristics. It is interesting to note that they compared this primitive wish-fulfilling quality to that occurring in the normal dream state which in fact in the PTSD and MPDS much of the dream state is a re-enactment or message from within as to the traumas.
1967- Jolyon West Dissociative Reaction Comprehensive Textbook of Psychiatry.
1970- Piaget (follower of Janet) Sensorimotor/preoperational/ operational stage of child development begins.
1974- “A New Clinical Syndrome” presented June, 1976, Tampe-St. Petersburg-Clearwater Psychiatric Society (the cuit indoctrinee) later to show up in DSM criteria.
1974- 1985- Ralph Allison, M.D. Psychiatrist initiated papers on Multiple Personality Disorder ending several decades of silence..
1976, Tampe-St. Petersburg-Clearwater Psychiatric Society (the cult indoctrinee) later to show up in DSM criteria.
1974- 1985- Ralph Allison, M.D. Psychiatrist imitiated papers on Multiple Personality Disorder ending several decades of silence..
1980- Piaget Dies and leaves a legacy as the most influential theorist on intellectual development in children – demonstrating the experiences influence a person’s way of thinking and is dependent on the person’s age and previous experience. If a child is brought up from an early age to believe that there is no integrity or trust as a result of violations against them from birth, they would be candidates for social control from the most evil sources if his research is true (need to look at motor responses to sensory stimuli).
1981 – Extremist Religious Cults and Today’s Youth, presented at the International Conference on the Effects on Physical and Mental Health of New Totalitarian Religions, Bonn, West Germany.
(Webmaster’s comment: This may have a bearing on Operation Crestone/Baca, Colorado!)
Hundreds of publications on dissociative disorders begin to emerge from early 1980’s and continue on through the 90s.
1984- International Society for the Study of Dissociation/MPD organized
1984- Society for Study of Traumatic Studies
1984- First Dissociative Disorders Unit-Rush-Presbyterian Hospital-Chicago Bennett Braun, M.D./Roberta G. Sachs, Ph.D
1988- *A Clinical Syndrome”: Patients Reporting Ritual Abuse in Childhood by Satanic Cults (Young, Sachs & Braun)
1990- 20+ specialized units throughout the United States and Canada for the treatment of Dissociative Disorders including those alleging to be Ritualistically Abused
1992- Jacobs, David M., Secret Life – Firsthand Accounts of UFO Abductions – claims a new discipline.
1992- “False Memory Syndrome” based on Loftus, Elizabeth research on repressed memories. Research not done on traumatized individuals, done under controlled laboratory conditions.
1994- Studies begin to bring out one mind, one, brain, one soul (Moyer).
1739-40- John Wesley’s Journal- first reports of emotional excitement leading to temporary collapse induced by a particular son of preaching found when an individual had to make a choice between conflicting beliefs.
1986- Wave of UFO phenomenon
1897 – Wave of UFO Phenomenon
1904- Pavlov “Nobel Prize” for research in physiology of digestion later he would find conditioning methods and “experimental neurosis.” These methods will be used by politicians, police and psychiatry to understand & control behavior. Through drugs in psychotherapy changes of behavior patterns and through historical indoctrination in religious conversion, brainwashing & the like. It is unlikely that Pavlov like most scientists in early discovery would be used as an instrument of Soviet policy, and instrument to indoctrinate, torture and help change the course of free will of mankind. The most important information found in his studies that we need to examine today is that if an individual is traumatized all conditioned behavior patterns implanted can be abolished and other patterns of behavior can take their place. In the most civilized worlds, given natural traumas or war, civil unrest, rape, family violence, a person is most vulnerable to changes in patterns of behavior. These studies were done prior to the advent of television, subliminal seduction, microwave studies, etc. Simply stated, being flooded by traumas leaves a person vulnerable. If they enter therapy, join a religious cult, join a group, new religions, or begin a new wave of belief, they would be acting normally. If the change was programmed to deliberately change their behavior, then they have been indoctrinated by a means of mind control. In the 1990’s this is rampant and out of control due to technology, research and the advent of telecommunications.
(Webmaster comment: Was some of this research associated with activities in Operation Crestone/Baca, Colorado?)
1919- John B. Watson-first Behaviorist- programmed his son “Little Albert” to be (phobic) fearful of white rats and furry animals-Little Albert committed suicide in his adult life.
1920 – Behaviorists Domination for next 50 years – Goal is prediction & control of behavior in both animals and human.
Their assumptions are:
1. All behavior is caused or determined.
2. The environment molds behavior.
3. Explanations of behavior based on internal causes and mental states are generally useless. Believed that a stimulus that signals some other event can develop the ability to evoke strong conditioned responses.
1926- Ewan Cameron, M.D. one of the most notorious Psychiatrists of all time began his career at John Hopkins Hospital in Baltimore, Maryland. He used illicit methods of behavior modification in research sponsored by project MKULTRA sponsored by the CIA – Dr. Cameron held the following titles over the period of time that he conducted experiments on humans:
President of The American Psychiatric Assn.
President of Canadian Psychiatric Assn
President of World Association of Psychiatrists
Founder of Canadian Mental Health Association
Chairman of Canadian Scientific Planning
1930 – For the next 40 years as many as 70,000 prefrontal lobotomies were performed in the United States and Britain. Walter Freeman, M.D. performed 3,500 alone. Information precedes Egas Moniz introduction in Liston, but record found in Government records.) Prefrontal lobotomies were performed during this period on hyperactive boys and attempt to keep police files on them was introduced.
1931- Arthur Koestler’s Invisible Writings “On all three occasions I had benefited from the well-known phenomenon of a split consciousness, a dreamlike, dazed self-estrangement, which separated the conscious self from the acting self- the former becoming a detached observer, the later an automation, while the air hums in one’s ears as in the hollow of a seashell…* 104s His accounts of two conversions into Communism were related to quasi-mystical experiences after stress include a severe alcoholic hangover, a broken-down car, heavy financial loss, a disagreeable sexual entanglement, civil war, capture, threats of sudden death by shooting, and the revival of a childhood рапiс.
1934- Two years before Pavlov’s death he stated “…clinicians, neurologists and psychiatrists, in their respective domains, will inevitably have to reckon with the following fundamental patho-physiological fact: the complete isolation of functionally pathological (at the aetiological moment) points of the cortex, the pathological inertness of the excitatory process, and the ultra-paradoxical phase. (45) What he is saying is that it is necessary to find out what and when the trauma occurred.
1935- Tranquilizer Chair-individual strapped down and spun until they passed out was being used in medical experiments.
1940- Drugs used to make patient relive episode of war and then he would have subsequent collapse. Individuals were given “front-line sedation” using same general rule applied to human subjects who had temporarily broken down under battle and bombing stress.
1941- Pavlov’s “Experimental Neurosis” published in English after his death. Techniques of human indoctrination, religious conversion, brainwashing were pursued through use of drugs in psychotherapy based on his experiments.
(Webmaster comment: Might these techniques have been used in Operation Crestone/Baca, Colorado?)
1941- Pavlov’s Conditioned Reflexes in Psychiatry helped to understand behavior patterns observed by human beings breaking down under abnormal stress.
1944- First experiment in “falsely implanted memory”. Found that falsely implanted memory might create a larger emotional discharge then the real, and induce the physiological effects needed for psychological relief. A technique deliberately stimulating anger or fear under drugs until the patient collapses in temporary emotional exhaustion was finally perfected with the help of Pavlov’s findings. Used imaginary experiences to help abreact the emotions of fear and anger “suggested” under drugs.
1944- Alcohol was found by business, journalism and intelligence service, as a means to force indiscreet admissions from people who find it difficult to keep a secret. Catharsis was found to be an abreaction by drinking alcohol and wild rhythmic dancing as a cleaning (the ancient rights of Dionysius.)
1945- Great Britain and USA interested in neuro-physiological research cultivated by Russians since Revolution – to perfect brain-washing & thought control.” Found that towards the end of a long period of physical illness, or after a period of severe debilitation (forced fasting), people of “strong character” were known to make dramatic changes in beliefs and convictions. If they may remain true to the new orientation for the rest of their lives. Case histories of people “converted” in times of famine, war, prison, or destitution by their own self-will are frequent. Pavlov’s experiments showed that man can be conditioned to hate what he previously loved and love what he previously hated. Military men in “black boxes” once they found the vulnerable point of the servicemen. e.g. fear of snakes then placed within black box with snake for 64 hours. Learned they would rather die than talk to the enemy under those conditions. Children and adults emerging in early 80’s began to define torture in these boxes and cages. Found the mechanics of religious and political conversion in human beings suggesting that for conversion to be effective, the subject may first have to have his emotions worked upon until be reaches an abnormal condition of anger, fear or exaltation. Found physiological explanation in terms of local cerebral inhibition caused by fear, stress or shock.
(Webmaster comment: Related to Operation Crestone/Baca, Colorado?)
1945- Experiments found that massive excitement aroused under ether, ending a state of transmarginal collapse, could disrupt the whole vicious self-sustaining pattern of behavior and induce a rapid return to more normal mental health.
1946- UFO phenomenon started to be seen in Sweden
1947- Great Britain intensive research on drugs for psychotherapy-Nitrous oxide, methedrine, etc.
1947- (July 4) Roswell NM UFO crash
1947- UFO phenomenon begins to be Formulated. Letter from Lt Gen. N.F. Twining, USAAF, Air Martial Commend, Wright Field, Dayton, Ohio to Brig. General George Schulgen, Washington “AMC opinion on Flying Discs” “objects reported are real and not imaginary.”
1949-Office of Scientific Intelligence (OST) undertook analysis of foreign work on certain unconventional warfare techniques, including behavioral drugs, with an initial objective of developing a capability to resist or offset the effect of such drugs.
1950- Cameron begins medical torture treatment in Canada.
1950- A medical directive issued in Russia for re-orientation of all Soviet medicine along Pavlovian lines-impressive results obtained by applying Pavlov’s research, to political ends.
1950- Morse Allen CIA Agent believed electro-sleep machine used to put subjects to sleep without shock convulsions. The machine was being used in a hospital in Richmond, Virginia (Miami News Brain Washing Tactics.)
1950- CLA begins attack on mind control (German mind-control research), project to induce amnesia – “intensive polygraph”, “sodium amytal”, LSD, “picrotoxin”, etc. project BLUEBIRD
1951- (August) Project BLUEBIRD renamed Project ARTICHOKE transferred to OSI continued until 1956.
1951- (April 4) Royal Victoria Hospital-under direction of Dr. Cameron begins experimentation on Candy Jones. Describes headgear, sleep room, drugs, etc. These descriptions will later appear in a population of patients known as RA Survivors and Abductees.
1952- CIA Letter on National Security Implications of UFOs (7 letters to and from CIA regarding UFOs)
1952- Office of Scientific Intelligence has private doctor develop “neurosurgical techniques. BLUEBIRD was rechristened ARTICHOKE, TSS Technical Services Staff took it. ARTICHOKE “..the greater the amnesia produced, the more effective the results.” Could “create a fantasy” using narcotherapy or hypnosis. For roughly an hour, the subject had no idea he was not speaking with his wife but the CIA operatives..” These experiences will be reported by some RA Survivors and Abductees later.
1953- Conference July 15th offered clues to kinds of operations under ARTICHOKE. Interrogation techniques, memory enhancement, and establishing defensive means for preventing interrogation of agency personnel.
1953- April 3 ARTICHOKE evolved to become project MKULTRA “…an umbrella project (CIA documents) for funding sensitive projects.” Cryptonym MKDELTA covered policy and procedure for use of biochemical in clandestine operations…
Experimentation on radiation, electroshock, psychology, psychiatry, sociology, anthropology, harassment substances. Safe Houses and prominent hospitals under Bureau of Drug Abuse control. Through Bureau of Narcotic and Dangerous Drugs (BNDD) federal institutions such as prisons, drugs could be administered to unsuspecting individuals
1953- Dr. Frank Olson & 7 men given LSD in glasses of Contreau. Five days later Olson dove through window of hotel and committed suicide. Seen by Psychiatrist Harold A. Abramson. Dr. Sidney Gottlieb, Chief Medical Officer of CIA drug project. (Allen Dulles, CIA Director)
1954- Found that ordinary/normal persons have greater powers of adaptation and can be more easily indoctrinated than the abnormal into cults. For this reason some Cults in particular would weed out people with psychiatric history. Interesting finding in that persons who are traumatized may be less influenced in a therapeutic setting, or political conversion.
(Webmaster comment: Operation Crestone/Baca relevance?)
1954- Air Force Regulation No. 200-2 “UFO Reporting Protocols”
1954- Wilhelm Reich, M.D. records “… full scale interplanetary battle…a battle which would have appeared incredible as well as incomprehensible to anyone who knew nothing about Ea problems or who adhered to the illusion that neither Ea nor Cosmic Energy existed.”
1955- Time Magazine records that something of deep significance since 1951 carefully calculated applications of terror and Socialists revolution could be completed on a national scale with about three more years. Quote from Mao.
1955- Project Bluebook
1957- William Sargent “Battles of the Mind – Techniques of Religious Conversion” which concluded the truths have nothing to do with the rites of pagan religions or devil worshipers. Successful groups use fasting, chastening of the flesh by scourging & physical discomfort, regulation of breathing, disclosure of awesome mysteries, drumming, dancing, singing, inducement of panic fear, weird or glorious lighting, incense, intoxicant drug, to modify normal brain function for religious purposes. (1839 Wesley – his great success was due to his finding that habits of thought and behavior were most easily implanted or eradicated by a tremendous assault on the emotions. Found that humans addressed to religious emotions rather than intelligence is extremely effective technique of conversion – also used in modern political warfare.
(Webmaster comment: (Relevance to Operation Crestone/Baca, Colorado?)
1957- William Sargant reports the voodoo cult in Haiti shows with what ease suggestibility can be increased by subjecting the brain to severe physiological stress…alteration the loudness and rhythms of drums. Reports the best way to avoid possession, conversion and all similar conditions is to avoid getting emotionally involved. He makes reference to Gustaf Bolinder, the Devil-man’s Jingle describing how West African boys are taken away from their parents to an encampment in the woods, where all their clothes are removed and they are subjected to conditions of severe physical hardship. The procedure is fear-provoking. They are given a medicine which they are told will kill them sooner or later if they ever reveal the secrets of the society or the details of the ceremonies they are about to undergo. Next comes the ritual bath. At dusk they are told to say goodbye to life as they lived it before- then the most frightening mask approaches them- bearded like an old man – horns and feathers a cloak, to the boys it looks like a real demon, they are not allowed to talk, they are laid side by side on the ground, each seized by the demon’s assistant, and unconscious- with fright are lifted up between its jaws. They are rescued immediately and given extremely painful ritual tattooing. They feel convinced that the demon has made an end to them and Poro has raised them to a new life. Similar accounts will emerge in the late 1970s under alleged Satanism indoctrination.
(Webmaster comment: Operation Crestone/Baca relevance?)
1959- Dr. Martin Orne experiments on fooling the hypnotist could not be easily determined by experts.
Ten different varieties can be identified, by 1990 – most religious or mystical. “Some cults appear to be relatively benign, others harmful, some deadly.” Jolyon West, M.D. 1990.
(Webmaster comment: Relevance to Operation Crestone/Baca?)
1960- Francis Gary Powers shot down over Soviet Union- William Jennings Bryan, Psychiatrist, said he had been “Powerized”. Power’s book Operation Overflight was withheld from publication by the CIA until 1970.
1960- Reports that John F. Kennedy went down to level of rat pack – illicit sex thrilled him, seen in Vegas (American Justice Files)
1961- Transmitters called “endoradiosondes” can be swallowed or implanted internally in man – part of new behavioral modification techniques. Measured physiological variables as gastro-intestinal pressure, bp, temp, bioelectrical potentials.
1961- Electrical stimulation of the brain – implantation of electrodes in the subcortical regions of the brain called “electrophysiology” – part of new behavioral modification techniques. Found that both animals and man will self stimulate at a tremendous rate in order to received stimulation “rewards” regardless of drives such as hunger and thirst. Put a serious dent in the “drive-reduction” theory of operant conditioning.
1961- Robert J. Lifton, Psychiatrist publishes Thought Reform and the Psychology of Totalism
1962- (Sept. 28) Kennedy appoints John McCone to head up CIA
1962- (Nov.) John A. McCone finds MKULTRA Project
1963- Dr. Ewan Cameron paid last check from from Society for Investigation of Human Ecology
1963- Mind Control Program terminated. (CIA Inspector General’s Report.)
1965- Orne & Evans demonstrated by hypnotizing college students that they could go to a box in a corner of a room and pick up a poisonous snake – some subjects got so close they had to be restrained at the last moment. Orne and Evans demonstrated that they could tell subjects to pretend to be hypnotized along with hypnotized and then pick up a snake and put into fuming nitric acid. All pretenders did this along with the hypnotized students. The explanation was that they trusted the experimenter: “If he tells me to do something, it can’t really be dangerous.” This research may seem benign on the surface but it surfaced as a primary source of victimization of children who almost always trust their abuser and peers.
(Webmaster comment: Unethical psychological experiments have flourished under CIA mind control programs. Extremely important one is the “Obedience to Authority” experiments of Yale Psychology professor, Stanley Milgram)
1966- Invention of Wireless Shocker to treat compulsions, addictions, phobias and learning difficulties uses an excuse that cattle prod does more damage. advertised to shock a child 500 feet away in a playground.
1966- Portable Transmitter’s called Behavior Transmitter Reinforcer (BTR) permits tracking of wearer’s location.
(Webmaster comment: This is clearly of importance to the issue of the targeted individual phenomenon.)
1966- UFO Abduction phenomenon begins to increase.
1966- Proposal for Scientific Study of UFO- University of Colorado/USAF
1967- Soviet Efforts to contact extraterrestrial life- USAF historical archives.
1968 (July 29) Symposium on Unidentified Flying Objects U.S. House of Representatives hearings before Committee on Science and Astronautics 9th Congress, 2nd session. Panel of 12 scientists.
1968- UFOs: What to Do? RAND Document, George Kocher, recommendations for further study.
1968- Ionizing Radiation -Professor Charles Sussking – University of California stated before Congress “Although ionizing radiation seems to loom largest as a haze, it would not surprise me in the least if non-ionizing radiation were ultimately to prove a bigger and more vexing problem.” Extremely low frequencies are called ELFs. Interesting note here: (Elf also means victory and Elf means war-they are derived from old English names.)
1969- Final Report of Scientific Study of UFO- University of Colorado
1969- Project Bluebook- USAF 16 year investigation of UFO’s finished.
1969- J.M. Delgado’s Professor at Yale University (expert on neuro-behavior research-200 publications) Vol. 41 in a series of World Perspectives, Board of Editors Sr, Konrad Lorenz and I.I. Rabi. “Physical Control of the Mind & the subtitle Toward a Psycho-civilized Society”
1970- Sensory Deprivation experiments begin. Students paid $20 a day to live in tiny solitary cubicles. *Many experienced vivid hallucinations-one student in particular insisted a tiny spaceship had got into the chamber and was buzzing around shooting pellets at him.” They were fed propaganda messages by the experimenter – which had a marked effect on the student’s attitudes- an effect that lasted for at least a year after they left the chambers.” No follow up study. Propaganda was presented poorly and illogical but still had an effect on them.
(Webmaster comment: In the documentary film, “The Minds of Men,” Donald O. Hebb is said to have conducted extensive experiments on sensory deprivation in the 1930s.)
1970- Psychosurgery performed on “hyperactive” children (#115) in several countries, 39 of which were under the age of 11. Reports that a number of children 6-9 were give psychosurgery not in the 115 above.
1971- Edward Hunter, Brainwashing in Red China
1971- Human Guinea Pig lawsuits reached such proportions that Senate Subcommittee on Constitutional Rights began investigation. Headed up by Senator Sam Ervin.
(Webmaster comment: Does this have relevance to Operation Crestone/Baca?)
1971- Intercept UFO. Renato Vesco, Italian military intelligence officer presents a provocative theory that UFOs since WWI originated from top secret Nazi experiments expropriated by the allies after the defeat of Germany. He cites many well known UFO cases as examples of the technology that has since been defined and used secretly. An important documentation and references that may portend far reaching implications if true.
1972- Defense Intelligence Agency located 500 studies by Soviets devoted to the biological effects of “super-high frequency electromagnetic oscillations” (SHF).
1972- Russel Sage Foundation – Experimentation with Human Beings, Katz lists nature of offenses and the resulting judgments pp 292-306. p 509 Fed Govt report.
1972- Puerto Rico – Thousands sight space ships in the deepest part of Atlantic Ocean- John Carpenter reports it was real.
1973- Prison Thought Reform Team (brainwashing) – Deliberate changing of human behavior and attitudes by a group of men who have relatively complete control over the environment in which the captive population lives. Created social disorganization and the creation of mutual mistrust.
1973- Brain Research Center UCLA – J. West a Center for the Study and Prevention of Violence proposed to Governor Reagan the establishment (community stopped the program)
• Chemotherapy-use of drug Anectine causes cessation of respiration for approx. 2 minutes, sensations of suffocation and drowning and the subject experiences feelings of deep horror and terror as though he were on the brink of death- Confinement/sensory deprivation – Forced to suffer maximum irritation
1974- Sam J. Ervin, Jr., Chairman, Subcommittee on Constitutional Rights headed up a committee to investigate behavior modification stating “Recently.. technology has begun to develop new methods of behavior control capable of altering not just an individual’s actions but his very personality and manner of thinking as well. Because it affects the ability of the individual to think for himself, the behavioral technology being developed in the United States today touches upon the most basic sources of individuality, and the very core of personal freedom.”
1975- U.S. Navy Psychologist/US Navy Intelligence admitted to taking convicted murderers from military prisons and conditioning them as political assassins.
1976- Defense Intelligence Agency Adams, R.L. & Williams, R.A. (U.S. Army) Biological Effects of Electromagnetic Radiation (Radiowaves & Microwaves) Eurasian Communist Countries
1978- People’s Temple sect commits mass suicide in Guyana. 911 died.
1978- Lin, J.C., Microwave Auditory Effects & Applications (how audible voices are broadcast directly into the brain.)
1978 Howard Bowart publishes “Operation Mind Control”
1979- John Marks publishes “The Search for The Manchurian Candidate-The CIA and Mind Control” (Marks recalls a colleague joking “If you could find the natural radio fequency of a person’s sphincter, you coudl amke him run out of the room real fast.”
1979- Dr. Marin Orne showed that hypnotized subjects can see a “double reality” while pretenders cannot. Interesting was the finding that pretenders could not identify a person entering a room but would identify him as someone else while the hypnotized could identify the person. What is interesting about this experiment is that the hypnotized students could see the person sitting in a chair and see him also entering the room. Are children pretending to
be hypnotized while they are being abused and in this way have difficulty identifying their abuser?
1979- While Orne was the originator of the research on whether college students could pretend to be faking hypnosis and with a cultivated heavy skepticism, he was brought in on the famous Hillside Strangler Case and outwitted 5 other Psychiatrists convincing them that Bianchi was insane or faking. To this date there is still evidence to show that Bianci was suffering from Multiple Personality Disorder that has not been contested. Orne has been an essential figure in arguing against MPD and is Board member of FMS. He has demonstrated well on how to create personalities under Hypnosis. He was a consultant to the MKULTRA project of the CIA.
1980- August 15th Wiltshire Times carried a report of first crop circles near Westbury, Wiltshire.
1981- American Institute of Aeronautics & Astronautics (Aspen Institute for Humanistic Studies Global Implications of Space Activities
1981- Judgment CAUS v. NSA to release UFO doc.
1984- “Less than Lethal” weapons developed prior to 1984 – for use with hostages. A variation on this weapon purchased by the Marine Corps. for confusing and disorienting the enemy.. called a through the 90’s. “microwave pulse radar” – rapidly heats the brain.
1984- Tyler, Paul E., Capt. Medical Command United States Navy. Paper presented at workshop conducted by Air University Center for Aerospace Doctrine, Rosearch and Education “The electromagnetic Spectrum in Low-Intensity Conflict” the conceptual basis from which microwave beam weaponry began.
1985- Becker, Robert D. & Selden, Bary p 317 et seq. “The Body Electric: Electromagnetism and Foundation of Life” explains how intelligence uses audible voices in their operations.
1986- Tyler, P.E. paper Artificial Electromagnetic Fields– presented at workshop conducted by the Air University Center for Aerospace Doctrine, Research & Education (CADRE) on March 1984.
1986- (April 17) Lifton & growing galaxy of doctors assembled to give evidence that Montreal survivors had been medically tortured. Civil Action No. 80-3163 the CIA was being sued.
1987- The UFO That Can’t be Explained. UFO sighting by JAL Flight 1628 over Alaska Nov. 17, 1986
1990- EMF Weapon: Systems reported to be so powerful that they can scramble and fry the brain. Effects reported to be generalized symptoms as: dizziness, nausea, vertigo, disorientation, confusion, nervousness, irritability, lethargy, sweating, skin crawling, strange sounds (oven strange nights), obsessive and compulsive behavior, stinging and pin prick sensations, aches. Long term effects – cancer, birth defects, cardiovascular disease, destruction of the immune system, nervous disorders, etc.
1990- UFO: Over Belgium – From Wall Street Journal article on widespread sightings over Belgium.
1990- Reports of over 1,000 crop circles over the world. This phenomenon continues to confuse scentists.
1991- Gordon Thomas book “Enslaved” a chilling report of modern-day abduction and abuse in be global trafficking of men, women & children, perpetrators of all kinds of sex crimes world wide are well organized and are skillful and knowledgeable in law enough to circumvent detection in most cases. If caught, however, they have enough support from the underground to get the allegations dismissed, whether or not they are allegations of sexual abuse, pornography, and/or slavery. By the start of 1991 according to the Anti-Slavery Society, there were at least two hundred twenty million slaves in the world. It is within the borders of this nation that they sell most of the byproducts of enslavement, pornographic videos, and obscene publications and “photo sets” of young children hide coerced or inveigled into sexual obscenities with adults.
(Webmaster: Operation Crestone/Baca?)
1992- Abduction Study Conference at MIT-Proceedings still not released as of December
A proposal for funding of terminal experiments on slave labor (which had already begun in February 1976) in paper by Harlan E. Girard presented at the Annual Meeting of the Canadian Association for Security and Intelligence Studies University of Prince Edward Island May 31-June 2, 1992
(Webmaster comment: Harlan Girard was one of the most brilliant of the thousands to millions of “targeted individuals”)
1993- Satellite Interception of pornography/microwave listening/an age of privacy?
1993- WACO Vernon Wayne Howell aka David Koresh leader of CIA-sponsored cult and followers were killed. Waco had CIA’s Leadership Management Institute. We learned that mothers cannot be expected to put their children’s safety first if their belief systems contradicts their instincts.
1994- FBI monitors online for Pornography.
1994-(May) Cyber-Psycho’s A.O.D. publishes article Rattling the Cages Part 2 by Arkoff Kapacitor. Article shows how to generate ultrasonics – frequencies audible to young women and persons with exceptional hearing that will produce feelings of panic and fear, other ranges that can cause fear, nausea and headaches and other frequencies that tend to cause headaches, muscle tension and conscious mental effects. Tells how to build a pocket-size device no larger than a pack of cigarettes. Discusses that women and children are good targets. Also brags that it is possible to build a pocket-sized device that will produce instant pain in the cars of anyone it’s pointed at, so long as they aren’t deaf. Suggests taking the item to work in a briefcase to see how people will change their behavior immediately. He claims his information is from Robert E. Lammin’s book, “Bulld Your Own Laser, Phaser, Ion Ray Gun, and other working spacr-age projects”– (1983), Tab Books. This sort of information should be included in Stalking Laws to insure that harassment through non-lethal methods is not used by dabblers in this sort of entertainment.